Founded 187 I ~ JSaumuMiX Harrisburg, Thursday, June 29, 1916 J3oamt&tt2 Bell—l99l—United 30c Stands For A Big Saving In 111 Sale Items For the 30th Day of June, To-morrow. Friday Bargain Cards (Green) Will Guide You Curtain Madras Sewing Machines Girls' Wash Dresses Boys' Reefers Batiste Edges Voiles Lockwood Sheeting * In green, brown and rose; 1 akcn in exchange °""ew A number of sport dresses Also top coats, of serge Suitable for children's Striped and figured ;40 in- Bleached; 81 inches wide; 36 inches wide. OA _ machines, i-ri- -| QA with white waist and striped and Shepherd check wor- dresses or collars and cuffs: ches wide. Friday O A good weight; even, round 1 riday price, yd., sklrt: conibina tion dresses steds; sizes 2]/ 2 to 8. 12 and 18 inches wide. Fri- price, yard uUC thread; one of the best BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor - oor of plain colored chambray Friday (t O OA dav nrice. OA BOWMAN'S—Main Floor sheetings made. _________ and plain or plaid gingham price y a r,j «SUC _—— Friday price, yd.,. OUC Infants' Coats and ,awn ' 2to 6 and 6to 14 BOWMAN'S-Second Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor UOWMAN'K-Buem.nt Nottingham Lace Long or short; white pop- years. Friday £| OA Pillow Tubing Curtains Hn, Bedford cord; braid pl 'Bowman' y\m Women's Hose , Bleached; 40 inches wide; Garbage Cans Overlocked stitched edge; triimncd and scalloped edge. Thread silk; double soles; Women s Union Suits cut from full pieces; free Galvanized; 10j4-inch di- % 2Vi vards long. Friday Friday T t ~n Ulde garter tops; black Fine quality bleached cot- , ni lllth sing. I riday ameter .with wire O A 1 price," £«| OA pn «wM A W.^- T ZAT OU T Infants Dresses only. Friday d»1 CA ton; sleeveless; lace knees. P" te ' , . bail. Fridav price. OUC pair 3)1 .OU MA b-Third Floor Long or short; yoke and price, 1 pairs, 1 .UV i Friday OA _ -/5 yards OUC BOWMAN's —Basement BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor ——. Bishop Styles; plain styles, BOWMAN'S—Main Floor price OUC BOWMAN'S—Basement .——— Women's Gowns and ' ace and embroidery —————- BOWMAN S— Main Floor — _ Batiste and nainsook; in tnmmcd Slightly soiled. Women's Hose ————— . CS , Scotch Madras flesh and white; low neck, Wants 6 months to 2-year Fibre silk in black white . Madras Cloth Stoned wall clothes Knk or blue figured; 36 short sleeves and sleeveless; ™ ' 30c and tan; double soles'; wide Women s Vests Cut from Ml pieces; in r ;10 arm-30 ,n --inches wide, tri- Q A also high neck and long BOWMAVS— Vhird carter tops. Fri- OA Bleached; fine cotton; blue and white and green chesllob,n b , attached to \ar day price, yd. ... OUC sleeves; prettily trimmed '' ' ' ' day price, pair ... 30 C plain and fancy yokes. Fri- and white stripes; 34 inches map 1 c board. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor with lace, embroidery, me- ——— . UOWMAN „ s _ MaIn ploor day price, A wide. I'riday OA J'ridaj OA —. dallion, beading and ribbon. Children's Dresses 2 for OUC price, 4 yards .... OUC price ........... —, . __ . I" riday tf* 1 Plain gingham and chain- TVT i. cvii c» i BOWMAN's —Main Floor BOWMAN'S Basement Curtain Marquisette price " $1.30 bray, %olka dot and Novelty Silk Samples Beize or white; 36 inches BOWMAN'S Third Floor strsped percales; trimmed in Stripes, plaids, figured and Pactrv Boards price 30c plain colors; 2to 6 years. Mens Underwear Bed Ticking 18x24 J hes; made of BO'W^lAN'S— Fourth Floor Boudoir Caps Friday QHp . piece . . .'. 30c Shirts, drawers and union Fancy striped patterns; 31 clear lumber, well finished. Net, all-over lace, and P '''; '''' • BOWMAN-S— Main Floor u Ult . S ' r c °tton; inches wide; good quality. Friday Q A crepe de chine; lace and rib- BOWMAN s-Third Floor broken lines; not all sizes. Friday price, OA. price ' OUC Silkoline bon trimmed. Fri- Q A c 4.- f a ° Drawers, -yards OUC BOWMAN'S— Basement Plain or figured • inches day price uUC Fancy Waistings Satin Foulards 36 to 40. Lnion Suits, 34, BOWMAN s—Basement wide Friday 'O A BCWMAN'S-Th.rd Floor Voiles and organdies; 40 Wanted shades; set fig- 36 and 38. Friday OA Clothes Bar ," y XII/* inches wiHp Fri. r\ r\ u res; 20 inches wide. Fri- price, garment ... O V/C Clothes Bar price, .} s OUC _ , • 9 j 30c 'lay price, OA BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Sheets 36 inches high; 3 folds, BOWMAN'S-Fourth Floor JWlope Chemise day Bo P w^ a idF,!:r C yard 30c Bleached; 72x90 inches; hinged with canvas ————— Flesh and white; daintily ——— BOWMAN'S— Main Floor center seam. Fri- OA tape. Friday price, OUC r . trimmed with fine lace, in- . Novelty Suitings day price OUC BOWMANS— Basement , c . Ur ains _ sertion, embroidery, also Pajama Check f Brown, green, black and BOWMAN'S— Basement ————— Marquisette or voile, with hand embroidered. All sizes. 36 inches wide. Friday Women s rianukerchiets navy; 36 inches wide. Fri- T .. D Cluny lace edge; 2>< yards Friday -| OA price, QO White, with pink, blue or day price, OA 1 Ollet Paper long. Friday OA price tP 1 «OU 4 vards *SUC lavender colored edge. Fri- vard ....' OUC Unbleached Muslin Manahan's Japanese tar price, pair ... 1 «OU EOWMAN'S-Third Floor BOWMAN'S-Second Floor day price, BOWMAN'S-Main Floor Even thread- food tissue toilet paper. Fri- BOWMAN's —Fourth Floor ——— —_ —_____ 7 for UvC t r <■ ' dav price. f\ _ BOWMAN's—-Main weight; free from spots; 32 rolls 30 C Corset Covers Toweling ————— , inches wide. Fn- OA_ BOWMAN'S— Basement Curtain Swiss Good quality nainsook, Blocked; bleached; plain ... , u ... Women s Purses day price, 5 yards, OUC ___________ Figured; 36 inches wide trimmed with lace, inser- white, with red border. Fri- Women S Handkerchiefs Black leather; double BOWMAN'S— Basement Fridav nrice OS\ t ' on ' ern b r °idery and bead- day price, OA ure '' nen ' hemstitched. clasp; with four compart- — ———. Dust Mops 3 yards....' 30C in ?" Frid6 yards OUC Friday price, OA. ments. Excellent OA "Big Wonder" medicated BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor price OUC BOWMAN'S— Second Floor 4 for value. Friday W omen s onoes (just nio p S complete with BOWMAN'S— Third Floor BOWMAN'S— Main Floor BOWMAN'S— Main Floor A small quantity of WO- handle. Friday OA r u 13 . men's shoes and children's price .. Ovf C . , Women's Drawers Mar Spa- Women's Handkerchiefs Notions SSe «9 almjm- «a°" p. ;j' ' 1C ' "' (( ' Fine nainsook trimmed terns; double bed size; hem- hite, embioidered in Fancv Combs set with a v price, pair ... uUC 3 yards 30c with Pretty pattern of em- med ready for' use. colors Friday OA briutanTs . '.. . 300 Scrub Pails v f -' ards UVV ' broidery; open and closed Fridav (t» 1 OA price, 3 for / , Galvanized; 14-qt. ca- BOWMANS-Fourth Floor styles. Fridav OA nrice" ib 1 -OU BOWMAN'S-M«tn Floor Fancy Buttons, broken . „~' ' price 30c BOWMAN'S —Second Floor —— l° ts » dozen 30<! j Women's Colonials a ' 30c n BOWMAN'S— Third Floor Naiad Shields, 2 pairs, Gray and fawn suede, RnwMAv'ts Curtain Corners —— Women sG oves :iop with patent colt and gun Suitable for sash curtains, O'l m Art Linens Silk and lisle gloves; 2- BOWMAN-s —Main Floor metal vamps. Friday door panels or bureau scarfs. 1 aDie Ull Stamped Turkish Towels, clasp; various colors. Fri- —price, (t» 1 OA Women's Waists Friday price, Of| Light and dark patterns; 30? day price, OA pair 1 ,jU Small lot of flesh and stn P OUC }-4 yards W'de, slightly Lace trimmed Dresser M ai '„ Fancy Ribbons BOWMANS-Main Floor white crepe de chine and BOWMAN'S Fourth Fi.or Fnctay Scarfs ...... ...... 300 , tQ , inches widc £x . voile wafsts, mussed and P ' Cretonne Doily Rolls, 300 cellent quality. ' OA nM M Principally small Cross Stripe Curtains f 4 " ,n . ch Cretonne Scarfs. Lace Flouncing Friday price, yd., OUC 011 Mo ,P s Sizes. Friday OA For doors or windows. r> d- trimn Remnant lengths of net BOWMAN'S— Main Floor "Big Wonder" cedar oil price OUC Fridav price lOA Corsets Pink stamped corset cov- | ace flouncing; 18 and 27 in- ———— mops, for cleaning and pol- BOWMAN-S— Third Floor pair ' ' &I.OU Designed for the very ers, undervests and envelope ches wide; l-) 4to 4 yards to ishing floors. Fri- OA BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor fleshy woman. Made of che ™f" 30 < k the piece. Friday OA Collars day price OUC Creoe de Chine Waists solid weave coutil, rather BOWMAN-S—Second Floor price, yard OUC c* j . BOWMANS— Basement *-repe ae WaiStS closely boned; broad spoon ———— — BOWMAN-S— Main Floor and vestees, w new Lace, Georgette and Knofade Fibre Matting front stay; elastic inch in- t OV C up-to-date styles. F " da y crepe de chine waists, in all Green, brown and blue, set across bottom of back _. .. y TTr«Krfti/U.-« TTAcr.* Meat Platters SIZCS - Fll(1 ay Oi% with border; colors guaran- R ivin S firm suppression - BOWMAN's "itfain 10, 12 and 14-inch Ameri- P ncc 3>Z.«SU teed; 27 inches wide. Fri- where needed, altogether u-SS—"i-?. W?? can and English porcelain; BOWMANS Third Floor day price, O A lengthening the lines of the , Hoo " br ° lder y ed &« = 2 to inches assorted d c 0 r ' a to j ns . „ j <ll/* figure shortenpH hv Children s Chairs and wide; excellent quality. . . k BOWMAWS—-Fourth Floor Friday «. on price SJL.OU n J ° m 3nd Character 3 yards OUC Rubber soles and heels, in BOWMAN'S-Basement Coats BOWMAN'S-Third Floor Dolls BOWMAN S-Main Floor black and russet calfskin. A number of desirable Velvet Rugs Stuffed Animals .... 300 Friday price, OA _, , _ ~ mode's, suitable for sport Made of carpet; 18x27 in- Corsets BOWMANS— second Floor Batiste Flouncing P air v«»OU Table Tumblers or dress wear. In checks, ches; some plain, some bor- Designed for th P Remnant lengths; 27 in- BOWMAN'S-Main Floor Colonial glass; high grade mixtures and plain colors. dercd. Friday Of| r youthfff figure; made of Men's Hats ches wide; 2 to 4-yard quality Friday OA Friday d»o OA pnce OUC broche in white or shell Also caps. Of silk, linen, lengths. Fridav OA M . u price, 6 for OUC price «PO*OU BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor pink. Friday 1O A Shepherd check worsteds price, yard OOC Men S Hose BOWMAN'S-Ba.ement | BOWMAN'S-Third Floor price Si.OU and Madagascar. BOWMAN'S-Main Floor Good quality silk, _ in Matting Rugs BOWMAN'S Third Floor Friday price OUC J> lack - br ° Wl } and Palm Mixing Bowls Crepe Kimonos Wnvon cfot ,„;i„j • ——— BOWMAN'S—Second Floor C.xrJce- Beach ; slight imperfections. mIA,U o UU a r A £ 1 Woven or stenciled, in bwiss flouncing Fridav price OA White porcelain, with Good quality figured good colors and patterns; Children's Rompers Fine quality; 18 inches pair " ' blue band decoration. 11- crepe; various styles; cut on ox 9 ft. 1-nday dJ-1 OA Low neck; short sleeves. Men's Straw Hats wide. Friday OA BOWMAN'S—Main Floor inch diameter. Qrv full lines. Fri- d»-| OA P ricc Plain chambray checked Sennets, splits and fancy price, 2 yards .... OUC Fridav price OUC da y P f l cc •••• *P •*J\J BOWMANS Fourth Floor gingham, in pink and white braids; soft brim, high BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S —Basement BOWMAN'S—Third Floor and blue and white, and crown hats in staple models; —— Men's Hose ———— New Process Linoleum striped seersucker. Beach all sizes. l or| Voiles Good quality in the POP- -c tj i Wash Skirts l-c0f.,1 i»„rrti-,c- style or gathered at knee. 2 Fridav price,. V 1 «OU . . .. . , . quaiuy, in tne pop Fruit Bowls „.,. t , .. . , Useful remnant lengths, to 6 years. OA Floor Plain colors; 44 inches ular colors. Fn- OA R , g . . r _ lnn ; al h,te wash skirts of good patterns. l^lda y Friday price 30c wide * Frida y day price, 3 pairs, OUC * Heisev aual- O A gabardine and pique. Good price, square OA _ BO"WMAN-s— Third Floor „ , _ , . price, vard OUC BOWMAN-S— Main Floor glass ,Heisey quai OH styles. Fn- | OA yard OUC _________ Boys Clothing BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Fnda y P nce ' day price «J) 1 .OU BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor _ Lot consisting of wash —— ————— BOWMAN'S-Basement BOWMAN'S—Third Floor —Traveling Bags suits, knickerbockers, Check Suitings Dress Linen Diningroom and Bedroom Chairs price . 5.... 30 C Friday Ort Synches wide. ' wide. Friday OA Decorated porcelain; with full size; one only. Golden oak. mahogany, Floor price OOC Friday price, yd.,. OUC cover; assorted O A Friday -I OA Bird's-eye maple and wal- ———- BOWMANS— second Floor BOWMANS— Main Floor sizes. Fnda\ pneer price A *OU > nut. Some Of these chairs T nncrrlntVi BOWMAN S-Basem.nt BOWMAN S-Flfth Floor Zir.T„ ttl ;L hi ?" t ,^r„ C , e Chamois finish; fine for Piisse Crepe Silk Belts Shirting Cords There are onlv c l- ar " n 1 underwear; 36 inches widc; Fine quality; requires no For women. Black and Russian striped; 32 inches Meat Platters Palm Beach Suitings of a kind " * - wide; in green, lilac, black 18-inch white porcelain. Sport stripes; 36 inches '^Ssi?, 1 * 30 pic"'....... $1.30 4 Fr yar a ds pri ": 30c p£e 30c "rd F : Way . 30c 30c ™' y 30c FIOOr BOW MAN 8 Second Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Basement BOWMAN'S —Main Floor KINGS AND QUEENS In all there are ten dramas In Shakespeare's folio that deal. In an actor's way. with the kings and queens of England. Be sure to forget them as being In any true sense English his tory. Whatever of the Chronicle would fit; whatever old drama could be bought, or mended, or copied by THURSDAY EVENING. shorthand writers, these, Speake speare. thinking of Kyd, Marlowe, Greene and Lyly, put Into order for his theater. "Henry VIII" is from Holinshed's Chronicles. It Is almost astonishing to us to hear Hollnshed quoting Edmund Campaln aa saying of Cardinal Wol »ey: "He vu a ripe schoolman. Ex ceedtngly wise, fair-spoken. Lofty to his enemies were they never so big; i to those who accepted and sought his friendships, wonderful courteous. In i satiable to get and more princelike In bestowing." These are almost Shakespeare's worda, the meter probably alone caue lns the chajisM that beautified the HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH final text. Fox's "Book of Martyrs" also supplies a part of Shakespeare's "Henry VIII." "William Shake speare," John McGovern, In National Magazine. CONVERTIBLE HAT ▲ sort ot convartlbl* hitdnu that Is adaptable to any season of tlie year, be It summer or winter, and has ear covers made to be folded Inside the head covering: when the weather's fine, Is an Invention of William Taylor of London, England. So th« user* can htar •verythUvc that'a going on, tha JUNE 29, 1916. ear flaps are furnished with an open-, lng, which coincides with the ear of the wearer. The opening is well guarded against the cold blasts of win try weather as the illustration shows. —'"Wonders of To-day," In National Miiulnt tor Jus*. i. C.VPT. MOREY AT COIXMBUS Columbus, X. M., Jurie 29. Captain Lewis S. Morey of the Tenth cavalry, wounded in the left arm In the clash June 21 at Oarrizal, arrived here yes terday enroute tu the Hi-my hospital »t El Pat>o, Texas. He will leave to-mor -row. _ 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers