4 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL ITEMS LAST STORY HOUR OF THE SEASON Children Delighted With Spe cial Meetings Held in St. Paul's Parish House One of the delights for the Chil dren of the upper end of the city during the summer vacation has been a series of Story Hours held by members of the Harrisburg Branch of the Story Tellers' League in St. Paul's parish house. Second and Em erald streets, every Thursday morn iug. 1 To-morrow at 10 o'clock the of these meetings will be held with an extra fine program including stories of animal and vegetable life. The numbers will include "Why Slowpoke Has Two Doors." told by Mrs. Anna Hamilton Woods; "Aunt Este," Mrs. Edna Groof Deihl will tell "How the Onion Got Its Smell. Miss Martha Jane Rife, of the Har risburg Academy faculty, will nar rate the adventures of "The Hollow Tree Family," and Mrs. Harry G. Keffer will tell about "The Little Man." An automobile has been donated for the purpose of bringing to this session a number of the little crip ples and shut-ins taken care of by the Sunshine Society. Baughman Family Reunion Held in Hershey Park The third annual reunion of the decendants of John S. and Elizabeth Baughman, was held at Hershey Park, Saturday, August 24. The party included the children, Mrs. Clark G. Long, of Jonestown; Mrs. G. A. Smith, of Marysville; Mrs. Marie Baughman, of Philadelphia: J. C. Baughman, of Steelton: Mrs. A. I. Critchley. of Penbrook, and Mrs. Charles Shepley, of Harrisburg. Others in the party were: Clark Long, G. A. Smith, A. I. Critchley, Charles Shipleyt Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Heilman and family, ot Leban on; Miss Dorothy Trout, Miss Esther Baughman, Miss Margaret Baugh man, M -. J. C. Baughman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vandling. Francis Vand ling. Miss Dorothy Critchley, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Shepley, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Stuck, Charles Stuck, Edward Phillips and Bruce Lett man. RI'PP-LARKW BRIDAL The marriage of Miss Pearl Larew and Harry E. Rupp. of the pipe bending works, both of this city, took place last evening at 9 o'clock at the home of the bride, 129 Hoerner street, with the Rev. H. F. Rhoad, of the State Street U. B. Church, of ficiating, in the presence of the im mediate families. The bride who wore a dainty white frock, was un attended. They will reside at her home for the present. HOSTESS TO S. S. CLASS Miss Elsie DeWees, of 2004 North Fourth street, entertained the Sun day school class taught by Miss Belle Walters, at her home, last evening. The guests enjoyed knitting, music and refreshments. QFh Gas Ranges t Styles and Sizes, ;■ Up-to-the-Minute r { Features • at Mlddletowq For Sale by ■ our i .er and Yo Gas Co. STOVE WORKS > are very busy, trying days in deed to the child whose eyes are defective. Many a youngster has made very poor progress at school for no other reason in the world than that his eyes need ed attention and treatment. A child's eyes are far too im portant to risk. If your boys or girls show even the slight est sign of eye trouble, consult us at once. It may be the meaus of pre venting endless trouble later. Glasses will be fitted only if' they are necessary. ' Saturday morning has set aside by us especially for the children. EYES EXAMINED FREE NO DROPS USED RUBIN & RUBIN Eyesight Specialists 320 MARKET STREET "Over the Hub" Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings "See Us to See Better" L *■ < ■' The Dunmire School of Music DAUPHIN BUILDING, SECOND AND MARKET STS„ HARRISBURG, PA. RE-OPENS FOR ENROLLMENT, AUG. 27, 28 AND 29 HEGUL.UK PERIODS OF RECITATION BEGIN SEPTEMBER 3RD Preparatory and Advanced Courses In Hand Culture, Pianoforte Tech nique, Theory, History of Music, Art and Expression. The need for the priceless inspiration and good cheer which music brings was never greater than now. Music in the home at this time will bring a new meaning to life and a new happiness to all. The child's right to the best music and the most thorough instruction is one that all interesting parents respect. A keen reslization of these facts on the part of the Dirsctor of this school has caused a preparation of one of the most thorough and unique child's courses that could be offered the American youth. In this course the pupil is taught Hand Culture, Pianoforte and Theory In the same period. For information as to coiiraes, rates and details call at or address the school. Entrance Examinations conducted gratis. LESCHETIZKY AND LEBFSON PIANO METHODS WEDNESDAY EVENING, Anxious to Fight _____ - . . PHILIP S. BRYAN Private Philip S. Bryan now stationed with the United States Marine Corps at Paris Island, S. C., writes that he is enjoying the life and is anxious to get over to fight the Huns. W.C.T.U.WiII Meet Friday to Arrange Special Work The meeting of the Harrisburg W. C. T. U„ scheduled to be held to-mor- I row afternoon, at 2 o'clock, will be held Friday afternoon instead, at 2 o'clock, in the Fourth Street Church of God. At that time the annual election of I officers will be held and the yearly re-j ports from all departments of the work submitted. Special plans for! the Dauphin county convention, to be held here Thursday. August 12. will 1 also be arranged at the Friday meet ing. The Harrisburg Jinfon will be hostesses for the guests attending the county convention, therefbre the or ganization urges a full attendance at the Friday meeting in order that satisfactory plans can be arranged lot* the entertainment of the women of the various county societies who will attend the county convention sessions. The county conference will be held >8 the Augsburg Lutheran Church th 12th of next month. Heimerdinger-Wilson Marriage in Parsonage Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wilson, 120 Lin den street, announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Amy Lumyra Wilson, to Fred W. Heimerdinger, Jr., on Tuesday rooming, August 27, at 11:30 o'clock. The ceremony was performed at the parsonage of the Christ Lutheran Church by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Thomas Reisch. Miss Margaret Wilson, a sister of the bride, was their only attendant. Mr. Heimerdinger leaves the latter part of the week for Spring Garden, Philadelphia, where he will receive special training for the Army. Mr. and Mrs." Heimerdinger left im mediately after the ceremony for Lan caster. Easton and Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson, who are summering at their country place, New Cumberland, are home after a fortnight's trip up. the Hud son, Lake George and_ many other places of interest. Miss Gwvnllyn Jetmore, of New York City, and Miss Helena Aiken, of Boston, are guests of Miss Lorena Shields, at her Penbrook home. Moe Cooper, stationed at Mineola, N. Y„ was at hjls home, 600 North street, on a two days' furlough. The Misses Faith Page and Edna Cratzer have returned to the city after an extended trip to Pittsburgh and Midland. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Flickinger, of 2102 North Fourth street, are spend ing a week at Ocean Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stewart have gone home to Erie, after a week's visit among old friends in this vicin ity. Miss Anne Roberts Kelker and her niece, Miss Florence Wallace Ham ilton, are enjoying a stay at The Crestmont, Eaglesmore. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Strong Sny-. der have returned home to Chicago, after a little visit with Mrs. Isaiah Snyder, at 1008 North Second street. Acadern A COUNTRY DAY AND * BOARDING SCIIOOI. 1 REOPENS MONDAY, SKIT. 23 The New Junior School Plant for young boys is the finest in this section of the United' States. This Department accommodates young boys from six to twelve years of age, as day and resident pupils. The Senior Department com prises six years of scholastic work and is designed to prepare voung men for entrance to any College or University. The School provides: Small Classes. ■w Individual Instruction. Military Training. All Open Air Sports. The time required for pupil , to complete his preparation for college entrance depends solely | upon his ability, and industry For new catalog. Dormitory floor ' plans, and additional detailed in -1 formation, communicate with ARTHUR E. BROWN, * Headmaster, P. O. Box 617. Bell Phone IS7I-J. For Enameled Ferniiure j Removes dirt, stulns and murks from enameled furni tare, buby enrriugrs, metal beds, plute glass, mirrors, etc. llunnfnetnreU and sold by Hoover Furniture Co, 1415-11) NORTH SECOND ST. FRYMIRE REUNION AT MART|N HOME Family Holds Its First Gather ing at the Homestead, Near Marysville The first reunion of the Frymiro family was held yesterday at the home of "John Martin, about six miles west of Marysville. The home of the Martins is the old homestead of the Frymire family which includes nine children. Six children of the ori ginal Frymire clan or near Marys ville are still living and were at pres ent at the gathering except a sister, Mrs. Eliza Smith, of Ramona. Kan sas. Delightful was the fellowship and social enjoyments of the members of the family, seme of whom had not seen one another for rrfhny, many years. All kinds of pastimes made , the day an enjoyable and memorable one for each member. Following the dinner in the even ing. John Frymire,.of Thomas, Okla homa, gave an impressive address of deep interest to the family members. Among the guests attending the reunion were: Wesley W. Frymire, of Marietta; Mr. and Mrs. John: Martin, Marysville; Aaron Frymire, I Mililintown; John Frymire, ofi Thomas, Oklahoma; George Idle and two sons, i,t Marysville; Harry Lan dis. of Thomas, Oklahoma; Emma Kaylor, of Marietta, and Mr. and Mrs. David Sites. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rissinger and son George, W. H. Sites and John Mar-tin, of Bressler; Mrs. Susan Sloop, of Marysville; Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Taggart, of Ma rietta; Mr. and Mj-s. Charles Coly-I ier and three children, Marysville: I Mf. and Mrs. H. O. Heckman and' four children, of Steelton: Mrs Ruth] Bellinger, Lo Porte City, Iowa: Mrs. Clark Taylor and son. of this city; j Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crossley and two children. Marysville; Wes'.ev Frymire. Marietta, Pa., and Mrs. Charles Martin and sons. Charles and George and Wendolyn Brubaker, of Marysville. Harrisburg Chapter D. A. R. Loans Its Fine Piano In response to the request from the advisory board of the new Hostess House of the Civic Club for the loan of a piano, to be used for the enter tainment of the men in service at their special meetings, Harrisburg Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, through its regent. Miss Cora Lee Snyder, has offered its fine, large, upright Mehlin piano, for that purpose. The chapter has held its sessions for a number of years in the Y. M. C. A. assembly hall, changing its place of meeting recently to the Civic Club. The Hostess House committee feels that it has only to ask, to have any thing it wants, and now. feeling the need of of an old-fashioned water cooler, says, "Who will send us one, to help the boys?" TO GO MOTORING The Misses Katharine Seel, Anna Seel and Elizabeth Seel, Mrs. Augus tus Lutz and Miss Inez Costa Schaf fer, of this city, leave Saturday for a three days' automobile trip, includ ing Wilkes-Barre, Harvey's Lake, the Poconos and Delaware Water Gap. They will return byway of Bethle hem and Reading. MRS. GEORGE IRONS IS ILL Robert H. Irons, superintendent of the Central Iron and Steel Company, was called to Chester last evening by the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. George D. Irons. Mrs. Irons recently underwent an operation at the Chester Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Bergstresser and son. Robert Bergstresser. of 1330 D.erry street, leave the latter part of the week for their new home, in Al lentown. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Shope and daughters. Miss Leola Shope and Miss Ruth Shope, of 31 South Eighteenth street, are home after spending sev eral days in Atlantic City. Miss Edith Wolfe, of Brownstone, Pa., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fisher, of 18 North Fifteenth street, this week. Miss Mary W. Hawes, of 127 West State street, who is spending the sum mer with her parents, the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Hawes, at Fair Haven, Ohio, will enter Western College the latter part of September. Miss Gladys Shupp and Miss Mildred Shupp. of 1413 North Front street, are home after a vacation's stay at Wil liams Grove. * JOSEPH BEAMAN HERE Joseph W. Beaman. leading attor ney, of Towanda, and secretary and treasurer of the Y., M. C. A. Bed Triangle was in toiyn to-day gin busi ness. Mrs. Barbara Daugherty, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bitner, and son Jack have returned from thei rmountain home, the "Linden Hurst," at Mt. Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fisher, of 18 North Fifteenth street, spent yester day in Carlisle. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Daugherty spent the weekend with relatives and friend* in Mt. Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gates and son. Junior, of Old Orchard, and Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Richards, of 1333 Derry street, are home after an ex tended motor trip through the New England States. Mrs. Bertha Kaufman and daugh ters, Miss Rose and Miss Jessie, have returned to their home in Williams 'port after a visit with Mrs. J. P. Blosser. of Rockville. While here they also visited at York and Heck ton. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Houser went home to Brooklyn to-day after a week's stay among relatives in this city and York. * Danner Promoted; Is Now Master Engineer ] • Mervin Eugene Danner, son of Mr. 1 and Mrs. Samuel Danner, 1851 North street, and brother of Roy C. Danner, Register of Wills, wrote his parents to-day announcing his promotion from a private to master engineer, junior grade. Danner is attached to the Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Md., where gas shells are filled. He has been in the service since last March when he volunteered and was inducted as a carpenter. With his wife and two children he had been living in Emporium, Cameron county, where he was employed as a carpenter and repair man in a p'russic acid plant. When the officers of his command learned that he had had experience at the Emporium acid plant he was relieved of his carpen ter work and assigned to the arsenal. Wrights Orchestra Colored, of Columbus, Ohio. This wonderful dance.and singing orches tra will play for dancing every even ing next week at Summerdale Park, beginning Monday evening. Labor Day. Admission, 40c and 60c. RARRISrSURG telegraph Lancaster County Sailor Boy Dies on Battleship ■ " i * N "* ' ■KpPfplp C. K. NONNEMOCKER Marietta, Pa., Aug. 28.—Christian K. Nonnemocker, of Groff's Store, died on the United States battleship North Dakota from diphtheria ,and will be buried at his home. He was in the service over a year and was the first man fro mhis home town to enlist. "He Kept Us Out of War" j False Slogan, Says Speaker ! on Floor of Congress Washington, Aug. 28. —In what the keynote speech of the Repub thq keynot espeech of the Repub lican Congressional campaign, Rep resentative William A. Rodenberg, of Illinois, in the House severely ar laigned President Wison for alleged political activities and attempts to influence the selection of particular candidates. After referring to President Wil son's statement that "politics is ad journed," Mr. Rodenberg took up the several instances in which he said the President interfered in state elections, during which he vigor- j ously denounced the efforts of the President to bring about the defeat of candidates who had not followed the administration in all its war policies. "Will any Democrat denj- to-drfy that in 4he presidential campaign two years ago the Democratic party adopted as its slogan, 'He kept us out of war'? Will any one deny it was on that paramount issue that the Democratic party appealed to the country for the re-election of Woodrow Wilson? Do you remem ber this alliterative little sticker that was spread broadcast out over the country, a copy of which was pre served and handed to me a moment ago by a genteman whose politics I will not mention, which reads, 'Wil son's wisdom wins'? Do you re member the lurid posters that could be seen on the billboards in every doubtful state, and especially in those states where women had the right of suffrage? "Have you forgotten the impas siohed appeal made by the President himself at Shadow Lawn on the very eve of the election in which he warned the American people that if his opponent, Mr. Hughes, was elected our country would be in volved in that great war that was destroying the very flower of the world's civilization ?" Ryan Made Assistant Secretary of War After Probe of Airplane Muddle Washington, Aug. 28.—Secretary Baker has amtpunced the creation of an aircraft division of the War De partment headed by John D. Ryan as assistant secretary of war, with full authority over all aircraft mat* ters. This is Secretary Baker's method of meeting the need for an independ end department of aviation, strongly urged by the Senate military affairs committee in its report upon the failure of the aircraft production program. , GRAIN ELEVATORS FULL OF WHEAT [Continued from First Page.] filled elevators are given as the -rea sons for the action. It Is now necessary It appears, to secure a permit for shipment of wheat. Because of the enormous amount of grain at ports waiting for shipment overseas and the con gested traffic everywhere no permits have been issued since August 2. Elevators are crowded to capacity and the farmers have been turned away with their loads of wheat. he effect of this condition upon the farmers was discussed by Mr. Brandt in the interview. "The wheat crop has always been regarded by the farmer as his money crop," he explained. "Wheat has always been saleable' up to the present time and this new condition will have its ef fect upon the farmer." • * Every effort is being made by men in charge to relieve the situation and it is hoped that within the next week the condition will be changed, he said. A -number of ships scheduled to reach American ports late in July and early in August have not yet arrived. Pending their arrival the wheat has been held here. The rea- i son given for the delay of the ships is that they have been compelled to take circuitous routes to avoid sub marines. It was said that Just as soon as the ships arrive and take their return cargoes, the ports will be able to take care of the present" supply of wheat. Mrs. M. Pfuhl Froehlich's SCHOOL OF MUSIC 203 STATE STREET HARRISBURG, PA. A complete graded course of instruction in the study of Piano, Pipe Organ, Theory, Harmony and History of Music. Diplomas Upon Graduation TERM OF 1918-1919 BEGINS SEPTEMBER 9, 1918 For terms and further information apply in person or by mail to the above address. Harrisburgers Speak at City League Convention Parley Gannett, consulting engi neer, and John H. F.i tig. assistant di rector of the legislative bureau, are among the Harrlsburgers In attend ance at the three-di\y convention of Pennsylvania Cities of the, Third Class, which opened yesterday In Erie. Delegates to the yumber of 160, in attendance at the convention, were given an informal receptfcn by Mayor Kitts and directors of the various city departments on Monday* evening on their arrival there. At yesterday's sessions Mr. Gan nett and Mr. Fertig were speakers on j the day's program. Mr. Gannett ad dressed the delegates on the 'Present Practices and Tendencies in the Treat ment of Sewage," and Mr. Fertig on "The Third Class Cities' Codes of 1574. 18S9 and 1913." Small Child Struck by Car, Dies in Hospital Anne May Cree. 3-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan A. Cree,: 1942 North Seventh street, died at: the Harrisburg Hospital last even ing as the result of the injuries suff. ered when she was struck by a street car in North Seventh street near Delaware. She suffered a fractured leg, crushed arm, and contusions and abrasions of the head and body. Old Gold Medal Sold by Red Cross Nets $9 Among recent gifts received by the Salvage Committee of the local chap ter, American Red Cross, was a gold badge, which was sold to C. Ross Boas, jeweler, for $9. It has been re quested by Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones, chairman of the committee, that P®°* ; pie having old gold, silver and other metals should bring them to the Red Cross Headquarters, In the basement lof the Public Library. Old copper name-plates. used for engraving cards, can be sold. The proceeds from the sale of these articles will be given to the Red Cross, it was announced. BENJAMIN F. LIPPI Lippi, 528 Peffer street, engineer Hippie. 52S Peffer street, engineer for the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, who was killed in Philadelphia yesterday, will be held Friday aft ernoon at 1.30 o'clock. The Rev. A. M. Stamets, pastor of Augsburg Lutheran Church, will officiate. The body was brought to this c!ty mst night. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth, three daughters, Elva. Nora, who was valedictorian of the class of 1917 at Central High school, and Helen; a brother, Edgar, and a stepsister, Viola N. Rose. Mr. Lippi was a member of the Brotherhood of; Locomotive Engineers, No. 74, and] the Egyptian Commandery, Knights of Malta. CROWELL HEADS NEW MUNITION MINISTRY Washington, Aug. 28.— Virtual es tablishment of ministries of muni tions with the appointment of Bene dict C. Crowell, first assistant secre tary of war, as head, was announced to-day by Secretary Baker. Mr. Crowell, since his appointment as chief assistant to Mr. Baker, has had special charge of industrial mat ters coming before the War Depart ment. His designation as director of munitions will mean in reality but slight change from the work in which he has already been engaged. INCREASES FOR HERSHEY EMPLOYES Ilershey. Pa-. Aug. 28. Ten per cent, increases have been granted to all employes of the Hershey Chocolate Corporation. The increase dates from August 26. A HEAVY LOSS BY LACK OF POWER fContinued from First Page.] inability to furnish sufficient current for the entire city. Dairyman Has Xpvel Plan Charles E. Cooper, dairyman at 901 South Twentieth .street, has hit on a novel scheme which makes him independent of the utility company in similar exigencies. After the cur rent failed him during last week's shortage and he lost a quantity of milk, he had the shafting of his ma chinery extended from the shed in which it is located to a nearby alley, where after jacking up his auto he connected the shafting with tne auto by means of a belt and operat ed his machinery in that manner. Temporary repairs were made at the Cedar street plant within several The Best Is None To Good For Your Eyes That is why we are so emphatic about the high character of optical service we render. It requires skilled optometrists with long experience and care in their work to serve the people's eyes in the right way. We have all necessary mod ern improved optical instru ments for examining your ■ eyes. Thus we are able to give the very highest-class service. masssaaa HAS HELPED MANY TO SECURE GLASBES WITH OUT THE LEAST EFFORT ON THEIR POCKETBOOKS. IT WILL HELP YOU. J. S. BELSINGER Registered Optometrist 212 Locust St. Door to Orpheutu hours and at 2 o'eiosk It was oper ating at only 800 kilowatts under cupaoity. Additional etlrrent sought from the York Haven Light and Power •Company, was . not received and, Harrisburg will have to worry along with this reduced supply for a shoVt time, officials said. Two new stoker arches, now lying in cars in the Altoona yards, are ex pected to reach Harrisburg within th#next twenty-four hours to be im mediately placed in the position ol the arches which caved in to-day. General, Manager Kaltwasser be lieves Harrlsburg's light difficulties will be satisfactorily solved when ihese repairs are completed, unless other complications follow. That the York Haven corporation may soon be able to supply addition al current and thus relieve the strain on the local producing plant is the belief of Mr. Kaltwasser. York Haven he says, is sending to Harrisburg daily a bare 600 kilowatts, although the contract calls for 4,000 kilowatts. More w*ater in the Susquehanna would solve the shortage completely. The erection of a new dam. soon to be completed, will also help condi j tions when the water in the river is low. • Food Officials Protest The Dauphin County Food Admin istration this* morning protested against the service rendered by the Harrisburg Light and Power Com pany to the dairymen who use it to run the machinery at their plants. Many gallons of milk are lost dally by the dairymen when. the plant breaks down and fails to'furnish cur rent, as was the case this morning. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week the machinery used by practically all the dairymen was out of commission when the cur rent was shut off. Throughout the city to-day, it was said, there are many gallons of milk not properly pasteurized, while large quantities are spoiling on the hands of the dealers. The Pennsylvania Milk Products Company, fdr four days without power to operate the machinery in the dairy, lost 102 gallons of milk in one day. L. A. Sterick, president of the Harrisburg Milk Dealers' As sociation, lost twenty-five to twenty eight gallons daily through the shut down. Suffer Daily Loss Mr. Sterick said that nearly all the dealers are supplied by the power company. When the dairymen were thinking of pitting their own en gines into their plants to generate the electricity they use. Mr. McCor mick said they were assured by the light and power company officials that they could receive better service from the company's power plants. Mr. Sterick said this morning that the dealers would put in engines and generate their own power. He said such a move would be neeessary, as the work about the dairy must be done by hand when there is no power. At the food administration offices it was said that the dairymen are unable to divert enough pien from other occupations about the dairy to make up for the power shortage. The power is used to pasteurize milk, to separate it. to cleanse bot tles and do nearly all the work of We offer you a guaranteed pair of perfect vision gold filled glasses, flrtft quality spherical lenses, for Sechrist, $3.00 Eye Sight Specialist 9 N. Fourth St. (2nd Floor) Over Five Years at Tills Address The Big Store on the Hill Last Week,of the August Furniture Sale This is your opportunity to secure high grade goods at prices that will surely, please. Prices are continually advancing, but these goods were bought so as to save you the high prices. . Dining Room Suites Buffet, Serving Table-48x6-0 Table, 5 side Chairs and 1 Arm Chair, $198.00. August Sale Price, $160.00. Buffet, China Closet, 48x6-0 Table, 5 side Chairs, 1 ArmChair, $220.00. August Sale Price- $175.00. All in walnut. Buffet, China Closet, Serving Table, 5 side Chairs, 1 Arm Chair, all-solid mahogany, $273.00. August Sale Price $240.00. Living Room Suites Three-piece Tapestry Suite, $130.00. Sale Price, $135.00. Three-piece Tapestry Suite, SIOO.OO. Sale Price, $75.00. A large selection of odd pieces and suites which will appeal to you. Parlor suites and a fine selection of Easy Chairs and Rockers are here for your inspection. FACKLER'S Store Closes SP. M. 111 <> n n. Saturday 9p. m. 101 l Deny Street AUGUST 28, I9TB. the dairy. i: "The service of the power com pany last year was bad, but It seems ! to be getting worse all the time." Mr. | McCormick said, In protesting about the effect on the milk situation • caused by the power shortage. The power was cut off from the dairy ; [machinery about 7 o'clock this morn ing. It was said. ni=ss=ini=ini~-—im——im—J—irai inr= im-^—-irti—.— imrx= | 308 Market Street 'i I Attractive Values ! In New Fall | SKIRTS Our big assortments of new, style-correct Skirts, have already made a big hit with the woman who seeks that "something different" and at a moderate price. Our size range of regular and extra sizes makes it possible for =j us to fit every woman. A 4 QjS We feature two smart, box-plaited models in Silk Poplin—Navy and Black. u • . A 4 tJi Qfi We show All-Wool Serges in Navy and , Black —beautiful models with two patch pockets. ! Silk Taffeta Skirts $lO Up A wonderful presentation of these ever serviceable and fashionable Skirts—Navy and Black—rare values at the price. j Black Velvet Skirts sls Rich-looking, exquisite Skirts in Black Velvet —handsomely tailored—two pockets and button trimmed. B —————i Large stocks of Black Satin and Cliar c meuse, as well, as all-wool Novelty Plaid Skirts —all modestly priced. 0 ** ■" " ' " .■■■— ■■ Every day marks the arrival of new Fall Suits, Coats and Dresses, all of which are [marked by a war-time simplicity; nevertheless as charming and more'so than in any previous season. i| I 1 301 —=3B| . gQGS=g3El|_i_iJDEs^ = u : ir ini= FUNERAL FROWERS iraciAt A Beautiful Spray ...v. Otic A Handsome Wreath W.IMS KEENEY'S * rwo SHOPS FIjOWHH 814 hi. Third St.. liurrlsbarg IS7 N. Front St.. Steeltoa
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