ALL ZONE HOUSE DOWN BY JUNE 1 Capitol Extension Commission Still Has Considerable Work Before It The taking over a few days ago of the last of the buildings in the area marked for condemnation by the Cap-1 itol Park Extension commission mark- j ed the completion of four years of steady, constructive work that will not | be finally finished until the last of the j buildings is demolished by June 1, j 1917, as required by the act of 1911. j A member of the board stated this! morning that the majority of the 1 buildings standing will be demolished , after January 1, 1917, and the re-1 mainder between April 1 and June 1,1 with the exception of those buildings j in which are housed certain depart-i ments of the State for which there was i not room in the Capitol building. The demolition of the properties is | now in the hands of the Department of I Public Grounds and Buildings, which will take no action until next Fall, at I which time an adviser will be appoint ed and consideration given to the land-1 Bcape treatment. The following buildings may stand | for an indefinite period or until the Legislature takes action on the hous- j ing of the several departments there in located; the Russ building, other wise known as the Keeley institute, where the State Livestock Sanitary Board has its headquarters; the two Wall properties, where a branch of the Public Service Commis-; sion is housed; the old Day school; building for colored children on Wal- j nut street, now occupied as a labora- 1 tory for the Department of Agricul ture: the McCormick warehouses now used as storage places for the State Arsenal; the property of the Gordon manufacturing company on Walnut street, occupied by the department for' the Distribution of Public Documents; j and the A. M. E. Church on State street, heretofore used as an armory for the Governor's troop. All these 1 buildings will probably be left stand- j Ing until provision is made elsewhere ! Tor the departments named. Board's Work Ends oil June 1. 1917 The activities of the Capitol Park Extension Board will now be turned to a defense in the courts against ton appeals from its awards, involving 20 i properties. It is regarded as a tribute to the commission's fairness that the number of appeals is so few in a total of 537 i cases. Fourteen proceedings including 17 properties were taken in condem nation. but settlement was made by the board and proceedings were dis counted by reason of amicable agree ments being reached with the owners. MONEY-BACK JEWELRY STORK Tausig Dollar Specials of Unusual Importance This list of Dollar Specials for Monday only presents many extraordinary values in articles, some or all of which are bound to interest you. *2.00 CASSEROLES, SI.OO *3.50 MESH RAGS, 91.00 Genuine Guernsey ware Casser- German Silver Mesh Bags, worth oles with nickel containers; worth $.5.00 and $3.50. Special Monday up to $2. JO. Special Monday only, onI >"- choice SI.OO SI.OO *-'OO MEN'S BELTS, *I.OO Jeweled Back Combs, worth up to $3.00. Special Monday .... <W) Fine leather Belts with sterling ipi.w silver buckle, slide grip, worth $2.00. Special Monday only SI,OO *4.00 VANITY CASES, *I.OO Silver plated Vanity Cases in a va riety of styles; worth up to $4.00. ROGERS TABI.E SILVER Special Mondav .. . SI.OO I Genuine Roger* plnted table ■Uver f2.50 CLT GLASS, *I.OO One-half dozen Knives, Forks, Genuine Cut Glass Nappies, neat Desfeert bpoons or Table Spoons; new designs; worth to $2.50. Special worth $2.00. Special Monday Mondav ei nn only mi 1 .VMJ «t1..»0 IMBREI.LAS, $1.0(1 • < !, oz * r ? Teaspoons, worth Fine quality Umbrellas: ladies' and $1.50. Special Monday, SI.OO men's styles; worth $1.50. Special" I J Monday SI.OO *2.."i0 MEN'S WATCH CHAINS, *I.OO TAISIG DOLLAR W ATCH Gold filled Watch Chains, in all Made especially for us, nickel the new designs, including: the Coat case, unbreakable crystal, pendant Chain for summer wear, worth to set,; guaranteed for one year: extra SL.oO. Special Monday only, $].()() special valu* SI .00 Jacob Sons Diamond Merchants and Jewelers 420 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PA. Member*, Jeweler** O'o-opertitive Syndicate I LADIES' BAZAAR] 10-12 S. 4th Street V/e Advertise the Truth The Truth Advertises Us v * Ladies 9 Seasonable Wear at SI.OO, Monday \ > $1.50 Camisoles. SI.OO $2.00 Waists, SI.OO Made of fine crepe de chine, p.... i : H in flesh and white; $1.50 value: , Han<lkerchlef Lln *n special Monday Oil |)(k waists; new models; worth to ' $2.00; special Monday, $!.()() «■ ' ' 50c Silk Hose ' . t 1 4 pairs for SI.OO $ 2 Wash Skirts, SI.OO Women's Silk Boot Hose; col- New model - black ar >d white orn only, 50c quality; special Plaid Wash Skirts, worth $2.00; Monday, 4 prs. for ... .00 special Monday QQ V ,/ _ J SATURDAY EVENING, This Is the Birthday Anniversary of— M * wl |gr . SENATOR E. E. BEIDLEMAN President pro tem of the State sen ate, who will be re-elected with little opposition next Fall. Senator Beidle man was surprised by a little party of his friends to-day. who bundled him into an automobile and whisked him away to The Elm, a summer place owned by Freeman C. Gerberich, chief of the State Bureau of Railways, along the Susquehanna above Dauphin. There an old-time camp dinner was spread in his honor and the afternoon was spent in outdoor amusements. Middleburg Editor Buys Rival County Seat Paper Middleburg, Pa., July B.—Yesterday an important transaction took place, involving changes in three weekly newspapers of Pennsylvania. The Sny der County News, of this place, was sold by Barton & Gougler to George W. Wagenseller, publisher of the Middle burg Post, on 1) of the besi known weeklies in Pennsylvania. The News will be merged with the Post. Mr. Barton then purchased the Duncannon Record of William E. Bender. Screw Loose (St. Louis Globe-Democrat.) If many of the Democrats are afflict ed with "overcontidence." the party should employ a large corps of alien ists. :Astrich's^ y < j ► < K The following items < ► for this Monday only < : SI.OO You must ask for them— i j they will not be displayed. < !>°BB:r t "si.oo; ► Our regular <£ -g I ► $1.49 Hatband. 1 .UU < ► i\ ► Our regular (£ «| f|fl < $1.98 Plumes, 1. «UU AXY COI.UK J ► i I > Two bunches of regular i :L 8 t c Roscs ... $1.00; *■ Our regular AA '► $1.50 Wings, ; ► i\ / 1 \ I STERHK I I ZO9 VfALNUT ST. I Shoes For a Dollar Ladies' White Old Ladies' Canvas Comfort Sport Shoes, Oxfords, Plain Toes, SI.OO SI.OO Children's Misses' Gun Tan Kid Metal Mary Jane Button Pumps, Shoes, SI.OO SLOO 1 , I WW-W B V.V-V.%W.VW.W. \ SI.OO Buys i I At Regal ij % Matting Suit Case, 24 !| / inches, leather corners; f \z% $1.00:1 5 ■' ';! All - leather Ladies' % £ ndbag $1,00; t *• .j American Taffeta Men's |> J« and Women's Umbrellas, 8 j! |I ribs; fancy and mission ■! | .... Sl.oo| Emergency Case, fully !■ \ fo" PPKI, .... SI.OO jl Umbrellas covered and |! % made as good AA j j as new <P 1 lUU !| I Regal Umbrella Co. ji Second and Walnut Sts. "» T, I m j m kl LI CLJ <d & ij Livingston s Monday Only 9S. Market Square Monday Only 200 Dresses 350 Waists 175 Skirts SKSS *1 -<*> rs" 2 h 7#Jl^« Special 8 Silk, Voiles I Dark, Light MONDAY « & Lawns JL Patterns A -■— HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH * • What Your Dollar • Will Do At j S. S. Pomeroy j : MarKetSquareGrocer i ♦ SS. MARKET SQUARE J ON : j | Monday Dollar Day i J 3 lbs. Best Creamery 1 •r er si.oo! | j Basket of New J • r„r a,oes : SI.OO i j Coffcf 35 . BeSt SI.OO i t 1 doz. Cans <f» 1 f\{\ ♦ j Corn 5p 1 .UU j ♦ 3 quarts Large Queen ♦ : r 5 *... $ LOO i t 12 lbs. fancy (f» ! t Head Rice . . *P I .UU J ,' . . H 1 Dollar Day llargains at the Big j| Store Outside High Rent, High I Price District Make Your Dollars Do 4 Times Their Capacity Specials From Ladies' jV? en > $ Department | Ueprrtment n ■ r All $2.00 and $4.50 X H $2.00 to $4.00 black i Waists. 3 Stiff Hats SI.OO s7™a h lue DreSSCS ' s2 ' s ° t0 1 Spedal $L5 ° and $2 -°° " LineT and Ratine 1 Trousers SI.OO Dresses and Suits; $4.00 sl-°0 per week clothes to $lO values. the whole family. Specials in $1.50 and $2.00 Bathroom Rugs SI.OO We furnish your home and clothe your entire family for SI.OO per week for every SSO worth of gbods you select. Gately & Filzgerald Supply Co. HOME FURNISHERS FAMILY CLOTHIERS I 29-31-33 and 35 S. 2nd St. Our Location Means a Great Saving to You DOLLAR SPECIALS FOR MEN 9 Wide-end Silk lies in a Men's $1.25 Dress Shirts . | variety of plain shades and in doucetincs and madras; f neat patterns; the kind white, stripes and neat fig i I usually offered at SI.OO, and "res; French cuffs; some ? I i . r . . > ° ave detached self collars, ■ regularly featured by us at r Ji a J and one ol vour favorite > s?c. Special for Monday st yl e Arrow collars; total £ on 'y» value $1.40. Special Minday I 210R 51.00 SI.OO H. MARKS & SON £ I Harrisburg's Oldest Clothing Store 1; FOURTH AND MARKET STS. 88 Note Player Piano Rolls 5 for SI,OO j Regular 35c rolls—only the latest hits in the lot. ; Your choice of trots, patriotics or classics. W. F. Troup & Son 908 N. Third St. jFERNS j Fine, hardy plants |in six inch pots. \ j Jnst the thing for j the porch. Monday only I SI.OO : ! SCHMIDT I FLORIST ' 313 Market St. I I ! JULY 8, 1916. For Dollar Day Only $M One Quart Cotterel's Record /ta g| Writing Fluid— a One Gross Rotary Falcon aW i Pens; both for Jfc D. W. COTTEREL 9 N. Second St. || "A Different Kind of Jewelry Store" 111 1 IB I wo Bargains j j For Dollar Day 1 ££] —————— .Sgi g Celery Dish at ...*| Pen at *| | ptg Rich, magnificently out, H Self-liller—all pens arc {$ pvl JJSJ highly polished glass—an Sti warranted —made of 14K B GJm RCJ extra value at the regular Solid Gold—an exceptional (JSI Ssi Price. bargain. ggl f§j] {fgj [gj| Extraordinary Bargains in our windows at all times. | The P. H. Caplan Co. gj MARKET STREET STORE .• &-x Market St. ■ ■ ——a——^——a—■ m 1 I Near the Young Women's Christian Association u MONDAY IS DOLLAR DAY! AT ROBINSON'S WOMAN SHOP I LOW OPERATING EXPENSES MEAN BIG SAVINGS TO YOU | We Buy No Goods For Sale Purposes WE BUY NO SECONDS I Goods Advertised Elsewhere Is Cheaper Here p J ElPWash Dress Skirts Altered Free | I SI.OQ DAY* SPECIAL | 1-10-12K gold-filled frames, guaranteed ten years, fitted with first qual- 0 ity spherical lenses for far or near. No drops used. RUBIN & RUBIN Eyesight Specialists "OVER THE HUB" 320 Market St. m \inwMn«ni»irr-iiiwi m i*f im himm m iinwmi—jgf* _ " \ 300 Market ST. - 306 BROAD ST. j! SPECIAL SI.OO DAY SALE II FOR MONDAY ONLY $3.50 Ladies' | r|f| 5 lbs. Coffee ... -l /\/\ jl I;! Favorite Douche m) X «UU Best grade. X «UU !; |[ Two Bottle Pinaud's Lilac A^*® a (: rS q ' '' j' 1 OO «' I! Water f\fi Any 5c Brand. <P I.UU ; | |i For 3>1.0l) Street) j| ; „ ... , 25 Soda Tickets, (f» 1 f\f\ il !| M«. «1 ftO (A. Market «P 1 .00 j! Spec ' fic , *"" Street Store Only). j|! 2 Bottles Parmint ... SI.OO $1.50 Rutherford Hypo. < i! 2 Bottles Hall's Catarrh Ph ° B ' SI.OO ! il «i nn 3 Bottles Papain Company ! !' Cure * 1(M) Tablets SI.OO ! II 2 Bottles Metzgar Catarrh $1.75 Fountain Syringe, i |j Cure I SI.OO ' SI.OO : i 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers