20 49 PENNSYLVANIA SOLDIERS ARE ON CASUALTY LISTS 77 Killed in Action; 175 Wounded on Battle Front Washington. Sept. 20.—Forty-nine Pennsylvanians are named in to day's casualty lists issued by the War Department. These lists in all contain 412 names, two lists Jrom the Army and 'one list from the Ma rine Corps. The casualties are di vided as follows: Killed in action " Missing in action 108 Wounded severely 1~2 Died of disease 13 Died of wounds 27 Died of accident or other cause • 10 Wounded, degree undetermined 3 Died from aeroplane accident. . 1 Total 412 The Pennsylvanians follow: KILLED IX ACTION Captain James Edward Henderson, Oil City. Sergeant Jacob C. Stockburger, Allentown. Corporal Norman J. Litzinger. Ashville. Privates Joseph John Slovenskv. Starford. Charles McMenamy. Philadelphia. Arthur L. Robinson, Warrior's Mark. Frank Harrison. Easton. Mike Barber. Whitsett. DIED OF DISEASE Private • Robert B. Kilburn. Corydon. George D. Maurer, Hegins. DIED FROM ACCIDENT Wagoner George Milton Taylor, Philadel phia. WOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenant William J. Sweeney, Pittsburgh. Sergeant Benjamin C. Schill. Belefonte. Corporals Floyd N. Holliday, Allison Park. Thomas Leßoy Lawson, Corry. Clyde A. Moore. Carnegie. Walter G. Schulz, Pittsburgh. Harold E. Beeke;-, Allentown. William P. Walker, Nanty Glo. Mechanics David D. Misner, Homer City. Henry L. Teeters. Monessen. Bugler Joseph G. Geyer, Philadelphia. Cooks John J. Foley. East Stroudsburg. William Singleton. Norristown. Privates William S. Billig, McAdoo. Joseph Blash. Philadelphia. Vito Fioti, Kingston. Charles Anthony Wisbisky, Shen indoah. • Vicenzo Parent. Pittsburgh. Mike Schuika. Mahanoy City. Clyde Walton Arnold, Highspire. Harry Daniel Mabry. Reading. Joseph C. Schwartz, Homestead. > Frank Somers, Woodlyn. MISSING IN ACTION Privates James J. Burke, Philadelphia. William Benjamin Conley, Phila delphia. Aloyslus Dowd. Philadelphia. William A. McQuaid, Philadelphia. l William J. Bachman, Allentown. Wallace Richard Reid, Philadel phia. Charles W. Arndt. Allentown. Peter Mandick, Pittsburgh. Constantine Pichezzi, Philadel phia. Clarence Rrinehart, Jersey Shore. William A. Sneff. Philadelphia. James A. Stanley, Hollidaysburg. George L. Zabolsky, Shamokin. I Norman S. Lomas, Philadelphia. Putnam, Yankee Flying Ace, Brave Fighter in Air; Fought at Rheims Washington. Sept. 20. Lieuten- i ant David E. Putnam, the American flying ace who lost his life in battle with seven German planes on the 1 Lorraine front on Wednesday, was! one of the bravest men in the avia tion service. He was transferred to the American aerial corps early last June. His achievement June 10 of, bringing down five German airplanes in one day has been eclipsed only once during the war. Aviator Rene Fonck. of the French army, having destroyed six machines in one day. Lieutenant Putnam's last aerial vic tory was reported September 2. Announcing the decoration of Put nam, the Journal Official of Paris said: "By his skill and daring and con tempt for danger." says the citation, "he has shown himself a pilot of the' -very first rank. Recently, in attack ing a patrol of nine enemy machines, he downed one machine, and the next day, while on escort duty, he boldly attacked a patrol of eight en emy airplanes and downed two thus winning his fifth and sixth victories. Three times he has been mentioned in dispatches." After seven months' training and one month's service at the front he fought his first battle and won it on January 19. Wally Winter, of Chi cago. flying in the same patrol, said Putnam saved him during this fight. A week later lie had another nar row escape when, in a fight with four two-seaters, his machine was shot almost to pieces. He just managed to dive under his adversaries and plane back to the French lines. Putnam began work with the squadron of Lieutenant Madon on a monoplane March 14, and the same day ran into a patrol of fifteen Ger mans. Knowing he had the advan tage in speed he decided to make a quick attack, then dive. All the Ger mans followed him down—one of them at least, in a dizzy nose spin, making the third success officially credited to him. The next day he downed a two-seater in a fight with two: his gun Jammed and he had to dive away from the second. The great fight that made Putnam famous in France was over the bat tlefield of Rheims on June 5. In a half hour combat he shot down five of an enemy squadron of ten alba trosses. It was close and difficult work, for the Germans maneuvered skillfully and closed in on him until he could see pilots plainly In their seats as their machines passed un der him. He waved his hand to one of them and the German returned the salute in the thick of the fight. All Putnam says about it is that he kept out of range as best he could and watched closely every chance to fire. He finally got into a good posi tion and the German machines be gan to fall. Five of them crashed before the fight was over. KRIZE FIREMAN FOR ARSON IX-ban on. Pa.. Sept. 20.—Harry Carmany, a former chief engineer of the Lebanon volunteer fire depart ment, was arrested here yesterday, and the police say he afterward con fessed to having set fire last Tuesday nightto the pattern storage house at| the Weimer machine works. FRIDAY 'EVENIMC;' DO TOT have a Baediker'a Guide of any of the countries at war? Uncle Sam has.an urgent'need for then).. Deposit at our Book Section for foriVaxiliiig. The 40th Anniversary Sale Closes Tomorrow With Amazing Values Throughout the Store Belgians Want Old Clothes And the Women's War Aidi-is going to see to it that ade quate clothing in sufficient quantities is supplied before Winter sets in. But this great work can't be done without your help. You are asked to. cofllect all discarded clothing and shoes before the end of next week and when a truckman calls at your home and says: "Belgian Relief" justismile and turn over your little bundle to him. , Some Belgian family will bdess you for the good you've done, if you get to wosk now and do it. - Anniversary Shoe News For Men Embracing Values That Are Very Uncommon Men's $5.00 dark Russiamcalf shoes, with blind eyelets, neat stitched tips and Goodyear welted soles; red rubber heels. Anniversary Sale Price $4.40 Boys' $2.75 black calfskin shoes in blucher lace style with heavy, standard fastened soles. Anniversary Sale Price, $2.40 Boys' $1.75 tap Russia calf button and lace shoes with heavy solid leather stitched soles; sizes Bj/j to 11. Anniverary Sale Price $1.40 40th Anniverary Shoe Specials For Women Women's $3.00 patent coltskin lace shoes, with black cloth tops made on a narrow toe last with high French heels. Anni versary Sale Price ; $2.40 Women's $3.50 patent coltskin pumps, with inlay of white kid on tongue; Goodyear welted soles and high Louis heels. Anniversary Sale Price $2.40 Infants' $1.75 Havana brown kidskin button shoes, made on a broad toe last, with heavy soles : sizes 2 to 4. • Anniversary Sale Price $1.40 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Umbrellas-Anniversary Special Women's umbrellas: plain black, mission and silver-trimmed handles: $2.00 value. Anniversary Sale Price $1.40 Men's umbrellas, with boxwood, mission and other style handles. Anniversary Sale Price $1.40 Dives, Pomeroy & Stew-art, Street Floor. Moire Taffeta Ribbons-All Shades 50c six-inch moire taffeta ribbons, in all Autumn shades Anniver sary Sale Price, yard Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Anniversary Sale of Oil Heaters Buy Now For Winter's Needs Last Winter's experience should prompt early preparations this Fall to com bat the cold weather. About the most helpful things is an oil heater The Anniver sary Sale offers standard makes at special Anniversary Sale prices The heaters offered at SB.tO hav# brass With glass'door. Anniversary *> A Aft tank and Miller smokeless burners with black s a | e p r j ce $4.40 enamel trimming. i'OR twp f k'rviinv ' Nickel-trimmed oil heaters. *7 AC\ $2 2". Annitersary Sale Price • tubs." Anniversary Sale Price.... $1.40 Two-burned New Perfection oil cook 59c wash boards. Anniversary Aft stoves. Anniversary Sale ' A() Sale Price 4-UC Pric e ' Folding wash benches' Anni- "d 1 AFT One-burner stoves. Anniversary AFT versary Sale Price 1.4U Sale Price $5.00 and 13.50 lawn mowers Aft Two-burner high oil cook stoves. dQ A Q Anniversary Sale Price w4.4U Anniversary Sale Price Alarm clocks. Anniversary " fcl Aft Two-burner gas or oil stove dJO Aft Sale Price ibl.4U ovens. Anniversary Sale Price.... Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart! Basement. - Silverware Specials in the Sale Half Dozen Rogers Tea Spoons, Anniversary Sale Price, 400 The regular price for one-half dozen of these silver nickel 7sc Rogers $3.98 silver plated knives and forks. Guaranteed tattoo . Anniversary Sale Price. Aft ~ tatto ° intermittent alarm one-half dozen SO.4U Anniver ary Sale 4Q 50c silver plated picture frames. Afir" Anniversary Sale Price $1.98 silver mesh bags. Anni- ♦ * Aft 50c gold filled cameo brooches. 40f* ver sary Sale Price 1 Anniversary Sale Price WC Dlves Pomeroy & Btew(m gtreet Clothing Section \ -Offers New Fall Suits at \ Special Anniversary Prices mrSlr'/f/ \ $30.00 Suits in the QAf \ Af) PT JSF >r * \ Anniversar V Sale at /\ P $40.00 Suits in the QA 4Q Ann i versar U Sale at ypO^r' 535.00 Suits in the QQo 4Q W Anniversary Sale at yp&O' jfjflSwl gta, What stronger inducement to buy Tmtl/W your new Fall suit here? Your pick of OBJ the smartest suits tailored in.America BMUJJF at absolute savings—thank the Anni versary Sale for the opportunity. The J jjwt ifß reduced prices in effect only until store vf ■yR[|KN, Fine worsteds, cassimeres, storm l cloth, unfinished worsteds and velours Wk in English, conservative and snappy Boys' New Fall Suits rQ/KSM, I 1 At Anniversary Reductions Boys'" $13.50 Fall Suits. <£"11 Af\ A Anniversary Sale Price $ll ,^U Boys' $16.50 Fall Suits. $ 1 >f Af\ Anniversary Sale Price Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Second Floor, Rear. HABIUSBURO fIfSS&S- TELEGRAPH Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart New Fall Apparel For Women Anniversary Attractions in Suits, Coats, Dresses ' '■Qjk' le most important economy event of the whole year is to be found in the Fortieth Anniversary Sale a Winter Apparel for women, misses V ' C The garments presented in the sale which closes to-mor ft rOW re P resent ! he smartest, latest style developments of a lA very interesting season, and the Anniversary reductions are |Vi so . P ronounce d that foresighted women will not let them \4 \ l JJ\ slip by unnoticed. ttHwV Unmatchable Suit Values ppM'' ! I The materials arc poplins, serges, broadcloths, duotones, if silvertones, and other desirable high-grade materials, in color -ranges that are very pleasing. There are sizes for Misses jj Women at prices that are decidedly satisfying. H in Am Hundreds of Coats Reduced /IT Velour Pom Pom Silverlone Tweed ' Sizes ars 34 to 44, in navy, wine, Copenhagen, brown, l t d I green, khaki. C Regular $30.00 and $35.00 Coats. &0/I Af\ -^ nn ' v ersary Sale I !■ Regular $37.50, $39.50 and $42.50 Coats. (t oa Af\ Wp&B In the Anniversary Sale q)Zv7 • xvl \.J / Vx, Regular $45.00 and $47.50 Coats. An 4 in f 1° the Anniversary Sale xaT'lJ Regular $52.50 and $55.00 Coats. a f\ In the Anniversary Sale *V*v/V# Regular $35.00 fine quality Plush Coats, 48 inches long; with guaranteed Q O A A ining; made of Manchester (England) plush; all sizes. Anniversary Price. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Anniversary Specials in Dinner Ware Dinner plates, lunch plates, breakfast plates'; values to $1.70 dozen. Anniversay Sale Price, half dozen 400 Odd Haviland plates, values to 85c. Anniversary Sale Price 40^ $7.50 Dinner Sets. Anniversary Sale Price $5.40 $7.98 Dinner Sets. Anniversary Sale Price $5.40 $4.98 and $5.98 Dinner Sets. Anniversary Sale Price $4.40 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Autumn Millinery Stocks Offer Interesting Anniversary Specials All New $12:00 Hats <£ll Ac\ Anniversary Price All New $lO.OO Hats <£Q a Anniversary Price Unrestricted choice of any new $lO.OO or $12.00 Fall Hats at these special Anniversary Prices. The hats carry their original prices, so if it's, a $12.00 model pay only $11.40; or a $lO.OO hat, pay $9.40. Scores of superb creations including many pat tern hats are in our showing of $lO.OO and $12.00 hats, and these reductions are for Saturday only. All New $5.00 and $6.00 Trimmed Hats at $4.40 A large variety of velvet hats in purple, brown, green, taupe, blue and black—in fact all our $5.00 and $6.00 trimmed hats are offferfed at this attractive price for the duration of the Anniversary Sale only. New Trimmings at 40c • A special lot of 'new wings, fancies and ostrich trimmings; 69c, 75c and 98c values. Anniversary Sale Price 40£ All $5.00 Pictures, including Davidson and Nutting subjects. Anniversary A Af\ • Sale Price V *V Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. D ON T FORGET THAT W. S. S. WILL KEEP THE BOYS IN MUNITIONS Men's 50c Neckwear in the Anniversary Sale at 40c A splendid lot of silk neckwear makes up this anniversary offering. . —T- The styles are fancy, broad-end silk gaffilfil— four-in-hands in a feast of new Au- ffIjSBHM j?. .a tumn patterns and colorings. They are regular 50c ties at 40c. 25c fancy silk four-in-hand, broad-end . ties. Anniversary Sale Price, 2 for 40? $1.65 and $2.00 Negligee Shirts, #1.40 These shirts have soft fold cuffs in all sizes. Many attractive patterns. Boys' Waists, 40? Blue chambray and stripe percale waists; sizes 6to 15. Anniversary Sale Price 40? Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Anniversary Specials in Cotton Dress Goods Street Floor Section— -75c silk and cotton foulards. 36 inches wide. Anniversary Sale Price, yard *• 40c 49e linen pongee, in solid shades. Anniversary Sale Price, yard, 40c 49c beach cloth, 36 inches; solid shades. Anniversary Sale Price. yard 40c Cotton serge, neat checks and stripes; wool finish. Anniversary Sale Price, yard 40c Basement Section— -29c apron gingham, checks, in blue. Anniversary Sale Price, 2 yards for 40c 49c dress ginghams, in fancy plaids. Anniversary Sale Price, yd., 40c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Anniversary Sale of Leather Goods $3.00 to $5.00 silk shopping bags. Anniversary Sale Price $2.40 $1.50 black leather purses with top handles. Anniversary Sale Price $1.40 $1.75 Vachette bags, 12-inch frame. Anniversary Sale Price.... $1.40 $l.OO silk handbags. Anniversary Sale Price 40c $l.OO leather strap purses, in tan. Anniversary Sale Price 40c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Anniversary Notion Offerings $2.00 Warren negligee girdles. Anniversary Sale Price $1.40 $1.50 Warren negligee girdles. Anniversary Sale Price, 40c 5c snap fasteners. Anniversary Sale Price 12 curds 40c 10c mercerized darning cotton, white, black and tan. Anniversary Sale Price 0 balls for 40c $l.OO white, pink and blue candlesticks. Anniversary Sale Price, pair 40c 12 %c boxes shell hairpins. Anniversary Sale Price 4 boxes 40c .Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Carpets, Rugs and Matting Specially Priced in the 40th Anniversary Sale All through the Carpet Section are interesting offerings carrying special An niversary prices. These savings are for the sale only, after which former prices will prevail. 1 FIBER AND JAPAN MATTINGS Three new patterns of fiber matting, 36 inches wide; 55c value. Anniversary Sale Price, yard 40c Three new patterns in fiber runners, 27 inches wide; 50c value. Anniversary Sale Price, yard 40c Six new patterns of China and Japan mat ting, 36 inches wide. Anniversary Sale Price, yard 40c LINOLEUM New Process linoleum, two yards wide: bring size of room; 60c value. Anniversary Sale Price, square yard 40c Three patterns inlaid linoleum. Anniver sary Sale Price, square yard $1.40 RUGS AND CARPETS Extra heavy rag rugs, 36x72 inches; $1.75 and $2.00 values. Anniversary Sale price, each .... $1.40 Women's Fall Hosiery and Underwear Special Values in the 40th Anniversary Women's 65c fiber silk seamless hose, in colors.* Anniversary Sale Price, 40? Women's 59c black lisle seamless hose. Anniversary. Sale Price 40? Women's 18c white cotton ribbed sleeveless vests with taped neck; in extra sizes. Anniversary Sale Price, 3 for 40? Women's 50c pink cotton bloomers. Anniversary Sale Price 40? Men's Socks and Seasonable Underwear Men's 50c black silk lisle seamless socks. Anniversary Sale Price 40? Men's 60c silk seamless socks, in black and colors. Anniversary Sale Price, 40? Men's 50c white cotton ribbed union suits, with short sleeves and knee length. Anniversary Sale Price i 40? Men's 50c balbriggan shirts and drawers with short sleeves. Anniversary Sale Price ; 40? Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Kloor. Anniversary Grocery Attractions Genuine Savings on Pure Food Items Orange Pekoe tea of highest grade, lb., 40c Sphaghetti, 3% lbs 40c Absolutely pure clover honey—l -lb. Jars, 40c; 10-lb. buckets, $2.40; 60-lb. ean, $19.40 Eclipse steel-cut coffee, 2 lbs 400 Dentils, Brazilian grown, 2 lbs 40c Green split peas, 2 lbs 40c Red beans, 4 tall cans 40c Huyler's baking and cooking chocolate, three cakes 4uc White laundry soap, 7 bars 40c Cream Farina, a sterilized breakfast cereal, three packages 40c Flapjack pancake mixture, 3 pkgs 40c Cream granulated yellow sterilized corn meal, 3 pkgs 40c Cream oat meal. 5 pkgs 40c Washing powder, two 25c pkgs 40c Sour gherkins. 2 tall 25c bottles 40c Hershey's cocoa, 2 lbs 40c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. SEPTEMBER 20, 1918. Extra fine weave yarn rugs, 30x54 Inches; $2.00 value. Anniversary Sale Price... .$1.40 Remnants of Brussels carpet, 4- to 18-yard pieces; $2.00 value. Anniversary Sale price, yard $l.lO $12.00 Wilton rugs, 36x63• Inches; plain colors; thirty rugs in the lot. Anniversary Sale Price $7.40 36x72-inch grass rugs; $2.50 value. An * niversary Sale Price $1.40 36x72-inch extra heavy Axminster rugs. Anniversary Sale Price $4.40 27x54-inch extra heavy Axminster rugs. Anniversary Sale Price $3.10 Hemp carpet, 36 inches wide; 60c value. Anniversary Sale Price, yard...! 40c 18x30-inch heavy rubber doormats; 69c value. Anniversary Sale Price 40c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. 40th Anniversary Sale —OF— Dependable Furniture Combination mattresses. Anniversary Salo Price Combination Mattresses. Anniversary Sale Price $8.40 $19.50 Jacobean serving tables. Anniver sary Sale Price $12.40 $45.00 china closets. Anniversary Sale Price $40.00 $45.00 golden oak buffets. Anniversary Sale Price $40.00 $49.00 golden oak china closets. Anniver sary Sale Price $40.00 $49.00 golden oak buffets. Anniversary Sale Price $40.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor. 38c hanks of Saxony yarn. Anniversary Sale Price 2 for 40c 42c hanks of Shetland flqps. Anniversary Sale Price 2 for 40c 29c balls of gloss knitting. Anniversary Sale Price 2 for 40c 15c balls of Angora knitting. Anniversary Sale Price 4 for 40c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers