i low's tic Timc to Rent That Cottage or' Bungalow Tim A 'Want Ad~[ Card of Thanks THE children of Mr*. Amanda Short 129 North Summit street, wish to extend their thanks and appreciation of tni kindness shown them oy their relatives and friends during their recent be reavement. THE CHILDREN Lost and Found LOST Sunday, between State Fail Grounds and Hershey Park. Silk Moir« Toat. Finder please return to 1235 Market street. • Help Wanted —Male WANTED MOLDERS for both light and heavy floor work; also brass molders. \v e run open shop. We had a strike of union molders in April last, but over ninety per cent, of our old molders have returned to work. We want to increase our force by adding a night turn. We offer: Best wages. Best working conditions. High grade work, Steady employment. Applv bv letter or in person. THE WESTINGHOUSE FOUN DRIES. TRAFFORD. PA. A Suburb of Pittsburgh. Pa. LABORERS WANTED on concrete ivork. 22>-s cents per hour. Long job. \pplv to Robert Grace Contracting Co., forester s Island. Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED Several young men to vork at Philadelphia Quick Lunch. Ap >ly 307 Market. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES iIKN WANTED Ablebodied. unmar ked men under age of 35; Citizens oi ."nited States, of good character and emperate habits, who can speak, read ind write the English language. For nforrr.ation apply to Recruiting Of lcer, Bergner Bldg., 3rd & Market Sts.. iarrisiiurg. WANTED Good appearing men tc vork on a proposition that will yield hem SI.OO to $4.00 per day. Steady vork. Call. S-S A M.. 4-6 P. M., Room 109 Patriot Building. WANTED Mechanic who is able tc lelp in repairing automobiles. Apply J )nspach. East End Auto Co.. Shrub and -inden streets. WANTED Young man for orflca ivork. Must understand shorthand and ypewriting United Shoe Machinery 't>., Room 210 Calder Building, Harris >urg, Pa. SALESMAN WANTED We want iistrlct Managers for an open territory or men who can handle a branch. Ap ily Keystone Kor-Ker Distributor, 1515 Corth street. City. WANTED First-class outside cut ers on Ladies' shoes. Good wages ar.d teady employment. Utz & Dunn Co. IT Canal street, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED First-class machine cut er on Shirts. Man experienced with Mallard machine. Apply at once at The . Unterberg & Co.. Inc., Lincoln auc selvedere avenues. York, Pa. YOUNG MEN WANTED To work n automobile repair shop. Our school is overflowing with repair work Therefore it gives our students a chance to obtain practical repair work all machines. We pay thirty centi ,»er hour as soon as competent. Take idvantage of summer rates. Autc Transportation School, 25-29 North "ameron street. WANTED YOUNG MEN to learn lo become practical chauffeurs. We c'vo our unlimited course for SSO. easy i iyments. and guarantee 30c per hour ml scon as competent. We have iO cari during the Spring. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL, 25-27-JS Sorth Cameron street. SALESMANAGER WANTED to handle i superior line of Typewriter Ribboni ind Carbon Paper In Eastern Pennsyj. rania. Elg returns assured a live vire. No investment. Address "Manu 'act'irer." care of Telegraph. WANTED —4O able-bodiec nen for piece work. White oi :olored. Apply in person to agent harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Divisiot street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED A second and third hand >aker. at once. Regular work for th< "ight man. C. H. Enck, 45 North Four eenth street. OFFICE WORK—Young man wanted; must understand short hand and typewriting. Apply United Shoe Machinery Co., Room 21u Calder Building, Har risburg. Pa. WANTED All-around printer t< ake management of well equipped jol sfflce in a city of 25.000; must nave ex lerience end reference Address Box L i0«0, care of Telegraph. WANTED Three automobile me lhanics, must be A 1 men. at once. Ret trence required. Auto Transportatiot oarage. 25-27-29 North Cameron street. LABORERS WANTED For eithe' •ontract or day labor. Attractivi vages. Apply at Quarries of Hoffmai iros. & Wilson. Twenty-third stree inq P. & R. Railroad. Help Wanted—Female ANTED A woman between ag< '5 and 40. for housework: a *ood homi or right party. Call 1566 Swatari 'treet. between 6 and S o'clock. W , AN JEI?, — A girl for general house vork: family of two: reference requir •d. Address Box 24 Paxtang. Pa. EVERY STUDENT PLACED Th. eason—Expert training, individual in itruction and a personal interest in eac! tudent Harrisburg Shorthand School :i North Second street. ANTED —"Chambermaid. Applv a "o!um: u« Hotel between one and flv. •'clock. GIRL WANTED at Snyder's Confec ionery Store and Ice Cream Parlor >irl wanted over twenty-ine. well rec immended and neat. Apply 1700 Nort! Third street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' 71-ACRE FARM BARGAIN : FOR QUICK SALE ! >. This farm of 71 acres is located! on the State Road from Duncannon* to JCew Bloomfield. about Ss4 miles 1 east of New Bloomfield. < There are 61 acres cultivated. 8 , acres meadowland and 2 acres! woodland. House, barn and outbuildings Property is known as the "Me | gines" Farm. , • Get particulars early. Write or telephone for our list of feinted farms for sale. MILLER BROTHERS&CO. REAL ESTATE i Insuraacc Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets TUESDAY EVENING, Help Wanted—Female WANTED Several strong, steady firls to work in starch room. Apply roy Laundry. 1520-1526 Fulton street. WANTED Laundry girls at Palaco Laundry. 2103 Logan avenue. WANTED A reliable girl for gen eral housework. September 1. Refer eneces required. Apply C.. 5062. care of Telegraph. WANTED An experienced sales :.lady. One who can alter sklrs pre , ferred. Apply at once. Berger's Bazaar, j 1007 and 1009 North Third street. WANTED Girl about 20 years old to work In store Must be handy with a needle Address Box G. 4320. care of ; Telegraph. WANTED Diningroom girl for summer resort. Good wages for the right girl. Must be over 25 years of age. Address A. L. Resch. Prop., Wild Cat Falls Inn. Marietta, Pa. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED, AT ONCL Sewing ma chine operators. Experience not nec essary. Pressors also wanted. Blough Manufacturing Co WANTED Olrls experienced on towsr sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Vernon street. Harrisburg. Pa- Situations Wanted—Male WANTED Young man wishes work out of town; willing to go anywhere, familiar with automobiles and track work. Box M, 5066. care of Telegraph. WANTED Work of any kind, by young man 17 years of age. can fur nish reference. Address 0.. 5065. care of Telegraph. WANTED Bv colored man, posi tion washing and cleaning windows. Address 17128 Walnut street. WANTED Man. with family, wants position with Christian people; best references. 134 Cranberry avenue. City, j WANTED Middle-axed man, handy with tools, wishes work. Prices rea sonable. Apply 1415 Wallace, Second Floor. WANTED Bellman and butler wants a position; reference. Address J. 5059. care of Telegraph. Situations Wanted —Female WANTED • oman wants washing and ironing to do, or day's work, or office work. Apply No. 1512 Drum mond street, Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED—Experienced housekeeper wishes position as housekeeper for widower in city. Call TOT North Nine teenth street. WANTED Girl wishes light house work. Call, or address, 620 Forster street. WANTED Position as nurse or housekeeper by colored woman. Ad dress 120* Apple avenue. WANTED Day's work of any kind. Apply HOT North Sixth street. WANTED Colored woman wants washing and ironing, or day work, to do at home. Call 124 Liberty street. WANTED A white woman would like position as cook; can furnish flrst class reference; city preferred. C., 5063, care of Telegraph. WANTED Day's work for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Call, or write, No. 5 Sherman Row, City. : WAN ±~D Colored woman wants position as cook. Apply 326 River ave nue. WANTED White woman, with chiid six years old, wants general housework, in or out of city. Adures» G.. 5056. care of Telegraph. Real Estate For Sale VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE for *l,- I 600 T rooms bath piped for gas furnace porch. SIOO cash and easy monthly payments. Bell Really Co., Bergner Building. BUY A NEW HOUSE with all mod ern conveniences steam heat gas and electric lights—porches, etc. Prices. $3,300. Inspect the houses. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. SEVERAL. business propositions where very little cash is needed. Equip ment in good condition, and offered at one-half value. Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FARM. 4 ACRES; ALL NEW BUILD- | INGS, HUNTERS RUN. Cumberland County. Pa.; ideal for chicken and truck, farming, also desirable for country summer home; good train service on Reading Railroad L Elliott Middle town. Boiling Springs, Pa. A description of this property at 409 Market Street. C. B. CARE Harris- j burg. THREE HOUSES IN DUNCANNON— One suitable for dwelling cr hoarding house; all modern improvements, and stoieroom on first floor. One double house. 6 rooms each. Lota. 150 ft. deep, I 60 ft. frontage. Address Mrs. Josephine Millar, Duncannon. or W. M. Seibert. Attorney. New Bloomfield. FOR SALE Attractive, new, three story brick house, e'ght rooms and bath, finished in oak. hardwood floors vapor heat, porches, large yard, grano lithic walks, iron fences, laundry and all other modern improvements; good location. Will sell on payments or Thiity (t30.00,> Dollars per month. Mac WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO_ BUILDERS AND DESIGNERS, 2150 N. FIFTH ST. Harrlsburg. #a. FOR SALE New brick bungalow, located on Main Street. Penbrook; 7 rooms, bath, pantry and sewingroom; !■ gas and electric light; vacuum steam heat; concrete porch; drive allev on rear of lot; Jot. 30x150. Price, $4.100.0u ( Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Seven-acre fruit, truck and poultry farm. Good house and all necessary outbuildings. Good water. Possession at«once. Bargain if sold at once. Bell phone 1659J-4. A. B. Davis, 2436 Camby street, Penbrook. $1,700 WILL BUY a 7-room house, all improvements, side entrance, drive alley in rear, on a good street. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street 1611 REGINA STREET Three-story brick; all improvement!; end property; paved alley in rear; price right. H G Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE 232 South Twenty- i ninth Street. Penbrook; 2V4-storv frame ' dwelling; 6 rooms, bath and finished attic: cemented cellar; gas: furnace; front and rear porches; fruit trees; I large chickenhouse: lot. 18xlS0. Price > $2,250.00. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Lot at Enola, 50x150' cellar dug out; stone for wall; also 40- ft. drilled well Cheap for quick sale Address Box 354. Duncannon, Pa. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in 1 blocks or the whole. A splendid ' opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, i 1 care of Harrisburg Telegraph,!' city. lj Real Estate For Sale VAUGHN One acre plots, will sell ball acre; also lots S2x2iio feet ulcus il. T. trolley; 7Hc tare to all parts o£ Har risburg and Steelton; beautiful and healthful; (round euough tor poul try and vegetables; price only sl6* per half acre. C. B. Care, Care's Grocery Store, Llnglectown. Pa. de scription at 4u* Market Street. City. = Real Estate For Rent FOR REST SUBURBAN HOME 207 Paxtang Ave., Paxtang—new JH-story stucco — $ rooms oath steam heat, Lot. 45x150 ft. Miller Brothers & Co.. Lo cust and Court Sts. i YORK AVE. Warehouse, between | Cowden and Pennsylvania avenue; 40x 150 feet; suitable for garage or ware -1 house. Inquire at Metropolitan Hotel. FOR RENT I 2005 X. THi.sD ST.—Three-story I dwelling l3 rooms bath steam i heat—large porches—delightful shade — •plot, 126x204 ft — pleasingly located at i the southeast corner Third and Geiger Sts. Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and j Court Sts. | FOR RENT Three-story brick; ■ten rooms; all improvements; electric I lights; good garage; Main street, Mt ! chanicsburg. Moderate rent. Happie i 4: Swartx, Mechanicsburg, Pa. i EAOLEfMERE, PA. Fully fuinish led cottage lor rent. Magnificent view. 'Terms low. Address Box 126, Eagles ! mere, Pa. FOR RENT 1631 A Market, 7 rooms and bath, all conveniences. sls.oo. Ap ply 163 X Market street. HOUSE FOR RENT AT OVERVIEW —Three-story brick; ten rooms, includ ing bath; running water, electric light, telephone and all modern conveniences, five-cent fare from Harrisburg; speci ally adapted for railroad employes. In quire Room 20s, Commonwealth Trust csuilding. or address P. O. Box 563. FOR RENT 2Vi -story stucco house on Paxtang avenue; eignt rooms and bath; hardwood floors; lot, 45 ft. by 155 tt. Possession given August 1. Address 207 Paxtang avenue, Paxtang, Pa. FOR RENT 1836 State street; 3- story brick house with all improve ments; immediate possession. Apply !to S. Friedman, Real Estate. Kunkel Building, or 217 Peffer street. FOR RENT No. 1507 State atr»et, modern three-story brick house in the best of condition. Immedia'e posses sion. Kent, $35. J. E. G-IPPL.E, Apartments For Rent FOR RENT Three unfurnished sec ond story rooms, with privilege of bath, heat and gas furnished, located at 410 Crescent street. Rent, Jl6. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Well furnished pleasant apartments, one on first floor and one on the second floor, with board, city steam heat and elec tricity. References. Call 513 North Second street, between 11 and 12, 5 and 6, if possible. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Locat ed at the corner of Sixth and Kelker streets. Newly built. Five rooms and bath, with all conveniences. Hard wood floors and cut glass fixtures, with front aad back porches. Apply to u Silbert, 1742 North Sixth street. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS and office for a physician tfirat floor) five rooms and bath city steam heat. Particulars a; office of Miller Brothers & Co.. Locust and Court Streets. Rooms ror Rent FOR RENT—Newly-furnished rooms for ladies and gentlemen. Running hot and cold water. A phone in every room. J2.50 per week, special rates, two n. a room. Metropolitan Annex. 51$ Mar ket street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms. Bell phone 1896 J. Apply 2016 Green street. FOR RENT One front room, nicely furnished: use of bath; also telephone. Apply 30 North Tenth street. FOR RENT Well-furnlshed "rooms overlooking Capitol Park, centrally lo cated with all conveniences. 11.50 to $3.00 per week. Apply 328 North street. FOR RENT Large, front room; also bay window room, second floor, near bath; use of phone If you desire! a quiet, clean home, we can please you. No. 117 Pine street. FOR RENT Large, cool front room on first floor, also second floor room at No. 222 North Third street. Apply No. 9 North Front. Phone 1029 M. FOR RENT Second floor front room; newly furnished, for gentleman, bath, etc.; convenient to Capitol, Post Office; quiet location. 265 Biiggs street. Bell phone 1278 R. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished | rooms for light housekeeping; second floor front; use of bath and phone. Ap ply before 6 P. M., 621 North Second ; street. FOR RENT Second-story front room; newly furnished; electric light; phone service. Apply 125 Pine street. FOR RENT Neatly furnished bed rooms. second and third floor front. Ap ply 11$ South street FOR RENT Two nicely furnished, up-to-date rooms for light housekeep ing; also one separate room; use of bath; hot and cold water. 24 North : Fifth street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished, first floor rooms for light housekeeping. Ap ply 1417 Vernon street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, singly or ensuite; all conveniences; phone, etc.; references required. Apply | 1015 North Front street. FURNISHED ROOMS Single or en suite. Rooms are large and airy. Use of Bell phone. Address 713 North Sixth. Rooms Wanted WANTED By two gentlemen, one large or two unfurnished rooms, with private bath, first floor front, within five blocks of Market Square. Address j 0., 5064, care of Telegraph. Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED Young, married couple wishes a small house, about four or five rooms, in good location. Rent reason able. Apply 206 Frederick street, Steei ; ton. Pa. WANTED, HORSE City broke." 1 : about 1200 to 1400 fbs. In weight. Must ibe sound. State age, color, where can : he seen and lowest cash price. Address | P. O. Box 318. Harrisburfc. Board and Rooms BOARDING AND ROOMS Can ac commodato a few more boardora; rea sonable rates, with the best the market afford*. 123 South Second street For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE English bull dog, male j puppy, from prize-winning stock, eli fible for A. K. C. registration. C. G. tewart, 1512 V 4 Fourth street. ! CHICKS—Four and eight weeks old, | Barred Rocks. Leghorns and White ! Rocks. 200 In all; bargain to close out Call Bell 1695J-4. A. B. Davis, 2436 Camby street, Penbrook. Pa. WE SELL 25c magazines at 2 for sc; 15c novel* at »c; 25c Alger and other boys' books at 10c, 3 for 25c; 10c Alger books at sc, 6 for 25c. Hundreds of other bargains. Books bought; open even ings. Aurand s Book Store 913 North Xhird. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH For Sale—Miscellaneous T FOR SALE 25 shares Merchants ice company of Harrisburg stock. Bell Phone 3066 W. o /X9 l ? SALE—Spence hot water boiler, capacity, good condition. A. M. Thomas, Plumber, Steam and Hot Water Fitter. Oyster Point. Camp Hill. FOR SALE Will sell all kinds of second-hand furniture, carpets and stove at lowest reduction price on ac- S°unt of moving. Now is your chance. « ill move to 324 Reily street. Apply r rank Cohen, 607 State street. I . FOF. SALE First-class shoe-shin ing and hat-cleaning business. A | money-maker. Will sell cheap or ex ! change for a good automobile. Apply ! B. cocas. Philadelphia Quick Lunch, 305 Broad street. City. FIRE SALE The remains of our immense wholesale stock of Hardware, I which was partly destroyed bl tire in Januarq, is now on sale at reductions of .10 to To per cent. Contractors, Black smiths, Mechanics and Farmers who are interested in saving money will do well to look this stock over. Open Saturday Evenings. O. F. Strayer, 323 ; Broad street. FOR SALE One two-barrel dough mixer, two dough trays, lot of pans |and one rubber-tired surrey, one set of wheels. Apply 8.. 4296, care of Tele graph. FIRE SALE Window Glass half price. Paints, Varnishes. Colors in Oil or Japan. Putty, etc.. at bargain prices. All kinds of builders' Hardware. Nails, $2.50 Keg. Sash Weights. l*4c. 323 Broad street. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned I will sell at Public Sale at his residence, 2136 .»orth Seventh Street, Harrisburg. Pa., on Thursday. July 20, 1916, at 1 o'clock P. M. sharp, a large lot of Household Goods. XI. A Rissinger. FIRE SALE lce Cream Frceiers, 3 jto 12-quart. Large reduction. Gas Plates. Garden and Farm tools. Tin, Enamel and Aluminum Ware. Japalac, Carpenters' tools below cost. 323 Broad street. FOR SALE Haynes Bros, piano. , child's crib, baby carriage and other articles. Apply 235 South Fifteenth ; street. FOR SALE One set Encyclopedia Britannica. Handy volume. Brown Morrocco binding. Brand new. Cost j $76. SSO cash. Address G„ 225, care | of Telegraph. FOR SALE, at Gable's. 111-117 South j Second street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence. Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hara w-aie. Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board. ! Compo-Board, Doors. Sash. Shutters, , Mouldings. Porch Posts. Purnps, etc. j ——. I FOR SALE Diamond and Good rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases, Harness and Leather Goods made to order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings. HARRISBURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO.. SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. I _ AT GABLE'S. 113. 115 and 71? South fcecond street. 6,000 gallons New Era I ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. AJI the lull line of the Acme make. AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash. SxlO, 11 L. primed and glased, at $1.30 per set. Also other sixes. Also doors and shut ters. For Rent—Miscellaneous MARKET ST., 1212—Storeroom, cor ner of Market and Summit streets; newly finished; a desirable location; S2O 1 per month. Inquire L Minter. 1167 Market street. Phone 4282. _ FOR PENT Desirable office In Telegraph Building, size 14x1$. 'nquir* Superintendent, Room 100. FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslagcr. 711 North Third street. Business Opportunities BEFORE BUYING a rebuilt BICYCLE elsewhere, iaspect our stock and prices. Special bargains and prices for summer months. J. B. Murray. 1014 James ; street. ANY intelligent person can earn pood Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for pel licular*. Press Syndicate. 79S Uock j port. N. Y. Business Personals LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit rases idrummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices In the city. Call and ; be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable P.-.wnbrokers. «3l Market street, at subway. CARPETS AND RUGS scoured at re- j duced rates during the months of July and August. Keystone Rug Co.. 1115- Montgomery street. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective , work handled—one eye always open. BELL PHONE 127 W. HEMSTITCHING FANCY AND PLAIN, done on short notice; 10' cents a yard up; colors a spoclalty. Information given freei, MCDOWELL IPSA MARKET STREET. Hauling ana Moving GENERAL HAULING One and one-half ton to two-ton truck for hire. 1 Prompt attention to moving. Truck parties solicited. H. G. Garman, Meh ring's Garage. Both phones. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN, National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general hauling. W. H. Lathe, 1 Manager. Fifth and Woodbine street*. ! Bell phone No. 2503 R. PIANO MOVING WE move pianos carefully Bell 146. Winter Piano Co.. S3 North Fourth street. Money to Loan - . MONEY advanced to Housekeepers at iegal rkites; business confidential. Profit Sharing lx>an Society, Room 7. Spoooer Building. 2* North Market Square. ■ i Storage FIREPROOF SIX) RAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second ! street Harrisburg Storage Company. t STORAGE 419 Broad street, house hold goods and merchandise. Private I rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month. D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. Musical FOR SALE Cabinet Victor Vic- | trola and 20 pieces of latest music. Re- : liable party can have for part cash, rest to suit buyer. Address K., 5058, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE New Victrola Club i starting. Club terms. 50c per week on Victrola and your own selection of 16 pieces of music. Have use of Victrola while buying. Address 0.. 5057, care of Jelegraph. STANDARD SHARES HOLDING STRONG Impart Measure of Stability to Weakened Accounts; To bacco's Firm New York, July 18. Price changes | became more variable later with al ■ ternate advances and declines in spe- I cialties. Standard stocks, particularly ! Union Pacific, Reading. St. Paul, U. S. i Steel and Marine preferred were suf rficlently firm to impart a measure of stability, except in isolated instances, 'where further unloading of weakened accounts was indicated. Willys—Over land continued to drop, declining to jss4, its lowest quotation in consider ably over a year, but other shares of the same class were comparatively steady. Tobaccos were strong, Loril- Musical HINZIE PIANO. sl6s—Was $275; was rented short time; fine walnut finish; hurry for this one; easy terms. J. H. Troup Music House. 15 South Market Square. HARDMAN PIANO. s2Ss—Was $500; used less than eighteen months, guar anteed like new; see at once: easy terms. J. H. Troup Music House. 15 t>outh Market Square. DUNHAM PIANO. $145 Was $350: fine mahogany case, good tone; usea less than three years: see it at once; easy terms. J. H. Troup Music House, 15 South Market Square, I CABLE PLAYER. 88-note. s36s—Was ♦ 500; used only three months; guaran teed like new: twelve rolls and bench included; easy terms. J. H. Troup Music House, 15 South Market Square. WESSEL PIANO. slss—Was $325; re built like new: mahogany finish; a big bargain; see to-day; easy terms. J. H. ' Troup Music House, 15 South Market Square. EMERSON-ANGELUS, $675 Was SSSO; used to demonstrate: can't be told .from new; fully guaranteed; rolls and I bench free. J. H. Troup Music House, j 15 South Market Square. FOR SALE Strictly high grade GRAND PIANO. Used short time. Will sell at a bargain. Address Box D. 4311, j care of Telegraph. HAVE your VICTROLA. GRAFANOLA or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR- | ED by an expert. Bell phone 3242 J. | Write, or call, at 'SIS Broad street. — = Summer Resorts and Cottages A COTTAGE FOR RENT at Speece vjlle. near Dauphin, along the Susque hanna river. Eight rooms and com pletely furnished. Apply 1216 North Front street. FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage, furnished, between Accomac and Wild 1 Cat. Fine location. A L Resch. Mari | etta. Pa. Automobiles FOR SALE Metz Roadster, /1915 model, 224-H.-P. Will demonstrate after 5:30 P. M. and will sell for $275. A car with very small up-keep. Bell phone 3805 J. FOR SALE Regal Touring car, 4- cylinder, 40-H.-P. Good condition. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply to Lester Lercli, East Emaus street, Mid dletown. Pa. USED AUTOMOBILES | Pullman, 1915, sell for $450; Cole "30." four un-skid tires $250 Interstate $l9O 1 Ford, 1915 $325! Buick, two-cylinder $100; Cadillac, one-cylinder light deliv ery. closed body $125 j Ford, light delivery, closed b0dy...5275 Studebaker. 5-pass. touring—..An ofTer International, 5-pass. touring s37o' Overland. 5-pass $225 i Cadillac. 5 to 7-pass., good shoes and an extra shoe $525 Ford touring, Eelf-starter $275 Maxwell touring. 1915 S4OO Clark runabout $175 ! Two-cycle Chase, light delivery.. .$125 Reo, light touring S2OO j Studebaker, light roadster, very fast $75 i Jackson, two-cylinder SIOO Maxwell runabout $65 Hudson runabout ~slou The above cars in good condition and ready for immediate use. Auto Transportation Exc. j 25, 27, 20 NO. CAMERON ST. FOR SALE Michigan No. 40, 1913 model. Electrically equipped. First class condition. Will demonstrate. Can be seen Mehring's Garage, 1717 North Fourth. SECOND-HAND CARS One 5-pas senger De Canibel, one 5-passenger 1914 Ford, i-ewly painted. !n excellent con dition; one 5-passenger 1915 Ford, good aa new; one 1912 Ford delivery, with new body; one 1908 Overland. Cars tor sale at Ford Garage. Mlddleto-.vn. Pa. E. M. Snavely, Manager. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If you cannot sell your car. why not consign it or exchange it with us (or a better one. Our charges (or sell ing are 6 per cent. only. No storage charges if car is not sold. Auto Trans 6ortation Exchange Department. 25-2S orth Cameron street. Bell phone 1710. 1912 five-passenger Regal; good shape; new tires all around; big bar gain for quick buyer. 1912 five-passenger Pullman, com pletely overhauled; A 1 condltloa; good upholstering; good top and tires; big bargain. MILLER AUTO CC.. <8 South Cameron St. Bell phone 4119 J. Poultry and Livestock i FOR SALE —ls pairs of thorough bred Homer Pigeons. Good for squab raising. A. J. Duncan. Church street. Camp Hill. FOR SAI.E English Setter Pups; grand specimens, working stock; sire, Zodig, No. 36338; dam. Nellie May Fly; color, white, black and picked. N. G. Schaffner. 321 Lewis street. Riverside. Bell phone S62IJ-4. Motorcycles and Bicycles TWO 1914 two-speed Indians, over hauled. One 1916 3-speed POWER PLUS, fully equipped; a bargain. WEST END ELECTRIC & CYCLE CO.. Green and Maclay streets. ONE 1915 two-speed INDIAN, with magneto generator. Fully equipped. First-class condition. A bargain. WEST END ELECTRIC & CYCLE CO.. Green and Maclay streets. Motorcycles and Bicycles SPECIAL BARGAINS In rebuilt bl cycles for this week. Have us do your repairing. Quick service. Save money. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 J. ONF. HARLE Y-DAVIDSON (or quick sale. Running oWer. A good, service able machine. SSO. ONE EXCELSIOR, twin-cylinder, equipped. JBS. ONE 1914 INDIAN, equipped. New tires and thoroughly overhauled. J135. ONE 1912 INDIAN. |BO. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 J. BICYCLE BARGAINS Girls', boys' and men's; price* ranging from 15 to 115 each; better see them to-day. Day ion Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. JULY 18, 1916. lard graining 5. Bonds were Irregular and lacked especial feature. NEW \OKK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New Tork and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North AlarKe? Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, July 18. Open. Clos. Allis-Chalmers 19% 20 >4 American Beet Sugar ... 89 89 American Can 53 % 54 4 American C&F 54 64 4 American Cotton OH .. . 63 4 53 4 American Ice Securities . 28 4 29 American Locomotive .. 60 4 60% American Smelting .... 92 % 92 4 American Sugar 109 4 109 4 American T & T 129% 12 9 4 Anaconda "94 784 Atchison 104 4 104% Baldwin Locomotive ... 614 67% Baltimore & Ohio 89 89 4 Butte Copper 66 4 64 4 California Petroleum ... 18 4 184 Central Leather 544 54 Chesapeake and Ohio .. 61% 61% Chicago. Mil and St Paul 96% 97 Chicago, R I and Paciiic 20% 20% Chino Con Copper 47% 46% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 42 4 42 4 Consolidated Gas 1334 134 Corn Products 13% 14 Crucible Steel 65% 64% Crucible Steel pfd 114 1144 Distilling Securities 414 <l4 ! Erie 35% 354 i Erie Ist pfd 53 4 53 4 i General Motors 465 465 Goodrich B. F 72% 71% | Great Northern pfd .... 1184 118% Gt Northern Ore subs .. 34% 84% | Inspiration Copper 454 47 4 Interboro Metropolitan.. 16% 16% | Konnecott 454 454 I Kennecott 45 4 45 4 I.thigh Valley 78 4 "8 i Maxwell Motors 73 4 73 Merc. War Ctfs 24% 244 Mere. War Ctfs pfd .... 85 4 86% : Mex Petroleum 974 97 4 Miami Copper 84% 34 Missouri Pacific 6% 7 4 National Lead 624 634 New York Central 103 4 103 4 NY,N H& H u«4 60% I Nor & Western 1284 129 Northern Pacific 1114 111% iFenn Railroad 57 57 4 Pittsburgh Coal 26 4 26 4 Pressed Steel Car 44% 44 Ray Con Copper 21% 21% Reading 97% 97% j Republic Iron and Steel. 43 4 43 4 Southern Pacific 97 4 97% Southern Ry 28 4 24 4 Southern Ry pfd 684 684 Studebaker 125 125% ; Tennessee Copper 26 24 4 Third Ave 65 4 65 4 I Union Pacific 137 4 137 4 U SI Alcohol 101 101% U S Rubber 534 53 U S Steel . 84% 84% 1 t'S Steel pfd 117% 1174 | Utah Copper 75% 75% Virginia-Carolina Chem. 37 37 Westinghouse Mfg 54 4 54% PHII.4DRI.IMIIA «TWCKS By Associated Puss Philadelphia, July 18. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, spot and July, $1.12 @ 1.14: No. 2. Southern, red, t1.i0®1.12. Corn—Unchanged; No. 2, yellow, local, 91® 914 c; steamer, No. 2, yellow, local, 90® 904 c. Oats Firm: No. 2, white. 49® 494 c; No. 2, white, 4H4@ 47 4c. Bran The market is steady; | rit\ mills, winter ■ St. 10 .*..*■ em, winter, per ton, $26.50; soft, winter, per ton, {23.50®24.50: Spring, per ton, , 522.00®22.50. j Refined Sugars Market dull; j powdered, 7.75 c; fine granulated, 7.65 c; confectioners' A. 7.55 c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras. 20@30c; nearby ! prints, fancy. 32c. Eggs The market is firm; I Pennsylvania and other nearby ' firsts, ; free cases, $7.65: per case; do., current j receipts, free cases, $7.20@7.60 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $7.65 per case; western, firsts, free cases. $7.05®7.35 per cas». Live Poultry—The market is steady: ; fowls, 20®21c; roosters, 13@14c; fowls, 19® 194 c: roosters, 13<a>14c: 1 Spring chickens, 21®28c; do., broiler#, ,30® 38c; ducks, 14®16c; geese, 14® 16c. Dressed Poultry—Firm; fowls, fancy, 22© 22 4c; do., good to choice, 21 @2l4c; [do.. sizes l>4j'Zuc .110 ruusier* 15c; broiling chickens, nearby, 30® 36c, do., western, 28@30c; roasting ! 'lllck-11. »«l.u, hi,l HI,. 20c; do., fair to good, 15@18c; Spring ducks, nearby, 19 @2oc; do., weatern, 12 Kfcbt-. iieuruy. »b4j».'uc. ,10. .v#»[ j Potatoes Market dull and weak; Eastern Shore. No. 1, per barrel. $1.50®1.75; No. 2, do., 75c; do., culls, do.. $1.00: Norfolk. No 1. tier barrel, $1.40®1.60; do., No. 2, do., 75c; Jersey, prime, per basket, 40®50c. Flour Quiet, but steady; winter, straights, $4.90® 5.15; do., patents, $5.15 ®5.40: Springs firsts, clear, $5.35® 5.75; :do., straights, $5.30®5.60; do., patents, *5.75® 6.00: do., favorite brands, $6.25® 6.50. Hay The market is dull and weak: No. 1. large bales. $21.50 ® 22.00; medium bales, $21.00@ 21.50; No. 2. do.. $18.00% 20.00; No. S. do., $16.0U @16.00; light mixed, $17.50® 18.00; No. 1, do., $16.00® 17.00; No. 2, do., $14.00® 15.00. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., July 18. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,000; steady. Native beef cat tle, $6.90® 10.90; stockers and feeders. $5.25®8.25: cows and heifers, $3.45® 9.40: calves. $8.25®11.75. Sheep Receipts, 11,000; steady. Wethers, $6.75@8.30; lambs, $7.00® 10.60. Hogs Receipts. 11,000; flfirm. Bulk 01* sales. $9.55® 9.95; light, $9.30® 10.00; mixed, $9.30®10.10; heavy. $9.25® 10.10; rough, $9.25® 3.40: pigs, sß.oo® 9.45. | 10 Lots on Market St. I NEAR 24th STREET SOUTHERN EXPOSURE ~ jj |SO ft. x 201 ft. SIOOO each jj OUTLOOK jj Reservoir Park IN REAR ]| Bellevue Park IX FRONT |! Restrictions: One house to each lot Building must remain It '! ' | feet back of building line. For particular*, call or phone 2930—654 R. I > JOHN B. MacDONALD Real Estate 1319 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEXXA. j *****"**"*******"*************"* , ii-iivmi , >iiifnnii ! FOR SALE OR RENT—PAXTANG ' A S-story frame dwelllnghouse, comer Derry St. and Paxtang Ave., 16 rooms; all Improvements; electric lights, steam heat; large porches and stable; lot 180x250. Apply of A. H. BAILEY, 814-618 NORTH ST. or P. O. Box 805, Harrisburg, Pa. k COLUMBIA SOLDIER WOUXDED Columbia, p a „ July 18. Harry Strieker has received word that his son, Charles Strieker, a private In Company C, Fourth Pennsylvania In fantry, U. S. N. G., has been wounded perhaps fatally, at Lamar. Colorado. The news came fro man officer of the First Regiment and not from Private Strieker's captain. VETERANS' PICNIC POSTPONED The annual reunion and picnic of the Veteran Employes' Association, of the Philadelphia Division, Pennsylvania Railroad, scheduled for July J7, has been called off for that date. It was first arranged to hold the big- event at Mt. Gretna, but the mobilization of the troops made it impossible. ROCKY I Springs, Lancaster, was then selected. Inability to secure cars made a second cancellation necessary, it is probable the picnic will be held during August. CAR MOVEMENT INCREASES The loaded car movement over the Middle Division, Pennsylvania Railroad. Orst fourteen days of July, was ■J'.'OO cars. This is an increase of 3,- 450 cars over the same period last year. Present indications are that the Julv record will far exceed that of one year ago, and be in excess of the June bust- . ness for this year. ♦ CONGRESSMAN KREIDER M AY SPEAK The committee on speakers for the Friendship and Co-operation Club of Railroad Men. has extended an invita tion to Congressman Aaron P. Kreider to address the members at the next meeting, to be held July 27. The meet ing will be held in Eagles Hall, Sixth and Cumberland streets. niIBBER STAMnn Mil SEALS & STENCILS U\ II W MFG. BY HBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ |1 11 130 LOCUST ST. HBG. PA. U Real Estate For Sale 2136-2138 Penn Street—two 3-story brick houses, 8 rooms and bath, each; hot and cold water, furnace, porch, cemented cellar, chestnut finish. Price, each, $2,500; now rented at sl7. M. A. FOUGHT 272 North Street / f* Our weekly Mar- Digest, dated July 14, is a thorough C • I review of the pres -3D6CI<II pnt copper situation. *r It features: Copper dividends for the first half 1916, J63.515.653; earnings, $152,181,000 (this exceeds anv fuli year In the history of the copper industry). London copper metal market a joke:—lnfluence of peace on the copper stocks. The tax on copper. These developments are fully explained and treated in detail. C; 1 . The Influence of OllVer China on the silver market. Quotations Cjl_ 1 _ 25 years ago and to- OIOCKS ? ay - compared. Year ly production of 7 of our largest silver mines. We are very bullish on the active silver stocks and our Market Di gest, in addition to the above topics, mentions several stocks that are conservative purchases around present price levels. If you are interested, either actually or prospectively, in cop per or silver stocks, you should have a copy of this Market Di gest. It will be forwarded, gratia, upon request. Homflgp & Rirgyrrs, Land Titla Building Philadelphia Telephones i Snrnoe Mil W Bread St, • Bw 1M Mew York j Efficiency Increase: the profits of your business by aiding your skilled help ers to make the best use of their time. Cso tfce proper blanks, blank books, stationery and ad vertising matter. Get the right kind of designing, engraving, printing »nd binding at the right prices from The Telegraph k Printing Co. i Federal Square 1 ! 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers