12 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS JOSEPH PFLEGOR FAMILY REUNION Well-Known Couple's Children and Their Families Come Home For Gathering ARE WIDELY SCATTERED Many Relatives Live in Neigh borhood, but Some Are in Other States By Special Correspondence Montaodon, Pa., July B.—A family .reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pfleegor on Tuesday, July 4, and all their children with tbalr families were present except Mrs. Goorjfe Grove, of Charleston, West "Virginia. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Chaxiee Riegel and daughter, Helen, of New C&sUe; Mr. and ilrs. C. C. Pfleegor, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pfleeg or, of Muncy; Alpheus Ptieegor, of "Williams po rt; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Snyder and daughter of Miftlinburg; Mr. and Mrs. Gus Keyser and daugh ters Esther, Ruth and Bertha, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pfleegor and children, Charles, Helena, "William, Randall and Joseph, of Montandon.—Mr. and Mrs. Ctuurieo Riegel and daughter Helen, of New Castle, are spending a vacation with their parents here—Mrs. A. G. Keyser and children spent Wednes day at Mlffllnburg with Charles Sny der and family.—Mrs. David Clayton, of Boston, Mass., Is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wen- Mi here. —Mrs. Mary McLaughlin, of Lewlsburg, spent Sunday at the home of her brother, Newton Troutman.— Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shaffer spent Wednesday picking cherries at the home of Harry Dleffenderfer, near Mifflin bun?. —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson, of Sun bury, spent Wednes day at the home of Merrill Johnson.— Miss Alma Shaffer has returned from a visit at WillLamaport—Miae Susan Shearer, of Milton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD If you suffer from bleeding. Itching, blind or protruding PUes. send me your address, and 1 wIU tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorp tion treatment; and will also send some of this home trea*ia«nt free for trial, j with references from your own locality If requested. Immediate relief and I permanent cure assured. Send no ! ntonty, but tell others of this offer Write to-day to Mrs. M_ Summers, Box P. Notre Dame. Ind. educatiohal School of Commerce Troup Building 15 So. Market Sq. Day & Night School Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Stenotypj, Typewriting and Penmanship BeU Cumitcriaiiu 24M-Y i OFFICE TRAIwiNG SCHOOL Kaufman Bldg. 4 S. Market Sq Training That Secures Salary Increasing Positions In the Office Call or send to-day for Interesting booklet. The Art nf Getttnc Along la dw World." Bell Dhone 694-K. Harrisburg Business College A Reliable School, 31st Year 328 Market St Harrisburg, Pa. Try Telegraph Want Ads Never Mind Strong Y«u Are— What d'ye Know? That's the point—"What dVe KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains —not brawn—that win "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory between 'Swages" and "salary" between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert In some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the tional Correspondence Schools to show you how yoa CAN "make good" on a big job ? For S* years the X. C. a have been showing men how to do better work and earn Mrrer salarlea. Every month over 40* students write of promotions or salary Increases through L C. B. training. What the L C ft are doing for these men they do for YOU. No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours fou work, or how limited your education.—lf you can read and write and are ambitious to learn the L C. 0. can train you In your own lyme, during your spare time. for a more Important and better-paying position. Mark and mail the attached ooupon—lt won't obligate you In the l^aat—and the LC. 8. will show you how you acquire this salary-raising ability by their ample and can methods. It win oost you nothing to Investigate—lt may . oost a life time of remorse if you Son't Mark and Mall the Couooa NOW. ]j INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 1311. Scranton, Pa. Please explain without anr obligation to me bow S can qual- I [ lfy for the position before which I mark X. I ) ElmMchl Engineer Mechanical Drafts Show Card Wrltlu I Blm. lAchtla* Supt. Refrigeration Ebclbmv Adv«rtl«luic I , EleolrU Wlrcnai Civil Entflaeer Salcatnaaahlß < | Tel. * Ttt Engines* Surveyor Teacher I , Architect Leco. Fireman A Bag, Ent'lUh "n»r>n. , I Architectural Draftsman rivll Service Agriculture . t Structural Engineer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry Fannin* .1 Building C-ontractor Bookkeeping Plumb. * Steam MS. I I Concrete Construction Steno. * Typewriting Chemistry I | Mecbnnlsal Engineer Window THramlna Ante mobile K" •*»« !; «• «d Ha Pwiibl Oooapattos M SATURDAY EVENING, Lancaster County Man Heads American Mechanics - ■■ mgjm , -'■% ■ M* ■ " J...; • ■ - JMH JSH v •- O. H. SCHNEDER By Special Correspondence Marietta, Pa, July S.—Lancaster county has the honor of having a man head the State organisation of the Or der United American Meohanlcs, In the person of O. H. Schneder, of Adams town, who was elected State councilor at Philadelphia. Mr. Schneder Is a member of A dams town council. Jonestown Firemen Place Fine Flag on Firehonse By Special Correspondence Jonestown, Pa, July B.—Henry W. Kern, of Audubon, N. J., came here on Sunday to visit his children In this vi cinity. He was accompanied by his lon in-law, Harvey E. Ulrich. Arthur Kline, of East Orange, N. J„ visited his father, MUton Kline, on Sunday. Mrs. Hllblsh and grandson. Byron, of Philadelphia, are spending some time with Mrs. Hilbish's daughter, Mrs. L. Heilman Rank and family. Miss Estelle V. Brossman and Miss Mildred Eckels, of Philadelphia, are spending the summer with Miss Brossman's mother. Mrs. William H. Boeshore. Miss Phoebe Yeagley, of Philadelphia, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Yeagley. Mr. and Mrs Mark Z. McOiU, who recently returned from their wedding trip, left Monday morn ing for their new home, at Washing ton. D. C. Harper H Hoffman and Clayton Boltz spent the Fourth at Philadelphia. The members of the Perseverance Fire Company raised a fine new flag on top of the new Are halL Mrs. Frank W. Bachman re turned home after spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Ira Qlick, at Mt Zion. Frank M Boeshore and family, of Philadelphia, and Mr. Boes hore's mother, Mrs. Emanuel G. Boes hore, of Lickdale, motored to town where they visited Mr. Boeshore's sis ter. Mrs. Henry B. Lesher and family.— Herman Wood, who spent several days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah W. Wood, left for Eddystone where he is employed. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured hj Uall'i Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Q> We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all basin em transaction! and financially able to carry oat any obligation! made by his firm. NAT. BANK OP COMMTSRCE. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price TO eeuta per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. 'XtLke Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Constipation Diliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets Make the liver active, bowels rovular, without pair or crnpir.sr. relieve sick hcauache and that bloated f eelin* after eating, purify the blood and clear the complexion. Large box, enough to last a month, 25c. Dr. Chase OTSEGO LAKE TO DAUPHIN HOME Two Young Men Taking 400- Mile Trip Down Susque hanna River COTTAGES WELL FILLED Visitors From All Parts of the Country Enjoying Summer Days at Up-river Town By Special Correspond*nee Dauphin, Pa., July 8. Howard Bayley of the Touraine, New York City, spent the week-end at hla sum mer bungalow, on the mountain hide. —Mr. and Mrs. William Bell Clark and Miss Mildred Tull, of Philadelphia, arrived to-day to spend several weeks with Dr. and Mrs. William P. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hawthorne, of Uniontown, and Thomas Hawthorne, of New York City, spent the Fourth with their mother, Mrs. J, W. Haw thorne. Richard Taylor, Alfred Steooe and Harry Davis, all of Balti more, are spending their vacation, at the Dauphin House. Miss Martha Louise Cresswell. of Harrisburg, and Miss Agnes Marine Hess, of Steelton, have returned home after spending sometime with Miss Sabra Clark. Raymond Suydam, of Steelton, and Ernest Shaffer are taking a 40-mile canoe trip down the Susquehanna river, starting at Otsego Lake. Miss Ruth Dei bier has returned home after spending several weeks with Miss Mar garet Steese at Baltimore. Mrs. William Rodenhaver, of Harrisburg, spent the Fourth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sellers, of the Dau phin House. Walter Seller has re turned home from a trip to Shamokin and Erie Mrs. J. E. Williams spent Saturday at Mt. Gretna with her son. Max Williams, who is a member of the Governor's troop. Kline Cramer, of New York City is spending the summer with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kline. Miss May Williams spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles File, of Harrisburg, and Miss Julia Miller, of Enola. Miss Caroline Hatton, of Harrisburg, has returned home after a visit with Miss Mary 8. Poffenberger. Edward and Eleanor Pedlow, of Harrisburg, were recent guests of their grand mother, Mrs. Edith Eby. Mrs. W. F. Johnson, Mrs. Clarence Crone, Alfred Johnson and son Charles of Harris burg, spent the week-end with Mrs. Grace Garman. Mrs. Charles O'Don nel, of Harrisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Waco, Texas, were re cent guests of Miss Clara Poffenber ger. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Brooks, of Newark, N. J., arrived to-day to bo the guests of Miss Margaret Brooks. Frank E. Williams, who is spending the summer at Mt. Gretna, spent the week-end at his home here. —Roy TTelker, of Durham, was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welker. —Miss Helen Mauck, Mrs. Rankin and John Loban, of Har risburg, spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frank.— Miss Nell Hawthorne, of Virginia, has returned home after spending several weeks with her aunt. Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne. —Miss Virginia Hoagland, Mrs. Susana McGibbon, Mrs. Cohman and M. G. Potts, of Harrisburg, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Landls. —Mrs. Bertha Kauffman and children. Rose and Jessie, of WlUiamsport, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Flte.—Frank Kline, of Harrisburg, has moved to the Elk View poultry farm. —Harry Sourbeer, of Harrisburg, is building a five-room bungalow at Riv er View, Speeceville.—Mrs. Thomas S. Greenawalt, of Baltimore, was a re cent guest of Mrs. William Fisher.— Mrs. Emma Long and children, Oscar and Rebecca, of Newport, spent the "Fourth" with Mr. and Mrs. I. Lane Long.—Miss Edna Greenawalt, of Bal timore, Is spending several weeks with Mrs. Blanch Robinson. NERVOUS WOMEN Are troubled with the "blues," anxiety, BleepleasDess, and warnings of pain and distress are sent by the nerves like flying messengers throughout body and limbs. Such feelings may or may not be accompanied by backache or head ache or bearing-down. The local dis orders and inflammation, if there be any, should be treated with Dr. Pleroe's Lotion Tablets. Then the nervous sys tem and the entire womanly make-up feels the tonic effect of De. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Take this in tablet or liquid form and be a well woman. Carlisle, Pa.—"When I needed to be built up and get strong I used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I was in a nervous and run-down condi tion. I took it for a period of six mouths and at the cud of the treatment was much strooecr and better." —Miss Anna P. Ckomuch, 69 E. North St Many mothers of families in Penn sylvania have reason to be grateful to the i>erfcon who recommended Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is put up for the tinple purpose of curing diseases peculiar to women. Another point in its favor: it is a temperance remedy and docs not contain a single drop of alcohol or of any ncrnotic. Its ingredients are printed on the wrapper. It banishes pain, headache, back ache, low spinis, hot flashes, dragging down sensation, worry and sleeplessness surely and without loss of time. Why should any woman continue to worry, to lead a miserable existence, when certain help is at hand? What Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription has done for thousands it will do for yon. Get it to-day 1 The sluggish liver can be cared by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Eilior. Mesa, coated tongue, bad breath, are all cleared up and banished by the rise of these tiny sugar-coated granules —purely veeetr' 'o and harmless. They do not c See Yourself v j| Should Look H T Jj SI free from facial ble \\ V.|v J/ mishes and with a clear, soft, pearly white appearance that /I will be the envy of your friends. / Gouraud's n Oriental Cream does this for you Instantly. Its effect is so subtile that its use cannot be detected. Non-greasy 6B years }n use. S*nd 1 Oe. for trial FERP. T. HOPKINS A SON. New York HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Linglestown Boy Goes to Plattsburg Military Camp By Special Correspondente Lingloatown, Pa., July B.—Church service® will be held In the United Brethren Church to-morrow morning by the pastor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch. In the Church of God In the evening, by the pastor, the Rev. H. Whltaker, and In Wenrlch'a Church In the morn ing by the Lutheran pastor, the Rev. O. R. Blttner. Mr. and Mrs. George Daly and ohlldren. of Alliance, Ohio, spent several days as the ugests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Daly. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moyer and daughter. Ruth Irene Mojrer, of Reading, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle. Mr a. Maria Zimmer man and grandson, Charles Llngle, of Harrlsburg, spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Schaner. Mrs. William Feeser and daughter, Ethel Feeser, of Halnton, on Sunday were guests of Mrs. Mary Feeser. Mrs. Annie Smith spent Sunday as the guest of Mrs. Elisabeth Balthaser at Palmyra. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rlcker and children, of Rummelstown, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Clay Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Koons. of York, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Koons. Dr. Harry Schaner and family, of Harrlsburg, and Dr. W. F. Baker, of Philadelphia, spent Tues day as guests of Mrs. Rebecca Baker and family. Andrew Buck and family, Mrs. George Thompson and Mise Emma Smith, of Harrlsburg, and George Lickle, of Altoona, were guests of Mrs. Annie Buck on Tuesday. Mrs. Melvln Balthaser, daughter, Elisabeth Balthaser; Miss Sue Mcll henny and Miss Kate Mcllhenny, of Harrlsburg, on Tuesday were guests of Mrs. Annie Smith.—William Shaff ner, of Sayre, was a recent guest of his mother, Mrs. Fannie Shaftner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seltzer, of Reading, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seltzer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Look and daughter. Fay Look, were visitors at Herndon on Sunday. Mrs. John Bernhardt, of Harris burg, is spending several days with her sister, Mrs. C. B. Care. A locket with the initials E. J. M. engraved on It was lost between C. B. Care's •tore and Dr. C. H. Smith's residence on Tuesday evening. John Smith left on Thursday for Plattsburg mili tary school. William Stimmel. of Reading, is spending several days with W. G. Zimmerman and family. Miss Pauline Berner and Mr. Gelbaugh, of Harrlsburg, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Orris. First Visit to Old Home in 43 Years By Special Correspondence Millcntomi, Pa.. July 8. George Alexander, of New York, was the guest of his mother, Mrs. S. C. Alexander, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Haines, of Baltimore, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Joseph Bucfrer. Mrs. Thomas Gardener and children, of Huntingdon, are visiting their aunt. Miss Jane SheafTer. The Rev. C. F. Himes and William Rounsley were Harrlsburg visitors, on Wednesday. Miss Mary Rowe and nephew, Charles Klopp, of York, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rowe this week. James Rounsley was a ylsltor at Harrisburg on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fry were called to Mifflin on Satur day by the illness of Mrs. Fry's aunt, Mrs. Margaret Dasher. J. O. Charles, of Philadelphia, spent several days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lupfer, of Steelton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ward this week. —James Kipp, Jr., of Harrlsburg. who had been vtsltlng his grandparents for several week returned home Tuesday.— Miss Emma McCoy and brother, Joe McCoy, of Philadelphia, sp&nt Wednes day night with D. M. Rickabaugh and family on their way to California. Miss Claire Brown, of Chambersburg, Is visiting her cousin. Miss Myra Far ner. —Leland Rounsley and son, Edgar, of Altoona, visited James Rounsley this week. Mrs. Grace Corns, of Mifflin, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Emory Fry and D. G. Rickabaugh are camping near Selins grove. Miss Mary Bachanan, of Cornwells, wtio had been visiting at the horpe of Mrs. S. C. Alexander for several weeks. left Thursday for Greensburg to visit her brother, John Buchanan. Herman St~ese. of Bever- i ly, N. J., a former re.-ldent of this place and who had not been here for I forty-three years called on his old j friend, IX M. Rickabaugh on Sunday Among Mr. Rlckabaugh's other callers were Mr. and Mrs. Lutz, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gilbert, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Sea bold. of Millersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Bid- ! die, Misses Edith Swartz and Hattie i Happle, of Mehanicsburg. Mr. Ricka baugh was 83 years old Sunday. A birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ward Saturday I evening in honor of their daughter. Miss LeEmma Ward. The Boys' : Brigade, of Millersburg, Is camping at Echo Grove, above town. While here they will drill in the Square every every evening. A crowd of fifteen young people picnicked at Harry Beacham's bungalow above town on Tuesday. Boy Scouts of Lewisberry Hold Successful Festival ,Pa., July 8. Allan Frankeberger and daughter. Miss Mir iam, of Philadelphia, Miss. Ella M. Sutton and Miss Julia Sutton took an auto trip to Gettysburg on Wednes day and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sutton. A large crowd was present Tuesday evening at the festival i held on the commons by the Boy : Scouts, who were In uniform. An or i chestra composed of Mr. and Mrs. D. IL. Snavely and son of near Llsburn; ; Robert Purvis, of Philadelphia, ana ; Mrs. L. E. Wilson furnished music. ; The scoutmaster is the Rev. L. Elbert j Wilson. Mrs. George W. Smith of j Baltimore, and Mark Wenger, of Washington, D. C., are guests of Mrs. ! Mary S. Myers. Miss Phyllis Ott imyer, of York, is a guest at the home ■of her grandmother, Mrs. Rebecca ! Frankeberger. Mrs. A. G. Wilson, jof Brooklyn, N. Y.. Is spending the | week at the Methodist Episcopal par- J sonage, the guest of the Rev. and Mrs. L. E. Wilson. Mrs. Howard Wright, of Harrisburg, is a guest of her sis ter, Mrs. Laura Kline. Mrs. Amanda Armstrong and daughter, Mrs. Harry Woodley, of Barrlngton, N. J., are guests at the home of the former's son, J. W. Armstrong.—Mrs. Purvis, wife of the Rev. Dr. 8. W. Purvis, and daughters, the Misses Helen and Ruth, and son Robert, of Philadelphia, are spending several months with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hammond. Mark H. ; Scleichter, of Shippensburg, has been elected teacher of the Lewisberry | hicjh school. D. W. Smyser, of Ross ville, will be teacher of the grammar and primary schools. Mrs. Jacob Bratten and daughter of Louisville, 0., I Misses Alda, Mary and Sarah Bratten, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Bratten and son Frank, of Harrlsburg, return ed to Harrlsburg after belnc guests of Miss Clarissa Bratten. Miss Bertha Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Myero, of Harrisburg, Is visiting at the home of her unole and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sutton.—Dean R. Hudson, who has a position In Phila delphia, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rudlsill. Paul Schubauer, who is attending a business school in Philadelphia, spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Schubauer. Donald Glessner, of York, Is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ellis Hammond. Miss Lizzie Kunkel, of New Cumberland, Is visiting at the bnma Qf Mr. and Mrs. EUbsx Q, Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania Thompsontown. J. C. Tennis went to New York on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sypherd Dunn and children of Henrietta, are spending a vacation with their parents. Holy com munion will be administered in the Lutheran church to-morrow morning at 10:80 o'clock. Mrs. W. F. Bozan bart and little son, Frederick, of New York and Mrs. William Stoddard of Attoona, are spending the month with Mrs. Joseph Wetxler. Henry Hopple and Ed Frymoyer purchased Mrs. Blttlnger's home. Mrs. W. B. Apple baugh of Washington, D. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. G. Haldeman. Mrs. Delphlne Pennell of Newport, spent Saturday with Mrs. Haldeman. —; Mr. and Mrs. B. H. BranthofTer and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Keagle motored to Middleburg Sunday. Miss Myra Oraham, assistant superintendent of the Polyclinic Hospital, Harrisburg, is spending her vacation with Mrs. Almyra Logan. Mrs. James Pike of Harrisburg, was a recent guest of Mrs. Cyrus Carrell. Mrs. Ella Wilt and Miss Emily Wilt of Altoona are spend ing the month at their home near East Salem. Thurman Crosson of Granville, was at Cyrus Carrell's on Tuesday. Villon Deposit. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fox of Fontana, were guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jereld Fox on Sunday.—Miss Blanche Shuler of Steelton is spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Ralph Ebersole. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Oroft entertained as guests on Sun dey Mrs. Groft's brother, Paul Forry and his wife of Annvllle and her mother, Mrs. Emma Forry of Palmyra. Miss Margaret Hartman of Steel ton is spending some Ume with her grandmother, Mrs. Maggie Hartman. Frank Zimmerman and family of Philadelphia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peilter on Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth Ylngst of Philadelphia and Mrs. H. A. Maulfalr of Lebanon, spent several days with their brother, A. L. Landls. Mrs. Jacob Espenshade is seriously 111. Mrs. Mary Galooney of Hummelstown, is spending some time with Mrs. C. A. Landls. Mrs. Honry Miller and sons, Harry and Paul, spent Sunday near Coffeetown visiting John A. Kellar and family. Mrs. Lizzie Letterman Is spending sev eral weeks at New York City visiting her son, Harry. Mr. and Mrs. James Whireback acompanled by Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Flook of Quakertown, were guests of Mrs. Ella J. Rapp and Mrs. Annie Fausnacht on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fausnacht and daughter, Ruth of Harrisburg, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Fausnacht on Tuesday. Wiconlsco. John Jones of Phila delphia, Is visiting his mother, Mrs. an Jones. Elma Schwalm of Muir visited friends here on Tuesday. Benjamin Howells of Norrlstown is spending his summer vacation at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howells. Walter Schoffstall, Forest Evans, Ira Kelter ana William Rusbatch, of Philadelphia and Harry Welst of Yeagertown, spent the Fourth here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Evans of South Bethlehem is visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jury. Warren Kelter of Philadelphia has returned home. Walter Foster of Hershey spent sev eral days here. Mr. and Mrs. John Buckley is spending several weeks at Philadelphia. Daniel Sweiger of Harrisburg Is spending some time here. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Acaley and daughter, Alice, of Enoia, visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mr*. John Acaley. \Y orniley shur*. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Qulgley and daughter spent Wednesday at Shlremanstown visiting Mr. Quigley's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Arney spent Wednesday with their parents in Perry county. Misti Smith and Miss McChala of Har risburg spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gelger. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wright entertained their sifter from Steelton on Tuesday. Mr. j.nd Mrs. John Osborne of Scranton spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Renshaw. Mrs. J. Fauber of Elizabethville spent several days with Mrs. Howard Quigley. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Erb and son, Paul, of Middletown, were Sunday visitors at Rollo Sparrow's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hemmer entertained friends from Harrlsburg on Tuesday. The Rev. R. R. Rodes and son of York, visited Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hummel on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hippie had his brother and family of Harris burg as guests on the Fourth. Uerrysburg. Mrs. Kate Kebocn is visiting at Allentown. Visitors over Sunday at M. S. Daniels were John Daniel and Daniel Copenhaver, of Hershey, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Snyder, Mrs. A. Winterberger and Mrs. A. B. Meyers of Philadelphia. Miss Helen Daniel has returned from an extended stay at Hershey. Mrs. Charles Stroup and son, of Milesburg are visiting friends here. Vilsitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deibler on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Lebo of Harrisburg, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel of EllzabetnvlUe and Charles Miller of New Britain. Mr. and Mrs. H. Howe spent Sunday at Reading and Womelsdorf. Mr. and Mrs. Shertser and Miss Hannah Weaver were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Martin Weaver's home. Harry Hart man, employed at Mt. Union is home on a visit. Roscoe B. Daniel of Philadelphia is home on a two weeks' vacation. Bindnaußlos Church. Mr. and Mrs. D. U. Wagner, son, Walter, vis | ited friends In East Hanover. Elias Zeigler of Palmyra called on friends on • Friday. Aaron Zuber or Hershey greeted friends at Bindnaugles Church recently. Aaron Detweiler Is spend ing some time with his son-in-law, Addison Gingrich. Christ Smith of Fontana visited William Gerberich's family. Daniel Kline, proprietor of Valley Glen Park had quite a crowd on Sunday. Cyrus Gingrich of Pal myra was here on Sunday. Harvey r.omgardner and family visited friends In East Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bomgardner of Palmyra visited his father-ln-law's family. Blain. W. H. BOOK and family have returned from an auto trip to Altoona. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Lelby came from St. Louis, Mo., by auto to visit Perry county friends. Mrs. George Wagner of Mont Clair. N. J., is the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. M. Hench. Prof. I. E. Kline, of At lantic City, Prof. T. N. Stroup of Spencerport, N. Y. t and Prof. O. A. Kline and family of Philadelphia are home for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. James Henry and son, or St. Louis, Mo., came here to visit his mother. The Rev. G. H. Knox and fiimlly spent the Fourth with their daughter at Harrlsburg. Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Woods took an auto trip to Chambersburg on Tuesday. Miss Clarissa Greene returned to tier home at Osceola Mills, accompanied by her friend, Miss Ruth Knox. Palmutla. Mr. and Mrs. Gowen Bingamaa of New York City are tie JULY 8, 1916. Mechanicsburg Girl Goes to India For Mission Work | ,» f w • MISS IVA MAYE FISH Meehanlcaburs, Fa., July B.—Miss Iva Maye Fish is spending several weeks at her home here, preparatory to leav ing for her new field of labor in mis sion work In North India. Miss Fsh, who has spent the past two years in the Presbyterian Training School at Baltimore, is sent by the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. She will go as a deaconess, doing evangelistic work, Bible teaching, organizing Sun day schools and work In the Zenanas among women. She is well equipped her her work, holding a red cross cer tificate for first aid and other medi cal training. On July 16, Miss Fish will be ordained in the Presbyterian church by the Rev. George Fulton, as sisted by the Rev. N. L Euwer and the Rev. R. F. McClean. On July 21, she will leave for San Francisco, Cal., from which place she wil sail on August 1. for North India, where she will be sta tioned. Enroute she will visit Hono lulu, Japan and China. Miss Fish is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Fish, of West Allen street, and was graduated from the Mechanicsburg High school In the class of 1909. guests at the home of J. A. Wald the former's uncle. Daniel Keen and Harry Engle, students at Glrard Col lege, Philadelphia, are spending the vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drebellls of Millersburg, spent several days here. Mrs. Woire of Sunbury visited at the home of her father, Peter Wald. Mrs. Clara Engel, Miss Gertrude Cave and Miss Alvesta Schnee, of Philadelphia, are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kllngman and son, Lee, are spending the week at the seashore. Miss Polly Heckert visited at Wllllamsport. Mrs. W. S. Fenstermacher visited at tne home of her son, Edward at Sellns grove. Clarence Schnee of Phila delphia visited relatives here. Mrs. H. A. Seibert visited at Rough and Ready. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Shumaker spent Sunday at Liverpool. Mlfflintown. Master William Rob erts of Philadelphia is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.' Albert Hackenberger. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hills and son, Bobby of Madison, Wis., are spending a month with Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Crawford. Misses Maybelle Zelders and Sara Berry, students at Shlppens burg State Normal School, are home for their vacation. W. W. Portzer and his bride returned home on Satur day and have gone to housekeeping in Fourth street. Miss Henrietta Baldwin left Monday for Pocono Mountains, where she will take a course In Bible Study. Mrs. Elmer McMeen of Mifflin left Monday for a trip to Philadelphia. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ely, Sr., of Oakland, Md., are guests of their son. the Rev. John C. Ely, Jr., and family at the Presbyterian parsonage. Mrs. Paut M. Helnach and little daughter, Jane of Philadelphia, are spending a month with Mrs. Heinach's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Kulp. William Haw.:, of Chicago, returned to his home on Thursday accompanied by his niece, Miss Ama Holman. Mrs. Henry Scholl Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Carl F. Espenschade at Youngstown, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roblson of Phila delphia are guests at the home of their brother, Wilburforce Schweyer. Thomas Jenkins of Pittsburgh spent the Fourth with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jenkins. /Escape TOOTH / —by keeping your teeth REALLY CLEAN. "But," you say ■, "1 brush my teeth regularly, yet they decay." Yes, you brush them, but do you REALLY CLEAN them? Tonight, after brushing your teeth, examine them closely. You will likely find an accumulation of tartar on the enamel and bits of food deposit hiding in the crevices. Decay, as well as the dangerous gum disease called Pyorrhea, usually d»* velops only Is the mouth where germ-laden tartar is present. SENRECO, the formula of a dental specialist, lceepe the teeth REALLY CLEAN. It embodies specially prepared soluble granules unusually effecuva in cleaning away food deposits. Moreover, it is particularly destructive to the germ of Pyorrhea. Oo to your dealer today and get a tube of Senreco—keep tm. your teeth REALLY CLEAN and protect yourself against Pyorrhea and decay. Send 4c to Benreco, 304 Walnut St, Cincinnati, Ohio, for liberal-cised trial package. Ltt Jk "PREPAREDNESS" ' \(] Mi See TOUT dentist twice yearly \ U Jva\ V# Uae Senxoco twice daily \UT /M Y The tooth p4uf that REALLY CLEANS Y/l c7&nA&GO> v 4 c Two Important Factors in Buying Coal | C First, of course, you will want coal that possesses the max-1 imum in heat-giving quality. That's Montgomery Coal. \ I Secondly, you will buy when the lowest price is to be enjoyed. C That is NOW—prices will shortly be increased. Enjoy a & state of preparedness for next winter at the least cost by f I phoning now to K J. B. MONTGOMERY I OUTDOOR CLUB HOLDS PICNIC Spend Fourth of July in Pleas ant Manner on Banks of Conococheague MANY MEMBERS PRESENT Lieutenant J R. Brewer Pro- S moted to Captain in U. S. Regular Army By Special Correspondence Greencastle Pa., July B.—John R. Brewer, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Brewer, who are at present residents of Greencastle, has been made a cap tain In the regular army. ' Captain Brewer has served for a number of years as first lieutenant of the Eigh teenth U. S. infantry and has been stationed at Douglas, Arizona.—George Carl has returned from the Cham bersburg hospital, where he recently underwent an operation for appendi citis.—Miss Isabel Reymer was the hostess of a large sewing bee Thurs day morning at her home. Refresh ments were served to twenty guests.—- Miss Sue Craige entertained on Thurs day afternoon in honor of Miss Anna bell Crumwlne, of State College, and Dorothy Skidmore, of Passaic, N. J.— The Out-Door club held a Fourth of July picnic along the Conococheague. The following members were present: Misses Zourie and Evelyn Spielman. Helen and Thelma Ryder, Madeline Dayhoff, Evelyn and Mary Gordon, Kathryn and Anna Koser and Helen Fisher.—Mr. and Mrs. George Sollen berger and son, of Harrisburg, are guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Sollenberger. —Miss Helen Klepfer has gone to Ithaca, N. Y., for a special course of study.—Mrs. C. Earl Hollinger re ceived on Wednesday afternoon in honor of her guests, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Berger, of York.—The Pan Piper s Glee club held an outing along the Conococheague July 4. Forty partook of the picnic dinner, and fifty were at the supper table. —The Rev. Lester Au man and Mrs. Auman, of Sioux City, lowa, are guests of Mrs. A. E. Clippin ger. The Rev. Mr. Auman was a for mer pastor of the Methodist church, of Greencastle.—W. R. Davison, C. H. Clippinger, Howard Hawbaker, Hart McKinnie and Charles Davison, of Martinsburg, left on Wednesday for their annual camping party at Big Pool, Md. —Miss Edith Patton enter tained at a croquet party on Friday af ternoon.—Max McLaughlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McLaughlin, left this week for Atlantic City.—Miss May belle Klepfer assisted by Miss Dorothy Shook, and a number of Miss Klepfer's music pupils, gave a recital at the home of Miss Klepfer Thursday af ternoon.—G. F. Ziegler is spending several days at Philadelphia. Tower City Churches Will Hold Union Picnic By Special Correspondence Tower Ctty, Pa., July 8. William Powell and Charles Henry made a busi ness trip to New York. Charles Martz spent a day at Lykens. Misses Martha Good and Ruth Strohecker aro visiting relatives at Harrisburg. Miss Florence Ludwig returned to her a home, at Reading, after spending sev- eral days here. Miss Ruth Powell is enjoying a vacation with Mrs. Tim O'Leary, at Pittsburgh. Miss Helen Hunter, of Harrisburg, Is visiting rela tives here. Miss Grace Kuntzleman is visiting friends at Sunbury. Harper Bressler, Jr., of Philadelphia, enjoyed a visit to his parents. Miss Kathryn Martz returned home from a two weeks' visit to relatives in Llewellyn. Miss Alma Machamer, of Reading, spent several days here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kehler will go to Mary land on Monday to attend an Elks' con vention. They will make the trip by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Martz, of Williamstown, spent the week-end here. Miss Bessie Moffet, of South Bethlehem, is visiting her cousin, Miss Millie Schrope. On account of a break in the shaft at East Brookslde colliery, the men had to suspend work for several days. A committee from each church will meet at the Reformed Church on Tuesday to arrange for a union Sunday school picnic. James Stephens is suffering with poison, con tracted while swimming.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers