20 ———— ——— < DiveSjPome rot) The Store Will Be Open Tomorrow Until 9 in the Evening Beginning Next Week the Store Will Be Open Friday Afternoon and Evening and Will Close Saturday at One O'clock Never So Many Pretty 1 The First Requisite of a Man Going & „ s —W o. Away Is a Cool Palm Beach Suit _ ■ t ffl I & andie » voile > batiste, madras, Look about you and see the great number of men who are wearing Palm Beach |?[ —"V -r^Ti! 1 //V P striped dimity and all-over em- Suits to-day. There is nothing faddish about it, just a matter of displaying common I broidery. Some have self-trim- sense in the selection of comfortable clothes for the hot weather. " £ lt\ \ f l// med col,ar and cuffs or embroid- ser vice ATM)*"" d ° thing when such "mutable suits as these are at your I Mri fn T with collar ""jnZung or st'ayin gat home a Palm Beach Suit will give you more comfort than 1 1 a cu ' 5,0016 liave trimming y OU imagine. Ask the men who are wearing them. IT ~ jvyjs 3 Xk f fit i of fine tucks, lace insertion or T ., , ...... .. y-\ I A 1 JWjSfem I medallions with lace-,rimmed col- L.lce any other suit it must be well tailored 1\ J>\ lar and cuff, -Ml length and [o hold its shape Our Palm Eeachs are tai- \\ f\ i L_l UOSf K. \L « " U h f . rH j r lored with that degree ot care that insures ,<P ! " "HE J P \ t ' vles at natural colors, plain' or with nea^stiripes ln ! ..sains $^ acks »„dpbin«ck».A..sues.Price V\| V| Dresses! There's a Reason Voile lingerie waists in surplice style, trimmed with scalloped em- All PnviftTT J m p-t- 1 \ T\_ r /' vl ,\\ ' \ UuA This Summer's stvlcs may have a whole lot to do with broidery, deep collar with lace edge, long sleeves with French All P StllC Y OpriHg 3,110. 'Pi Wt/M A'U SU\ J I) M-JI'M.) their charm, but after all it's the beauty of pattern and airiness Organdie waists with embroidered front with pearl buttons, cTeep r>t • _ CrWr" ! [J] -A texture that has a whole lot to do with their graceful lines CO %ne th ba l fi«e e walsirfrimm?d ß S"h JriTot 'embroidered' orgaS SlMlHlGr SllitS R6(IUC6d 4 A \htWA I H .SSL ™d general becomingness. Such styles as these have inspired deep collar and cuffs $2.95 uuiiniiv/i 'U H\ UJ ' \ / ] I many dainty Summer dresses at BI(j SAY IN GS W rvmon'c Vocfc CmH TTrvrvn r f'XX ,y ouits reauced to J / 4 L > / ground. Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard 17c VV omen S V "oLo dllU. LJIIiUII 0111115 SQQ fancv Suits reduced to sll 75 //1 2 -> oc vo ' le ' inchGS > noral styles and fancy stripes. Mill and Fac slee'veless. Mill and Factory Sale ' 25c I SIB.OO fancy Suits reduced to $13.75 & Wl A I Sale Price, yard a ' d . 6 '. ...... . .f! . 4»c 19c white cotton ribbed vests. White cotton seamless hose, 12 V£c $20.00 fancy Suits reduced to $15.75 (fs£\ 1 | \wk \ ! Factory saii e p?ice t . O yMd ncheß ' floral . Bt^. e * and . fanc ! r . Bt . r !^ B '. . M . in a ilte shaped, large sizes. Mill and Fac- Misses— An f Siiifc tory Sale Price .. .. Fine ribbed seamless cotton Taney JUItS reaUCea tO j/A\ VS \ \\ 50c silk plaid voile, tan ground. Mill and Factory Sale Price, yd., 23c 25c white cotton ribbed sleeveless hose, white, tan and black... 12 dirt An f O 'J. J 1 . »nn r- r» ' f M I (%'JZs \ vests, extra large sizes 50 and 52. Women's— fancy OUItS reduced tO SZZ.OJ \ * (§>")) I ' IN THE COOI, BASEMENT SECTION Mill and Factory Sale Price. . . 19c SI.OO thread silk fashioned foot _ ... _ . ,'<s/& 12 He batiste, white and colored grounds with neat polka dots. Mill 35c white cotton ribbed union hose, lisle garter tops. Mill and These are the SllitS remaining: in Stock from our Sprinsr and L. ~ r I / and Factory Sale Price, yard suits, sleeveless, knee length, lace Factory Sale Price i»o . / 15c ripplette, pink, blue and black stripes. Mill and Factory Sale trimmed. Mill and Factory Sale oOc thread silk fashioned foot Slimmer lilies OI lanCV Weaves and patterns. The lot IS made UP 1 \ Price, yard Kit; Price 29c hose, lisle tops. Mill and Factory . - . . 1 .... , " 20c voiles, woven colored stripes. Mill and Factorv Sn.le Price, yd.. 8e 50c white cotton ribbed union! Sale Price 39c ot CaSSimei'eS, Worsteds, mixtures, homesplins and tannels in J J £.A 10c voiles, white ground with neat figures, Mill and Factory aale suits, sleeveless, knee length. Mill j 2oc seamless lisle hose, high _ _ ' _ 1 _ \/| ByMk Price, yard 6'/,c and Factory Sale Price 39c | spliced heels. Mill and Factory English and Conservative Sacks and pilich-backs. We can lit any V* ''Sj 10c stripe gingham. Mill atid Factory Sale Price, yard ...... 6'^c HOSIER\ [Sale Price 19c & _ 1 J r~ 15c chambray in blue and grey, 32 inches. Mill and Factory Sale Children's- I Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart— man m the total range OI Sizes. Price, yard 9U,c White lisle seamless socks. 12-jc I Street Floor, Center. Dlv6Bi Po & meroy & Stewart-Second Floor. Rear. % 12 %c fancy plaid Ingham. Mill and Factory Sale Price, yd.. «.. 4 c — Summer Lingerie at SI.OO ~ZT / —n. A Bevy of Ribbon Values r< zr* ' AmSBM I !iji|i. Low neck gowns in nainsook, crepe and pink or f Some of the best values of the month will go ' " white batiste, trimmed with embroidery or tucked / ' J \ out to-morrow i!r • voke, neck and sleeves finished with liias bands, J J) A ) I I; L: 1 i • i cu 4m f ') J / Moire taffeta ribbon, 5 J 4 inches wide, good variety of I u jp < > | picot edge or lace or embroidery edge frl.oo (T n'J / colors. Mill and Factory S.ile Price, yard 2lc S \ i:i , —? i j Nainsook corset covers trimmed with lace in- Moire taffeta ribbon. 6 inches wide, many shades. Mill S X/\ ll' I nil ,,f sertion, organdie embroidery yoke, lace or em- I np All o*ll CT and Factory Sale Price, yard 25c § Vk / /\ ll' jfijli i broidery medallions, lace or embroidery edge trims -Lilt/ Warp print ribbons, 5 inches, beautiful colorings. Mill fa J \ /'lij ; neck and armholcs .»o<* , and Factory Sale Price, yard 25c %J. \4\ | | Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Fioor. KrSi! T7l-- *J_ PI 1 Satin stripe moire ribbon, inches, white, blue and . \\ !j H llrril Til IP plnk ' MUI and Factor >' Sa,e Price, yard 25c W U ' TTT J i /->« i Vow Women s Short Silk Gloves PU Min and Factory Sale Price yard 59t ' Milanese two-clasp silk gloves with double finger N~jn Op(MS Ttl€sdciV A.VLQ Ifi MflVand D F f actory h Saie°pi-ice, yard h 3oo'to SI.OO VflCClt 1011 V\ Hhout tlp ® in white J W T i 5 h self an bla , ck embro >de r y. jy S« Hat band ribbon, in two-inch widths, stripes. Mill and I PrCttl] P(ITQSOI xVIIU.~OU.IIIiIICI lid IS Fownes and Kavser Silk gloves in 12-button J„ i nr J Factory Sale Price, yard 25c to 50c . v ... ~ _ Tr , , 0 length, double finger ends, black and white ... 75* 09 Saturday and Monday are MRh D ive>. Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor. These reductions will interest Velvet Satin Fownes and Kayser silk gloves in 16-button »S Inspection Days, permitting a those who jire planning pleas- The tendency of Fall hat lcn St h . double nnger ends, black full examination of the stocks Women's Summer PumDS who will spend vacation days styles is reflected by the group D ive.. pomtroy * st«wrt. str.«t noor. &U assembled fortius important i 1 at the shore. -Much of the that just arrived this week. %S sale, which will enable all pros- Reduced J'" 10 b J!,'¥ sea is . s l lcnt in r "'- Dainty pink and white satin and and"nlaiine^brfms' 011 with airy net VjrrOCery HiCOnOlTlieS ! ks3,tUrClS,y gra pective buyers to carefully note HPgESgMgI 3.00 white duck pumps with ribbon bows, welted parasol. B Tm£?°£o d Arhtve been provided "worth"S soles and leather Cuban heels. Mill and Factory summer resorts ha\e been proMded not | nr i U( j ed- one j ar o j| ves j, c lieeaS, antl incidentally note - t-\. Sale Price sols and solid colors. Reductions smart \vhite and black satin anil 10 cakes P. & G. soap .. 30c One large jar olives ... 210 flip hlP'h nnalif-T/ *»+" £<*«-««« _ are as follows — velvet shapes, very simply trimmed. 10 cakfs Ivory soap ... 3«o One box shredded wheat. He PT*!® lU S U 4Udllty OT 1116 Till ni- $3.50 tan Russia calf Colonial pumps and strap pumps $o 00 parasols reduced to $1.49 The vogue of the large hat is seen 10 cakes Fels Naptha soap. Kellogg's Toasted Corn tlirp hprp thut nrnnc ennmr.l with ribbon bows, oak leather welted soles and leather , araso k miucrtl to SI 9S in the many large sailors. , 3«c Flakes ................no gR9 lU J C nere Ulat CRI ICS special Cuban heels. Mill and Factory Sale Price $1.95 siol) Ti Si wru« 1 mluoed Many styles to select from, at 5 c|"s p"a" 3lir ° X * ot IPr 6ro ed Sale tags. $3.00 grrey kid Colonial pumps with kid covered buckles to 52.19 $1.93, $2.50, $2.95. $3.50 up to 5 cans beans !'.!!'.!!!!'.!'. 30e H lb. Hershey's cocoa Sc BSe® Tv t „ A 1: • .-i . ?T( and high French covered heels. Mill and Factory Sale $5.00 parasols rcdm-cd to .53.98 $0.50. 8 bottles grape Juice ... 21r Whole ham. lb ! - 220 HjjFH IN O Cleliveries Until i Uesday. Maßßf gjS^jJß Price $1.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —St. Fi. CX)IjORED FELT \ bottles \-fnega? 17c Sl h iced d ham ta 'lb aoo h'cW. Dlves - Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor ?3.50 black satin and black suede pumps with buckles Fetching sport styles in beautiful One bottle maple syrup, \oc Smoked sa'usace"bor PBS rib J )o . l } hows, jvelted soles and leather Cuban shades of canary, raspberry, green, One bottle cider 15r SUNSHINE niSCI'ITS Lll"l t«L HUi ut"** 1 . ' t 'irrrilF 71 lih II "r' 1 S'fi Mill and Factory Sale Price $1.50 rail let. in arner 1 orsels are peach, white, blue, rose and other One glass Indian relish .So One lb assorted biscuits, and ?Hi $4..i0 grey and champagne washable kid plaza tongue t "^'' J medium and stout ••••• »■« —,«« itfemsp asaK»% ss rr* ffisfJSSZuSZis*' "mi ». u ™."&.Tffs m .*So, sss Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart— Heinz baked beans Do Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Mr, hoels. Mill anrl 1 actor> Sale Price 2M..M) an( j t —Street Floor, Rear. Mustered For Quick Service These Hot Days Are the Stocks Women's Wash Skirts of Fine Quality of Men's Furnishings, Hosiery, Underwear and Footwear Specially Priced in a July End Clearance "1 Men, as a rule, like quick-action shopping. They want what they want when they $1.25 broad stripe white pique skirts; patch pockets; flare model. Mill and Factory want it. Our Men's Sections have become pretty ( well acquainted with the whims of Sale Price 980 _ *%? this class of shoppers, and feel confident that the experience gained in the many years White French pique skirts: gathered back; inserted circular pockets with wide 0f servke 10 men Rives deckled advan,a « e in the selection of the ri * ht kind of stocks - CrUS^SO^viiite' gabardi skirt; gathered' back' girdle' 'effeci;'' peari'-bution' 'trimmed. Factor y as brought many values of interest to men, and in ad- Mill and Factory Sale Price $6.50 I'll dition to attractive varieties all along the line substantial savings appear as an added Dives - Poiliero >' & Stewart—second Floor. 41/ A \\J (fffhjj inducement for men to buy their wearables here and profit thereby. (f ~ == Fffl Men's Pajamas Boys' Pajamas J 111 I m ° hair fro & s - all sizes - Mill and Factory Sale stripes 30tf, 75<? and SI.(K) Light weight sleepers in plain white picardy, Pink, tan, lavender and blue mercerized pa- soft finish madras and check nainsook, jamas. Mill and Factory Sale Price ... 51.19 and <SO SPECIALS IX SHIRTS BOYS' SHIRTS SPECIALS IN MEN'S OXFORDS $1.50 woven stripe madras negligee shirts, SI.OO fine sport shirts with adjustable collar. $3.00 tan calf and patent colt blucher ox cluster and single stripe patterns; sizes 13 Vfc to Mill and Factory Sale Price 79c fords, full toe lasts with oak leather welted li. Mill and Factory Sale Price 81.18 60c sport shirts with fancy trimmed collar soles. Mill and Factory Sale Price $1.98 SI.OO Panama rep and mercerized negligee an £ pocket. Mill and Factory Sale Price..39o $3.00 brown kldskln blucher oxfords with shirts with French cuffs Mill and Factory Sale SI.OO silk stripe madras and mercerized sport welted soles. Mill and Faotorv Sale Price, .s2.tts Price 79c i shirts in allover stripes and Stripe collars. Mill $4.00 patent colt English oxfords, blind eye -69c and 79c negligee shirts with laundered Rov^in^r^hlnn.li 0 ® oi" 12° lets oak leather welted soles and low flat heels. cuffs, coat style, hairline t and high colored Boys Bport blouses 25c and 50c Mill and Factory Sale Price . $3.25 stripes. Mill and Factory Sale Price 54c NECKWEAR 50c stripe percale shirts, fast colors, sizes 14 50c fine madras tub ties, panel stripes and Sale iZ}J- MUI an<J Factory Sale Pr,ce ' 3 for W*®J; ; figures. Mill and Factory Sale Price, 3 for $1;. $4.00 mahogany tan'calf English'lace shoes ea ? o •••••;•••••••••• 35c blind eyelets, stitched tips, oak leather soles 50c sport shirts with adjustable collar, trim- _ I ° c four-in-hand tubular tub ties. Mill and and English heels. Mill and Factorv Sale med In fancy stripes. Mill and Factory Sale Factory Sale Price .. . Price $3 00 Price 39c I Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Men's Cool Union Suits Men's Silk Lisle Hose Grey mixed cotton union suits with short sleeves 25c silk lisle seamless hose, in black and colors, 'J& ! Mill and Factory Sale Price 59£ Mill and Factory Sale Price ..; 18£ SI.OO white cotton ribbed union suits, short 25c silk lisle seamless hose, in black and white, 6 sleeves, knee length. Mill and Factory Sale Price imperfections. Mill and Factory Sale \ /( M 70e Pr,M ; »»«♦ I <V\.J 1 SI.OO Egyptian cotton nnion suit,, short sleev«, r . ~ J M ""' S Th " ad HoM anMe iength. Mill and Factorv Sale Price .. 79* fc.gTbtadk'Jnf^c'ofor?'" 5 W " h ** '"[wt / Black cotton ribbed union suits, long sleeves. Men's Cotton Hose M / a " ( ., C: nr^ n^ t - 1 " ' "". .■•... *I.OO 10c and 12/, c seamless cotton hose. Mill and ifil.UO white madras athletic union suits, sleeveless, Factory Sale Price A knee length. Mill and Sale Price .. 69£ Dives, pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH PUBLISHERS FEEL EFFECTS OF WAR Cost of Paper and Everything Else Used in Printing Soar ing Rapidly A commodity even so indirectly re lated to the demands of war as paper is showing the prevailing tendencies to such a degree as seriously to em barrass publishers. The higher price of paper stock and. the difficulty in obtaining it at all in England was a chief factor in the discontinuance in March of the London Dally Standard, a career of 60 years, for a con siderable portion of which it was the most important organ of the' middle classes in England. In America the demand for paper has been increasing for six months, as a result of general business activ ity. At the same time supplies used in its manufacture have been de creased by war conditions, and in some cases have almost been cut off. The supply of old rags is affected by the cutting off of the importations from the European peasantry and by the demand for the making of gun cotton. The chemicals usad In bleach ing the paper produced by sulphuric acid and alum are being devoured by the manufacturers or explosives, while importations of jute have fallen off until the price is doubled. An em JULY 28, 1916 bargo has been placed on shipments of wood pulp from Norway and Sweden, while Canada stopped access to her vast resources some time ago. The newspaper publisher is. indeed, hard hit by war conditions in many other items of supplies besides the basic one of paper stock. Virtually everything going into the manufacture rf a daily newspaper has increased in price from 10 to 50 per cent. —ipks, owing to the advance In the cost of acids and dyes, front 300 to 3000 per cent; owing to the higher cost of lead, tin and antimony—even the rubber and felt blankets wrapped around the press rollers add their quota to the increased "cost-of-liv ing" of the metrof-'itan daily.—Am erican Review of Uevlews. $2 More Contributed to Give Joyous Week in Camp to Youngster Nearly a dozen small boys and girls to whom a week's outing under canvas is merely something about which to read, will get seven days of real fun in the tents of McCormick's Island camp after all. The appeal of the Park Department recently to generously inclined folks who might wish to give some needy youngster a week's fun—at the ridicu lously small outlay of s2—has been re sponded to pretty well thus far. Every check or cash contribution of $2 will allow some small person to spend a week at the city summer camp on the big island. The latest contribution will provide a week's outing for some little man or lady, although the donor modestly asks that her name be withheld. She sent her contribution to the Telegraph, by the way, and this was her note: Cash, 12.00 for camp at island. XiADY, THK PASSING OF I.KW lIITTEI The release of Lew Ritter by Utlca State League baseball team pr ably will be the last blue ticket L will have handed him by organi; baceball. for as a ball player "The D< is done. He used to be able to ca a whole season through, includ double-headers, without a slip-up. did it once with Utica and establis! a world's record. He used to be able whip 'em down to second with the b in i- e ousine-ss. His nickname. Dog." and "The Hound." came to 1 as tributes to his unerring base thr( ing. "Not with that guy houndln' yc ball players used to tell disappoin base stealers. He used to hit fai well and, with his peculiar antics the plate, he used to be able to dr down more passes than most batti But with the years his batting hit 'the chutes and the "pep" he 1 oozed out of him. He's done now, i more's the pity. Lew was an honor the game. He lived cleanly and pi ed cleanly, and to every club he pi ed with he gave his best. A ball pla wants no better praise. Utlca 1 server. PROGRAM COMMITTEE TO ME Lemoyne, Pa., July 28. Am* ing of the program committee to range for the Union Sunday sell picnic at Williams Grove August 4 • be held to-alight, when Anlsh tpuches will be made. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAVGHT New Cumberland, Pa., July 28. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haverstock Bridge street announce the birth t daughter Elizabeth May HaversU Mrs. Haverstock was Miss Em Snoke before her marrlagt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers