' Marshal Foch Compliments United States Printers For Their Devotion to Duty By Associated Press Scranton, Aug. 13.—At the open ' ing session of the International Typo graphical Union in this city yester day President Marsden G. Scott read cablegram fyom Marshal Foch ad dressed to the printers of the United fStates, saying: ( "The factory, like the trench, is a ipost of combat. The duty Is not to abandon it before the enemy. My compliments to your union for hav ing understood it so well." !' Reports presented during the day were to the efTect that there are now 62.661 members in the Union. This is an increase over last year of 3.311. Twenty-four new locals were char fT tered during the year. A service flag {the International Union by the Scran ton local, was dedicated during the day. I | HAIR HINTS I Helpful Adxiee for CuTf of the Holt { Worthy the Attention of Kvery- L one Who Woald Avoid Dandruff, r Itching Sculp, Gray Hair, and k Haldnexa. i If your hair is getting thin or you rare troubled with drandruff or itching {scalp use Parisian sage daily for a r week and you will surely be surprised [ to see how quickly it stops your hair [.from falling and removes every sign of dandruff and itching scalp. "Before going to bed I rub a little l Parisian Sage into my scalp," says a woman whose luxurious soft and fluffy hair is greatly admired. "This ( keeps my hair from being dry, brittle for scraggly, helps it to retain its £ natural color and beauty, and makes 1 it easy to dress attractively." ' Beautiful, soft, glossy, healthy hair, I and lots bf it, is a simple matter for I those who use Parisian sage. This f harmless, inexpensive, delicately per bfumed, and non-greasy invigorator is f sold by Kennedy's Drug Store and at f all good drug and toilet counters. Be i sure you get the genuine Parisian J sage (Giroux's) as that has the f money-back guarantee printed on 1 every package.—Adv. STOMACH TROUBLES [ARE DUE TO ACIDITY Tells Safe, Certain, Speedy Relief For Arid Indigestion So-called stomach troubles, such as r indigestion, gas, sourness, stomach \ ache and inability to retain food are .in probably nine cases out of ten, i simply evidence that excessive secre tioj; af acid is taking place in the stomach, causing the formation of gas and acid indigestion. Gas distends the stomach and causes that full, oppressive, burning feeling sometimes known as heartburn, while the acid irritates and inflames the (delicate lining of the stomach. The I trouble lies entirely in the excess de jQieiopment or secretion of acid. To stop or prevent this souring of | the food contents of the stomach and [to neutralize the acid, and make it j.bland and harmless, a teaspoonful of i bjsurated magnesia, a good and effec j tive corrector of acid stomach, should ! Jbe taken in a quarter of a glass of i s >hot or cold "water after eating or j I whenever gas. sourness or acidity is | 'felt. This sweetens the stomach and j neutralizes the acidity in a few mo- I Iments and is a perfectly harmless and ; {inexpensive remedy to use. t An antacid, such as btsurated mag- I ! nesia. which can be obtained from | jany druggist in either powder or tab flet form, enables the stomach to do ' fits work properly without the aid of {artificial digestents. Magnesia comes rln several forms, so be certain to ask {for and take only Bisurated Magnesia, f which is especially prepared for the iabove purpose. G. A. Gorges. A d-1 vertisement. A Tonic and Health Builder 4Take CALCERBS to rid yourself of Jithat weakening, persistent cough, p which is threatening you with throat jior lung troubles. Even in acute cases {affecting throat and lungs, CAL- r CURBS have given much relief in {many cases helping to restore health. • They give strength to combat ill t liess. Contain calcium (a lime salt) iso compounded as to be easily ab t sorbed. fCulcerbs, 50 cents n Box. At all I druggists or from manufacturer, postpaid. ECKMAN LABORATORY, Philadelphia. Makers of Eekmnn's Alterative WHY WOMEN DREAD OLD AGE Don't worry about old age. Don't -worry about being in other people's way when you are getting on in years. ; Keep your body in good condition and i you can be as hale and hearty in your old days as you were when a kid. and I every one will be glad to see you. The kidneys and bladder are the j causes of senile afflictions. Keep j them clean and in proper working [•condition. Drive the poisonous wastes [ from the system and avoid uric acid [.accumulations. Take GOLD MEDAL 'Haarlem Oil Capsules periodically ; and you will find that the system will always be In perfect working order. Your spirits will he enlivened, your muscles made strong and your face have once more the took of youth and health. There Is only one guaranteed brand .of Haarlem Oil Capsules. GOLD ! MEDAL. There are many fakes on i ' the market. Be sure you get the j Original GIDLD MEDAL Imported ! Haarlem. Oil Capsules. They are the i only reliable. For sale, by all ftrst [ class druggists.—Advertisement. RHEUMATICS -(X K. All Over the County They Are Tak ing "Neutrone Prescription 99" To be strong and free from all etiffness in your Joints and muscles, Just think ,of it for only 50c and i 1.00 for one or two weeks' treat ment. "Neutrone Prescription 99" is quickly absorbed Into the system and in a week or two brings blessed t relief to tired, weary, inflamed, swol len Joints and muscles. It's easy to use, too, no fuss and bother getting ready, no time lost rubbing in fiery liniments or using " hot plasters, just take four times a day faithfully and all stiffness, swelling and misery will vanish. Used regular it makes the lame j and crippled strong and vigorous, j draws out all the stiffness, agony j and inflammation. It's fine. Get a I bottle to-day at your druggist, 50c: j and SI.OO. Mail orders filled on SI.OO ' size. ' For sal* in Harrlsburg by Gaorgo A. Gorvaa, 18 North Third atreat, ; and P. R. R. Station. TUESDAY EVENING, U-BOAT MAKES GAS ATTACK ON COASTSTATION Six Men Overcome; U. S. De stroyer Sinks Hun Craft, Is Report Washington, Aug. Is seeking {o bring one of her favor ite brands of frlghtfulness direct to America's shores. A gas attack was made on the • North Carolina coast late Saturday afternoon. Six of the coast guard and lighthouse personnel on Smith Island, pear the entrance to Wil mington harbor, were overcome by the gaa but no deaths resulted, ac cording to a Navy Department state ment last night. The gas was generated from three large patches of oil, each more than an acre in extent, which the subma rine spread on the water. The gas was described by the Navy Depart ment reports as having about the same effect as the mustard gas which was used against the Allies in France. It was effective for about | thirty-five or forty minutes. Th,e gas was generated from the oil about forty minutes after the appearances of the patches were noted. This is the first time in the his tory of submarine warfare that such gas has been employed. The attack led naval officers to consider steps to meet it. It raised the question of equipping coast guards and crews of the sub marine chasers with masks. It was said at , the department last night that this subject would be given immediate consideration. Details of Attack Following is the Navy Depart ment's statement on the North Car olina attack: The Navy Department has re ceived a dispatch from the com mandant of the Sixth Naval District, Charleston, S. C.. stating that an at tack with gas was attempted on the North Carolina coast about 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon with the result of temporarily putting opt of business the coast guard station and lighthouse personnel on Smith Island. The report goes on to say: Ahnut forty minutes after the at tack three large oil spots, each more than an acre In extent, were ob served passing by Smith Island to the north. This oil, trom which the gas was no doubt generated, must have been released from a subma rine in the vicinity of the entrance to the channel with the hope that it would come lp with the tide, but the tide, fortunately, set along Smith Island. Report was made to Colonel Chase, coast artillery corps, Fort Caswell! N. C„ by Captain Willis, of the Smith Island coast guard, imme j diately after the effects of the gas were noticed. Six men were gassed, but no deaths resulted. The gas had the effect of mustard gas, Pnd was effective aboul thirty-five or forty minutes. The color of the gas has not yet been ascertained, and its ef fects on trees and shrubbery not yet determined. The entire matter will be investigated and full report made. The incident was reported by Colo ! nel Chase to the naval district com | mandant. : Smith Island is oft the mouth of | the Cape Fear river, near the en l trance to the channel to Wilming- I ton, N. C. j The first real encounter between |an American destroyer and a Ger | man submarine since the U-boats I began their raids on shipping in I American waters was announced yes terday by the Secretary of the Navy. Believe U-Boat Sunk Indications pointed to the sinking or serious damaging of a submarine operating off the Virginia coast, but the Navy Department entered no of ficial claim to the destruction of the enemy vessel. Secretary Daniels au thorized the following: "The Navy Department has re ceived a report that an American destroyer sighted an enemy subma rine about 100 miles east of the Vir ginia coast and dropped fifteen depth bombs on the spot where the Ü boat submerged. "The submarine was not seen again, but an oil slick appeared and two more depth charges were dropped on the spot." I Secretary Daniels said yesterday naval officers agree that at least two or more submarines are operating in American waters. He made this statement in announcing the report of the crew of the schooner Katie Palmer, which was sunk late Satur day afternoon in New England wa ters. Particular interest was attached to statements of the crew of the schooner, who were taken aboard the U-boat, to the effect that the German commander stated Vie was equipped to stay in American waters six months "if he desired." "Just Talking "Of course, if he could obtain supplies and fuel he might do so," said Secretary Daniels, "but it is the general view that he was just talk ing." Unbidden Guest Ejected From Trolley Car; Was Waiting For His Owner Car 62 8 of the Fourth and Sixth itreets line of the Harrisbirrg Rail ways Company was pretty well crowded and waiting in the Square to pursue its journey up town about 10.10 last night. Both doors were open. In violation of all the rules of the company and the Public Service Commission a passenger entered by the front door, unbidden and penni less. In the center of the aisle the unwelcome guest of the railways company stood waiting, looking this way and that, head in air, anxious, expectant and not a little recalcl trant. The conductor looked daggers while passengers smiled. Indeed, one of them whistled. Seconds fled and a car ahead moved forward. The passenger waited, now impati ent. Still there was no welcome, no moving aside to make room. There was a stir among the five centers and curiosity to know what would happen the interloper. The conductor glanced at the fare reg ister, then at the motorman, who stood smiling, read to start. "Get out," sniffed the conductor. The va grant stood unflinching: The conduc tor reached for the bell cord. At the ' same time the motorman left his post, beckoned to the fareless one to move, pointed to the door and, get ting no response, took the passenger by the back of the neck and shoved him into the unfriendly outside. A white and brown fox terrier, missing his master, had entered the car hoping to find his owner. He had tarried too long and the in exorable hand of fate had snatched him and claimed him for its own. Thar* wu no word to-day that owner and vagrant had found each lf> thar, BELL 1091—2850 UNITED HAIIKISBURC. TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1018. , FOUNDED 1811 |il¥s 175 Wash Skirts ~ " short, playing the game .. Velvet Grip Hose Supporters j of business —is a real ' . ■ ■** j friend TpVS- at ' For Children, Misses and Women i tion of our competitors tJUVVIuI (X L . Size 030, pair ..... 200 ' Size 018, pair 250 j because it spurs us on to *, Size 03, pair 200 Size 020, pair 300 i greater achievements in • _ Size 05, pair 250 Size 109, pair ....... 400 I service and value-giving, White or b<lack ' BOWMAN's —Main Floor, and yotl benefit thereby. A mamm — mmmmm^mmmmm^mmmmmmmm H wmmmmmmmmm aSS- B lltfP. Toilet Preparations at | no "shady" methods. The j , I some underhanded trans- These are Striped Cotton, Poplin and Gabardine. A clearance special that merit 6 im- Prices That Mean Economy i action is never present. mediate response from 175 women and misses who have an eye for thrift and neatness in i JT ~~~Z I !~T 7! j TT " " ! Honesty dominates here. apparel. Each at 690 " . B,rS t Love Sachet Bags-made especially for lingerie -1 YV nhv the P-ame of a L , . " 1 pmk ' blue ' y ellow - lavender, green, all satin bags, 2 for 70 b d rules that Another lot of Wash Skirts in the most popular fabrics and pretty modes —special at Aubry Sisters Cold and Massage Cream. Jar 390 i-TEss $!- 98 ' 52.98, $3,98, $4.50,-$5.98 BIEXSS&tiSeSSM I price quotations, no trick- . bath - Bottle "V" ••; —• •'' ' " , <, i • „ BOWMAN S—Main Floor, f ery and no knocking . Es h if. Coats Specially Priced The Hatless Summer Coiffure A upon their own merits— Hair Goods Special by all of them we are Three Groups Lined and Half Lined willing to be judged. A two-day Sale that invites you to take L. jufjgm $7.50, $12.95, $17.50 )y conscience That is why T ' ■ 7 ' TRANSFORMATIONS. „ m AND BP. ' 1/ . we enjoy it. ■ SWITCHES, $2.95 AND IJP. jfr BOWMAN'S—Third Floor , BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Airy Summer Fabrics More Homes Have Been Furnished Marvels of daintiness and rm J 1 W ~r\ J* sheerness, that give assurance of 7 ft CM tLVCV LjCTOrC the prettiest Summer Frocks you J have ever owned. Whether you j -pi jr 11 * i - - make your Summer garments 81-=J nousands oT war workers have come to Harnsburg and vicinity to make their homes. This and those for your children MBsSSk as an unprecedented demand for houses —which has been told in the daily papers, through the inspiration of patri- Many of these homes had to be newly furnished throughout. Others had to have many new otic economy, or through prefer- pieces. ence, you'll find unlimited satis- yj/ > ::ii; n e ,romthis "" Bowman's August Furniture Sale Furnishes the Opportunity For Saving of the season's best shades. Yard $1.59 \ve!ifr" l "°Yard l3 k' Kool—the leadin s novelty silk for Bowman s Furniture Department has supplied a great many of these homes with Furniture 36-inch Printed Foulards—satins or India twill grounds, °f dependable quality at prices that bespoke remarkable values. Others have come to this Wl 4L^^rKlotTk°n n gi ar l g Tv U c n Of I August Sale of Furniture to avail themselves of price reductions that are truly exceptional; steel, gray, tan, violet and sapphire. Yard $1.95 when one considers that most of the reductions are based on the low prices at which this furni- PfCttV JVash CjrOOdS ture was marked when purchased months ago. Since then several advances have been made by , . . ' manufacturers, thus making the August prices lower than would be possible if this furniture hinest American Gingham, in a choice assortment of smart UJJ i ll p'laids, stripes and plain shades—plenty of small plaids in was purchased to-day at wholesale. % good, serviceable colors for children's school wear. Yard, r T 11 1 j • *i i • *-• i e 450, 500 and 750 Unparalleled prosperity prevails throughout this community. Every one who can afford it 36-inch imported Irish Linen of (me weave and weight for will find it is economy to buy dependable furniture. This Sale makes it possible to do so at an bummer and hall wear—lo of the best shades. Yard, $1.25 1 • l£ • j £ • i I . •. i it i. 38 and 44-inch plain and fancy Voiles—fine line of colors unusual saving. It you are in need ot a single piece or a complete suite, see the excellent dis and designs. Yard 390 play on the Fifth Floor. ) 36-inch silk and cotton Gingham Tussah —12 choice plaid 36-inch silk and cotton Pongee—a very serviceable fabric American IValnut Dining Suite for aN kinds of wear. Yard 850 Jj^" mm^mm ■■ 1 36-inch silk and cotton Crepe de Chine, in black, white, || 1 1 1 - == GIuPPW /4 Mtl P J-^PVin/l navy, pale blue, old rose, pink, plain shades—with self color • ===== -- ■ Tfr - *4IT Jj/frLL// uJ-fLltc x Cf LULL 30- inch" !m por d Japanese' hand-pVinUd Kimono Crepel°in ± (/[l \| f Buffet is sixty inches long, 48-inch top on table, square china doset, Oriental designs, fast colors. Yard " 450 Gf k ex 'TT Se^ ing upholstered in genuine brown Span -27-inch Cotton Poplin, with a highly-mercerized finish and ] H \ JMIf \i Hf = 1 * C ° mplete Su,tC ° f tCn pieCCS ' of fine wearing qualities. Yard 390 if *T vlf . uJ fT* V\i~\ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Jj * * T Y J I I II I A Values in Hosiery Are T , „ . . „ . • f— — lacobean Oak Dining Suite - Always Featured Here Popular Wm. & Mary Period R Women's Thread Silk Stockings—black, white and colors H . | | —double soles, high spliced heels, wide garter top, seamless. t This Suite consists of ten pieces—large buffet, china closet, extension JLJ ll ;s===: I | r\ P a ' r • • '•*•*'. 89$ table, serving table, five diners and host chair. All pieces are well made "TT Ni (/ t Ixx 11 Women's Thread Silk Stockings black, white and colors , . and nicely finished. Chairs have eenuine leather seats, .Complete ten J" —double soles, high spliced heels, wide garter tops. Pair, nieces price j Tj u \lUill [|T' L $1.25 8 1 BlO[r 8 Women's Fiber Silk Stockings—plain black and plain • /i /^\/| white, double soles, wide garter tops. Pair 500 I 1 II I Children's Sox —plain colors and fancy tops, all sizes. Pair, * •Vx Vx .q 350 1,000 pairs Women's Thread Silk Stockings—black, white and colors—double soles, high spliced heels, wide garter top, /T. ,/i*. J full fashioned, seconds. Special at, pair SI.OO \Ju€TSTtIjTCd JL/CLUCTI'DOfI BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. U X One-Third Off Gold L° ose s P r ' n ß cushions, full spring back, covered in a good Jewelry and Silver Frarnes SpeciaI f ß,est b Y el { B ° a size beds—good grade ticking, Cuff Links, etc!, solid 10-K gold. One-third Off. • \j \l Bowman Restwell Mattress . One or two parts. Well-filled^. ~~Tt —i — h'~~ 3 — oV — U —Ti r —j . ; * J good ticking, roll edge. Full size or single size. Price, , - Neck Beads—27 inches long, fancy-colored glass, broad tin /)/! ' round and oval shape ............ FIFTH FLOOR FOR FINE FURNITURE ipIU,UU BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. HARRISBURG gSB&C TELEGRAPH! 'AUGUST 13, 1918. ' 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers