THE KAISER AS I KNEW HIM FOR FOURTEEN YEARS By ARTHUR X. DAVIS. D. D. S. (Copyright. 1!)18, by the MoClnif Xewsp;ner SytuUcate) (Continued.) • Although the Kaiser so freely ad mitted his designs on the world at large, he was impatient of any ex pansion on the part of our nations. He often spoke of England's "grab bing" propensity and viewed with suspicion our annexation of Hawaii and the Philippines and our develop ment of Cuba after the Spanish- American \ytr. He professed to see In our new policy a striving after "world power which was inconsistent with the principles upon which our government was founded. He objected to our interference In Mexican affairs, although, as was disclosed by the Zimmermann note to von Eckhardt, he was making every effort to have Mexico interfere ■with ours. "What right has President Wil son to attempt to dictate the inter nal policies of Mexico?" he asked. "Why not let them tight their bat tles out alone?" Alluding to America's threat to enter the present ,war, he asked: "What right has America to insist upon the Monroe Doctrine of Amer ica and then mix In European af fairs. Let her recognize also a Monroe Doctrine of Europe and keep her hands out of this conflict!" There is no doubt that the Kaiser imagined that the great army and navy he had built up would enable him to carry out his ambitious pro gram without effective resistance. The one power he most feared but for which he professed the utmost contempt was England. He had an Idea that England would never dare to measure swords with Germany and that he could provoke a war iVhen the opportune moment came without much fear of England's in tervention In 1911, when the international situation over the Moroccan affair was i articularly acute as a result of Germany's having sent a gunboat to Agadir to demonstrate that she was serious in her demands, the Kaiser had great hopes that wai with Krance might thus be precipt- I tated and he was confident that Eng- ! land would keep out of it. "England would be afraid to go to war with us," he told me at the time, "for fear of losing Egypt. In dia and Ireland. Any nation would think twice before fighting by arm- : ies. but England particularly be cause she would not dare to risk the ! loss of her overseas colonies." Had Austria shown any disposi tion to support Germany at this j juncture, the European war would j have been started in 1911 instead or 1914. but Emperor Franz Josef was evidently opposed to the Kaiser's plan' at that time and the conflict was postponed. When the opportunity came again in 1!'1( the Kaiser was still confi dent that England would not inter vene—a fact which has been clearly < revealed in the recent disclosures of , Prince Lichnowsky the last Ger- j man ambassador to England. Wher. the Kaiser's ambitious proj ect to dominate the world is consid ered his consistent opposition to the universal disarmament proposals is easily understood. Without a su perior army and navy, his whole plan would have to be abandoned and his 1 dream of worldwide dominion would be shattered. On one occasion when we were discus.-ing the Carnegie Peace ef lorts, the Kaiser disclosed very posi tively just where he stood on the proposition. "Look at the history of the na tions of the world," he declared. "The only nations which have pro gressed and become great have been warring nations. Those which have not been ambitious and gone to war have amounted to nothing!" Shortly after Wilson Fad pointed I the way to peace in Europe in one | of his notes to all the belligerent powers, the Kaiser called to see me ! professionally and we discussed that I latest phase of the situation. "The way to peace seems per- j A Clean Cool Scalp. Parisian Sago Stops Itching. Keeps the Sculp Cool—Prevents Dandruff Almost everybody nowadays knows thai Parisian Sage, the invigorating hair restorer, is guaranteed to re move every trace of dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp, or the cost, small as it is, wiil be re funded. But you should know more about this marvelous hair grower. You ought to know that it immediately destroys all odors that are bound to come from the excretions of the scalp, and' in five minutes after an application, no matter how hot the weather, your head will feel cool and comfortable. Everyone should have a bottle of Parisian sage handy because it is such a pleasant and exhilanating hair treatment. Ladies use it be cause they know it is delicately per fumed, not sticky or greasy, and surely does make the hair beautiful, silky and abundant. Here's what a New York woman writes: "I have used Parisian sage two weeks only, yet in that time find my hair has wonderfully increased in beauty, thickness and luxuriance, but what surprised me most was the disap pearance of all dandruff." A large bottle of Parisian sage caji be obtained from Kennedy's Drug Store or at any good drug or toilet counter—it's not expensive. Rubber Compound Kubber compound is an automo , bile tire protector. If used a3 di rected. having been tested by a wide use. more or less upon the road, the manufacturer feels confident that a wide knowledge of its merits will largely increase its demands. The facts of good results, in prolonging the life of the tire by increased toughness of the fiber of the rubber, adds' many miles of life to the tire, which irfeterially reduces the cost of the improved rubber tire. It is a valuable consideration to the owner of the automobile. It applies to the solid truck tires also with the same good results. It will preserve and keep leather, curtains and top of the automobile and can be used with good results on the body and wheels of the same. Adam Orris. Manufac turer, .318 West Main Street, Mechan- Jcsburg, Pn. THURSDAY EVENING fectly clear.'" I ventured. "Only your Majesty's ever-increasing army and navy stand in the way. If Ger many will give up her armament, it seems, we would soon have peace." "That is out of the question to- Germany," replied the Kaiser, de cisivelv. "We have no mountain like the Pyrenees to protect us. W have the open plains of Russia will, their vast hordes endangering us No: we shall remain armed to the teeth forever!" CHAPTER XI Prince Von Plcss One of my most distinguished pa tients in Germany was Euerst < Prince) von Pless. Although he occupied no position of state, he was so close to the Kaiser and enjoyed his confidence to such a supreme degree that I always regarded what he told me as more or less an echo of the Kaiser's own sentiments. In deed it so frequently happened, when the visit of one of them fol lowed shortly after the other had been to see me. that they gave ex pression to the same views in al most the same terms, that 1 had concrete evidence of their intimate ■association. _ Besides being a confidante of the Kaiser, the Prince was one of the most influential men .in Germany. Next to Fuerst von Heckel-Donners ntarck, he was probably Germany's largest land owner, his possessions including large coal mines and big estates upon which were two of the tiriest castles in Germany. For these reasons, I feel that it may be valuable to record some of the things von Pless told mc from time to time, but which might otherwise be out of place in these pages. The Prince's wife was the daugh ter of Mrs. Cornwallis-West. She was one of the most beautiful wom en in England and quite the most beautiful who had ever come to Germany. It was the Prirtcess who first came to me as a patient—early in 1909. Shortly afterwards I received a long distance telephone message from the Prince to the effect that he in tended calling on me at my office the following afternoon, whifch was a Saturday. 1 had previously arranged to go out of town for the weekend to participate in a golf match at Leip zig. and I asked the Prince whether he could not arrange to see me the following Monday instead. He said that that would be quite satisfac tory. Later in the day, however, dur ing my absence, he called up again and left word that he would be at thy office Saturday afternoon as he had originally intended, and as it was impossible for me to get in touch with him again. I had to give up the plans I had made and re main in town to receive him. Naturally, when he arrived I was not prepared to be particularly cor dial to hint. f I had pictured him a typical German aristocrat whose selfishness never allows for the-con venience of others, and I didn't care very much whether I made a favor able impression upon him or not, although the Princess had shown herself to be such a charming indi vidual I did not wish to offend her after she had advised the Prince to visit me. When the Prince arrived, my ill humor and preconceived ideas as to the type of man he was disappeared simultaneously. I found hint to be a tall blonde, broad-shouldered man of about 48. more English than German in appearance, his slightly drooping moustache contrasting conspicuously with the upturned ap pendages favored by most of the German aristocrats and others who aped the Kaiser. This Prince was every inch a sportsman—another point in which he differed widely from the general run of the German nobility. He was permanently lame as a result of having been thrown from a horse while hunting. In his actions and conversation, he was one of the most democratic Germans I have ever known. In the years which followed, during which he visited me regularly for professional attention. I always felt perfectly free to air my views and to answer the sentiments expi essett by the Prince without the slightest restraint, and he never resented my attitude. While I ha<l many interesting conversations with Prince von Pless before the war. there was little of sufficient significance in them to warrant their being included in these pages. When war broke out, however, he continued to come to me. and his remarks from that time on made a particular impression upon me, as I knew he was in almost daily con tact with the high command. The first time I saw him after the war started was on August 5. 1914. 1 had just got into Berlin from Frankfort, which city I had reached on a motor trip when hostilities commenced. The Prince was at tired in the full uniform of a high German officer. I had never seen him thus attired before. He came in smilirg and full of confidence. Indeed. I may say right hfre that while 1 never knew a single one of his prognostications or prophecies, which he was very fond of making, ever to come true, his supreme con fidence never left him. "Well, the great war is on!" he declared, as he entered my office. "I leave at once for th? great army headquarters in the. Held. You will learn to-night that England is going to declare war on us." "Groat Heavens!'* I exclaimed. "Is that Dossible?" "Yes, Dr. Davis, the English am bassador will ask for his pass to-day and it will probably be given him to-day or to-morrow. It's quite all right. We're only too glad to know where England stands. We HAD to know. If our fleet had gone out before England declared herself, it might have been cut off from its home base and then it would have been lost. It is very fortunate for us that England showed her hand so early in the game." "But. Prince," I said, "you'll be j blockaded!" "We're not worried about that. It is not so easy. There are many channels and many islands and our ; boats will always succeed in get ting through. Anyway, the war will ibe over before England has a [ chance to accomplish anything in i that direction, and we have vast supplies of everything which will ! outlast the war." ! "How long do you think the w-ar will last, then?" I asked. "The war will be over by Christ mas! Yes, you may rest assured, I will be home by Christmas!" I asked him whether the country at large was behind the war. "To a man! It's fvonderful the way the Socialists have come in. Many thought they would prove a stumbling block and impede us. They came In as a man. without a dissenting voice! Why. when I came into your house to-day, your porter's wife came out to ask me to enlist her boy who is -not yet of military age, and I enlisted him right here et your door! It's a most remarkable thing how readily the mothers of Germany are giving their boys to the war." Just before Christmas of that year I saw the Prince again and rernind- Store Closed Labor Day BKLL 1001—23 EXITED Jewelry 10 K. gold Jewelry Fa vallieri, brooch pins, bar pins, chains. Friday sale, One-half Price Earrings, brooch pins, bar pins, shirt waist pins, cuff pins, lingerie clasp, cuff links, beauty pin sticks, hat pins, perfume balls, rings. Friday sale. 29c Neck Beads Beads special. Friday sale. each, 19c Combs. Fancy side and back—odd pieces. Friday sale, 55c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. r -ndkerchiefs Men's cambric handker chiefs—odd initials, white and colors, slightly soiled, from display. Friday sale, each, 10c Ladies' fancy colored em broidered corner and border handkerchiefs linen and lawn, slightly mussed from display. Friday sale, each, 15c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Hosiery Women's thread silk stockings—black, white and colors, double soles, wide garter tops. Friday sale, pair, SI.OO Women's thread silk stockings three - quarter length, fancy double soles. Friday sale, pair, 79c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Union Suits Women's union suits, bieached cotton, low neck, sleeveless, lace and cuff knees. Friday sale, each, _ 79c Men's union suits bleached cotton, sleeveless, knee length, and short | sleeves, ankle length. Fri day sale, each, 79c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Store Closed LABOR DA Y Next Monday will be observed throughout the nation as Labor's holiday the one day of the year when men and women of the great industrial centers, especially, celebrate the achievements that their skill and industry has contributed to civilization. Not only in a material sense, but to their fair-minded thinkers and intelligent leaders, is due to a large extent much advanced legislation pertaining to shorter hours of labor, safety first appliances, and improved conditions of employment in all branches of industry. This store heartily approves of frequent holidays for recreation. and public demonstrations that are inspir ational for betterment, and in observance of Labor's holiday this store will close all day Monday, Septem ,ber 2. ' HARRIS3URG TELEGRAPH Ed him of his prophecy regarding peace by Christmas. "You promised us peace by Christmas." X said. "Are we going to get it?" "Well, not this Christmas, but next," he replied, with just a shade of disappointment in his tone. "Things have not gone just the way we expected, but you may be quite sure it will be all over by next Christmas at any rate." Friday Bargains Special prices prevail tomorrow on all articles mark ed with green tickets. Every department offering many unusal values in order to dispose of certain odds and ends. You will be wise to come tomorrow aVd share in these excellent values offered. Dress Goods 54-inch black and white check suiting of a very tine weave. Friday sale, yard, 89c 36-inch Shepherd check— very suitable .for children school dresses. Friday sale, yard, 49c 32-inch Mohair skirtings in very effective plaids and combination colorings—also plain shades. Friday sale, yard, 45c 36-inch silk and cotton poplin in pink, apricot, and pale blue shades only. Fri day sale, yard, 79c 36-inch mohair in Navy and grey only with shadow stripe effect. Friday sale, yard, 79c ■ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Silks Over 2000 yards of fine silk in lengths ranging from a waist to a dress length or 2to 6 yards. Printed Chif fons, Crepe de Chine, voiles, tafetas. Foulards and Mes salines —these are manu facturers' odd lengths and many are from our own best sellers from stock. Friday sale. yard. $1.15 40-inch Crepe de Chine in a full range of best colors; also black or white. Friday sale. yard. $1.59 Last two days of our black silk sale; many fine qualities of Domestic and Foreign makes. Friday sale, One-fourth to One-third less than regular prices BOWMAN'S—Main Floor On one of his visits shortly before | Christmas, 1915, I reminded him •again of his prediction. "Dflvis," he said laughingly, "II don't think the damn thing will | EVER end!" I saw him on February 2. 1917, j and his old eonttdence was quite re stored. Many things had happened in the meanwhile, one would have | thought, to have affected his op-' timism. but he was just as certain . JSjoam&ftS I HARRIS BURG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 211, lIIIM. Domestics Challis—36 inches wide, good patterns, cut from the piece for draperies or cover ings. Friday sale, yard, 25c Dress and waist gingham —light and dark patterns, in plaids and stripes. Friday sale, yard, 23c I'nbleached sheeting—3B inches wide, smoothe even thread—will bleach and wash easily. Friday sale, yard, 20c Embroidered scalloped pillow cases, made of best j quality tubing, five different patterns to select from. Fri day sale, each, 62V2C . Bowman's Second Floor Wash Goods Remnants of wash goods have accumulated very rap idly the.past week or so and we intend to make one big clearance of these at one price only—dozens of useful lengths of percales, voiles and all kinds of summer dress fabrics., Friday sale, yard, 19c 38 and 44-inch plain and fancy voiles in a full range of colorings and smart de signs. Friday, sale, yard, 25c 36-inch percales of fine quality in a large assortment of designs, Jight and dark. Friday sale, yard. 25c 36-inch silk and cotton gingham in a good assort ment of smart plaids. Fri j day sale, yard 69c 36-inch "silk and cotton Tussah; navy and cream grounds with coin spots of various colors and sizes. Fri * day salt, yard, ' . 50c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Corsets • A lot of high priced .■ it sets including Bon Ton, La Vida, La Bona, and others —white coutil and flesh broche, medium and low bust, long hip—good strong, hose supporters, not ail sizes; an extraordinary value. Friday sale, each, $2.95 Bowman's Second Floor I that day that victory was In plain sight as he had been, when the war , started, that it would be over by | Christmas. I "Our unrestricted submarine war • fare has just started." he said, "aqd j we're going to bring England to her | knees within three months. That's positive. Some think that this will | bring America into the war. but wo ,are sure it won't. We'll crush Eng ■ land and compel her to deliver her i Draperies Barred Filet net for cur tains—3B inches wide, in cream and white. Friday sale, yard, 29c Fancy Marquisette in Ecru and white, rose and blue figures with blue birds. Friday sale, 39c Rose, blue, brown and green Marquisette, both plain and figured. Friday sale, yard. 38c Dark cretonne in good patterns —30 .inches 'wide. Friday sale, yard, 25c Bowman's Second Floor White Goods Special Skirt and waist lengths of novelty skirtings and voiles —ends of pieces and counter soiled lengths that have ac cumulated during {Jie season. Friday sale, ONE-THIRD OFF REGUAR PRICE White novelty weave skirting in dice pattern only —36-inches wide, a go'od substantial cloth that will launder to advantage. Fri day sale, per yard, 49c Union linen Damask —70 inches wide. Friday sale, yard, * $1.39 Colored reversible bed spreads in pink and blue— double bed size. Friday sale, each, $3.50 Hemstitched huck towels —size 18x36, selected .sec onds. Friday sale, each, 21c Lullaby diaper cloth—lß inches wide, 10 yards to piece. Friday sale, per piece, $1.39 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Yarn Thibet yarn. Friday - ale, • ball, 35c BOWMAN'S—Second Floor AUGUST 29, 1918 fleet to us. America would not then be so foolish to go Into the war and run the great risk of being disas trously defeate dsimply to tight the battle for France und Russia, be cause with England's fleet and our own w e shall be able to attack New York!" This story struck me as so pre posterous that I couldn't help laugh- . ing In the Prince's face. Very j i shortly afterwards, however, the i Store Closed Labor Day Shoe Specials • One lot pumps in cham paign, white, brown and gray Louis heel. Ma terials and shades like these cannot be made to-day. Formerly sold at four and five times this price. Fri day special, SI.OO One lot of white high lace shoes with rubber soles. Excellent value for outing or school. Fridav special, $1.49 EXTRA SPECIAI One lot of pumps in champaign and gray leather; also white canvas and white calf. Sold last year for more than double what you are asked to pay to-morrow. Friday special, $2.98 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Stamped Centers 18-inch stamped centers— white and linen color neat attractive designs. Friday sale, 12V2C to 15c Pillow Tops Stamped —white and linen. Friday sale, Bowman's Second Floor Lunch Cloths and Napkins White and linen lunch cloths—with a colored bor der, finished for use. Friday sale, $2.98 Napkins—white and linen. Friday sale, V 2 doz. $1.50 Bowman's Second Floor Clearance Sale Of All Summer Waists Continues Friday and Saturday , Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine, also Washable Satins—three groups— ~\ $4.29, $5.29, $5.79 Just arrived large lot of voile and organdie waisfs. Plain white voile waists with large collars, some roll collars with fine hemstitching some with frills and others hand embroidered. Several organdies, voiles, and linens id white, flesh and blue with fine ruffling ancl hemstitching. Friday pale, ONE-FOURTH OFF REGULAR PRICE BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Crepe de Chine waists m white flesh and maize. * Some With hand embroidery and fine tucks. Friday sale, $2.29 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. German papers announced that 100,000 tons of shipping had been sunk In a single day, and day aftor day from that time on the 4ally sinkings, according to the German papers, aggregated anywhere from 60,000 to 120,000, and at that rate I '.began to fear that perhaps for once in hts life the Prince hud cor* rectly forecast coming develop- I ments. 1 (To Be Continued.) FOUNDED 1871 O'Cedar Mops and Oil Genuine O'Cedar mops. Friday sale, each, 59c O'Cedar Oil. Friday sale, 20c and 39c Iron Stand Asbestos. Friday sale, each, 4c Paper Napkins White paper napkins. Friday sale,' 100 for 15c Tea Kettles For oil stoves, nickel plated. Friday sale, 50c Smoking Stand Mahogany finish. Friday sale, , * 89c China Vase Decorated Japanese china vase. Friday sale, 25c Cream Pitchers Brown and White Cream Pitchers. Friday sale, 15c Mixing Bowls Set of 6 mixing bowls. Friday sale, 75c Coffee Pot 2 qt. aluminum percolating pot. Friday sale. $1.39 Dinner Set 100 pieces— neat spray decoration, Friday sale, $16.98 BOWMAN'S—Basement Wash Skirts Final clearance in wash skirts put in three lots. Fri-' day sale, $1.69, $2.69, $3.69 Coat A final clearance—3 small lots. Friday sale, $6.95, $11.50, $14.95 Bowman's Third Floor j \ „ 3
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