Employes of Press Associations Are Put in Deferred Class Washington, Sept. 20.—Employes of press associations actually engag- Now For Fall Season's Greatest Inauguration Saturday at Kaufman's Tomorrow f Suits Galore, Hundreds of Coats, Scores of Dresses at Tempting Prices Kaufman's Prepared Better Than Ever To Meet the Garment Requirements of Every Woman and Miss I Irresistible Values in Suits at $2O, $25, $3O, $35 and up to $75 yf The broadest assortments in the entire city, embracing all the styles that are practical V and serviceable and models that are dressy and artistically designed along the same lines of / (O high priced garments that are shown in most stores but here at Kaufman's famous under- t ""'' selling prices. Black, navy and all the leading shades in the choicest of newest materials, and in qualities that are difficult to get now on account of scarcity of materials.. Select your new fall suit here. j Women's and Misses 1 New Fall Coats Women's and Misses' New Fall Dresses * ready in almost limitless variety at low prices j or Street, Afternoon and Evening Wear Are Here |w|ny $15,*20^25,530*ndupt0575512.90, THf' You can liardiy imagine a style or material that is new and 7 7 popular tliis season that is not represented in this wonderful eol- You will have the feast of the season when you look upon the 77 I l) leetion of coats for the woman and miss. The rich colors and vast collection of dresses that we have ready for you at Kaufman's I I l/f^ smart trimmings and the clever collars and cuffs add greatly to underselling prices. Dresses like these arc as pretty as any you LL/ their stunning styles. The values arc such as you would not find can possibly find and you will readily sec that you can get the fT anywhere else in this city. Our famous underselling prices afford j dress you have in mind here for any occasion. All the most-wanted you plenty of saving opportunity. i materials arc here and in all the leading shades of the new season. * ~ * r KAUKMAX'S 2000 NEW FALL WAISTS ready for Saturday's selling at $1 .95 Jap Silk 1 Waists Embroidered fronts; also hem- A* Sf stitched and tuck fronts; square AK&'V and V necks, square collar; y>> ' / BSSpc^.^ also convertible collars in flesh, J \ white and black; sizes 38 to 46. /ys. at $0.95 Crepe de Chine iiMUpi £e Waists A j|t^% Embroidered and tucked front; /\J I \ |il *1 /K square, round necks: flesh •? GEORGETTE WAISTS Wl Lace trimmed, tuck and em- \ )V broidered fronts; flesh and /'/ I \.,pv >\M^7 ' /"\ white; sizes 38 to 46. 'ft\. at $0.95 Georgette , fljM J Waists Embroidered and beaded ' \ —\\\tvl M \\A-&li?= =: ~£. fronts; square, V and round •' -O. \ ( V Jj neck; also convertible and , \]\ - square collars; white; flesh, V> —' "*, navy, bisque, maise and taupe; sizes 38 to —<v.cn\n .-■ nr.it— \ Let Our. Special Representative Fit You Here / Tomorrow in M C a New Fall * WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR EPPO PETTICOATS—OnIy in the Eppo Petticoat will you find the elastic sewed through and through in such a way that you cannot stretch it to more than one-fourth its total length. All other elastic waistbunds must "go dead.'' Only the Eppo waistband maintains its elasticity for years. f S Special Lot of fiJO AC Special Lot of QC> Taffeta Petticoats. . . Saline Petticoats In black, navy, rose, green Sateen petticoats, pleated and and two-tone colors. Pleated . . * , '. , ruffle flounce and tailored ef- corded flounce, full cut; colors, fects. black, emerald, purple, Copen. L__ / N I o a 7Day Bargain Basement Sale -siMr $5.65, $6.70, $8.50. - • $3.95 Baby's Crib Rugs Are Marked Way Down on Last Day of Sale Blankets & Comfort* Wall Borax, one lb. ® % J blankets" "ex- W ° ol Finish Blankets R , 1 Jf* $lO.OO wool, IMPORTED EXTRA HEAVY TAPESTRY GOOD HEAVY tra good 64x76 plain wool finish blan- DrUSII MBSsgSiIM IT HER ROOM- JAPANESE tin,., BRUSSELS oxl2 TAPESTRY quality. kets ,$3.05 Blfr long- FREE One | SIZE RUGS, 9x12 GRASS RUGS, in WOOL, Lim.it jo OOT RuG S; RRUS SE L S Hf\ pi 68x80 plaid woolnap blan- handled cotton ?oifn c h°i L feet - in a large sreen, blue and RUGS, 9x12 size; eight good pat- RUGS, 9x12 size; kets $1.05 wall brush. with one pkg. Wjp'f yH—aj. variety of de- brown stenciled beautiful all-over terns and color- five pretty floral 64x76 gray woolnap blan- (\ Borax. Bring L .il uS?? signs. Special, patterns; 9x 12 r> ~,,e,. n a- st>ec<al in ß B to select and oriental pat- / Rets $1.95 uWO your coupon. v*Sp L . : size, • V ■ • f rom . teens, 66x80 plaid wool finish blan- M ——'• $7.69 $8.95 $14.95 $19.95 $23.50 /f sjjk 6 * x ~® white wool finish blan- B l S ounToak HEAVY TAPES- AXMINSTER RUGS, 9x12 size; sSCVn'S baskets c 'made I TRY 9x12 RUGS all new de- big assortment of all-over neat £/ned? r kTUT EE!!®. signs and AQ £ patterns, rich (PO/1 CA White Wool value at (~ ~ ~"7 colorings tpfciT'cl/W colorings vJJaJTT.OU BLANKETS - It will pay you to tuke <1- " _ MIEK A ' WMT A . £\f 49c o" 11 RUKH."' A™.n w ,ie P p r o C .h AXMINSTER RUGS, 9x12. size; Fine grade VELVET RUGS, 9x12 m J5 J®K , S "T i4.!fO * V and we will lay aside nny . , „ . . ' VUkvY b °a nd^..P art W ° ol Z .W rug you may aeirrt and de- rich Oriental and tf* Of\ f\ size; extra good dy O"7 |7 A iffjlf-- I SJVi cotton. ■■■■■■■liMS "TTT-: J flora, designs... W2.50 assort,oe„?a,.. $37.50 .*•**"*], O Cedar s 1 1 11 >"* ROASTER ' x <• —— -v . Good heavy P ov a White Enamel Steel Beds Black Silks and Ginghams COTTON FILLED COMFORTABLES ] ;<£,?,! ■ws in* h .v & Satine and silk satine covered, beautiful pat- enSSgh tor a die? special, an " Last Day of 10-Day Basement Thrift Sale Last Day of 10-Day Basement Thrift Sale 1 8rood Bize ; E?t ? a $4.95 a r ,? ey - . Spe " m .. WHITE BED. $5.95 BLACK TAFFETA SILK SPECIALS v ' £*Q II !!il IT A special % white enamel bed. as cut, 36 inches wide; 36 inches wide; 36 inches wide; GRAY COTTON BLANKETS *r ™ *OO HMHHHI I If l we " ma,le and e 7 ra heav y- Spe / la1 ' *'° A i ard ' Ü B ed for early fall wear, and bed sheets wm—mmmm—m IJJLLI or 3-fL 6-inch° white bed $1.39 $1.49 $1.75 P a ' r o'n- F, „ CTR,C ' Chair E3 ityles to choose (r • obd BLACK MESSALINE SILK SPECIALS 68x76 inches, par $3,30 1 IRONS Seats flffiPI ls ™bed 9 " ie 36 lnches a wide: 36 lnche s * ,d#; 36 inches H wide: flxio i" S. K ::::::::::::::: E .-trPc c Tr?n y . Au'es.m- Wr] ,fy^i<TOQ *7™ 77 AQ , Ration leather wWj f I I I lies brass, good JJ) %l.*Jj 3> 1.4" [ ti/cicir py AWIfPTC I crombe wire chair seats, Dress Ginghams, beau- New plaid silk and cot- W UUL f3D/\IM rvc, 1 a Special, O $18.95 to $29.95 tlful check and stripe pat- ton dress materials: 36 Plaid and gray plaid blankets, wool and cotton mixed, f\[* J3C - 29c"39c . 85c $5.95 to $7.95 FRIDAY EVENING, Ed In the collection and transmission of news by wire to dally newspapers, under a ruling last night by the Pro vost Marshal General's office, are in cluded among persons engaged in necessary occupations-and therefore entitled to file claims for deferred draft classification under the amend ed selective service act. SEED IN HIS EAR 28 YEARS I Rlcgelsvillc, Pa., Sept. 20. For! years John H. Gerstenberg, the v II- j lage blacksmith, suffered with ear-1 ache. Recently It becamame worse,; and he had to go to a doctor for re-1 lief. The latter decided that there i was a foreign substance in the aural: cavity and, upon operating, found a 1 AT K-l:s.iv. i 300 New Trimmed Hats Ready Saturday the most charming styles of the season are marked at special prices to $l5-21 Ready For Saturday / We are going to liavc the if '/fl biggest day in trimmed hats so'l f\\ A far this season—here tomorrow. (A/ \| / j and we have prepared accord- vy / I Ingly. Keeping hi mind the big * ■ / demand for our popular-price I / hats, we have arranged for these " / new trimmed models at the I / most tempting prices. Black I V / and all colors that are popular. i y/ .Mnny styles to choose from. \> :.SEC .M) IPI "n — Women's, Misses' & Children's Knit Underwear & Hosiery For Fall Largest stocks we have ever carried and ail bought at the low market prices so that we can save you a great lot of money We have looked forward to all your underwear and hosiery needs for the fall and . . t winter and prepared with complete lines in every sort that is worthy and up to our \ \ high standard of quality and you get the benefit of our famous underselling prices. \ \ 111 Ladles' Cotton Ullibed | Ladles' Cotton Ribbed | I ndies' Cotton Ribbed i I.udles' Cotton Ribbed V \ \\ tests, long sleeves, Pants, ankle length, uj Fleece Lined Cnlon Suits, \ \X \\\ 490, 750, 980 I 490,750,980 j* ' 's£49' " '| $1.75 \ llnrklnnds Infant Vests, j Burklands Infant*'! Children's Cotton Rib-j Children's Cotton Rib all sizes, 1 to 6 years, i j i;; , , single and double-breast- Baby Bands— p • Ij 'V I; cd, I hefd and Pnt— bed Union Suit*, all sizes. USaUBM'm IlliUAi / Ji9o, 450, 79<\ 950,1 390, 490, (59 f*, 790,! |if : |;j§l ( *'•4s i *> r >o i_ 490 | 890,980 I!® 4 \J . Ladles' Fiber Silk Hose, Ladles' Fiber Silk Hose, Ladles' Thrend Silk' Kayser Silk Hose a \ full length, double sole full length, double sole Hose, double sole and name which stands for ftA&fiSSi | ..Jfflk \ and heel, in white, black and high spliced heel, in high spliced heel, garter duality, in black and. siSSo t.cfhlvV and a good range of col- white and a good range of top, slightly imperfect. white. TSSipl||VaM*. Special, 790 Pair Special, 980 Pair Special $1.19 Pair Special, $1.98 •- J3LAJR RISBURCi THLEGRAPH watermelon seed In Gerstenberg's! ! head. ] 11RITISH TO CLOTHE YANKEES j London, Sept. 20.—The self-saeri-j flee of Americans in skimping their j I own food supplies in order to feed, : the Allies is being matched to soinei 'extent by England's undertaking to 1 STORE OPENS AT 8:30 A. M.—CLOSES SATURDAY 9 P. ULM STORE OPENS AT 8:30 A. M.—CLOSES SATURDAY 9 P. M. refit and clothe 2,000,000 American soldiers. This will mean a great shortage of cloth for the civilian population. TO CHANGE FLOUR RUI.E Washington, Sept. 20. America and its eooelligerents, having agreed tVint It nprpuanrv rlnrincr thp com "" KtlPMlV't Complete Lines New Fal I Shoes for Women and Misses now ready at Kaufman's Underselling Prices Women's and Misses' New C A C Fall Shoes at . *pO*TrO Women's and misses' Ko-Ko brown, Fleldmouse brown and brown calfskin shoes; 9-inch <T~~" * i models, flexible sole, imitation |( a i 1 wing and straight tip, leather i L.ouis and Military heels, with plate. All sizes. \ L Women's and Misses' \ New FALL QC / P; \ SHOES at.. L P\;*l Women's and misses' dark [ I • brown kid and calfskin; 9-inch I / model, Military boot in cloth ) ft jr &>' , \ 1/ and kid tops; assimilated tips, i V JL' \ V flexible sole and leather Mili- \ ** j/^y Women's and Misses' p /P ysj New FALL Qf p//fl/ SHOES at.. m/ / LU Women's and misses' dark , J / brown, gray and black kid an" jf calfskin shes, cloth and leath- * er tops; 9-inch model; flexible / sole; Imitation wing and straight tips and leatlier Louis " v and Military heels. All sizes. ing year to mix 20 per cent, of other cereals flour with wheat flour, Food Administrator Hoover has asked Congress to suspend the mixed flour law so that this nation may carry out its obligation. GERMANS FAKED ARTILLERY With the American Army on the SEPTEMBER 20, 1918 Lorraine Front, Sept. 20.—A Ger man trick designed to deceive -.he Allies has been discovered in the St. Mlhiel salient, where the Germans abandoned large quantities of decoy artillery, big guns, little guns, mor tars and even machine guns, made of wood and sheets of iron and tin. This dummy artillery has been found in I various sections for the most part in | War Times Show How Kaufman's Sell Men's Clothes at The Very Lowest Prices You've got to pay more for clothes this year than last. You [lsm know that. Every clothing 7* store is getting and must get more. But not every cloth ing store can sell for as low /lf®y / / \ prices as we can for our un- / \ f /Em derselling policy demands that V/ v, \ 10 we take smaller profits in or- \ \ o /\\ \ der to maintain that policy. V\j I i/T=\ \V ™ This is the year for men to test / /\i \ —r~~ Kaufman's values to the limit. This is the year men thihk J X twice before paying out good j/y Lx 3 money for clothes. And this is [/j the year men will SEE with J J j their own eyes and learn by ex- U j A X perience what we have been j / \ ( doing for years GIVING /' /A J THE BEST VALUES IN \( \ J \ MEN'S CLOTHES THAT 1 A V \~~ CAN BE HAD IN HARRIS- \ V BURG - hi— Mens & Young Men's i ~J !—J L New Fall Suits ~ s l4=to'29- %* ' U ' The Men's and Young Men's New .Men's und Young Men's New Fall j; aUSu,tB $14.95 n s ; utB $16.50 All new, handsome Trench and New. stylish fali suits; the new conservative models. Worsteds. cheviots." Skssimlrßß^and" 11home cheviots and cassimeres. spuns; neat stripe and mixtures. Kaufman's Special Men's and Young Men's Suits s22 s24' $29- 4 Handsomely tailored, finely trimmed, perfect fitting and offered at a price that will save you money. 1200 Pairs Men's Pants—Special Men's Pants $1,951 Hen's Punts $2.50 j Men's Pants $3.50 32 to 42 waist. Made 32 to 42 waist Made 32 42 waist. Wor with belt loops, the .. . * ,„„„' .' sted and cassimere. material of striped with belt loops in neat j n nea t stripes and worsted. stripe worsteds. checks. MORE BOYS' SUITS HERE Than in Any Other Store in Town BOYS' NORFOLK $5 95 SUITS * V n. 7 to 18 Years f Just as good values as suits offered in otlier stores at two dollars more. Splen- J* vl\ /'// . 3 did stylish Norfolk suits, in the newest E V Trench models, neat mixed cheviots and ll j" / corduroy. A wonderful value at .. *.">.05 |L BOYS' NORFOLK $7.95 / \A W V J [ \ Bto 18 Years "*"=■ i J New Trench slashed pocket, belt all ||P'"lB'ls I around model; they are neat mixed home- Itt I|l L spuns, and the genuine Crompton craven- Ji Ml f\ ette corduroy. A great value. I ) BOYS' NORFOLK <CQ QE te SUITS 0 BB |ig| Bto 18 Years ;§■ %jjj An actual saving from $3 to $5 on these fine suits. Handsome new models; fine JP-1 |JT cheviots and homespuns; pants lined and 1 |i\ cut full. LA BOYS' NORFOLK SUITS. A Saturday Sale .of 500 Pairs of $12.95 to $14.95 Bovs ' ? 7 dd Y ££ 8 - 7 to Just as good a suit as you pay r\t\ J d 1 Af\ four to five dollars more In other <O.l .UU ana JJ) X .4" stores. All-wool homespuns, Fine homespuns and cheviots; handsomely made and trimmed. I all seams taped; cut full. Men's Furnishings For Saturday Men's Fine Soft Hats / . $3.00 /f IMLiarf \ In many different new fall shades! and shapes. B 5J !|' f Men's Caps at VL yijF $l.OO A special lot of men's fine golf caps. / A variety of patterns. Men's Dress Shirts Men's Dress Shirts Men's dress shirts; madras and Men's dress shirts, coat style; percales; laundered or soft cuffs; percales, madras and soft materi cut full, and all new Fall pat- a ls; soft or laundered cuffs; cut terns. Special ®| "TC full; all sizes. Special (1 IA Saturday Saturday <M . 1U Men's Underwear Men's Dress Shirts Mens ribbed union suits, In Men's new Fall dress shirts; gray and ecru; cut full and good all latest up-to-minute patterns; fitting garments. Satur- tfl QO cut full; soft cuffs. fco AC day Special * Special Saturday .> .. . Men's Shirts and Drawers Men's Wool Union Suits Men's ribbed shirts and draw- Men's light weight wool utWon ers; Just the thing for early Fall; suits; silver gray; extra fine qual- In gray and ecru. QQ_ ity; cut full; all sizes. • 1 Qfi Saturday Special Saturday Special ip ImUO places where it could be plainly seen by photograph observers. WHEN BRAIN WEARY Take HorHford's Add Phosphate and relieve the headache due to I mental strain, worry or overwork. ! Non-alcoholic. Buy a bottle.—Adver tisement. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers