2 CENTRAL 15,000 at Odd Fellows' Reunion at Pen Mar Park Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Aug. 11. Yes terday's reunion of Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia. West Virginia, Delaware and District of Columbia at Pen Mar, was one of the largest ever held at the resort. Fourteen special trains loaded with people came into the park, beside those that arrived on the regular trains and those that reached there by trolley and automobile. The crowd was estimated at 15,000. SUMMONED TO PHILADELPHIA Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Aug. 11. Health Officer Percy Snowberger, received a summons from Coroner J. H. Kinter, authorized by the State Board of Health, to report Immediately in Philadelphia for duty, supposedly in aiding to suppress and keep out in fantile paralysis from that city. Mr. Snowberger left yesterday. EFFORTS TO STOP SPEEDING Special to the Telegraph Lewistown, Pa... Aug. 11. There has been much complaint about speed ing on automobiles and motorcycles in the Narrows of the State road east of Lewistown, and Reuben Gayton, whose car was wrecked in the Nar rows on Tuesday evening has been placed under arrest by sheriff of Juni ata county, charged with driving a car while intoxicated. CUT BY PIECE OF STEEL Special to the Telegraph Lewistown, Pa., Aug. 11. Carl Davis, of Burnham, engineer of tests at the Logan Iron and Steel company's plant, is suffering from a severe lac eration of the forehead caused by a piece of steel striking him. FOR DISTRESS AFTER MEALS I'ne Horsford'n Actd Plio*i>Uate Gives prompt relief to nausea, slcit headache and acid stomach.—Adv. INJCRED MAN RECOVERING Waynesboro, Pa.. Aug. 11.—Samuel M. Cook, who wan dangerously injured nearly a month ago by a flying splin ter penetrating his body to a depth of several inches while operating a circular saw at the Emerson-Branting ham shops, has returned from the Union Protestant Hospital, Baltimore. GRANGE PICNIC TO-MORROW Special to the Telegraph Halifax, Pa., Aug. 11.—Halifax Grange, No. 1343. will hold its eighth picnic in Loomis Grove, one mile north of Halifax, to-morrow. In the after- ! noon an instructor from State Col lege will deliver an address on "Beef Cattle Raising," and at 1.30 p. m. a State demonstrator will deliver an ad dress on "Orcharding." Mrs. W. K. Bumbaugh, of Harrisburg, will sing both morning and afternoon. In the evening a festival will be held in the Grove The Killinger Band will be there and furnish music. HOFFMAN FAMILY REUNION Halifax, Pa., Aug. 11.—On Satur day, August 19, the annual reunion of the Hoffmans and their friend.' will be held at Buffalo Park at above I town. The officers of the Association are: President, W. 11. G. Hoffman, | of Harrisburg: vice-president, F. B. Leitzel, of Elizabethville; Emanuel Hoffman, of Gratz; James C. Hoff man, of Lykens; Peter A. Hoffman. Muir; Jacob F. Hoffman, Herndon; Mari.i»;'-and fc. J. Hoffman, Har risburg; H. M. Hoffman, Enterline; H. L. Hoffman, Enola, and P. C. Hoff man, Oberlin; E. L. Hoffman, Carlisle; G. M. Hoffman, Shamokln; James M. Woland, Halifax R. D. 1, and I. J. Hoffman, Enders: secretary, the Rev. S. B. Hoffman, Halifax R. D. 2; treas urer James M. Hoffman, Halifax; or- ! ganist, Miss Jessie Lebo, Allentown; assistant, Frank Manley, Harrisburg. j jp Bayer-Tablet / Aspirin ggh^ m To guard against coun- 1^ —7 jg terfeits and substitutes of \ Aspirin, remember that Yj H every package and tab- M let of the genuine bears /pffgEnj T Cro«^ er Guarantee (jnjj ( The trade-mark "Aspirin" (Ren. U. S. . . wlSjjf Pat. Off.) is a euarantee that the " «i«' ijjSWQaKp* iconoaceticacidester of salicylic- <5.) kA i acid in these tablets is of the "TlYii tii • • Honesty of Purpose 5c CIGARS Have been made for 25 years with the purpose of giving honest value for any man's nickel. JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. MAKERS ' FRIDAY EVENING, " John C. Miller Confirmed as Postmaster at Halifax Special to the Telegraph Halifax, Pa., Aug. 11.—Word has reached here of the confirmation of John C. Miller as postmaster of Hall fax. by the Senate on Wednesday. Mr. Miller, who has served as assistant postmaster for the past four years un der Postmaster Harry S. Noblet, is a son of the late Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Mil ler and is 23 years old. He has the distinction of being one of the young est postmasters by presidential ap pointment in the State. He is a grad uate of the Halifax high school, class of 1911. Flag-Raising Ceremony at Mifflin P. R. R. Shops Special to the Telegraph Mifflintown, Pa., Aug. 11.—There will be a flag-raising on August 19 at the Pennsylvania Railroad shops at Mifflin, under the supervision of fore man W. F. Piper. A pole 65 feet high will be erected from which "Old Glory" will float in the future. An attractive program has been arranged and music will be furnished by the Pennsylvania Railroad shop band of Altoona. John Oopeland, oldest re tired railroader in this district, will do the flag-raising. There will be a parade before the exercises and a ball game afterwards. ICE FAMINE AT WAYNESBORO Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Aug. 11. There has been an ice famine among the residents of Waynesboro during the past three days on account of the ice company here not having enough to supply the demand on account of hot weather. PHYSICIANS MEET Special to the Telegraph Columbia, Pa., August 11.—Central Pennsylvania Society of Homeopathic Physicians met here yesterday with a good attendance of delegates from various sections. Today Is the Birthday Anniversary of— WILLIAM H. KELLER First Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, one of the brainiest law yers that Lancaster county, mother of noted attorneys, has produced. Mr. Kelier is spending his birthday by working. WEST SHORE NEWS Social and Personal News of Towns Along West Shore Mrs. O. J. Eeckner, of Quincy, is spending some time with relatives at Marysville. After spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Lightner, at Marysville, Mrs. Mary Cessna, of Bed ford, and granddaughter. Miss Ethel Lobengier, of Pittsburgh, have re turned to Bedford. MARYSVILLE UNION PICNIC Marysville, Pa., Aug. 11. Marys vlle's annual union Sunday School picnic will be held at Hershey on Tuesday, August 22, it was decided to day. "RIDGE PICNIC" TO-MORROW Marysville, Pa.. Aug. 11.—The an nual picnic of Salem Evangelical church will be held at Iron Stone Ridge to-morrow. HOME FROM HOSPITAL Marysville, Pa., Aug. 11. Galen Fisher, who was operated on for ap pendicitis at the Harrisburg Hospital several weeks ago, was brought home on Wednesday. MISSIONARY SOCIETY OUTING Lemoyne, Pa., Aug. 11. The Wo men's Missionary Society of the Unit ed Evangelical Church held its an nual outing at Island Park yesterday. W. C. T. U. MEETING Lemoyne, Pa., Au?. 11. A regular meeting of the Women's Temperance Union will be held at the home of Mrs. William Bentz, In Hummel avenue. Officers will be elected. LIVELY TENNIS CONTEST Lemoyne, Pa., Aug. 11. Lemoyne handed Wormleysburg a drubbing in a tennis match played on the Aryan Racquet grounds last evening. Le moyne had little trouble In defeating the visitors by the scores of 6-0; 6-1 and 6-2. Lutz and Fettrow played for the Aryan club while Gross and Lin Wanbaugh were Wormleysburg's choice. The second match will be played on the Wormleysburg court tonight. Etshied and Fettrow will ,play for Lemoyne while Wormleys burg will retain the same line-up. NEW CUMBERLAND ROBBERIES New Cumberland, Aug. 11. A bold robbery occurred here on Wed nesday evening between eight and nine o'clock, at the nome of Charles Wentz in Second street. Mrs. Wentz was at prayer meeting and Mr. Wentz was working in the garden, when someone entered the house by the way of the kitchen and went to the second floor, where they took a box con taining old coins. During the day a man went into the home of Sheldon Guistwhite while Mr. and Mrs. Guistwhite were absent and took a necklace and pin from a drawer in a library table. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF A SOX Shiremanstown, Pa., Aug. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Zimmerman an nounce the birth or a son, Chelsea Zimmerman on Tuesday, August 8, 1916. BITTEN BY PET DOG New Cumberland, Aug. 11. Jean Kaufman ten-year-old son of Carl Kaufman, was bitten in the hand by his pet dog yesterday. The animal was struck by an automobile and in its fright ran to his master who tried to pet him and was bitten. F. & M. Excursion Will Go to Willow Grove Tomorrow The annual picnic of the Foundry and Machine Works employes will be held at Willow Grove to-morrow. The sale of tickets indicate the largest crowd that has ever attended this out ing. It is the'fourteenth event of the kind. The Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company has arranged for at least six special trains. The first train will leave Harrisburg to-morrow morning at 4.30. Other trains will leave at short intervals, in addition to the attractions at Willow Grove Park, many who will go on the ex cusion will take in the baseball game between Philadelphia and New York The management of the F. & M ex cursion on Saturday to Willow Grove assures all excursioners that when the trains arrive in Harrisburg on Satur day evening that there will be trans portation from the station to all parts of the city. War Books Added to Library Collection Among the "war books" recently added to the collection at the new Harrisburg Public Library are: Camp bell, "Verdun to the Vosges"; Creigh ton, "With the Twenty-ninth Division in Gallipoli"; Francke, "German Spirit"; Gardiner, "War Lords"; Huard, "My Home in the Field of Honor"; Hull, "Preparedness"; Merry, "Two Months in Russia"; Morlae, "Soldier of the Legion"; Patten, "Cul ture and War"; Samson. "Capture of De Wet"; Simonds, "They Shall Not Pass"; Swinton, "Eye-witness's Narra tive of the War"; Ward, "England's Effort"; Washburn, "Field Notes from the Russian Front" and "Victory In Defeat"; Williams, "With Our Army in Flanders". NAME HOHEN'SHILDT PRESIDENT At a meeting in the hall of Camp No. 522, P. O. S. of A., Enhaut, last evening, attended by delegations from Camps 8, 639 and 716 of this city; 102 of Steelton; 522, Enhaut, 505 High spire and 477 of Penbrook, George Hohenshildt of Camp 8, this city, was selected for recommendation to the incoming State president for appoint ment as president of district No. 1, of Dauphin county, to succeed District President H. E. Zorger of Enhaut, whose term expires. The candidates were J. S. Pelfer of Camp 716, this city; Walter Alleman of Camp 505, of Higlispire and George Hohenshildt of Camp 8 also of this city. HIT NEWS AGENT; IS HELD At a hearing before Alderman Caveny yesterday afternoon Newton A. Swaile's was held for court under SSOO bail, on a charge of aggrevated assault and battery, against R. Brinser, manager of the Harrisburg News Agencv. Swailes and Brinser were engaged in a dispute about a trifling matter and Swailes struck Brinser in the eye. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND CMBALMER. N. SIXTH STV HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH PATTON GAVE DR. j SURFACE NOTICE Secretary Says That Talk About Force, Etc., Will Be Taken Up Later On Secretary of Agriculture Charles E. Patton to-day declared that all legal requirements in connection with the dismissal of Dr. H. A. Surface, the State zoologist, had been complied with and that the claim of the scientist that he ! had not been formally notified that his ; term would end on August 15 was un- i founded. When asked if formal notice had been given to Dr. Surface, the secre- I tary said that he had given it himself; -Mr. Patton also secured the consent of ! Governor Brumbaugh to the change in ; the office and the approval of the ex- : ecutive to the invitation to Professor : J. G. Sanders, of Wisconsin, to take ' the place. The only comment the secretary j would make on Dr. Surface's assertion j that unless the Governor approves of i the action of the Commission of Agri- I culture in dismissing him, "physioal | force" would be the only thing to sepa- | rate him from Ms office, was "That is j a matter to be met later." ENORMOUS FRUIT CROP PREDICTED [Continued From First Page] orchards, covering about 5,000 acres, y ester Cay. The entire fruit belt of the county covers approximately 10,000 acres, of which 4,000 are bearing at the present time. Sixteen automobiles were fur nished by members, who acted as pilots and guides, and more than sixty people were taken through the many peach and apple orchards. Leaving Goodyear at 8.30 o'clock in the morning, the autos wound around the hijls past miles of fruit trees planted in large blocks. Stops were made in a number of the large or chards and big baskets of apples and peaches passed around to the growers, railroad representatives and newspa permen on the trip. Inspection tours through canning, evaporating, packing and storage factories featured the run. At each of the large plants the entire system was explained by the owner and manager. Some Apples, Too In the sixty-seven orchards passed approximately 175,000 apple trees are planted, of which 75.000 are of bear ing age. There fre also 100,000 peach trees, with 4 0,000 bearing fruit. One hundred and sixty-eight car loads of canned apples, weighing more than 6,000,000 pounds, were shipped last year, together with 270,000 pounds of evaporated apples and 12 carloads of cider syrup, equal to almost 100 carloads of cider before being con centrated. The shipment figures given are just five and one-half times the total ship ment of 1903. The present year will probably exceed last year's totals by 10 per cent. Plenty of Other Fruit Peach record? for 1915 also reach enormous totals. One hundred and forty-six cars c.f peaches, averaging 640 baskets to the car, were shipped; 1,950 bushels of pears, 7,827 baskets Of plums, 2,924 baskets of cherries. 17 cars of potatoes and 6 cars of early cabbage. E. C. Tyson, the "apple king," in speaking of the tremendous produc tion and the possibilities of the belt in the future, said: "When you realize that it is neces sary for apple trees to average four barrels to the acre, not a large amount, in order to yield a carload to the acre 10,000 acres may easily present a prob lem in transportation that it may be well for our railroad friends to keep in mind." Season Now Under Way Among the bit, plants visited were the Musselman canning factory at Gardners; the Adams County Fruit Packing and Distributing Company plant, where the first shipments of apples and peaches were being as serted and graded, and the Biglersville storage plant, where 33,000 barrels of fruit are stored each year. Luncheon was served on the lawn at the home of the Tyson brothers, after which the party again toured through many miles of orchards. All of the processes used in handling the two fruits were explained on the trip. That the fruit industry in the county is flourishing is shown by the organ ization of five national banks within the last ton years, each with a capi talization of $25,000. at Fairfield, York Springs, Bendersville, Blgierville and Arcndtsville. The association of the fruit growers was organized in a little school house near the Tyson brothers orchards at the time when the San Jose scale was causing big losses to crops. 'Have Legislative Committee The members are particularly In terested in legislation and have ap pointed a committee to handle this branch of work. The committee in cludes F. E. Griest. chairman. R. M. Eldon and C. J. Tyson. An apple grad ing and packinx law may be advocated in the next session of the Legislature to insure uniform quality of fruit by compelling packers to put their names and addresses on all boxes and barrels. ALL UNLICENSED JITNEYS QUIT [Continued From First Page] ceived and automobile tratfic took a big drop. No arrests were made this morning and Chief of Police Zeil said that he does not believe that any drivers will attempt to operate without licenses as all of them, so far as is known, left the streets early this morning, when the ban went into effect. With onlv the licensed jitneurs on the job, the number of passengers on trolley cars increased to-day, accord ing to Railway officials. Strikers and union leaders claim that public sympathy is still with them and that the majority of people will walk. Forty-live cars were operated on the city lines according to trolley officials. Last night two cars crashed together at Second and AVoodbine streets, and several persons were badly shaken up. According to witnesses the first ear stopped suddenly and the second one bumped into it. At Second and Walnut streets, this morning one of the trucks of a River side car passed over a set switch, crashing into a Harrisburg Transfer Company wagon, drizen by William Scheli, 1908 Greenwood street. No one was injured. i To-night a mass meeting will be held in Highspire and arrangements are being made by the strikers to hold another one to-morrow evening at Thirteenth and Market streets, with labor organizers as speakers. On Sun day afternoon at 2 o'clock a meeting of journeyman tailors will be held in the Federation of Labor headquarters to complete permanent organization. A meeting of boot and shoe workers will be held next Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock under the direction of Organizer George Disney. Jitney and other automobile drivers met this afternoon, at 26 North Third street, to complete arrangements fo* organizing a Chauffeur's Union. Or ganizers Thorpe and Roach bad charge, and application will be made, it is understood, to the National Asuo clation for a charter, { 1 «," y'fyyvTTV.T'fTTT.y T .V^T.'* ► ; Important Notice to Our Many Patrons Many o"f you who have learned to depend upon this store for < the major portion of your needs, have this week expressed to us < ► the inconvenience of changing your week-end shopping from Sat ► urday to Friday afternoon and evening. * ► The matter has been discussed between the management and the clerks of this store, and the unanimous opinion is that ser- < „ vice to our patrons should be our first consideration. < ► For that reason, we will resume this !< ► week the custom of closing our store on 4 Friday at Noon During August ! ; and Remain Open ' J ' All Day Saturdays and Saturday Evenings !< : SOUTTER'S • ► Wi / EXCEPTED \ V& I ► If **> Es*(t \» * c *° 25c Department ' |i dm O i II • Store ; \\DEPfIRTIIEBT J] v Where Every Day Is Bargain Day < 215 Market St. Opp. Courthouse 4 i ► . . . New Business School For Young Men Opens Soon The Young Men's Business Institute ; which will open in Harrisburg the first j Monday in September and which will be principally a secretarial school, re- j ports having already enrolled quite a number of young men. The management of this school has 1 leased for a number of years the sec- j und floor of the new Hershey building. Front and Market streets. The rooms j are being fitted up expressly for the j school and when completed and fur- . nished will be one of the moat up-to- I date institutions of Its kind in the J State, it is said. The principal professor, James H. De- j Pue, is a Princeton University man of wide experience in educational work, | having prepared hundreds of young men for positions of trust in the busl- i ness world. He comes to Harrisburg with the highest recommendations from j colleges, business and professional men j and has an unqualified endorsement from the largest corporation in the country. Mr. DePue, it is said, Is president of | the Interstate Educational Bureau of i Washington. D. C., and has until re- j cently been director in several large business corporations, retiring to give his entire time and attention to the institution about to open in Harris burg. There are several unique and dis tinguishing features about the school. In the first place- it will be strictly a school for young men—a feature that should appeal to many parents as well as young men themselves. The enroll ment of the school will be limited and only those who can be recommended and who possess necessary qualifica tions will be admitted. Another feature is the fact that each 8 Look at These Prices I -Then Note Mileage Records \ of Firestone Tire Users f ; You cannot realize how much the low | prices on Firestone Tires mean to you § I: until you know what mileage they give. I TIRES I E The more carefully you check mileage quality of materials and Firestone work- EE against cost, the more surely you become manship. The low price is due to Fire - a 1 ircstone user. And that means tire- stone efficiency and the law of volume. 2 stonc Tircs on 111 four whccls for Y™* Extra quality brought extra demand. Great £ spares. demand brought vast volume. Volume E: Nothing can equal the combination of brought down price. You get the benefit. Your Dealer Will Supply You z FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY I ~ "America's Largest Exclusive Tire and Rim Makers" 3 E 231 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 3 E Home Office and Factory: Akron, Ohio—Branches and Dealers Everywhere Makers of First Truck Tires Leaders Then and Leaders Now, In Quality and Volume •;.'TnTiiuiiiHnmiTrmTrTnTirrriTrnr-[TnfTrrnTmrmTTTniw ll »i. f ..|) < iijjiiiiijiiiiii l i l iiii)ii )||f| | MllliUll1 | lIF , I|]l1 i | , | , [ = 'AUGUST IT, Tgrics. student is furnished with his own in dividual typewriter of any standard make he may choose. This machine, which la used exclusively by the stu dent while attending the school, be comes his property on completing his course. Still another departure will be a board of examiners composed of dis interested local accountants, bankers and businessmen who will attend the final examinations, inspect the work and thoroughly test the applicants for diplomas in every way possible, that there may be no mistake as to the effi ciency of the graduate. These repre sentative men composing the board of examiners sign the diplomas when thor oughly satisfied as to the fitness of the student, thus giving the graduates of this school the personal endorsement of at least eight prominent local men. THIEVES UNSUCCESSFUL Thieves made an unsuccessful at tempt to enter the Colonial apart ments in Market street, opposite the police station, last night. It is also the belief that an attempt was made to enter the Keystone Auto Company's salesrooms, as a door to the latter was found open. Lieutenant Ed. Wet zell. Superintendent of Detectives Wil liam L. Windsor and Detective George Shuler who heard noises in the vicin ity of the Colonial apartments, made an investigation, climbing the fire es cape to the roof, but found no rob bers. COLUMBIA READY FOR PARADE Columbia. Pa., Aug. 11.—The in dustrial committee of the Firemen's Labor Day Parade and Review, has chosen John H. Ostertag, chief mar shal. and S. High Levan, chief of staff. Reports from the secretary showed that at least one hundred floats will bo in the line. Pen Mar Cottager Wears Rattlesnake Skin Clothing Special to the 'Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Aug. 11. F. J. Lubbenhusen, of West Fayette street, Baltimore, who Is spending the sum mre at Arbutus cottage, Pen Mar. wore a much more imposing style of para phernalia than even the Patriarchs Militant at the nark yesterday. Mr. Lubbenhusen sallied forth In genuine Blue Ridge mountain rattlesnake at tire. The outfit, consists of a vest, belt and tie of real rattlesnake skin and was the star sensation of the day. Mr. Lubbenhuren had the garments made by a Baltimore clothier from skins secured from rattlesnake hunters In the Blue Kidgo Mountains. The ends of the tie are tassled out with strings of rattles taken from the dead reptiles. REFINED PETROLEUM DROPS New York, Aug. 11.—The Standard Oil Company of New York to-day re duced the price of refined petroleum for export 15 cents, making refined in cases 11.35 cents a gallon, in tanks 5.10 cents, and standard white In bar lels 8.9b cents. TAKES OUT $15,000 PERMIT Chisuk Emuna congregation this afternoon took out a permit to build a new brick and stone synagog at Sixth and Forster streets at a cost of $15,000. J. F. Barnhart and Company is the contracting firm. BOYER MAY RECOVER Charles E. Boyer, the Postal Tele graph Company lineman, who fell from a pole at Hlghspire yesterday and fractured his skull, is reported to day as resting comfortably. It is be lieved he will recover.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers