j | I $25, SSO, $75, SIOO, $l5O, S2OO |[ KgTHERJ 312 M arket St. ICE CREAM CONFISCATED BY DR. RAUNICK [Continued Prom First Page] been sold which contained disease germs is the belief of city health au thorities who look for more cases of typhoid. Six cases were reported to day with several more suspected vic tims. One of these is Florence Prowell, aged 10, daughter of Clarence Prowell, of New Cumberland. There are now 40 cases In the city. Tests of other cream shipped into the city from Cumberland county dairies are being made to-day and other ice cream, made from this sup ply, if found to be contaminated, will be confiscated at once by health offi cials. So far three creameries in Cumber land county have received orders not to ship any cream into Harrisburg. Should this order be violated accord ing to Dr. Raunick, city food inspec tors, who will be at the railroad sta tion, are under orders to take over the cream before it reaches the manu facturers. No trace of typhoid has been found so far in the milk supply, according to Dr. Raunick, and many of the dairies shipping in this supply, are in good condition. • The city health official has not de cided what other stringent measures may be enforced, but said that there THE treatment of Eyes and how to remedy the result of their abuse has been our life study. l"o be efficient in home or business life requires the assistance of good eyesight. • Dull headaches and dizziness caused nine times out of ten by Eye Strain, impairs one's effi ciency. No doubt rest-glasses worn for a time will remedy the trouble. At any rate, consult a skilled Op tician or Optometrist where service is paramount. If you don't need glasses, we'll tell you so. J. S. Belsinger 205 LOCUST STREET Belsinger Opp. Orpheum Glasses as Theater Low as $2 Estab. 1914 1 Car Supply Running Short "If there was ever a time that a dealer or con sumer of coal should pro tect themselves, it is our opinion that this is the time. Last summer we * were getting a full car supply to run the mines every day in the month, but this year the greatest number of days we were able to work, was four teen and three-quarters days, and most of the time we held down to eleven and twelve days per month, on account of car supply. We see no pros pects for an improvement in either transportation or labor situation." "With this condition existing, any buyer of coal should be able to deter mine the best course to pursue." —E. F. Bardin, Cincinnati, Ohio. The above informa tion from a man who knows the situation, gives the reasons why your coal supply should be purchased early. United Ice & Coal Co. Torster & Cowden Sts. Third & Boas Sts. 15th & Chestnut Sts. Also §tcelton, Pa. THURSDAY EVENING, may be prosecutions. Special tests are made daily of the city milk and cream supply and a close watch is be ing kept on all dairymen and dealers handling these commodities. Boil Discarded Cream The ice cream which was confiscat ed this morning by the health officers was treated in the afternoon with dis infectants, and taken to the plant of the Pennsylvania Reduction com pany, where it was boiled and dis carded. All cream which the au thorities seize will be treated in the same manner to prevent any possible means of contagion. ANOTHER STEYIN SOLVING PROBLEM [Continued From First Page] tee a plan for relief along the lines suggested by Dr. Van Sickle. In brief this calls for three junior high schools a girls' high school and additions and extensions to Technical High school sufficient to permitting the turning over of that institution Into a boys' high school. The high school com mittee had approved of these recom mendations and before the report is submitted to the school board for final approval, the high school committee will confer with the citizens body. The personnel of the citizens com mittee comprises William M. Donald son, Francis Jordan Hall, William Jennings and Arthur D. Bacon. E. A. Hefflefinger had also been asked to serve but he has been unable to ac cept. Whether or not the fifth place on the committee should be filled was another question that was considered this afternoon. Cotton Jumps SI.BO a Bale After Report Shows Decrease By Associated Press New York, Aug. 31. The govern ment cotton report indicating a con dition of 61.2 per cent., or the lowest on record for August 25. and a lint crop of 11,800,000 bales, was followed by a violent advance in the cotton market this morning. Owing to uncertainties regarding transportation facilities and the com paratively high level of prices reach ed on recent advances, many' holders of long contracts had taken profits before the report was issued. A' fur ther reduction in crop estimated, how ever, was followed by a heavy rehuying as well as covering and a broadening demand from trade and speculative sources, which sent prices Into new high ground for the reason. December contracts sold up to 16.10 shortly after the report was Issued, or about sl.£o a bale above yesterday's closing price. H. W. Gough Is Re-elected Treasurer by State Elks By Associated Press Reading, Pa., Aug. 31. Oliver K. Cowell, of Sunbury, was elected presi dent by the State convention of Elks at noon to-day. J. Frank Trangle, of Reading, was chosen vice-president. Next year's meeting will be held in Shamokin. Secretary W. S. Gould, of Scranton. and Treasurer Henry W. Gough. of Harrisburg, were re-elected. The grand parade took place this af ternoon. Over 4,500 people were in line. There were many magnificent floats. Edward O. Rightor, of New Orleans, the grand exalted ruler, was among the participants. "Look Pa, How 'Gets-It' Works!" Lifts Your Corn Right Off. Never Fails. "Ever in your life see a corn come out like that? Look at the true skin underneath—smooth as the palm of your hand! Well Now, Look at That I Off Corns* That Petky Corn a* Slick aa a Whittle The earth is blessed with the one, simple, painless, never-failing rem edy that makes millions of corn-pes tered people happy, and that's "GETS IT." Apply it in 3 seconds. It dries. Some people jab and dig at their corns with knives and razors—wrap their toes in packages with ban dages or sticky tape, make them red and raw with salves. Nothing like this with "GETS-IT." Your corn loosens you lift it off. There's nothing to press on the corn, or hurt. Angels couldn't ask for more. Try it | to-night on any corn, callus or wart. i "GETS-IT" is sold and recom mended by druggists everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent on receipt of price by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. STRIKE TO HIT LOCAL PLANTS [Continued From First Page] the past few days will insure con tinued operation of practically all local manufacturing places for a period of from one to five weeks at least, even should the strike tie up the railroads. In case the strike should last longer than six weeks, none of the managers would say that plant operations could be continued. Already the embargo placed upon heavy freight shipments has struck local plants who have been notified that no outgoing shipments will be ac cepted after Saturday night. At Cen tral Iron and Steel Works this crisis will be met partly by the operation of motor trucks which furnish trans portation for a radius of 50 miles, should an adequate supply of gasoline be available continuously. May Lay Big Number Off Should the strike tie things up for a week, managers fear that several thousand men, at least, would be laid oft in Harrlsburg and Steelton. David E. Tracy, president of the Harrisburg Pipe & Pipe Bending Com pany, declared this plant is in a posi tion to continue operations, despite the strike, for a week or two, at least. "I don't see though," said he, "how we could continue linger than this if freight shipments to and from our plant should be impaired. We have a fair supply of material ai ' fuel on hand and can keep the pla'iii'ln full operation for at least a week." Should the strike continue longer than a week, however, Mr. Tracy said, operations would have to be curtailed and probably 500 to 700 men would have to be laid off. General Manager Quincy Bent, of the Steelton plant of the Bethlehem Steel Company, could not be reached this morning. It Is the general im pression at Steelton, however, that the Bethlehem company would be hard hit by the strike. About 7,000 men are employed at Steelton and the daily shipments to and from the big plant run into many trainloads. It is the impression among steel men that should the strike last three days, operations in many departments at Steelton would have to be cur taiied and many units would probably be taken out of operation entirely. This would mean that a large per cent, of employes would likely be placed on short time or laid off entirely. Plant Will Be Consjested The freight embargo has already been placed upon shipments from the plant, effective Saturday night. By Monday morning, transportation men say outgoing shipments will have the yards so congested that movement of materials to various parts of the big plant will be a serious problem. Robert H. Irons, general manager of the Central Iron and Steel Works, declared that sufficient supplies are now on hand to insure partial operation of the plant for at least two weeks. The most serious problem to be met, Mr. Irons declared, is to ob tain an adequate supply of coal. Should the strike last a week, Mr. Irons said, it would be necessary to close down the plate mills and con serve the coal supply for the open hearth, or steel making department. Such a step would necessitate laying off of about 700 men, he said. Operation of the open hearths for an indefinite period will be insured by placing motor trucks in operation to haul Dolomite —the mineral used to line the furnaces—from the quarries near Bainbridge. Tin Mill Can Work Three Weeks General Manager John Gray, of the Lalance-Grosjean Manufacturing Co., declared present supplies would in sure operation of the tin plate mills for three weeks after which the plant will probably close down. This would throw 260 men out of work. Smaller manufacturing plants will be even harder hit and conservative estimates by businessmen place the number of men, aside from striking railroaders, who will be forced to quit work in Harrisburg and Steelton at between four and five thousand, should the tieup last more than a week. FOOD ENOUGH TOJ.AST MONTH [Continued From First Pa^e] this method should the railroaders walk out. Meat Supply Limited The meat supply, however, is lim ited, but with the help of farmers in the county there will probably be no shortage. Groceries on hand will last, it is estimated, for several weeks, and fresh butter and eggs, although scarce, can be furnished by farmers near the city, many of whom attend the mar kets each week. Big bakery managers announce that the present flour supply will last a short time, but that a large order is on the way, and should this arrive before Monday the local supply can be con tinued for several weeks. As a large amount ot bread is shipped from the city, this supply also would be turned back if the railroads cannot handle the shipments. Produce Market Tightens If the railroad employes strike, food prices may soar, even though the sup ply is sufficient. This will apply par ticularly tfc vegetables, potatoes and fruit, as the produce market has al ready tightened. The gasoline supply, however, is not assured. Automobile owners are advised by wholesale dealers to save as much as possible, as the orders to regular retailers are being cut almost ill half so that the present supply will not be exhausted too soon. To-day will be the last day that gasoline wiil be hauled on the railroads, according to the embargo, and wholesalers stated that it is necessary to cut down stand ing orders. Retail dealers have been advised also to save as much as pos sible. A large shipment of hogs was re ceived here this afternoon by Swift & Company. These are to be killed im mediately and kept in storage, it was said. In case of a strike, this will probably be the last shipment of the kind to be received for an indefinite period. Law Reigns at Lima After Mob Tries to Hang Sheriff For Shielding Negro By Associated Press Lima, 0., Aug. 31.—After a night of violence resulting from the attempt of a mob to lynch Charles Daniels, a negro, accused of assaulting Mrs. John Baber, wife of a farmer, the spiriting away of the prisoner by Sheriff Sher man Eley and the torture of the sher iff until he consented to lead the mob in motors to Ottawa, where he had taken the man, the law apparently reigned again to-day. Daniels, the prisoner whose life was saved by the quick acton of the sheriff is in jail at Toledo, it is understood! and J. P. Laser, prosecutor of Allen county, is taking the preliminary steps of investigation into the affair. NO REQUEST FOR TROOPS By Associated Press Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 31. No re quest has been made to the Adjutant General's office for troops to be sent to Lima, where a mob late last night assaulted the sheriff and entered th» Jail in an effort to take a negro pris oner, who was said to have assaulted a woman near that city. The sheriff is now under a doctor's care and fht, whereabouts of the prisoner is being lkept a secret by the officers. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I Store Open Until 530 P. M. To-morrow, Friday] Until 9P. M The,° !! Sala Now at Until 9 P^M. V / autterlcK ra " erna ** TWtT " UltritTlWraßl Butterlck Pattern Dept. j ( /' FOR FRIDAY o_\L\ \ „„ FOR FRIDAY Q>l , Two Extra Big Specials In Women's & Another Big Special Sale of 300 Women's KAplfi M . , ~ . J- si ui •li a j. Shirt Waists, worth up to $1.50, for \ MISSIS Spring & Fail Weight Coats ,! One Back of Women's and JSCs' One Back of Women's and Misses' " ■ I | Fall Weight Coats, (T»-fl PTE? Fall Weight Coats, £T» A F" ' ! I $4 * 75 In the Bargain Basement-Extra Special 'I W Checks, wiffi or without belts; good Choice assortment of the most Y rk • n B % assortment of sizes and much want- desirable models, materials, colors I AYir Ul>inr\o nn V I $?.78. yl " Especially ™ v * luM at rwoml^rful^ar n g d ai d n. ChanCe t0 fTICcS Oil iTCtty VY 3Sll rAPHCS f f / FOR FRIDAY o\u \ / —FOR FRIDAY os'ii \ 12y 2 c Coin Dotted Voiles, 40 inches wide: yard £ j L's-'w.T&uZ, 6sc »sz 59c $ lc /! iini^ v :S s R a ? d , La r s; f £ worth to $1.33 for... worth up to $2.00, for ~® c ne Voiles and Batiste, 40 inches; yard, 10£ C % -.Awning stripes and white Beautiful new models, up-to- tO OOC Figured Voiles, gOOd Style, 40 inches*, yard 15<? W £ skirts; latest models and a good the minute in style, color and 35 c +n 39r Fin#> Fioniverl 4/1 & \ assortment of wanted sizes. pattern. Big variety of fas* col- cn ** "»C JTine figured VOUe, 40 inches Wide; yard S M second Kioor. or materials and sizes. 59c Dress Linens, good colors, 36 inches; yard # ~ ' 45c White Skirting, 36 inches wirip; yard 2f>r* ■ f /■ FOR FRIDAY OXLI \ / FOR FRIDAY OVLY >, r Q „ wv ,- t „ . ..~®' „ e . , r' aAU, » 0 i t™ ,nrt Women's and Misses' Pure Linen White Skirting, 36 inches wide; yard, 39<* \ # " 00 Auto Dusters, rt* aj— 25c plain Flaxons and Voiles, 40 inches wide; yard, 10<> I C Misses' sport Skirts {p J_ * worth up to $3.95, JK I <.V«S 15c Bates' Seersucker Dress Ginghams; yard 10£ * / worth to $3.75, for for b ' J c m in r- , . n c . . . j A remarkable rare bargain; I HALF PRICE For Remnants of White Goods; every yard this 1 I smart and £ B il rted #, " s; ***** ~ l,y newest; but in short lengths. On sale to-morrow at I £» v v Half Price. £ f / FOR FRIDAY OM.Y 1 \ / FOR FRIDAY OXLY \ "FOR FRIDAY OXI.Y \ J TON 1 II. LA. , C 1 Women's & Misses' House r A ° ne Grou P of olrls ' 1A- Girls' Dresses, 6to 14- One Lot of Girls' Middy /1A J f Dresses, worth every cent Wash Dresses, worth X\J 0 year sizes, worth to 0«/ C Blouses, worth to 89c, hH P C \ of si.oo, for 25c, for SI.OO, for for « » Well made of good fast color . , . O ur , re s;ular 89c grades that are T wash materials, in a style you'll Splendid variety of colors, Handsome styles, made of pret- sold elsewhere at $1.25; assorted t consider splendid. All sizes. styles and sizes 2to 6 years. ty ginghams; neatly trimmed styles and sizes. Blue, red and plain C' V v ' «- - ' ' • M white braided collars. » 1 Full Length Kimonos, (YA Oirls' Dresses, QQ 'tols' D ™^r iUA^ U ' N f f -«>»"■»«. 29c tS uUly . worUl .* 1 ' 50 .' «9c sr.-wf; 9)1.00 S SSUS2?49c l / _ V I ' They are ali new fall styles; Broken lines of this season's worth to 75c, for \ # Cut generously full and correctly actual $1.50 values that were best sellers; Ginghams Percales ■»« j < Sj proportioned; made of new fast damaged by water in transit; 6 Repps and White Dresses; 6to Made especially fine and dainty M m eolor wash materials in a variety of to 14-year sizes and wonderful 14-year sizes; but not all sizes and trimmed with pretty lace. All % r I attractive patterns and all sizes. bargains. Second Floor. of each style and color sizes t 1 V * *■ i I £ FOB FRIDAY ONLY FOB FBIDAY ONLY FOB FBIDAY ONLY « 1 f IOO B- V. D. UNION SUITS 100 Pair of Ladies' PUBE SILK STOCKINGS, r7f\ _ One Extra Fine Lot of Women's mi € C Ot/C worth to $1.50 a pair, for l\j C Neckwear, values worth to | ( # All sizes, summer weight; made of a HBlack and greys, good reinforced garter tops, double soles, hi°J vnVir,4 A- i ' 1 «*•* ■>" ht 'Trt; h ~'' "* to,!: *"" ieh,ly '"'»•"«« J•!% SSS 1 % . rirst rloor - First Floor. sirable styles. First Floor. , ' v ',y )\ j . .11 I M _ , # FOB FBIDAY ONLY FOB FBIDAY ONLY FOB FBIDAY ONLY I / jU I ■ u u . A _ _ Boys' BOMPEBS, worth | y Boys' SCHOOL PANTS, , & fvisn s and Yaunv man's Sli 7R f° r ** c worth t0 SI.OO, fo r 75c 1 J IViWll w (21.U fi ITSCIB d f - Good, sturdy knickers, made of r AI A wsai M _ ~ _ |1 cales; 2to 6-year sizes. attractive mixtures, etc. All eizes. i I $12.75 Summer Suits fer « =C 1 T . i- 0 .. . , , , rOR FRIDAY ONLY FOB FBIDAY ONLY i # dust 11 bints to sell—all up-to-date models. Pinch-Back, Con- BLOUSE WAISTS,, worth TQ_ Boys' Corduroy School ao a/j \ ff servative and English Patch Pocket Effects Grev Mixtures Blue S5 Jv sor5 or ; V," **w"V '' * Suits, worth to $3.95, Oo»UU t W, nr ,. c > * jre J' iW-liILUCS, X>iue Made of iblue ohajmtoray, madras Splendid shade; made extra V % and Grey Stripes, in a good assortment of sizes. All s?ze d s. Varlety ° f Btrlped effect - strong and durable; Sto 16 years; # ( s / -> v '' ned k ""' k,,ra - % I AJI Vt C J | JZi d,,), I Beautiful Lady Decies Ik aCw - • g I . .wiwipuff JpB>:'VWWWI»IIIBWBRv.j,.W A> I JJ.J ' - W" ■» I . y j3 ■ ' 4 f * ■ <O//vrc /r/cs? DECIES-) ■ s^3a sSfc ;.-•- ■" '• c ' J r 11'ltnil^'"' *' NEW STUDY OF LADY DECIES Lady Decies before her raarriase was Miss Helen Vivien Gouiu, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Jay Gould. She was married to Lord Decies on Februury 7, 1911. at St. Bartholomews Church, and now is the mother of two pretty daughters. Her husband, Lord Dccies, is now on duty with his regiment AUGUST"3I,' 1916. 1916 HATS —are here and now being, displayed in our windows. See them. The new season's stocks are marked by many "decidedly different" styles. OPEN EVENINGS McFall's •Hatters, .Men's Furnishers and Shirt Makers Third and Market Sts. Acid Stomachs Are Dangerous Common Smur Advice by ■ Distin guished Specialist "Acid" stomachs are dangerous be cause acid irritates and inflames tha delicate, lining of the stomach, thus hindering and preventing the proper action of the stomach, and leading to probably nine-tenths of the cases of stomach trouble from which people suffer. Ordinary medicines , and medi cinal treatments are useless in sucl* cases, for they leave the source of tha trouble, the acid in the stomach, as dangerous as ever. The acid must ba neutralized, and its formation prevent ed, and the best thing for this purpos* is a teaspoonful of bisurated magnesia, a simple antacid, taken in a little warm or cold water after eating, which not only neutralizes the acid, but also pre vents the fermentation from which acidity Is developed. Koods which or dinarily cause distress may be eaten with impunity if the meal is followed with a little bisurated magnesia, which ran he obtained from any druggist, and should always be kept handy.—Ad vers tlsement. Use Telegraph Want Ads 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers