10 POLICE SEEK TO • FIND MOTIVE IN CHAPIN KILLING Story of Financial Trouble Lacks Candor; Probe His Night Out -New York., Sept. 20.—At the dis trict attorney's office Interest con tinued to-day In the case of Charles E. Chapin, who was city editor of the Evening World and who yester day was indicted for the killing of his wife, whom he shot while she lay asleep last Monday in their apartment at Hotel Cumberland. He will be tried for murder in due course unless before he is brought to trial a commission should declare him insane. The commission, if one should be appointed, will pass only unon his sanity at the time he is examined and not upon his mental condition at the time he killed his wife. If it finds him insane he wifl be committed toj the State Hospital for the Criminal Insane at Matteawan and if he is ever released from there as cured, he will be brought back to this county and placed on trial. District Attorney Swann and As- LEMON JUICE I TAKES OFF TANJ Girls! Make bleaching lotion if skin is sunburned, tanned or freckled Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and complexion beautifler, at very, very small cost Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles, sunburn, windburn and tan disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless. i 209 Walnut S*f. i Every day brings brand new Autumn Shoe Values. Watch ; our week-end announcement for the summing up of the whole week's bargains. GET ON TO THESE FOR TO-MORROW Women's $4.95 Men's Shoes Men's p:iin metal shoes; Goodyear welts, hlacher FRIDAY EVENING, atatant District Attorney Magee, -who were inclined to doubt his sanity when he first talked to them on Tues day, are not so sure now that he Is not perfectly sane. Bince Chapln's arrest the police have rocetved con siderable information touching his habits and friendships. They have begun an Investigation Into his life during the last several years eud already have come upon facts which, they say, negative his statement that he was devoted to his wife and that their marrtod life was Ideal. At the district attorney's office it was said to-day that Chapln had lacked candor concerning his debts, which, he declared, had so preyed upon his mind as to drive him to the Idea of murder and suicide. He has refused to name any of the persons or firms to whom he owes money or to tell how much money he owes. The only debt of which the police have Information Is an unpaid ac count of $84)0 at tho hotel where he lived. i Under the law, according to his ! own confession and if he is sane, tho | killing of his wife was premeditated, I and premeditation without any mo | tlve Is sufficient to support a prose- I cutlon for first degree murder. It is with the idea of discovering a possible motive underlying the ad | mltted premeditation that the police I are checking up his private life and friendships. They talked yesterday with a t.axicab driver, a hotel clerk and persons who knew him when he kept a yacht in Gravesend Bay and gave entertainments on board. In vestigation is also being made into the statement that he spent the en tire night wandering in parks after ! he had killed his wife. So far he has not retained other , counsel than Joseph B. Keating who appeared for him when he was ar raigned in a magistrate's court. Brown & Co. Take Over Another Building to Care For Expansion of Trade Among the Important business an nouncements of the season is one from the uptown furniture house of Brown & Company, who state that they have Just secured the building formerly occupied by the E. L. Rink enbach jewelry store, at 1215 North Third street, and will shortly occupy it in connection with the adjoining buildings at 1217 and 1219 North Third street, thus giving this pro gressive firm three connecting build- j ings on Third street, and another building communicating with them on Verbeke street. Owing to war conditions in the building trade, no improvements on the property just secured at 1215 North Third street, will be made at the present time except the placing of a new front adapted to the proper display of furniture and the opening of archways through the wall sepa rating the buildings, in order to throw the buildings all together into one store. When the firm of Brown & Com pany opened its doors for business nine years ago only part of the building at 1217 Third street, was occupied. This last addition to the floor space used by the firm is the fifth such enlargement which has been made during the intervening | years, until now. with this last ex j tion the firm has the largest mercan : tile establishment uptown and one ■ of the largest stores in the city. The rapid growth in business l which has made such extensions I necessary, is, due to the progressive ness and untiring efforts of the man agement, the members of which have always been identified with Harris burg's civic, and commercial pro gress. Spirits of Pennsylvania Boys High at Front The boys of the Twenty-eighth Di vision can stop fighting now and come back home and yet command the riot ous homage of Pennsylvanians, ac cording to Captain E. A. Nicodeums, of Harrisburg. just over from France, j The Captain had this' to say about the | "Twenty-eighths" last evening: "All the Harrisburg boys I have seen in the last three weeks—and that is a very large number have been well," said the Captain. "The local boys are in the Twenty-eighth Division, and I have been handling the pay and a large part of the supplies of that division. All of them have been doing exceptionally fine work in France. Harrisburg can Justly be extremely proud of them." On the way "over there," his boat, the Mt Vernon, was torpedoed by a German submarine, when hardly a day out of Brest, killing thirty-five of the crew outright and destroying the after-deck of the ship. Captain Nicodemus, who has seen almost twenty-six years military service, speaks well of the morale of Pennsyl vania's soldiers in France, commend ing their "pep," at the same time which, he said, was responsible for imbuing their British and French brothers in arms with renewed cour age and zest. The American troops, he said, harmonized well, in all re spects, with their allies abroad. MIDDLETOIVN Pastor Elected Another Year by Congregation At the annual congregational meeting of the Church of God held Wednesday night, it was voted to have the pastor, the Rev. O. M. Kraybill, returned for another year. J. B. Martin was elected a delegate to the East Pennsylvania Eldership, which is to convene at Mechanics burg October 3. The local Liberty Loan committee met last night in the Council cham ber to shape plans for waging tho fourth campaign. E. S. Gerberlch. was chosen president of the body. The other officers are: Vice-presi dent, Adam H. Luckenbill; secre tary, John W. Few, Jr. A parade committee and speaking committee were also appointed. It is also ex pected that the women of the bor ough will lend a hand in soliciting for sales during the campaign. The Senior League of the Meth odist Church hiked to Coble's school house last evening. About twenty five persons made up the party. Funeral services were held this afternoon for John Joseph Leroy Schdeffer, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard' Schaefler, who died Wednesday night. The Rev. Fuller Bergstresser, pastor of the Lutheran Church, officiated. Burial was made in the Middletown Cemetery. Shifter No. 2 447 of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company was de railed yesterday morning while shift ing at the siding of the shale brick plant. The track bed had been washed away by the heavy rain. Several other engines and other equipment, owned by Wells Brothers' Construction Company, which built the aviation depot near here, were shipped yesterday to Hammon, In diana, where the company has a i large contract. i RAIN HOLDS UP FARM TRACTOR DEMONSTRATION Six of Fifteen Machines Per form According to Cata logue Qualifications There was vast disappointment this morning when It was found that the steady downpour of rain would prevent the continuing of the trac tor plow contest at Marsh Run. De spite bad roads magy motored over, but only to find that the State Agri cultural Department, having taking counsel with all hands, had decided to postpone the exhibition until to morrow. | The husky farmers from Dauphin and many nearby counties being ac customed to the adversities of weath er, came in Just the same and had the machines operated they were game to look- on. The program now is to start early to-morrow, unless rain continues, but whatever the weather it is certain the tests will be completed. To Work To-morrow Yesterday six out of fifteen con testants finished on time, that is, I within three hours. The greatest caution was taken by the official ob- I servers to carry out regulations to j the letter. Each tractor was given a space to plow, in accordance with what it is claimed the machine can do in the catalog issued by the man ufacturer. The space was allotted in measure of plowing speed. Each of the six machines which finished made a different width, some armed with three plows; others with two. If the entire squad of contestants had lived up to the claims made in their catalogs all would have fin ished within three hours. The plow crs, accompanied by a government expert, got away to an even start at precisely 3.30 and six finished on the second, almost, of 6.30. The nine which could not meet their own re quirements were to return and "plow out" this morning, but now they have the chance to-morrow. Regulations are practically under government surpervision and there is no evasion. The United States De partment of Agriculture gave the territory which embraces nearly 250 acres and the prime condition is that the whole of it must be cultivated and seeded with wheat when the tests are finished. State Men Promoted to Be Officers in Army Washington. Sept. 20. These Pennsylvanians appear in the list of officers' commissions announced by the War Department; Enlisted men to be second lieuten ants, engineers—D. J. Coolidge, Jer sey Shore; R. W. Hackman, Womels dorf. Enlisted men to be second lieuten ants, quartermaster—R. C. Jordan. Erie; A. J. Schelly, Allentown; P. A. Vannerman, Jr., Cynwyd- First lieutenant, medical corps— A. A. Collins. Oxford. KILLS SELF OX WIFE'S GRAVE Reading, Pa., Sept. 20.—George Slipp. 55, Pottstown, grieving over his wife's death three years ago, shot himself in the head on her grave at Birdsboro, where he form erly lived. His body was found at noon yesterday. to hide skin trouble Resinol aids poor complexions If your complexion is rough, red, or pimply, don't try to cover up the de fects with cosmetics which do not con ceal, but usually attract attention to the reason for their use. Begin today to clear your skin with Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap. This treatment not only cleanses the skin and enables it to breathe, but usually removes blotches, redness and roughness. Ask your dealer for Resinol Soap and Ointment. SORE THROAT Colds, Coughs, Croup and Catarrh Re lieved in Two Minutes Is your throat sore? Breathe Hyomei. Have you catarrh? Breathe Hyomei. Have you a cough? Breathe Hyomei. Have you a cold? Breathe Hyomei. Hyomei Is the one treatment for all nose, throat and lung troubles. It does not contain any cocaine or mor phine and all that is necessary is to breathe it through the little pocket inhaler that comes with each outfit. A complete outfit costs but little at druggists everywhere and at H. C. Kennedy's, and Hyomei is guaranteed to banish catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, sore throat and bronchitis or money back. A Hyomei inhaler lasts a lifetime and extra bottles of Hyomei can be obtained from druggists.—Ad vertisement. §M 3 5 if believe n M Hft my own ® r ®** W* f3 3ft. physical activity Bn '• u * to my P er * on * a! um of Nuiattd Iron", says Former Health Com missioner Wm. R. Kerr, of the City of Chicago. "From my own experience with Nuxated Iron I feel it is such a valuable blood and body building preparation that it ought to be used in every hospital and prescribed by every physician in the countrjr.' Nuxated Iron helps to make healthier women and stronger, sturdier men. Used by more than 3.000.000 people annually, in this country alone. In* creases the strength and endurance of weak, run-down, nervous folks in two weeks' time, in many cases. Satisfaction guar* anteed or money re- ri SKI funded. At all 13 *8 WQ o 8 jjj k ' B KAHJEUSBtmO TELEGKXPH QaOßOßOßoaocaocaoßOKaoaoDiiOßiOEaoaoßoaoßoaoßio § CLASTER'S GIGANTIC DISPOSAL SALE 5 U ... OF THE... * | j Rinkenbach Stock of Jewelry! § Continues an Unexcelled Opportunity For Economical Buying O D 20 per Cent Off Rinkenbach Prices on f " 1 U | DIAMOND JEWELRY fi O ONE FOURTH and moreoff Rinkenbach prices on .in. ...i— O SOLID GOLD and GOLD FILLED WATCHES farfy Christmas B DONE FOURTH to ONE HALF off Rinkenbach price* on I, is urged by thosc high in poHtical and m< , rcantlle H SILVER and SILVERPLATED WARE circles that Christmas Shopping should be done early j y O . t" l3 year on account of prevailing conditions. Q S ONE FOURTH and more off Rinkenbach's prices on To put Christmas buying off until late will bring M WTf'W PP AUii 1 f'lT'T f 1 ! A about confusion and congestion that will seriously U v¥lVrA.Ua-i VjL) m. interfere with the mails and railroads as well as O W _ sources of supply— H O ONE FOURTH and more off Rinkenbach prices on | RINGS, BRACELETS, BROOCHES, PINS, other civicorganiM " O 0 LAVALLIERS, CUFF LINKS, NOVELTIES, Etc. If you were to bo shopping and were to price the articles, I D elsewhere, that we otter you would realise what thla big call M All goods Reduced—some 20 per cent—some 25 per cent. some 35 per n """" ,n the wny °' " nT,nR money ' . O cent—others 50 per cent. V J H 2 U B Ladies' and Gentlemen's Individual Pieces in H 1 @ Watches STERLING SILVER D O This sale is an oppor- \ V/M a I M tunlty to buy a rcl,a " A, wonderful va- d ~~-r,.T7Tntnro 4 M /U riety of very I H fff\n < Ing that runs into scv- - uJC 8 DIAMOND JEWELRY ' o II kj}s) makes and it is only ,_ . _ n . , , ... - that is full of ex- II H "ytw\ '/JS/ under extraordinary Ladies Solid Gold Diamond Lavallieres . H O circumstances that they Solitaire RingS |75 . 00 Dlamond qUISItC g S " g " O can be bought at such ,97.50 Solitaire Mere .......... $60.00 \ 1 gestions - many ! M j low prices. Rings. ,78.00 ,35.00 Diamond LaVal- \ / n f t u.c. ! II _ , __ _ _ ,75.00 Solitaire ,25.00 Diamond LaVal- ¥ COUld not be .fSfc 8 Ladies' Watches C"0 8 O Ladyls 14K Solid Gold Hand $l6O Solitaire liere $15.00 . tory to-day at the iT f I D Engraved Illinois Watch; /ft#")-* f" f\ \ ,50.00 Solitaire Rings ...'. $lO.OO $15.50 Diamond LaVal- SSNfeJg)! . _ ?5 15 jewels; Rinkenbach price .R X I I ,35.00 Solitaire Rings .... $28.00 liere .. $14.80 tbSST prices we oi?er // ifi. $2B 50 **' v | ,30.00 Solitaire Rings $24.00 v (Kg# . . - Lady's 14K Solid Gold Hand J£% |olfta|re Rings . ; . ; $20.00 j g *PIU.OU JIJOO Solitaire Rings .... $12.80 the advance in ! || H Lady's 14K Solid Gold "Rin- , I'ere $B.OO fgjfa Silver bullion. ~ , 23 kenbach Special" Watch; if* < I - f\ A _____ ,8.50 Diamond LaVal- i U fine Swiss movement; Rtn- JS / Of If# . llere * 6 - 80 a- ''U* Ca „ Qil ; M 55 kenbach price, $20.00 Gentlemen S Solid Gold sterling Silver Oyster Ladle, gilt bowl, <gg gC fg O Lady's 14K Solid Gold Hand it* jt f) ** f - e .. . -j-,• Rinkenbach price, $7.50; sale price.. .11 Ml Engraved Waltham Watch; fkcL{\ *5 bOlltaire KingS M Rinkenbach price. $65.00.. e. .. .111/ Diamond Bracelets Sterling Silver Berry Spoons, 76 Q |J Lady's Gold Pilled 25-Year 1 lolitaiVe® ° 8 v\W \\//s $17.50 Flexible Diamond Rinkenbach price, $5.00; sale price.. * 2 W Hand Engraved Waltham gk f * fxf\ So " tai "$lOO.OO Bracelet, g01d.... *14.00 C( „ C(1 ft Watch; Rinkenbach price, Jt) I . (If/ jho.OO Gent's 22.50 Flexible Diamond Sterling Silver Berry Spoons. $4. QO B9 $18.75 '. Solitaire, Bracelet, g01d.... 18.00 Rinkenbach price, $6.50; sale price.. * Su II Lady's Gold Filled 25-Year //Iff r) /*" $112.00 25.00 Flexible Diamond 2Z l| Hampden; Rinkenbach ,7k / / /r) $75.00 Gent's Bracelet, gold 20.00 Sterling Silver Berry Spoons. fljA Eft %A gj price, $15.00 Solitaire, 29.50 Flexible Diamond Rinkenbach price, $6.00; sale price.. hb O Lady's Gold Filled 20-Year sk >OO Bracelet, gold 23.60 "Rinkenbach Special"; fine it* f f O IfiOOO GeSt's sSlitahe i!.' SSioo 15 00 Diamond Gold Storling Mayonnaise Ladles. d| Qft Q D Swiss movement; Rinken- JK /I' /.S $33!00 Gent's Solitaire ... $20.40 Band Bracelet... 12.00 Rinkenbach price, $2.50; sale price.. P 1 .J/vl bach price, $16.00 A. X •*4%J Sterling Mayonnaise Ladles, d>n og Rinkenbach price, $3.00; sale price.. y © n n >ll7 1 Misses'and Children's Diamond Studs . sterling Mayonnaue Ladies, djo A( * Q DMen S Watches Diamond Rings ,10.00 Solitaire Stud .... $B.OO Rinkenbach price, $4.50; sale price.. O.*U Gentleman's 14K Solid Gold 14 50 Solitaire Ring $3.0 loHul're I'tud nrlce $1.15 A open face Waltham Watch if* Ay— f\f\ llioo Solitshe Rini 3O 0° Solitaire Stud 24.00 Rinkenbach price $1.50, sale price.. M 17 jewels. Rinkenbach IMtm $6.50 Solitaire Ring $.".20 Sterling Silver Sugar Spoons, fcf En C! M price $60.00 V I t/.Vt/ I 7 00 SoHta ire Ring sn.o Rinkenbach Drice S2 00- sale Drice Ibl.OU Z II Gentleman's 14K Solid Gold Af f *B5O R • .. . Rinkenbach price, $..00, sale price.. M open face Elgin Watch; %/ /> flf J s9 ' so bolltaire RinK ss ' w Beautiful Sterling Silver Sugar Spoons. 98 S Rinkenbach price $20.00 V A Rinkenbach price, $3.00; sale price.. U Q Gentleman's 14K Solid Gold hand carved Waltham if* Q E? f\ fi !• ¥ 1 ¥ CsimeO "viSHrWI Sterling Silver Sugar Spoons, A(\ w Watch; Rinkenbach price, J f W M _|J Rinkenbach price, $4.50; sale price.. wO.HU M ■J Gentleman's 14K Solid Gold it* *"% P* C\ Z - p 1 Sterling Silver Teaspoons, qE jj a. Elgin Watch; Rinkenbach .A .f DrOOCIICS Rinkenbach price, $1.25; sale price.. fOC W QI price $47.00 A D Gentleman's Gold-Filled 20- I?" Sterling Silver Teaspoons, 1 I m Watcb° P Ri n „k^h C acb E i g .ce n 7f) HH * IHgCF KlllgS Gold B^ch| B .' *4?O Rinkenbach price, $1.50; sale price., M Tl3 so' Rtnkcnbach prlce ' %p 1 \J*\J\J 7.50 Cameo Gold Brooches. 8.00 Sterling Silver Teaspoons, #f on U Q Gentleman's Gold Fliled Ocl ° V6 J 4S?d OoW 15.'00 Cameo Gold Brooches'. ll!25 Rinkenbach $1.75; sale price.. **■ *3O S tagon 2099 "Illinois"; 11 A 4 ta s\ di&r&ai ?? nd So „r t *°, 20.00 Cameo Gold Brooches, 13.50 Ql n £ To . i~. $15,00 % r iis 5 5pXT2 , r. ! „,.„ r ,0...5i.50 H ♦ -w.uu j stock - a won- Gentleman's Gold Filled 20- W -J gy PJ r* derful variety— LaValliereS Sterling Silver Butter Knives, d> f f E || O Tear Hampdon; 15 Jewels; jy / /r% including S1 g- 4 Rinkenbach price. $1.50; sale price. . 1 • 1D S Rinkenbach price. $17.00.. w' ■— • net Emblem Select and Varied Assortment (Q m ™s?rs oc s "^s;:, ePrl cJi.4o H g Sl or irs£ril%:**: $7.25 S&. as SS^fflSS:::::::: SS S1 90 U H [hyst. Garnet, Agate? Tifrcj uoise, 10.00 LaVallieres 7.30 Rinkenbach price, $2.50; sale price.. W|| Topaz—in fact, almost every Sterling Sliver Baby Spoons. QE„ O S JBl BnuJ Weinke/. Rinkenbach price, $1.26; sale price.. ' 5C JJ O Men S & DOyS W BlCtieS l2 ' Bo SO i\n K g ol<i . 51.85 Sterling Silver Baby Spoons, dj 11 E n Boys' "Peter Pan" Watchea if* OP9 f\ •> tk s a im nni'n no f- 4Ss9#Pfcj Rinkenbach price, $1.50; sale price.. wl.lO y nickel; Rinkenbach price, /II Rin<r K Z.UD - ,3 50 %PCd.l \J Riuff® Sterling Silver Meat Forks, (9 OE V 2 Boys' New England Watches; An g\f\ Rin° 2.25 Rr=>r/Wc Rinkenbach price. $3.00; sale price. . w- S Rinkenbach price, 3.90 Solid Gold OEE Sterling Silver Meat Forks, tOCC W $4.00 i w n| n _ 6.03 $2.2n Gold Filled Bracelets $1.05 Rinkenbach nrir/. si in' .mp. JbZ.DO U !| Gun Metal Open Face Gold <t% m* o mm 400 Solid Gold onn 2.50 Gold Filled Bracelets 1.85 Rinkenbach price, $3.50, sale price.. • H II Dial Swiss Watch; 'Rings 3.00 3.50 Gold Filled Bracelets 2.00 Sterling Sliver Meat Forks, 17C O JJ special 5.00 Solid Gold o7g S'i! c°m m 6 J p" 06 6 8 Rinkenbach price, $5.00; sale price.. 9<S*7s tag fll "New York Standard" Watches, /ft O *9 P" Riniru 0./b 6.00 Gold HUed Bracelets 4.50 nickel; RinkenbacJi price, . 1 600 Solid Gold A Eft 8.00 Gold Filled Bracelets 6.00 Also a large assortment of Sterling Cft,, up I oo.ta 4.50 J:JJ g ••••; >: 50c - u 7-50 Solid Gold 5.65 20 00 Gold Bracelets 15 -°0 § 2 Parvine im. Ai' "" /fSX Tea .nd Coffee S.tt |1 oeia 12.00 Solid Gold ft QQ Gold Neck Chains A II D Rings "'Z/r ,2.50 10K Gold Chains... st.oo JL\ O M -jfr-n 16 00 Solid °old 11 25 2 - 75 10K Go'd Chains... 2.13 oa , J l ®- <\ ta2 Cft„ Rln^s 3.00 10K Gold Chains... 2.25 SECRET _ WilV'iM OUC 20.00 Solid Gold IE ftft 3.25 10K Gold Chains... 2.45 SG 9L ETY f' II U *nd up I Rings O.V/VI 4.00 10K Gold Chains... 3.40 KINGS U H '•C*aSS,; C "i , ."S'oo H I I I Av'| Llc $lO.OO Tea Set .... 825.00 Q U ~K^. J. X V>V. V I /l VI I I Vl\ $35.00 Tea Set.... #85.00 O S Rinkenbach (1 CQ —W $25.00 Tea and Coffee Set, H W price, $2.00 <J> *1 7VO 81 H kenbach price, ''"ss.6o GEMS JEWELS SILVERWARE $lB.OO Coffee Set .. $1,3.50 JJ § 1 §O2 MARKET ST: IN. THIRD ST. |EHi ; se' ; .S jj SEPTEMBER 20,1918.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers