8 gNEWS ftNP NOTES OF THE BOY StOUTS^ BOOKS SCOUTS WANT TO READ Public Library Suggests Lit erature For Young War riors Who Like to Read The Harrisburg Public Library has announced the following list of books Bov Scouts will like: _ Bond. "Scientitlc American Boy: Brady, "Indian Fights and Fight ers;" Brooks, "Story of Marco Polo: ' Dana. "Two Years Before the Mast;" Dickens, "David Copperfield;" Duncan. "Dr. Luke of the Labra dor;" Eastman. "Wigwam Even tngs;" French, "Rolf and the Vik ing's Bow;'' Fox, "Little Shepherd of lb jdom Come:" Golding. "Story 9! I>*vid Livingstone;" Golding. "Story of Stanley;" Grenfell, "Adrift on an Ice Pan;" Hale, "Man Without a Country;" Harris, "Uncle Remus; Herbertson. 'Heroic Leg ends;" Holbrook, "Northland He roes;" Holland, ' Historic Inven tions;" Johnston, "Famous Scouts;" Keeler, "Our Native Trees;" Lodge and Roosevelt, "Hero Tales From American History;" Marriott, "Un cle Sam's Business;" Muir, "Story of My Boyhood;" Onken, "Harpers How to Understand Electrical Work;" Parkman. "Oregon Trail;" PorV . "Freckles;" Pyle, "Story of the Champions of the Round Ta ble;" Rolt-Wheeler, "Boy With the U. S. Survey;" Seton, "Lives of the Hunted;" Stevenson, "Treasure Is land;" Twain, "Prince and the Pauper;" Wallace, "Ben Hur;" White, "Magic Forest;" Wright, "Citizen Bird." A cordial invitation has been ex tended to scouts to visit the library. TAKE HAIR OUT NOT OFF THE SKIN hit Is bound to grow out coarser and •tlltcr when merely removed from the aurface of the skin. The only common-ecu.e way to remove hair la to attaek ft in fer the shin. DeMlraele, the orig inal sanitary Ufa Id, does thla by absorption. Only gcnalne DeMlraele haa a money-back guarantee la each package. At tellet counter* la Me. I aud *2 nines, or by mall fram us la plain wrapper en re ceipt of prlre. FUSE booh mailed In plain sealed eavelope on reqnent. De- Mlraele. 129 th St. and Park Ave., New York. S. O. R.—"Save Old Rubber" 308 Market Street Advance Showing Aj\ (j iH New Season Furs Fashion's calendar turns a leaf upon our < most beautiful showing of new, rich Furs v'® V that are certain to delight the hearts of Harris- if* burg's best-dressed women. jJir 7 War times have not dampened, but have rather brightened Fashion cre ators' ideas —to all of which you will agree when you see our wonderful display of Ermine, Beaver, Lynx, Mole, Seal, Nutria and Squirrel Furs. Of especial interest are the new Coatees—some of genuine Seal with Kolinsky collar and gorgeously lined with silk—others of genuine Seal and Beaver combinations. And True To The Astrich Policy All Are Superb Qualities At Very Modest Prices Concering New Fall Dresses j Our showing of New Fall Dresses embraces all that is new and fashion- j able in Serges, Satin and Serge combinations, Tricotine, Wool Jersey and j Georgette. Serge Dresses were never more in vogue than this season. 1 All the new season colors are here—Navy, Rookie, Burgundy, Browns, j Taupe, etc.—full ranges of regular and extra sizes. j sls, $22.50, $25, $35 up to $125 j New Fall Blouses A Wonderous Showing—Most Unsual Values GEORGETTE BLOUSES—some with the new braided effects, others beaded, embroidered and still others with frills— White, Flesh, Navy, French Blue, Orchid and many in color fill Q Q combinations. M* NEW TAILORED BLOUSES—of Tub Silks and Crepe de Chine—handsome sport stripe patterns—high and low neck and fim Q convertible collars—exceptional values at $7.98, SC,9B and FRIDAY EVENING, The Office Scout Welcomes You to Headquarters Have you seen me at headquar ters? Well, I'm there. Why don't you come around? You'll miss something some time if you don't read this corner. I just slipped in this week by mistake, but when I get a real chance—oh, boy! If you have a kick coming, give it to me. I like knocks. Keep the red post cards moving. It's up to you. Just between you and me—don't be ' afraid of the office secretary. She's a good scout, even if she is a girl. Say, I don't like school myself much —but how about a school for scribes—once a week —taught by a real reporter? Does it sound good to you? Every so often we heard some thing about black walnut. Just what don't we scouts know about that? Headquarters is going to have a curiosity corner. Got anything in teresting for it? TROOP EIGHT'S HOLIDAY HIKE Happy Boy Scouts Ramble Through the Country on Labor Day Labor Day being a holiday a hike was planned by the Scouts of our troop. We left the Scout rooms at 6 a. m. and boarded the car for Mid dletown. We had to wait for the next incoming car owing to the fact that three Scouts missed the official car. We headed our way toward the Swatara creek and traveled along the creek until we came to the first iron bridge where some of the 6couts proceeded to take a swim. Our next stop was at Clifton where we had our lunch. Our Scouts built three fires and wo cooked ham. bacon and eggs. After another swim we joufneyed to Stoverdale and visited some friends in the grove. We then voted as to whether another swim should be taken and the affirmative winning, all proceeded to the creek for the third daily swim. We all surely felt clean anyway. We also visited Hum Did you see the new crepe paper practice bandages we have at head quarters? Well, why don't you come in and look all these new things over? I heard that somebody—don't know his name—has a prize tor the story of the most interesting incident that happened in camp this summer. Send in your stories. And say, fel lows, put "pep" in them. If you don't believe that this is the best time of the year for hikes. Just try it and see. I've tried out ail the scout whistles we have around here and say they're tine. Do you fellows all have one? Since I have introduced myself. I'm beginning to feel bashful, but if you come around I'll shake hands with you and we'll get to see if we like each other. Let's all give three cheers now for the best thing on this page. Every body now: One —two—three —Y-E-A-A-A-Y! (That's a dog down in the alley. CHIEF VIRGIN AWAY Scout Executive J. Frederik Virgin is attending the camp for scout executives at Cranberry Lake in the Adirondacks this week. He will return Monday bringing many new ideas and suggestions to surprise Harris burg Scouts. It is next to impos sible to edit a Scout page with out Executive Virgin's supervi sion. That's why you may have to look twice before you see any Scout news this week. melstown cave and after spending two hours inside and outside the cave decided to call it the end of a* perfect day and started home. A brief business meeting was held in the Scout rooms that evening— brief so as to give the weary Scouts lots of time to sleep before getting up for school Tuesday morning. CLAIR STRICKLER. < Scribe. FIXED AT YORK Emma Frazer, 1002 North Seventh street, and E. L. Craver, 55 North Thirteenth street, were fined tlO each in the York police court on the charge of disorderly conduct, ac cording to word receieved here. The two are alleged to have argued over the ownership of a motorcycle. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH CAMP DIARY OF TROOP TWELVE This Interesting Document Tells of Scouts' Experi ences in Camp Virgin August 24.—The Scouts of Troop 12, to-day went *o camp chaperoned by Messrs. Orr. Mentzer and Runkle. Miss Huber, Mrs. Srnth and Mrs. Swanson accompanied the Scouts as cooks and everyone must admit that they were decidedly welcome. At 9 o'clock that night everything had been put in good order, and every or.e was tired enough to sleep* Sunday, August 25.—Reveille at 6.3o.—The thermometer at about 40 degrees. Orders were given for a dip in the creek. When the Scouts felt the cold dew on their Teet they al most groaned. That certaintly did put "pep" into the bunch. Then the best liked bugle call sounded—mess. The boys took a short hike through the country to-day visiting farms and exploring. Swimming and letter writing took up most of the after noon. In the evening a short Sunday school meeting was held and Mr. Kline gave us a talk. Monday, August 26. —Another dip in the creek. It was cloudy and un settled all day to-day, which made fine fishing weather and fifty fish were caught, including rock bass, sunfish and chubs. Troop 12 played Troop 11 a game of baseball in the afternoon. Troop 14 winning. A camp fire was built in the evening and As sistant Scoutmaster Samuel and Mrs. Smith proved themselves first class entertainers. Tuesday, August 27. —The Rev. Mr. Herman, of Harrisburg. visited us to see how things were going. We were glad to see him. Eagle Patrol of Troop 12. had a short hike through the fields observing every thing that was to be seen. A skeleton of some animal was found in an old well, and a great deal of discussion took place as to whether it was that of a small pig or of a mastodon. In the afternoon everyone took a hike to Huston's Mill dam for a fine swim. Wednesday, August 28. —It rained steadily and pretty hard, which put a damper on any program planned for that day. Some of the Scouts studied and others wrote letters (to their big sisters). Scoutmaster Orr, of Troop 12, arrived in the evening with Wilbur chocolate bars for the Scouts and peaches for the cooks. Everybody was satisfied. Thursday, August 29.—The call of reveille brought forth one more sick boy. It was the old story of the green apples. The cooks soon fixed him though. Mr. Orr spent the greater part of the day with us. It was vis itor's day and not only parents came but also many friends and good things to eat. Scout Executive Vir gin made an official visit in the aft ernoon and many boys took their tests in swimming. A campfire was built in the evening and we were again entertained by Assistant Scout master Samuel's stories. Friday, August 30. —Picture taking day. Pictures of individuals, cooks, camp, birds, animals, etc., were taken. A special one of Howard Yeager and "Angel" Bell was taken in a particularly good pose. Troop 12 took a 20 mile hike through the country to the mountans around by New Kingston. In the evening a minstrel show was staged by Mr. Samuel. A little comic sketch was framed up by the cooks and they gave a good account of themselves as actresses. Large helpings of ice cream, grape Juice, cakes and toast ed marshmallows were served. It was a big night, and taps were not sound ed until very late. Saturday, August 31.—Our going home Jay. TBe whole morning was spent in cleaning and packing up. Mr. Orr again provided his motor truck and had our luggage in Har risburg before noon. In the -after noon the happy Scouts were convey ed to civilzation once more. All that we can say is that we had the time of our lives at Camp Virgin and that we owe a great deal of it to Airs. Smith, Mrs. Swanson and Miss Huber. and also to Scoutmasters Orr and Haehnlen and Assistant Scout masters Samuel, Mentzer and Air. Runkle. Our camping trip was sure ly a success and we thank everyone who had anything to do in making it so. . WILLIAAI HAWTHORNE, Scribe. U. S. Army Has Planes Enough in War Service, - Messages Assure Nation Washington Sept. 6.—Confidential messages from General Pershing and other reports from France indicate the American army now is supplied with sufficient airplanes to protect its men in battle. General. March, chief of staff, gave this Information to members of the House Military Committee to-day at their weekly conference. Transportation of United States troops in France has been highly or ganized by Colonel Samuel Al. Felton. who has returned home and reported that the situation is eminently satis factory, General March told the com mittee. Camp Virgin a Success, Say Harrisburg Scouts The remainder of Scouts who were at camp last week broke camp Mon day and the equipment was brought back to headquarters. The Scout camp has proved a decided success. It is a safe bet that every Scout who was in camp this summer will want to go again and more than one boy will have to be brought back to earth again by his teacher this win ter for dreaming of the good old days at Camp Virgin. CHICAGO SCORES EARLY IN GAME [Continued from First Page.] lochei by thrown to Shean at sec ond. Mann reached first on the play; Pasgert signalled It and run but fouled. He then flied to Whiteman. No runs, one hit, no errors. Tyler Walks Whiteman Second tnning, first half: Tyler again had trouble finding the plate and walked Whiteman on four pitch ed balls Mclnnis dropped a bunt between Killifer and Tyler and when the two collided, beat Killifer's throw for a hit. Scott sacrificed, Killifer to Pick, the latter covering first. Thomas hit to Pick and Whiteman was out at the plate, BRAVE AMERICAN WINS LONE BATTLE WITH ELEVEN HUNS By Associated Press I Washington, Sept. 6. Graphic stories of lho individual heroism and during of forty-one American officers and men lighting in France are tjltl in cryptic citations by General Pershing in awarding them distin guished service cross. The citations were received at the War Depart ment as a delayed section of General Pershing's communique for Wednes day. One of iha men decorated was a private of infantry who was attack ed by eleven Germans when he en tered a cellar at Va,ux, July 1, to install a telephone. He killed two of the enemy and took the other nine prisoners. A corporal of in fantry cleared out a farmhouse near Villers Sur Fere July 28 single hand ed, killing four Germans, capturing one and holding the house by him self until support arrived. A sergeant of infantry after rush TERRIFIED BERLIN IS UNDER MARTIAL LAW Amsterdam, Sept. 6.—A decree , signed by General Von Linsingen, commandant of the Brandenburg j province, according to the Cologne' Volks Zeitung, places the city of Ber lin and the province of Branden burg under "the law relating to a j state of siege, which provides for a fine or imprisonment for persons in venting or circulating untrue rumors calculated to dlsqhiet the populace." A notice accompanying the decree calls attention to the-circulation of frivolous and sometimes malevolent and traitorous gossip exaggerating Pick to Kilh- r. Mclnnis went to third and Thomas to first on the fielder's choice. Agnew put up a tall foul which FlacK caught on the line. No runs, one hit. no errors. Three Cubs Score OB Bush Second inning, second halt: Merkie walked. Pick dumped a swinging bunt down the third base line and when Thomas messed the ball the official scorers called it a hit. Merkie took second. Lteai popped to Siieun. Killiter hit to right tor two oases, Aierkle scoring and Pick went to third. This was the lust extra base hit of the series. Tyler singled over second scoring Pick and Kilufer. He tried to reach second on the throw to the plate but was oui, shrunk to Agnew to Scott. Fiack hit to Alclnnis and beat him to tiie oag. Atcfunis made no attempt to throw to Bush, who running to cover first. On Flack's attempt to steai, agnew threw high ana wide but the runner oversnd tiie bag and sjnean tagged him out. FlacK was credited with a stolen base, Agnew with an assist and Shean with a put out. Three runs, four hits, no errors. liolluelier Makes Flue Catch Third inning, iirst half: Bush walk ed. Hooper forced him, Tyler to Hol locher. It was a tine catch by Hol locher of a wild throw. Shean forced Hooper, Hollocher to Pick and reach ed first when the second basemen's throw Altered through Merkie. Strunk fouled to Killifer. No run, no hits no errors. Cubs Fail in Third Third inning, second half: Hol Apparel That Fashion Favors, Smart Models Have Come to Grace the Wardrobes of Every Admirer of Stylish Apparel The newest of the new fall suits, coats and dresses are here in selections ( /iimlt W that will meet with an enthusiastic welcome from fashionable women. Their slender, graceful lines, and attractive, though simple decorations will win * instant approval. Every model shows the most careful designing and workmanship. \ The materials are delightful; velours, duvetynes, bolivias being among the J] ° \ \—^ — most favored. These are shown in the new fall shades of brown, gray, taupe, /( 0 \ \ blue and in black. Early selection affords choice from assortments large j \° A and varied. We strongly urge an immediate examination of these excep- 'n-g 431 A tionally attractive fall garments, and you will see from the low prices why t /([ ° AW \ it is a real economy to buy at this Uptown Store. ° \\ V Suits Coats St 0 \ \ \ Practical, stylish suits of sturdy burella, made Stylish new Fall coats, made of cheviot, via- r yU JW 7[ y Y~Ta \ in belted and semi-belted styles; some fin- cune. made in the attractive pleated styles' —" mM / to lo VyA ish e d with velvet- /t OZ? /I with deep belts; . gf* ■* I" f\ S\ / , 1\ l \ KiTIV %t>&O.UU &15.UU J/ U Smart models in the various new styles, some Wool velour coats, made with a wide skirt, / I \ with trimmings of flat silk braid and bone ? n w P lus h collars as well as stylish cuffs and l\ . j J buttons; made of serge, poplin, gabar- belts; well lined; these fy \ , dine and wool velour, O Jiactes ln & OV (/ \ \Y ors t^. e . . *???.. . C .°' Some new Fall coats in fine velours, silvertones \ \ * " •'" ** *•" *•• ' and oxford mixturers; well tailored and \ \ A few exclusive t all suits, exceptionally well lined; these modela are shown in all the \ \ tailored and beautifully lined, these suits new p a u co i ors and styles. \ hz\ls4s,oo $37.00 $60,00 \ 'j Dresses rrry yv New straight-line'&nd panel effects, in serge, i Jersey cloth, serge and satin dresses, many J y trimmed with flat braid and various new smartly sashed and belted, and trimmed if A %A embroideries; also a (t* IF' /"| with fringe and IA georgette and silk £J 5 (/(/ j touches of embroid- &{j Fashionable New Millinery . Varied Assortments Offer Unlimited Choice {A Early autumn finds hats of satin. Hatter's plush and velvet meeting with favor— an<3 our Millinery Department offering the very latest innovations in shapes, in color cW ABB'WW and trimmings. Moderate prices are maintained, as always, at this Uptown Depart ment Store.' A large variety of velvet and sport hats, made Exquisite models in all the Fall shades, made -,, . , ,„ o . . .. of silk velvet, wool beavers and other new of Hatter s plush and pile fabrics, both large fabrics, cotnbined with metal trimmings la and small shapes, in blue, black, purple, and colored facings, all having the exclusive ij M . , , little touches demanded by the well-dressed ff\ taupe and other new colors, woman I V $5.85 to $7.8 59.00° 5/2.50 ; Robinsons ! Third and Broad Street Opposite Broad St. Market in* ahead of his line near Sergy. July 23 was so badly wounded ihut he could not stand. Ten Germans of the Prussian guard attacked hijn. He arose to his knees, shot five of them and the others fled. In an other case a private of infantry on July 28 near Villers Sur Fere saw six, Germans about to take prisoner his corporal who had been severely wounded- He called a comrade, ad vanced on the Germans, killed two of them, took the other four prisoners and ca'rried the corporal to the American lines. A machine gun sergeant brought down two German airplanes which were sweeping an American trench with machine gun fire. Despite the rain of enemy bullets, the sergeant turned his own machine gun on the | planes and riddled the ufcper one | until it collapsed. In falling it struck the lower one causing it also to crash | to earth. I the transitory successes of the enemy and casting; doubt upon Germany's I power for an economic resistance and : depreciating the wonderful achieve ments of the German troops who, it I declares, are victoriously withstand ing the enemy. ! General Von Linsingen expresses the hope that this admonition will suffice and that it will not be neces sary to enforce the dfecree. The Volks Zeitung adds that similar de crees have been issued in Bresiau and other cities, all operative immedi ately. locher grounded out, Shean to Mc lnnis. Mann bunted hard to Mclnnis and was out at first. Paskert popped to Shean. No runs, no hits, no er rors. Pick Spoils Hit for. Scott Fourth inning, first half: White man popped to Pick. Mclnnis out Holocher to Aierkle. Pick made a one hand running stop of Scott's grounder and threw him out at first. The play cut off what looked like a sure hit No runs, no hits, no errors. Agnew Nails Pick at Second Fourth inning second half: Whiteman dropped Merkle's fly close to the line and Merkie reached second on the error. Pick bunted to Bush whose throw to Thomas got Merkie at third. Pick took first on the fielder's choice. On tiie hit and run, Deal flicd to Hooper, but Pick managed to beat the throw back to first. Pick was out stealing on the first pitch to Killifer, Agnew to Scott. No runs no hits one error. Bush Gets First on Error Fifth inn.ng. first half: Thomas out. Deal to Merkie. Agnew flied to Flack. Deal missed Bush's grounder and the batter reached first on the error. Flack ran to deep right for Hooper's fly. No runs, no hits, one error. No Runs in Fifth Fifth inning, second half: Thomas threw out Killifer at first. Tyler fouled to Agnew near third base. Flack out. Bush to Mclnnis. No runs, no hits, no errors. SEPTEMBER 6, 1918. Move Started to Make $75 Minimum Salary For Pennsylvania Teachers Action on a bill providing for an lncrcaso in the minimum salaried of teachers was taken at a meeting of county and assistant county super intendents of southeastern Pennsyl vania held In Reading yesterday. Final approval of the measure prob nbly will bo decided upon at another meeting to be held in Reading early in December. The bill probably will be one of the first upon which :ho county scnool officials will request legislative action. The tentative measure in the form! j of a resolution was introduced by | AV. R. Zimmerman, assistant super-1 intendent of Dauphin county, and] provides tho following: . "That we favor a minimum sal-1 ary for all teachers for not less than j $75 a month and $5 additional tori each successive higher grade eertiil-| cnte: that the state pay a bonus of sls a month for actual tiumber of months taught, to each rural teacher teaching in a nine-room school, the 'rural school' to be determined by the county superintendent, and that the state pay 40 per cent, of ail teachers' salaries up to and includ ing a minimum of SIOO a month." As the resolution was introduced shortly before the session closed yes terday no definite action could he taken, but it is understood that prac tically every superintendent favored it and will support it. Superintendent F. E. Shambaugh and Mr. Zimmerman attended both sessions of the association of south eastern Pennsylvania. More than forty other officials from nearby counties were present also and a number of no wiuembers were en rolled. WANT MORE NEWSPAPERS London "More home newspa pers" is the appeal which is being You Need Not Suffer From Catarrh But You Must % Drive It Out of Your Blood to Get Rid of It Permanently. You have probably been in the habit of applying external treat ments, trying to cure your Catarrh. You have used sprays, washes and lotions and possibly been tertipo rarily relieved. But after a short time you had another attack and wondered why. You must realize that catarrh is an infection of the blood and to get permanent re lief the catarrh infection must be driven out of the blood. The quicker you come to understand this, the quicker you will get it out of your system. S. S. S., which has MAX REITER & CO. JEWELERS 18 North Fourth Street CLOSED ALL DAY TOMORROW SATURDAY A RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY continually made to the library conlmittee of the American Red Cross by American soldiers In hos pitals In Great Britain. The library committee is furnishing reading matter for more than 25,000 men a month, both in hospitals and in camps. The books are either gifts or are purchased in London. The magazines and newspapers must of necessity come from America. This class of literature gives greater sat* isfactlon to the men than books. TEN DAY SPECIAL EYE EXAMINATION, by our latest methods. Spherical lenses and guaranteed frames, all complete for $2.00 Do not suffer with poor sight, headache, dizziness, etc., often caused by eye strain. % We examine the eyes by' looking into them with mod- and guarantee satisfaction. Boyd-Norris Optica! Co. Registered Optometrists 310 MARKET ST. Second Floor Over New Store of Win. Strouse Established in liarrisburg over 12 years. been in constant use for over fifty years, will drive the catarrhal poi sons out of your blood, purifying and strengthening it, so it will carry vigor and health to the mucous membrances on its journeys through your.body and nature will soon re store you to health. You will be relieved of the droppings of mucous iin your throat, sores in nostrils, bad breath, hawking and spitting. All reputable druggists carry S. S. S. in stock and we recommend you give it a trial immediately. Th. chief medical adviser of the company will cheerfully answer all letters on the subject. There is no charge for the medical advice. Ad dress Swift Specific Company, 432 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers