18 ft ' = T^ Saturday Store Closes at 1 O'clock Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Saturday Store Closes at 1 O'clock j V . ' ——— v Friday Specials Stimulate the Saving Habit-Shop To-morrow Evening Till 9 O'clock rr\r t \ \ \ N - No Friday Specials Overall Blouse Black Dress Goods Women's and White Goods Corsets Reduced pr% c~Ji Stf.nl- COD or Mail Carter's regular SI.OO 59c mohair, 36 inches Misses' 95c longcloth, 10 yards to 50c and 75c coutil corsets °° n reBS <KK ' S striped overall blouse, all wide. Friday only, .. 49? Whit* P iecc " S P ecial Frida - V ' witK medium bl,st: in small 59c silk and cotton stripe or 'Phone Orders Slze!s, ecial Fnda . v •B:>c poplin, 40 inches wide. wniteilJresses piece Sizes. Special Friday, 25? waistings, 36 inches. Spe- * Dive,, Pomeroy 4 stewirt Friday only 74? Reduced p. r*i (U -77 • U Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. cial Friday, yard 45? Filled. , SIOO mohair, 44 inches wide. m.50 white net dre,, trlm - 15c Rice Cloth, 27 inches. t Second&oor. _ " Friday onlv 89? med in graduated bands of -white Special Fridav, yard ... 9? \ one, 44 inches, bord- », , e . eu- . \ SI.OO gabardine. 40 inches 32S "aSai 15c linen-'finished Suit- ( . Silk Outing Hats 50c sport shirts, white $1.25 silk poplin, 40 inches $20.00 white net dress, large 10? SI.OO cotton waists of 69c voile, 44 inches, fancy The remainder of the with striped collar, sizes wide. Iridav only, .SI.OO ribbon; white girdle of Latin*! 19c nainsook, mercerized, voile batiste, dimitv and stripes. Special !■ inlay, stock of silk outing and auto to 16 X- S P eciAl Jn- D , ve -. Pomeroy ft Stewart. narrow*™? of piaiTing. fine weave, 40 inches. Spe- soisette. Special Friday 50? - vard 39? hats, tan, gray, white, navv aa > _ v s "°' """" dai to-morrow tio 50 cial Fridav, yard 14? Dives. Pomeroy & stewart. 29c poplin, silk finish, good and black, navy and white. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart on,y * ' Floor. shades. Special Friday. grav and white. Special Ml ' r ''" tor "'' \ $22.50 dress of white net; sur- 25c mercerized Ottoman yard 23> Friday 36c Suit Lining. gSt,Sr«S?«SS , S» b iS, b si; cord skirting. 27 inches. Spe- v D,™.. P.n,.„ y * 5 """' ( Men'. Shirts 1 25c black satine, 36 inches Friday, yard 15 ? Women» Hosiery T-'-T. ' ' i . Wide. Friday only, ... 16? Special to- *1 e Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart $1 25 and SI 50 white out- 12^c and lsc batis tc a nd ' Striped percale and plain 25c white brocade satine. - voile, stripes and floral de- Boys' Sport Shirts 1 . . 49e -'7 inches wide. Friday only ed. Special Friday, .. 49* signs. Special Friday, yard, ' net sleeves and collar; the skirt i tkr« ,;n, i 6 SI.OO sport shirts in plain Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. 30c black Satine, 36 inches is double tunic with the net drop W omen S uloves . ilDre Silk nose, with •, . , c . ' ,11 nver brines and . Men". Store. .. FrtHav nnlv skirt; girdle of rose tafTeta rib- , lisle tops, in navy and back. voiles, 40 inches, floral « with s'lk collar Spe- V ' " ' * SwSS? $16.50 16-button length s,lk Special Friday. ' 3.",? designs. Special Fridav, Styles Wltn SIIK couar. ope Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart. Frldajonly " gloves, m colors and black, r Cial Friday bJC f , Street Floor. Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart, with double finger tips, sizes Children's 10c and 12j4c ■ ' Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. Men 8 [Night ohirtS becond Moor. anc j g Special Fridav, black cotton fine ribbed 12j4c dress gingham in Men 3 50c night shirts. Special ■ , 45? hose. Special Friday, . .6? fancy plaid. Special Friday, Friday. 3 for $1.00; each. Girls' and evil \\T ■ , T"» 1 Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. Vard ' 10f* f—Z. : \ 35c „ , Silk Waists Reduced street tloor. L street Floor. ■> Raffia Outing Hats Dlveß Pomeroy A stewalt . Boys Shoes $5.50 grey crepe de chine I Gingham in solid I 50c RatTia outing hats. Girls's2.so black and tan speciaT tr 49° 9C > t V shades, 30 inches. Special Special Friday, '29 c sport oxfords with rubber only Toweling Men S and Friday, yard, 8? Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. f.. ~. „ 1•r "> r^j S ' 5 ' ZC f t0 6 '^P5 C i a J $3.50 crepe de chine waists, in 15c white toweling, red BoVS* Hose pi/, r ( - r( .( n nn» Mens Handkerchiefs Fr,day only M.*» SSmS. s»i!2l SoTs border. Special Friday, yard. , 0 r fib , inches Speda, Friday^ varf 8c flaxon handkerchiefs. Misses' $2.00 black suede Friday only ibZ.ZO 11<? ? ,f br , e Sllk s j ai yless in es. bpeual Friday, yard, r _ . . ■» Special Friday. 7 for .. instep strap pumps, not all Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart soc *s, lack, navy and cham- »!/;>? School Caps Dlvefc Pomfroy 4 stewart> Sizes. Special Friday only. second Floor. • street Floor. Rear. pagne. Special Friday only, 8c Prints, figures on white Bovs' 50c school caps. "Men. stored 75c • grounds. Special Friday, Special Fridav 29c Misses' $1.50 two-button rZTi 7° w ' llte cotton seamless yard Dives, Porr.eroy ft Stewart. TZ , p patent leather pumps sizes Fibre Silk Coats Colored Dress Goods soc s - Special Friday only, IS c Ripplette neat stripes M, s,: Men S Belts wto \%. Special Friday Women's $6.95 fibre silk , S9c silverbloom, 32 inches Special Fridav.' vard.' .. 9? SI.OO leather belts. Spe- - coat sweaters, striped body wide. Friday only, ... 30? ' street°Floor. ewar . '_ , . . c . cial Friday 69c Women's $2.50 white can- with solid collar and cuffs, 59c mohair, 42 inches at ' ste - white and dark Embroidery Scissors Dlveit Pomerov & stewart vas and Nubuck pumps. rose and white only. Spe- w jde. Friday onlv, ... 49? grounds. Special Friday, Clean-up of 25c embroid- M "' s P' dal Frida y °"'y. *»•« cial Fnda y S '""' 4B 75c Shepherd checks. 42 Men's and Boys' er>; scissors, .pecia Frj Boys' SI.OO white tennis Dl * rt inches wide. Friday onlv. Underwear Pom.roy * SMwart da> oxfords, sizes 2 l / 2 to 6. Spe- 49? unaerwear Basement. Dives. Pomero>- &_stewart. INeckwear and cial Friday onlv 79? 59c mixed suitine 42 Men s SI.OO gray fancy V ——J < —— ' Auto Hats I Women's Underwear | taihes wide ' only," su ; te ; Stamped Towel, | jt Frid^onlf./"e'i," 28c ' U easing, « 39c stamped linen towels Friday ~o? Corduroy cial Friday 12£? $1 25 gabardine 43 inches Friday 25? - var^ s Wlde - Special Friday, FriS a v n ' V 5 Kr tCniS ' 50c ™ < SL2S Cordu T o y j. n salmon 12/ 2 c white cotton ribbed wide " Frida y onl V. - Bovs' white madras union 2 '"^ '* ' * * 3 H H S ,v y m ¥c" and vhlt . e ', vests, sleeveless, regular $2.00 men's wear serge, 54 suits, knee length; sizes 4to D,ves - Stewart Dives. Pomeroy ftrStewart. sed. Special Friday ... oe inch widths. Special, Fri- and extra sizes . Sp % cial inches wide. Friday only, 12 years. Special Friday. 9 V—. " Dives. Pomeroy ft stewart. day, yard 39? Friday 10c $1.49 25? Street Floor. j y / V V ' , 1V8S " S?rTe^lo & or SteWart Dlv ?? r m eMo & or SteWart D,Ve '- Pillow CaSeS Curtain Muslin HYiC white curtain mus- Klbbons Keduced y Cases, 45x36 inches. Special Taffeta and satin ribbons, Three Uncommon Friday, each 10, yard 10' c Y* to #-inch wide, values to <= ' Attractions 8 ' iasemen? art ' Dives. Pomeroy & stewart, Special Friday, yard, 3? Infants' crocheted sacques 1 Third Floor. Taffeta. and satin taffeta &/£- A wYX in white or white with P ink \ ribbons. Ito 2}/t inches jT\ { A V\\ or blue. Special Friday 250 Tub Silks wide, values to 15c. Special /r-'VI ' I\\ f \ \ Brassieres of heavy cam- $1.25 satin stripe tub silks Cretonne Fridav, vard, 5? o8& V ) l 3" 0 ' reinforced with lace or with self-colored stripes, 6 25c to 29c light and dark " ' 111 nl] C embroidery. Special Friday shades, 36 inches. Special cretonne. Special Fridav, Taffeta and satin taffeta i..J& \if 1 25? Friday, yard 58? y a rd 15c ribbons. 3to 5 inches wide; I V 3* '> Ar Nainsook corset covers, Dives, pomeroy & stewart. Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart values to2oc. Special Fri- Ir^ — — V' 1 \ JSmSSF with embroidery edge, regu- v street Floor. I Third Floor. day> yafd 10c | /' "J larly 50c. Special Friday, t ————— s I D ""-i: i 'ftcnn/irifin • D ,v... P „ m „o, t s „w„! s<> ' Habutai suk ) Taffeta Suiting Jf Ik * aU W J $1.25 Nile Habntai, 36 $1.25 stripe Taffeta Suit- _ \ \ inches. Special Friday, yard, ing, brown and wistaria with English Net 1 1 jl' | ~w iU I I I p \ I 57? white stripes. Special Fri- 25 c English net in ecru ! I * " ~ Basement Specials Dives, pomeroy & stewart. day '>' ard bOC and white. 42 inches wide, ». -p© 19c steel garden hose. *""" 1 D'..., Pom.roj.* t. stripe, figure and plaid el- tj (L—h Snerial Fridav . . . fects. Special Friday, vard, * J v \ piiiow Cw Tubing) -»«.—* Winding Up the Season of Men's -It -tt a. U- 4- v ' ?0c steel butcher knives y . darna S ed ,n shipping, 25c pillow case tubing, 4o TTT O . steei Dutcner knives. equipped with galvanized and Young Men's Summer Suits ***——» inches. Specia, Friday,yard, IWTH A HALF PRICE SALE S r' l"!kev'''w'ren'c!!! 1 25 lbs. sugar $1.95, without gro- Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart cerles. Special Friday 59? \ Basement. r J r , ' I :::::::::::::::: S: $15.00 $7 JTA $20.00 fl>l AAA pint Mason i™, ,-ars. s P e- Womens Furniture Special. *1 5 STiSSI£ Suits, <P « •OU Suits, tpIU.UU cal Fnday, doaen .. «♦ H^dkerchief, One s--nn mahoeanv chif 3 cans R'"er's beans 2?e ' E. Z. quart jars. Special Hemstitched cotton hand sl6.so (DO OC $25.00 <DI 9 rn £ Suits, <PO.Zit) Suits ?pIZ.OU stcili ,2^c one-corner embroid dresser, special Friday .. 912.50 3 packs Gold Dust i4c > ated lemonade sets. Special ered , inen handkerchiefs. «S"o»l"lkrS„rSK » Kmi'.. ouv.*. P ° w £ . This is the final clean-up of broken lines. Of course the lots are made up Frida >' * tA9 Special Friday, 3 for .. 25* t.bi«. special Friday tor two ne of odd styles and sizes, but in the entire group are sizes from 33 to 40, and a $12.00 turbine vacuum 25c wide hem embroidered Pl rin« *««OA 'vViniit 2 cans potted meat .. Oc few stouts in large sizes. These are medium and light weight summer suits in I I washing machines. Special I I handkerchiefs. Special Fri-1 - ' «»•' a variety of patterns. S Friday S!>.l!> day l.if cial Friday for two pieces. $30.50 i f" salt Oc _ one $19.50 mahogany Princess one jar new beet. i 4* Remember the store is open Friday evening till 9 o clock for the con- $1.25 set Mrs. Potts' D,ve »' l?r m ee r t°fi£or Stewart d^t ser ." * ND = NE ? 1 f' s l^?t hosa , ny MEATS venience of those who must do their shopping in the eve nine, and on Saturday nickel plated irons. Special ' srss..rr...^UZ the store doses at i o'clock. g y ' ReadtnJ 1 frank forts! Vb. 1% SI 5.00 Suits in the sale at $7.50 S platTf Table Linen an^ n s2s'oo spe- ,b -.V/.V £ $ 16.50 Suits in the sale at $8.25 - , c, onr r ito y »5 f0 f r ou t r W p«. P c , : c Funlre^m'chLe Vb 2 T $20.00 Suits in the sale at SIO.OO Special Friday s<p loped and hemstitched - sPe = S $25.00 Suits in the sale at $12 .50 o„. ~=' Boys' $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Suits, $2.75 mattresses. Special Friday. 53.05 oS« Skf' • 25c \ i j-j v. , ' , , • r , . Special Friday, dozen, 16? . »i 9.5« bureaus and chiffoniers one pk|: lunch biscuiti': J A splendid chance to save money on new school suits for the boys. Sizes 35c mercerized table dam- m°a\ k r. "inerf^ n^viH an<! One lb. Digestive biscuits ... 33c 7to 18 years. Greyand tan Scotch mixtures; grey worsteds and pinhead $1.98 punch bowls with as k. Special Friday, yard, bird.-.ye maple. Special Friday. One lb. Addocate biscuit. ... 25c checks, grey homespuns, tan plaids. ' detachable foot. Special Wi- Dives.*Pomeroy 4 Stewart. Basement BoVS $6.50, $6.75 tO $8.50 School SUitS. Special $3.25 " Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Third Floor. l Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Second Floor. Rear. * _ DIVB "' SteWart * StreCt Fl °° r ' Rear • % THURSDAY EVENING, HAHRISBURG *$&&& TELEGRAPH AUGUST 24, 1916.
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