12 Dives, Pomeroy) & Stewart Bright and Attractive Are the Shades of the New Fall /^mi t ' le ne texture an< i colorings of the new heretofore in this city. \ \ Jj i I A V Fall Silks. We have gathered the finest styles Yg\ Shades are of the bright- \ \/ / IIjI and weaves shown thus far and assure our es * hues to match the won- \ V/ / 111 iU patrons a fashionable display such as they have |A j swe^aters^ 0 ™ o^'t^e COat p \ /^\J I°| ne^er see n before. U , ve j ours are Q f a beautiful quality in large ! • French Marquisette Introducing the Crepe do Chine, new shades; yard • | S ' la P eS Small nOVelt\ effects Sltch as tricornes with I o newest ribbon stripes in $1.35, $1.50 and $2.00 . edges of upturned brim laced. | , Black and white New plaid silks In many patterns, 26 j Wistaria and green inches; yard SI.OO 0 FeltS at $1.50, $1.95, $2.25 and Upward I*l Myrtle and plum Sport strip© skirting, satin and taffeta • "\ r 1 (Do <i>i * lUll S re . y an( , combined, 25 patterns, 36 in.; yd., $2.00 I V eIOUTS at «p*s."o, ip-r.'/O and Upward. \\.\\ 5 anl Sr .., n Gros de Londres, heavy black satin // // nil iTe- eß *ard rm 8 *' oo Btr, P es > 3 shades of blue; yard $2.25 H 1 here are head sizes for voung girls, misses and \\ G \\ J^^rd ible ' " 6rep6 ''. Weorge " e 'si'7s ya^ 1 " heavy . saM . ns : 1 women. Unquestionably the smartest sport modes \\\ ya^ ie . S ?i U " B^ BlreetShadeS : 3 combinations, WO M sh ° Wn in years. WW ' French pattern taffetas, iigh't grounds VELVETS OF FINEST QUALITY N | Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, Front. \\®\\ with dainty color blendtnsrs, all stain II jj \\.\\ stripe effects, 36 inches; yard $2.00 The richest chiffon velvet, 40 inches: jl II \\\\ Charmeuse silk, 40 inches, new Fall black, mole and myrtle; yard SI.OO /® \ shades- vard $2.50 Velveteen in fine costume weights in 7 •II I T lll T,l _ A "I as--«- «—-» a ssa /j : lne r amous Anderson Vy\V Velveteen, 54 inches; black; yd., $4.50 //,// O 1 \V -J2T5*"..^...T^.«.» /j/ bring hams Shown as Corduroys In navy, 27 inches; yd., SI.OO JV.7/ __ . , c ° Ku r..r':™ , :.. !, .' n s h sS If Usual m Many Styles W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—St. Fl., Front jP'/r j -P. JT A J . | L). and J. Anderson Ginghams the best woven in the world shown in numerous bright colored plaids and stripes, 32 inches; yard 45^ "Wm. Anderson Ginghams in fancy plaids, checks and stripes, 32 inches, yard ; 25^ Wm. Anderson Madras, white ground with plain and fancy ~ ~ ~ " colored stripes, 32 inches, yard The August Furniture Sale Closes To-morrow Odd pieces, broken suites and patterns that | cannot be duplicated have been marked to go I stripes, 32 inches; yard 30c out at special reductions for the final day of 1 50c & | lk stripe Madras, white ground with silk stripes, 32 If Jclilni SpeCl . al lot ° f WllloW Chairs, , 25c P opi in Shirting', White ground wiih colored stripes,' in plain Tnd «P— .OtJ Only One to a customer. fancy patterns 32 Inches. Special, yard 200 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. | Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. __ )! Different Wood For Different Uses It is too often sup posed that all kinds of wood will give equal service under all con ditions. This is not true. The poorest of oak makes better furniture than the best of ash. The best of oak makes a poorer axe handle than the poorest of hickory. Don't make the mistake of using one kind of lum ber for all purposes there is a kind that will suit best. We shall be glad to ad vise you the proper kind of lumber to buy. United Ice & Coal Co. Main office: Forster & Cowden Sts. Vacation Trips "BY SEA" ' Baltimore-Philadelphia to Boston Savannah-Jacksonville DellKbtful Sail. Pine Steamera. Low Fares. Beat SerT- In. Plan yonr vacation to Include ••The Flncat Coastwise Trlpa in tho World." Tour Book Free on Reqneat. MERCHANTS A MIMCItS TKA.NS. CO. W. P. TLRNKH. G. P. A., Balto., Md. Consult any ticket or tourlat uueut. Kesons AUTO STORAGE— First class, fireproof earasa. open day and night. Kate, reasonable. Auto Trans. Garage Use Telegraph Want Ads WEDNESDAY EVENING, NEARLY 3000 SIGX One More Day to Secure Xante* for Petition With little more than a day remain ing to obtain signatures for the jitney petition, striking carmen continued their work In the city and this morn ing 52 more registered voters signed their names at the City Clerk's office, making the total number of signatures 2817. To-niorrow will be th« last opportunity to sign the petition after which City Clerk Miller will have ten days to go over the list and <see that all tl>e men who signed are ouaifled voters. Yesterday 157 registered voters call ed at the City Clerk's office and affixed their signatures to the jitney petition making the total at the close of the eighth day, 2765, a thousand more than the required number of signers. Two Mass Meetings Last night at the two mass meetings at Sixth and Maclay streets and Thir teenth and Market streets, speakers were James H. Maurer. John J. Thorpe, C. F. QUinn, J. J. Parthemore, Hugh L. McLaughlin, and I. E. Rob inson. The speakers urged the work ers of the city to stand by the strikers, and declared that the company's statements that the cars are not oper ated by strikebreakers, Is untrue. Hugh L. McLaughlin, head of the carmen's union in a statement last night urged that negotiations be start ed to end the long drawn-out fight, ex pressing his belief that the public will always remain loyal to the strikers. WRINKLES DISAPPEAR SKIN SMOOTH That's what every woman says who treats her wrinkled, faded, tired-look ing skin with the marvelous Usit. This pur« nut-oil skin food, brought here from old Egypt, where for centuries It has been used by that country's famous beauties, is positively guaranteed to banish wrinkles quickly, whether caused by advancing years, worry, work or exposure. It will restore the color and youthful smoothness to any complexion. Don't neglect your looks, don't let your skin become sallow and old looking. Go to your druggist to-dav and for 50 cents get a bottle of Usit Apply nights before retiring and you will be surprised at the result. No other treatment is necessarv. Usit is always put up in opal bottles. Take nothing else. It is not a face cream and contains nothing that will cause hail- growth. The most painful cases of sunburn are relieved Instantly by Usit. For sale by Gorgas. the Druggist, and dealers everywhere. C Ambulance Service Prompt and efficient aervlca for the tranaportatlon at patlentN to and from homes, hospitals, or the It. n. stations. With special care, experienced attendant* und logliil ehantea. Emergency Ambulance Service 17-15 N." SIXTH ST. Ceil I'hoiie 3453 Suited 272>W Spiritualist Wedding Legal Says Attorneys | - ."j *** **; ■ -'' I MRS CHARJ/ES KOCH MRS. CHARLES KOCH Jersey City, N. J. .Aug. 30. —Lead- ing attorneys of this city have given their opinion that the spiritualist wed ding of Professor Charles Koch and Miss Marguerite Pols, performed here a few days ago, Is entirely legal and binding. £ The couple were married by Dr. Anna A. Stewart, head of the Mount Pltcairn Spiritualist Church, of Jersey City. At the conclusion of the cere mony Dr. Stewart went into a trance and blessed the couple with a message from the "Spirit Alhambra." Mother and Son to Study Side by Side in University Pasadena. Ca., Aug. 30. Side by side, Mrs. C. Pettier and her son, Charles Pettier, seventeen, will pursue their studies at the State University in Berkeley. They have just left Pasa dena to take up the work. Mrs. Pettier, who is in middle life, is a scholar, and her son has inherited her love for study. Each is so en thusiastic over the accumulation of knowledge that neither can bear to avail himself or herself of the oppor tunities without the other having the same advantage. For this reason they determined on a plan of temporarily closing their home here and going to school together. Mrs. Pettier believes she can show her son some short cuts to learning, while she herself pursues more ad vanced subjects. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH War to Boost Cost of American Bibles Boston, Mass., Aug. 30.—The Ameri can Bible Society announced that the price of Bibles was likely to be ad vanced at once. The European war, which has increased the cost of paper and other raw material, was given as the cause. The stock of Bibles and books print ed in foreign languages, previously purchased from Germany, is being rapidly exhausted. Mr. Robert E. Williams ARCHITECT 26 So. 3rd St., Harrisburg J AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS CARNIVAL ALL WEEK —Everybody Is Goind— Sibley's Superb Shows for the Benefit Fund of United Spanish-American War Veterans. Camp No- 8 Tenth and State Streets Extra Feature Miss Margaret Offer, World's Heavy weight Swimmer and Diver. Weight, 317 pounds. Sibley's 16-piece Military Band will play daily. COLONIAL Harrisburg's High Class Picture Theater Today WI,,Um Fo » Prc " n< " Pathe Film Co. and BERTHA KALICH Tomorrow In of their grenteat aerial, 2 "AMBITION" "SiP FEATURES ON ''The I.outer*" THE SAME A HEART-GRIPPING STORY tlle new kind of PROGRAM of modern life, ahowlng the ex- "rely NO ADVANCE ten < to which, n wife will so to from any other IN PRICES «'<• <*»«« ■<"* lovea. i fuced." "" ° COMPULSORY SERVICE Melbourne, Australia, Aug. 30. j The Federal government has drawn | up a proposition to hold a referendum on the question of establishing com pulsory military service in Austra lia. PARALYSIS A°. a i^r B e y DR. CHASE'S Special Blood and Nerve Tablets Write for Proof and Booklet Pr. Chang. 224 W. loth St. Philadelphia, DJI/vf, 80-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY Gives Instant relief in Itehliwv Bleodingor Protruding Piles. oOc The Dr. Bosanko Co. Philadelphia. Pa, AUGUST 30, 1916. lAMuseMems Kate Elinore comes to the Orpheum to-day, matinee and night, at the head of her own company In "My Aunt H musical comedy, en ' From I'tah" titled "My Aunt From Utah." In the support ing cast will he found Minnie tiurxr, Ethel Lloyd, Edithe Benjar, Alden Mac | I'laskie, Lawrence Peterson, Waldo Whipple and Donald Archer. i A melodrama of gripping interest, j narrating a story In which dramatic and comedy elements I "For the Man said to be deftly inter- Slie Loved" mingled in just the right proportions 10 maintain the balance proper in a play |of this type, is promised In "For the i "lan She Loved," which opens at the j Orpheum Theater Friday matinee for an engagement of two days. One of the real treats of each the atrical season, it Is claimed, will be that old but ever popular "I'ncle stage story, "L'ncle Tom s Tom's Cabin," as presented by Stet- Cabln" son's big spectacular com pany, which will be seen at the Orpheum next Monday, matinee and night, as the Labor Day attraction. As in former years, Manager Washburn is said to have equipped his company with all new effects and startling scenic, electrical and mechanical surprises are promised. The seat sale opens Friday morning. There is no doubt but what the chiet attraction at the Majestic this week is the appearance of Spencer Chnrtera Spencer Charters, In "The' Hermit" a Harrisburg man, ... who, assisted by his wife, Irene MJ-ers, present a sketch entitled "The Hermit." The story deals with the quarrel between a newly married couple, and the good advice given them by "the hermit" (Mr. Char ters). Four other Keith acts, Including the well-known Italian character ac tors. Clark and Verdi, are on the bill. "My Neighbor's Garden," a delightful musical comedy, is the headllner 101 the last half of the week. Surround ing this attraction are: Walter Milton and Company, in a comedy sketch call ed, "Don t Walk In Your Sleep;" Fred and Adele Astir, who offer a piano, singing and dancing act; Jarrow, thu clever magician, and Newlioff ana Phelps, in a good comedy singing act. Blanche Sweet will be seen at the Regent to-day and to-morrow in a social drama, "The "The Dupe" Dupe," a Paramount nt the Recent Picture. Miss Sweet is sur rounded by an all-star cast, including such distinguished artists as Ernest Joy, Thomas Melghan and Veda Mc- Evers. Henry B. Walthall, star of "The Birth of a Nation," is scheduled for Friday only In "The Sting of Victory." In this play of Civil War days, Mr, W'althall takes two of the leading roles, that of Colonel Whiting. T'. p. A., and Walker Whiting, a young brother, who is a Confederate officer. The elev~ enth episode of "Gloria's Romance," featuring Billie Burke, will be on the same program. Bertha Kalich will be the feature at traction at the Colonial again to-day and to-morrow In a. Bertlin Kullcb, ne-,v Fox production, In "Ambition," "Ambition." A photo nt the Colonial play graphically de picting the sacrifice of a man's home to a political powei in order that ha may secure success. On the same program will be shown the fourth episode of "The Grip of Evil" called "The Looters." The story Is filmed in such a manner as to make it unnecessary for you to see each pari in orcer to understand and enjoy the picture. Each part is a complete story in itself and at the same time is a continuation of the original theme, which asKs the question, Is Humanity in the Grip of Evil? Aji infinite variety of joshing; Jolly and jovial joking will be found among I the features with Captain nt the Ashborn's big animal circus ' Krnnse and Miss Juiia Allen's blue I Curmvnl ribbon horse show, which i are here with the Krause I Carnival, now showing- at Mulberry j and Cameron streets. Manager Krause ! is offering attractions this season that j are entirely new to the carnival field j and a pleasant departure from previous j carnivals thftt have visited this city. Miss Julia Allen, directress and owner I of a riding school in Philadelphia in i winter time, is positively here handling ' the reins over "Tedd,y," the buck and , wing dancing equine wonder. Forty- I seven tents are required to house the various amusements with the Krause i shows and when the thousands of lights are turned on the grounds at Cameron ! and Mulberry streets resemble a real ! "gay white way." Among the sensational free attrac- 1 tions is Miss Elma Meier, the lady champion shallow water diver. Miss Meier s program includes trick and fancy springboard exhibitions and twicn each day she leaps, head first, from a platform seventy-five feet in the an-, j into a tank of water containing five feet i of water. During the remainder of the week this diving Venus will lecture on proper care and bathing to keep the body healthy and the skin clean and pretty.—Advertisement. AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS ORPHEUM A Y Tn MATINEE 1 A * IGIIT 1 o-morrow NIGHT POPULAR PRICES SIM WILLIAMS Presents Mat. 25 and 50c tut Gu» Hill Preiienta I 11 Et SPECIAL KATE ELINORE GIRLS n r T 7 WITH HER OWN COMPANY, IN FQnM tIIHIICtIC % Aunt From Utah MY LAND SOME MUSIC—SOME GIRLS OC NIGHT PKIIESi SEE "THE FALL OF BABYLON" CiO - OU - IOC - «J>I.UU "A NIGHT IN A HAREM" 2 Days s S, Mat. Daily, Sept. 1 and 2 The Intensely Gripping Drama FOR THE MAN SHE LOVED The Story of a Woman's Devotion by Carl Mason A Play of Thrills, Comedy and Mystery PRlCES—Matinees, 25c and 50c—Nights, 25c to SI.OO rnMTTVrn or the Benefit of the Knights of " Columbus Building Fund. TUESDAY Kr/ht SEPT. 5 somracms Trran IN A NEW IRISH SONG PLAT Tickets Can Be Exchanged Beginning Friday PRlCES—Matinee, 25c, 50c and 75c. Evening—2sc, 50c, 75c and SI.OO. HOW MRS. BEAN MET THE CRISIS Carried Safely Through Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Nashville,Tenn. —"When I was going through the Change of Life I had a tu- ||l|i||l||||||||||i|l j| m °r as large as a | jliMMll child's head. The doctor Ba 'd it was ! three years coming / j and gave me medi -4% cine for it until I ; ? fj was called away J1 from the city for some time. Of U'l J course I could not / 0 t0 him then, to 1 f J my sister-in-law told ; Ime that she thought Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound would cure it It helped both the Change of Life and the tumor and when I got home I did not need the doctor. I took the Pinkham remedies until the tumor was gone, the doctor said, and I have not felt it since. I tell every on# how I was cured. If this letter will help others you are welcome to use it." —Mrs. E. H. BEAN, 625 Joseph Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, a pure remedy containing the extractive properties of good old fash ioned roots and herbs, meets the needs of woman's system at this critical period of her life. Try it If there is-any symptom in your case which puzzles you, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. NUXATED IRON p. FLMY-FFIF'II i IIJM Increases streogui of delicate, nervous, KB rI YD YITII rundown people 2Uii B I I I *'| P« r cent, in ten days Mm 111 few >n many Instances. PT vA'ifflM * IOO forfeit If It falls as per full ex- I •l•]-J wU |d planatlon In larga I»* ill M*IIB jM article soon to ip- pear in this paper. Aslr your doctor or druggist about It. Croll Kellet and G. A. Gorgas always have it.—Advertise ment. AMUSEMENTS w Klossy Piny* For Klassy People To-day anal lii-murroiv, Paramount present* BLANCHES SWEET, tlic accomplished Him favorite, in "THE DUPE" Added Attraction i PARAMOUNT PICTOGRAPHS Friday only, HENRY B. WALT HALL, star of "Tlie Blrtli of a Na tion," In "THE STING OF VICTORY" Added Attraction Rlllle Burke In eleventh chapter of "GLORIA'S ROMANCE." ' 1 JWILMER & VINCENT IMATS, 2:30101 ISC EVE.7JOTOIO:3IHO.ISWS<) LAST DAY to Pay Your Compllinents to SPENCER CHARTERS Your Home Tonn Actor Man COMING TO-MORROW A Musical Comedy Girl Act 'My Neighbor's Garden' ONE OF THE SEASON'S BEST 4 OTHER STANDARD ACTS 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers