CHURCHES WILL HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR LIEUT. ELDER AND PRIVATE WEITMYER CONVENTIONS SHOULD BE HELD DECLARES DR. CLARK Noted C. E. Leader Says Meetings Are Helpful; Endeavor Notes During the past few months many leaders of religious organizations have questioned the advisability of holding large conventions and ral lies in war time. The Rev. F. E. Clark, D. D., of Boston, gives a reply to the question. Ho says: "Like everything else, our conventions and union rallies are affected by the world war. New problems, new questions of duty have arisen. Many of our leaders have gone to the front. Shall we have our conventions and rallies as formerly? Most decidedly, I think we should. To be sure, our great international convention, due in the year when our country entered the war, was postponed, but that was because it involved such long distance travel when the roads were peculiarly con gested. A convention that draws its delegates from Maine to California, and from Manitoba to Texas, is very different from a state or county con vention or a local union meeting. By all means keep up these gath erings. They were never so much needed as now. Religion, patriotism, personal devotion to every good cause call for such meetings as never be fore in the history of Christian En deavor. No other cause brings the young people of all denominations together as does Christian Endeav or, and there never was a year of all the 1913 years of the Christian era when union work and union prayer and a united inspiration were so necessary as now. Moreover, we must look forward to the future. Please God. the war will not last forever. Someday the boys will come marching home, and it would be sad indeed if they found the union disorganized, the meetings suspended, and our united work at a low ebb. "Brothers, you who like myself, must do our patriotic work at home; sisters, you who must come to the front for the first time and take the place of absent ones; intermediates and juniors and all young people, wo have now one of our greatest op portunities. While the war lasts, God calls us as never before In our united capacity as Endeavorers, to show our patriotism, and to keep the live coals burning bright on the altars of devotion. "Our soldier comrades will win at the front. We must win in the tight behind the trenches, and there is no greater help to this victory for God and the right, for home and native land, than live conventions and well-planned, well-attended ral lies. You cannot better serve the Master than putting brains and heart into such meetings." GEORGE E. TROUP George E. Troup is one of the pop , ular Endeavor leaders of the West * End. He i 3 a livewiro in the Sixth Street United Brethren Christian Endeavor society and also knows how to lead a large chorus. C. E. NOTES Everybody here get busy, We will tell you why. Christian Endeavor is wide awake And all this hustling for your sake. Everybody here get busy. A rousing rally of the First Church of oGd society. New Cum berland. will be held on Sunday even ing. Several addresses will be de • livered by prominent Endeavorers and a live, popular male quartet will render special music. E. P. Conley, is the hustling president, and is cre ating new interest in the society for the fall and winter months. Every member of the society at Oswago, Or., has set apart a sec tion of his or her garden for war service. One has planted 900 hills of potatoes; others are growing pro duce of many kinds. This society sends ten-franc notes to the boys at the front instead of the usual boxes. "Training Conscience and Trained by Conscience." will be the topic for study in tlio Endeavor meetings on Sunday evening. Many services will be led by the various pastors of the churches. . Miss Emily Edwards, superin tendent of the Junior work of the Harrisburg C. E. Union, will have charge of the service at the Market Square Presbyterian society to-mor row evening. The program will bo interesting and Endeavorers and friends are urged not to miss a good tme. Hindoo and Mohammedan friends f The School of Spanish MRS. MELVIN JIESGES, President ELEMENTARY SPANISH COURSE, i COLLEGIATE LITERARY SPANISH COURSE. COLLEGIATE COMMER- C I A L SPANISH COURSE. GRADUATE SPANISH COURSE. Diplomas Upon Graduation FIRST SEMESTER 1918-1919 I Registration, Clannlflcatlon and Entrance Examination* Sept. 12—9 A. M.— 6 P. M. I Sept. 13—9 A. M.—lo P. M. I Sept. 16—Recitations begin, i For further information call or ! phone after September 12, or I write now for Bulletin, or get one at Y. M. C. A. DESK SECOND AND STATE STS. Phone 1266 R. Studebaker Bldg. HARRISBURG. PA. SATURDAY "EVENING, lIX3miKBOG Ufßß&i SEPTEMBER 7, 1918. paid part of the expenses of a Chris tian Endeavor convention held at Rahurl, near Bombay, India. One man contributed a dinner to several hundred guests. The Christian Endeavor society of the Derry Street United Brethren Church will again start many activ ities on Sunday after two months vacation period. All members are urged to begin in earnest and do the work of the Master in any way pos sible. New things will be taken up and an inspiring meeting is promised for to-morrow evening. British societies not only writo to their members at the front, but have organized welcome-home committees to take care of the boys when home on furlough and when they come home for good at the close of the war. Miss Louise Yingling will have charge of tho Endeavor meeting at the Bethlehem Lutheran society on Sunday evening. Tho lady officers are striving to do their part for "Christ and the Church" while some of the boys are in the army. Sixteen district conventions have been held in lo\ya this year, four more than ever have been held in the state in any year. At tho Harris Street United Evan gelical Keystone League, the Rev. A. G. Flexer, pastor, will have charge of the service to-morrow evening. A good time is promised to all who de sire to attend. Ohio has just held a Bank Day among Endeavorers, who were given small banks in which to make con tributions for Christian Endeavor work in the state. More than $l,lOO was collected in this way. The Endeavorers of the Centenary United Brethren Church, Steelton, will hold an interesting study meet ing on Sunday evening. Miss Louise Harlman will be the leader' and speaker on the topic. Westminster Presbyterian En deavorers will hold a well-planned service on Sunday evening. Miss Mary C. Orth will have charge of the meeting. Miss Helen M. Orr, one of Ore gon's bright young Endeavorers, has passed awuy. She was superin tendent of Expert Endeavor in Mult nomah county and did splendid work in that office. She was state secre tary for a year, and her records in the Millions campaign demonstrated hard work and a fine achievement as the result of it. The Rev. A. E. Hangen and David E. Thompson will make the program interesting at the Park Street United Evangelical Keystone League on Sunday evening. Come and enjoy a good time is the invitation of the leaguers. St. Matthew's Lutheran Endeav orers will begin the fall work with new interest and a determination to make things lively during the com ing months. John Keys will lead the meeting to-morrow evening. The Rev. H. F. Rhoads will have charge of the Endeavor meeting at the State Street United Brethren society on Sunday evening. Vaca tion season is over and many new activities are planned for the com ing months. The praise service will begin at 6.30 o'clock to-morrow evening. The monthly business ses sion will ho held on next Wednes day evening. The North Street Congregational Church, in Kingston, Jamaica, has not only the largest membership in the Kingston union but throughout Jamaica. There are nearly four hun dred members in good standing. The Rev. W. Quistnal who was the tirst general secretary of the Jamaica C. E. Union, is pastor of this church, and president of the society. A fine temperance committee is at work here. One of the popular songs used at the district state C. E. convention held at Williamsport, entitled "Penn sylvania For Christian Endeavor," the official state song, Was written by the Rev. E. A. Cooper, of Jersey Shore. Wanted—Dr. B. W. Swayze will gladly receive your subscription to the Pennsylvania C. E. Bulletin. Write him at once. Long experience in penmanship unnecessary. Ad dress Dr. B. W. Swayze, Common wealth building, Allentown, Pa. On Tuesday evening, September 17, the C. E. societies of St. John Re formed, St. Matthew's Lutheran, Sixth Street United Brethren and the Epwortli League of Camp Curtin Methodist Episcopal Churches will hold a corn roast at Wildwood Park. These four societies recently held union services and representatives of each society met and decided to hold this union social event. Members and friends have been invited to bring their friends and help make this a big success. It was decided to make this affair a "Dutch treat," as the committee could not figure on the number to prepare for. The time, 8 o'clock, the place to meet. Camp Curtin Church. Come and bring your friends and your friends' friends. Mrs. M. Strain, junior superinten dent of tho Sixth Street United Brethren Society announces the ju nior story hour to begin Wednesday evening, September 11, the time 6.30 to 7.30. At present stories will he told semimonthly. Miss Mildred Burkholder, president of St. Mat thew's Lutheran C. E. Society will he the story teller on September 11. All juniors and their friends invited. A business meeting will be held Wednesday evening, September 11, ut which time all members of the Sixth Street United Brethren Society who are really interested in the welfare of the society are requested to at tend. Miss Mary Taylor, of Camp Curtin Methodist. Episcopal Church will sing at the C. E. service of the Sixth Street United Brethren Society Sun day evening. The Rev. Joseph Daugh ertv will lead the discussion on tho topic, "Trained by Conscience and Training Conscience." "Pocono Pines" night will be ob served at the Olivet Presbyterian C. E. Society on Sunday evening with special exercises. A description of the trip will he given by Miss Ethel Mumniert; the "Social Life" by •Tames W. Lewis, Jr.. and the "Spiri tual Life" bv Miss Miriam B. Himes. Special music will hp rendered by the Olivet choir. A large attendance is desired at this unique service. Lewis P. Marklev. president of the Harrisbure C. E. Union, visited sev- SCHOOL DAY AT PARK STREET The Rev. Mr. Hangen Will Preach and Prayer Will Be Offered For Schools To-morrow is the National Day of Prayer For Schools. The Rev. A. E. Hangen will observe it by preaching in the Park Street United Evangelical Church at 7.30 o'clock on the subject, "The Public Schools and Making Democracy Safe For the World." It is appropriate at the beginning of the school year, when over 20,- 000,000 children and young people are being mobilized in the public schools of America, that thought should be given to the great Amer ican school system and that prayer should be offered for the teachers and pupils of our institutions of training. The observance of a Sabbath early in September as a day of prayer for schools was first suggest ed by the National Reform Associa tion of Pittsburgh, which was organ ized over fifty years ago to aid in maintaining Christian laws, usages and customs in America. It has been a leader in various reforms and is now seeking for laws which will permit the reading of the Bible in all the schools of the land. Teachers, parents and pupils have been specially invited to attend the Park Street United Evangelical Church at 7.30. Public school pu pils of all grades who are members of the Park Street Sunday school will be given reserved seats and all who attend will take a general part and a number special parts in the services. At 10.45 the pastor will preach on "Sunday Morning With Paul—The Near-to-Martdyrdom Paul's Plea." LUTHERAN Holy Communion —The Rev. John Henry Miller. 10.45, "Jesus and Lazarus;" 7.30, "The Trinity;" 9.30, Sunday school. Calvary—The Rev. Edward H. Parr. 11, "Walk in the Spirit;" 7.30, "Pious Job in Prosperity;" Sunday school, 10, Church of the Redeemer —The Rev. Myron E. Shafer. Holy Com munion, morning and evening. Both services will be conducted by the pastor. Bethlehem —The Rev. J. Bradley Markward. 9.45, Sunday school; 'll, "The Joy of Self-Sacrifice;" 7.30, "The Secret of the Man Who Saw It Through." Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. E. D. AVcigle. 10.30, "An Efficient Church;" 7.30, "Some Problems in Religious Education;" Sunday school, 9.30. St. Michael's —The Rev. Reinhold Schmidt. 10; Sunday school, 11.15. Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Stam cts. 10.4 5, "The Heart of the Gospel;" 7.30, "The Work of Love;" Sunday school, 9.45. Memorial —The Rev. L. C. Manges, 11, "Ten Lepers;" 7.45, "All Things Are Possible With God;" Sunday school, 10. Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisen helder. 11, "Service and Its Relation to Christ;" 7.30, the Rev. Ray Zim merman will preach; Sunday school, 9.30. Zion—The Rev. S. Winfield Her man. 11, "The Expectations of God;" 7.30, "The Method of God Toward Man;" Sunday school, 9.45. Messiah —The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson. 10, Sunday school; 11, morning service with sermon; 7.30, "The Vacant Throne." first in a se ries on "The Ten Commandments." Christ —The Rev. Thomas Reisch. 11, "Greatest Privilege of the Day;" 7.30, "Do Thyself No Harm;" Sun day school, 9.45. UNITED EVANGELICAL Harris Street —The Rev. A. G. Flexer. Sunday school, 9.30; 10.30, "Christian Liberty; evening service, 7.30. Harrisburg Mission —The Rev. W. S. Harris, assistant pastor, will preach at 11; Sunday school, 10. Penbrook —The Rev. W. E. Pot tieger. Morning. "The Silent Christ;" evening, "The Exaltation of Christ;" Sunday school, 9.30. Park Street —The Rev. A. E. Han gen. Sunday school, 9.30; 10.45, "Sunday Mornings With Paul—The Near-to-Martyrdom Paul's Plea;" 7.30, "The Public Schools and Mak ing Democracy Safe For the World.'.' CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Hummel Street —The Rev. William K. Conner. 11.00, "A Church Holy and Without Blemish"; 7.30, "Blessed Arc They That Mourn 9.45, services at the jail at 8.15 — "The Rich Man and Lazarus. CHURCH REOPENS The Reformed Salem Church, which has been closed during the pastor's vacation, will be open for services to-morrow. eral C. E. societies at Enola, last Sunday, in the interest of fall en deavor work He tyill attend the big meeting at Olivet Presbyterian Society to-morrow evening. DO YOU KNOW THAT Harrisburg C. E. union endeavor ers are already planning for a big fall rally. The Rev. John H. Elliott, D. D.J ex-president of the New York State C. E. union and for the past year extension superintendent of the Northwestern Bible School, Minnea polis, Minn., donned the uniform and began work with the War Work Council of the Y. M. C. A. "Manual of Physical Training," by W. G. Anderson, M. D., and William L. Anderson, is a new book just suit ed to the needs of those who wish to introduce the novelty of physical training in their society work. The societies of Kansis City, Mo., have adopted the practice of singing one stanza of "The Star Spangled Banner" at 7.15 every Sunday even ing. High school intermediates in Illi nois have organized a state union to promote their work. FIVE POINTS ON THE TOPIC Topic: "Training Conscience and Trained Conscience." Prov. 20:27; Ps. 51:1-13. "Conscience is like a policeman that arrests us when we do what it says is wrong. But we must sup ply it with knowledge of good and evil." "What most people need is not a 'better' conscience, but the grace to obey its dictates." "Christian Endeavor's greatest need is not better organization, moro efficient human leadership, etc., but a 'conscience void of offense toward God and man." "The preacher should be a trainer of conscience as his Master was." "When we live close to God in prayer, conscience becomes tender and we seek to do His will at all times." Memorial Service For Lieut. Elder Tomorrow In connection with the morning worship at Paxton Presbyterian Church to-morrow, there will be a memorial service for Lieutenant James Gait Elder, who was killed recently in the Battle of the Marne. Lieutenant Elder was a member of ' the church, Sunday school and C. E. Society and took an active part in church work. The music and other services will be in keeping with the occasion. WAIt WEEKLY Cat Oat and Mall to Your Soldier WAR WEEKLY HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Vol. I. No. 111. nARniSBCRG, PA., AUK. 31-Sept. 0 Our Ynnk Edition Folks With Children in the House Should Be Careful About Using Rough on Rats BEST TELEGRAPH WAR CARTOON OF WEEK. NEWS OF WEEK BOILED DOWN •FOR OUR BUSY SOLDIERS Saturday, August 31 A huge service flag for the fighting boys of the Thirteenth Ward has been purchased by popular subscription. William A. Wiseman, grocer, hurt when run down by delivery wagon. Marrisburg Railways Company an nounces increase in fare from five to six cents; Valley Railways from live to seven cents, effective October 1. Miss Margaret Wilson elected sec retary-treasurer Hoffman Brothers', Wilson Quarry Company to permit brother, William IS. Wilson to enter Army. Three Harrisburg girls volunteer for overseas service as automobile drivers. Fire destroys plant of Farmers Creamery Company, Mt. Joy, loss $25,- 000. Jacob Lightner, director of State Employment Bureau, begins round-up of loafers. The Rev. James Hibbs, Lewistown, one of the oldest colored ministers in state dies, aged 84. City Cleric R. Ross Seamon re elected treasurer of Third Class City League. City police gather in seven slackers and send them to Army camps. Monday, September 2 Three thousand march in great la bor demonstration to show workmen at home are behind the boys in the front lines. Mayor Keister opens rouges gallery for automobile owners who violate Sunday "gasless" order. Few auto ists operated yesterday to save gaso line for war purposes. Official notice served on all men from 18 to 45 to register September 12 under new draft act. Prominent men attend fpneral of later Senator James Donald Cameron, secretary of war under President Grant. Secretary McAdoo's order that rail road men must not mix in politics hits A. Ramsey Black, Democrat, can didate for re-election to the Legisla ture and Albert Millar, Republican candidate. Jitneys permitted by Judge Kep hart of Superior court to operate un til appeal from Public Service Com mission is heard. Joseph Kreider, 66, well known Marietta tobacco farmer, dies. Service flag with nineteen stars un furled at Capitol street Presbyterian Church. Sergeant M. J. Russell, Company M, 108 th. veteran of Spanish War and Mexican border, reported captured by enemy. B. H. Wanbaugh, 83, one of the old est Odd Fellows, dies. John T. Balsley retires as Pennsy trainmaster after 51 years of service. Steelton first aid team announced winner of Bethlehem Steel Company contest against. Bethlehem, Sparrows Point, Reading and Lebanon. "Kit" Carson, promoted from traffic squad to city detective force. Four Harrisburg and one Steelton boy commissioned at Camp Gordon officers school, all held rank of ser geant. They are Hiram W. Hummer, William R. Lutz, Roland U. Douglass, Joseph M. A. Seitz and Walter A. Boyles. Tuesday, September 3 Harrisburg electrified by accounts of heroism displayed by Keystone di vision as told by Lieutenant James T. Long, home with Lieutenant Joshua W. Swartz, Jr., from the front to in struct new division at Camp Dix. Lieutenant Long's tribute to fighting qualities of the old National Guard, displayed at the Marne, creates won derful impression. City schools open to 12,000 children who are urged to economy during war period by Superintendent Downes. Louis Begelfer, tailor, stands in hole intended for telephone pole in front of home until workman hacks off his toe. Children of Frank Russ playing with matches set tire to bedroom. Red Cross chapter turns out 28,430 articles in month to be shipped to the front. Penbrook and Progress ask Public Service Commission for better water supply. Two score young women enroll in hygenic class to take places of train ed nurses oft to the war. • Leßoy S. Clouser, 307 Engineers, is first Middletown man to be killed in battle. Grocers plan to close Saturday evenings to conserve fuel and light. Fifty alleged slackers caught in Steelton dragnet; ten sent to Army, rest to jail under "work or fight" or der. To Honor Fallen Soldier at Augsburg Lutheran On Sunday evening a memorial service will be held at Augsburg Lu theran' Church for Charles Edward Weitmeyer, a member, who was killed in action August 8 on the western front, according to official in formation received during the past week by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Weitmyer, 1721 North Third street. The subject for the evening will be: "The Heart of the Gospel." Wednesday, September 4 Judge Bonniweli, Democratic nom inee for governor, reputiated by A. Mitchel Palmer in stormy session of state committee. City housing conditions may hold up further war contracts, many Penn sylvania cities being put off barred list. Ban of use of wheat flour partly raised, only one pound of substitutes being necessary with each four pounds of flour. Lieutenant A. R. Boiling, Cham bersburg, third cousin of Mrs. Wood row Wilson, mentioned as wounded on casualty list. C. W. Stahl, Lewistown, coal deal er, fined $2,500 for charging too much for coal. Money goes to Dauphin, Mifflin and Philadelphia Red Cross chapters. Mrs. Eliza Wise, 71, Elizabethville, found dead in bed. Ten women go to work on tracks of Steelton steel plant; first to per form manual labor at the works. C. E. Delaney, holder of congres sional medal in Philippine war, com missioned first lieutenant. Rotary Club holds sixth annual outing at Paxtang. Thirty-nine vacancies on state po lice force due to draft and enlist ments. Red Cross begins campaign to save old rubber. Ex-Senator Hiram Peoples, famous as fish expert, dies at Lancaster home, aged 84. Thursday, September 5 Clarence A. Toomey, Pennsy brake man. crushed to death under freight car in Enola yards. James George fined $l5O for violat ing "lightless night" order at Vic toria Theater. Order prohibiting lights and elevator service in office buildings at night revoked by fuel administrator. Local Army recruiting office closed after havir\g made best record in United States. New draft act pro hibits further volunteering. Dauphin county sends 162 selected men to Camp Greenleaf; Cumberland 98 and Perry 43. Columbia-Lancaster turnpike de clared free highway. Mount Union plans to honor all men in service wiith monster cele bration, September 14. P. R. Hallman, Middletown butcher, hurt in aut.o collision. Will of late Senator J. D. Cameron filed, no estimate of estate's value. The Rev. O. J. Farling, 20 years chaplain at county almshouse resigns because of advanced age. Elmer E. Kunkle, Paxtang, Pennsy conductor, found dead in train cabin. The Rev. Joseph Schmidt named temporary rector at Sacred Heart Church. Many voters register for fall elec tions. Friday, September 6 Organization of farm women launched in every township to pro mote agriculture during the war. Fifty men sent to Camp Dix from limited service class, first big quota of kind since war began. Lafayette Day quietly observed here; many French flags fly. George Balsley completes 64th year in grocery business at Second and Cranberry streets; never took a vaca tion. Herman Glllepsie, Robert Gaynor and Enoch Myat held on highway rob bery charge. Harry Gross, York, Pennsy brake man. has both legs severed in Enola yards. Mrs. Isaiah Snyder, widow of Judge Snyder dies, aged 82. Celebration of the Jewish New Year begins at sunset. David Shotwell returns from Y. M. C. A. work in Mesopotamia to Join heavy artillery. John H. McCandless, seoretary As sociated Aids Societies called to or ganize Red Cross bureau in Wash ington Special committee named by cham ber of commerce to investigate Cen tral Pennsylvania industrial plants to take care of more war orders. Infantile paralysis exists in fifteen counties with serious outbreak in Franklin. James Reagan pleads guilty to rob bing war gardenr DR. SMUCKER TO TALK AT STEVENS Pastor, Recently; Returned From Camp Robinson, Will Preach Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker, who returned last week from Camp Rob inson, Is scheduled to speak tomor row evening at 7.30 o'clock in the Stevens Memorial Methodist Epis copal Churcr, Thirteenth and Ver non streets, on "Christianity at Can tonments." In the morning at 11 o'clock the Rev. Dr. Morris E. Swartz will preach and read the program for the Joint Centenary and Sunday School Training Con ference to be held in the city next Thursday and Friday. Sunday school specialists and church lead ers from all over the country will attend the gathering. All sessions will be open to the public. Plans are now complete for the launching of the Capitol City Ly ceum Course. Dr. Smucker is to be in charge of the big fall and winter program. The seried will include nine extraordinary enter tainments by distinguished artists. The special speakers and musical attractions are of the very highest character. The season is to begin October 25, 1918, and close in March. The program this year is larger and more varied than has yet been offered by the Stevens Memorial Church Lyceum Commit tee. The following is the list of at tractions for the 1918 and 1919 sea son: October 25, 1918, The Ply mouth Singing Party, a company of five experienced artists presenting a unique and entirely original pio gram typically American. Selec tions from "The Captain of Ply mouth" and "The Quaker Girl" will be given in costume. November 18, 1918, "The St. Claire Four Sisters," a girls' quartet, giving a varied pro gram which combines orchestral, vocal and special novelty features. November 25, 1918, Will A. Rogers, Humorist. December 2, 1918, Bishop Joseph F. Berry, D.D., LL. D. Lecturer. December 10, 1918, "The Navy Girls-Six Party,"' six clever young women who have ap peared during the past season in the U. S. Army cantonments under the auspices of the War Depart ment Commission on Training Camp Activities. December 16, 1918, Princess Watahwaso and assisting artists. In the veins of Princess Watahwaso, of the Penobscot Tribe, there flows the blood of one of the first families in America. Educated at Cambridge, she occupies a unique place on the lyceum platform of America. She will be assisted by other noted artists. January 12, 1919, Prof. Hilton Ira Jones —Scien- tist. January 31, 1919, "The Amer ican Girls' Trio." Their program will be well diversified and includes saxaphonc and banjo trios, vocal numbers, readings and character songs in costume. March, 1919, The Woodland Singers, a great pro gram of song with a rustic setting suggestive of the big outdoors, with its forests, lakes and the odor of the pine and balsam. To-morrow evening at 6.30 o'clock the young folks of the church and congregation will hold a rally meeting in the lecture room. Arrangements liavc been made for a large gat%.ring. The program is to be full oWVnany good things. All young people of the city are urged to attend. Another conference on Red Cross activities will be held in the church next Thursday from 10 a. m. to 10 p m All women of the city are invited to attend and participate in the service. The Speed-Up-War r Program given out by Mrs. Clayton Albert Smucker last Thursday is meeting with a wonderful response on the part of the ladies of the church and congregation. Assistant Pastors Will Preach at Pine Street The Rev. John M. Warden, assist ant pastor of the Pine Street Pres byterian Church and pastor of Beth any Presbyterian Chapel, will preach Sunday morning in the Pine Street Church. The Rev. Mr. Warden will preach on "The Spirit of Christ. In the evening the Rev. Harold H. Baldwin, assistant pastor, will preach. The text for the evening sermon will be "If I Had Not Come. The quartet will sing anthems at both services. Twelve of the young ladles of the church left this morning for Camp Boyd, Losh's Run, for a ten-day camp under the direction of Miss Edsall, director of women's and girls' work. ~ On Sunday, September 15, the Rev. Dr. Lewis S. Mudge. pastor of the Pine Street Church, will preach at both morning and evening serv ices. METHODIST Baughman Memorial, New Cum berland—The Rev. V. T. Rue, pas tor, Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Morning subject, "Soul Winning by Personal Work." Even ing subject, "The Non-Church-Going Moralist." _ . _ Camp Hill—The Rev. Joseph E. Brenneman, pastor. 11, Holy Com munion services. 7.30, sermon and Holy Communion. Sunday school at 9 45 ft. m. ' Coxestown —The Rev. John G. Davis, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The Divine Sacrifice." 7.30, "Whom Say Ye That I Am?" Sunday school at 9.30. St. Paul's —10.30, morning service, ,no evening service. Sunday school at 9.45. West Fairview —The Rev. Charles F. Berkheimer, pastor. 10.30, "Noah's Faith." Sunday school at 9.30. Riverside —The Rev. Charles F. Berkheimer. Sunday school at 10. 7.30, special Epworth League Rally Day exercises. Epworth—The Rev. J. P. W. Dea vor, pastor. 11, sermon by the Rev. Calder Breuner. 7.30, pastor, "Lim iting Good." Sunday school at 10. Fifth —The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles. Communion, 10.30. Dr. M. E. Swartz will preach at 7.30. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Camp Curtin Memorial. —The Rev. John H. Mortimer, pastor. Com munion services at 11 a. m. and 7.45 p. m. Sunday school at 10. Ridge Avenue —The Rev. H. R. Bender, pastor. Morning, "The Sacra ment of the Lord's Supper." Even ing, "The Hebrew and the Christian Ideas of God," by the pastor, the Rev. H. R. Bender. Sunday school at 10. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church —11, "Man;" 7.30; Sunday school, 11; testimonial meet ing Wednesday 8 p. m.; free reading room, Kunkel building, 11.30 to 5. Saturday, 11.30 to 3. , (Other Churches on Page 12-) Something Doing in Religious Circles Churches and kindred religious or ganizations are doing their share in keeping up the spiritual and social life among their members. Some things were Been and heard and read by a popular minister recently. The Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, pastor of the Congregational Church, Topeka, Kan., says n his church calendar: A cheerful invalid, although few of his lifelong friends have been in to see him since he went to the hos pital several weeks ago. Don't send him a flower. Take it yourself. One man in a street car asked an other "When are you coming out to see me?" "Oh, I don't know. I don't have time to see any one." "If I owed you a dollar you would send me a statement first of the month, wouldn't you?" "I suppose I should." These men are old friends. I know they are, for I know them, and I sat behind them. Wonder how long it is since either wrote the other a letter of friendship or rung his door bell. "Death is a great adventure, but none need go unconvinced that there is an issue to it. The man of faith may face it as Columbus faced his first voyage from the shores of Spain. What lies across the sea, he cannot tell; but his insight into the clear meanings of present facts may persuade him beyond doubt that the sea has another shore." (From "As surance of Immortality," by Fosdlck. A good book for all who view the empty chair and wonder). I saw a man on' Monday, a busi nessman, making money with all his might. Saturday he was still at it. That man is here to-day, perhaps. If he works as hard for the Lord as he worked all last week for him self, he will be a tired man to-night. I read about a man who fell going up hill. But the story said he didn't fall nor hit so hard as another man who fell going the other way. Saw the workmen in our church handling big timbers carefully so as not to mar the furniture. I like to believe that the majority of work ers, both physical and mental, tlnd much pleasure in doing their work right, aside from the wages they get for doing it. Have you seen a good many peo ple bearing the burdens of life bravely and quietly. They are begin ning to understand there are "others." Your lad is not the only one. You are touching elbows with a world grief. Misery does not "love company," but rightly borne it learns how to share the load with others. Selfish sorrow is as selfish as selfish pleasure. ■ / Jgm THE REV. N. W. SAGER The Rev. Mr. Sager has been ac tive in church work since his con version at 14 years of age. He has been active in Sunday school and in the Keystone League since its or ganization: He was elected to the general managing board of the Sun day school and K. L. C. E. at the Barrington general conference four years ago. He has been in the min istry since 1896, and served nearly four years in the pastorate in Oregon conference, 12 years in the Ohio con ference and is now closing the sixth year as presiding elder. RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES The Rev. James M. Gray, D. D., dean of the Moody Bible Institute, has conducted popular conferences during the summer sessions. His series of "Synthetic Studies in the ===== "THE CHUItCH WITH THE CHIMES" ■■ God's Ways For Obtaining Men's Loyalty "TTHE method God uses to secure allegiance -*■ to His cause compared to the way our country secures the allegiance of her citi zens. This is the theme for Dr. Herman's ser mon to-morrow evening at 7.30. We welcome to these services our soldier boys from Middletown, Marsh Run and those temporarily in the city. The church stands for everything good in the world. There is no better place to be found before "going over." Zion Lutheran Church South Fourth St.. near Market Dr. S. W. Herman Pastor TOMORROW —AT— -9:45 in the Sunday School —AND— -11:00 in the Church Service Lieut. James T. Long Jr. Who Was In the BATTLE OP CHATEAU-THIERRY Will Speak in Bethlehem Luthern Church REV. J. BRADLEY MARKWARD, D. D., Pastor 9:45 A. M.—Sunday School. 11:00 A. M.—"The Joy of Self-Sacrifiee." 7:30 P. M.—"The Secret of the Man Who Saw It Through.** 3 General Epistles," accentuated t social as well as the deeper spiritual aspects of the gospel, "The Praying-Working Churchf* M the slogan of the Park Street United- Evangelical Church, this city. Tho East Pennsylvania confereno* of the United Brethren Churches to be held at Myerstown, in October promises to be an interesting ses sion. Attendants at Mountain Lak Park Bible conference report that the ministerial institute was very instructive. Lectures by the Rev. James M. Gray, Mr. Gaebeleln, Drv Numhall, Dr. Henry Ostrom, thtt- Rev. Joseph W. Kemp, were great l spiritual blessings. United Evangelicals will hold tt/ unification meeting at Grace United Evangelical Church, Lancaster, Sep tember 10. Among the prominent persons on the program will be tha Rev. S. L. Wiest, Millersville; the Rev. J. W. Thompson, York; the Rev. J. W. Waltz, Wayland, N. the Rev, R. C. Deibert, Myerstowni tho Itev. S. A. Snyder, and the Rev. A. G. Flexer, Harria burg. Dr. Luther H. Gulick, of Net* York, chairman of the international committee on physical recreation of the war work council of the Y. M. C. A., died at South Casco. A union choir of the United Evangelical Churches of Harrisburg and vicinity, has been organized fo# the rendition of special music at tho dedication exercises of the new Unit ed Evangelical Publishing House Ut bo dedicated early in October. W. L, Bailey, a popular chorister of thin city, will direct the chorus work. Many churches are planning tot the fall rallies and the great teacher 1 training drive, September 15 to Oc tober 15. The Sunday school council, repre senting thirty denominations, with over 200,000 Sunday schools and a membership of 19,000,000 scholars, are driving for better training. United Evangelicals are making arrangements for the general con ference to be held in Trinity church, York, Thursday, October 3. Enter tainment has been provided for the general church officers, the delegates to the several boards, the speakers on the various programs, the delegates to the general sessions, and for cler ical alternate from each conference. The following conferences will be represented: East Pennsylvania, Cen tral, Pittsburgh, Ohio, Illinois, Des Moines, Northwestern, Platto River, Kansas and Oregon. Among the leaders of the church expected to bo in attendance will be the Rev. N. W. Sager, of Wooster, Ohio. REFORMED Fourth —The Rev. Homer Skyles May. 10.45, "Co-operation"; 7.30, "The Love That Abides"; 9.30, Sun day school. Chestnut and Third Streets—The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer. 11.00, "I Came Not to Send Peace, But a Sword"; 7.30, "Autocracy in Bible History, Its Cause, Its Effects and Its Cure"; 9.4 5, Sunday school. Second —The Rev. Alfred Nevin Sayre. 11.00, "The Saving Power of God"; 9.45, "The New Righteous ness"; 6.30, Christian Endeavor. MISCEDIIvNEOtTS Christian and Missionary Alliance —The Rev. W. H. Worrall. Sunday school, 9.30; 10.30, "Soul Winning." The pastor is giving a series of mes sages on "Soul Winning" every Sun day morning; 7.30, "Tho Value of a Soul." Gospel Ha 11—9.30, Sunday schooh 10.30, "Breaking of Bread;" 7.30, gospel preaching by Evangelist Wil liam Beveridge. EPISCOPAL St. Augustine's—The Rev. Wll loughby M. Parchment. Matin, ser mon and Holy Communion, 11a church school Immediately after service. No evening service. St. Paul's—7.3o, Communion serv ice; 11, service and sermon; 2.30, Sunday school; 7.30, service and sermon. St. Stephen's—B. Holy Commun ion; 11, morning prayer and ser mon; 7.30, evening prayer. A. M. E. ZION Wesley Union—The Rev. A. M. Neill. 10.45, "One Hundred Per Cent. Christian"; 1.30, Sunday School; evening service will be con ducted by the "Yoke Fellow's Bajid'' of the Railroad Y. M. C. A. Com mittee.
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