HARRISBURG WILL SEE WORLD SERIES SATURDAY WHEN STEELTON PLAYS BETHLEHEM AMERICANS MAKE RAPID PROGRESS [Continued front First Page.] roar guard defense of any cor.se juence are opposite the edge of the plateau paralleling the Aisne, over '"Vhich it is obvious they have remov jd their stores and heavy artillery. Germans Resist The advance of the Americans In force began at 4 o'clock yesterday morning and patrols, one after an , Jther, have been going all day and meeting sharp resistance at 3ome points. Substantial progress has been made by the Americans. Orders reached the American com manders before daylight to send out patrols to Investigate and their re.- ports caused the immediate dispatch )f supporting patrols. Before night fall a large part of the army which had been camping along the Vesle ivas In action on the slopes north of the river. And there was action, notwithstanding that the Germans jiready had taken the initiative in fheir withdrawal. Americans Advance Near Bazoehcs Near Bazoches the Americans were advancing along the highway north it the river while a little to the east :hey were south of the river. Smoke arising from behind che 3crman lines has been observed for the past few days. In some In stances* the cause is known to have aeen from the explosion of an am munition dump fired by a direct n't from an allied battery** but the in creasing number of smoke columns Pas given rise to the suggestion that the Germans are burning such of their depot structures and supplies is it is inadvisable to remove. Patrols sent out early in the day reported that the German retreat was under way. sach-Side Loses Plane h Big Battle in Air By Associated Press With the American Army iltj Prance, "Wednesday, Sept. 4.—Ten 1 German airplanes attacked a group j of American pursuit planes this! morning arid after a brief fight one' Fokker was brought down by Lieu- j tenant Stroso. An American machine ivent ciowji behind the German lines, j apparently under control. American airmen shot down anj observation balloon in the Wcevre 1 this morning. Another was forced down yesterday afternoon. American Aviators Drive Off Hun Flyers With the American Army in Lor raine, Wednesday, Sept. 4.—Amer ican aviators in a battle with Ger mans near Pont-a-Mousson to-day routed the enemy. One enemy ma chine is believed to have been driven down. Yankee Bombers Drop '^r plosives oh the Enemy With the American Army in Lor raine, Wednesday, Sept. 4.—Ameri can bombing machines in their at tack on Conflans and Longuyon yes terday were successful. In Lon guyon the raiders dropped forty four bombs and seven direct hits were observed at the east end of the railroad yard, two on a round house and repair shop and two on other buildings. One American ma chine turned back after dropping its bomb. At Baroncourt four direct hits were observed. In the Conflans raid more than a thousand kilograms of bombs were bunched on the junction of the Briey-Confians-Metz railway. The -bridge of the former road was de stroyed. All of our machines re turned safely. Enemy bombers were active last i night in the villages far behind our lines. GITY LAWMAKERS WAIT ON HEALTH BOARD IN HOUSING Believe Health Officials Have Power to Cope With * Situation. While no official action was taken, | City Commissioners at A conference | in Council Chamber last night agreed that instead of passing an or dinance providing a number of hous ing regulations the City Health Bureau should include all necessary restrictions in rules of the depart ment and then present them to Council for approval. According to the Commissioners, with a few exceptions, present rules of the bureau give the health offi cials broad powers in coping with the housing troubles in Harrisburg, and by adding a few regulations no ' ordinance will be necessary as it is possible for fines to be imposed for their violation the same as for the violation of any city law passed by Council. City Solicitor John E. Fox, Assist ant E. Bruce Tayor and Health Officer J. M. J. Raunick, attended the meeting. During the course of the discussion on the housing needs of the city and necessary restrictions the state housing law was read. One of the Commissioners said that in case drastic action was needed the State Bureau of Housing had full power to act. After disposing of the housing problem the Commissioners dis- Hcussed plans to provide an adequate water supply for the Fourteenth * ward. Commissioner S. F. Hassler said he hoped to have arrange ments completed -so that city water could be furnished to the recently added district before the close of the year. A proposition has been sub mitted for the purchase of the water pipe of the Dauphin Consolidated Water Company, but city officials said they are planning to make a different proposal to the company, the nature of which they did not t disclose. Officials this afternoon in spected the Fourteenth ward system and tested some of the pipes and connections. DECLARES EXTRA DIVIDEND By Associated Press New York, Sept. 5. The American Steel Foundries to-day declared an extra dividend of IVi per cent., to gether with the regular quarterly dis bursement of 1% per cent. The extra dividend will be payable in second Liberty 4 per cent, bonis. THURSDAY EVENING, HARXUSBURG TELEGRAPH! SEPTEMBER 5, iyi. JUNIOR LEAGUE GETSTALENT Allison Hill Lads Join the Or ganization, G. Swartz Help ing to Beat Crescent JUNIOR LEAGUE STANDING W. L. Pet. Summit 24 6 'BOO Swatara 24 11 .656 Albion 9 16 .360 Crescent ' 6 24 .200 To-night, Swatara vs. Albion. Summit took another step toward the pennant by defeating the Cres cents, 7 to 4, last evening. The Alli son Hill veterans are becoming ac quainted with the Junior League and are getting signed up in large num bers. among them G. Swartz, who succeeded in landing two doubles, and also Boatman, the Galahad twirler, who busted out a double. ' The Summits bounded McGuffe's delivery the first inning and rounded up four runs. The Crescents made' strong comebacks in the third and fourth innings and registered two runs in both innings. This made things look better, but Summit quick ly made a stronger rally and sent three runners across the rubber. CRESCENTS Ab. R. H. O. A. E. Geigar, rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 Michlevitz, cf . 4 1 1 10 0 McGuffe, p 4 1 0 1 3 0 Lutz, ss 3 0 1 2 3 1 Boatman, lb ... 3 0 1 4 0 0 Reel, 2b 3 0 1 0 1 1 Gilbert, If 3 0 1 0 0 0 Books, 3b 3 1 1 1 2 0 Ditzel, c 3 1 0 3 0 0 Total 30 4 7 12 9 2 SUMMIT Ab. R. H. O. A. E. Snyder, cf 4 2 1 0 0 0 Lehrman. 3b ... 3 0 0 2 2 0 C. Swartz, ss ... 3 2 2 1 2 0 G. Swartz, c . . 3 1 2 4 0 0 H. Swartz, p... 3 1 1 2 2 0 Delatin, 2b 3 0 0 1 1 0 Demma, 1b.... 3 0 0 4 0 0 Phillippelli. If .. 3 0 1 1 0 0 Mercurio, rf ... 3 1 0 0 0 0 Total 28 7 7 15 7 0 Crescent 0022 o—40 —4 Summit ...., 4003 x—7 Two-base hits, G. Swartz, 2; C. Swartz, Boatman; home runs, Sny der: sacrifice hits, Lehrman, 2; Gil bert; double plays,' Summit one, H. Swartz to Delatin to Demma; struck out, by Swartz, 3; McGuffe, 1; base on balls, off Swartz, 1; McGuffe, 1; left on base. Summit, 4; Crescent, 2; stolen bases, Reel, Ditzel, Snyder, C. Swartz; passed balls, Ditzel, 1; in nings pitched, Swartz, 5; McGuffe, 4; time, 1.09; umpires, Sperl and Stauf fer. Will of Late Senator Cameron Is Probated James M. Cameron, a son of the late Ex-Senator J. D. Cameron, noted statesman and former Cabinet officer, aifd Joseph Gardner Bradley, of Clay, West Virginia, a grandson, are named as executors in the last will which was probated to-day. As a trust fund was created a few years ago under which provision for the distribution of a large part of the estate to near relatives is made. No estimate of the value of the en tire estate was given. In the will of the ex-Senator he mentions this trust frequently in disposing of his personal property and in announcing' that no further provision is neces sary for a number of relatives. There are no public bequests made in the will, much of which is devoted to disposition of such property as the furniture and silverware at the homes in Donegal, Lochiel and this city. ASSESSORS ARE DIRECTED TO FIX JUST VALUATIONS Commissioners See Increase in County Revenues and Lower Tax Rate Real estate assessors in county dis tricts were advised to-day at the County Commissioners office to put equitable valuations on all properties in their respective localities in mak ing the triennial assessment. A num ber of the assessors also have charge of registry of voter and called at the office to make returns. They were furnished necessary blanks and other supplies to make the assess ment. County officials, in speaking to the assessors declared they are deter mined to have the valuations, of all properties in the county fixed on an , equitable basis. Returns with some properties only assessed at one-half the market value will not be ac cepted. "The assessors are not asked to make exhorbitant advances in prop erty valuations," one of the officials said. "What is wanted is a fair esti mate of what a property would sell for at forced sale. The result will be an enormous increase in the total valuation of county property; the benefit of this move will be a reduc tion in the county tax rate. Some of the assessors are in doubt about the results in the localities in so far as school tax and other rates are to be levied. Officials in charge of the financial affairs in those districts will readily see that with a fair and equi table assessment of all properties it will not be necessary to maintain such high tax rates for school pur poses and other improvements." In the city rapid progress is being made in the completion of valuations for the triennial assessment accord ing to Assessor James C. Thompson. With his assistants, Mr. JThompson began work in the Third ward to day. The Fourth and Fourteenth wards are the only two which are to be visited. SUSPENDS EIGHT-HOUR LAW By Assocutted Press Washington. Sept. 6. To hasten construction of six new Marine hos pitals, President Wilson to-day sus pended provision of the eight-hour law for work on the contracts. One of the hospitals will be located at Bal timore. Not less than time and one half will be r*"d for overtime. S noodles • Sometimes It's Very Painful to Be a Baseball Hero 1 / *— * By Hungerford \ Gl "\ If"' T*' 1 \Ol Couirte T(V • | RKaKTOiaC\ ?ASSEt> %LU ? fT_l_ _ O.w |7 /r~\ il JvN New QAUU., WHKT OS -PER'fESH'NOUS BASES FWLL! "TtV PAH, OL€. IVJ/VV-NAY - PAUUNE - |IOO Km | SNOOPS ♦*>* GWAN, CALU * "BOSK LEAGUER TWO MEN OUT ! KiD. YKNOW \ THE Seco*D BACKSTOP VU N | WILL - UV)H 3* £ OR PLAVIN' FER. TWO STRIKES L Y H - OU E 6fioo\iEi BLOCKS | ' \ ** * TFYJ® WILL YUH 1 i -r. wottLS CHAMPKNSHIP THREE BAICS. I) 'Vm-BOY/ * L °?S^ T ? ( ' - 1 AN 1 OS RED SO* NEEDS S*OM6 A R ~ P\LL L * I SFECONP Of: / ' I . CORNCft. i-PT PCNNANT ;, •*. TOP " • '; ••••'^ REGISTRATION OF VOTERS IS BEGUN [Continued from First Page.] Register Today and You Can Vote For Governor To-day is the first registration day. Electors of all parties who de sire to participate in the guber natorial election in November must register anew. Tuesday, September 17, and Saturday, October 5, are the last two days for registration. Upon each day the polls will be open from 7 a. m. to 10 a. m. and from 4 p. m. to 10 p. m. No one can register who has not paid a state or county tax within two years. day to get as many voters on the lists as possible. All previous reg istrations are void. Two more registration days will be held, one on September 17 and the other October 5. Registration Light Registration in the various dis tricts during the early part of the day varied but in the majority of cases the officials reported that only a few voters signed up. They expect ed larger numbers to register late in the afternoon and during the evening. In only a few districts scat tered over the city the number placed on the lists wa slarge and in these cases the total number of voters in thfe section is larger in proportion to the voters in other localities. Early in the day when the polling places were first opened a number of registrars were not present for duty, having resigned becatlse they held railroad positions. The county commissioners held a morning ses sion and at once made the following appointments: Eighth ward, Third precinct, By ron C. Murray; Sixth ward, First, Howard O. Holstein; Ninth ward, Ninth, Raymond S. Caton; Thir teenth ward, First, Harry Motter; Tenth ward, Second, Geotge C. Mc- Cahan; Tenth ward. Third, David E. Brightbill; Third ward. Third, Wil liam D. Bailey and Benjamin F. Africa; Ninth ward, Fourth, Charles A. Hoverter. Polling places in the city at which registrars arc sitting to-day fol low: First Ward Ist, house, 1276 South Cameron. 2d, Barber Sho- Ninth and Hemlock. 3rd, house, 600 Race. ' , Second Ward Ist, Alderman Caveny's office, 234 South Second. 2d. Paxton Engine House, S. Second. 3rd, Cigar store, 1129 Mulberry. 4th, Garage, Nectarine and Reese. sth, Allison Fire Company, bth. Sixteenth and Compass. Third Ward Ist, Friendship Engine House, S. Third. 2d, Central Hotel. 311 Market. 3rd, Courthouse rotunda. Fourth Wurd Ist, Tailor Shop E. J. Huggins, 207 Locust. 2d, Hope Engine House, North Second. Fifth Wurd Ist, C. A. Sibbetts, 923 Capital. 2d, Chdrles Adler's office, 1002 North Third. 3rd. Sullivan's cigar store. Third and Cumberland. 4th, Simonetti's Hotel, 401 Verbeke. Sixth Ward Ist. J. R. Miller's livery office, 350 Verbeke. 2d, Prihting office, 1405 N. Third. 3rd, Barber shop. 306 Reily. Seventh Wurd Ist, Charles Cummings, 944 N. Seventh. 2d. Alderman J. H. Shaner's office. 1102 North Seventh. 3rd, Good Will Engine House. 4th, United Ice and Coal Company of fice, 1721 North Sixth. sth, house Edw. Asure. 1911 N. Sixth. 6th, Sheldon's Cafe. 1028 Herr. Eighth. Wurd Ist and 2d moved to 3rd, 124 Linden. 4th, moved to 802 Cowden. sth, Garage, rear 1522 State. Ninth Ward Ist, Washington House, Walnut and Cowden. 2d, Mt. Pleasant Hotel. 1101 Market. 3rd, Paxton Hotel, 1108 Market. 4th, Mount Pleasant Engine House. Bth, G. E. Runkel store, 1522 Derry. 6th, 1408 Rcgina. a 7th. Weist Garage, Regina. Bth, Miller's garage, Nineteenth and Market. 9th, Eighteenth and Chestnut. Tenth Ward Ist. Garage, 2112 North Third. 2d. 2126 North Sixth. SOME CUBS WHO WILL FIGHT FOR WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP 3rd. Poolroom. Sixth and Emerald. 4th, Camp Curtin Pire Engine House. Eleventh Ward Ist. Reily Hose House. Fourth. 2d, Barber shop. 2004 North Sixth. 3rd, W. H. lliffenderfer. 1846 Green 4th, Garage 1940 North Third. Twelfth Ward Ist, 1537 North Third. 2d. W. S. Fortenbaugh, 1613 N. Third 3rd, Barber shop, 401 Kelker. Thirteenth Ward Ist, Storeroom, 1911 Derry. 2d, Carpenter .shop, 1922 Berryhill. Fourteenth Word Plumbing shop. Fourth and Vaughn. BRITISH HAVE 16,000 PRISONERS !N DRIVE [Continued from First Page.] Ed the line they held up to the Ger man attack on April 9, last, while to the eastward of Givenchy sections of the old German positions have been taken. , On the battle line in front of Cambrai an improvement in the British postion south of Moeuvres is reported. The positions to the east of Hermies, near the Canal du Nord, just to the south, also have been im proved. Still farther south the Brit ish have captured the villages of Neuville-Bourjouval, east of the Canal du Nord. More than 16,000 prisoners and more than one hundred guns have been taken by the British in the past four days. French Push On Paris, Sept. s.—The German re treat before the French northeast of Noyon continued during the night, says to-day's war office announce ment. The French troops kept in touch with the enemy rear guards and pushed after the retreating foe east of the Canal du Nord. Advancing north of the Vesle, French and. American troops reached the crest of the ridge dominating the river Aisne, In the Nesle region on the Somme front, the French crossed the Somme canal near Voyennes and Offoy. Just to the south they have reached the region beyond Hombleux, Eslery- Hallon and Flavy-Le-Meldeux. Cross on Wide Front Between the Ailette and the Aisne the towns of Clamecy, Braye and Missy-sur-Aisne have- been captured. The operation on the Vesle has been extended to the east and a crossing has been effected between Venteaux and Jonchery, a two arid a half mile front. „ NEED OF RUBBER IE EMPHASIZED [Continued from First Page.] ber 12 is also the day on which many million men throughout the United States will register for the draft. Receptacles For Gifts So that morning, each of the 12,- 000 men in Harrisburg who goes to! register is urged by Mercer B. Tate's "S. O. S." committee to carry a bundle of rubber with him and place it in a receptacle placed out side the registration houses. "Every time you see an old over shoe think of that "S. O. R.' cam paign," said Andrew S. Patterson this morning. "I'd like to see every automobile owner in the city who goes to reg ister September 12 trundle an old shoe' with him and leave it for the Red Cross," said J. Clyde Myton. Urge School Children to Help But the registering men are not the only ones who have a special task laid out for them. Every school child in the city is urged tQ gather old rubber, ready for the drfve next week. The kiddos' big day will be Saturday, September 14, and thou sands of them will cast their rub ber bundles on the triangle on the post office lawn. Third and Walnut streets. Anything that's rubber will be money in the Red Cross treas ury. Pleads For Red Cross "I wish the men who will register September 12, would pay particular attention to this request we're mak ing," said Mercer Tate to-day. "Many of them won't be called into the army. But they can help the ones who are going to fight by carrying rubber with them when they go to put down their names. This is an easy thing to do and it costs them nothing at all, while It will do the Red Cross a world of good." AROUND THE BASES A Philadelphia sporting page an nounces in a head line this morning "Scott Perry to Work in Cramps." It seems rather severe punishment for his desertion from Boston. The Central Iron and Steel League went along with its schedule last evening when Electric Shop rolled the vacuum cleaner over Frog and Switch made up of Bethlehem Steel Company Leaguers, 4-0. It was sweet revenge. "Kid" Shay outdid himself in the box, whiffing 15. The teams are now. tied with identical average, .500. Toronto won the pennant of the first season of the New International League by downing Buffalo in a double-header on Labor Day. A Seattle Japanese baseball team is going to sunny Japan to show the home folks how the American na tional game is played. The Asahi, composed of the pick of the Oriental diamond stars in the northwest, will leave on a tour which will last six months. The Japanese team Is not the best amateur aggregation, but it can give any of them a battle. With a record of fifteen games won and nine lost for the season, the Asahi have shown that they rank well with the Amer ican players. While a little weak in batting, the little fellows are wonder ful fielders, fast and good base run ners. Fukuda, who was cashier in a Seat tle bank, is managing the team. The club will play more than thirty games. Among the crack teams they will meet are the Keio, the Waseda and the Meiji University teams. These three have made tours in this coun try. Flying Cadet G. M. Milliken, former Pittsburgh National League pitcher, died here to-day from injuries re ceived yesterday when he crashed to earth in an airplane with Lieut. Sid ney Green. Lieutenant Green was instantly killed in the fall, but Cadet Mllli ken's injuries were not considered serious at the time of the accident. The new style of prize fighters is to be modeled on a high type, even excelling Gentleman James Corbett. Speaking of this epoch. Tad, the car toonist tells one on Gid Griffo, like this: "I 'ad a bit of 'ard luck when I first came to this country," said Griffo, scratching his gray head. "One of my first bouts in this coun try was with a lad named Bull Mc- Carthy and it took place in Sacra mento, Cal. We. boxed 19 rounds, i think, and finally the fellow collapsed Aged Chaplain Gives Up Post at County Home; Served Nearly 20 Years Chaplain at the Dauphin county almshouse for almost twenty years, the Rev. O. J. Farling, of the Church of God denomination, be cause of his advanced age. has ten dered his resignation to the county directors of the poor, effective Oc tober 27. 1918. During the entire time he was chaplain the Rev. Mr. Farling held services every two weeks for the scores of inmates there. No service the minister could give was too much trouble for him and many times ho visited the institution at all hours of the night to pray at the bedside of a dying inmate. He also officiated at times at funerals when there were no friends or relatives to make the arrangements. He re ceived no fee lor his services at any time other than the small sum set aside by the poor board. The Rev. Mr. Farling began his duties November 20, 1898, and has been chaplain at the institution ever since that date. He served under five stewards. In his letter to the direc tors he commends them for their work in the Interests of the poor, and also highly praises John W. Early, the present steward, for his kind treatment of the .unfortunates who are now being cared for there. in the ring. That night he died, and it really was from over-exertion, not from the punching. However, 1 was put in jail, charged with murder, and I 'adn't a friend in the bloomin' land. "Next morning, to my surprise a stout little fellow named Tram John son, a lawyer, who 'ad seen me box, came to my cell and said: 'Griffo, I'll represent you in this case. I'll get you ofT. "Gee! I could hardly believe mo eyes " piped Griffo. "Blime me if 'e wasn't in court for me that day. Got me out of the scrape. Wouldn't take a cent for his trouble. Just shook me 'and and wished me luck. 'ls name was Tram Johnson. I'll never forget it. i"ou know, I never saw new 'eard of 'im since. "I wonder if 'e's still out there." And Griffo shook his head, thinking. Such is fame! Eh, men? Sammy Schiff of Harrisburg, will ( be on the card at the Olympic club in j Philadelphia, September 16, when ' Lightweight Champion Benny Leo nard meets Harry Pierce, of Brook lyn. Schiff is scheduled in a semi wind-up round with Kid Brown, of West Philadelphia. Schiff has been asked to show at Camp Colt under the auspices of the Knights of Co lumbus. Judge Bonniwell Says Liquor Interests Are Not Financing His Campaign By Associated Press Milford, Pa.. Sept. 5. Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell, Democratic candidate for Governor, to-day en tered a general denial of all the charges contained in an attack made upon him yesterday by A. Mitchell Palmer, Democratic national chair man, at the platform meeting of the state committee. Judge Bonniwell is spending a brief vacation in this vicinity. After learning of the charges by Mr. Pal mer that his nomination had come from the office of Senator Penrose and that John Sinnott, head of the Wholesale Liquor Dealers' Associa tion, is financing his campaign. Judge Bonniwell said: "X do not wish to make a formal statement in reply to this attack at the moment. I wish to digest the statement and the objects behind it. The statement that piy campaign is being financed by Mr. Sinnott and the liquor interests is unqualifiedly false. The other statements are un true and I will take them up care fully a little later." Soldier's Forgetfulness Proves Y. M. C. A. Work As proof of his assertion that the work of the Y. M. C. A. is far reaching, A. H. Dinsmore, boys work secretary of the Central Y. M. C. A., displayed this morning two letters written on Army Y. M. C. A sta tionery. The letters were, mailed in Harrisburg by a soldier who neglect ed to place a three-cent stamp thereon. Immediately the letters were returned to the Central Y. M. C. A. where they were stamped and remailed. "That's what X call 'Y' service," Secretary Dinsmore declared. Hotel Man Assaulted by Soldier; Gave Up Room Arthur C. Mallery, stationed with the 616 th Aerial Squadron detach ment at Middletown, was arrested last night on the charge of striking Theodore Lavis, proprietor of the Alva Hotel, 422 Market street, in the face and knocking him down. It is said he went to a room in company with another soldier, and after staying a while, decided he did not want it. When Lavis refused to return his money the fight began. It is said Mallery was under the in fluence of liquor. WORLD SERIES BASEBALL HERE Planjc and Tesreau to Battle For Bethlehem Steel League Flag at Cottage Hill Talk about world series baseball! What would you call the brand which is to be displayed at Cottage Hill on Saturday when Steelton and Bethle hem meet to battle for the Bethlehem Steel League 'pennant. Lddie Plank opposed to Jeff Tesreau should offer as tine a'n exhibition of the national pastime as any two flingirs now in captivity can put up, not barring the big league stars. Posed in the Cot tage Hill arena both of these men, who have had post-season experience, will pitch their very cleverest to win for the rivalry in Schwab's League is keen, and all eyes are set on these clubs, now handcuffed in average. It will be the highest class of baseball to be seen anywhere, for nearly, the whole roster of experts is made up of graduates of major company. Preparations were begun to-day by the athletic committee for a mon ster crowd, which will be entertained prior to hostilities by the Steelton band. Owing to the tremendous in terest in this decision victory will not depend on one game, but after Saturday's contest the next one comes oft at Bethlehem on September 12. So closely are the teams matched that most likely a third game will bo needetf. and that w4ll probably go to Reading. 1,1 EUT. I,OVO TALKS AT MOORHEAD PLANT Lieutenant James T. Long, of the One hundred and Twelfth Regiment, who has just returned from the big push in France, addressed the em ployes of the Moorhead Knitting Com pany plant, Cameron and Walnut streets, at noon to-day. giving many thrilling experiences. Great interest was displayed by the girls. Many of them had brothers or sweethearts in Lieutenant Long's regiment and after his address they thronged to question him about these soldiers. TOMORROW LAFAYETTE DAY * To-morrow is Lafayette Day. Pa riotic Harrisburgers by the hundreds vill hang out the tri-color beside the itars and Stripes in honor of the great French soldier and patriot, who came 0 the rescue of this country when it iras struggling for freedom against 1 German king on the English throne. Play Safe — Stick to KING OSCAR CIGARS because the quality is as good as ever it was. They will please and satisfy you. 6c—-worth it JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Makers U. S. RECRUITING OFFICE TO CLOSE [Continued from First Page.] as under Captain, now major, Har rell. Since fflj beginning of the war, 1 100,000 men have been enlisted into the Regular Army from Pennsylva nia. The iocal recruiting party se cured 35,000 of these enlistments from the Harrisburg? district. Before the new draft rules the station in ducted a large number of men for special service. Postmasters in the district ha"e enlisted many men, Lieutenant Lesher said. From the city alone, 771 men, and from the county, 497 men, were se cured by the recruiting party for tho Regular Army. While the party was restricted to the enlistment of men not in the draft age limits of 21 to 31, 700 men were enlistad monthly. During July, 750 men wore enlisted, and during the first nine days of August, 250 men. The district comprises forty coun ties, and embraces what was former ly the Seranton district. All substa- I tions have l ean closed, and goods are | being concentrated at the Seranton and Harrisburg offices for shipment. There are eighty men in the detnl covering tho district. Eighteen will he sent to officers training camps, twelve will receive commissions in the Quartermasters Corps and United States Guards at once, and others will receive special assignments. Many of the men in the offices are expert stenographers. Long in Army I Lieutenant Lesher reported that . he will likely be assigned to duty in the United States Guards. Quar termasters Corps, or as an instructor int. a*college. He has been a soldier, for twenty-two years, during thirteen years of which he was in active , service. He is now on the retired list. Lieutenant Lesher enlisted in the Regular Army in March. 1896, at ! Harrisburg, and was sent to Fort t Ethan Allen, Vt., in the Third Cav alry. He was in the Santiago cam ' paign in Cuba, and served five years • in thefhillipines. The remainder of i his active service was west of tho t Mississippi river. Tn 1901 he was r commissioned a second lieutenant. ! and a first lieutenant in 1908, at For* ( Sam Houston, Tex. In 1909 he was , retired on sick leave, and recalled | to duty at the outbreak of the great war. Since he has taken charge of tho • local recruiting parly, he has made such a record for the district that ' it has repeatedly been mentioned as ' leading every district in the country. I He received signal recognition when [ he was made commander of the ! Seranton as well as the Harrisburg ' district. r Many Promotions The following men will go to cffl , cers training camps at once: j Sergeants Beary, Erford, Hollen bach, Corbo, Gestner. Martin, Hie- J ronymous, Burner, Ylngst, Rutter p burg. Coalson, Wiesebrod, Partridge, s ; Strauss, Schneider and Raymond, j I The following men will be commis sioned at once: ~ Sergeants Schiffman, Gibbons, Blake, O'Crystall, Weber, Smith, Dill man, Mau, Perry, Washok and Brady. Among the members of the party P were many old soldiers who had seen active service in a number of cam- paigns. These men have been eom , missioned and are now in active ser r vice at the front and in training ■ camps. They are: Lieutenants ' Hoagland, Young, Meginnis, Moran, ' Boyle. Parker. Cornelius, Wall, Ber nard. Barber, Simpson, Mulleny and j Partin. r ————— J BALTIMORE WOMAN" INJURED j Mrs. Katharine Sponsler, 1110 Ed winson street, Baltimore, & in the Harrisburg Hospital suffering with a fractured right femur, sustained in a " fall at the home of Edward R. Spon • sler, 25 South Front street, where she I has been visiting. During her visit she was taken ill, and had not re t covered when she fractured her leg. t . —— . Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers