YOU WANT WHAT YOU WANT LET US GET IT FOR YOU. ©eatbs liOKRNEH Died. Charles Louis Hoerner, on Wednesday, August 23, 1916, aged 17 years, 2 months and 11 days. Funeral on Saturday, at 2 P. M., from his home. 1326 North Third street, the Kev. E. E. Curtis officiating, assisted by the Rev. S. G. Yohn, D. D. Burial private, Harrisburg Cemetery. ftor:R\L:K J. Raymond Hoerner. aged 24 years, 11 months and 23 day>. Funeral service will be held Friday morning, at 9;SO, from the residencu of his father-in-law, 1036 South Cam eron street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further no tice. RHOADS On August 22, 1916, Wil liam E. Rhoads. aged 33 years, 11 months and 7 days. Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 1:30 o'clock, from his late residence. 2649 Penn street, Penbrook. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. TAYLOR Samuel N. Taylor died Tuesday morning at his home. 124 North Thirteenth street, aged 56 years. Funeral services Thursday afternoon, at 2 o clock, from hie late residence, the Rev. Mr. Heed officiating. Burial in Harrisburg Cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Card of Thanks MRS EPHRAIM ZELLERS AND FAM -ILV take tills means of expressing their thanks to their friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses shown them during their late bereavement. Lost ana Found LOST On bench in Capitol ParK. a pair of shell eyeglasses. A reward if returned to Pennsylvania Milk Pro ducts Co. LOST Gold ring, with engraved coral setting, on Locust street or Sec ond. going through Market. Reward If returned to A.. 4366, care of Telegraph. Help Wanted —Male SIOO TYPEWRITER FREE AN Underwood, Remington, Monarch or any other standard typewriter is ; given to each student enrolled for a term at the Young Men's Business In stitute, Front and Market Streets, Har risburg, Pa. These machines are not second-hand or shopworn; each ma chine guaranteed perfect, direct from factory; machine used exclusively by the student and taken with him on leav ing school at end of year. For par ticulars, address Post office Box 284, City. PREPAREDNESS The Young Men's Business Institute of ; Harrisburg, Pa., Prepares—Private secretaries. Prepares—Stenographic Clerks. Prepares—For sieel corporations. Prepares—Commercial teachers. Prepares—General office assistants. Prepares—Public accountants. To open in HERSHEY BUILDING, Front and Market Streets, September 4. Address for information booklet, P. O. Box 284, Harrisburg. WANTED, Several good house WANTED. AT ONCE Several good house painters. Work every day. call j 1900 North street. WANTED Laborers for Brick Yard at Milton. Pa. $2.24 per day for steady workers. No trouble. Apply, ready for shipment. Thurs day morning, at 11 A. M., to Mr. Williams, at the Plaza Hotel. BOY WANTED To learn the op tical business; $4.00 a week to start. Capital Optical Co., 27 South Third street. WANTED Good, competent boy. over 16 years of age. Must be neat. Apply before Saturday noon to Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. City. BOY WANTED Good opportunity for bright, steady boy; must be over 16. j Apply Devine & Yungel Shoe Mfg. Co- Sixteenth and State. NIGHT WATCHMAN WANTED Must be able to take care of boiler. Apply before 10 A. M» Thursday. En sminger Lumber Co., Twenty-sixth and j Derry streets. WANTED A drug clerk of good i habits. Apply at once. A., 4369, care : of Telegraph. WANTED Carriage wood worker. Call, or address, Howry at Son. Shire manstown, Pa. WANTED Machinists —Tool Makers—Crane Re pairmen. Only flrst-class and experienced men need apply. Highest Standard Wages. Permanent Work. No Labor Trouble. Call to-day for an interview with J. H. PAUL, Bolton House. 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Mldvaie Steel Company, Philadelphia, Pa. BOY WANTED Good opportunity for bright, steady boy must be over 16. Aflply Devine & Yungel Shoe Mfg. Co., Sixteenth and State. WANTED Young man. experienced in gent's furnishing store. Apply in ferson, at once. The Quality Shop, ront and Locust, Steelton. Pa. WANTED A young man to learn drug business. No Sunday work. Ap fily Kramer's Drug Store. Third ana Jroad streets. LABORERS WANTED—Good wages steady work with chance for advance ment. Apply Master Mechanic's Ofnce. Central Iron & Steel Company. ELECTRICIANS AND HELPERS WANTED to wire houses throughout Dauphin and Lebanon counties. Good wages. Expenses paid while out of town. Start work Monday. Address H 6168, care of Telegraph. WANTED Four energetic men to travel with me by automobile on gooa paying proposition. Steady work yeai round. Call 8-9 A. M„ 4-6 P. M. 409 Patriot Building. WANTED A baker. Apply Phila delphia Quick Lunch, 30i Market street. STENOGRAPHIC CLERKS Wanted by Government; "the supply of ellgt bles willing to accept the usual en trance salary is not equal to the ae mand," says the Civil Service Commis sion in its latest manual. The Young Men's Business Institute will prepare, you. Former civil service examiner. Harvard graduate, directs the work Address Post Office Box 284, Harrla burg, for particulars. iR E A T ATE'F"DR "sALE < f WEST FAIKVIEW !i / X. THIRD ST. (Seward) !> i 2H-story frame house with sixl' i rooms front porch electrici 1 . light. Lot 19HX105 ft ■looo 1 . N. THIRD ST. (Lynch) " ' w |i i 2H-story frame house with flvei' i rooms front porch electrici 1 i light slate root. Lot 30x87% ft i' i ( Chlcken house several fruit treesj' I! COXODOGUIXET ST. * l#Uo |" I, 2H - story frame house seven' 1 ■ .rooms electric light steam he»n i[—drilled well and cistern front « i,slde and back porches small 1 "ichicken house some fruit trees '! ',A good value for the money, fi.sooS S MILLER BROTHERS & CO. :j J i REAL ESTATE ij Insurance Surely Bonda>' 'i Locust and Court Streets ■! »S\VVVVWUWAVUWVAV > V,| WEDNESDAY EVENING, Help Wanted —Male WANTED An all-around tinner. Wages no object to good nian. Call Bell phone 882R-3. — 1 YOUNG MEN WANTED lB to 20 years, for light, clean work; grammar school graduates. Apply Elliott-fisher Co. WANTED Solicitors and collectors. Good compensation and future to a hustler. Married man over 21 pre ferred Apply Thursday to Manager, Room 206. 219 Walnut street. YOUNG MEN WANTED to learn the restaurant business. Those who havt, had experience in some kind of clerk ing preferred. Employment in our To ronto restaurant. $7 or $8 per week with board to start. Railroad fare re imbursed after having been in our ser vice for 6 months. Good opportunlt> for the right young men to become managers m a reasonable length ot time. Apply in person, or by mail, to H. Morris, Supt., care of Thompson's Restaurant, Grand Central Station, New York City. WANTED A young man to assist in collecting accounts for aevera* weeks. Apply United Ice and Coal Co., isteelton. Pa. WANT A BARBER. AT ONCE «ant a young man that is a good shaver. W. V. Lutz. Middletown, Pa. ANTED An experienced butcher; must have good reference. Apply 226 Chestnut street. YOLNG MEN Wanted to prepare for steel corporation office work- the loung Men's Business Institute of Har risburg prepares office specialists. This course has the highest endorsement. Day and night courses. Write for par ticulars to P. 0. Box 284, Harrisburg, Pa. MEN Young, wanted to work in automobile repair chop; our school is overflowing with repair work, there fore it gives our students a chance to obtain practical repair work on al! ma chines. We pay SO cents an hour as soon as competent. Take advantage of summer rates. Auto Transportation School, 29 North Cameron street. WANTED 4O able-bodied men for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Di vision street, Harrisburg, Pa. SALESMANAGKR WANTED to handle a superior line of Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Peper In Eastern Pennsyl vania. Elg returns assured a live wire. No investment. Address "Manu facturer," care of Telegraph. I LABORERS WANTED For aither I contract or day labor. Attractive ; wages. Apply at Quarries of Hoffman i Bros. & Wilson, Twenty-third street And P. & R, Railroad. Help Wanted—Female WANTED An experienced nurse to take charge of 3 H-year-old child. Ap ply Senate Hotel. WANTED A pastry cook. Apply Senate Hotel. i ; WANTED White girl over 20 as I nurse for three children; must be well educated and able to mend. Apply after Saturday noon, 172T North seconu street. WANTED Girls not under 18 years of age to learn the trade of Cigarmaking. Also experienced Bunchmakers and I Rollers. Pav beginners while learning. Experienced hands earning good wages. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. i WANTED A white girl for general housework; no cooking. Apply 193-1 North Third street. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED None but experienced need apply. Menger's Lunch, 113 Market street. WANTED Experienced Millinery Saleswomen. Work throughout entire year. Address Mr. Miller, feupt.. Lord & Gage, Reading, Pa. WANTED Girls for laundry work of all kinds. Apply at once. Palace Laundry, 2103 Logan street. WANTED Girl, or woman, for gen eral housework; small family; good wages for right party; apply at once. Mrs. A. J. Lehrman, 41 South Front street, Steelton. WANTED Experienced woman stenographer; light commercial worn; reference required. Applv own hand writing, P. O. Box 213. City. WANTED White girl for general housework; need not be experlenceu, but must be careful and thorough; can go home nights and usually Sundays Apply 3214 North Second street. $2.50 PER DAY paid one woman In each town to distribute free circulars for concentrated flavoring in tubes. Per manent position. F. E. Barr Co., Chi cago. WANTED A cook for one week's camping party. Apply 402 Calder Building. WANTED A bright girl to work in marking and assorting department. Apply Troy Laundry, 1520-28 Fulton street. WANTED Competent saleslaay. Steady position for right party. Clas ter's Jewelry Store, 302 Market street. WANT ED Girls 16 years and over, experienced and learn ers. Apply Silk Mill, Corner North and Second streets. WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators to make ladles' and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel I Co.. Over City Star Laundry, State street. Rear Entrance. / OPERATORS Thoroughly experi enced on power sewing machines, to work on ladies' aprons and children's play suits; steady work at good wages. Apply Jennings Manufacturing Com pany, 414-416 State street. WANTED. AT ONCE Sewing ma chine operators. Experience not nec essary. Pressers and folders also want ed. Blough Manufacturing Co. Help Wanted— Male and Female WANTED Helper, in amatsur fin ishing plant. Woman, with thorough knowledge of developing and printing preferred, but will consider gentleman. Must be quick and accurate. Address Photograpner. 5155 are of Telegraph. Agents Wanted AGENTS No experience necessary to make big money. Elite Specialty Company. Ofn«y, Philadelphia. AGENTS Make $5 to $lO a day sell ing our latest winner. An article filling a long-felt war.t. Sells itself on sight. Write now. Triangle Specialties. 2816 North Marston street, Philadelphia, Pa. Situations Wanted—Male WANTED Colored man wants situation; automobiles to wash and polish, lawns to mow, windows to clean. Cook for outing parties. Bell phone Situations Wanted—Female WANTED By a white, married wo man. work by the day. Call, or address, 828 Cowden street. City. WANTED By woman .18, place as housekeeper for refined man. Address Mrs. E. Day, General Delivery, burg, Pa. WANTED Reliable colored woman wants wcrk for Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and l-'riday, or general house work; can give reference. Apply Mrs. M. M. S.. 1703 Seventh street. WANTED Day's work of any kind or small wash and ironing. Apply 720 North Seventh street. WANTED Experienced woman wants position as child's nurse. Address A.. 5166. care of Telegraph. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Corner property occu pied as a grocery store and dwelling, located in west end of city. Modern improvements, steam heated, with two story stable attached. Special price to quick buyer. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market. FOR SALE—Lot at Summerdale. 119 feet front by 185 ft. deep. Price. $400.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 2 %-story frame dwell ing; located along trolley line east of Camp Hill. 6 rooms and attic, gas and gas range; lot. 40x150. Price. $2,200.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. WALNUT STREET, 1554 lf you want a nice, small property with lot 26x132; barn on rear; fruit trees; in first-class condition; this will suit you. A real bargain at $2,400.00. BacXen stoss Bros., Russ Building. VIOLET STREET. 534 This three story, eight-roomed dwelling, with bath and range, assessed at $550.00, renting for $12.50. will be reduced $5.00 weekly until sold or withdrawn by owner. List ed July 10 at $1,550.00. Price this week, $1,520.00. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. NO. 520 CURTIN STREET FOR SALE 3-story brick 8 rooms bath gas furnace porches lot, 15x100. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOUR LOTS in Belvoir Ave., Camp Hill, for sale combined plot, 80x125 also other suburban lots at very rea sonable prices. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. THREE-STORY brick dwelling for sale 9 rooms bath gas fur nace cemented cellar porch froni. —in good condition No. 1610 Derr> street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. PAXTANG PLOT FOR SALE Size, 13x289, located on Derry street near Paxtang avenue. Also other suburban lots for sale. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Two single, modern homes on lot 30xlo0, Cloverly Heights. Conveniently located for Harrisburg or Steelton residents. Terms to suit pur chaser. If you are in the market for a home, call J. M. Stark & Son, Cioverlv Heights. FOR SALE Store, good location, doing a good business. Willing to sell at sacrifice. Apply A., 4368, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Desirable brick house of ten rooms and bath. Lot, 30x188, lo cated at 1326 Derry street, with a rear entrance on Thompson avenue. Address C. E. Booser, Johnson Building, City. FOR SALE Chicken Farm. Modern dwelling, all improvements, delightful location opposite golf links Colonial Club. Chickenhouse nearly 100 feet long, accommodates 1,500 chickens. Every convenience. All necessary ap pliances. Will be sold cheap. Will con sider exchange. A. C. Mead, Eighth Floor Union Trust Co. Building, Harris burg, Pa. | A COZY LITTLE HOME for $2,800. 1808 Zarker Street, end property, all | rooms light and cheerful. Inspect It. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth Street. OLD ORCHARD New brick house —modern Improvements, steam heax, i lot. 45x165 feet, occupied by owner. In spect it. H. O. Pedlow, 110 South Thir teenth Street. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS 1810 N. THIRD ST.—House and lot •10x95 feet, worth $5,000. selling price, $•4,000. Value increasing. SUSQUEHANNA ST—IBO3, ISOS, 1807, 3-story frame houses with improve ments. Cost $6,000 to build. $5,000 will buy. Good tenants—good investment. CALDER ST. Cor. Susquehanna. Excellent apartment house site 69x57 feet. New Keystone Bank adjacent. $5,000 to >iuick buyer. SUSQUEHANNA ST. 1325, 1327, 1329, frame houses. Never vacant. As sessed valuation, $2,930. Rent, $26. $2,800 if bought before September 1. CAMP HILL 2^4-story brick, slatt. roof. Up-to-date suburban home. Chicken houses, fruit trees, etc., $6,000 invested. Can be bought for $4,50u. Near car line. Sixty per cent, of purchase price may remain in mortgage. GEORGE W. KEHR, 204 Chestnut Street FOR SALE 2332 North Sixth street; 9 large '•ooms and bath; large rard; front porch. Price reasonable, nquire 249 Wyoming avenue, Enola, or call Bell phone 30S6J-5. BUY YOUR HOME NOW. Easy Terms, $3,600.00 to $4,- 000.00. B. S. Behney—Hojnes. See RETTEW & BUSHNELL, 1000 North Third Street, or J. C. BEHNEV, 809 North Second Street. STERRETTS GAP, Cumberland County, Pa. Four acres of land witn food house; price very low. Address esse D. Wells, 1928 Paxton street, Cloverly Heights. FOR SALE Two adjoining bunga low sites, at foot of mountain, Summer dale. Price $350. Apply Laura Reea, 316 Chestnut street FOR SALE—II 4 Washington street corner River alley, two and one-half story frame; eight rooms and a bath; nil conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets, Elkwood, two and one-half-story frame; eight rooms and a bath; all conveniences. The above properties win be sold at a bargain. Apply Keeney & Simmons, New Cumberland Pa. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. VAUGHN One acre plots; will sell half acre: also lots 92x230 feet along M. T. trolley; 7He fare to all parts of Har risburg and Steelton; beautiful and healthful; ground enough for poul try and vegetables; price only sl6* per half acre. C. B. Care, Cares Grocery Store, Linglestown. Pa. De scription at 409 Market totreet. City HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT 2116 Susquehanna street, just completed: electric light; porch; side entrance. Apply C. L. l<ong, 701 Kunkel Building. 426 NORTH STREET Eight rooms, oath, electric lights, city steam, gas stove and gas water heater; racing capitol Park. Inquire 400 North street. | FOR RENT BO9 North Sixth —9- I room house; bath on second floor, toilet I and basin on third floor; gas, electric ! light ane city steam neat. Possession j September 1. Apply 406 Crescent. ! SOUTH CAMERON ST.. 1303—Thre7- ) Story brick; 8 rooms and bath. Rem, SIS. H. C. Brandt, 36 North Thira I street. Real Estate Wanted ! WANTED, TO RENT Small garage, or storage space, for automobile in vi cinity of 2417 North Fifth street. J. J. | Siddall, 208 Arcade Building. Farms FOR SALE 7l-acre farm; loc&tea in Newberry Township, Yolk County, l' 4 miles east of Lewfsberry; land all tillable; sand loam soil; well and run ning water; young apple orchard; con siderable fruit; 2V4-story stone dwell ing. containing 9 rooms; new fiamu I bank barn; all other necessary out buildings. Price. 14.200.00. Brintou I Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. Apartments For Rent i SECOND ST.. 1700 Five and si* j rooms with porch; most pleasant and open surroundings in city. APARTMENT FOR RENT First- I class 5 rooms and bath, with all con veniences. Apply L. Silbert, 1742 North Sixth itreet. APARTMENT FOR RENT—I4I9 Ver non stieet, electric light.. gas. full l equipment. Apply, Baptist!, Third ana ! Chestnut streets, or 1208 Chestnut j street. Bell phone 624. Rooms For Rent I HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ~ Large, • airy, single or communicating kitchen ettes, stoves furnished, bath and phone ! privileges: No. 429 Broad. Also small apartment, three rooms, balcony, range, • cabinet, water and gas. No. 1323 Wal j lace street. ROOM FOR RENT Room, suitable ' for office. Also boarding—lo meals, ' $2; 21 meals, J4. Home Diningroom. I Address, 123 South Second. I ROOM FOR RENT Nicely fui jnished; for gentlemen; half a block j from street car; convenient to Capitol 1 and Post Office. Inquire 265 Briggs I street. Bell phone 1278 R. FURNISHED ROOMS Dingle or en suite. Rooms are large and airy. Use of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth. NORTH ST.. 410 Second and third floor front rooms, nicely furnished, fac ing Capitol Park; hot and cold running water, electric lights, large bathroom. Bell phone. NEATLY-FURNISHED ROOMS gentlemen only. Running hot and cold water. Phone in every room. <2.50 per week. Special rates, two in a room. Metropolitan Annex, 518 Market street. FOR rttlNT Two nicely furlshed up-to-date rooms for light housekeep ing; also one separate room: use of bath; hot and cold water. Apply. 24 North Fifth ttroet Wanted—Miscellaneous BAGS WANTED ~~ SECOND-HAND Bags. Burlap, Scrap Bagging and Twine. JJrite for prices. RICHMOND BAG COMPANY. Dept. 48. Rich mond, Virginia. WANTED, TO BUY Male Fox Ter rier or Boston Terrier, not over one oM- Address, stating price, Box ». olt>9, care of Telegraph. Wanted—Board—Rooms WANTED By a refined, young man, large unfurnished room, with use ?/ Wll* centrally located; sl2. Address: K., 51 <O. care of Telegraph. WANTED Gentleman desires fur-: nisned room, with private family; elec tric lights *nd shower bath preferred. Address 11. W. S.. care of Telegraph. Rooms Wanted WANTED Furnished Apartment, six or seven rooms, or furnished house, from October to May. No children. Ad- ! dress H., 4404, care of Telegraph. j Board and Rooms ROOM AND BOARD Desirable lo- I cation; good home cooking, served fam- ' lly style; newly furnished rooms; all i conveniences; use of phone. 608 Briggs ; street. For Sale—Miscellaneous ! PUBLIC SALE of Household ana ] Kitchen Furniture, Dishes and Glass | ware, Saturday, August 26, Second | street. Wormleysburg, Pa. Opposite. U. B. Church. H. H. Danner. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOH SALE Everything in line of house furnishing. Apply 316 Chestnut street. S4O ENCYCLOPEDIA only $4. tine condition; 10,000 other bargains; cata log free. Aurand's Book Store, 913 North Third. FOR RENT Typewriters boiAnt, sold or rented. Harrlsburg Typewriter and Supply Co., 40 North Court street. FOR SALE Folding bed and odd pieces of furniture at reasonable prices. 1738 Fifth street. FOR SALE lndian, twin-cylinder, 7-H.-P. motorcycle, guaranteed in first-class shape, SIOO.OO. Also three second-hand bicycles at very low prices. West End Tire and Vulcanizing Co., 1717 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Good oak bedroom suit, good as new. Call at once, 716 | North Third street. | FOR SALE, PRIVATE, at 1217 Mar ket street, complete furnishing of nine room house, consisting of sittingroom, i dining and kitchen furniture, iron beds, I dressers, floor coverings, reed baby coach, new wash machine, refrigera tor, gas range, sewing machine, new. FOR SALE Rubber-tired German town Cut-under Carriage, Runabout Buggy, Double set Silver-mounted Har ness. one set Buggv Harness; also one complete window frame, shutters and sash. Apply Brown Stone Stable, Pef fer and Logan streets. ! FOR SALE —To make room for our new cases, one ten-foot, full French ?late floor case, three wall cases, H, 6 and 18-foot each; one cash register. Underwood Typewriter, oak desk, three gas fixtures, optical chair, umbrella case. Apply Claster's Jewelry Store, 302 Market street. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS Traded machine, |lO up. Machines rented, ex changed and bought. Some exception ally fine rebullts In stock. All makes. S. C. Smith & Bros. Agency, 211 Locust street. Opposite Orpheum. FOR SALE Store fixtures, shelv ing. counters, small partition, stools, floor and wall cases. Call, 613 Walnut street 8. Meltzer. NEW and Second-hand rugs for sale at raduced prices. Apply to Keystone Rug Co.. 1116 Montgomery street. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware. Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board, Cfmpo-Board, Doors. Sash, Shutters £louldiugs, Porch Posts, Pumps, ate. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR SALE Diamond and Good rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks. Rags and Suib?aaes. j Harness and Leather Goods made to order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings. ! HARRISBURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO.. SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the telegraph Business AT GABLE'S, 113. 115 and 117 South Second street. 5,000 gallons New Era ready-mized paint, Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. AT GABLE'S. 111-317 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L* primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. Also doors and shut ters. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT Steel garage. 9x17, lo cated rear 1435 .Shoop street. Rent, i $3.00. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market. STORAGE in Private Roohis; also furnished or unfurnished storeroom, j 16x17, with large show windows, high ceiling, suitable for light repair work; cemented basement in connection. Will rent basement or room separate If de eirod. Inquire 429 Broad street, 10-H i A. m., or Room 6, same building. FOR KENT—Offices suitablo (or a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. Business Opportunities PARTNER WANTED Age, 20 to 3u, to help manufacture patent chemical novelty. Only $250.00 required. Easy outdoor business. Short hours. Large profits. No fake. 1429 Shoop street. FOR SALE Pot Lifter Machine. Right price. Good season. Hustler can make money at fairs, etc. Apply Room 17, 226 Chestnut street. FOR SALE An old-established moving picture show. Guaranteed to do good businevs. Reason for selling will be explained. Apply to Box R, 5136, care of Telegraph.] ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Snydicate, 793 Lock port. N. Y. Business Personals DR. B. S. BEHNEY, Dental Surgeon, 236 North Second street, who is now performing services in the U. S. Army at Camp Stewart, El Paso, announces that during his absence Dr. W. M. Dun lap, of Newark, N. J., will be in charge ot his practice. LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit cases tdrummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices In the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. COHEN & SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at subway. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detectlv* work handled—one eye always open. BELL PHONE 127 W. Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. LOANS—»IS TO 1300 At legal rates for individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet im mediate necessities. Time and payments arranged to suit your convenience. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 204 Chestnut Street. i Home capital-home management. MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit ' Sharing Loan Society, Room 7. Spooner j Building. 9 North Market Square. Hauling and Moving 1 HAULING R. A. Hartman, National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers I and general hauling. W. H. Luthe. I Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. ( Bell phone No. 2503 R. Storage i FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private | rooms for household goods, $2 per I month and up. We Invite inspection. | Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE in 3-story brick building, I rear 408 Market street. I Household goods in clean, private | rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to 1 P. G. Diener, Jeweler. 408 Market St. ! STORAGE 419 Broad street, house ■ hold goods and merchandise. Private . rooms, $1 to >3. Wagons, 76c cents per month. D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad | street. Both phones. bummer Resorts and i Cottages j FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage, furnished, between Accom&c and Wild I Cat. Fine location. A. L. Resch. Mari i etta. Pa. j % Automobiles LIVE WIRE HERE! I A HARRISBURG man, eight years In auto business, familiar with all sides , of the game, a live wire and a hustler, I desires to locate In his native city. Now with a leading New York house selling medlum-prlcea cars. For personal In terview, address this week, J. P., P. O. Box 15G, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE New Enger, Twin Six, five-passenger touring car. Will sell reasonable, or trade on seven-passenger touring. A. H. Nuss, care of Nuss Mfg. Co. —— , FEDERAL TRUCK One brand-new 144-ton truck for sale at a bargain. Call Bell phone 149 DR. FOR SALE Abbott-Detroit Tour ing car, five-passenger, fully equipped, automatic tire pump. Bargain for quick buyer. Roger Hatchet, 2001 North Third street. City. FOR SALE Hupp 20 Runabout, In good running condition. Cost very lit tle to run. New tires. Will demon strate. Address S., 5167E, care of Tele graph. SECOND-HAND CARS One 5-pas senger De Cambel. one S-passenger 1914 Ford, newly painted. In excellent con dition; oce 5-passenger 1915 Ford, good as new; one 191Z tord delivery, with good body; one 1908 Overland. Cars for sale at Ford Garage, Mlddletown, Pa. E. M. Snavely, Manager. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If you cannot sell your car, why not consign It or exchange it with us for a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 6 per cent. only. No storage charges If car is not sold. Auto Trans portation Exchange Department, 25-29 North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710. 1912 five-passenger Regal; good shape: new vires all around; big bar gain for quick buyer. 1912 five-passenger Pullman, com pletely overhauled; A 1 condition, good upholstering; good top and tires; big bargain. MILLER AUTO CO.. 68 South Cameron St. Bell phone 4119 J. FOR SALE, CHEAP A Jitney body; t eating capacity, 15; nicely upholstered; pay-as-you-enter. Apply to C. H. welker, Dauphin, Pa. AUGUST 23, 1916. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co.. members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes. 8 North Market Square, Har rishurs; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations; New York, Aug. 28. ._ Open. clo». Allis-chaimers 25 V 4 25 American Beet Sugar .. 89 88% American Can 61% 61% American C& F «1 V 6 62% American Cotton Oil ... RS 58 American Ice Securities . 2S 28 American Locomotive .. 79% 77% American Smelting 100% 100% American Sugar 110% 110% American T& T 132 131% Anaconda 86% 87 Atchison 105% 104 Baldwin Locomotive ... 82% 80% Baltimore & Ohio ....... 89 88% Bethlehem Steel 4 79% 489 % B F Goodrich 72% 78% Butte Copper 68% 68 California Petroleum ... 19% 19% Canadian Pacific 179 177% Central Leather 58 57% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 68% 62% Chicago. Mil and St Paul 95% 95% Chicago, U I and Pacific 18% 17% Chino Con Copper .... 52 62% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 139% 189% Corn Products 15% 15% Crucible Steel 79 75% Distilling Securities .... 46% 46% Erie 39% 37% Erl Ist pfd 54% 54% General Electric Co .... 171% 170% General Motors 579 679 Great Northern pfd .... 118% 118% Great Northern Ore subs 40 39% Inspiration Copper .... 52% 58% Inerboro-Metropolitan.. 17 17% Kennecott Copper 49% 50% Kansas City Southern.. 25% 15% Lackawanna Steel 78% 77% Lehigh Valley 81 82 Maxwell Motors.. 84 83% Merc. Water ctfs.. 88% 37% Merc. War ctfs, pfd 101% 100% Mexican Petroleum 103 101% Miami Copper 35 35% Missouri Pacific 5 5 National Lead 67 67 New York Central 101 106% N. Y„ N. H. and H 61% 60 Motorcycles and bicycles FEATHERWEIGHT INDIAN MOTOR CYCLE for sale— 1916; 3 speeds; run four hundred miles; not a scratch; $90.00. Inquire H. L Wagoner, Wash ington Heights. FOR SALE Harley-Davidson mo torcycle, electric equipped with uidecai, good tires, fine running order. Sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1703 Re gina street. City. TO THE PUBLIC Come see me about repairing. Absolutely lowest charges in city Also rebuilt bicycles for sale. J. B. Murray, 1014 James street. MOTORCYCLE WITH SIDE CAR : 1914 Indian, good tires, new tubes, new clutch, speedometer, 1915 kick starter, 1 1916 Rogers side car. electric lights and I horn. If you want, to save one hun : dred dollars, see this bargain. Dayton I Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell I Phone 385-J. Musical FOR SALE Strictly high grade GRAND PIANO. Used short time. Will sell at a bargain. Address Box D, 4311, care of Telegraph. HAVE your VICTROLA, GRAFANOLA or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR ED by an expert. Bell phone 3241 J. Write, or call, at 315 Broad street. Legal Notices NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Catharine Ann Etter, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. CHARLES F. ETTER. GEORGE E. ETTER. Execu to rs. OFFICE OF COUNTY CONTROLLER DAUPHIN COUNTY Harrisburg, .fa.. August 19. 1916. NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED BlL>£s Ult FkoPUSALS will be received by the County Controller until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, Septem ber 1, 191b, tor the delivery of I.UUO tons (.more or less) of crushed lime stone, assorted sizes H-inch to 3-Inch, on the Horse Shoe Pike, between Hum melstown and Hockersville, at such time or times; at such places on the road; and in such quantity as the Coun ty Commissi!.ners may direct; also at tne same time and place, sealed bids or pro posals will be received for the delivery of 1,000 tons (more or less) of crushed lime stone, assorted sizes %-lnch to 3- inch, on the Horse Shoe Pike, between Hockersville and the County Line, near Camnbellstown, at such time or times; and at such places on the road; and in such quantity as the County Commis sioners may direct. Bidders must enclose with their bids a certilied check payable to the county Commissioners In a sum equal to ten per cent. (10 per cent.) of the bid price. The successful bidder or bidders will be required to furnish a proper bond satisfactory to the County Commis sioners in a sum equal to the amount of the contract. All bids or proposals must be plainly marked as such on the outside thereot, and delivered to the County Controller, Koom 13, Court House, Harrisburg, Bid-, will be opened In the County Commissioners' ottlce at noon of the same day and date. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. HENRY W. GOUGH. County Controller. AUDITOR'S NOTICE In the Matter of the First and Partial Account of David Hunter, Jr., Re ceiver of the Land Trust Company ot Pittsburgh, Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, who have been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County, Pennsylvania, to audit tn« above mentioned atocount and make dis tribution In accoraance with the pro visions of the Act of the General As sembly of Pennsylvania, approved April 23. 1909, will sit for the purposes ot their appointment on Tuesday ano Wednesday. September 5 and 6, 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M„ at the law offices of James Francis Burke, Esq., one of the auditors, Rooms Nos. 1108-12 Park Building, Pittsburgh, Pa., when and where all parties in Interest may attend and be heard if they see lit. BENJAMIN M. NEAD, JAMES FRANCIS BURKE, Auditors. Resolutions NOTICE WHITE BLOCK LODGE, NO. 127, BROTHERHOOD RAILROAD TRAIN MEN RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Whereas. God in His Infinite wisdom has visited and taken from our order our fellow-workman. Bro. William E. Guinther; and. * Whereas, The short and intimate re lation held with him in the faithful discharge of his duties in this Lodge makes it eminently fitting that we record our appreciation of him; there fore, be It Resolved, That with deep sympathy with the bereaved family we express our hope that even so vreat a loss as this can be overruled for good by Him that doeth all things well. Resolved, That while we humbly bow to the Divine will, we hereby at test the many excellent qualities of our brother. He was faithful to all duties Imposed upon him. thus endearing him self to all his fellow-employes. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be spread upon the minutes of this Lodge, a copy printed in local papers, and a copy sent to the bereaved JOHN H. ATTICK, GEO. C. WATSON, Secretary. Presid*-* , 1 August 2a, 1916. N. Y„ Ont. and West... 27% 27% Norfolk and Western... 132 Vi 131% Northern Pacific 112 111% Pacific Mall 28% 26% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 56% 55% Press Steel Car 55% 55 Railway Steel Spg 50 48%' Ray Con Copper 24% 24% Reading 109 % 107 % Republic Iron and Steel. 55 54 % Southern Pacific 100 99% Southern Ry .; 24% 24% Southern Ry pfd 70 " 69 Studehaker 128 128 Tennessee Copper 25 $4 26%' Third Ave 63% 63% Union Pacific 143% 142% H § 1 A ' c °hol 115% 115 U S Rubber 58 58 U S Steel pfd 118 117% Utah Copper 83% 83% Virginia-Carolina Chem. 42% 42 Westinghouse Mfg 62 60%' PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press hi ?.- Au§r 23 - Wheat . N P- 2 ' red - "Pot and Avi» 1.4 X fff 1.51. Corn Firm; No. 2. yellow, local. »'f_9Bc steamer, No. 2, yellow, locai, 9« ©/ tt 7c. KILL}? « S L Uac l>; ; No - 2 ' white. 62® 52V|c; No. 3, white. 49!£ @sofee. oitviTiiP The e mar *et is " higher; city mills, winter, per ton, $26.00; west ern. winter i>er ton. »2« M>: sou. winter OOSi^s'so' 50 ® 27 ' 00 ' Sprln S- P* r ton '« u .^ ars -~ Market nominal; powdered. 7.10 c; fine granulated. 7.00 c: confectioners' A, 6.90c° „, The market is hlglnfr; western, creamery, extras, 33® 34c; nearby prints, fancy. 36c. kSTtrs The market la firm; Pennsylvania and other nearbv ..rats, !^!! a i 18-70® 9.00; do., current receipts, free cases, $7.50®8.40; west aT;"k extra *. firsts, free case*, $8.70® J8 10&1& r 40 CaSeS ' d °'' flrstB ' ' freo case ». rP,H'irV.— Dull and weak: fowls, 17%®18V4c; roosters, 14®15c; chickens, 17@23c; do., broilers, 30®S»c; ducks. 15til7c; ffeeats. l-iwitic. Poultry— Steady; fowls, fancy 23®23%c: do., good to choice, 22®22"-kc: do., small sizes, 19® 2lc; old roost- Sl-'koi c: „ broiling chickens, nearby. .6®32c; do., western, 22®2«c; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy. 22(ip 34c; do., fair to good, 15@18c; Spring ducks, nearby, 19®20c. Potatoes The market is steady; • Shore, No. 1. per o&rrui. $2.25®2.75; No. 2, do., $1.00®1.25; do., culls, do., $1.00; Norfolk. So 1, per barrel, §2.00®2.25; do.. No. 2, do.. 11.00 U? • Jersey, per basket. 55®60c. Flour The market is nominal; clear. $6.00@6.50; do., straights, $5.50®7.00; do., patents, $7.00®7.25; Spring, firsts, clear, $6.50®7.40; do., $8 8' 25 ! do -. favorite brana, . Hay—Steady; old timothy. No. 1, largu bales, $20.00 21.00; No. 1, medium b*les. $20.00® 21.00; No. 2, do., sl7.oo'® •?a do, t $1».0®16.00; no graao, slo.oo® 11.00; old clover mixed, light mixed. $17.50®18.50; No. 1. do., $16.00® 17.00; No. 2, do., $14.00®15.00. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Aug. 23.—Board of Trades closing: Wheat September, 1.49%; De cember, 1.53V4. Corn September, SSU; Decem ber, 74^4. Oats September, 45',4: Decem ber. 48%. Pork September, 27.45; Decem ber, 23.30. September, 13.85; October, Ribs September, 14.25; October, 14.05. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Aug. 23. Cattle Re ceipts, 20,000; steady. Beeves. $6.90 lj> 11.10; cows and heifers, J0.50© 9.30; stockers and feeders, $5.00®7.65; calves $9.00 @> 12.25. Sheep Receipts, 20,000; steady. Sheep, $6,300? (.80; iambs. $6.75®10.76. Hogs Receipts, 30.000; steadv. Bulk of sales, $10.60® 11.15; mixed, $10.30® 11.25: heavy, $10.15®11.2u, rough. $10.15@10.35; pigs, $7.50®9.50. Prospect Hill Cemetery MARKET ATO 20TH STREETS Thta cemetery la soon to be en larged and beautified under plan* prepared by Warren H. Manning. Lota will be sold with the per petual care provision. Prospect Hill Cemetery Co. Hermnn P. Miller. President LOCUST AND COURT STRISKTS BELL PHONE 1595 f For Rent j! Remodeled, small, com- 1; ! j fortable houses on South \ I j| street, within a stone's !| !j throw of Front street, river j; | j view, hardwood floors, |! 11 steam heat, electric lighting. ! | ! | Apply 11 Commonwealth Trust Co. j; Harrisburg, Pa. NEW BRICK COTTAGE FOR SALE 7-room Brick Cottage House, on Oyster Point avenue; Camp Hill, 5o fare; trolley stops in front of property. House Is completely finish In hardwood. Steam heat, electric lights, range, mod ern plumbing; must be seen to be ap preciated; small amount cash, balance as rent, plot 50x120. ADAM STUCKKY <& SON P. O. Box Kill, Hnrrlxhurg, Pa. Bell plione 3120 ij Stock Transfer i; Ledger ;! Th# Pennsylvania Stook '[ 1! Transfer Tax Law (act of June | 1 I \ 4, 1915) which Is now in effect, '[ . [ requires all corporations la the I 1 ] 1 State, no matter how large or I ij how small they may be, to keep 7 II a Stock Transfer Ledger, We 1 1J are prepared to supply these S ji Ledgers promptly at a very i < nominal price. 5 ij The Telegraph \ Printing Co. * J1 Printing—Binding*— J 'I Phcft* Engraving i ;! lARRISBCRG - - PA. - Try Telegraph Want Ads 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers