12 ELECT OFFICERS OF BROTHERHOOD Lodge Members in Session Here Pledge Loyalty to United States Reports of various officers read at yesterday's session were approved by the convention of the Brotherhood of America in session in the Cameron Hall this morning. The report of the] committee on election received the approval of the convention, and the following officers were declared j elected: Grand Chief Washington,; John Held, circle No. 48; grand chief Jefferson, Andrew H. Sehuler, No. 57; grand chief Franklin, William C. j Tongue, Xo. 71; grand scroll keeper,' C. A. Deng, Xo. 44: grand treasurer. John Streck, Xo. 49; grand herald, William B. Bartholomew. Xo. 94; . grand watcher of the day, George W. j Blaetz. Xo. 107: grand watcher ofi the night, James G. Jones, Xo. 95;' grand trustee, Charles A. Staier. Xo. 63. Representatives to the supreme; circle: Thomas A. Homan, Xo. 95; ] John E. Benner, Xo. 16; William j Thomas, Xo. S2; Charles W. Sping-| ler, Xo. 34: Arthur E. Kitchen. Xo.' 71: Wilfred S. Reed, Xo. 67; Theo dore O. Post, Xo. 97; William Me ginnis. Xo. 53. and William H. Ben ner, Xo. 59. Reaffirm laiyulty Among resolutions passed by the convention were those upholding and reaffirming the loyalty of the brotherhood, a copy of this resolu tion being sent to President Wilson, and a resolution thanking the Mavor for his address of welcome and the lodges for their courtesies and kind nesses to the Grand Circle of Penn sylvania. This afternoon the convention tep resentatives are at Hershey Park and this evening they will be at the Colonial Theater. To-morrow morn ing at the convention sessions the new officers will be installed and the place of meeting for next year will be selected. AIDED DESERTER; WOMAN INDICTED [Continued from First Page. ] ing. concealing and aiding a de serted soldier. Escapes From llospitni Testimony brought before tho grand jury related that btrnusser vas drafted and left with a con tingent from Mifflin county for Camp Meade. He was there only a short time when he took an ax and chopped off the fingers of his left hand. He was taken to the camp hospital, and while there escaped. It is said that he came to the house cf the Hassenplugs and that, when authorities came to search for him he was not to he found, according to the statements of the people who lived in the house. Authorities visited the house again and it was testified that neither of the Hassenplugs admit ted he was in the house. A deputy at the back of the house says he saw Strausser trying to escape by climbing through a manhole of the attic roof and jumping to the ground. Just as the deserter was ready to jump the deputy says, he caught sight of the authorities and hastily retreated, forcing his \Riy past the woman and her 23-year-old son. Sheriff Merrill A. Davis rushed up to the attic and captured the prisoner. A shotgun ansLa number of shells were found in his posses sion. He was turned over to the Federal authorities. The woman and her son face a serious charge and will probably be brought before the October term of court at Scranton for hearing. Allday M ill Be Tried in October A true bill was found against Dick O. Allday, a Chambersburg real es tate and insurance agent, on the charge of seditious utterances and violations of the espionage, act, by the grand jury of the United States District Court in session late yester day afternoon. Allday. it is charged, made a number of statements show ing espousal of the cause of the Im perial German government. Among affidavits in the testimony presented by District Attorney Rogers L. Burt nett was that of George B. Uesher, a street car conductor at Chambers burg and a member of the Xational Guard. He alleges that Allday said: "The United States has no business to declare war!" and that he fur ther said: "What would you soldiers amount to in a war like this?" It is said Allday also said; "if the United States sends any sol dieii aiross then I hope they will kill every damn one of them." This statement, it is said, Allday later de nied. David G. Wingerd made affidavit, saying that Allday said: "I have a lot of wheat I got off my plhce and if I can't get it ground for my own use I will destroy it before it will help to feed anybody else." C. C. Poffenberger, Harper D. Col lins and Charles Hummel, Marys ville, were sentenced vesterdav by Judge Witmer to pay fines of SSOO / WeWant an Ex-County or City Official ■ —a Bank Employee —or a man of this type in short, a man of integrity and large acquaintance in Harrisburg to represent us, and help us sell stock allotment of high grade securities. A man posses sing these qualities is assured success and perma nent, satisfactory* compensation. Your communica tion will be treated as confidential, if you so desire. Address to Box 1213, care of TELEGRAPH - i tljM can be had here at a moderate ]'|s k*J{ ! cost. It all depends upon the iSSS I " P' —; —• E stone and amount of carving. We ~ T ~~ pleted memorials which can be ' finished in a short time. We'll v cheerfully show them to you and furnish an estimate. JCHi I. B. DICKINSON tMfnCBOTH PHONES 505-513 N. 13th St. WEDNESDAY E.VENING, each anil to serve nine months in the Ferry county Jail on 3 charge of hav ing robbed freight oars in the. Enola yards. Arthur M. Barnhart and Ralph E. ShcafTer, both of Harris burg. were given nine and* six months, respectively, in th 6 Dauphin county jail on the same charge. Hamilton Miller, of Sunbury, was given two months in Jail on a charge of giving cocaine in violation of the provisions of the Harrison antidrug act. Quite as much as any other per son, Allday has been a unique figure >.n the business, political and social life of the town from which he is summoned by the Federul grand jury, in his political aspirations he never has been taken very seriously and his candidacy for Congress amounted to little. Likewise, he failed to gain a coveted nomination for county treasurer of Franklin county a number of years ago. There has been no discount on his indus try. Due to his energy, a section of Chambersburg was greatly improved l y the building of much real estate. Glen apartments, a substantial at tractive residence building on tlv> western edge of the town, is an evi dence of his energy. For a time he was one of the proprietors of the Wallace Hotel and had been prominent in club life prior to his pro-German manifesta tions. He has, former friends said to-day, been quite free in his opin ions on almost any subject broached, and his friendliness for the Kaiser has not surprised those who knew of his German lineage. At the first Baltimore convention which nominated President Wilson Allday was not altogether incon spicuous. He accompanied the Pennsylvania delegation to the Monumental City and claimed the honor of leading the cheering for the Democratic nominee. Although not accounted wealthy, he has ac cumulated considerable money. His business partnerships have not been very successful, due to his stubborn adherence to his own wishes as against what the other fellow de sired. those who knew him declare. The Judge was not present at the court this morning and the session was practically adjourned with the exception of the Grand Jury's hear ings. The jury was discharged at noon to-day after bringing in their reports on a number of cases. These reports were not made public. Trade Mission, Headed by Gompers, to Visit Allies " Washington, Aug. 14.—America's I mission to the British Trades Union , congress which meets i/i Lf-ndon, | September IT. 18 and 19, will be; headed by Samuel Gompers. presi dent of the American Federation of Labor, and will tour England, France and Italy to confer with local lead ers and inspect labor conditions. Gompers left Washington yester-' day for New York for a series of conferences there before sailing. He j will be accompanied abroad by Wil- j liam J. Bowen. president of the In ternational Bricklayers' and Plast- j ers' Union; John T. Frey, president . of the International Moulders' i Union; Edgar Wallace, editor of the ! United Mine Workers Journal, and | C. L. Paine, president of the Inter- ! national Boot and Shoe Workers i Union. Early in September Mr. Gompers ; and party will visit Italy as a mis- j sion to discuss with representatives of labor of that country relative to matters affecting labor policy and the war. The mission will return to London in time for the trades union congress and later will go to France. BOLT STEALS SHOES Chester, Pa.. Aug. 14.—Lightning ' played a peculiar prank on several workmen who sought refuge under a tree in Eddystone. A bolt fell among the group and tore the soles and heels from the shoes of George L. Morgan, of Folsom, and William Lyons, of Rutledge. Both men were stunned and were taken to Crozer Hospital, Chester. Morgan is suffering from shock and burned feet, and both Ly ons' feet were burned and lacerated. OIL TANKER SUNK BY HUN U-BOAT [Continued front First Pago.] Captain Itlorrisev said he was able to escape and warned other craft of the danger. The Walrus was on her way to the fishing grounds and was about seven ! miles northeast of highland light. ! Captain Morrisey said, when the ; conning tower of the submarine was i seen some distance away. The U-boat quickly submerged and a few ! minutes later she saw the wake of the torpedo. Captain Morrisey turn ed about and started full speed for port. The weather was very thick and i the captain reported that he heard j several steamers in the vicinity i blowing their fog horns. Washington, Aug. 14. — Informa tion to the Navy Department to-day regarding the sinking of an Amer ican oil tank steamer by a subma rine last night, said the vessel was torpedoed thirty miles south of the mouth of Ambrose channel, which I would be near Barnegat, N. J. ) Thirty-five men were landed and I seven were reported missing. FRANK P. HAWK DIESJN ACTION Harrisburg Boy Who Has Two ! Brothers in Service, Killed July 30 fSI wKSr > ! BHK,'. - vjfra HKffiiit* FRANK P. HAWK Frank P. Hawk, 405 Woodbine street, has been killed in action in I Frknce according to a telegram from | the War Department received by his 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. S. Hawk. I late yesterday afternoon. The wire | said he was killed July 30. He would j have been 18 years old to-day. Hawk was one of three brothers I in the service of the government. | Another brother is in France and a I brother is now in training at Mont -1 gomery, Alabama. Hawk enlisted June 21, 1917, in Company I, of the old Eighth Regi ment. He went into training on the Island. With the old 'Eighth he was sent to Camp Hancock and while there was transferred to Company K, of the 110 th. He went overseas in j May of this year. | The last letter from him was dated 1 July 15 and was received by his par ents last week. In it he said he was ] well and happy. He was formerly j employed in Kuhn's meat market. He was a member of the Camp j Curtin Methodist Episcopal Church, | and of Camp S, of the P. O. S. of A. He is survived by his parents, j one sister, Mrs. Bessie Henry, and I three brothers, JJavid, at home, and I Clarence and Charles, in the United States Army service. When the Open Air School opens | next season, the big service flag I which will float there will bear a ! golden star in memory of Frank P. i Hawk, it was announced to-day. j Hawk attended the sessions of the I school and had many friends among j the scholars. AUTOS NOT TO BE HEAVILY TAXED [Continued from First Page.] | a hard blow to industry, as it is at j present conducted. For example, scores of cars are j needed to carry workmen to and from the New Cumberland and j Marsh Run quartermaster's develop- I ments, and to tax them out of busi • iiess would work a hardship to many of the workmen who are engaged in those enterprises. Passenger cars are | also being used extensively through ! out the country for the relief of the I railroads, light cars being operated | by salesmen and others covering dis j tricts and in many cases hauling local freight to the smaller towns and hamlets. The Atlantic Refining Company has issued a circular to the trade to the effect that thero% is no truth in the report of a scarcity of gasoline. The company advises careful use of "gas" in order to conserve the supply but sees no danger of a famine. These facts have been laid before the committee at Washington by Pennsylvania automobile organiza tions and the report is parsed back that the Congressmen realize the im portance of the automobile and will treat it as lightly as possible in the next taxation bill. Hopes Huns Will Win; Fight and Jail Result Reading, Pa.. Aug. 14.—William Hafer, 31, was committed to Jail yes terday by Mayor Filbert, charged with seditious talk. Hafer was arrested in a saloon after saying, "I hope Germany licks the Americans"-and "I am pro-Ger man because I have sense." He tore a draft registration card from another man and threw it in a cuspidor. In the fight that followed. Hafer was so badly mauled that he had to be taken to a hospital on his way to JalL HUNS USE CLUBS ON CAPTJVES By Associated Press With the American Army on the Yeslc, Aug. 13 (Tuesday).— Worn out from fatigue and suf fering from hunger, two escaped British prisoners staggered into the American lines north of the Vesle to-day. The had escaped from a German pen after having been captured in the Marne fight ing and it took them seven days and nights to work their 'Way to Fism-ette. On the last lap of their Journey the Britishers ran through a German barrage. They said the ration given pris oners was three-quarters of a pound of potato bread, a pint of thin vegetable soup and "coffee" made of hawthorn berries. The illowance of a German soldier was the same, only in somewhat greater quantity, occasionally supplemented by horsemeat. It is a common practice of the Germans, they added, to beat prisoners with clubs and butts of rifles. Wounded prisoners, they said, were sent to hospitals only when unable to walk and received little attention. HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH FRENCH GO FORWARD IN PICARDY DRIVE [Continued from First Page.] tually at a standstill, and the advices show the Germans hold ing Chaulnes heights and s£em determined to cling to their posi tions here at all costs. On the French Front in France, Aug. 14.—The Germans are com batting the French in the? Lassigny. area generally with machine gunsj which are as numerous as soldiers. J The valleys and woods which the French must traverse are being flooded with mustard gas. The French, however, are advancing through the valleys by infiltration. The German tactics indicate the main enemy forces retiring upon a defensive line not far distant. The French success to-day In gain ing important positions northeast of Lassigny gives prospects of complete success in overcoming the massif oP Lassigny. Allied progress eastward in Fi cardy, with the Germans fighting desperately for every vantage point, continues to be slow. On the north ern end of the front the British and Germans are occupied mainly with reciprocal artillery bombardments, while on the south the French have advanced farther toward Lassigny in heavy fighting. From Morlancourt south to Li hons. the British apparently are consolidating the captured ground while the artillery is being brought up to bombard the Germans who maintain themselves in the old posi tions of 1916-17 west of the upper course of the Somme. The infantry activity here Tuesday was compara tively quiet. Field Marshal Haig re j ports, but there seems to be little | doubt that the British are only awaiting a favorable opportunity to j again hit the German line. French Drive Ahead In the hill and wood region be tween the Matz and the Oise. the French have made appreciable gains and are '-eported. unofficially, to be holding the important massif of Las signy against heavy Germnn attacks. North of Gury. the French are fight ing forward in the park south of Plessier de Roye. while to the east they have reached Belvel. one and one-half miles south of Lassigny. At Belval the French outflanked the western end of the heights south of Lassigny. East of Belval the Ger mans apparently have been able to hold the French in check. Along the west bank of Oise the French have gained one and one-half miles toward Noyon. Seemingly the massif of Lassigny is in danger of being lost to the Ger mans if they already have not been forced from the higher points. Ger man prisoners taken at Belval num bered 177 and they declared they had been ordered to hold on at all costs. This high ground is important to the enemy because French guns placed there could command all the terrain northward towqrd Roye and eastward toward Noyon. Desperate German F.ffort With the massif in possession of the French, the Germans probably would he forced to evacuate Lassigny and Noyon, and possibly the entire line southward from Chaulnes. This would some effect on the enemy position eastward to Rheims depend ing on how far the Germans would have to retire before reaching a new defensive line which most probably would he through Nesle and Guis card and based on Ham. Field Marshal Haig reports that since lat Thursday the allies have captured 28,000 prisoners and 800 guns. Several thousand machine guns and much war material also were taken. Air Warfare Intense Aerial activity continues intense. German airmen are engaging the al-j lied fliers in combat to prevent re- , connaissance and bombing work, j Forty-eight German machines werej accounted for Monday and 7 4 tons of bombs dropped on military tar-j gets behind the enemy lines. Berlin reports the shooting down! of twenty-nine allied airplanes. j Berlin reports that al! allied ef-1 forts Monday were repulsed, espe cially attacks by strong French I forces between the Matz and thei Oise. -Americans Take Over Line Patrol activity epntinues in Fland- j ers. but there are no indications that 1 heavy fighting is about to begin there. Along the Vesle the Germans have not repeated their ineffectual attacks, hut are bombarding the; Franco-American lines with high c-x-, plosive and gas shells. It Is an-1 nounced that the American First I Army, which has just been organiz-j ed, will hold the western front "south j of the Marne," which probably 1 means from St. Miriel to Switzer- j land, where the allied positions arc I near the German border or beyond j it. German Towns Bombed Much material damage was done at Frankfort and Karlsruhe by re cent British aerial bombardments, according to reports received in Switzerland. In Karlsruhe eleven persons were killed and twenty-3ix injured. German submarines sank two French steamers in the Mediterran ean in mid-July. From the transport; Djemnah, 442 men are missing. Seven sailors were killed in the tor pedoing of the steamer Australian and three passengers are missing. British Gain Ground in the Lys Salient; Establish New Line By Associated Press London. Aug. 14.—British troops have gained additional ground at the apex of the Lys salient in Flanders, says the official statement from Field Marshal Haig to-day. East of Meter en the line was advanced slightly, while east of Vieux-Berquin, south of Meteren, patrols established a new line. There was no infantry fighting during the night on the British sec tor of the Plcardy battle front. The German artillery was active. Tuesday the British threw back German iocal attacks on the north ern side of the Lys salient. Last night the German artillery was very active in this region. Americans Beat Off Vain German Raids Along the Vesle Paris. Aug. 14. —Only the artillery was active during the night on cer tain sectors between the Avre and the Oise. says the war office state ment to-day. Along the Vesle, where French and American troops are stationed, the Germans made vain raids. The French took prisoners in a raid in .Champagne, j GERMANS HOLD PLEMONT PLATEAU [Continued front First Page.] farms, which are two big machine gun nests. French Ad tuner 800 Yards The French left, Lassigny, met with vigorous resist ance north of St. Claude farm and north of Mareuil-Lamotte. However, they succeeded in lighting their way through the woods and moved their line 800 yards northeast of Gury. North of Gury they reached the southern edge of Loges wood and also penetrated the park belonging to the Chateau of Plessier de Roye. They also reached Helval. between Plessier de Roye and Thiescourt. Germans Command Plutenu The enemy still holds the greater part of Thiescourt wood and the formidable plateau of Plemont. Thfe French now have advanced their line to within less than a mile and a half of Lassigny. It will, how ever, undoubtedly require a tre mendous effort to capture either I-assigny or Roye. The fall of Roye automatically would cause the evac uation of Lassigny. RUN DOWN BY WAGON When he was run over by a wagon this morning, George Emig, aged 11, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart You'll Find Many a Good Bargain in the Thursday Sale Store Closes at Noon Colored Dress Cottons Will Women's sßand $8.50 Fibre Go Quickly in This Thurs- Silk Sweaters Are Reduced day Morning Clearance to $6.85 Thursday Morning V"T. wWe : ! n .!! Hd .! 0 Jf'cTn ZISS arrira,s ' 7" sa : h or sai 7 "• in 7 - c . n . , . , . - , v ' Lo P en > emerald, maize and purple; a good range of 7oc bilk Poulards, 36 inches wide, in figured patterns. sizes. . Special Thursday morning only, yard ....43? $2.50 sleeveless Wool "Slip On" Sweaters, in American 49c linen-finish Suiting, 36 inches wide. Special Thurs- Beauty, salmon, Copen, tan and rose. Special Thursday day morning only, yard 34? morning only $2.15 30c silk-finish Poplin, in solid colors. Special Thursday Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store, Mezzanine morning only, yard 23? 29c silk stripe Voile, in white grounds. Special Thursday 25c Organdie, in floral designs pn white grounds. s 2 p 3 : Black Dress Goods and cial Thursday morning only, yard .17? _. . . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. Linings: A Sale $2.25 French Serge, all wool. Special Thursday morning^ Bleached Sheets and Pillow <o • morning only, yard $1.69 Cases Underprice only, S°d h . for . 7::' ' ® p " ia ' JX 01 no • ! tJi i jri • • ... x . SLOO white Wash Satin, 36 inches wide. Special Thurs 81x90-inch Bleached Sheets, subject .to slight mill stains. day- mornino- only yard * TO/*. Special Thursday morning only $1.59 & " " 45-36-inch bleached hemstitched Pillow Cases, of good Dives, Fomeroy & Stewart, street Floor, quality. Special Thursday morning only 33? Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart.—Basement. FTT! 1 71 /T • A ihursday Morning Among Men's and Women's Sum- the Colored Dress Goods mer Underwear Reduced m Sn x £/Z5!' ) %F: x . 77.77 . . Spe . da: . . T . hu t£ Men's 50c black Balbriggan Shirts, with short sleeves, v^rd' 13 ~ incllts Special Thursday Special Thursday only .. ........ 39® <53.00 Striped Skirting 48 faces' wide: "SpidalThursdat Mens white cotton Ribbed union Suits, with short morning only yard SI 9 sleeves, knee length Special Thursday only ■ .... 45* 52.35 French Serge'. 42 inda wide,'iil'wool, Fiji' shade® citrf Thureday only Can " soles ' styles ' sl S| j:; Special Thursday morning only, yard $1.93 Women's white cotton Ribbed Sleeveless Vests. Special Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. Thursday only 13j4? r 7 5 PairW omen's White Can- Men's, Women's and Chil- vas Shoes Regularly $3.00 dren's Hose Specially Priced Thursday Morning Only $1.65 ... , , , , c .„ t• , c i ci r • J ust th e kind of Summer footwear that Women get the Mens 3oc black Silk Lisle Seamless Socks; slight imper- . r- s.u u • V fections. Special Thursday .only 25? Un to thT£H sealon and they can be worn right Women's 35c white Lisle Seamless Hose. Special Thurs- P S eventy-five pairs have become counter soiled, but they'll 'women's 50c blackSiik Liiie Seamies, 'Hosei 'ribied tops RetuUrlv'w.W. Thursday 0n1y............. 39? Special Thursday morning only $1.65 Children s white cotton fine ribbed seamless Hose. Spe- J & J p cial Thursday only 35? Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. mi, • qi, n p • p- Enjoy Your Evenings in a Three Shoe Items That Bring Big -p ~ . q . Savings to Boys, Girls and Women Boys' $2.50 and $3.00 patent colt skin blucher oxfords. A Sale For Men, Boys and Girls Special Thursday morning only $1.98 _ , . ... Girls' $2 white canvas high cut lace shoes with low heels Thursday morning specials in the Men s .Store include at- Special Thursday morning only $1.65 tractive values in Bathing Suits for men, boys and girls. Women's $2.00 black kidskin oxfords, with patent leather Men ' s s 2 ' 2a nav 7 b ! ue W ° ol Athl etic and Bathing Jer-. tips and low heels. Special Thursday morning only, $1.75 seys. Ihursday morning only . —............... $1.79 Men's and youths' fine Wool Bathing Suits, in green and Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Rear. gizes Girls' $1.25 one-piece Bathing Suits, with belt; sizes 30 to -p. . n TJT TY 1 36 ' Thurstla y morn ' n S only 85? 'K6HIII cUItS Ol W OVBII JA/llD" Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. ber Hose at a Saving of Household&CanningNeeds a Third and More Tin top Jelly Glasses. Special Thursday, dozen ... 40? Mason Fruit Jars, pints. Special Thursday, dozen, 60? Regularly 15c and 17c a foot. Mason Fruit Jars, quarts. Special Thursday, dozen, 70? A chance to repair the sections of garden hose that are Mason Fruit Jars, 2 quarts. Special Thursday, dozen, 80? worn out. Nickel-plated Ice Tongs. Special Thursday 10? In lengths of 10 to 35 feet, complete with couplings. Spe- Two-burner blue flame hot blast Oil Stoves. Special cial Thursday morning only, foot 10? Thursday $6.00 Remnants of Wire Screen Cloth, in black and galvanized. Wire Jar Holders, with 8 compartments; will fit wash Special at a saving of one-third. boilers of standard size. Special Thursday 98? Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart. —Basement. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. v. a 1 . Jk, a , ♦ / -28 4 Bosler avenue, Lemoyne, suffer-' ed n broken leg. He was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital. GENERALBECOMES PRIVATE IN ARMY [Continued front First Page.] be General McCandless, was born In Tennessee, but moved to Texas with his parents in his childhood. He served an enlistment in the regular army, and after getting un honor able discharge drifted into Mexico in sea'rch of adventure. He got a job with the L'Oro Mining Company, and before long was mine superin tendent. When the revolution broke out, and bandits began to infest the country, the mining company put on an armed force of 700 men to guard the property, and the mine was kept running. The mine main tained a state of armed neutrality, and when the so-called revolution ists came around the mine guards chased them off, sometimes after a pitched battle. Was Twice Wounded McCandless was boss of the work, and he was in the thick of every fight and was twice wounded, but he managed to beat off the invad ers every time, and the mine did not shut down once. After the Washington administra 'AUGUST 14, 1918. tton recognized the Carranza gov ernment, General Obregon came along one day with a force of men and asked permission to cross the mine property. McCandless treated the Mexican general with extreme courtesy, and this caused General Obregon to inquire as to the change of attitude "Why." replied McCandless. with a grin. "Uncle Sam has recognized your Government and I can do no less. I am with you now. General Obregon told President Carranza. who was greatly pleased. A few days later he sent the nervy mine superintendent a commission as brigadier general, anil McCandless threw up his mine job and became a general for little more than two years, and then when the United States got into the war with Ger many he began to chafe. He tried to enlist While In Mex ico, but this could not be arranged, and finally, last September, his patriotism got to burning so fierce ly that he couldn't stand it any longer. He got desperate and resign ed his commission as brigadier gen eral in the Mexican army and went back to Texas and enlisted in the regular army. He was assigned to the headquarters troop of the Sixth Division, and would have been abroad by now if he had not been taken ill, while here. His sole pur- pose in life now Is to get on to thoL front. Why He Enlisted "Why don't you stay here and try for a commission?" he was asked. "I couldn't get it," he replied. "You see, a man has to have a pretty fair education to be an officer in the American Army now, and that is one thing I haven't got. There were very few schools in my neighborhood in my boyhood, and I didn't care much for those that we had. I could hold a commission in the Mexican army, but not here. I may get to be a sergeant in the American Army, but that will be about all. But if they will just let me go on to the front I won't a,sk for anything else of them." "But why did you resign as brig adier general in Mexico to come back here as an enlisted man?" asked a listner. "Hell;" he replied "the country was at war and needed all of its citizens, especially those who had ' had military experience. Why not?" and he looked at his questioner with steely gray eyes while an Irish grin spread over his face. Private McCandless has been de tailed to special duty in the office of the chief of staff, for the present, but he will probably be on his way to the front before long.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers