"LIAR" IS USED IN SENATE DEBATE Ashurst Angered by "Copper Lobby" Remark Names Penrose Washington, Sept. 7. Charges and counter charges flew across the main aisle of the Senate like shrapnel yes terday when each side sought to show that the other hud been guilty of lav ish expenditure of money in political campaigns. The Republican kettle called the Democratic pot black, whereupon the latter retorted that the ajMsation went double, with "reverse jbklish," or words to that effect. Kv«|icidentally the proceedings were \v\ened by the rush of Senator Ash- Democrat, of Arizona, with up fted finger at Senator Curtis, Repub can, of Kansas, who had been too ersonal in one of his charges. Ihe idex of the Arizonian got very close i the nose of the Kansas member, but e did jjot flinch. Senator Smoot, Republican, of I. tan, ho occupied a chair between the two len, went through mock hysterics, tying, "Don't, don't" as though lu :ared a tragedy was about to be en cted. Nothing happened, however. >r the Arizona senator was not bel gerent, but merely serious. Later he was quite as serious, al tough rigidly polite, when he said lat "if" Senator Penrose asserted a ertain thing to be true he was a liar." Great emphasis was placed on le little word "If" and finally the inguage was withdrawn. The more or less playful senatorial ranks occurred during a debate on le Owen Corrupt Practice bill, which :eks to limit campaign expenditures. 70,000 Letters Franked bill would restrict campaign ex penditures of candidates for the Sen- the House and for the Presidency Vice-Presidency to a greater ex- than existing law. Senator Cur tis argued that such a measure passed a campaign is half over might unfairly against men who have Hlready spent the stipulated amount. Hie advocated a more stringent law Hhan that proposed, and one that particularly restrict the use of Hhe Congressional frank to prevent Senators or representatives from send- out campaign appeals at govern- Hient expense. He read a letter from to a constituent, reciting his Hecord as a basis for support, and said understood that 70,000 of these had Been franked out in violation of the Hrlvilege. H "Sweetbreads for Brains" ■ violation of the law," said Ashurst, H'hen he got the floor, "he has sweet- Hreads for brains." He explained that his letter had Hleen submitted and approved by the H'ostmaster General and one of his as sistants as being matter which could ■oe franked and told how former Presi dent Taft, when in the Philippines. Hnd the then Secretary of War Root, Exchanged cablegrams at 5 2 cents a paid by the government, to dis- Mr. Taft's health ond a horseback I Passes the "Ue Indirect" ■ a little later Ashurst turned on Pen- who said he had noticed a "cop- lobby" around the Capitol whose had been talking with the Hizona senator. ■"lf," said Ashurst, "the Senator to say that my vote has been by a copper lobby or any lobby he lies." senators objected to this and Ashurst, after explain- he had said "if," agreed to with- Haw his remarks. Several senators told of large con tributions to campaigns in various Senator Owen said former A. Mitchell Palmer, of had said that $7 50,000 spent in one Pennsylvania elec ■ Senator Penrose in reply said Pal- statement had never been sup- by evidence and declared he give better proof that several thousand dollars had been in Oklahoma in the recent pri- campaign which resulted in the of Senator Owen. Sena- Pomerene said Myron T. Herrick Hnd the Myron T. Herrlck's Voters' Heague in Ohio spent more than $51,- HpO in the recent primaries which Herrick as the Republican sen- Htorial candidate. ■ottages at Mt. Gretna Close Summer Season Gretna, Pa., Sept. 7. Miss Reichert has returned to her Kmc at Harrisburg after spending days at Park View Cottage as guest of Mrs. Alvin 1. Miller. H Yesterday morning the Mt. Gretna Club met on the porch of John Craig. Refreshments were to Mrs. Anna Hubley, Mrs. Shlsler, Mrs. J. X. Quigley, Mrs. Walter, Mrs. J. C'. Harlacher, Hrs. Emma Seibert, Mrs. E. E. Ewing, Hrs. Ira Pirafter, Miss Louise Keister, Hrs. Brunner, Mrs. B. F. Daugherty, H]s Hotfman and Mrs. John Craig. H Miss Daisy Sheaffer has closed her and returned to her home, 614 Horth Sixteenth street, Harrisburg. Hliss Emma Stuart who spent the Hionth of August at the cottage has Hlso returned to Harrisburg. ■ Mrs. Harry Leonard who has been ■he guest of Mrs. Isabella Neiman, has Heturned home to Harrisburg. H A house party which had been oc cupying the Etter cottage for several ■lays, has returned to Harrisburg. The Karty consisted of Miss Ruth Payne, Aliss Elizabeth Knisely, Miss Margaret ■lelkle. Miss Eleanora Etter, Harold Fox, Daniel Kunkle, Minister Kunkle and Franklin Etter, and was chaper oned by Mrs. Mary Williamson. Mrs. A. I. Miller has closed her cottage and returned to Harrisburg. Hobart Corning has returned to Mt. Gretna after a trip to Washington, D. C. Nation-Wide Prayer For Public Schools Sept. 10 Under the organized leadership of the National Reform Association and with the co-operation of the clergy everywhere a national prayer for the public schools will be uttered on Sep tember 10. This national prayer for the great est of all national educational insti tutions has special significance at this time In communities where the plague of infantile paralysis may prevent the opening of some of the public schools. \ln this city the organized effort for 2 \ational prayer for the public schools is binder the leadership of the Rev. A. K. to preach a special sermon on tl(e general subject of patriotic and religious veducatlon in the public schools. !*■ PLAN WIXTKR CAMPAIGN Amsterdam, Sept. 7.—War office advertisements appearing in Vienna newspapers indicate that preparations are being made in Austria-Hungary for another winter campaign. Tend ers are invited for the supply of furs and woolen goods of all kinds for the protection of the troops against cold. Deliveries must be made before Sep- Umhar I*. THURSDAY EVENTNG, | Bamboo Fiirniture 11 jj fe lateen Featherweight F< ticoats ] j ijll 4 Free Butt rick Pattern Vilh Aat mn ■"" To-Morrow We Start An Underselling Event of Early Fall Merchandise ! 'Twill Be An Event That Will Prove Beyond A Doubt Our Ability To Undersell and Save You Money. , Our Family of Employes Is Back from Vacation Fully Refreshed and Rejuvenated; Our Counters, 1 , Shelves, Display Racks and Cases Are Bubbling Over with the Newest of New Things For Early Fall. We Are Splendidly Ready to Supply Your Needs In Qualities That Are Superior to Anything! 1 Underselling N!«. Fall Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts For Women and Misses I Underselling j Now Ready! 400 Newest Fall Coat Suits, 350 Newest Fall Coats, 250 Newest WomCH* S & | ( Fall Dresses and 375 Newest Fall Skirts. Every New Idea Is Here and Every Children's I 5 Garment Marked At An Underselling Price That Means A True Economy to You. "W"R W "PAT T ' c Extra Special For Early Fall Selling j Dresses At Special Early Fall Prices OTT/\T^O < 125 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' 100 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' oHOJIrO \ NEWEST FALL COAT SUITS NEWEST FALL DRESSES r - nn,, J That Will Cost S2O Later; <1 C Aft V**?* That Will Cost $12.50 Later; djl A Aft J ! , f / < I Early Fall Price «PI«/.UU /W|l Early Fall Price tpIU.UU | J / C Made of handsome Whipcords and Poplin; newest long W&lffJ,//1 /I H Models that strike the latest fashion notes, feature the « L , ' M coat effect with guaranteed satin linings. Full belt or half toddf #''ililiSl&W' Ifj I W\ W Wj newest tunic effects and popular Redingote styles. Also fHSiI li §& 6 belt coats. Velvet collars and cuffs. Colors are black, navy \ N Y mvN / smart straight line models. Materials are Taffeta, Silk, J MWW 3 f if M blue, green and brown. M J/( / \« Satin and all-wool serge in black and navy blue. All sizes. . fe, K I 150 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' ILK. , 90 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' F mf/ 1 5 NEWEST COAT SUITS NEWEST FALL DRESSES \ 1 That Will Cost $25 Later; SIQ 11\ \\ That Will Be S2O Later; Cl C fift / J I Early Fall Price TTxJR f ! 1 \ \ \i \ ' \ Early Fall Price ■ , § % Stunning new models, some trimmed with fur; velvet or f&/ V I \ \ \ \ \ \ exceedingly chic Men's Wear Serge Dresses. charming Women Sand Misses New- F W self trimmed. The graceful long coats are lined with/ U ffllW I I i \ \ , \ | \ new Satin, Taffeta Silks and Serge and Taffeta Silk com- est FALL SHOES That J ■ guaranteed satin or peau de cygne. Materials include Gab- 1 W J|fl ] 111 \." \ \ I V W that are well adapted to Autumn that wear. Will Prist 00 tn SO B £ ardine, Men's Wear Serge, Whipcords and Poplin. All 1 J rfe « \ U \l i Navy and Burgundy are the colors that predominate. J™ 111 ipo - iJ V , J? 0 ™ * m wanted colors and siaes. V I \» T \ lj J~*i\ j' i* Straight Line and Redingote styles are most popular. Later. Special Early B I 125 I5WW«1AT'" 60 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' 55........ $2.49 I 3 INt,Wt.O 1 UUA 1 oLJI 1 O |l Mril/CCT CAT I r\D UCCCC S Latest I- all shapes, in patent p(l € H NEWES I rALL DHKSSKS S colUkin. gun metal calf and kid- II I That Will Cost S3O to d»Ojl IT* I ) I skin. 8-Inch to,» button boot. |g J Later; Early Fall Price $24.75 Kif XT That Will Cos, $25 Later; *t ACA | mls^Vw-W C Snappy new models, possessing every new style, touch t jt v j / IfL Earlv Fall Price *r * H est t ALL SHOES That I# J and fashionable Idea produced for the Kali of 191fi. Beau- J LA f j [if A host of clever and charming stylish new models in H Will Cost $4.50 to $5.00 a % tiful Broadcloth. Gabardine, Men's Wear Serge. Velour, V / \ Satin Marvelliux, Charmeuse, Taffeta Silk, Men's Wear ■ T o„„ „ • , T7„,„ S M Velour Checks and Poplins; lined with guaranteed peau de \k J j Serge and Silk Combinations. Charmeuse and Serge Coat ™ Later. Special Lariy ( m cygne and fine guaranteed satin. Newest skirt effects. Vel- S/& Models; tunic effects, plaited straight styles and Redingote H Fall tf* Af\ § vet or fur trimmed models. All sizes and all colors. models a special feature of the display. All sizes. Price 1 i Stylish Stout Fall SUITS Underselling Women's & Misses' Newest Fall Dress Skirts M Embodying every new idea and style touch shown in O Smart new shapes with Spanish i r than regular size suit and want that smart up- WOMEN'S AND MISSES' $2,951 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' $5.95 11 B ys' Solid Leather IT ! NEWEST FALL S KI RTS T0 NEWEST FALL SKIRTS T0 1 Glen's \\ ear Serge, Poplins, Gabardine and Broad- That ill Cost 53.50 to SIO.OO That Will Cost $6.95 to SIO.OO Early Fall dj> 1 1 Q & 1 cloths. Many fur-trimmed. Coats lined with guar- Later; Earlv Fall Prices. $7.50 ,ater; Earlv Fall Price. . . .... $8.95 11 Pr J" II antecd satin and ptaudecygne._ Prices range from Mldo ot flne „, v> . w „, , nd bWck ln , .nd^.Sn/S'Viiia'u^he""All ? to flare models; many pleated styles among them; all sizes Handsome new. wide, graceful flaring styles; some with sizes to 13%. R $ I and extra sizes included. large pockets; black and colors; all sizes. ■ n 1 Women s & Misses Newest Fall Coats WOMFNS ANH WOMFN'S AND I # I Hundreds of smart tweeds, new model,, in fine ▼▼ O IVIIOOH.O O IVIIOOE-O | Fine Fall Shoes, in all the I Poplins, Velours, Bolivias, Duvetyne and Novelty BLACK SATIN SKIRTS NEW FALL SKIRTS ne est 1916 styles, leather B C Mixtures. A vast collection of wonderful values, _ 1 novelty effects have M style, colors and materials. At each price a superior That Will Cost $7.95 Later; OC That Will Cost $6.50 Later; AA 8 I J ust arrived and been placed J quality AH new. All above the ordinary. Special £ ar l y Fall Price OD.VD Early Fall Price OO.UU R on sale. Prices ranee up to I & underselling prices range from _ . . , 4 . ~ '' ' ' * J ' I I $6.50. All sizes anf widths f S5lO on tn Si'-'.i <M> 1 rimmed with big pearl buttons; latest models and very Velour checks, in blue, brown, Kreen and srrav; stunning 8 9 frmn \ -\ tn F « s «» al»ea and all lengths. new styles, in the new right-length and waist sizes. g | t,om AA t0 L " j »V.WWJW.VA.A%WA'. W.V\WW.W.VrtSVbWSVA» «. t 0 S li , Underselling Girls' Newest | j Underselling The Newest Fall Waists i| \ UnderseUing Event in A, { ! I: JTall Dresses Yr°Sizes ■: Women ' s and Misses ' New Fall j 5 Men's, Women's and '< I ( l'' /Girls' Newest Fall WASH DRESSES 1; WAISTS Will Cost $1.25 ;• i Children\ A- I I - T hat Will Cost $1.50 Later. ]| < Later. Early Fall AO } J y p|| a . fl J 1 \ II \\ Early Fall Prices 5/OC !; Price 5/OC SV».. MgUf Fflll J\ / h, j C j! l\\ ,»\ j y** A vast variety of new plaid Ringhams, # % White voiles, organdie? and white / vlf >v -x K \\ c ? !■■■ VIVVUIvI v 7 !■ M i !> ] )J plain color reps, etc.; smart new Fall mod- ![ J China silk All beautiful new styles { k \ \ T a- »xt ~ A _ A AimlA V AUI7/A\R U ■' m I . * n all sizes and colors. an a ' sizes. iL ||L '% Lsdics New Fall COAX SWEATERS Zjlwl/n/ m i Girls ' Ncwest Fall WASH DRESSES > Women's and Misses' New Fall U'A' < J That Will Cost s3 * so HQC MM Wl MMm I f|!- N \ ty\\^\That Will Cost $2.50 d»-| QCil j> WAISTS That Will Cost $2.50 k 5 ? LatCr - E "ly Fall Price, MI J 1 '! LA 1 Later. Early Fall Price. . 1 •; ( f\ ' ' •^A x '.'4 -5 2 plendid values in white and colors, and a //JWji) I ?T\ 11 ij j B //J |pu\\l \|)l '! S | !• | These are unusually charming; made of J| !■ Later. Early Fall g 1 AQ [ ■ J/v % J hiK a,M,ortment of dllt, * r « n t popular new sl/ 5 \ ii» I\\\ \*J ginghams, reps, galatea, etc.; all new, <> t > p r | ce |, # JIO Li JS J5 AU sii!es - WV//)/ >! J <! . , ai ' a ' trac^; e fl r d A allßlzes - ac "" ect '° n of lovely new Kali & '■ '■ Hundreds of LADIES' NEW FAL •" C S // At $-.95 to $1.95 —A vast assortment of Girls' ,i t styles in Georgette erepes, silk crepe -C~-' ' ■ rfBBBP-. 1 S r>r\ at 1 ciiTT?ATcnn \ IIIv/I/IINmW///I/ •' M I | New Fall Wash Dresses, In all the most popular ade chine; white black and colors. All '.*•& '• '« CUAI oWII,AIJi,KS hnlvfiywjj Inßlllf/Jltp ? ■ % ! fast color wash fabrics; newest models, patterns, > sizes. ffl f S Plain colors. Blazer stripes, plain Y 5 | 5 1 '" °' t- Sl/ ' ( S |! > Women's and Misses' Npw Fall \ c i ]&M 5 5 wlth contrasting colored collar and «' S y I T \ !■ women S ana ivlisses INew rail \Mf A ? , S % popular styles with narrow or broad belt F J" i New Fall Serge DRESSES j| ; ; WAISTS That Will Cost $3.50 J \ ***"*&*, Irom orU , of . new (ffiW/' f ' \I \ For Girls 6to 14 Years jj •' Later. Early Fall <J»O Q|- Sfcr&A ii ii L J 5 MEN'S NEW FALL SWEATERS WSffl il « \\ Are now on sale. Styles are extremely pretty, !| J Price tDfati/J i ? In a lot of different weights, weaves, styles V S quality of materials far superior to anything it J % Attractive new strined Tub «ilk '-^rC#; w t and colors. All sizes, in every style, * PXWtfP ■, I J 7* ""I be possible to ,how later, atfrom | ; black sUk; embroider' /" S < Bov.' »nd e ir.,' SwMt ,r, °J£ {!» 5 S WV 52.95 to 59.90 i J» ed: white crepe de chine silk, Georg- f ', \ «,5 . Sweaters .... v »Nc to «2.05 I/W j, va '] ette crepes. A large assortment of this L'' J < Infaifts Sweaters, white and colors, I/* J 1 \t f season's newest styles and sizes. \ 'i ®® c to *1»05 U i" ■ • W.V.W.W. 1 ------ v 9 9 ■' BMMs^MinwwnauMi—i —————u^HßHHßHHnßnnßsnnnßßsgßi Startling Low Underselling Prices on Men's i 8 Underselling Event of Newest Cotton 11 i I v ™,, _ I I Blankets in the Bargain Basement / Underselling SCHOOL SUITS fori 1 | ' AY\ vk\ I iPW I I r boys. Kaufman's suits for boys are I Knrly Kali I»rke MC Early Fall Price, pair ® \ 1 W A OLA A IL CUMLO far superior to anything shown else- I with pink or blue border. I % 1 i MEN ' S KHAKI PANTS That Will Cost OA therein this city, at $2.50, $3.00, »»Vs™l i 1| | J, »'i ll fch """ •' /f"" lil SI.OO and $1.50 Later. Early Fall Price. . . 0%/ C •P'J.OO tO $7.00. Early FaU Price, imir 5<5C Early Fall Price, J 1 xYTxXVFa Just the right weight for work: made with belt loop. /ZfltiLi That's a TRUTH narents Double bed size; gray and tan; Variety of patterns; • full size % K 6 FV\\\\V\\h iffißarau s s fcMUii <* livuin paients blue and pink border. and good weight. M ?! liUm MEN'S WORSTED PANTS That £ 1 f-A want to bear in mind when T tmp 19 MtifllSi Will Cost $2.50 Later. Early Fall Price, X »OVr \v/ purchasing their Bovs' New FTT TFn rfiMFHPTC BI ANKFTS i , We " made of stripe worsted; double stitched. All „ c . . c , ." - . FILLED COMFORTS bLANKtIS j 1 " izeß ' School or Sunday buit. At every price we save you qq J C MEN'S WORSTED PANTS That go Af\ J K\l of the Kaufman's money later on. A big antici- j"C % I P-fM Will Cost $3 Later. Early Fall Price. M ftrWiP, I Guaranteed not to rip or tear. These new Nohole Pants '[\H L ll] ~ 1 and designs, plain Had satill edg- . . , ... % 1 Hi B IB tnd we'r rP AU f .Ue d B . mad e ° f the Wrongest fabric for work trousers. All are extra I ed. Filled With good, clean cotton. colons with animal I I ISplI f® Hi' MEN'S WORSTED PANTS That d> OCA K™'" tail ° rcd ° f thc best I Prices-$1.95, to $4.9,>. design.. Neatly box- | I KW IB i§l Will Cost $3.50 Later. Early Fall Price, JpZ.OU ll| \\cassimeres, serges, cordu- I —— ■ 1 ■ Ultfttm ?w?R ~ <^e ' a P a 'r of tiiese and you ii save yourself a dollar. (■ ii \ xlroys, etc. Seams of trc>us- I Here and 1 nere opeci&ls tor 1 hrirty Choppers | t l IsmII PfiW 00 nsso, 'tnient of patterns. All sizes. T~ \ t , , . . -ill 50c Wh,te Enatnei Cooking SI.OO Gold Frame Pictures, oval I PANTS I™ w"??L ITS ERT\ s^V d F $ ifL DRE i lW™' AH I , 8„,.u ! ,!E ' { Me? $2.69 PRICE RLYFALL ... $3.00 I »a,ue„ colors „1 thc I '£ 1 Alf si'zes 01 and fade " Proof ' Good dress troußerß - snappy new wool, worsted and cassimere, in best Styles. I 15c pi iUn B ft Ladders 5r S^OO^'S 1, e hf h '« 9C ' C A " M/ - r ' v axarlety of desirable new patterns. All sizes. V . ■ """-.J• ••• ® c J2.00 Mop and Oil Combination RARRISBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 7. 1916. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers