6 Other Buyers' Sale News on Page 16 .0/Dfc?S, Po ffl 6TOI) Si St6U)Qft | Other Buyers' Sale News on Page 16 Too Many Important Buyers' SaleAnnouncementstoConfinetoOnePage Sample Refrigerators in the Clearance of Summer Footwear in the Buyers' Sale T~\ ? "1 " J "Pi • l-< "1 1 TAP C? NO I S~\ O I rs 1A 1 - DUjcio Oct It: di -Dig udv lllgo season'. styles. $3.15 n u d ; er °J 6&nda !\ sma ]\ siz,ls 49c $ Men's $3.00 oxfords in gun metal, calf and tan calf: j ,50 pairs women's SX.oO white canvas oxfords and black & Jti » r ~ • . , . , , f , r • Goodyear welted soles: all this season's <SO Aff leather pumps with ribbon bows, stitched soles and QQ. Jy I n:- J i This lot IS made up of a number of sample relrigerators— stvies Buyers' Sale Price low heels. Buyers' Sale Price yoC fa f\ I II- ■ |:y , . , V. „ "36 pairs men's <3.00 and $3.50 oxfords in tan."gun metal 1 pumol £nd ?w?2v2litV." n Wl 1£ ' % only one of a style. The refrigerators are of the finest con- and patent coltskin; broken sizes. $1 35 broken sizes Sale Price SI.OO J#?*' M * ' 2CP ' , , .| . Buyers fcale Price • I 50 pairs WO men's Queen Quality $3.'75 and $5.00 pumps; JBv - _ /fafc 1 struction and are guaranteed high-grade in every detail Ot , -Men's SI.T3 black kidskin shoes, made on broad toe lasts I Colonial style in patent colt with grev suede and cloth in- ffiafr 'C* with tips or plain toe lasts; heavy stitched d? 1 Cfl ! lay tops; sizes broken. Buyers' CI QQ gSsfi&fe ' workmanship soles. Buyers' Sale Price wI.OV g a j e p r i ce «51.170 iHPKStfiftei 2 A ti ' L Women's $3.00 white canvas ribbon pumps; Goodyear welted soles Women's $3.50 patent coltskin pumps with small button or buckle I! -y I \ J Iceland, porcelain lined, side leer; capacity, 150 lbs. 00 a leather Cuban heels. QC on vamp seam; welted soles with high heels. <£«> Crt ftm X \ At this Buvers' Sale Price the <=avin* is <7 00 *DO£».UV Buyers Sale Price ° A •" 7tJ Buyers' Sale Price «P^..OU few fCI $ } iX'T *" nce ' ™8» njisj Women's $4.50 grey kidskin Plaza tongue pumps, welted soles with Women's $2.50 patent colt pumps and oxfords and gun metal pumps Iceland. porcelain lined; capacity, 800 lbs. $40.00 *"t. $2.95 J|;h W wclt.d .olc. „d Cuban h..!., $1. 6 5 Ig X _ ' "to At this Buyers' Sale Price the saving is SS.OO Dives, Pomcroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Rear. Iceland, apartment house style, porcelain lined; 150-lb. tfoo CO cJ capacity. At this Buyers' Sale Price, the saving is $6.50.... * | " " ~ ~ Iceland, apartment house style, 125-lb. capacity. Iceland, tank for drinking water, 200-lb. capacity. j T _ , •-. • i T _ — 4 - . _ t^Vs^inf^f 6 $29.50 $46.00 Laces and Embroideries Leather Goods in the Iceland, tank for drinking water, 100-lb. ice capac- Bohn Sypbon with porcelain lining inside and out ! i rt _ r,,(),»« finf» trim, i & ,t',nTi«7o r '.'. s °'.'.. PM ": 532.00 $75.00 m i„;£ p ! y p : Au<nist Ruvers' Sale Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Basement. Linen Torchon Lace, 1H to 2H inches wide. A~ *7 k_/C4/lVy j Buyers' Sale Price, yard ei -nt -J u j n ,<- > t-, • Special Sale of Whittall Rugs: Prices on Standard 5c % Valenciennes Lace, 1 to 2 inches wide, values to 10c. C— C 1 ■ a-^ Grades Reduced Because of Discontinued Patterns ! .%^ Angte-Persia" rugs, 9x12575.00 =r«x Rugs Reduced :::: as Jewelry in the Buyers' Sale tial * " ' o Ift • i* S-'i2 Imitation filet lace edges and insertions, 1 to 2 inches wide; 17 Anglo-Indian rugs, 9x12, $50.70 value, bpe- Crex rugs, ex 10, S7-UO value. Special, ifco.oO values to 10c. Buyers' Sale Price, yard $1.25 Gorman silver mesh bags. Buyers' Sale prloe 30c cial $-45.00 Crex rugs, Bxl2, $7.75 value. Special, 86.50 j Cotton Cluny Lace, 2Hto 3»4 inches; white and ecru; tn r 10c beauty and hat pins. Buyars' Sale price 5c Royal.Worcester Wilton rugs, 9x15 578.a0 Crex rugs, 6x12, S7OO value. Special. 83.50 values to 15c. Buyers' Sale Price, yard ; :5c gold filled lavallieres Muycrs Sale prlce value. Special 5*60.00 Crex rugs, 6x9, value. Special, 83.00 Oriental Lace Flouncings, 18 to 27 inches; white and ecru, Kn** 'o- | « iaj i— x Royal Worcester Wilton rugs, 9x12, 556.75 Crex rugs, 54x90 inches, $3.25 value. Sne- values to $2.50.. Buyers' Sale Price, yard OUC -oc gold plated hat pins. Buyers Sale price 10c value Special $40.00 cial Venise lace insertion, 2H to 4 inches; white, 25c " JC picture frames. Buyers Sale price 15c Royaf Worcester Wiiton rugs,'' 8.3x10.6, Crex runners, 72 inches wide! $1.30 value. values t0 75c - Euyers ' Sa!e Prlce - s ' ard slo ° Roars' silver plated gravy ladeis. Buyers- Sale price 39c $51.50 value. Special 83T.50 Special 81.00 EMBROIDERIES 60c pearl bead necklaces. Buyers' Sale price Teprac Wilton rugs, 9x12, $45.00 value. Crex runners, 72 inches wide, Spl.lo value. Swiss and cambric embroidery edges and insertions— F\r, 11f|) "D/-\/-ln /-*r-v/-l i-,-, J_T_ fi„l special.... 835.00 Special ooc ito arches, ioc value: yard 5c urug bunaries Keaucea m the bale Teprac \\ ilton rugs, 8.0x10.6, value. Crex runners, r4 inches wide, SI.OO value. Swiss Embroidery Flouncing—■ 15c liquid soap Buyers' Sale price * n Special 832.50 Special 79c 27 inches, 25c value; yard 19c ' ' Chlidema Body Brussel rugs, 9x12. $40.00 Crex runners, 54 inches wide, ?0c value. \] $1 soc ! l-l f 1 « n%, T Sa e J> rice *c 1 fflOt «A *>r>eri»l ' V "' DU > ara • auc i 2oc flexible nail files. Buyers' Sale price >■ a ir, e " p ir '' "v .. Cambric Corset Cover Embroidery, 17 inches. 1Q _ 25c white ivory shoe horns. Buvers' Sale price 100 Chlidema Body Brussel rugs, light color, _ Crex runners, 27 inches wide, 60c value. Buyers Sale Price, yard '... lOC 10c face powder Buyers' Sale price 3c 9x12, 540.C0 value. Special 825.00 Special _ Embroidered Voile and Crepe Flouncing, 45 inches, pn 10c rouge. Buyers' Sale price 5 U Peerless Brussels rugs, 9x12, $33.50 value, j Crex runners, 24 inches wide, 50c value. values to Si.so. Buyers' Sale Price, yard OUC 20c dental cream and shaving crem. Buyers Sale price, 11111 ]!'.!sc Special 825.00 Special .' 7C Embroidered Organdie Flouncing, 22 inches, scalloped 10c ta!cum Powder. Buyers' Sale price, 3 C Peerless Brussels rugs, 8.3x10.6, 530.00 Hodges fiber rugs, 9x12, $12.00 value. Spe- edses - Buyers' Sale Price, yard ' SC 10c and 25c small whsks. Buyers' Sale price 73c and 50 value. Special 823.T5 ; cial 87.T9 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. | Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Front Sale of Talking Buyers' Sale Specials in Hosiery & Underwear wiv e m^To^L.w? re c^^ash^?ods d fiii„ g -|->l . v ± «/ this season—and it s all due to our carrying the right kind of I £1 "P~PO I MEVS SUMMER UNDERWEAR BOYS' SODIER UXDERWE-VR | 19c black silk lisle hose; seamless. ? OOC !. S- T 1 t X e nC^S , On account of our excellent buy- CA/-L iv uU 75c Egr>-puan cottpn ribbed union 50c white cotton ribbed union suits; Buyers' Sale i pi/ ing lacihties we have been able to do considerably better in suits, short sleeves, ankle (SQ sleeveless; knee length. 39c Prlce prices too than other stores. _ . -p-. . length. Buyers' Sale Price.... Buyers' Sale Price 25c black silk lisle hose; 1 +U T3,. • c i u ' Basemen! the Buyei S „J^ o J ,h .'"a c (.'""VnSfa mtdJJI i™SS; SS'i? 39,. '"iTnf tuck''"tton 'Q- choice of many styles at the foUowing Uss-ttanMisuil'prices— w"msd °° Sale at W! 35c 50c fancy figured grey mixed shirts I" 1 " 3C 12»4c black cotton fine ribbed hose; ers sale Price, yard 15c figures. Buyers' Sale Price, yard , _ and drawers. Buyers' OQ. • ' ",V '' , seamless. Buyers' q 20c voile; 36 inches wide; floral " 10c A Sale Price, each Children s 10c white cotton ribbed ba i e p-ice ** ** and fancy stripes. Buyers' Sale 20c voiles, in black stripes on TS /I M H.OO white cotton ribbed union sleeveless. Buyers gc 25c black cotton and lisle fine ribbed Price, yard lilio white grounds. Buyers' Sale Price. fD~t• •J fj suits; short sleeves. - I , hose: seamless. Buyers' 1C „ 50c imported voile; 40 inches 5 « V , 8c aa Buvers' Sale Price / 5/C Children's cotton ribbed sale Price IOC wide; neat stripes. Buyers' Sale » c Bingham, in neat stripes. Buy ™ .. " drawers; knee length, lace trim- Q_ Price, yard ... * Sp ers Sale Price, yard 6Uc fg ... , u • R^vA°r«- 0n union^! ii ts: med Buyers' Sale Price ® C MEN'S HOSIERY , 5 u 3g h _.' ld ''.' '" 15c gingham in plain shades; 30 / '-ti A shipment of talking £•?" Bu>ers 79c Children's 39c cotton ribbed union 10c and 12»ic cotton hose; black 100 styles Buyers' Sale Pric. vard L n< i he |, T ,de> mostly blue - Buyers' X 3&& oarrots voune birds Sale Price suits; sleeveless; knee length. Off- and colors. Buyers' buyers bale Price, yard Sale Price, yard 9c with beautiful plumage in WOMEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR Buyers' ' C Sa ' e , , Price "• ■ /C 59c organdie; 39 inches wide; tTwn vpllmv and red— , 39c white cotton ribbed union suits; h?" tfk pat- , cotton hose; black and Q c white and tinted grounds with 10c dress gingham; many styles green >ello\v _a..a rea lace trimmed; knee length; regular assorted pat colors buyers' bale Price c floral styles and stripes. Buyers' Buyers' Sale Price, vard . BUo just arrived irom 3lexiCo and extra SIZ ® S - 29c svt. price /yc 25c silk lisle hose; black and white; Sale Price, yard 49c 10c batiste, white and colored and Cuba in time for the Buyers Sale Price SI 00 black siik lioseVfashloned feet, seconds. Buyers' 1 01/o/' 500 si!k stripe madras, white grounds. Buyers' Sale Price, yard ? WSSr •R-ii-erc' All tamp 50c white cotton ribbed union suits: Buyers' Sale »7Q Sale Price grounds with silk stripes. Buyers' ~ SUo DUjers .-Ml Idii c sleeveless; lace trimmed and cuft Pri ' ce tVC 25c fibre silk hose; seamless. io Sale Price, yard 39c 18c P lis se crepe, 30 inches. Buy birds ot the Very best knee; regular and extra siz*. OQ rr i oc thread siik' boot 'hose; fash- Buyers' Sale Price IOC 25c stripe skirtings; 38 inches Cr «' Sa i®,r, rice '„ yard 10c M'mEPk talking varietv. Buyers Sale Price ioned feet> fasl black. AO _ 26c silk lisle hose; assorted 10. wide; white grounds with fancy R, l v» P i?L,,i' r s „f rures a " d stripes. /i' sl.o° and $1.25 white silk lisle; Buve-s' Sale Price colors. Buyers' Sale Price IOC colored stripes. Buyers' Sale Price, i n/ r hnnfc o '< ya , 61/ » c i /Sfl&mmi} Purchasers must take union suits; sleeveless, lace trimmed; j 3 " 9 c fibre silk hose; seamless;' black 50c fibre silk hose; seamless. OQ- yard 15c , J," 8 - - Persian sWes. Buy bi;ds with :hem . a " *•*? £?• Eu ''"' 79c; »f, b ">"* 29c *«—»-«.«. ~< TSi r,is• V&MSSr sale as we make no de- 25 c sleeveless ribbed vests, plain and , Fibre silk hose;' black, white, grey | and white. Buyers' Oq BASEMENT WASH GOODS ers Sale Price, yard s^c liveries of this kind. fancy yokes. Buyers' 1 ff_ and champagne. bale Pnce SECTION |'/4 C prints, grey grounds. Buy. • Sale Price lOCj Buyers' Sale Price " Jl, i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—St. Fl. 12Hc and 15c batiste; fine line ers ale Pnce . yard 5 C tMSt Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, of styles, white and check grounds. Diyes Pomerov ?- Basement. V— , —— Buyers' Sale Price, yard .... Bj^ c Basement Basement Specials in Specials in Drapery Fabrics ) Sugar and Grocery Final Millinery The Buyers' Sale Economies Reductions Four-quart aluminum sauce-1 Lawn mowers, 14 inches. vard x*J\~ • pans. Buyers' Sale Price, 43c Buyers' Sale Price ... $2.35 - * < JO lbs. suear 78<> with 50c worth of frrr>rprie<;• ° colored untrimmed \\ ater power washing ma- Lawn edge trimmers. Buy- printed Silkoline in white ground with pink, blue, ' ' straw shapes. Buyers' Sale Price, chines with high power motor, ers' Sale Price 51.90 Uqw and red colorin B . Sale Price 1 n soap not included. 250 "Three feet long. Buyers' bale Price, Price ......... .... .. $3.40 white curtain Swiss, striped, dotted and fig- IQ C 8 cans peas .../...!!!!!!!! 25c One ctn ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' 17c & UyCrS 36 . „ .c , 1 Mrs. Potts nickel plated ured styles. Buyers' Sale Price, yard 11/ C io cakes D_, p. &s. soap 3ic 5 bottles Hires ginger ale ... 25c _ Washboards. Buyers bale irons. Buyers Sale Price, set, , J Price 1«C "•>? SI.OO Nottingham lace curtains, 2 1 / i yards long, neat 2 bags salt 9 C SUNSHINE PACK\GE XJKjy q OUaW XlclL>s Art Needlework borders and all-over designs. Buyers' Sale Price, OQ COMBINATION "RpfhlPPrl Vard ] 10 cakes Fels Naptha soap.. 41c ~ . . , , XvC/VAUtCU 75c stamped envelope pillow cases. Buyers Sale Cf|_ ! io cakes p. &G. soap 4ic n!!! iS'p a ?r° r i, 1 ™ u i "2 C ri« *t. .. i ! Price C SI.OO and 51.50 cross-stripe madras curtains, cream ground j 6 iS MawSPfi^S?".!!' 20c ne " *>&. clover lea^-es.. ''' count of broken 75c nightgowns,, stamped lor embroidering. Buy- with green stripes. Buyers' Sale Price, yg L^'ib^Ealie'fiourV' 3 Bc &*■' SCUlt '.h= 51.98 and 52.25 straw hats, $1.25 ; ers Sale Price pair | H lb. Harshey's cocoa ..8c ° ne pkK ' lemon » na PB.-•• j $1.23 and $1.49 straw hats 15<i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Third Floor. | gSS lllpt juice —** lie I DiVeß ' 81^'"1 " Dlv "' Pomeroy & # ' udsemeni. Second Floor. = ~ - j) URGE REPEAL OF JITNEY MEASURE [Continued From First Page] the present measure to call for licenses costing $lO, S2O, and S3O Instead of S3O, SSO, and $75 as required In the present ordinance. The ajnendments also reduce the bond from two to one thousand dollars, and remove the con fession of judgment clause required In the bond at present. Strikers predicted that the move will be a success ar.d expect that the petition will be filed on Thursday. The strike situation remained un changed to-day and Patrick Gllday of the Bureau of Mediation and Arbi tration. of the State Department of Labor and Industry, continued his ef forts to bring about a settlement. The Harrisburg Railways Company an nounced to-day that 44 cars were be ing operated on all lines, with double crews, giving reliefs shortly after mid day. Five extra cars were operated this morning, and ten will be placed on the lines this evening. The usual TUESDAY EVENING, " I number is 16 in the morning and 21 in c the afternoon. Organizer Thorpe has communi cated with the Amalgamated Associa i tion headquarters for advice concern ; ing the alleged disparaging attacks aaginst him by Mayor Men is. and said , that he will not act until he hears from the association. Members of the executive board of the State Federation of Labor will ar rive here to-morrow for a meeting on 1 Thursday. According to Secretary Quinn, legislation will be discussed, together with candidates to be sup ported at the November elections. He said that the strike situation here will I probably be discussed but no action will be taken it is believed. Organisers Busy To-night a mass meeting will be held at Fourth and Edward streets, 1 Riverside. Organizer Jacobs ha» called a meet ing of all journeyman tailors of the i city to be held to-morrow night in the offices of the State Federation of : Labor, for the purpose of organizing. ; The meeting will open at 7.30 o'clock. Speakers will be J. J. Thorpe and E. ' Jacobs, labor organizers, and C. F. I Quinn. secretary of the Pennsylvania, ! State Federation of Labor. At 8 o'clock, strikers and all other labor organization men of the city will form at Front and Market streets for a parade. The route follows: , West In Market street, to Seventeenth street, to Derry street, to Thirteenth street, to Market street, to Market Square and dismiss Plan Mass Meetings Three mass meetings have been ar ranged for Thursday night. One will be held in Market Square, with the following speakers: James H. Maurer. president of the State Federation of Labor; Organizer Koach, Organizer George Disney, A. P. Bower and Theodore Elchorn. At Highspire and Mtddletown meetings will be held and addresses made by H. L. McLaugh lin, Organizer Thorpe, Organizer Jacobs, C. F. Quinn and I. E. Robin | son. George Disney, of the United Boot and Shoe Workers, will arrive here to-morrow morning to plan for or ganizing this branch of labor, it wa3 ! said to-day by Organizer Roach after he received a, telegram from Presl -1 dent John F. Tobin, of the National HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH • association. I Vice-president Thorpe said this I morning that he has communicated ; with the Amalgamated Association j ! concerning remarks of Mayor Meals relative to him and has asked for i their advice. He was unable to say whether an attorney will be sent here or the case placed in the hands of a local man. Thorpe said he sent full particulars with clippings from all of the city newspapers and expects to receive a reply in a few days. Mr. Tliorpc Licscribcs Situation Vice-President Thorp-s declared that regardless of the advertisements of the Harrisburg Railways Company, that no strike-breakers are employed on the cars, the strikers consider the men now operating on the lines, as such, and will maintain that attitude ■ until the strike is ended. Six men who deserted the organiza tion. according to Mr. Thorpe, have returned to the Union and again given 11 up their jobs. Vice-President Thorpe pointed out i that this is the second city in which ■; he had charge of organizing street . : car men, that the trolley company and I' city oiticials are showing attitude tow ard the strikers. He declared that he intends to stay in the city and will not be driven out. Mr. Thorpe also said that despite the claims of the company, a large majority of the mo tormen and conductors are still on strike. BORDER PROBLEMS GETPREFERENCE [Continued From First Pagr] American commissioners might be ex pected any time. I-ast Obstacle Cleared Mr. Arredondo assured Secretary Polk that General Carranza's state ment in his last note that the com missioners preferably would discuss subjects outlined in the original pro posal merely that the preference would be given to the border situa tion but that other questions would not be excluded. He a.so said that he rsgarded the last Mexican note as one of complete compliance with I American suggestions, and It was on that bacla Mr. Polk took the matter to AUGUST 8, 1916. I the cabinet. The ambassador's call was believed to have cleared away the last obstacle | to appointment of the American com : missioners and a decision as to the j time and place of conferences. Gen i oral Carranza has already authorized i Mr. Arredondo to arrange details with i Mr. Polk. OUTPOST FIRED OS E! Paso, Aug. S. From 15 to 20 i shots were fired last night on the Mexican side of the border which seemed to be aimed at an American | outpost Just ouside the limits of El Paso according to a report made to military headquarters by Lieut. H. B. 1 Lewis, commanding the provost guard. Mexican military authorities disclaim knowledge of the incident. LOCK OCT MILK DRIVERS By Associated Press St. Louis, Aug. S. The St. Louis Milk Dealers' Association, comprising fourteen firms, declared a lockout against approximately 900 drivers who voted to strike early to-day. The I big dairy companies have asked the | police department to send guards to [ their plants and it Is believed delivery of milk by nonunion drivers will be attempted. Anticipating the trouble, the dealers had compiled a list of cus tomers needing milk for babies Invalids. These will be supplied by special motor truck delivery service already arranged for. The strikers demand a wage of $lB a week and six per cent, commission. WILLIS AND OOX NOMINATED By Associated Prtss Columbus, 0., Aug. 8. Renomina tlon of Frank B. Willis, as Republican candidate for governor and James M. Cox. former governor, as candidate for the chief executive ofiSce on the Demo cratic ticket, is indicated by the early ballot of the Ohio primaries to-day. Rudolph A. Mack, of Cincinnati, is chief opponent of Willis, with George Shaw, of Cleveland, a» tnird candi date. A. P. Sandlcs, of Ottawa, and J. C. Martin, of Greenville, are op-, joosed to Cos
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers