16 NEW DRAFTEES, 18 TO 36, ARE TO GO IN OCT. Single Men of Nation Will Be Inducted Into Army Quickly Washington, Sept. 6—Large num bers of single men between the ages of nineteen and thirty-six who will register on September 12 and are without occupational or domestic ob ligations are to be inducted- into the military service during October. General Crowtler in outlining yes terday many of the features relative to the new registration, said that as soon as the new questionnaires are returned by the registrants "the boards will proceed lirst to examine and classify lirst of all the ques tionnaires of these age groups that the President may designate." "This designation has not yet been made," General Crowder said, but he added: "This prior examination of the questionnaires of the age groups, which arc to be lirst liable to call, will enable the boards to be prompt with a sufficient number of men to fill the October requisitions." . 18 to :l the Limit Although General Crowder de clined to state what ages would be included In this special class, Secre tary of War Baker indicated several days ago his approval of the plan to expedite the work of sending of men to the training camps by classifica tion of men within the ages of nine teen to twenty-one and thirty-one to thirty-six. This means simply that much time will be saved by examining the ques tionnaires of such men and leave the registrants in the eighteen-year and thirty-six to forty-live classes, which offer greater complications, for later examination. The eighteen-year class presents a special problem, due to the educational plans now being per fected, while the thirty-six to forty five will furnish a relatively smaller number of men for the Army, due to industrial, domestic and physical rea sons. Constant Flow of Men General Crowder said to-day that new speed records are required of the local draft boards between registra tion day and January 1 if a constant flow of men to the training camps is to be maintained, and much valu able time will be saved by laying aside the questionnaires of the eigh teen and the thirty-six-forty-five classes and proceeding with the clas sification of the nineteen-twenty and thirty-one-thirty-six groups. "As I have stated on several occa sions." General Crowder said, "tne supply of men in Class 1, under the old age limit, will have been ex hausted or practically so by the end of this month. To prevent an inter ruption in the flow of men to the camps we must begin inducting men of the new classes into the service next month; whether they can do so depends entirely upon the energy of the local boards and the co-operation of all parties concerned. There will be some men left over from the Au gust 24 registration, which fact will aid me in meeting the initial calls for October." Capt. Roosevelt Sees Little Son Born Since He Went to France Oyster Bay. L. T., Sept. 6.—Cap tain Archibald B. Roosevelt, first of the four sons of Colonel Roosevelt to be wounded in action, spent one | night this week at the family home at Sagamore Hill, after surgeons at the Army Base Hospital at Wil llamsbridge had granted him an oternight leave so that he could come here to see his five-months old son, Archie, who was >orn in Boston while Captain Roosevelt was in France. While the surgeons were making minute examination of the shrapnel wounds in his arm Captain Roose velt told them that he would like to see his young son at Sagamore Hill. Upon learning that the offi cer had never seen the child the surgeon said tha • he could leave the hospital for the night upon condition that he would be "careful." De spite the slight stiffness of the healed wounds in his right knee Captain Roosevelt made good speed back to the visitors' room with the news. The surgeon followed him. "Do you call running being careful?" When the motor drew up at Saga more Hill, Archie, Jr., was asleep in a carriage under a tree. He ob jected at being disturbed in tones that stirred the admiration of his grandfather, but he became quiet when his interest was directed to the gold and blue stripes on the sleeve of his father's uniform, de noting a year's service at the front and a wound in battle. Colonel Roosevelt and his wife re mained on the veranda watching Captain and Mrs. Roosevelt as they sat under the tree with the baby. Archie's mother expressed fear that he might strain his arm trying to hold the baby, apd the Colonel said it probably was a good thing that the surgeon wasn't the>e to oversee his efforts. Captain Roosevelt's arm is para lyzed because shrapnel frag ments cut the nerves in the el bow and he is forbidden to try to raise it from his side. It is not in a sling, but is bound in a bandage of elastic and linen. Surgeons here have expressed no opinion upon the condition of the arm, but it was re peated that surgeons in France said it would be several months before he would be able to use it freely. The wound in his knee is healed completely and he is not lame. Gouraud, French Army Chief, Lauds Rainbow With the American Forces North of Soissons, Sept. 6.—ln an interview yesterday by General Gouraud, the famous French army chief, said 'he Americans had acquitted themselves wonderfully well both in the defen sive and offensive fighting, bearing the brunt of the great German at tack In the Champagne between July 15 and 25. General Gouraud stated that the 42d ("Rq,inbow") division occupied positions in the battle zone along side the finest French troops, fight ing equally bravely and gallantly. "American may he exceedingly proud of her army," said General Gouraud. "It Is already showing ability and evincing magnificent pos sibilities of becoming among the fin est troops In the world." ' FRIDAY EVENING, 1 SA VE YOUR OLD ' FOR THE RED.CROSS \ t The Height of Style and Service in Women's and ? Misses' Coats For Fall * Foresighted women will pay particular attention this season to the quality as well as to the style of their Fall and Winter Coats. And they will choose durable all-wool quality materials, tested and pre-shrunk and thoroughly tai- Several Hundred New Coats Are Ready The showing that has been gathered in the interest of women who prefer to select their garments early, includes only coats of the type that possess true style and distinctiveness. The tailoring is exquisite and thorough. They fit and look much better than the average Only the most reliable all wool fabrics have been employed, including Pom Poms, Silver tones, velours, Bolivia and Evora cloths. The most profitable time to choose a new Fall and Winter Coat is now. * Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. | Women's and Children's Fall Underwear and Hosiery For the New Season The proper weights of underwear for the cool days and evenings of early Fall. Our stocks are ready to serve with varieties ample for all needs. . WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Fall weight cotton ribbed vests; high neck and long sleeves. Dutch neck and elbow sleeves; knee and ankle tights to match; regular sizes, SI.OO Extra sizes $1.25 Fall weight cotton ribbed union suits; high neck and long sleeves, Dutch neck and elbow sleeves; regular sizes, $1.50; extra sizes $1.75 WOMEN'S HOSIERY Black lisle hose, fashioned feet 50c Silk lisle hose, seamless 39c Silk lisle outsize seamless hose, white and black 30c Thread silk boot hose, fashioned feet, lisle tops, white and black 75 c White thread silk outsize hose, fashioned feet, $1.50 It's the Quality of French Kid Gloves That Appeals to Women Who Know Despite the difficulties of war kid gloves of supreme excellence ✓AUv are still coming from France, and our latest imports bring to our stock / \%l\ gloves fashioned of the softest skins and of the most perfect workman /A sbip truly lt may be sai(l dress gloves of distinction. xNOg j jk French kid gloves, two clasps, white, black and tan, $2.()0 ' | ™ French kid gloves, two clasps, black, white, tan, grey, self and contrasting embroidery $2.50 and $3.50 Washable kid gloves, one-clasp, pique, P. X. M. Washabl.e chamoisette gloves, two-clasp, white, seams; grey, tan, pongee, pearl and black, $2.25 black, grey and pongee SI.OO and $2.50. Silk gloves, two-clasp, double finger ends, white, Washable chamoisette gloves, two-clasp, in black and colors 75c to $1.75 white 85c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. First Showing of Autumn Modes * in Women's Queen Quality Boots Queen Quality is footwear well named—its quality is supreme and is linked with a per fect interpretation of the prevailing modes in fashionable last designing. New Queen Qual ity modes include these correct shades— Stone grey kid high cut lace boots SIO.OO Nut brown calfskin, 8-inch lace boots Fine black kidskin button boots with a shapely model of assured service .. SB.OO . Fine black kidskin lace boots flexible black cloth tops, medium heel, flexible arch SB.OO soles $6.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. New Cretonne and Tapestry Reveal a Wealth of Beautiful Patterns New tapestry for upholstering, in light and dark colorings of rose. blue, brown and green; yard New cretonne in beautiful pat tern, double printed; yard. .SI.OO Fancy cretonne in wonderfuj color combinations for draperies, knitting bags, boxes and pillows; yard 65, 75c and SI.OO Cretonne in dainty small pat terns for bedroom draperies, scarfs and bags, 50c, 65c ami 75c New patterns in scrim, Mar qhisette, net and madras urtains; pair $2.00 to SIO.OO Groceries For the Week-End Blue Valley creamery butter, pound 53c Golden Glow pasteurized creamery butter, lb 52c Wesson table and cooking oil, gallon $2.-1 ll Shoulders, hickory smoked, pound 27c Sugar cured ham, lb 38c Crisco, for frying, shortening and cake-making, 1 and 6-pound cans, lb. 30c Good laundry soap, cake...4c Borax soap washing powder, 10 packages 49c Dentils, 25c value, lb 19c Potted meats, can, 5c and 10c Demonstration of fruited wheat, a luscious combination of figs, dates, raisins and se lected wheat, pkg 25c Basement. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Fine ribbed black cotton hose, seamless. ... 25c Fine ribbed cotton and lisle hose, seamless, black and white and cordovan 35c Fine ribbed silk lisle hose, seamless; black, white and cordovan; sizes 6 to 9% 50c Boys' heavy ribbed cotton hose, seamless; sizes 7 to 11 % 50c and 59c CHILDREN'S VESTS Children's Fall weight cotton ribbed vests; long and short sleeves, knee and ankle pants to match Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Plain white net curtains with border of Irish point; pair, $7.00 to 915.00. Fine curtains in net and filet in ecru and white, lace trimmed; pair .- $3.00 to $7.00 Tapestry pillow tops with small tassel on each corner 50c New patterns in Marquisette for overdraperies and doorways; yard 65c Plain Colored Marquisette in blue, green and brown; yard, 50c First Showing of New Fall Hats and Tams For Boys Hats $1.50 and $1.98 Tams $1.50. $1.98 and $3.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. HAIIRISBURG TELEGRAPH: Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Outfitting the Boy For School Blouse Waists Shirts Caps Neckwear This is the time of the year when parents take an inventory of what a boy needs—and they usually find that after the strenuous fun of vacation days he needs about everything. If that's the case with your boy, you will find all the things he needs in our furnishing stocks—fresh and new and of the quality guaranteed to give the best of service. "Kaynee" blouse waists in striped percale and dark striped chambray, pluln white and plain blue chambray; sizes to 16 75c Striped percale blouse waists, in plain and nov elty colored stripes 50c Plain blue and dark striped chambray and striped percale blouse waists; sizes to 15 45c BOYS* SCHOOL SHIRTS Striped percale shirts with separate collar to match; sizes 12 to 14 75c Navy and Black Satins Figure In the Fashion News These rich dress fabrics are favorites, an<J verify the prophecy that this is to be a 'lutrous ' season. Our Silk Stock boasts an unequaled display of the finest qualities of satin in these wanted shades. NAVY SATINS Navy satin, 36 inches wide, yard $1.85 Satin de Luxe, 36 inches wide, yard $2.50 Satin Imperial, 36 Inches wide, yard $2.00 Gengo Satin, 36 inches wide, yard $2.75 Pershing Charmeuse, 40 inches wide, yard $3.00 French Charmeuse, 40 inches wide, yard $4.50 Satin-faced Crepe Meteor, 40 inches wide, yard $3.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, A Few Words About Good Clothes For Men When you buy a suit remember you are going to demand > v t —morfe so these war times /V : If"j than ever before. You want it to properly reflect your taste .^7 y° ur personality. . Judging your clothes from this standard, the value you V SCe k ' n *^ ern le P™ ce > TOU P a y f° r the lll must be common- c JIL surate with the value you place upon your own personality. /j § I\M So, while you are about it, buy and wear GOOD CLOTHES \ lif —patriotic conservation is best accomplished by the selection \ I of the style- and quality-famed clothes tailored by Hirsh- \ l lIK nir Wickwire, August Bros., Hickey-Freeman and others, whose f/IIIM/ A 'A vlk'\V I richest and most approved Autumn patterns are profusely rep- /bjMjT 7w\Y*\xL wf\\| resented in our clothing stocks for men and young men, at JMufM $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 J|i\ #V!| II New models in two-button soft roll sacks designed expressly for fll 111 W\\ h Ml 111 young men in blues, browns, rich greens and fancy checks. If Ml I W llu\ ' English models Military and Conservative models every re- If JfM lulll Jjjm ||ll fined and distinctive style a discriminating man demands. 11|| O New Fall-weight topcoats in styles essential to the diversi- j jli fyi - fied tastes of men and young men. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Clothing Section, Second Floor, Rear. Misses' and Children's School Sweaters Wool coat sweaters, roll and sailor collars, full and half-belted style, plain and combination colors..' $2.50, $2.08, $3.50 to $0.05 Children's wool coat sweaters, plain and combination colors, $2.50, $2.08, $3.50 and $0.05. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Hundreds of Stylish New Hats For Your Selection at $5.00, $6.00 v and $6.50 Styles that are absolutely the latest and matchless in value, bor the designer whose models have made our linCS ° { P°P ular -P riced liats famous for their quality and |p| .. style confines the product ofjiis large workrooms to -r three houses—a Philadelphia Department Store, a New / York Store and—Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. These /S \l \ buyers take all the hats he can make—nobody else can ' [ \ get a single hat. Vw I There's a steady flow of new models all 1 1 \ through the season assuring hats that it is im \l \ possible to find elsewhere at the price—never \ ' our ' eaders h'P ' n millinery stand forth more \ ) emphatically. At these popular prices are to be found la/ge hats, turbans, medium-size models, and other shapes, in pur ple, henna, terra cotta, browns, peacock blue, greys, taupe, khaki, navy, beaver and black New hatter's plush ready-to-wear hats 93.00, SO.OO to 910.00 All-feather turbans at 95.00, SO.OO to $8.50 Finest velour hats in many sport shades $0.50 to $12.00 Superb velvet and velvet and beaver dress shapes each a copy of an imported model SIO.OO and $12.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. BLACK SATINS Messaline, 36 Inches wide, yard, $1.50, $1.09, $1.85 Satin Duchesse. 36 inches wide, yard $2.00 uiul $2.25 Satin Elegant, yard $2.75 Gengo satin, 3 6 inches wide, yard $2.75 Satin Florence, 36 inches wide, yard $2.75 Satin Riveria, 36 Inches wide, yard $3.00 Pebbled black French Char meuse, 40 inches wide, yard, $1.50 Black Baronet Suttn, 40 inches wide, yard $1.50 Victory Satin, 54 inches wide, yard $1.50 Street Floor. Negligee band shirts with Krench fold cuffs; in madras, crepe and percale; sizes 12 to 14, SI.OO, $1.15, $1.25 to $2.50. BOYS' CAPS New golf caps in plain and fancy colors, 50c and SI.OO. BOYS' NEW NECKWEAR Reversible and wide-end four-in-hand ties in plain colors, bias stripes and fancy overshot Ag ues 25c, 35c and 50c SEPTEMBER 6, 1918. SA VE YOUR OLD RUBBER FOR THE RED CROSS New Styles In Middy Blouses That Will Delight School Girls The Middy Blouse is the pal of every school girl. We have just received a large shipment of entirely new styles with snappy touches to them that lend distinction and place them quite out of the class of most garments of this description. White' middy blouses with navy, Copenhagen, red and rose collar and cuffs $1.95 Cadet khaki middy blouses, collar trimmed with white nar row braid and white lace $1.95 White middy blouses with navy collar, chevron and band trim sleeves; yoke and pocket $2.95 Navy serge middy blouses trimmed with red braid and tie; yoke and pocket $1.50 Jersey and Silk Petticoats New Fall Styles All Jersey petticoats with plaited flounce $5.(111 Taffeta petticoats in two-tone combinations, finished with narrow plaited ruffle $5.00 Jersey petticoat, flounce finished with fringe trimming. . . . . . .$5.95 Messaline petticoats, plaited flounce trimmed with hemstitched tucks $7.50 Messaline petticoats in fancy stripes, flounce trimmed with narrow plaitings $5 ,95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Men's Fall Underwear and Hosiery Men's Underwear Fall weight natural woo! shirts and drawers $2.25 Fall weight Stuttgarter natural wool shirts and drawers. .. .$2.50 Fall weight Egyptian cotton ribbed shirts and drawers, SI.OO Fall weight Egyptian cotton ribbed union suits, long sleeves, $2.00 Twice the Wear in These Boys' School Suits With an Extra Pair of Trousers J ust t^ie to S^ ve le average American boy who romps and plays -p—! re gardless of the clothing he wears. : So give him the best —twice the /fTSyul wear * s ' n t ' ie su its with the extra I* pair of trousers. mSt/n Rlji Styles are new and right in the II class with those of Dad's. Tp j/ Trench models, Norfolks and English Trench styles, in fancy § Te y s ' g re y mixtures, fancy stripes gjß and solid shades, $5.00 to SIO.OO. pi Other suits, $8.50 to $20.00. jgP / Boys' reefers, 3to 10 year sizes, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floof, Rear. Men's Hosiery Black cotton half hose, seam less 10c Cotton and lisle half hose, seamless, black and colors. . . .25c Silk lisle half hose, seamless, black and colors 35c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
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