14 f> ~ . —"" I/• ■> ___ _ Store Open Friday: BA.M. to 5.30 P. M | Dit)eS, PomeTOl) & SteWart £ tore Open Saturday: 8A.M.t09 P. M ] ' _____ Friday Specials Bring Out the Shoppers on This Busy Economy Day No Friday Specials j Suiting Linings Auto Mats ] Basement Sale of Waists' ' Embroidery ) Basement Wash Goods ] f Men's Union Suits Sent C. O. D. or Mail ™ly . cia] Fndly only . 30* Made of voile, trimmed Fi Specif "J* «'■<» union suits, sleeve or -Phone Order, 3S c blach satina, 36 inches cia, Frida/only, yarj Spacal Fnday on<y, ,ess. Special Friday o„l^ Filled. ,v,dc ' Spectal 1-r,day only - ished with touch of color Swiss embroidery flounc- 12K,c fancy gin B ham. o.v„. P. m ,„ y * in ~ 4 opeciai l riaay only ... ,<soo mgs, 27 inches, 2sc value. , Special Friday only, yard street Floor. IT 75c black Farmer's satine. rubber mats; 14x26 in- D p om .rov & stew.rt. Special Friday only, yard. 10* ' Dr.*. r.„,wU 1 33 inches wide. Special Fri- chcs ' Specal Fr,day only V 1 lOf _ * Colored Dress Good. day on]y m t CaraSric and Swiss em . Jfyj- Women's Union Suits 59c silverbloom, 3- in- Dives, Pomerov & Stewart Rubber Stair Treads "air 01 Dnoes brciderv edges and inser ches wide, in blue and gold y street Floor ™ r ISvO ;„ rU „ c For Women tions. 19c value. Special 25c cretonne, 36 inches. to 39c white cotton stripes. Special Friday only. Serial Frirla'v nl iS , Friday only, yard, ... 100 Special Friday only, yard. union suits, knee length, lace yard 25 0 ... N special rridayonly ... 100 Women s $3.50 black ... trimmed. Special Friday 7C . . . . . a, Little Personalities 15c grade, 18x7 inches suedc P um P s - with welted Dlves ' P^eet oy Fioor teWart ~ or o • , on! >"' . 75c shepherd checks 42 Special Friday only .. lS soles and Cuban heels; not Street F '°° r - 8c Lawns. Special Friday Dives. Pomerov & Stewart inches ■wide. Special Friday 2DC white ivory frames, all sizes. Special Friday only, -40 street Floor only, yard 550 hair receivers, puff boxes, 13c grade 18x6 inches. only, pair SI.OO v 1 I l*>V,c comfort rnhe* W . 59c serge, 36 inches wide, /ases and manicure Special Friday only ...10, Val Laces cial . ' in Fall colors. Special Fri- '' l " LS " " P ccia ri av nn > > Floor Coverings low shoes, Cuban heels and Valenciennes lace edges o r p r : nt< - c •iF- VI M I U day only $1.25 light grey suiting, 56 Bi-. P =y Stew.n- and lLl $ Special Friday only, pair, JOc. "chalHs" "p" !0c and 12 * c black and inches wide. Special Friday V , Special Friday only .. 98* 69 * Friday only, } ard 3$ 6/ 4 c challis Persian white cotton hose. Special only 09c k ... • , Dives. Pomerov & Stewart st 3 les - Special Friday only, Friday onlv 86 y ' n TTI Remnants of 50c to 65c SI.OO satin bathing shoes; street Floor rnaay oniy, »C 75c navy mohair, 50 in- Alarm UOCkS printed linoleum. Special no * all slzes " S P ec »al Friday Pom „. v * Dlves ' Pomer °y & Stewart. ches wide. Special Friday $1.50 tattoo intermittent Rridayonly ....470 °»'y '•">« ' W ll r~~i ' " 600 alarm clock. Special Friday 75c rag rugs. 24 X S0 inches. Wl " l< ' G ° o<ls / =~ —, . SI.OO navy serge, 50 in- only $1.19 Special Friday only ... 49, v $1.69 longcloth. 38 inches, Cotton Dress Goods „ C X W . e ... PtC '. .. 80« te&s Men'. Furnishings ' Remnants of voiles, crepes BedSpreads 5 ,,5 si f poplin. Spec,, day - Friday only DlveS( p om eroy & Stewart Dives. Pomerov a Stewart nd t,es - Special Friday 15c plaid lawns and dot- 95a <sl 7; HA. L street Floor . Thlrd Floor. . only, 3 for SI.OO, each 35<* ted Swiss. Special Friday . . c Pi'P 11 ". highly mercer- Special fX only, ' 50c silk pad garters. Spe- ° >' 3rd ' SpCCial Friday °% """■ Ir.rftoV"""" Dru ? Sundries Brassieres and "al only 29« S.. 3 ;."'"' . 25c to 33c (a „ rv a(r! „. —' ' $1.25 mirrors, cloth Undermuslins 8c white hemstitched skirtings. Special" Friday Black Dress Goods rushe . s T an .d hair , brus Brassieres with lace or day only 7 for SPCCiaI 25fk Towel Specials °" ly . , . Special Friday only .. 250 embroidery. Special Friday 7 . lOWei Specials 59c crepe de chine, 36 0 ~ 59c mohair, 36 inches 10c fancy toilet soao. Soe- only Blue denim coats for shop 19c plain white buck inches, half silk, rosebud 8c white cotton crash, red wide. Special Friday only, ■ j p r i ( j ay j =;n,- t t wear, sizes 40x42. Special towels, wreath design in patterns. Special Friday border, soft finish. Special iinaayonly 50c corset covers of nain- Friday only 450 border for initial, 17x35 only, yard, .. 290 Friday only, yard, ... 6#* 59c serge, 36 inches wide. • soap. Spe- P - Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, inches. Special I" riday only, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Special Friday only .. 490 cial Fnd#' only 30 Short flannelette skirts. * Mcn ' a * tore - 150 streei Floor. street Floor. Rear. 83c serfrp. 42 inrh<>« wiH P 10c and 25c fancy powder, Special Friday only ... 250 U/c buck towels, red TT: \ Special Friday only ... 140 £. alcu . m . P°^ der ar J d Rouge. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Auto Hats border. Special Friday only, Women S Hose f~~Z Z~Z 1 ' y v Special Friday only .... 50 Second Floor. Sugar and Groceries $1.25 serge, 48 inches in „ —————.Women's 50c striped auto , 39c fibre silk hose, black wide. Special Friday only monia. Spe'c'ial Mday Garments For Infants ] Special Friday, tm^s , iSeTborder'blue. jjf ~»y- SpeeW ■„ '.SUV . . 5 £ and 100 rrnr . t . . ... _ „ gold and lavender. Special y ' *" » cans new corn 25c $1.25 silk poplin, 40 inches IS , ... ~ Crocheted sacques, in white Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Fridav only 356 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart 3 cans new beans .25c wide. Soecial Fridav onlv 16-oz. bottle peroxide. with pink or blue trimming. btreet rioor y street Floor. 3 cans new peas 25c no. Special Friday only .. 196 Special Friday only ... 256 Dives, pomeroy & Stewart, * 1 can new bee ts 14c Jo(p J J r Street Floor, Rear. f ' 1 lb. cocoa 20c Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, . 50c and SI.OO fancy bath- Infants' knit bootees, in Women*S Neckwear ' Women's and Misses' 1 J 4B "°" r ; .....U8)... 9e street Floor - . in S caps. Special Friday white with pink or light blue .. J „ _,. _. \ r|. f L o„; fc \ boTe^DutTh^'ci«Mtr r -\°c i N on] y 250 and 500 trimming. Special Friday \ estees and collars, val- Table Linen Cloth Suits 10 cakes ivory soap ...WW" **, Sterling Silver Articles Dlves -fe°|:»o & or Stewart ° n!y 100 oS y .°. pec . ia ...25{ 69c cotton damask pattern The most unusual cloth j® J-J |»c 25c Sterling silver hat D,Veß 'sec™nrao & or Stewart ' D.ves, Pomerov A Stewart. cl ? th .' scalloped and_ hem- ° er i 0 P /. l r aoap 2 !* nin<; Wial «nlv —— — N v Street Floor. Stitched, .">6 inches. Special m many a monin. 2 cans potted meat Oc pair 150 Ribbon Specials t \ *- Friday only 450 Regular $25.00 shepherd 4 lbs. rice '"I".WWW..* 25c gold filled LaVal- Figured and fancy border Men's Shirts Women's Handkerrhinf.' fcnterccrized table da,n- su',? lined ' £ lieres. Special Friday only, moire taffeta ribbons, 5 69c to SI.OO percale coat Women S Handkerchiels ask 10 patterns, 72 mches. S neau de iySw Du " ■ 20<f inches, values to 25c. Spe- shirts, itundefed cuffs, 5c one-corner embroidered Specal Fnday only, . ,4o« si « s 16, 36, 38 and \ 50c sterling silver shirt- cial only, yd., .. 190 slightly soiled. Special Fri- handkerchiefs. Special Fri- D s"ee?°Fioo7 Refr tewart ' cial Friday only ... SIO.OO whole ham. Ib 2ic waist rings. Special Friday Taffeta and satin taffeta only, 480 day only, 3 for ....... 100 * Regular $27.50 and $30.00 sliced ham" l ib. r ', lb '. .WW.'.W so^ onl y 190 ribbon, /to -)4 inches wide, 79c and SI.OO soft cuff 19c colored crepe de chine ... , , mi i"* suits in fine qualitj' all-wool cream cheese, ib 23c 50c cratp ton mocK 1™ X value Special Friday madras, percale and cheviot handkerchiefs. Special Fri- Wash bkirts Reduced checks; sizes 36, 38 and 40. Bacon m 3-ib. pieces, ib 24c Vriday only .. 39c i * " The entire balance of our Special Friday only, 8 .50 '* 25K. eold filled Lino-crip Taffeta and satin taffeta 25c wide hem and one cor- stock of $1.25 and $1.50 Regular $27.50 and $35.00 1 pkg! oatmeal crackers ]ir clasps. Soecial Fridav nnlv " i ° n ' in '"ches wide, Boys'soc adjustable collar ner embroidered handker- wash skirts will be closed best quality grey silk suits; l pkg. Lemon snaps f 25C 1 oV. values to 10c. Special Fri- sport shirts. Special Friday chiefs. Special Friday only, ° u t in a special sale to-mor- sizes 38 and 42. Special Fri- l.pkg. Yum Turns J day only, yard 50 only, 1 350 15* row at SI.OO day only $12.50 1 lb " Di « estive Bruits 33p Dives Pomeroy & Stewart 1 lb - f >"esh assorted Biscuits, 24c . ' Street Floor. D ' DIVeB - Men^ofe SteWart ' DlVe6 ' r St6Wart Dives Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. v V . *. Street Floor . Second Floor. Second Floor. Basement v / V v v i = = Tokio Papers Express Satisfaction on Gary Speech By Associated Press Tokio, Sept. 7. Expressions of satisfaction and appreciation regard ing the speech of Elbert H. Gary last Tuesday night are voiced by the press. It Is evident here that Japan Is deep ly interested In the nature of the United States' general policy toward China, more particularly whether the government would support to the par ticipation of American capitalists in HONEST VALUE Is what every man gets when he smokes a KING OSCAR 5c CIGAR The best tobacco money can buy is put in this 25 year old quality brand. JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Makers THURSDAY EVENING, i ! the five powers reorganization loan. Tokio has the impression that Washington is undecided. The Times hopes that the fair and im partial view that Mr. Gary forms of ) the Chinese question will constitute an important souvenir for him to take I home from the Orient. The news paper fears the existence of efforts to convince Americans that the United States has an enemy in Japan regard ing China, with Japan dotermlned to thwart American enterprises. It de- I ciares that Japan is in a special and ! uncomparable position regarding ! China, but insists that there is no de | sire to shut out America. , "There is i no reason why both nations cannot I co-operate," the Times asserts. Market Street Gets New Flower Shop H. G. Moore, who for some time i pr.st h%s been connected with one of Harrisburg's leading flower shops, has accepted the management of the Davenport Flower Shop, to be located i at 325 Market street. The formal opening of this new shop will be made Saturday, September 9. Mr. Moore, it is said, has had much experience In i the florist trade in the East and South. The new flower shop, it is announced, will carry a line of seasonable cut flowers, specializing In floral deco rations, corsage and wedding bouquets, j Day and night delivery service will be | a unique feature of the new shop. GUARD AGAINST CHOLERA By Associated Press ! . Honolulu, Sept. 7. On account of cholera in the Orient extraordinary strict regulations were being enforced here to-day as the result of the ar rival from the Far East of the army transport Sheridan, and second class passengers were required to se cure passes before being allowed ashore and neither troops nor mem bers of the crew were permitted to j land. Don't Let Soap Spoil Your Hair ______ When you wash your hair, be care ful what you use. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use Is Just plain I mulsifled cocoanut oil, for this is pure ; and entirely greaseless. It's very I cheap, and beats the must expensive soaps or, anything else all to pieces. You can get thts at any drug store, ' and a few ounces will last the whole j family for months. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub It in, about a teaspoonful is i all that is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, , bright, fluffy, wavy ana easy to handle. Besides, it loosens and takes I out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. HAKRIBBURG TELEGRAPH WHITE HOUSE TO BE MOVED TOMORROW Complete Staff of Attaches to Accompany Wilson to Shadow Lawn By Associated Press Washington, D. C.. Sept. 7.—Ar rangements were completed to-day for tlic transfer of the executive offices of the White House from Washington to Asbury Park, (N. J., to-morrow. For tho first time since Mr. Wilson became president a complete staff of secre taries, clerks, telegraphers and other attaches will accompany him on his vacation. For the last three summers he has spent short periods at Cornish, N. H., but then he took only his per-, sonal stenographer with him. Although President Wilson plans to r.pend most of his time at Shadow Lawn, the estate at Long Branch, N. J., he will go to Asbury Park as often as necessary to visit the executive offices and attend to public business. A suite of rooms has been engaged In a modern office building there and office furniture from the White House has been sent already. Front Porch Campaign The President will receive many of his political visitors at Shadow Lawn and the broad porch from which he delivered hts speech of acceptance la expected to be the scene of frequent receptions to delegations of Democrats from dtfferent states. Because of Mr. Wilson's decision to make only a few i political speeches away from Shadow j Lawn, his campaign will be of the I front porch variety. Shadow Lawn, so named because of ! the sixty acres of beautiful lawns j which surround the magnificent house, is an estate entirely surrounded by hedges and shut In by trees, about a mile from the railroad station of West End, N. J. The garage Is almost as large as the White House. The house is within walking distance of the ocean. Many Guests President Wilson will have with him during his stay at Shadow Lawn Mrs. I Wilson, Miss Helen Woodrow Bones, j hl3 cousin, the Misses Lucy and Mary ! Smith, of New Orleans, also cousins, <uid Dr. Cary T. Grayson, the White House physician, and Mrs. Grayson. Secretary Tumulty has a cottage at Asbury Park near the executive offices. Secretary and Mrs. McAdoo, who have a cottage at Spring Lake, only a few miles away, will be frequent visitors. The President plans to leave here to-morrow afternoon for Atlantic City, where he will speak to-morrow night before; the convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Associa tion. After spending the night in a hotel he will go by motor to Shadow Lawn to remain until September 20, when he goes to St. Louis to speak at a convention of undertakers. Vance C. McCormick, chairman of the Democratic national committee, who has headquarters in New York, is expected to visit the President at Shadow Lawn at least once a week and probably oftener. Secretary Mo/doo, Fred B. Lynch, national com mittee,man from Minnesota, Secretary Tumulty, Postmaster General Burle son and other political advisers of the President will be In constant com munication with him. Are You Prepared for Baby's Arrival? You are if "Mother's Friend" has been given a place in your home. The dread and agony of childbirth can be eliminated to the greatest extent by this won derful assistant to nature. Drug gists everywhere acll "Motber'B Friend." S Valuable J Interesting \ /Book on MotherhooA I &*rxt Trmt> to All I 1 Expectant Mothml 1 WRITC POU.IT. 1 TWBrtd turtd ReduleforCaJ^Sh. X. SEPTEMBER 7, 1916. JOHN H. SHERTZER John H. Shertzer, of Penbrook, died at the home of his parents yesterday afternoon after a lingering illness of several months. Mr. Shertzer was the sou of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Shertzer, of 2547 Penn street, and was born twenty-nine years ago in Derry town ship. his parents having moved to Penbrook when he was four years of age. Mr. Shertzer was clerk at the Kast Harrisburg Cemetery and tax col lector of the borough until the serious ness of his illness obliged resignation, lie was active as a churc! 1 an 3 Sunday school worker. He is survived by his mother and father. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock in the United Brethren Church 1 kg | The Old Excuse | § "It Costs Too Much" 1 H IB 1 Will no longer hold when f 133 JSSJ | you learn about our Special | 1 House Wiring offer. gj . E gj Phone us if interested jg i • and we will send a representative to see you. i I | Harrisburg Light and Power Co. | and burial will take place at Shooa's Church Cemetery. FORMER RESIDENT KILLED Word was received here that Wil liam D. Doyle, formerly of this city, was killed in a railway accident in Ohio. The body was sent to his home in Union Bridge, Md., where funeral services will be held. NORWEGIAN SHIP SUNK By Associated Press Rotterdam, Sept. 7.—The small Nor wegian steamship Rllda has bten sunk. The crew was saved. The Rilda was of 3.153 tons gross and was built at Preston in 1883.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers