HKL.I. iron—23.-,o UNITED x [owr_ Old CAre Wanted For Belgians Fifty tons of old clothing Ik 1 tarrlsburg's quota for the Belgian relief, Any old discarded clothes that have served your purpose and yet good enough for additional service should be bundled up and marked War Relief Committee, Some day next week, to be announced by the commit tee, trucks and motor messengers will pick them up from doorsteps and curbstones. You have read about the homeless and destitute of Belgium, because of the war. Every attic and wardrobe has some articles of clothing for children and grown folks. Give them to this committee and shiploads will be sent from this country to elqthe the Belgians this Winter, Smart New Trimmings For Fall Apparel An interesting display to women who are planning to make new apparel. It presents the most recent and most practical ideas in laces, and other trimmings designed to enhance the beauty of fall garments. You will obtain some good ideas from the display and should therefore see it. The trimmings are all new and fresh. The smartest and most up to date trimming is fringe. They are 2 inches to 9 inches wide, and is being used in plain and knotted. The leading shades of the season are—black, Navy, brown, taupe. Prices range from 50c a yard, up U '■ $2.95 braids—l2 yards to a piece, per piece, 35c Binding braids, yard 15c Fur trimmings are very much in style—we have them from 1 inch to 8 inches wide; in Coney Seal, Fox, Mole, and Ermine. Prices range from 75c to $12.95 a yard. Fur collars, each, $4.50 to $16.50 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. "Perfection of fit, wear and economy!" Our Italian Silk Underwear will give you an entirely new idea of the real service silk underwear can give. The fabric used in Kayser Italian Silk garments is all pure silk and will outwear the ordinary silk garment three or four times. Kayser Italian Silk will not drop-stittch or "ladder" and it launders splendidly. Ask to see the new Marvelfit Knicker and Marvelfit Union Suit Silk. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. You Will Admire These Perfect-Hanging Skirts f Scores of smart styles, are finely tail ored by experts to insure their perfect hang and graceful drape. Many panel effects are shown, although most of the styles show a simplicity which is as sensible as it is pleas ant to look upon. .All of the most wanted fabrics are in cluded in the collcctipn, in every shade and color that is being used this season— woolen plaids, serges, wool, Panamas and silk poplins; blue, gray, brown, black and plaids, $5.98 to $29.50 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. KIMONOS In Satins, Crepe de Chine, Chinese, Silks, Crepella, Crepes, yiannelettes & Corduroys Crepe and Crepella in all colors, designs and styles. Prices $l.OO to $3.98 A great variety of Japanese and Chinese designs ;■ also Copen, rose, lavender, purple, maize, flesh, pink, blue, green, and navy; in the finest of silks, satins and cordu roys. Prices $5.98 to $25.00 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. FRIDAY EVENING, Special Delineator Offer For a Limited Time WARM, COZY COATS SL IN AN INTERESTING W' DISPLAY YOU must admit that these smart VCoats are worth the most flatter- Wffl h admiration. The assortment *1 II 1 ■ • includes the extremely popular Sil l/I Bp n vfe S vertones, Du'vetyne, Plush and oth- H Fbl 1 S9f Mf IJi er pile fabrics, Bolivia and Velours. II 11 % hu These Coats will go far towards I 1 11 a, maintaining the reputation that j\ | women of Harrisburg have always iA\V we^ smartl y at ~ A wide range of prices from "" 8 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. r Boys' School Suits 2 to 8 years Made of corduroy in military style with flap pockets, standing and flat collar, and fitted with leather belt and shoulder strap. All colors, navy, brown, taupe, green, khaki, $4.95 to Infants 9 Sweaters 2 to 4 years All colors—rose, blue, corn, Nile green, white with pink, white with blue and all white. Slipon and the double and single-breasted styles. With roll collar or sailor effect. Some with and without belts $2.95 to $4.95 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. , \ Correct Fashions in Fall and Winter Millinery There are two things of first importance in the selection of a new hat—style and personal bccom ingness. The first we assure by choosing our millinery from, the country's foremost milliners —real artists, who create America's millinery fashions. The second is guaranteed by the great variety of distinctive and becoming designs on display here. Beautiful large Hats in Panne Velvet, Black Velvet and Beaver Cloth, combination materials and Hatter's Plush. Heavy Velour Hats of exceptional quality and banded Sailors in many pretty shapes. An infinite variety of Hats prettily trimmed in chenille, burnt feathers, ostrich feathers, a touch of embroidery or a single flower comprising all the trimming, and yet so skilfully placed that its very sim plicity gives it a distinctiveness that commands admiration. * The stock is an unusually large one to choose from and the style and quality up to the standard that has made Bowman millinery classed as among the finest obtainable. • BOWMAN'S—Third Floor HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH jSoammS HARHISUURG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1018. Warm Blankets For "Heatless" Nights The Fuel Administrator suggests that you shut all heat off from your bedrooms and use warm blankets. 41^;' Would suggest that you buy blankets I early. Good selection at considerable savings, as the prices mu;ft be much higher when we have to go into the market again to purchase. Prepare 'yourself for cold nights now. Blankets in all sizes, in wool, part wool, wool nap and cot ton —from $2.75 pair to $39.00 Comforts in wool, down and cotton filled. Covered with silk, Mulls, cretonne and silkalines, each, ....$3.00 to $19.50 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. SEPTEMBER 20, 1918. Renew Your Subscription to the Delineator Here # Men's Handkerchiefs Men's khaki Handkerchiefs, superior quality cambric; soft finish. J4-inch hem, 6 for 85c. Men's khaki Handkerchiefs, soft finish, fine quality; narrow, hemstitched edge, 6 for $1.45. Men s cambric Handkerchiefs, soft finish; extra large size. J<j-inch hem, 6 for 85c. Men s soft finish cambric Ilaudkerchicfs, colored ini tial, 6 for 75c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Extra Size Blouses In Many Pretty Patterns One section of our Waist Department is devoted to the display of extra large sizes in Waists. This assortment is unusually complete, and a variety of beautiful patterns and materials are here to choose from," in sizes A6}/> to 54^. Georgette Blouses, in flesh, white and a combination of blue with black beads; have V-shaped neck and flat collar, $11.95. flesh and white Georgette Blouses with filet trimming and embroidered in white, $9.50 to $12.50. Na.y blue Georgette Blouses with small collar and V-neck; beaded and embroidered front. $12.50. Combination of navy and bisque Georgette Blouses, beaded and embroidered; V-neck, medium collar, $8.50. Blouse of gray Georgette, trimmed and beaded in blue, $12.95. Other styles in navy and taupe at $7.95 to $12.95< BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. - Leather Purses and Belts Strap top and strap hack purses—real leather—button flap large, medium and small size—goat, grain leather and vachettc $l.OO Extra large size strap back ourscs, with cloyesdenes and nickel snaps fitted with mirrors and coin purses— | single and double flap real leather, goat and seal grain. Price $1.50 Belts in patent leather and kid—black, white and col ors, in different widths, one to three inches plain and military buckle 25c to $l.OO BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Children's Pattern Dresses Hand Embroidered at Reduced Prices Children's dresses—six months to six years various ma terial in many pretty styles with hand-embroidery. These will he sold at spcial reductions. Mothers who like dainty wearing apparel for the little ones will find excellent values in these specials. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. White Ivory Toilet Ware Colonial quality. All on one large center aisle table, 50c to $1.25. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. The Newest In Corsets The right corset properly fitted will not only retain the line of a perfect /jft figure, it will improve and eventually j ASjfwjj make the figure that is not perfect, into J NQTCU I one of grace and beauty. Come in jl and let us show you our splendid lines of a'll the best makes of corsets. There \ t is a model here for every figure—a price for every purse —and an assur ance of service and satisfaction to all. tglm I "Stylish Stout"—Suetibine System A Corsets, which is the scientific method. ■ of dressing stout women becomingly, y H | charmingly and attractively. yWI fl jUMfiplS Warner's Rustproof corsets which are sold under a guarantee that they will fit, and they will wear and keep ?' their shape; they will not rust, break or Modart Corsets should be seen by those who favor a front-lace. Modart corsets will prove a revelation in comfort, strength, lightness, style and of ex ceptional material. Conceived by the highest paid corset de signer in the world. The Henderson is a popular priced corset, the sales of which have increased to a wonderful extent. Excellent value and exceptionally stylish at the price $1.50 $5.00 1 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Bungalow Aprons A new lot of bungalow aprons in all colors—light and dark. Ginghams and percales trimmed in rick rack edges —regular and extra sizes. $1.50 to $2.98 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. " i v ; ( larnmimmmmmm' 3 FOUNDED IST*
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