10 \ * I I % t J JUST as the Klaxon warns PEDESTRIANS, we "Y "T TK know auto horns. We have to. It's our would warn MOTORISTS. W business. ' We would say-and as emphatically as the Klaxon We know the stuff that gQes fato and the says it— LOOK OUT." ~u , J sound that comes out Look out for horns that LOOK like Klaxons but are NOT Klaxons. know why the Klaxon is the most widely used m, i . , .. # . auto horn in the world. I he only way to be sure you are getting a genuine Klaxon—with the famous Klaxon note and the Klaxon Because it is MADE right Because it always guarantee of PERMANENT satisfaction is to find the WORKS. Because it is always HEARD. Because Klaxon name-plate:— it LASTS FOREVER There is no signal that can compare with it in warning-power, carrying-power and dependability. Ko v v ™ ff} i[| Once let us put one on your car* and you will never drive without it It's the modern means of safe and I "the only sign of a perfect signal." 1 satisfactory motoring. / * % » Front-Market MotorS upply Co Sales Agents For GOODYEAR°TIRES WHITE STAR EXTRA QUALITY MOTOR OIL CARTER CARBURETORS BOSCH MAGNETOS LEAK-PROOF RINGS HESS-BRIGHT BALL BEARINGS RED SEAL BATTERIES GABRIEL SNUBBERS DANN INSERTS JOHNSON'S CLEANER AND WAX ATWATER-KENT IGNITION VACUUM MOBILOILS RAYBESTOS BRAKE LINING A C PLUGS HARTFORD SHOCK ABSORBERS MARKET STREET, Near Front Harrisburg, Pa. * % V . \ ' A Few of the 24 Klaxon Models: — A •«> "I" bi'uMd on RUNNING BOARD of mutomoNW Type S HAND KLAXONET; KLAXON w * - \ KLAXON with bracket for boats oa RUNNINQ BOARD of »utomc toliim $22.50 SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 22, 1916. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers