Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the slgna ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deoeive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare . goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither / Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It de stroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief ol Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Trou bles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, givinjj healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THC CCNT*UR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. 111 Hill " 'KING OSCAR 5c CIGARS and get that cigar enjoyment that comes only from uniform high qual ity. This 25-year-old quality brand is pleasing thousands of smokers daily. Why not you, right now? JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Harrisburg, Pa. ■N/ N | 1 rt-DAV {IUNDAY I k SEASHORE X ONE-DAY X \JExcursions 11/ OUTINGS ™ Atlantic City Atlantic City j Cape May, Wildwood SUNDAY" 1 . _ I Ocean City. Seal I»le City, and i_ _ AUGUST 20 Other Resorts . . . ___ SATURDAYS $3.00 AUGC'ST 10 AXD SEPTE.MBEIt 2. SPECIAL THROUGH TRAIN «4 =iO R°und Via Delaware River Bridge, jpi.ou Trlp all-rail route. 26c cents additional to Atlan- r K u • tic City via Delaware River Leavea Ilarrisbarg C.aO A. SI. Bridge Route. Returning, leaves Atlantic Only all-rail line to Atlantic City. South Carolina Ave.. 610 City. P. M. For details as to time of trains or stop-over privileges, see Tickets good only on Flyers, consult Agents. Special Train. Pennsylvania R. R. Pennsylvania R. R. V t •> 11?*1 Read by Everyone YY ll V Quick Results * Increased Business Not * 1 Worth use Telegraph Want Ads? as a business getter they are indispensable. Use the tele phone. Opportunity your door. Consult the Wants Bell 4100 . United 203 ' TUESDAY EVENING, DISCUSSES NEED OF BATHING FACILITIES [Continued From First Page] asked to erect temporary structures of canvass an 4 wood or even set up : commodious tents on the more con- I venient island shores. Every "Swimmin 1 Holo" Popular In all the city's history the many little islands, sandbars, big rocks and other notable "swimmin' holes'' were never so popular perhaps as during the hot months of the present sum mer. Thousands seek the river basin every evening but the great, est crowds flock to the river on Sun days. One by one, in twos, threes, squads, grownups and whole families—they all go a-bathing nowadays. When the ferry to Independence island can no long carry more then the canoes the motorboats, the rowboats and even an occasional sand flat are requisi tioned to "take out" the bathers. And not a few of Harrisburg's future presi dents of the United States never even bother about a boat—they slip Into the Susquehanna from offshore and risk their chances with the park cop. (At that the park cop usually turns a vigilant eye inland If he does happen to spy a small September morn like figure offshore.) Ta—e Mother Along The bathing beach on Independence Island was crowded last Sunday to the final inch of sand; the lockerrooms, scarcely commodious at best were .lammed beyond their capacity. Every other available other sandbar, strip of island beach or diving rock had its bunch of swimmers. Far out on one tiny islet that or dinarily could scarcely boast at being more than a grass patch was a delight ful watering place for a middie-aged chaperone and a group of splashing, gaily clad feminine swimmers. And mamma, the chaperone, sheltered her self from the sun's rays with a com modious umbrella. Becauss the season is so far ad vanced it is considered doubtful if much can be done in the way of ob taining even temporary bathing-house facilities this year although the wheels have been set a-going and it is quite likely that definite action on the sub ject will be asked of Council at the next meeting of the "Navy." The Labor Bay Carnival | Further plans for the Labor Day carnival were discussed and an inter esting report on the big inter-high school "war canoe" race was made by W. C. Fisher. One canoe is in sight and there are possibilities of others. Committees on canoe, swimming and other entries for the races will be ap pointed at a meeting of the executive committee of the "Xavy" to be held at the "Municipal Port" to-morrow evening. This meeting will be called at S o'clock. The "war canoe" com mittee will hold a brief session at the same place at 7.30 o'clock. Membership cards have been re ceived and these can be had upon ap plication of the secretary, V. Grant Forrer. Sixteen more girls and a score or more of young men were ad mitted last evening to membership of the "Xavy" Some twenty or more members of the Steelton Canoe club also enlisted. At the meeting of the "Xavy" next Monday a draft of the bylaws and constitution will be submitted bv the newly-appointed committee headed by C. W. Wolfe. Mr. Wolfe will get into touch with various boat clubs in this section of the country and frame a constitution and bylaws for the "Greater Harrisburg Xavy" along lines suitable to local conditions. Does Your Condition Discourage You? After suffering from a sever cola which care and treatment have not al layed as you think th,ey should, do you feel your system needs a change ot treatment? In many such cases—where symp toms of asthma, bronchial troubles or pulmonary affections appear—Eckman's Alterative has brought good results. This lime-bearing preparation has been widely used for more than twenty years, with remarkable results in nu merous instances. As with any prescription, too mucri must not be expected of the medicine itself. At best it can only assist Na ture. And here is a remedy that is sate to try, since it contains no habit-form ing drugs. At your druggist's. Eckmun Laboratory Philadelphia. Advertisement. DRINK HOT WATER FOR INDIGESTION A Physician's Advice "If dyspeptics, sufferers from gas, wind or flatulence, stomach acidity or sourness, gastric catarrh, heartburn, etc., would take a teaspoonful of puru biHurnted magnesia in half a glass of hot water immediately after eating they would soon forget they were evei afflicted with stomach trouble, and doc tors would have to look elsewhere for patients." In explanation of thest words a well known New York physi cian stated that most forms of stomach trouble are due to stomach acidity and fermentation of the food contents ol the stomach combined with an insuffici ent blood supply to the stomach. Hot water increases the blood supply ana blHuratcd magnesia instantly neutral izes the excessive stomach acid and stops food fermentation, the combina tion of the two. therefore, being mar velously successful and decidedlv pre ferable to the use of artificial digest ents, stimulants or medicines for in digestion.—Advertisement. Be Young Looking Darken Gray Hair Remove every trace of prematurely gray, streaked and laded hair, easily, quickly, saiely. and turn it an even dark, beautiful shade with wyi and keep It full of life, lustrous, healthy, soft, wavy and fascinating. Removes ali traces of dandruff, itching scalp and stops tailing hair, too. No dye—harmless to use—use cannot be detected. Large 50c and SI. bottles at your druggists. Send for valuable booklet "Beauti ful Hair," Phllo Bay. Newark, N. J. Fashion's Choke rgjSßfc A soft, refined. - pcariy - whiix ap- ijw pearance. the V cli-i. cof lilies of t'fap* i . Socl«<y, Is readily Sr \ obtained by the N use of I Gouraud's 12 ( /{hW\ Oriental V®% Cream Refrrshlnflfand Heating to the skin. The j . pwfoct. non-ortasy liquid face crura. Use I Uoa tue hands. Removes discoloration* I 6«nu 1 ©o. for FERP. T. HOPKINS & POM, NwYwli Clfr | Try Telegraph Want Ads HARRISBITRG TELEGRAPH . mt . The New Store of Wm. Strouse Is HSp The Most Talked-of Men's Store "jfr because with clothes of L I / mountain-high quality, our £LIII \ ll Yim prices have been lowest in fjr \ \ cify. \ At the very outset of the Mid-Season, prices at The New n —i —j-fflL I Store were cut to the lowest dim ensions. It seems none have dar | ' |ll I ed cut equally low. To-day—the days of final reductions (al ' ■i X though our First reductions were final) you'll find our clothing I |fS prices far lower than others. These prices prove our statement: -I'M sls Suits, $10.50 $22 Suits, . .. $16.50 $lB Suits, $13.50 $25 Suits . .$18.50 /1 / I Palm Beach Reduced |jf S —and not alone Palm Beach, but every Kool Kloth, Vericool, mS 9 Soltex and Zephyr Cloth as wel 1. Take a day like to-day. No |b S tice those togged in Palm Beach or Kool Kloth. Notice how cool ||f $| and composed they look. And t hat's just how cool they are. |f m $7.50 and $8.50 Suits Now $5.95 -jM Jpgl Our salespeople want to thank those of you who helped make last Friday, iH (the first "Open Friday") such a wonderfully big day. It demonstrated that we had struck a popular chord in opening Fridays 'til 9 P. M., and closing Saturdays THE NEW STORE OF WM. STROUSE IP WILSON R. BLOUGH DIES SUDDENLY [Continued From First Page] celved in this city orders were issued to clcse the large factory at Reily and Fulton streets until after the funeral. Born in Palmyra, Lebanon county, May 22, 1862, Mr. Blough was a son of Cyrus and Sarah (Meyer) Blough. His parents w-sre widely known resi dents of this city and his father con ducted a dairy business here for more than twenty-live years. He came to Harrisburg when 8 years old with his parents. Had Rapid Rise Mr. Blough received his education in the public schools of the city and began business as a traveling sales man. In 1891, with his brother, Bur ton F. Blough, treasurer and general manager of the Blough company, the business was started at 1724 North Fourth street. The company remained at that site for two years, then removed to Third ' and Hamilton streets. In 1906 the plant at Fulton and Reily streets was opened and the business has been con tinued there ever since. Additions have been built from time to time and the company has gradually increased its manufacturing output until it is one of the foremost firms of the kind In Central Pennsylvania. Mr. Blough, us senior member of the company when it first organized in the nineties, successfully managed the business, and together with his brother was responsible for its growth. At present in addition to the big plant at Reily and Fulton streets the company has another factory at Dauphin. Had Varied Interests W. R. Blough was also treasurer of the Harrisburg Automobile Company and was an active member of the Wil liam Penn Highway Association. Yes terday this organization was formally chartered in the Dauphin county courts by President Judge Kunkel and Mr. Blough, together with other prominent businessmen, was included among the incorporators. His other business Interests included the W. L. Pike Shoo Company, of Hummelstown, and the Capital Stone and Lime Company. He director in both of these companies. Mr. Blough also conducted until recently a large poultry farm above Dauphin. He was also a member of Carlisle Lodge, No. 578, Benevolent and Pro tective Order of F.lks, and Capital City Lodge, No. 330, A. A. S. R. Masons. Funeral Thursday Afternoon Besides his wife, Mrs. Catherine Blough, he is survived by five daugh ters, Mrs. Mabel Dechant, Mrs. E. R. Seidel, Mrs. Ruth Coppersmith, Mrs. Raymond M. Dague. all of this city, and Miss Elizabeth Blough, at home; one brother. Burton F. Blough, of the Blough Manufacturing Company, and one sister. Mrs. Thomas R. Redmond, of Philadelphia. Funeral services will be held at the Blough home, near Dauphin, Thurs day afternoon at 1 o'clock, the Rev, Francis Morrow, pastor of the Dau phin Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be made In the East Har risburg Cemetery. Pallbearers will be employes of the Blough company. The factory will re main closed until after the funeral. Athletics at Last Break Record and Get Prominence Special to the Telegraph Detroit, Mich., Aug. B.—By losing to day's game to Detroit, the Athletics placed themselves in a position to tie Boston's record of twenty consecutive defeats, established years ago. The Athletics had an excellent opportunity to end their losing streak, as Myers was very good and Coveleskie bad. One player, however, Haley, put them out of It in two bad Innings. Two men were walked In the second, and Haley had two wild throws, two runs re sulting. In the seventh the first four men to bat hit Coveleskl safely, Haley j tried to wait out the Pole, though he had not given a pass tuning the game, and was struck ev»U , . OAMUSE^MENTS^ 1 "The Making of Maddalena," starring Edna Goodrich, being shown at the Re gent. When "Madda- Edna Goodrich lena" hears that her at the own child, who was Regent Today taken from her. has been stricken down by the plague, she is frantic. She who is voluntarily battling to save the lives of others feels an all-compelling re sponse stir within her breast. She de serts her post of duty.. The glory that came with the realization of her victory ends this powerful story with a fitting climax. To-morrow and Thursday "Silks and Satins," in which Marguerite Clark stars, is a truthful and tender reflec tion of every youthful dream ever dreamed. Felicite, the charming hero ine, finds on the day she is to marry the man she does not love the diary of y an ancestress whose experience strangely paralleled hers. In this musty little volume there is Inscribed a story of thrills, heartaches, loves, battles and deeds of glory, which are enacted in Fellcite's mind—and upon the screen— and which suggest the solution of her own romantic problem. To-day's offering at the Victoria is a unique photoplay in five acts, entitled. "The Scarlet Road." and "Tlie Scarlet features Anna Nilsson Hood" at and Malcolm Duncan. It the Victoria is a story that deals with Broadway and the white lights in an entirely different strain to what the public has been ac customed to seeinsr. "When you have dissipated this fortune, go to my hunt ing: lodge in Montana, break down the cabin door and there you will find the solution of your troubles." Thus wrote the father—and his Judgment proved right: the son did dissipate the fortune and when he investigated discovered a hangman's noose dan<rlinK from the ceiling. To-morrow. "Comrade John," a picture in five acts. Anyone who got a glimpse of the pretty Keystone girls in the surf on the Colonial screen Keystone Girls yesterday wouldn't in Surf think for a minute at Colonial that there was any danger of a shark getting nasty for a minute. Anyway the prettv Keystone misses are having one grand time in "The Surf Girl," the Key stone comedy presented to-day and to morrow. Dorothv Gish is also featured in a very prettv Triangle Picture, "The Little School Teacher." With to-mor row's change of nrogranj comes a new Fox feature, "Hypocrisy," with Vir ginia Pearson, and the first chapter of n serial, "The Grip of Evil." This is a. fourteen-chapter story of the discover ies made by a public benefactor who finds so much badness under the sur face that h» wonders if the entire world Is not in the grip of evil. HOTTEST DAY IX NEW YORK By Associated Press New Tork, Aug. 8. —Although the humidity was lower, this city was plunged into another heat -wave to day, th» mercury ascending in leaps long before noon. At 10 o'clock the Weather Bureau thermometer resris tered S3 as against 77 yesterday. The humidity was 80, compared with 93 at the same hour yesterday. That this would probably be the hottest day of the year was indicated by a rise of three degrees in the tempera ture between 9 and 10 a. m. There have been five deaths and nineteen prostrations during the last 24 hours. The forecaster offered no immediate rromise of relief. EDUCATION*!, School of Commerce Troa i liiiilUtng IS So. Market Sq. Bay & Wight School BookT»r<>plng. Sliorlhnnrt, fitonotypy, T.vnewritioz ami Pomnnnsliip Hell 485 Cunibcrluud Harrisburg Business College A Reliable School, 31st Year >2O Market St. Harris burg, i Mgs£>. ' AUGUSTS, 1916." REMOVE GEX. DANG LIS Athens. Aug. 8. - General Panyo tls Danglis, former minister of war, chief of the general staff during the first Balkan war, and credited with being one of the Inventors of the fam ous French 3-inch guns, has been re moved from his post as royal aide de camp by King Constanstine. AMUSEMENTS ! COOMMHM THE'county I ' DOROTHY GISH W "THE LITTLES vCf SCHOOLMA'AM" PRETTY KEYSTONE GIRLS IN "THE SURF GIRL" Keystone Comedy of tile Seashore. COMING TO-MORROW VIRGINIA PEARSON in the Fox Feature "HYPOCRISY" Also the First liiKtalmcnt of "THE GRIP OF EVIL" 'A —— -/ ' KM —*1 The coolest theater in the city. Lust day, ED.VA GOODRICH In "THE MAKING OF MADDALEXA." To-morrow and Thursday, Harris burK's favorite, MARGUERITE CLARK, tu "SILKS AND SATINS" Also WMj/%teu£Z gj fefl so pnctc«ci«sfit( P "THE SCARLET ROAD" t'flW ° 5 "" c4 drama of llroad- B "»> the White JjfTte ANNA NILSSON AND MALCOLM DUNCAN FRANK DANIELS In a sereaminK comedy. TO-MORROW: "COMRADE JOHN" / Cumberland Valley Railroad SPECIAL TRAIN to I. O. O. F. Reunion pen'MAR Thursday, August 10th Train leaves Harrlsburg ut 7:15 A. M. sl.lO For the Round Trip 1 ' Resorts ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. SOMERSET Mississippi Ave. Fourth house from beacli. 26th year same management. 11.2 a day up. Bathing from house. RUTH ALEX. STEE3. , Resorts ATLANTIC CITY, K. J. THE WILTSHIRE Sag"- -j-."' view. Capacity 350; private bathi. •!«. vator, porches, etc. Special rates, til up weekly. 12.60 up daily. American plan. Every convenience. Open *ll year. Auto meets trains. Booklet. SAMUEL. ELLIS. M op Dally, *lO ip Woeiclr. Am. Flan. ELBERON & Fireproof Annex. Tennessee Av. nr. Beach. Cap. 400. Central; open surroundings; opp. Catho lic and Protestant churches Private hatha. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Excellent table; fresh vegetables. Windows screened. White service. Booklet. 8. B. IUDY.M.D. 91.50 up Dally. 19.00 up W'kljr. Am. Plan, OSBORNE Pacific and Arkansas A ves., near Beach. Ele. vator. Hot and cold running water in rooms. Prf. vatebnth*. Bathinefrom house Excellenttnhla. Capacity 300. Booklet. MECKLY & FETTIB. NELLLNDY< v "»"'*b'""'oS * „ minute to Steel Pier, Excellent cuisine; white service: prl« vate baths; running water; elevator t« •evel. Cap.. 250. Special $12.50 up Wkly, *2.50 up daily. E. H. LUNDY. Pacific and Ark. avs. Grounds adjolt leach and boardwalk. Only hot*! where guests may go to surf in bath ing attire without using streets, which • prohibited. Use of bath houses fre* rtunnirig water In rooms Private hatha Special rates. $1.50 up daily; $S to $17.6« weekly, including choice table, sup plied from own farm. White service, orchestra, ballroom, tennis courts, gar oge. Booklet mailed. HOTEL KINGSTON proof Ocean Ave., Ist hotel (100 feet) fron Beach. Cap. 250; elevator; bathing front hotel; distinctive table and service; $2.50 up daily; sl2 up weekly. Special family rates. Garage. Booklet. M. A. LEYRER. HOTEL WILLARD New York Ave. overlooking the ocean. Private baths; running water in every room, etc. $2 per day and up; special weekly. Booklet on request. R. H. KILPATRICK. Kentucky *ve.. near Ueacb and alt attrac tions. ifOO cholro rooma; private baths; ran uliiff water. Attractive public rooms and ferar.dnv Exceptionally fine table; *ood ma rie; luihinir from liouse. S2 up dallr. 110 up weekly; sr-Hal week-end rates. Booklet. Auto coach. liitb season. A. C. EKHOLIf. THE MACDONALD 37 So. North Carolina Ave. Central, Near Beach. $2.00 up dally. $9 up weekly. Mrs. W. G. Macdon&ld, form crly of 2D SO. Arkansas Ave. Beat l.ocnted Popular Price Faalll Hotel In Atlantic City, If. J. NETHERLANDS New York Ave.. 60 yards from Board* walk. Overlooking lawn and ocean; capacity 400; elevator; private batha Over 50 outside rooms have hot cold running water, p ATFQ *lO To $17.50 WEEKLY. t\.f\ 1 C.Of.'to *4 DAILY. , SPECIAL KKEK FEATURES BATHING PIUVILKGE FROM HOTU LAWV TENNIS COURT DANCE FLOOR BOOKLET WITH POINTS OF INTBB* EST IN ATLANTIC CITY ADOI ST It I'IIWADKL, Proprietor. HOTEL TENNESSEE Tennease Avenue and Beach. Ocean view Bathing from hotel. Show* ers. $8 to $12.50 weekly; $1.50 up daily) A. HEALY. HOTEL KENTUCKY WITH FIREPROOF ADDITION Kentucky Ave.. Near Beach. Capaelt] 400. 50 rooms with hot and cold run ning water; 35 with private bath. Tel« ■iphone ann electric lights In every room, Klevator from street level. Fine danci floor, and table unexcelled. Send foi booklet and points of interest $2 TC $4 DAII.Y; $lO TO $17.50 WEEKMB AMERICAN PLA\. N. B. KENNADY, ProprletolV j 11
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