6 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL ITEMS NEW GOAL SET BY COMMITTEE Red Cross Salvage Commit tee Receives Co-operation From People of City The efforts of the Red Cross sal vage committee have been met with a hearty response from the people of Harrisburg. Several scores of postal cards and telephone calls have been received by the chairman of the committee, Mrs. Mabel Cron ise Jones. The work has been di vided into districts or wards, with a leader at the head of each. While some wards have responded prompt ly and generously, others have not reported at all. The new goal set is a dollar-a-day from each ward from now until the end of the war. As there are fourteen districts this will average fourteen dollars a day as an added sum for the coffers of the Red Cross. A demand for rubber and metals has been added to the first call for old newspapers and magazines. If any one having any of the desired materials will please notify by card or telephone any of the women in charge of the work arrangements will be made for a systematic col lection of the articles. Following is a list of the salvage committee officers and leaders of the wards and their addresses. All can be reached by the telephone, also: j Chairman, Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones, 105 Locust street; vice-chair man, J. Sharon Mac Donald, 1200 North Fifteenth street. Leaders of the wards: First ward, Mrs. T. Ed ward Munce, 1034 South Eighteenth street; Second ward, Mrs. G. L. Cul merry, 1915 Market street; Third ward, William H. Dunbar, Jr., 1736 North Third street; Fourth ward. Miss Caroline Moffitt, Civic Club, 612 North Front street; Fifth ward. Mrs. C. A. Sheely, 1227 North Second street; Sixth ward. Mrs. Frank F. Omsden, 107 Reily street; Seventh ward, Mrs. James W. Kellogg, 900 North Sixteenth street; Eighth ward. Miss Iva Miller. 523 North Six teenth street; Ninth ward, Mrs. Charles P. Prince. 1111 North Third street; Tenth ward, Miss Grace Mc- Clintock, 225 Emerald street; Elev enth ward, Mrs. Charles Doehne, 32 2 Chestnut street; Twelfth ward. Mrs. P. M. Hall. Third and Geiger streets; Thirteenth ward. Miss Har riet Westbrook, Old Orchard; Four teenth ward, Mrs. Frank Oyster, Riverside. SATURDAY AFTEROON TEA The Saturday afternoon teas of the ; Colonial Country Club will be re- j sumed to-morrow afternoon. Mrs. R., W. Dowdell, assisted by several other: ladies of the club will have charge j of the tea service. Mr and Mrs. William *D. Moycr, | of 207 South Front street, are in, Philadelph.a. Miss Ed.th Vint, of 1612 Liberty j street, returned home yesterday al ter a visit with relatives in New ark. N. J. Mrs. Reynolds Askin, of 1725 North street, is home after a short! trip to Newark, N. J. Are You Content to Let Your Child Attend School if it suffers from eyestrain— and, as a result, becomes nerv ous, has hsadaehes, loses in terest in studies, drops behind in school standings? Of course not. All this will be done away with if you have your child's eyes examined glasses designed, made and fitted. Let us be of service to you. CKI House OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS , N0.22 N. 4-TH.ST. MARRISBPRO. PA. Miss Laura Appell's Pianoforte School Opens September, 9th Complete Course For Prospective Graduates , STUDIO 104 BOAS ST. v. Mrs. M. Pfuhi FroehlicKs ■SCHOOL OF MUSIC 203 STATE STREET HARRISBURG, PA. A complete graded course of instruction in the study of Piano, Pipe Organ, Theory, Harmony and History of Music. Diplomas Upon Graduation TERM OF 1918-1919 BEGINS SEPTEMBER 9, 1918 For terms and further information apply in person or by mail to the above address. _ ___ TWENTY-SECOND SEASON Harrisburg Conservatory ot Music 31 Its. E. J. DECEVEE, Directress Re-opening Saturday, September 7th INSTRUCTION IN Piano * Alice Marie Decevee Pupil of Ernest Hutcheson and William A. Barber Violin Madame Zeline von Bereghy Pupil of Ferdinand David and Henry Schradick. Vocal t .... Mrs. E. J. Decevee, Pupil of Ross David and Horatio Connell. Violincello Miss Margaretta Kennedy Pupil of Josef Adamowski. The Training of Supervisors of Public School Music Miss Ella S. Yost s ' Graduate of New England Conservatory of Music and New York University. Theory History of Music Harmony I 607 NORTH SECOND ST. BELL PHONE 573J FRIDAY EVENING, Surprise Birthday Party For Scoutmaster Smith .! A surprise birthday party was given 1 I for Scoutmaster W. Preston Smith | by his wife at his home. 1928 North Sixth street. Monday evening. Sep ■ ! tember 2. The Camp Fire Girls nod i Boy Scouts of the Second Reformed i Church, the troop of which he is ! scoutmaster, were, present. During j a very pleasant evening games, ntu j sia and dancing were enjoyed by all. I Refreshments were served. Those j present were; The Rev. and Mrs. ' I Alfred N. Sayers. Mr. and Mrs. XV. P. ■ j Smith and daughter Elizabeth, Miss ; i Pugh; Caitfp Fire girls, the Misses ; j Lillian Espershade, Catherine Flow , j man, Beatrice Plowman, Alice P ilo, . j Marion Uassler, Esther Koons. Es . I ther Yingst, Esther Urich, Ruth , | Urich, Adaline Julius; Boy Scouts, , | Charles E. Blessing, J. Paul Watts, | George W. Satehell, William Ying ; ling, Newton Swails, Paul Hitnes. i Wesley Plowman, Ralph Burtnfctt | and Howard Selsam. Guest From "Old Virginia" Is Delighted With City William Randolph Jones, of Nor folk, Va.. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barton, of Second and ; Hamilton streets, the early part of this week. Mr. Jones stopped over here on his way to his old home in Winches ter, Va. He is connected with the Norfolk and Southern railroad in Norfolk. Although a staunch Virginian with the innate love and pride for his native state, Mr. Jones was quite de lighted with the Capital City of Pennsylvania, and the natural beauty of its scenery. This was his first visit to the north and "when I return to ( Virginia," he said with his southern drawl, 'I will have to tell the people there they have nothing on the northerners when it comes to pic- I turesque beauty of nature." HOME FROM CHAUTAUQUA | Mrs. Edwin J. Decevee, director |of the Harrisburg Conservatory of Music, and her daughter, Miss' Alice Marie Decevee, teacher of piano at the Conservatory, have returned home after a summer's stay at Chau tauqua, N. Y. Miss Decevee studied piano there under Ernest Hutcheson, as a member of a class of ten pro fessional pianists. Mrs. Decevee stud ied voice with Horatio Connell and Frederick Shattuck. HEAD OF COLLEGE HOME Miss Leola F. Snyder, who hasj been connected with the Maiden Hos pital, Maiden, Mass., as head dietic-| ian, for the past twelve years, hasj I resigned to accept a position at Wel-| ; lesley, Mass., as head of one of thej ,i college houses at Wellesley College.! i Miss Snyder has just returned to j 1 Wellesley to take up her new work. . i after a visit at her home in Pax- j , I tang. RETURNS TO HICKORY, X. C. Miss Lenore A. Sourbeer snending the summer with her moth- I er, Mrs. M. K. Sourbeer, 204 North! , j Second street, has returned to Hick-1 i ory, N. C., where she will resume the i teaching of French in the Hickory ! High school. Miss Sourbeer was ac ! companied by her sister, Mrs. Albert B. Craver, who will spend the fall 'j months visiting her sister, Mrs. Le- I Roy F. Abernerty, Hickory, N. C. GUESTS AT I.OCH WILLOW FARM Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Lenahiii ! and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, of Wilkes-Barre are guests of Mr. and I Mrs. M. P. Johnson of Loch Willow Farm, Paxtonia BACK AFTER VACATION J. M. Alvord, of Millersburg, mar i riage license clerk in the county le ; corder's office, has resumed his au ties after spending his vacation at j his home. Miss Susanna M. Fleming, a stu dent nurse at the Johns Hopkins School for Nurses, Baltimore, Md., is spending a vacation at her home, 107 South Front street. Dr. and Mrs. George Edward Hawes and daughter. Miss Helen j Hawes, of 127 West State street, who have been spending the summer at Fair Haven, Ohio, returned home to day. Mrs. William M. Ewing and son, i Richard, have returned to their home i in Newark, N. J., after a visit with ! Mrs. Ewing's mother, Mrs. M. K. j Sourbeer. , Mrs. Mable Miller, of 1514 Slate j street, is spending her vacation at Monomonock Inn, Mountainehome, | Perry county. Pa. Miss Rose Gross, of 722 North NSixth street, has left for California. Pa., to cn'er the senior class and | ! complete her course at the-normal 1 ! school at that place. HOSTESS HOUSE TOMORROW NIGHT Second Week-End Home En tertainment For Men in Service I The second of the over-the-week- I end Hostess Days at the Civic Club ! house will be held to-morrow and j Sunday. Last week's home enter ! tainment for the soldier and sailor lads was a remarkable success if one can Judge from the large attend ance and keen enthusiasm of the lads. It vis hoped that this week's hostess house days will be Just as successful and, if possible, that a j larger number of the men in service located at the nearby camps and j depots avail themselves of "this re (creation and social gaiety. The general chairman of the Host ess House work, Mrs. Edward F. Dunlap, has announced the follow ing hostesses for this week: Satur day evening, Mrs. Mercer B. Tate. Mrs. G. W. Whitney and Mrs. James Thompson. Sunday evening, Mrs. E. J. Stackpole, Mrs. Bruce Caldwell and Mrs. Edwin S. Herman. Mrs. Jennings is soliciting dona tions of cookies for the cooky jar which like the Jar in the pantry shelf at home has a way of becoming fast emptied. Cash and check contri butions for the entertainment of the boys are being received from time to time by Mrs. William Henderson, 25 North Front street. Every check, every mite, adds to the war fund, which means better entertainment, greater fun and more extensive rec reation for the men in service dur ing the Saturdays and Sundays of every week. Hold Birthday Party For Chester Brownagle Mr. and Mrs. Brownagle, of 603 Showers street, entertained at their home last ngiht. celebrating the four teenth birthday of their son, Chester Brownagle. Dancing. games and music furnished entertainment. Re freshments were served to the follow ing young people: Miss Clara Finney, Miss Dora Abrams. Miss Ruth Stoner. Miss Florence Blake, Miss Anna Swartz, Mi* Gertrude Kline, Miss Rosa Fountain, Miss Elva Beste. George Germer, Charles Magaro. Al bert Philippelli, Chester Swartz, Irvin Brownagle, Stanley Perrin, Ellsworth Finney and Chester Brownagle. NOW AT CAMP HANCOCK Warren E. Lyme, former clerk in the city water department, who was taki lg a special course in wireless at Erie has been transferred to Camp Hancock, Ga. SPENDING VACATION AT HOME Miss Marie Sponsler and Miss Ada Spousler, who are employed at tho Emergency Fleet Corporation. U. S., at Philadelphia, are spending a va cation at their home in Steelton. VISITS SISTER Miss Lillian S. Hain and little nephews, Byrnes Hain and Paul Ul rich Hain. have gone to Auburn to spend the weekend with Miss Hain's sister, Mrs. Allen Grant Walmer, at her summer home along the Schuyl kill river. HOME AFTER VISIT Miss Louise Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Johnson, of Loch Willow Farm. Paxtonia. is home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Lena han and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, of Wilkes-Barre. Miss Margaret L. Oyster, of River side. has returned home after a two months' visit in Marquette. Mich. Clarence E. Wissler, who is em ployed in the office of the State High way Department, is spending the week at Atlantic City. Prior to his visit to Atlantic City he spent a week with his parents at their home, in Ephrata. He resides at SOl North Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith and daughter-in-law, Mrs. C. Smith, and granddaughter, of 242b North Sixth street, have returned from Norfolk, Va.. and other South ern points. S. H. Miller, ex-Judge and Congressman, Dead Mercer, Pa., Sept. 6. Samuel H. Miller, former judge and Congress man, died at his home in Mercer Wed nesday afternoon, in his 79th year, after "a brief illness from a compli cation. He was one of the best known jurists in the state, and had been foY years influential in political circles, and had frequently been as signed important speaking tours by the Republican National Committee. He served three terms in Congress, and was the first Republican elected to the judgeship in Mercer county. He was the oldest member of the Mer cer county > WILL ORGANIZE TONIGHT The third-class in Elementary Hy giene and Care of the Sick will be or ganized at the Civic Clubhouse to night when Miss Hattie Ensminger will meet prospective students. The classes are being held under the au spices of the Harrisburg Chapter, American Red Cross. Two have al ready been organized. Don't Worry You can still buy your favorite blend of coffee at the old price. A spe cial Good Coffee is one such as ours. Al ways fresh roasted and must satisfy. Still 20c per Lb. Imperial Tea Co. 213 Chestnut St. Home of the Jumbo Peanut HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH RAILROAD RUMBLES READING HAULS HUCKLEBERRIES Schuylkill Region Breaks All Records; Millions of Quarts Are Sent to Markets Hauling coal and other freight is not the oniy traffic that Is keeping the Reading railway crews busy. This has been a big year for huckleber ries. and the season which closes this week, has broken all previous rec ords. From the Hazleton district alone, it is >estlmated that at least 10,000,000 ouurts were picked ihis year. It required 200 cars to haul the berries tc eastern markets. Patriotic Uuslics The huckleberry bushes have shown their patriotism this year by backing the food conservation pro gram to the "last blueberry." The fruit costs nothing, and the women and children of the Lehigh fields, in addition to getting hundreds of thousands of quarts for their own cellars for winter, earned $500,0001 by picking for the shippers. In the Schuylkill region the ship ments ware equally heavy and many thousands of guarts were gathered. The pickers this season received from 10 to 16 cents a quart, and the amount earned by them ran into the hundreds of dollars. Some families earned as high as $3 and $4 a day. It is estimated that the shipments from Mahanoy City, Frackville and other points iu Schuylkill aggregated $150,000. Railroad Notes According to reports In railroad circles a new schedule is In prepara tion for fall and winter. Dissolution of joint schedules be tween Sunbury and Northumberland trolley companies has aroused rail road men and they are circulating a petition to have the Pennsy run a' shuttle train between these points. Nearly half of the $500,000,000 re volving fund provided originally for the railroad administration has been consumed in loans and rental pay ments to individual roads, according to a railroad adminstration financial report. O. B. Capps. representing a stoker company, has closed a contract with the Reading Railway Company Cor the equipment of twelve locomotives with duplex stokers. These stokers are now being used on a number of the modern engines of the company. Engine 1808. one of the new Mallet locomotives hauled 100 cars from East Penn Junction to Read ing, making the run In about '.wo hours. Of the 100 cars nine were loaded. This was the heaviest train ever taken out of AUentown by a single locomotive. More than half the funds advanced to railroads in the. last five months! have gone to the New Haven. New York Central and Pennsylvania, which got $47,000,000, $40,300,000 and $40,000,000, respectively. The St. Paul received $15,725,000, the Baltimore and Ohio, $13,500,000 and the Illinois Central, $12,450,000. Standing of the Crews HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia DlvUilon The 133 crew first to go after 4 o'clock: 127. 112. 119, 116. Fireman for 119. Brakemen for 133, 127, 112. Firemen up: Bralley, Vogelsong Dickover. Brakemen up: Burns, Mowery, Mc- Neils, Kitzmiller. Blair, Gemmill. Middle Division —The 36 crew first to go after 2 o'clock: 33, 305, 224, 215 302, 252, 233. Engineer for 36. Fireman for 36. Engineers up: Hawk, Kauffman. McAlicker, Wertz, Sarley Smith, Blizzard, Snyder, Loper, Leppard. Firemen up: Markel, Cook, Hubbert, Gilbert. Conductor up: Leonard. Brakemen up: Brown. Woodman Shive, Baker, Kelster. Wengert. Bow man. Nearhood. Yard Board —Engineers for 3-7 C, 4-7 C, 12C. Firemen for 1-7 C, 3-7 C 4-7 C, 2-14 C. 1-15 C. 23C. 26C. Engineers up: Tcheifer, Rauch, Lackey, Sholter. Snell, Bartolet, Getty Barkey, Bair, Eyde. Firemen up: Bartley, Garman, Staff, 1 Witchey, Myers. Kistler, Mumma, Rhine, King, Bell Swope, Beard. Kell. Rheam, Miller, Wright, Wert, Martin. EXOLA SIDE ' Philadelphia Division The 221 crew first to go after 3.15 o'clock: 252 206. 264. 224. Fireman for 206. Conductor for 24. Flagmen for 30 21, 52, 06. Brakeman for 30, 54. Brakemen up: Ingroff, Fordenson. Middle Division —The 103 crew first after 3.10 O'clock: 306, 301, 234 101, 125, 118. Engineers for 103. 125, 118. Fireman for 125. Conductors for 103. Flagman for 101. Brakemen for 103, 101. Yard Board —Engineers for Ist 126, 2nd 126. 3d 126. 2nd 132. Firemen for 3d 126 Ist 129, 2nd 129, 4tli 129. 2nd 132, Ist 102, 2nd 104. Engineers up: Bair. F.wing, Quig ley, Brown. Hanlon, Potter Zeiders, Barnhart, Fenicle. Lutz, Smith, Firemen up: Bitting, Cristofaro, Wentz, Blessner Sanders, Eichel berger. Ready, Wallace, Cross, Rprry, Ready, Kreitzer. TO OPEX LIBRARY FOR FIGHTING MEX Determined that the soldiers and j sailors who are entertained at the j Civic Clubhouse on Saturdays and ] Sundays shall have every comfort, a i circulating library will be opened j there to-morrow. A hundred and fifty j books borrowed from tho Harrisburg I Public Library through the courtesy of the library will be the first con tribution. Mrs. Walter HpofTond and ] Miss Ruth Rilling will be in charge. I KXITS FOR SOLDIERS Irene R. Shoemaker, daughter of! Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Shoemaker. 305 Cumberland street has presented her first knitted work to the American Red Cross through the Grace Metho- ! dist Auxiliary. Miss Shoemaker is five years old and is one of the young est knitters for the soldiers. MR. AND MRS. M. E. WINFIELD 706 X. TH ST., HARRISBURG, PA. are wishing all their friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year and well fiver the fast.—Advertisement. Wright's Orghestra of Columbus, Ohio. This wondeTful' orchestra will play and sing for dan cing every evening this week at Sum merdale Park. Admission 40 and 60 cents. Park closes Saturday evening. September 7. Safely First Officials to Attend Meeting Here Federal officials In charge of ihe safety first branch on railroads are coming to this city. It is probable they will attend the meeting of the Friendship and Co-operative Club on the night of September 26. Safety work to prevent injury and] accidental death of employes ar.d passengers is to be pressed vigor ously and lis benefits extended to all lines, the United States railroad ad ministration has announced. Meth ods proved the best will be applied systematically. Rufiis S. Jarnagin, of New York, has been appointed safety supervisor of the eastern division. Records of the Interstate Com merce Commission show that at least 90 per cent, of injuries to employes are caused by the fault of the In jured man or of some other em ploye. A list of accidents on a large eastern railroad shows that only 9.65 per cent, of injuries to employes was due to defective ap pliances. Statistics show 22,000 persons killed and 500,000 severely injured annually among workers in all industries. Railroad Men Must Pay Their Bills Promptly Word that garnlsheeing of rail road employes' pay was forbidden by Director General McAdoo as a means of eliminating much legal work heretofore necessary proved of wide interest to businessmen and railroaders in Reading. At the same time it was made plain that employes who do not pay their bills will be dismissed, and this, it is believed, will prove suffi cient. protection for merchants and others holding bills against railroad men. Wages until actually paid over to employes are held to consti tute government funds against which legal action may not be taken. WILJJAM M. SHAFFER William M. Shaffer, aged 49 years, died yesterday at his home, 19 3J j Derry street. Funeral services will I be held next Monday afternoon atj 3.30 o'clock, the Rev. Dr. Deavor, i pastor of the Epworth Methodist! Church, officiating. Mr. Shaffer was I formerly a valued employe of the United Ice and Coal Company. He] had a host of friends. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Jennie Shaffer, and the following children: Mrs- Maud Bender, Char.es I and Earl Shaffer, who is serving in | the American Evpeditionary Forces in France; Percy, Ruth, Helen, Doro thy and William Shatter. BOOKS FOB SOLDIERS Current magazines, books, news papers and periodicals of interest to soldiers are greatly needed by the canteen department of the Harrisburg Chapter. American Red Cross. This statement was made this morning by Mrs. W. H. Gaitlier, 205 South Front street, in charge of the work. Mrs. Gaithier has requested that all liter ature be brought to local Red Cross headquarters In the basement of the I Public Library. During the month of! August 10.923 soldiers were given re freshments at Harrisburg by the can teen committee. | Witmer, Bair Sc V/itmer \ WALNUT NEAR SECOND > tßuy Early and You Buy Wisely jßfc Market conditions are abnormal and few of the buying public realize the difficulty of obtaining desirable merchandise at V\ consistent prices. >nnf^m\\\ Deliveries are uncertain and many of our early June pur- //|| chases are just arriving.—BUY EARLY! ! H[ Mixed Suit in sport models Oxford Suits, in plain tailored \ with tailored and button-up col- and sport mode , s> with button _ I > lars; choice of seven materials — . . . „ „ '1 WWMfcIX $35.00, $37.50, $39.75, "Pj p '^ c ° l]lars ~ H3a.°o, | $43.50. s3l ,o(), $39. <;> to $47.50. | Strictly Tailored Suits, in navy, Misses Models in high waist t\ black and oxford materials— line effects in blue, Copen, brown, /X liraW ' I Mb?! $43.50, $44.50 to $48.50. beaver, reindeer, etc. 536.75, TfijiJrjOp^ Hand • Tailored Suits in silver $47.50, $54.50 to $75.00. , tone, duo tone, duvet de laine, Fur-trimmed Suits in squirrel, \ tricotine and serge 559.50, nutria and Hudson seal, in $65.00, $73.50, $79.50 to Copen, Overseas blue, brown, etc. jr $87.50. $87.50, $95.00 to $139.75. Skirts Extensive Showing of Top In Novelty Plaids, Checks, Mixtures, Faille and Satin, Coats For Fall and in a wide range of materials and styles. . Cloth Skirts $6.95 to $34.50 XX7 *** Silk Skirts /. $16.75 to $35.00 W HlbBF W 6ciF New Batiste Blouse, Economy Petticoats, in V e lour, Doeskin, Cylinder Cloth, Suede Velour, Silver high or low collar, dainty cotton tops and taffeta tones, Duo tones, Crystal Cloth and many other desirable lace edging .' $1.90 flotmces, $1.90 and $3.49 materials. Heavy Crepe de Chine All-Silk Jersey Petti- Tyrol Wool Coats, in Heavy weight Cloth Blouse in flesh and wjiite, coats, embroidery dot in heather blue, oxford and Coats, in black only, in high or low collar, #4.95 f ounce; su.t sh.dcs.Spz- m i xtures . Special, $89.75 sizes from 16 to 44. Spe- cial o.UU I Cial $35.00 Georgette Blouse, in Novelty Petticoats in all Oxford Cloth Coats with Velour Coats in brown flesh or white filet, Jace suit shades and black, all-around belt, in sizes to taupe, Copen and plum. .trimmed $0.50 $8.95 to $13.50 44. Special $33.50 Special $39.75 Q/3Q P)ppgOAO COATS—with or without fur collar and cuffs—in fine -L'4- t/OuCo DICOuCu quality materials and fancy silk lined—s47.so, $65.00, A special trip to New York this week again fills up the #75, #95, slls to $165 and all prices between. . gaps in all kinds of DRESSES. Ihe wanted and good kind so hard to get—JERSEY, SERGES, TAFFETAS, GEORG- ETTES, TRECOLETTS, SATINS, COMBINATIONS, Uol-f Pvn'nn etc. —small, medium and large sizes. We invite your in- Xidl-L Jl X lCv3 lODGCIdIS spection. It is impossible to give you details as many are just being marked and others arriving special delivery parcel About twelve Summer About fifty fine white post. v Dresses, in sizes from 16 to gabardine and linen Wash EXTRA SPECIAL—2S High-Class Sample Fine Serge 4<s_frino4iam Skirts, in waistbands from and Tricotine DRESSES—sizes 16, 18, 36 and 38— ,)8 ' one * gingnam 3Q tQ 3g & $35.00 to $39.75 and . volles ?775 to * few smaller 53.95, $4 50, 50 Regular Stock Serge DRESSES—special, prices—sizes $13.95, half price— $5.50 to $7.95 —Half price, ' 16 to 42 $13.50 to $43.50 $3.88 to $6.98 SI.BB to $3.98 WITMER, BAIR & WITMER Mrs. Isaiah Snyder Dies After a Brief Illness Mrs. Julia Harrison Strong Snyder, widow ,of Judge Isaiah Snyder, of Honesdale and Harrisburg, died at I her home. 100S North Second street, last evening at 8 o'clock, after a brief illness, aged 82 years. Funeral services will be held from the residence, Sunday at 5 p. nr. with the Rev. Dr. George Edward Hawes officiating. Burial will be made in the Snyder family plot in Glen Dy i berry Cemetery, Honesdale. Mrs. Snyder was a daughter of the late Dr. Adonijah and Mary Myers Strong, and was born in Bethany, Pa., March 25, 1836. She was a member of cne of the most distin guished families of the country. Among her forebears were many prominent judges, statesmen, physi cians, men of letters and high mili tary standing, including Justice Wil liam Strong of the U. S. Supreme Court and Nathan Hale, of Revolu tionary fame. She married Judge Isaiah Snyder in Honesdale, May 10, 1864, removing with her family to this city in ISSI. Of their four chil dren, two survive: Dr. Charles Strong Snyder, of Chicago, and Miss Cora Lee Snyder, of this city. There are two grandchildren. Miss Winifred Strong Snyder and Charles Butler Snyder, of Chicago. Mrs. Snyder was a woman of gra cious personality and strong mental ity, always having an active interest in affairs of the day. She was a member for more than thlrty-tive years of the Market Square Presby terian Church, keenly alive to the Sunday school and missionary work of the church. ADAM R. MILLER Adam R. Miller died at his home, 194 4 North street, at 8 o'clock yes terday morning, after a long illness. His death wan caused by complica tions due to old age. He is survived by a widow, nine children, twenty-flve grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. His children are, four sons, Georgo E. Miller, Libon, la.; Edward Miller, Carlisle; Frank Miller, Germanta, la., and Harvey Miller, Harrisburg, and live daughters, Mrs. Annie Christ, Springfield. Ohio; Mrs. Mag gies B. Brouglier, Cumberland coui)- j ty; Mrs. Sarah Radle, Halifax; Mrs. Jennie Byron, Harrisburg, and Mrs. j Mary Basnorc. Philadelphia. The funeral will be held from the ! home Monday morning at 10 o'clock, | with the Rev. H. F. Rhoad, pastor i , of the State Street United Brethren I ] Chhrch, officiating. Burial will be in i the Chestnut Hill Cemetery, near j Mechanlcsburg. HAROLD E. KMMIXGER Harold Elvvcod Emminger, aged 6 weeks, son Merle Emminger, 200 | Briggs street, 'died yesterday morning j after a short illness. Funeral serv-1 ices were held at 2.30 o'clock this af ternoon. Burial was made in the I Harrisburg Cemetery. FUNERAL FLOWERS SPECIAL A Beautiful Spray 08c A Handsome Wreath 93.08 KEENEY'S „ SHOPS Kl4 Third St., HnrrUburJs"" 157 X ' Fr ° nt S( " Steclton SEPTEMBER 6, 1918. 64 YEARS AT SAME BUSINESS STAND [Continued from First Pago.] born in the house diagonally across the street, a house which now sports a. weatherboard exterior, but has for its inner structure, substantial logs, hewn from the immediate neighbor hood. "They were all log or weather board houses when I began here," related the merchant, while half a dozen more customers dropped in and inhaled the aroma of the past." The town limit was North street and when Mr. Oenslager put up six or seven houses at Third and North everybody said he was a darned fool for going out in the woods. Remembers Stugoeouohcs "When I look out my door here, sometimes, I have to pinch myself to be sure it is the same place. These trolley cars make an awful noise and I'd rather hear the old stage coach comin' down the dirt road. Sure, the road was all right; they used to clean It twice a year, spring and fall. And the oi' canal; say that was the life of the town. We used to get most of our goods on the big canal boats, mackerel, salt, flour and sugar. What's that?" Mr. Balsley broke off to answer a sugar buyer who wanted to get his canning sugar in small portions, and went on: "See those Ave drawers there? That's where I used to keep my Ave qualities of brown sugar. Nobody used granulated when I started busi ness. Used to have a fierce time weighin' out that sticky brown sugar. When the granulated came in everybody went to it strong, and now nobody ever asks for the brown." A small boy raised his voice for a can of peaches and Mr. Balsley commented: "Never saw any canned fruit or any canned stuff in those days, and none o" this breakfast food stuff. Everybody canned their own stuff and huckers peddled green groceries; there was plenty, too. Shelves were tilled with whisky in stead of canned fruit. Any grocer cauld take out a license and we used to pay IS and 20 cents for good whisky, and sell it for 37 cents I tell you, there was a lot o' money made." In Rebel Days At this moment Mr. Balsley got a real surprise. Someone came in to buy a candle. "That's rare," quoth he. "And yet we used to do a great" business in candles. Had practically no lamps; anyway, candles were cheaper. Lamp grease would freeze in the winter and you had to be al ways bringing it in to thaw it out at the lire. Stoves? Should say we had 'em. Mostly big tin-plates fired with wood. But I remember when coal NEWELL ALBRIGHT Announces the Opening of a MUSIC STUDIO for. this teaching of PIANO PLAYING Room 217 DAUPHIN BUILDING Market Square The teaching year begins on MONDAY, SEPT. 9 Circulars on Request. Bell Phone 2144-J Mr. Albright uses the "Steiff" Piano come In I had to have my stove In here changed so It would burn ctjal." A company of kliakl-clad soldiers sauntered by just then and the an cient but spry grocer was reminded of war-like days long ago, particu larly of the hour when the rebels got within three miles of Harris burg. "Didn't scare me away," he related. "1 did a god business that day, although Market street waj so jammed with troops on the way to Gettysburgt that a team could not get on the street. You ought t" seen the folks getting out of town. Couldn't buy a trunk after 9 o'clock. The Methodist preacher who lived across the street was a great abolitionist and he ran in here to borrow a screwdriver to take the plate off his door. He ligured that the rebels might have heard of speeches and would loot his house. People with money hid their wealth in all sorts of places and when the cannon sounded all the way from Gettysburg'the whole town shut up; only I went along as usual, for peo ple must eat." Mr! Balsley is of such optimistic turn that nothing seems to dismay him. "War?" he considered briefly. "It's all over; the Germans are licked. "This, although the grand father and six brothers came from the fatherland. "What is your receipt for healthy and active old age?" was asked. "I'm not giving any general re ceipt," he grinned; "but I never mar ried." SL For Enameled Furniture lie moves dirt, stains and uuirka from enameled furni ture, baby curriugea. metal beds, plute glnna. mirrors, etc. Manufactured and aold by Hoover Furniture Co. 1415-1U NOltTIl SECOND ST. * Guaranteed Vacuum Cleaners Hotpoint, Hoover, Frantz- Premier, Eureka, Royal, Sweeper-Vac DISCOUNT FOR CASH NEIDIG BROS., Ltd. 21 South Second St. The Vacuum Cleaner House
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers