12 < * Dives, Pomeroy Regular $35.00, $37.50 and $39.50 Fine Colored Cotton Dresses For Quality All Wool Check Suits Women Are Reduced to JfcC For Women in a Clearance Half and Less Than Half , f\l \ (\ . (pi r\r\ Sizes run from 16 to 44, and the range £ ]l\ V \ cJX $15.00 va * ucs 1S remarkable. There are not f\ \ j\ \ many left to be disposed of so come early t ' l ' s disposal of many of Summer's most charming cloth to-morrow. Mi Hy \t!w 1 B,VSi\ suits, beginning to-morrow, are to be found values that will attract Regular $7.50 colored voile dresses in blue and /j SIM \ stripes, with surplice waist and wide white/"/ S3 W women who look to serviceability and quality as well as style We hemstitched frill; the skirt is gathered. d«o *7C ffjn iljflwJftNfe. t?] r J \ J j Reduced, beginning to-morrow, to I CJ have grouped our entire remaining stock of regular $35.00, $37.50 and Regular $6.50 black and white plaid voile if 1 r .^v/awu dresses, embroidered and with narrow black vel-> V 1 » \\ I $39.?0 garments and marked them one price for immediate clear- vet trimming and velvet girdle; full plaited \ \ I Reduced, beginning to-morrow, d»0 *7E V« 1 \ \ I ance. to iDO,I O i\ B Regular $5.50 sport dresses with blue cham- / Y (I M\ \ \ I Some of the styles carry lovely trimmings of individual buttons , br f. y fv at , a , n< 2 , larKe white sailor collar and white 111 • •i 1 t • belt; the skirt is white and flares. Re- fcQ eCf| ' J 1 some are made with becoming flaring lines while others show the duced, beginning to-morrow, to «DO»OU t identical touches that arc to mark the new suits (or Winter. All of .lOTSS, VAiTh'r SKSS r'i"": 111 \ . lhe sk ! r,s arc °' amplc (ulllKSS ' trimmed to harmonize with the coat. M«2f $3.50 *R V Fifty women who arc foresighted will have an opportunity of Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. ' enjoying a remarkable bargain to-morrow. Choose at $15.00 -jkj -r j .-i ~ _ . d,v... a. stewan, s,„»a F,.„, jn ewV one and Batiste Waists Three More Days of the August Furniture Sale Many Dependable Pieces Marked at Half Price Novelty Voile Waists with deep collar, frill and cuffs trimmed with imitation Venise lace edge • Sterling grades of furniture for every room in Voile Waists trimmed with tucks, deep collar with lace „ , . , - , , , , edge, long sleeves trimmed with turn-back cuffs finished with the house are offered in the final days of the f> t < \' r ' ace ed S e $1.9.5 August Furniture Sale, at savings of a third to a '' "'X- ' l ': I-I K Vo,le wais,s with fronts trimmed Voile waists, lace vestee, fronts >*'■- I i| with organdie embroidery panel trimmed with organdie embroidery half. ' I "A and lace ,nsertlon > d eep collar panel, pin tucks and lace insertion, ' LJyn trimmed with lace insertion and back trimmed with pin tucks and For the last three days of the sale we've gath- \ £ $ ft IS with insertion 2nT'«^ ri !»™sn lace insertlon - tucked collar. $3.50 \ rH~i\ / 7%T*/i\r>\ v'i e ®7 Batiste waists, fronts trimmed J->ON*G WHITE PETTICOATS ered many of the most worthy pieces on the fur- \i YtL /\K / r ith . or sa n die embroidery panels. Cambric petticoats, deep flounce ' M. fJ\ « ~ lac ® in ?fi' t ' on , ancl tucks, back trim- trimmed with bunch tucks, embroi niture floor and marked them half price for spe- Tucked' coiikl- "trtmm^ 6 w"th rt iace de can!brtn 1 t«.fn /(/ ' - edge SS - 50 dery "ounce $1.95 Cial clearance. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. One $19.50 mahogany toilet table. In dJQ "TC BEDROOM ITJBMTURE rn"T "\T Cl'll A 1 j the August Furniture Sale WtlU Gne 0 p mahogany suite of bed, bureau and IMO \ iNI K Q A TA One $29.00 Circassian walnut toilet table with trip- chiffonier; bed is cane paneled. In the t/4Q flO AAV> A. l V_/ VV kJIIXVO xTLO\_/dlVl Lv_/ locate mirror. In the August Furniture $14.50 August Furniture Sale __ > _ si9.so New Heights of Beauty One $95.00 walnut vanity dressers. In tf/IO Cn Ssale, tor two pieceß.. . */ the August Furniture Sale &4Z.OU One $3 9.00 Circassian walnut dresser and one This first showing of Autumn silks reveals a host of fancv th.°AuS^r i r„ 0 5'"i,r:" On !' r :.; In $12.50 S^LSS'T?:..! ... $ 38.25 weaves and beautiful colorings, presenting a display that will SERVING tables 85.50 not he overlooked by those followers of fashion trto like to One $13.50 fumed oak table, in the *7C ° ne s l9 - 50 brass bed. In the August <j»n 7S share in the new thines as thev aooear August Furniture Sale wO» / O Furniture Sale * f * One $16.50 fumed oak table. In the tfo i)C ° ne s llsO Colonial mahogany bed. In "TC .. taffetas, light grounds with dainty color blendings, August Furniture Sale JbO.ZD the August Furniture Sale OD. t O a" satin stripe effects, 36 inches; yard One $19.50 mahogany table. In the «7C Silk floss mattresses. In the August d»1 O Crt Charmeuse silk, 40 inches, new Fall shades; yard $2.50 August Furniture Sale <W«/0 Furniture Sale «PIO»«Jvr Faille Matinee, fine grosgrain effect, 36 inches; yard s•> 50 MVTNGROOM FURNITURE $17.80 'ii V '' 'J" O One $35.00 mahogany suite of three tfOC ft|-| Combination mattresses. In the Au- AM Crt V 1 lald Silks in many patterns, 26 inches; yard SI.OO pieces. In the August Furniture Sale.. wAO#!/!/ gust Furniture Sale vP'r.OvJ Sport stripe Skirting, satin and taffeta combined, 25 patterns, 36 One $45.00 mahogany suite. In the fIJQC ftO Four mahogany dressers. In the Au- 1A QC inches; yard $2.00 August Furniture Sale tPOB.UU gust Furniture Sale «f>l 4 *.570 Gros de Londres, heavy black satin stripes, three shades of blue- One $95.00 suite of three pieces. In <C'7l OC Five mahogany chiffoniers. In the 1A QC yard $2 25 the August Furniture Sale. August Furniture Sale Plain heavy satins in 15 shades, 36 inches; yard $1 00 anri <SI 71 One $190.00 library set of davenport and chair, in Three oak chiffoniers. In the August <fc 1A Qg v ew fancv waistlntrs in hetititif..! v,< . sl-75 Adam ?tyle. In the August Furniture 4126 67 Furniture Sale «J>l4»yO yard ... beautiful color combinations, 36 inches; Sale * Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Third Floor. J Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. b Fackler's Big Store On the Hill j Reminds you of the great values and savings that are yours in this, our annual | August Furniture Sale. Only a few days in which the opportunity is yours to I | secure at a very low price your needs to furnish your home. The stocks were never bigger, never richer in good things; and because of our early quantity buying before the recent advance in costs, the values have never been better. Then, too, we are out of the high rent district; therefore, we are not obliged to mark our goods high; this is your saving. Pay us a visit and be convinced that this is your store to secure high grade Furniture at rea sonable prices. Dining Room Suites Bed Room Suites | The largest selection wc have ever shown. SAVINGS OF 15 TO 50 PER CENT. 8-piece all Mahogany Suite—Buffet, 48 4-piece Ivory S " ite ~ Dr Chiffonier, . c c-j /l • , a . Toilet Table and Bed—sß6.oo. August inches; Table; 5 bide Chairs; 1 Arm Chair— g a i e pr j cc $69 00 This sale $112.00 3-picce Mahogany Suite—sloo.oo. This II 9-piece Quartered Oak Suite—sl74.oo. sale SBO.OO This sale $130.00 3-picce Mahogany Suite—s63.oo. This 9-piece Solid Quartered Oak Suite— sa ' 7 e ...... $53.00 e „; m -r.- , 3-picce Circassian Walnut Suite—sßs.oo. $226.00. This sale $140.00 This sale $72.00 This is an exceptional bargain. 3-piece American Walnut Suite—s92.oo. 9-piece Solid Mahogany Suite; Adam This sale $78.00 period design—s2Bß.oo. This sale, $220.00 n 3 " pic< ; e Amcrican Walnut Suite—sl2s.oo. We arc showing a number ol other suites Circassian Walnut' Suiie-fIM'.M at great reductions. This sale $84.00 Living Room and Parlor Furniture A % cry large assortment of Davenports. Three-piece Davenport Suites; 3-piece Leather 111 Suites or Tapestry and Blue V clours. Chairs and Rockers with these suites. We have the Library tables and Bookcases to match all at 15 to 50 per cent, reductions. It is worth your while to visit this store and inspect the large stock of Dependable Fur niture and make note of the superior quality at prices which will make you one of our many valued customers. 3 PTAPKT "PP'Q 1312 Derry street A IVLiJu J\ O Harrisburg, Pa. Store Closes 6 P. M. Beginning with this Saturday, 9 P. M. | j Try Telegraph Want Ada Try Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ada MONDAY EVENING, hakrisburg telegraph HERE'S THE CROWD OF "BOYS AGAIN" WHO ROMPED ON C. OF C. OUTING AT INGLENOOK TkmjtMen Stoudlo. AUGUST 28, 1916. BUSINESSMEN ARE BOYS AGAIN Rain Could Not Dampen Ar dor; Present and Ex-Presi dents Have Boxing Match Despite the drenching efforts of the rain god to dampen the ardor of the <han;ber of Commerce members who spent Saturday afternoon at Inglenook celebrating the annual outing, there was no let-up of activities from the time the hungry mob surged toward the well-filled tables at 1 o'clock till Chairman George W. Bogar made a good-night speech and the long line of automobiles started for home. It was a great day, full of enter tainment and characterized by that feeling of good-fellowship which is a part ot every gathering where Harris burg s businessmen get together to Play. Over two hundred and seventy five picnickers were there, two hun- V*" tllem members. Like those in the fable, the tables were kept con stantly 'oaded with all manner of food and drink, and the variety of games and sports provided allowed none to become idle, even when the rain drove the whole party to the porches of the clubhouse. Bowman Displays Fistic Ability The Commonwealth Band played (luring: the entire afternoon and a group of men s voices from St. Stephen's Church was repeatedly recalled for encores. Secretary McColgin was the proverbial busy bee and could not be pried loose from the big basket whence handtuls of cigars kept popping for all the smokers in the crowd. Presi dent J. William Bowman did his best to clean up the entire assemblage with a display of fistic ability which drove David Kaufman and Joe Wallazz to the tall timbers for refuge- after sev eral rounds apiece, but the fire-eating president met his match in "Kid" Gil bert, who stripped at 150 and "didn't care who knew it." "Charley" Covert was a very able second when he wasn't busy playing indoor baseball and burn ing up the grass around the bases. Whenever the party showed signs of getting rough the Chamber's noble police force, sworn in with much pomp and ceremony by City Commissioner Gross, and consisting of Herman P. Miller. C. Floyd Hopkins, S. S. Eberts, B. H. M. Wharton and Joseph H. Wal lazz. wielded their powerful weapons with great force and quelled all dis orders. "Chief" Miller, however, after a particularly gruelling siege, was found inert at the bottom of a culvert, firmly planted in one end of the drain pipe. "Badger Fight"' Harmless Some of the more timorous and thone who were opposed to cruelty to animals stayed away from the "badger fight," which threatened to stir up quite an argument. A big dog firmly held by a chain was one of the fighters, and the badger, concealed in a wooden box strongly tied with ropes, was his opponent. Will Bowman, on behalf of the fearful, objected to a continuation of the fight, but the badger gave up without a struggle and there were no casualties. Dwight Baker, snugly ensconsed in a baseball mask and pro tector, was prepared to aid the weaker of the two, but his assistance was not needed. Indoor baseball, swimming, quoits, rifle shootirtg, potato races, spelling bees with Arthur E. Brown as "teacher," boxing matches and "seven up" were some of the ways in which the time passed. And all the while a motion picture concern recorded the events of interest as they happened. By late afternoon Henderson Gil bert had recovered sufficiently from his boxing match to be able to receive the mark of distinction which was given him as past president of the as sociation by Flavel Wright. The neo phyte was decked in chains and straps and led to the place of execution by n, black-masked individual whose musical tones, after a lengthy peroration, pro- "Meat Takes An other Jump"— a fa milar headline in your daily newspaper. But why worry about the cost of something you don't need ? The most expensive foods are gener ally the least nutritious. In Summer health and strength come from a meatless diet. One or two Shredded Wheat Biscuits, heated in the oven, > covered with berries or other fruits and served with milk or cream, make a complete, satisfying, nourishing meal at a cost of five or six cents. All the meat of the whole wheat made digestible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y. nounced the "infantile past officer of the C. of C. an exalted knight of the Order of the Chamber of Commerce " On the return trip in the early evening the long line of machines car rying the members was held up at the foot of Bed Hill, this side of Speece ville, where repairs to the road neces sitated a detour. Several cars were stuck in the deep mud and a pleasantly congenial old lady in a party which had been excursioning in a big truck entertained the assembled motorists as she rolled over the side of the car with the remark, accompanied by a groan, that she "would never see Enterline agf.in!" Grandson of Chief Justice Gibson Dies at Carlisle Special to the Telegraph Carlisle, Pa., Aug. 28. William McClure, a native of Carlisle, and a grandson of Chief Justice Gibson, died here suddenly from heart failure last evening at 9 o'clock. Mr. McClure was visiting relatives here where he has spent the summer months for several years. His home is at Babylon. Long Island. Mr. McClure was for many years secretary of the New York Stock Exchange. He was edu cated in the Carlisle public schools and was at Dickinson College two years. He then went to New York and went into the banking business, becoming a member of the Stock Ex change in 1868. Mr. McClure was a son of Charles and Mary (Gibson) McClure, his father being a well known Carlisle attorney. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday afternoon with burial in the Gibson family plot. WANTED Every Young Man in Harris burg and vicinity to inspect our sls Full Dress Suits SEE THEM DISPLAYED IN OUR WINDOWS A.W. HOLMAN 228 MARKET ST. V———— —
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