A Teegnpl Want Mls loir Best Selling Medium. Bell 410® C. V. 203 Deaths KAIFI'MAX August 30, 1916, John A. Kauttman, in his ".4th year, at his late home, 1947 North Seventh street. He is survived by one son, J. A. Kauffman; two daughters, Mrs. O. H. Kepler, ot Phllackelphia, and Mrs. \\ . I>. Bowers, of this city. Mr. Kauitman was a retired P. R. R. conductor; also a veteran ot the Civil War. Funeral services will be neld at the above address on Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock, to which relatives ana iriends are invited to attend. Burial will be made at Miffiin, Sunday morning. A 1.1.KM AN —On August 29, 1916, George R. Alleman. -45 South Thir teenth street, from heart failure, aged 59 years. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2:30 o clock, from the above address. Burial will be made in the Harris burg Cemetery. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial private. SHI'EV On August 30, 1916, Mrs. Frank Shuey, nee Manda Folk, at \V illiamstown. Burial Penbrook Cemetery, Satur day, September 2, at 9:30 A. M. liALi. On August 29, 1916, Eli Gall, aged S6 years. Funeral on Tnursday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, from his late residence. No. 273 Muench street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notlco. Further services and burial Lancas ter, Pa., l'riday. W ADE - On August 28, 1916, Sarah, wife of Samuel Wade, aged 34 years. Funeral on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, No. 666 Boas street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial Harrisburg | Cemetery. Lost and Found STOLEN A door mat. black leather with old English M. Finder please j notify J. Harry Messersmith, 604 Briggs 1 street. LOST Gasoline gauge from Haines ! car. Finder please communicate with j Miller Auto Co., 68 Soutli Cameron street. Keip Wanted —Male "ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodied. unmar ried men under age of 35; Citizens of United States, of good character anu , temperate habits, who can speak, read , and write the English language. !• or j information apply to Recruiting of- | ticer, Bergner tsidg., 3rd & Market Sis., Harrisburg. BOY WANTED l6 years or over, to make himself useful in printing office and learn press feeding. Apply at Central Printing and Publishing House, 329 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. MANUFACTURING CORPORATION wants a live, young man, with some knowledge oi shorthand and typewrit ing. Must be ambitious and looking j for advancement. Salary. $lO per week. Address H-, 5159, care of Telegraph. WANTED A boy, 16 years of age, i to learn mechanical optical work. Ap- i ply Gohl optical Co., 34 North Third. | WANTED First-class assistant su- ! perintendent. Reference and bond re- | quired. Good salary and commission. Apply A., 5195, care of Telegrapn. WANTED Boys for factory. Must be over 16 years of age. Good wages and steady work. Apply at once at Her shey Employment Bureau. Hershey, Pa. FIRST-CLASS PLUMBER WANTED, AT ONCE Apply Herre Bros., 3235 North Fourth street. Riverside. Attend the i'OL'NG MEN'S BUSINESS INSTITUTE, Hershey Building, Front anil Market Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. A SCHOOL OF CULTURE as well as A SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Instructors are college men—Prince ton and Harvard. Day and night sessions. Address, for booklet, P. O. BOX 284. ■v. LABORERS WANTED—Good wages steady work with chance for advance ment. Apply Master Mechanic's Office, Central Iron & Steel Company. LABORERS WANTED For either contract or day labor. Attractive wages. Apply at Quarries of Hoffman Bros. & Wilson. Twenty-third street and P. & R. Railroad. WANTED Laborer. Apply at 202 Locust street. GROCERY CLERK Young man, must be experienced, able to run a Ford delivery car; reference required. Apply 2015 North Sixth street. WANTED A boy, over 18 years of age, to work in store; reference re quired. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street. WANTED Lunch Bar Men (2), American. Must be neat, clean ana honest. Experience not necessary. Good wages and steady work. Apply at once in person at Hershey Employment Bu reau, Hershey, Pa. WANTED Typist, to write Bills of Lading. Good wages to start with chance for advancement. Apply at once at Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. WANTED, STENOGRAPHER—Young man, with experience, for a position where chances for advancement are good. Apply at once in person at Her shey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. WANTED Experienced second helpers, ladlemen and pitmen for Open Hearth Plant in Delaware. Apply Em ployment Bureau, Worth Brothers Co., Third avenue, Coatesville, Pa. LABORERS AND CONTRACTORS WANTED Good wages. Paxtang Quarry. WANTED—Boy wanted with bicycle. Apply 434 Market street. WANTED Reliable man, steady work, to take orders for roses t shrubs, trees. Pay week.y. Permanent. Five year replacement gets the business. Fruit Growers' Nurseries. Newark. New York State. BOYS WANTED To learn shoe" making. Apply Devine & Yungel Shoe Manufacturing Co.. Fifteenth and State streets. 1 Perdix Lot • j 65x184 Ft. $125 t This lot is located on the moun-r Ytain side of the State Road Justt t above the "Philadelphia" cottage f ♦ It is very nicely located, has at t never-falling spring and about at t dozen large trees. ♦ J The elevation of the spring is suf-f Tficient to supply running water on* T the second story of a building. t J MILLER BROTHERS & CO.! T REAL ESTATE j , Innurnnre Surety IlomU ? Locust and Court Street* THURSDAY EVENING, Help Wanted—Male WANTED 4O able-bodied men for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Di vision street, Harrisburg, Pa. I WANTED Boys to cut babv shoes and trimmings. Apply Dauphin Shoe { Co.. 320 Market street. Over The Hub. WANTED Boys to learn shoemak ! lng. Must be 16 years of age. Apply ; Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon j street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Waiters, American, be i tween the ages of 18 and 22 years, for Cafe and Dining Hall. Ones with ex i perience preferred. Good wages and | steady work. Apply at once at Hershey | Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. MEN Young, wanted to work In [automobile repair shop; our school is •overflowing with repair work, there lore it gives our students a chance to ! obtain practical repair work on all ma chines. We pay 30 cents an hour as ! soon as competent. Take advantage of j summer rates. Auto Transportation School. 28 North Cameron street. 1 WANTED Young man to clerk in I grocery store. Apply The Studebaker j frtore. Second at State street. Help Wanted —Female WANTED A reliable girl for gen -1 oral housework; small family. Apply j '.'o4 North Second street. A STUDENT trom 9th grade with ' our training; in shorthand und type- I writing, making $35 a week. Expert ..shorthand and typewriting, individual instruction, every student placed. Day ! and Night School in session. Harris- ' burg Shorthand School, 31 North Sec- ! ond street. . WANTED Woman to wash and iron on Monday. Apply 326 North ! 1' ront street. Steelton. WANTED. TOBACCO STRIPPERS j Two experienced girls to strip tobacco. Apply at once at Knisely's Cigar Store, j -'OO street. WANTED A white girl for gen eral housework. References required. Inquire 213S North Third street. WANTED An American, white, all around, settled quick lunch girl, wages no object to right party. Age, 25 to i 40. Address Box 177, Marysville, Pa. WANTED, AT ONCE—White woman, or girl, for child's nurse and to assist in light housework in Newport. Ad dress Box 56, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Waitresses, American, over IS years of age for Cafe and Din ing Hall. Must be neat and clean, ones with experience preferred. Good wages and steady work. Apply at once at Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershe>, WANTED White girl to do general housework by the week, without lodg ing. For information phone 788 M. WANTED Stenographer; also girl to do typewriting. Apply A. A. A., 5184, care of Telegrapn. WANTED Girls 16 years and over, experienced and learn ers. Apply Silk Mill, Corner 'North and Second streets. WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators to make ladies' and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., Over City Star Laundry, State street. Rear Entrance. WANTED Girls not under 16 years of age to learn the trade of Cigarmaking. Also experienced Bunchmakers and Rollers. Pay beginners while learning. Experienced hands earning good wages. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. OPERATORS Thoroughly experi enced on power sewing machine*, to work on ladies' aprons and children's play sulis; steady work at good wages. Apply Jennings Manufacturing Com pany, 414-416 State street. WANTED, AT ONCE Sewing ma chine operators. Experience not ne»- essary. Presses and lolders also want ed. Blough Manufacturing Co. WANTED, AT ONCE Young, white woman as second girl. Wages, $4.00. Address S., 5200, care of Telegraph. WANTED—White woman for house work and cook in family of four adults; no washing, heavy cleaning; good wages. Address M„ 5199, care of Tele graph. WANTED A girl, about 15 years of age, to help in confectionery store. Apply Messimer, 718 North Third and Briggs streets. WANTED Refined woman to do residence corset fitting. Corsetlers make sl2 to SSO per week. We in struct you. Easy to sell. Guaranteed one year. Apply 404 North Second street. WANTED. AT ONCE Sewing ma chine operators, experienced and learn ers. Pay good wages while learning. Steady work. Steelton Glove Co., cor ner Second and Dupont, Steelton. WANTED Woman to hand Iron, girl for marking and assorting depart ment, and several mangle girls. Apply Troy Laundry, 1520-26 Fulton street. Situations Wanted—Male WANTED Position as chauffeur for any make of car, by young colored man, can furnish references. Address 132 Liberty street, City. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED By a middle-aged wo man, washing and ironing at home, or day's work. Apply 1734 Fifth street. WANTED Washing and Ironing done at home by respectable widow, can furnish references. Apply 2019 Moltke. WANTED By ambitious girls, place to work mornings and evenings for room and board while attending school. For further particulars ad dress School of Commerce, 15 South Market Square. WANTED—Young colored girl would like position washing dishes' in notei, or assisting with housework. Call at 1206 Cowden street. WANTED—Young white woman de sires position as waitress, or work for a few hours of each day. Address A. 8., 5158, care of Telegraph. WANTED Washing and Ironing to do at home. Apply 329 Harris street. WANTED A reliable colored wo man would like to have work by the day. Apply, or write, to 1424 Marion street. WANTED Young widow wants nursing. Address Mrs. M. K., 218 South ltiver street. WANTED Cook wishes position in private family; can furnish references. Address Cook, Box 5194, care of Tele graph. Situations Wanted —Female WANTED 4- By middle-aged woman, . upstairs work, or companion for elderly , lady; no washing. Box 71. Boiling ! Springs. R. P., No. 1. Real Estate For Sale SI,BOO WILD BUY a frame house on Swatara Street 8 rooms bath gas furnace porch front. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE What will you give for 1611 Regina street, occupied by owner: Inspect it. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Very desirous of sell in e 26 North Eighteenth "street, corner of Park street; all improvements; steam heat. Inspect it. Make offer. H. G. Pedlow, HQ South Thirteenth street. NO. 804 SIXTH STREET FOR SALE —large brick house ■— 10 rooms bath gas city steam heat, vapor system—paved street front and rear— worth careful consideration. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. RIVER FRONT LOT FOR SALE Located near Rockville Bridge—width, 24 feet, extending from low-water main, to canal bed. Price reasonable. Bell Realtv Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE 2337 N. Third Street; lot fronting 60 feet on Third Street and extending back 150 feet to Logan Street; together with a 3-story frame dwelling facing on Logan Street. At tractive price to quick buyer. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE ll7 Evergreen Street; 3-story frame dwelling; 8 rooms and bath; furnace; gas; lot, 20x100; drive alley on rear; large stable; price, $2,- 600.00. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE l7 S. Eighteenth Street; 3-story brick dwelling; 9 rooms and bath; steani heat; gas and electric light; gas range; cemented cellar; front and rear porches; price, $3,100.00. Brin ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE Three-story brick dwelling, 23 South Sixteenth street; all improvements; good condition; price, $2,600. P. V. Minter, at Harrisburg Trust Co. FOR SALE Several desirable build ing plots both in city and suburbs. Bungalow sites. A. C. Mead. Eighth Floor Union Trust Company Building, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Chicken Farm, delight ful location, on trolley line. Hard road to market. Accommodate 1,500 chick ens. Doing good business. Modern house, all improvements. Everything first class. \V ill consider exchange. A. C. Mead, Eighth Floor Union Trust Co. Building, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE On account of bad health and unable to get help. I am compelled to sell my well-established Restaurant. Will stand inspection. Will show and prove past account. Oyster trade alone over one barrel per day. Address Box 177, Marysville, Pa. FOR SALE 2444 Main street, Pen brook, brick house, 8 large rooms and bath; electric and gas all through- ce mented cellar; best location in Pen brook. Must sell, as party now occupy ing same must leave city. For full in formation see Joseph Cooper. 2444 Main street. Penbrook. Also organ and parlor suit for sale same place. FOR SALE Desirable house on easy terms within walking distance of central business section brick seven rooms furnace conveniences —corner property porches s2,sou. For full particulars address M„ 4258, care of Telegraph. SHIREMANSTOWN, PA. Fine dwelling, all Improvements, situate on north side of Main street. Price, sa,- 000.00. Inquire of Harry M. Bretz, 222 Market street. BRIGGS STREET, NO. 410 Three story brick; 9 rooms and bath; gas; furnace; side entrance; large lot. The owner of this property has been very successful in getting first-class room ers. Price reduced S2OO. H. C. Brandt. 36 North Third. FOR SALE Two adjoining bunga low sites, at foot of mountain. Summer dale. Price $350. Apply Laura Reea, 316 Chestnut street. FOR SALE Two single, modern homes on lot 30x100, Cloverly Heights. Conveniently located for Harrisburg or Steelton residents. Terms to suit pur chaser. If you are in the market for a home, call J. M. Stark & Son, Clove'ly Heights. BUY YOUR HOME NOW. Easy Terms, $3,600.00 to $4.- 000.00. B. S. Behney—Homes. See RETTEW & BUSHNELL, 1000 North Third Street, or J. C. BEHNEY, 809 North Second Street. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. SOUTH ENOLA One pair Mansard roof, eight-room houses, bath, furnace, electricity, front and back porches (concrete}; built six years; facing trol ley; rent $29 per month; price, $3,700. For further information inquire J. Mc- Cormick, R. F. D., No. 4, Mechanics burg, Pa. FOR SALE—II 4 Washington street, corner River alley, two and one-half etory frame; eight rooms und a bath; nil conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets, Eikwood, two and one-half-story frame; eight rooms and a bath; all conveniences. The above properties wil' be sold at a bargain. Apply Keeney & Simmons, New Cumberl&nu, Pa- Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT Furnished house; con veniences; Tuec sweeper in basement; exchange for room and board for three adults. Call 303 Patriot Building, or Bell phone 3598 R. FOR RENT Six-room house; water in kitchen; 835 South Tenth street, rent, $8.50. Apply 617 Race street. NORTH SIXTH STREET. 2231 - Three-story brick dwelling; 9 rooms and bath; all improvements; $30.00. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. CAMP HILL HAMILTON AND LO GAN STREETS 2 %-story fram„ dwelling; 8 rooms; improvements; lot, 108x147; fruit trees; chickenhouses. Possession October 1. $25.00. Back enstoss Bros., Russ Building. FOR RENT 143 Royal Terrace; b rooms; bath; porches; furnace and gas possession at once. Rent, S2O. Apply Allison Hill Trust Co. COTTAGE FOR RENT. FURNISHED, RIVER VIEW, ten miles from Harris burg along Susquehanna river. Good boating, bathing and fishing. J. K. D care of Telegraph. HOUSE FOR RENT 1336 Penn street, SIO.OO per month. Apply Geo. W. Updegrove, 1200 Penn. 426 NORTH STREET Eight rooms, bath, electric lights, city steam, gas stove and gas water heater; facing Capitol Park. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RUNT 555 Mahuntongo street; 8 rooms and bath; all conveniences, rental. $2(.00 per month. John C. Orr, 422 Market street. Phone »34. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Real Estate For Rent SCHUYLKILL STREET, 036 Three story brick 9 rooms and bath all . modern Improvements, including elec tric light and steam heat. Side eii ; trance. Large lot. $26.00 per month, i Possession September 1. H. C. Brandt. I 36 North Third. Real Estate Wanted FARM WANTED I desire to buy ; >}, good farm not over 15 miles from Harrisburg. City property given in ex change. A. C. Mead, Eighth Floor Union i Trust Company Building, Harrisburg, | Pa. Farms FARMS— FARMS— FARMI All Sizes, Grades and Prices VAUGHN i Beautiful and very productive; close to trolley Acre and half-acre plots only $169. C. B. CARE & SON. Care's Grocery, Linglestown. or 409 Market St.. Harrisburg. Pa. Apartments Wanted 1 WANTED A furnished apartment, , or rooms, for light housekeeping, cen ■ trall.v located, for two. State price ana where located. Address B„ 5187, care I of Telegraph. j Apartments For Rent I FOR RENT Second floor apart i ment, 1..1 South Third street; five rooms and bath, electric lights, gas and heat. I Rent. $25; possession September 4. APARTMENT FOR RENT First class, 5 rooms and bath, with all con veniences. Apply L Silbert, 1742 North Sixth street. WELL-FURNISHED APARTMENT, livingroom, bedroom and private bath room; also separate single rooms; with board: reference. Apply about 11 A. M. or 5 to 6 P. M., if possible, 513 North Second street. FOR RENT Suite rooms, furnished ccmplete for light housekeeping; bath adjoining; light and airy; gas and city steam free. 114 Chestnut street. Bur lingame. SECOND ST., 1700 Five and six rooms with porch; most pleasant and open surroundings in city. APARTMENT FOR RENT—I4I9 Ver non street, electric light, gas, full equipment. Apply. Baptisti. Third ana Chestnut streets, or 1208 Chestnut street. Bell phone 624. Rooms For Kent FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. modern conveniences, including clt> steam heat. Apply at Young Apart ments, 34 North Second street. Second r loor. FOR RENT Newly furnished, front room to single person or married couple; central location; terms reason able; all conveniences. No. 223 Briggs street. ROOM Nicely furnished, in private family; all conveniences. Apply 231 Forster street. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Large, airy; single or communicating, with kitchenette: stoves furnished free; bath, phone and laundry privileges; all outside, exclusive and private. 429 Broad street. NEATLY-FURNISHED ROOMS for gentlemen only. Running hot and cold water. Phone in every loom. $2.50 per week. Special rates, two in a room. Metropolitan Annex, 518 Market street. FOR RENT Suite of three rooms, with bath; also large, front room, well furnished—mahogany furniture. Apply 800 North Second street. FOR RENT Two second floor fur nished rooms, front room and middle room, with use of bath in private fam ily; men preferred. Apply 1626 Market street, City. . FOR RENT Two nice unfurnished rooms on third tioor, one furnished and one unfurnished room on second floor. Inquire 1609 Dcrry street, or Bell phono 3753 R. FOR RENT A desirable, furnished room (not front), with stationary wash stand, electric lighting, city steam, witn or without private bath. Reference re quired. Apply 218 Pine street. ROOM FOR RENT Room, suitable for office. Also boarding—lo meals, 21 meals, $4. Home Diningroom. Address, 123 South Second. FURNISHED ROOMS tiingle or en suite. Rooms are large and airy. Use Ot Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth. NORTH ST., 410 Second and third floor front rooms, nicely furnished, fac ing Capitol Park; hot and cold running water, electric lights, large bathroom. Bell phone. \V anted —Miscellaneous WANTED. TO BUY Pigeons, Fox Terrier Puppies and Boston Terrier Puppies. Address 826 Market street. Keystone Pet Exchange. WANTED One-horse Junk wagon that carries a ton or a little more. Ap ply R. W. Witmer, Lemoyne, Pa. CASH FOR OLD FALSE TEETH bend me your, old sets of artificial teeth in any condition, will send you SI.OO fo» each old set by return mail. Also high est cash prices for old gold, sil ver. platinum and gold teeth. L. Mazer. 2007 South Fifth street. Philadelphia, Rooms Wanted WANTED By man and wife, two or three furnished or unfurnished rooms, second floor, one front room, lo cated on Allison Hill. Address Q., 5198, care of Telegraph. FOUR or more furnished rooms and kitchenette wanted in good residential section; all adults. w7, 5197, care o» Telegraph. WANTED Man wants permanent lodging in private family; will pay $1.25 week in advance; no others need apply. Address It., 5183, care of Tele graph. REFINED, American Hebrew, who is to remain in this city several months, desires to obtain furnished room with private, congenial and homelike family. Address 11., 5193, care of Telegrapn. For Sale—Miscellaneous ' BOOKS lO.OOO volumes on all sub jects; call or send for catalog; new bargains daily. Aurand's Book Stole, 913 North Third. FOR SALE Two iron beams, 12- inch, 16 ft. long; one cast iron column, 7-inch, 11 ft. long. Claster's Jewelry Store, 302 Market street. FOR SALE One American slicing machine and one National cash regis ter. A-"ily H. Sherman, 1228 Bailey street. FOR SALE Fox Terrier Pups. Your choice of the litter. Inquire 1112 Mont gomery street. FOR SALE Black horse, sound ana fearless; good worker and driver; 11 years old. Call Bell phone 4147 J. FOR SALE A fine high-grade up right piano, used very little. Reason for selling, have two pianos in fam ily. Address Box 245, City. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS Traded machine, $lO up. Machines rented, ex changed and bought. Some exception ally tine rebuilts in stock. All make*. S. C. Smith & Bros. Agency, 211 Locust street. Opposite Orpheum. FOR SALE Store fixtures, shelv ing, counters, small partition, stools, floor and wall cases. Call, 613 Walnut street, S. Meltzer. For Sale—Miscellaneous FIRE SALE OF HARDWARE AT 323 BROAD STREET Also all fixtures, including fine rolltop desk, 2,000-Jb. safe, counter and platform scales, coun ters, tables, wall cases, about three hundred shelf boxes, signs. Smith type writer, $10.00; new loose leaf ledger. NEW and Second-hand ruga £er sale at reduced prices. Apply to Keystone Hug Co., 1115 Montgomery street. FOR SALE CONTRACTORS. TAKE NOTICE Mantel, dark oak finish, French bevel plate mirror, in excellent condition. Size, 6 ft. 11 in. by 4 ft. 6 in. Can be seen at 1726 Regina street. Cheap to quick buyer. FOR SALE Highest grade hot-air furnace, wjth auxiliary hot water heater. Heats 8 rooms with hot air and one large or two small rooms with hot water. Expansion tank and cold air duct included,, or sold separately. Wayne S. Graeff, 808 North Sixteenth street. City. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street, Lawn Fence, Field Fence. Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware, Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters, Mouldings, Porch Posts. Pumps, etc. FOR SALE Diamond and Good rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases, Harness and Leather Goods made to order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings. HARRISBURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO., SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. „ AT GABLE S. 113. 115 and 117 South second street, 6,000 gallons New Era ready-mized paint, Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. Also doors and shut ters. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. Business Opportunities AUTO-TIRE VULCANIZING PLANT FOR SALE at about one-third its real value "Haywood system" mosi modern and complete. Further Infor mation from Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. MANUFACTURING AND RETAIL BUSINESS of household necessity; sold direct to consumer. Ten cent article. Light hundred customers in Harris burg. Two hundred per cent. (200 per cent.) prolit. Snlendid opportunity. J. H. W., Penbrook, Pa. PARTNER WANTED Age, 20 to 30. to help manufacture patent chemical novelty. Only $250.00 required. Easy outdoor business. Short hours. Large profits. No fake. 1429 Shoop street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTED Partner to take active part in established local business. Ex perienced stenographer preferred. Work can be done evenings. Small investment requireu to guarantee effective service. Address Box M, 5196, caro of Telegraph, WANTED Reliable party to take half interest in manufacturing busi ness to be located in Harrisburg. Must invest $2,000 to become half ownei. Growing business, staple merchandise, always in demand. Prefer partner that can give business some attention. Gooa opportunity. Address A., 5186, care or Telegraph. CONFECTIONER'S, ice cream and soda water store; good business, in tine location; reason for selling, not able to give proper attention. C. B. Neb inger, Lemoyne, Pa. FOR SALE An old-established moving plcturo show. Guaranteed tu do good business. Reason for selling will be explained. Apply to Box R, 5136, care of Telegraph-! ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Snydicate, 793 Lock port. N. Y. Business Personals LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit cases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices, in the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. COHEN & SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers. 431 Market at subway. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective work handled—Ofte eye always open BELL PHONE 4399. Money to Loan MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society, Room 7. Spooner Building, 9 North Market Square. LOANS—SIS TO S3OO At legal rates for individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet im mediate necessities. Time and payments arranged to suit your convenience. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 204 Chestnut Street. Home capital-—home management Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We invite inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, house hold goods and merchandise. Private rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75c cents per month. D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. Musical FOR SALE Strictly high grade GRAND PIANO. Used short time. Will sell at a bargain. Address Box D, 4311, care of Telegraph. HAVE your VICTROLA, GRAFANOLA or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR ED by an expert. Bell phone 3242 J. Write, or call, at 315 Broad street. Hauling and Moving HAULING R. A. Hartmau, National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, erxfes, boilers and general hauling. W. H. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 250.1 R. Summer Resorts and Cottages FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage, furnished, between Accuinac and Wild Cat. Fine location. A. L. Reach. Marl etta. Pa. Automobiles FOR SALE Abbott-Detroit 6-pas senger touring car; fully equipped; au tomatic tire pump; has been run less than 10,000 miles; perfect condition. Roger Hatchett, 2007 North Third street, City. FOR SALE As a special induce ment, one new Atlas Truck, fully equipped, price SBOS, special price, s72i>, two 1916 Vims, $460 each; 1 Columbus Electric at a sacrifice. East End Auto Co., 120 Market street. AUGUST 31, 1916. RAILS ARE ONLY NOMINALLY LOWER Move Wthin Narrow Limits; Marines, Steel, Reading and Tires Features New York, Aug. 31.—Marines, Steel, Reading and Kelly-Springfield -Tire, the latter at a new maximum, were the features of the forenoon, other prominent Btoeks moving in uncertain fashion. Marines lost their early gains on realizing sales but displayed a strong undertone. Important rails were only nominal ly lower and obscure Issues of the same group moved within narrow lim its. Speculative specialties such as Industrial, American Coal Products, Studebaker and South Porto Rico Sugar lost 2 points. The entire list strengthened at midday on the more encouraging news from Washington. Bonds were steady. -YEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and PhiiEdelphla Stock Ex changes, 3 Nort.'i Market Square, Har risburg; 133 8 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 3 4 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Aug, 31. ~ Open. Clos. Allir-Chalmers 22% 23 American Beet Sugar ... 88 88^ American Can 59% 61 American C & F 61 61Vs American Ice Securities . 27% 27% American Locomotive .. 74 % 76 % American Smelting 96 98% American Sugar 109V4 110 American T & T 130% 130% Anaconda 83*4 84% Atchison 102 >4 103 Badlwin Locomotive ... 76 78',i Baltimore & Ohio 84% 86 Bethlehem Steel 480 453 Butte Copper Autorriooties OVERLAND Touring, electric lights, and starter, spare tire, tire pump $425 Mitchell Touring 295 E. M. F. Touring 295 Applv Rex Garage. 1917 N. Third St. SECOND-HAND CARS One 6-pas senger De Cambel, one 5-passenger 1914 Ford, newly painted, in excellent con dition; one 5-passenger 1915 Ford, good las new; one 1912 Ford delivery, with good body; one 1908 Overland. Cars for sale at Ford Garage, Mlddletown, Pa. E. M. Snavely. Manager. 1912 five-passenger Regal; good shape; new vires all around; big bar j gain for quick buyer. 1912 five-passenger Pullman, com pletely overhauled; A 1 condition, good upholstering; good top and tires; big bargain. MILLER AUTO CO.. 68 South Cameron St. Bell phone 4119 J. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of ! kind. If you cannot sell your car, why not consign It or exchange it with us for a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 5 per cent. only. No storage charges if car is not sold. Auto Trans l>ortatlon Exchange Department. 25-29 North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710. Motorcycles and Bicycles BICYCLES. MOTORCYCLES and parts bought for highest cash prices. See us for bargains on second-hand bikes and motorcycles. Easy terms. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third street. Bell phone 3SSJ. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Bring me tliat broken bicycle and I will make it like new. Prices very reasonable. Jas. B. Murray. 1014 James street. BICYCLE& BICYCLES At your own prices. $5. $7, SB. $lO. sl6. Better see them before you buy elsewhere. Easy terms. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 J. MOTORCYCLE BARGAIN Easy terms. Prices from $25 up to $l5O. Ten machines to select from. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 J. Legal Notices Common Pleas of Dauphin County, No. 550, June Term, 1916 ln re peti tion of Luke A. Pfeiffer for change of name. NOTICE is hereby given that in the above-mentioned proceeding, the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County on the 30th day of August, 1916, order ed and decreed that the name of Luke A. Pfeiffer be changed to Jerry H, Barnes. HENRY F. HOLLER, Prothonotary. NOTICE IN pursuance of an order of the Or phans Court of Dauphin County made on the sth day of June, A. D. 1916, the undersigned will sell at public auc tion on Wednesday, September 13, 1916, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the Court House in the City of Harrisburg, Pa.. All the undivided one-fifth lnteresi of Maria Booth, late of Harrlsburt*. Pa., deceased, in and to all that cer tain lot or piece of ground, situated on Chestnut Street. In the City of Har risburg, Dauphin County, Pa„ bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a point on the east ern side of Chestnut Street twenty six (26) feet and three (3) inches from the eastern line of Third Street In saia City; thence along said Chestnut Street twenty-six (26) feet and three (3) inches to property owned by Chnmbers Dubbs; thence along said property parallel with Third Street sixty-live (65) feet to the property of Susan uubbs; thence along the property ot Susan A. Dubbs parallel with Chestnut Street twenty-six (26) feet and three (3) inches to the property of Rebecca Schriver: thence along said property In a westerly direction parallel with Thlra Street sixtv-flve (65) feet to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a 2- story frame dwelling house, etc. » ■ 1 AI ACV A Do y° u know there are copper prospects selling ALnJIVA on the New York Curb from $1.60 to $4.00 a WEQTftVFR share? Do you know that Alaska Westover has WC«3IUT CIV copper ore bodies actually developed? It Is quoted around 62% c. Call or communicate with us at once for our special offer on Alaska West over. AETNA Our Market Digest of August 25th contains a com plete report on this active issue. . _ _ We first called our clients' attention to the cheap- MIDVALfc. neHS of ,hls stock when it was selling two weeks ago at $58.00. We are still buying it for them STEEL at » 65 00 - Our Market Digest of August 25th, contains full I analytical reports on the above three stocks. Con siderable of this data was hitherto unpublished. Sent free on request HaiiteBsARJKTXG 208 Griscom Bldg., Reading, Pa. DUHMTTQ Bell—nending: 3213. Keymtone—Con»oll«lntcd 1240. Land Title Bldg. , SO Broad St. Philadelphia y New \'ork California Petroleum ... 18% 19 Canadian Pacific 176% 178 Central leather 55 V* 56 %' Chesapeake and Ohio .. 69% 60% Chicago, Mil and St Paul 92% 95 Chicago. R I and Pacific 17 17% Chino Con Copper 50% 52 Colorado Fuel and Iron. 4 6 4 B%' Consolidated Gas 135% 136% Corn Products 14 14 14% Crucible Steel 7 3 75% Crucible Steel pfd 117% 117% Erie 35% 37 Distilling; Securities .... 44% 46% Erie Ist pfd 52% 53% General Electric Co .... 169 170% Goodrich BF 71 71% Great Northerun pfd .. 116% 117 Great Northern Ore subs 36% 37 Inspiration Copper 54% 57% Kennecott 48% 49% Lackawanna Steel 75 77 Lehigh Valley 78% 78% Maxwell Motors ....... 81% 83%! Merc Mar ctfs 43% 42% Merc Mar ctfs pfd 103% 103% Mex Petroleum 101% 103%' Miami Copper 34 34% Missouri Pacific 3% 3% New 1 York Central .... 102% 103 N Y N H and H 59 59% N Y Ont and West .... 28 26 Norfolk and Western .. 128% 128%! Northern Pacific 109% 10% Pacific Mail 26% 26% Penna Railroad 55% 55% Pressed Steel Car 51 % 6 4 Railway Steel Spg 44% 46 Ray Con Copper 2 4 25 Reading 103% 105%' Republic Iron and Steel. 51% 53 Southern Pacific 96% 97%' Southern Ry 23 23% Southern Ry pfd 67% 67% Studebaker 123% 124 Tennessee.Copper 24% 25 Union Pacific 139% 140%' U S I Alcohol 109% 110% U 8 Rubber 56 56% U S Steel 9514 97% U S Steel pfd 117% 117% Utah Copper 81% 83% Virginia-Carolina Chem. 40% 41% Westlnghouse Mfg 58% 59% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Aug. 31. Wheat Higher; No. 2. red, spot and September, $1.4201.45; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.40 @1.43. Corn Higher; No. 2, yellow, local, 91 9Sc; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local, 96 ft 97c. Oats—Market higher; No. 2, white, 04f051%c; No. 3, white, 51%@02%c. Bran The market Is arm; city mills, winter, per ion, $26.00; west ern, winter, per ion. t2B.hu: solt. winter, per ton, $28.00@28.50; Spring, per ton, $-i> 00&26.50. Refined Sugars Market dull; powdered, 7.10 c, nun granulated, 7.00 c; confectioners' A. 6.90 c. Butter The market is higher; western, creamery, extras, 34® 35c; nearby prints, fancy, 37c. Eggs The market is higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. $9.90 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $9.60 per case, western, extras, firsts, free cases, $9.90 per case; do., firsts, free cases, S9.3O(fC 9.60 per case. Live Poultry The market is Arm; fowls, 20@21c; roosters, 14@15cj Spring chickens, 18@24e; do., broilers. 30<ro38c; ducks 14@17c; geese, 14@]bi'. Dressed Poultry—Steady; fowls,fancy 23@23Vsc; do., good to choice, 22@22Vic| do., small sizes. 19@21c; old roost ers. 16c; broiling chickens, nearby. 26@32c; do., western, 22@26c; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy, 22dp 34c; do., fair to good. 15@18c; Spring ducks, nearby. 19® 20c. CHICAGO CATTLE By Assoc'ia'eri Press Chicago. 111., Aug. 31. Cattle Re ceipts, 7,000; strong. Native beef cat tle, $7.35@11.35; etockers and feeders, $5.10@8.0o; cows and heifers, s3.Bs(Tii 9.65; calves, $9.2512.75. Sheep Receipts, 14,000{ »tron«r. Wethers, $6.25(ff 7.65; lambs $6.60@10.90. Hogs Receipts, 25,000; strong. Bulk of safes. $10.75@11.45; light. slo.9ofi> 11.50: mixed, $10.45® 11.50; heavy, $10.25 @11.50; rough, $10.25@10.50: pifes, $7.75 @9.85. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, 111., Aug. 31. Board ot Trade closing: Wheat September, 1.42',4; De cember. 1.45*4. Corn September, 86?4; Decem ber, 73%. Oats September, 44 U; December, 47 %. Pork September, 27.55; Decem ber, 24.40. Lard September, 14.10; October, 14.15. Ribs September, 14.45; October, 14.22. Modern Apartment Hotel For Walnut St. Planned Negotiations were completed to-day by nohrer and Son. real estate brokers, for an option on the properties at 317- 19-21 Walnut street, now owned by Dives, Pomery and Stewart. While the real estate agents declined to reveal for whom they were acting, reports in realty circles had it that tnw properties are to be purchased for a site of a modern apartment hotel. The properties have a frontage of fifty-two feet six inches in Walnut street and run back ninety-five feet to the new Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart warehouse. The location is adjoining the Majestic Theater and faces Dew berry alley. RFJ'rniICAXS TO MEET Members of the Republican City and County Committeemen of Harrisburs, will meet to-morrow, Friday night, .at 7:30 o'clock, at Republican headquar ters in the Wyeth building. GOODFELJjOW TO WED A marriage license was issued this afternoon to George Benjamin Good fellow, formerly a reporter of the Telegraph, and Miss Florence Hocker, teacher in the Swatara township schools. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE TO MEET The executive committee of the Greater Harrisburg Navy will meet to night at 7.30 o'clock in the office of the City Park Department. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers