12 I IT* H~BOOST HARRISBURG AND ITSINTERESTS NAMES AND YOU SHOULD KNOW''JU|JBH39|SBS^^U BBBBHHI BHKH^HIHB^M EAT HOLSUM BREAD SCHMIDT'S BAKERY , • BELL. MOTOR CARS ♦-cylinder "30," ?T75 Half-ton delivery cars, all steel panel top S7BO Flare Board Body *735 W. J. MARKS, eo S. Cameron St. Open Territory—Excellent Proposi tion for Dealers. Bell Tel. Bell Phone 2033 United Phone 23 Eby Chemical Co. MT| Chemists Physicians' Supplies 23 SOUTH FOURTH STREET Agents (or O. F. Schmld Chemical Co. »Gately & Fitzger ald Supply Co. FAMILY CLOTHIERS AND HOME FURNISHERS 29 to 33 South Second Street j Stores tn Seventy-four Cities in the United States F. R. DOWNEY, Mgr. CASH OR CREDIT NORTHEASTERN BOTTLING WORKS On Top Ginger Ale ALL KINDS OF HIGH-GRADE CARBONATED DRINKS BOTH PHONES HARRY S. LUTZ PLUMBING and HEATING 211 BROAD STREET Camp Curtin Dairy L. B. SMITH, Propr. PASTEURIZED OR RAW MILK Delivered Dally 268 DELAWARE STREET Phonei Bell 1455-J BRIGHTEN UP THE Ryder Hardware Stores SNIVELY RYDER, Proprietor GLASS, PAINT, OIL AND VARNISH 1218 NORTH THIRD STREET 5 NORTH 13TH STREET Hnrrlnhurg. Pa. C. H. Lyter CONTRACTOR 1940 STATE STREET "BUILDER OF HOMES" Phone 1285-31 F. H. Bomgardner Bricklayer and Contractor 450 S. SEVENTEENTH ST. HARRISBURG. PA. Bell Phone 1704 United Phone SB3-Y John H. Gates Coal Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COAL AND WOOD OFFICEI 10TH BELOW MARKET Phone Cleaning;, Pressing, Dyeing: and Repairing for Ludies and Gents V. F. SALERNO CUSTOM TAILOR 27 NORTH SECOND STREET ALL WORK GUARANTEED Mac Williams Construction Co. Screen Doors and Window Screens. The Best in the World. 2150 NORTH FIFTH STREET United Phone 185 X Frank J. Harro CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER No. 7 STATE ROAD North Lemoyne Bell—Sl92-R. % The • •• • A llvi • • • Bethlehem Steel Company STEELTON, PA. * , High Tensile, Heat Treated Mayari Steel Bolts For Rail Joints and Special Requirements WEDNESDAY EVENING, Lumber Go. We carry the largest stock In the city of all kinds, of lumber, mill work, stucco board, wall board and roofing. Estimates furnished on request. North Sixth Street BOTH PHONES Tool Making All work hand-forged and guaran teed. B. C. MURRAY ForKing and Toolmaking lit Jonestown Road Near ,11th and Market. Bell Phone. 308W EAT YOUR BREAKFAST AT Manhattan Restaurant 317 MARKET STREET and feel right the rest of the day. Here you get THE BEST FOR LESS Tile Perfect Protection Policy Takes care of you In event of sickness; of your family in event of your death, and of your old age with a monthly Income. Sold only by Reliance Life Insur ance Company, of Pittsburgh. J. L. SANTAMARIA, General Agent 710-711 Kuukel Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 612 R W. Y. BRESTEL GENERAL UPHOLSTERER Awnings, Window Shades. Dealer and Reiinisher of Antique Furniture 1248 MARKET STREET Moving and Hauling of All Kinds Picnic and Pleasure Pnrties a Specialty, DAY OR NIGHT William H. Dare RESIDENCE 1453 VERNON ST. Bell Phone 1280 J. Dr. H. C. Spragg DENTIST 1 N. SECOND STREET HARRISBURG, PA. Bell Phone Menger's Surburban Inn CAMP HILL, PA. Special uttention to autolsta. Chicken and Waffle Supper, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Sunday Dinner, 12.30 to 3 p. n>. JOHN N. K. «& FRED H. MENGER Both Phones CLOTHES that leave a good Impression wherever you go, are made by A. J. SIMMS TAILOR 22 NORTH FOURTH STREET ESTABLISHED 1801 Fisher Bros. Plumbing, Heating: and Tinnlnß 1001-03 Capital Street Phone 2208 W. L. Dowhouer ELECTRICAL REPAIRING MOTORS A SPECIALTY 21 N. FIFTH STREET Bell Phone: Office, 28S-W. Resi dence, 1342-J. Auto Trans. Garage 27-31 N. CAMERON ST. Bell Phone 1710 Fire-proof gurage, open day and night. Auto storage, rates reason able. QUICK REPAIR SERVICE. Bell Phone 2041 ESTIMATES FURNISHED R. J. FLOWERS Rear lute red Plumbing and Steam Heating Jobbing Promptly Attended To 113 SOUTH THIRTEENTH ST. AUTO TRUCK PLEASURE PARTIES HANDLED QUICKEST AND BEST One man In Harrisburg who Is mak ing big things of these ideal picnic days is William H. Dare, 1453 Vernon street. His big motor trucks are kept busy day and night hauling pleasure parties to all parts of of Dauphin and Cumberland counties, but, It seems there are never too many trips to be . taken care of in good order. Scarcely a day goes by but what there is not a telephone call and an anxious voice in quires if ho will be able to haul a party of merry-makers and pleasure-seekers up-river on a little trip that has been framed up and planned on the spur of the moment. Mr. Dare rarely, if ever disappoints the Inquirer and a cool, joyful ride Is assured "the crowd." Perhaps it is the modest rates asked that makes Mr. Dare's motor trucks so popular, what is more probable, per haps, It's the combination of cheerful service, comfortable riding and low rates. Mr. Dare has made it a rule to keep his big trucks right "up to snuff" and in the best of running condition | and delays on account of mechanical mishaps to the auto trucks which would undoubtedly spoil the whole pleasure of the outing, are practically unknown with a Dare-conducted party. If the crowd is too large to be handled with one truck, as many trucks are supplied as is necessary to quickly and comfortably transport the party to some secluded nook or cool craney of the beautiful Dauphin county hills, mountains and winding river spots. Next time your "buncn" thinks of tak ing a little run out Into the country, j whether for the evening or for a whole | day, much will be added to the pleas ' ure and comfort of the trip if you'll 1 get in touch with Mr. Dare by tele phoning Bell 1280-J. You'll be assur i ed the very lowest rates and the best of service.—Adv. MODERN BAKING METHODS If it has been ten years or more since you have had the pleasure of i visiting the producing part of the in j side of a bakery, you would not rec ! ognize the place to-day. A decade ago most all the work was done by hand— i the mixing, the kneading, molding and other parts of the work necessary in ! the making of bread. Now machinery of almost human Intelligence has re- j placed manual labor, making the bread ! more sanitary and making the output unlimited and in a thoroughly clean bakeshop. The model and modern baking plant of Mr. Schmidt, which Is located at the corner of Eighteenth and Holly streets, and known as the Vienna Bakery, is an example of modern baking methods. First comes the giant mixer, whose tireless arms will mix and knead a couple of barrels of flour in the time that It would take to mix a small sack by hand labor. Then there are other deft machines that divide the dough into loaves of exactly the same size and weight, mold it into shape and [ pass It along to be proofed and baked. ! Last, but not least, are the ovens, where the heat may be regulated al- j most to a decree —raised, lowered or ! maintained for hours, as may be de sired. Controlled conditions are the present-day secrets of success in the baking business. At Mr. Schmidt's j Vienna Bakery every Ingredient is j I carefully weighed or measured, every operation Is accurately timed, and par- j J tlcular attention is paid to temperature j | and humidity. All who know the Schmidt brands of ! bread realize the fact that this bread 1 is made by people who "know how." j Mr. Schmidt is a. Arm believer in giv ing service as well as quality goods to his customers and good materials, good equipment, good workmen and a good spirit are the things that make Schmidt's bread so good. Just call | No. 1875 on the Bell phone and get a i sample order of this bread and you ! ! may take our word for it when we tell I you that a trial loaf of this bread will ' make you one of Mr. Schmidt's thou j sands of satisfied customers.—Adver- I tisement. STRIKE SETTLED The strike that extends back many years Into history and has caused un told physical suffering has at last been j overcome. Until very recently there was a motto, "Strike while the Iron is Hot." I This saying came about when the blacksmith was compelled to "Strike while the Iron was Hot" in order to make a weld. This sort of striking, however, is ; now a thing of the past. If your auto I cylinder, or auto frame is broken or cracked, or a part of machinery, a I piece of cast iron, brass, aluminum, or any other kind of metal is broken, I cracked or needs filling up In any j way, we will weld or braze It without' the old blacksmith's motto. Our work is done in the most mod- I ei n way by Oxy-Acetelyne process. ! Call the Harrisburg Welding & Braz- j ing Company, 80-88 South Cameron j street, Bell phone 455-M, and we will 1 be pleased to talk to you with refer- j ence to the welding of that casting that you had thought of scrapping and j replacing with a new one.—Advt. I ROSS O'BRINE REGISTERED PLUMBING AND HEATING Work Promptly A (tended to SntiHfnrtion Amiurcd 137 PAXTON- STREET Bell Phone THE Royal Laundry Formerly the Imperial Laumlry KLEMM & JONES Proprietor* 1344-1354 HOWARD STREET Both Phonew David W. Fisher SHEET METAL WORKER 1340 North Third Street BELL PHONE Atticks & Atticks OUR PINEAPPLE PIES Are Poular at This Seaaon of the Year. 217 BROAD I. R. Lyme Plumbing and Heating Harrisburg, Pa. JAMES C. MAUL Acme Sign Co. Show Cards a Specialty 26 NORTH THIRD ST. HARRISBURG. PA. Room 26 • Harrisburg, p«, RAY H. FISHER, Card Dept. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR BUSY WITH INSTALLATIONS Heating and hot water supply sys tems as well as plumbing of different kinds are being installed in a number of industrial buildings and residences by R. O. O'Brine, steam fitter and plumber, of 137 Paxton street, this I city. With the early days of Fall not so ; very tar away, there will be a great j demand for the services of the | plumber who is a little more particu- | lar than the average plumber, and * for that reason, Mr. O'Brine anticl- | pates an unusually busy season. Mr. O'Brine Is well known in the ' plumbing business as well as by the ! general public of Harrisburg and his services as well as that of his assist- | ants is in great demand because he is a little more particular than the aver age plumber regarding the way his work Is done. When he finishes a Job it Is finished right and It Is not ; necessary to call in another plumber i in a short time to go over any of his work. Anybody who is contemplating the services of a plumber would do well to have Mr. O'Brine figure on the j job before letting the contract for the reason that when the work Is done by him you are assured that It Is perfect! in every way.—Advertisement. • THE POLICY WITH AN APPEAL A policy which, If properly pre- J sented, should have a very strong ap peal to most rrtn, is the Perfect Pro tection Policy of the Reliance Life In surance Company of Ptttsburgh, for which J. S. Santamaria, with offices at 710 and 711 Kunkel Building, this city, Is local agent. A policy at the age of thirty-five years with annual premium of slOl insures you for the following benefits: In event of natural death, $5,000; in event of accidental death, SIO,OOO, and In case of sickness or accident. $2 5 J weekly indemnity is paid. The above gives you an idea of just 1 one of their many different policies. Larger or smaller amounts may be.se cured and the premium would be in proportion. The price of these policies fits to-day's demand for maximum life, accident and health protection at mini mum cost. If you are thinking of taking any Insurance it would pay you to drop Mr. Santamaria a card, giving your name, age, occupation and address, and he will gladly send you further j particulars of the policy and cost best suited for your requirements.—Adver j tisement. LOVER HELD FOR DEATH OF GIRL [Continued From First Pagf] J live with her sister, Mrs. Bert Fancher. I Last Friday evening the couple went | driving. The girl is said to have died J under an old elm tree two miles from town. Doctors say she was dead when she was placed in the buggy for the ride to the sanatorium. "We were getting near town when she said, 'Roy, I feel bad,' " Hinter liter told the physicians. "Then she fell over In my lap and I rubbed her hands and feet but couldn't bring her to." At an autopsy no marks of violence were found, but it developed that the girl was soon to become a mother. Examination failed to reveal any at tempt at an illegal operation. No Trace of Crime The stomach was examined. No trace of poison was found. Then one ' of the examining doctors stuck a probe Into an artery, and a bubble burst. It was said by the physicians that only two things known to medical science would cause embolism in the arteries, | faulty injection by a hypodermic needle or a lesion of a lung. The body was examined carefully. There was no needle mark nor lesion jof the lungs. The brain was also j found to be full of water. Further evidence of the State's theory was ; furnished when a man from a neigh boring town came to State's Attorney Morris* office with a package contain- I ing an instrument used in performing | illegal operations. He said he had seen I one of the boy friends of Hinterliter ' nick it up under an old elm tree and | had taken it from him, thinking it might have some bearing on the case. Sheriff West who visited the spot I mentioned found where a horse had been tied, marks of a struggle in the 1 sandy soil, the imprint of a girl's hand and of a boy's shoes. Instead of using the Instrument as intended, it is maintained by physi- I cians, that it was used as an unfilled ! hypodermic needle and that a small artery was punctured. To a friend who saw Hinterliter ! after he had taken the girl to the ; sanatorium last Friday night, the lat -1 ter is quoted as saying: "I am in bad. Take my rig home I and tell mother that I don't know when I will be home, but to expect [ me." . 1 J. F. Barnhardt &Co. Contractors and Builders HARRISBPRG. PA. AYllllam S. Cunkle Geo.T. Cunkle W. S. Cunkle & Son Contractors For FI.OOR AND WALL TILE, IXTEIIIOn MARBLE AND SLATE Corner State and Cameron Sta. Residence, 179 N. Fifteenth St. Bell I'lione SBl-L GOLD, SILVER, NICKEL Plating Polishing, XtcflnlMhfnpr Etc., of All Metal Goodn THE NUSS MFG. CO. 11TH A!»D MULBERRY STS. J. A. Kepple PHOTO-FINISHING OF QUALITY For the Camera Uaer. ROOM 10 29 North Second Street J. E. Gipple Allison Hill Real Estate 1251 MARKET ST. Bell Phone. A SUBURBAN INN THAT'S A DE LIGHT TO LOVERS OF NATURE AND GOOD FOODS One of those quiet, retiring sort of Suburban Hostelries is Menger's Sub urban Inn located in Camp Hill, along the Harrisburg-Carlisle Pike within easy access by trolley or but a few | short minutes' ride by automobile. The I proprietors of this pleasing and rest : ful little dining place have been in t j} e . res ' a urant and hotel ouslness all j their lives; they know just what con ! stituter. a desirable hotel; they know j what the public wants and further j more, they know how to meet these I S~? maI V* s — an d they do meet them. | They do more than merely meet these demands of a good hotel, for they've | added the little touches of refinement i and quietude that quickly popularizes | the cozy, out-of-the-way restaurant and dining place. Their chicken and waffle suppers every Tuesday and Thursday evenings, since their institu tion have gained wonderful popularity and motorists and others flock there to take advantage of the wholesome, appetizing way the suppers are pre pared and served. Special attention | Is given automobile parties and with I a word of notice beforehand, any size party can be readily accommodated with a dinner that calls to mind the of big dinners of boynood and j girlhood days. There's room for danc iing; there's music—there's everything that goes to make the impromptu oc casion stand out in your memory like I a house on a hill. The large quiet porches with their big easy chairs, the | shady corners where delicate, cool- I looking vines twine about the latti&d j arbors; the smooth green lawns that ; completely surround the buildings—a picture that comes back to you long after the little party is forgotten; a Sif <T e you'll like to remember. The Sunday dinner, served from 12:30 to 3 p. m. brings folks from Here, There and Everywhere to enjoy the tastily prepared foods, the pure coun try air, and the complete rest that's so agreeable these hot, sultrv sum mer afternoons.— Advt. A TALK ON PIANOS Although located out of the chief business center of the city, L. H. i i- ar ll! e IU, ore ' the P'ano dealer at 712 North Third street, has every reason to be proud of his success. Mr. Parthemore has been in the j 1 ?. bus * ness for over twenty years and by his excellent management and careful attention to the wants of-the general public in the music line he has secured a prominent position among the music stores of this city. ■ Located as he is out of the high rent district enables him to save a purchaser from SSO to SIOO on a piano j player for the reason that the over head expense is practically nothing compared with the downtown stores, and as he is able to give all of his own time to the business, thereby do ing away with the expense of clerks and salesmen, make It possible for him to sell a piano or player at a j greatly reduced price, when compared with other large and expensive piano stores. Especially for the cash—as cash talks here. Now if you are contemplating pur chasing a piano It would certainly pay you to see Mr. Parthemore and have a talk with him, as well as ascertain his extremely low prices. He will be pleased to furnish you with some valuable information re garding the purchasing of anything in his line, and will quote you some prices on pianos and players that will as tonish you. Two of the leading lines represented by Mr. Parthemore are the Art-Tone Ahlstrom and the sweet-toned Lehr, both of which are to be found among the highest class of pianos on the mar ket, and are particularly noted for their remarkably refined quality of tone. They are the best that monev can buy and he would be glad to have the opportunity of telling you the reasons why.—Advertisement. E. C. SNYDER GRANTED PATENT ON FOLDING KITCHEN APPLIANCE mill. Eighteenth and Holly streets, has secured the patent right to manufac ture and sell something entirely new for the modern home in the way of a kitchen table and ironing board. The cabinet is always ready for use, always out of the way when not in use. and can be adjusted in an instant by simply opening the doors and letting down the board by an automatic arrangement. It requires no space in the room, as the board folds into the wall. The cabinet can be finished In any wood to suit the room. The model can be seen at the planing mill at any time.—Adver tisement. FASNACHT FAMILY REUNION Special to the Telegraph Marietta, Pa., July 26. The annual reunion of the Fasnacht family, of Pennsylvania, will be held on Saturday, July 29, at Lititz Springs Park. First USE OUR Pasteurized MILK—It Is Safe We wish to assure all our cus tomers that they need have no un easiness as to the safety of our Milk, Cream or Buttermilk. Watch for the Health Department reports, and see our low Bacteria count. Penna. Milk Products Co. 2112 ATLAS AVE. Both Phones. F. H. HANTZMAN Manufacturer of and Dealer In All Klndn of Lumber and Building Material Yard—Cor. Brlsgs and Cowden Sta. Sole Agency for Cornell >ValI Board —always In stock. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Gross Drug Store 119 MARKET ST. Special care given Prescription work. Well selected Toilet Ar ticles and general drug line. Bell Phone IMO. Est. 1880. Black's Art Store The Leading; and Oldest PICTURE FRAMING ESTABLISHMENT In Harrlsbarg. 117 MARKET STREET Studio Second Floor. Conservatory of Music Special methods for bc-ginners and children —special Teachtrs' Course. We teach all'branches of music. Send for catalogue. E. J. DECEVEE <lO7 NORTH 2ND ST. JULY 26, 1916. Let us denion f j strate The "Sl lent Smith" to .»crM '', you at your nf -1 ace. No obll r nation to buy. ; Geo. P. Tillotson 1 I L. C. Smith A Bros. Typewriter Co. 211 Locust Street Machines rented, repaired. » i Some Traded 31aohlne« For Sale. ;i Miller Auto Co. J 1 DISTRIHUTORS OF ! Haynes Cars SOUTH CAMERON ST. i Photography In All Itn Branched J. H. KELLBERG PHOTOGRAPHER 302 MARKET STREET Hell Phone 11S8-R I i E. C. SNYDER LUMRFIR YARD AND PI.ANING 1 . MILL ; 18TH AND HOLLY STS. Both Phone* ) I JOHN C. ORR SURETY RONDX AND FIRE INSURANCE 228 MARKET STREET Phone 034 1 ' ! , Public Accountant and Auditor || J. C. Shumberger UNION TRUST RUII.DING , I SYSTEMS ORGANI/^D AUDITING STATEMENTS PREPARED 1 I M I J?Pf REFRIGERATORS 5i H Iffi 'il Three-door side icer, in white enamel, capacity 100 I ■■ u, pounds; city price, $22; our price, *lB. Other refriger- H I HwFW Sell ators tronl **- t" * 3S - chests. *5 to $lO. ; IJJB&fl M. A. HOFF 1 Wf Fourth and Bridge St*. New Cumberland, Pa. — F. W. REUWER 1 Plumbing and Steam Hentin* 1 AH Work Guaranteed One Year. , 208 MUENCH STREET Bell Phone 3536 1 5 THE WORDEN PAINT \ AND ROOFING COMPANY H. M. F. & L. B. WORDKN, Fropra. SLAG, SI. ATE AND TILE ROOFS, DAMP AND WATER PROOFING, PAINTS AND ROOFERS' SUPPLIES l HARRISBURG, PA. ' HAGERSTOWN. MP. » ' Roshon's Studio 5 8 N. MARKET SQUARE B Onr ■peelaltr—The Regal Portralta. Have You Seen Themf 7 ——- —— ————————_ 1 5 S. Harper Myers p Undertaking and Furniture j 43-45 East Main Street t MECHANICSBURG, PA. tl t ITT AV E you 1~1 bought those "WASH SUITS for your boy? The "KEEP NEAT" line is made for serv ice, fast color, turned seams. We have had the largest sale, In our history, and mer chants are order ing more. Ask your dealer to show them to you. JENNINGS MFC. CO. ELITE SHOE REPAIR SHOP The niont modern repair iihop In the city. Shorn called for and delivered. 14 S. DEWBERRY ST. Opjt. Bowiunn'n. Bell Phone 3520. | FREDS.LACK MERCHANT TAILOR \ 26-28-30 Dewberry Street AUTO PARTS WELDED Cast Iron Welding our Specialty. Every Job guaranteed. Nothing too large or too small. Charges reason able. HARRISBURG WELDING AND BRAZING CO. A. A. Haytvard, Prop. Tel.. 4.WM Bell AS S. Cameron St. Bell Phone City Shoe Repairing Co. C. B. SHOPE 18 NORTH COURT ST. Rear of Patriot Building T I "On Harrisburg's Largest Building Operations" Harold A. Hippie Contractor & Builder Harrisburg National Bank B'ld'g. C. A. FAIR Carrlnsre nnd Auto Works Rant Knd Mulberry Street Bridge HARRISBURG, PA. Auto, Top*. Ilodlen and Palntliiß "First Class Work Our Motto." F. A. Wiesemann MANUFACTURER OF CIGARS OF QUALITY Jill Race St. Bell I'hone 1311-W. Harrisburg Typewriter and Supply Company Typewriters, Repair* und Supplier CORONA AGENCY 40 NORTH COURT STHKET SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Troup ISuildlnu I.*» S. Market Sq. Day and Night School Commercial *1 Course* Hell 485 ( untherlauil H. A. GABLE BUILDERS SUPPLIES 113-115-117 SOUTH SECOND ST Telephone*— Hell 1M; United 43^! Hell Phone 3H71-J. HARRISBURG PATTERN ' AND MODEL WORKS l'ntterns, Model*, Hand Hulls, Stairs und all kinds of Wood Jobbing 28-34 N. CAMERON STREET W. H. SNOOK Roofing 332-334 KELKER ST. John Black & Sons 201 S. Seventeenth Street Motor Truck Hauling of All Kinds Bell Phone 2568 M GEORGE F. SHOPE THE HILL TAILOR Out of the high-rent district. 5- cent street car ride saves you from $3 to $5 on every ult. Salt* from sls to 940 1241 MARKET STREET Bruaw's Rotary Cleanser MANUFACTURED BY Gohl, Bruaw & Co. 310 STRAWBERRY ST.. HAHKISBLRG, PA. Furnished Rooms Home Cooking Dickert's Dining Room THEO. K. MURRAY, Prop. 10 MEAL, TICKETS, *2.50 21 MEAL TICKETS, g.VOO 113 MARKET STREET Eatabllßhed 18SS Bell Phone COHEN'S Sporting Goods Department ALEXANDER KASSNAR. Mgr. 431 MARKET STREET Sportlnft Goods, Bicycles, Fishing i Tackle, Klre Anus, Ammunition. j Crown Optical Co. 210 NORTH THIRD STREET SECOND FLOOR HARRISBURG, PA. See Ua For Flrat Claa» Work at Reanonnhle Prlcea Bell Phone 877-M G. E. SHEFFER Contractor and Builder 220 SENECA STREET C. B. Care Real Estate and Insurance 409 MARKET ST. HARRISBURG. PA. Care'a Grocery, LINGLESTOWN, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers