16 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart j Taking of Inventory Releases Many Offerings For Friday's List of Specials \ r r ■* n / / I- No Friday Specials Black Dress Goods Wash Goods Basement Women's Palm Beach Suits Umbrellas 85c black serge; 42 inches 25c madras shirting in Wash Goods Undermuslins $7.50 Palm Beach suits in SUfc piece dyed taffeta silk Sent C. O. D. or Mail ™de. Special Friday only, white grounds with colored woven 50c Nainsook .owns in sizes 16 to 18. Special Fri- and cotton umbrellas, for yd., 69e Stripe. Special Friday only tissue in wove n .0c Nainsook gowns, in day only $5.95 men and women• assorted *■ vd 15a stripes. Special Friday only, low neck, kimono style, em- - } i j, ™ , ahSO " eu «. "none Orders $1.25 black panama; 52 in- vard 12}4t broidery edge trims neck $9.50 Palm Beach suits : . ai ? ~c ? i $-00 va Spe r-ii i . . ches wide. Special Friday . 25c voiles; 36 inches wide; " . and sleeves. Special Fridav sizes 16. 18 and 38. Special bnday only $1.4.> rilled. only, yd #l.lO floral design on white. Spe- -0c voile in white grounds Qnl Friday only $7.50 Dive*. Pomeroy & Stewart. cial Fridav onlv. vd 10f and colored stripes. Special ' , street i»ioor. SI.OO black mohair;_44 in- ' ' Fridav only, vard .... - N ches wide. Special Friday 69c voile; 44 inches wide; * ' . ers; embroidery trimming. ■ oor. _ . > Women's Summer onlv -y d 89c "hite u-i/iq.f ___ j I Soecial Fndnv onlv vard I I I I Dresses and Serge $1.25 black serge; all h°vd,' . ... . . 10* 50c nainsook drawers; Furniture Items of Cambric corset cover em n wool; 46 inches wide. Spe- ' '** 10c dress ginghams. Spe- embroidery trimming. Spe- Great Interest ""oidery; 1/ inches wide; Coats cial Friday only, yd.,. .986 50c silk plaid voile in tan cial Fridav onlv, vard, cial Fridav onlv 35? XT , ~ assorted patterns. Special "rounds Snecial Fridav * " Natural finish willow rridav only, yard .... tat s—9B and $4-: , dresses in ° ve "'st°r?et r °/ioor? tewart ' onlv. vard 356 20c poplin in solid shades. Extra size drawers; tuck- chairs. Special Friday only, ... • plain white voile, also stripe \ / Special Friday only, yard, ed ruffle or embroiderv trim- $3.50 All-over embroidery; 18 and floral designs. Special . Remnants of voiles, pop- 12' Special Friday only, Brown finish wallow inches wide. Special Fn- Fnday only 98c Dress Linings j| n s. shirtings and silk mus- 12 i^ c crepe . Special Fri- 35 < ! c lairs. Special Friday only, I I ' av on '- v ' - vau ' ~at I SIO.OO and $12.50 black 35c black satine; 36 inches Ims in lengths of to ) day only, vard 6'4t Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. #4.50 Dlv «- tewart and white stripe and plain wide. Special Fridav onlv. A * r " " w.l FrSH.v > Brown fibre rockers with * white serge coats. Special yd ...18> reduced 1-3. 8c crepe. Special rnda> heavy roll arms. Special I / \ f ' rida> ° nl ' v 980 59c Cream American silk. . _ Women's Oxford. ' Fridi) ' * 8 " Colored Dres» Good. | D *™"£2ZS% Special Friday only, yd .-loc Friday onh vard * O ,„,„ H , H », m Upholstered willow chairs 75c shepherd check; 42 > c , . , _ . . N "■ - One hundred pairs $4.00 an( j rockers Special Fri- inches wide. Special Fri- Surf cloth. special rri- Drug Sundries Dives. Pomeroy a Stewart. pumps and oxfords; not all day only $4.95 dav onlv, yard oat .. , _ , , day only, yd 5 St ... , . , . , , , Basement. sizes. Special Friday only, , Notion Specials Dlv „, Pomeroy * Stewart. es Soecfal Fridav Onlv" ' Dl y e, Pomeroy 50c wool challies; 27 in- « Fancy hair ornaments. & J ° r ' , 19e T —\ j One hundred fifty pair V [ nT SpeC,al - Fr l>^ Special Friday only Talcum powder. Special Neckwear and $4.00 low shoes in black and r mrp onij.yard n V u OC Corsets Reduced Friday only, can ...At Handkerchiefs white; not all sizes. Special uroce 8 SI.OO cream mohair; 44 Ben Hur hose supporters. vurwu neuuvea nananerenieis Fridav only $1.69 w lbs sugar for jrc with soc inches wide Special Fridav Special Fridav 0n1v,....7£ Coutil corsets in medium Pink, white and blue Slightlv mussed neck- worth of groceries. ) $3 to $5 hair switches. bust style; regularly 50c and combs. Special Friday on- wear; values to 50c. Special Dlves ' I^T^or Stewart - \2X 3* ' ' ' 0 c • i i ~ co nn /sc. Special Fridav onlv, lv, 10<* it • t 1 1 1 5 cans beans aoc $1.25 serge; 46 inches Special Fridav onlv,. .$2.00 v - Friday only l&Vit 10 cakes p. &g. soap 3»c ■. c •it- •j , 15. ..ii £1 .1 „ L. _ 10 cakes ivory soap sue wide. Special Friday only, 50c kid belts. Special Fri- _ l . „ „ -? c nail "»es. shoe horns Hemstitched cotton hand- i l o • i 10 cakes Feis Naptha soap .. anc var( l oa'A , , v Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. anf 4 ru ti r lp knives Snerial neuisciit-ucu LUUUII iiduu Jewelrv St>eCials 12 cakes D.. P. &S. soap ... 31»c • * dav onl- 10c Second floor. ana cuticle Knn es. speuai Fridav Jeweiry One box Kellogs Krumbies .. »c e> , ™ -,i tt > • . Friday onlv, each lo£ kerchiets. . pecial naa , , „ One box Keiiog's biscuits ... nc $1.50 cream serge; 54 m sl.oo silk girdles. Special _ nn i v a for 13<* $1.98 nickel alarm clocks. One lb. Cocoa me « • Friday only 50c n • N One pound can talcum onl -' fo Special Friday only .. ? n ba« M sait maP ! e .*^ DP .."'5 nnlv vlrH P " Summer Draperies powder. Special Fridav on- 15c silk, handkerchiefs , c? -a i♦ i 20-°z. bottle oiives ate - *- #x,l9 cotton ba ioballs g to - "' $2.00 men's serge; 56 in- Special Friday 0n1y,... 65e whhe n and ec u" ''"peciL" 50c bone handle button border. Special Friday only, tary brushes. Special Fri- I &t& re gsfc d h«T~?" t .::. a SS only yard $149 - a ib. rice ssc oniy, yara SI.OO brassiere garment Friday only, vd., 190 " (One lb. dried peas 4c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart shields, lace trimmed. Spe- j m_ , Dtves, ft Stewart, 50c and SI.OO silver plated 3 boxe a s S &po°tiess'cieinaer"'.'.V ißc l street Floor. • • in broken lots of fine quanty. cream. Special Friday only. cial Frida? onlv ... I'.. 10* 77 \ I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Special Friday only, vd..2o* tit f Sliced ham, lb. 28e Linen and dUnV \ V tr °° r ' Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives, p'omeroy & Stewart. White Chinchilla 25c rose beads : all shades. ' P.CN.C '' LaCCS Third Floor. „ street Floor. _ Special Friday only ... lat L,ttCC " 7~r~Z V ' Coats - LITNCHBON Linen Torchon laces: w Boudoir Caps ■ $lB 50 and s'o 00 Worum- 2oc and ?0c silver and gold one A'urnoon , to 3 inche s wide. Special Boudoir caps of combina- Silk Ribbons Parasols bo* chinchilla coats in sizes S Frida^onlv amCS ' lie 0n cuit P s ackase . unch . b . U :i Friday only, yard 41 tion, Crepe de Chine, satin or Taffeta and moire rib- $2.00 silk parasols in for women and misses: with L - one b °bot«? a oiVv'ei/'irf Laces in Cluny, shadow China silk; with lace; in all bons; 3to 5 inches wide. green, with assorted collars of rose and King's 25c hat pins and beauty pickles J an( j Valenciennes Values ' colors; regular 50c. Special Special Friday only, handles. Special Friday blue velvet. Special Friday pins. Special Friday only, 11b _®^ et TakhomaUl 6 to 15c. Special Friday only Friday only 35£ 15£ only $1.49 only $14.50 100 biscuits j yard s^' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives. Pomerov & Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives Pnm.m. s. Street Floor. Street Floor. Street Floor. Second Floor. Street Floor. Basement. 1 street Floor ' • > "** ' V—— —— in v / v v v . - . // IN MEXICO 70 YEARS AGO [Continued (rou i.ilitonal Pajre] us our glorious flag waving in the breezes, and planted on the rorts and palaces of the Mexican capital." Battle of C-ontrcras By the ISth of August, 1847, Scott had established his headquarters nine miles from the City of Mexico which was defended by two exterior lines of fortifications of great strength, held by Santa Anna with an army 80,000 DRUGLESS HEALING" Tells How Nerve Insulation Quickly Stops All Pain And Allays The Inflammation. Even Rheumatism, Sciatica And Neuritis Yield to Marvelous New Discovery The nerves of your body are like electric wires. They carry the nerve energy (neuro-electrlcity) which is generated in the brain, to all the cells and tissues. The nerve sheaths are insulated to resist a current of about 4/1000 of a volt as has been proven with the aid of Lord Kelvin's galvanometer, an instrument so sen sitive and accurate that for the first time it is now possible to measure the strength of nerve currents. It has been found that wherever acute inflammation occurs the in sulation of the nerves is broken down, making it difficult, and often impossible, for nature to heal the surrounding cells. Germs cannot live in healthy tissue; It Is only through damaged cells that they thrive and spread. Obviously there fore. the right way to successfully TO TAKE OFF FLESH AND REDUCE WEIGHT Eat Plenty of Wholesome Food, But Breathe Deeply and Try a Little Oil of Korein With Meals Some people seem to be able to eat whatever they please without its in creasing their weight t<r any degree, while on the other hand other folks, in clined to stoutness, try to eat lightly of the socalled fleshmaklng foods but keep gaining weight all the time. Such a condition is both unnatural and dangerous but can often be quickly overcome by practicing deep breathing In the open air. The blood of the aver age overstout person seemingly falls to accept enough oxygen to consume the excessive fatty material in the food. But frequent open air deep ] breathing forces additional oxygen into the system, largely overcoming this defect and preventing further increase In weight. Then if this deep breathing plan is accompanied by the use of a little oil of korein. taking a few drops in a capsule each meal and again before going to bed. It becomes pos sible to greatly reduce the weight even in a very few days. The best feature of this reducing method is that it is absolutely safe and THURSDAY EVENING, strong. Immediately in rron: or Scott was the fortified village of San Antonio to the left of which was the hill Contreras bristling with 61 pieces of artillery. After some desultory fight in'g on August 19, the assault upon Contreras was made at 3 o'clock on the morning of the 20th, attacks being delivered simultaneously both front and rear. The position was held by the Mex ican General Valencia with 7,000 vet eran troops. So effectively had the American forces been disposed and so impetuous was the assault that the treat Inflammatory disease is to quickly repair the damaged insula tion and enable nature to restore the diseased tissue to a healthy condi tion. lon-o-lex Unguent does this. lon-o-lex Unguent is not a drug. It does not contain opiates or nar cotics. Its action is entirely me chanical. Applied externally, it penetrates the tissues and surrounds the injured nerve sheaths with an Insulating bath. Then the inflam mation subsides and nature quickly repairs the nerve lesion—you are well. Don't suffer another minute, just go to H. C. Kennedy and get a large jar of lon-o-lex Unguent, It costs little, use as directed and if you cannot say that it is the irreatest means ever devised for conquering inflammation wherever it exists, your money will be cheerfully returned without a question. t unlike so many flesh reducing svstems, produces no weakening effects. In fact there are those who have tried it who say it almost seemed that they gained in strength with every pound of excess fat they lost. The use of oil of korein is intended to eliminate the need of weakening purgatives, sweating processes, dang erous drugs, starvation diets or the i various forms of violent exercises whlcl. so many use in a vain effort to reduce flesh. Instead, oil of korein operates in a natural and wholly harmless way to gently reduce the excessive accu ! mulatlons of fat wherever they exist on your body while the oxygen you are breathing into your system from the pure out door air not only helps the action of the Korein but is helpful in preventing a return of the unnatural fat. It Is a good plan to weigh yourself once a week so as to keep close check on what weight you are losing and do not skip a single dose until your weight is down to normal. Any druggist can supply you with these capsules. enemy was driven headlong from Ms ] trenches in an incredibly short space j < of time, in this engagement 4,500 Americans drove 7,000 Mexicans from , i their strongholds and pursued them! with immense slaughter. The results i ' of the battle were gigantic, seven hun-11 dred of the Mexicans being killed and!, eight hundred taken prisoners. The i Americans also captured twenty-two l pieces of artillery and an immense store of arms and ammunition. All I this, was effected with the loss of but i 60 men killed and wounded. The storming of Contreras enabled I Scott to turn the rear of the position to San Antonio and open a way to the village of Churubusco, five miles dis- j tant. The garrison of San Antonio, ; therefore immediately evacuated their ; position without awaiting an assault. ! The Great Battle of Churubusco i The scattered forces of Mexicans, driven from Contreras and San An tonio concentrated upon Churubusco. ' To this point Santa Anna hurried up his entire disposable force until he had fully 25,000 men there assembled to fight with the advancing Americans the crucial battle in the struggle for the possession of his capital. The battle of Churubusco, in the numbers engaged and the slaughter, v/ar the greatest battle of the Mexican war. Pausing not for rest or refresh ments. the victorious Americans, after their early morning victory at Contreras, pressed hard on the heels of the flying Mexicans. General Scott hurried up some reinforcements, and, the attack on Churubusco was deliv ered without delay. The town was just more than | crowded that day with Mexican sol- j dlers for Santa Anna felt the grasp' of power slipping from between his fingers, and hurried up every avail able man. Every public edifice was j scaffolded for infantry who also lined J the windows, roofs and battlements. The American attack began soon after the middle of the day. As they! moved up. a terrific fire was opened upon them from both infantry and artillery along the whole extended line of the enemy. Some of the ad vanced companies were almost entirely swept away by the tremendous can-; nonade they encountered. Torrents ! of flame rolled down from the enemy's ofrtideations, ravaging our ranks with a deluge of slaughter. For more than three hours the tide of American bat tle was successfully resisted by the er.emy. until an attack was made so I impetuously by two of our regiments 1 that, the strongest of the enemy's | works was carried at the point of the ; bayonet. Point after point was gained until, by sunset, all opposition had ceased and the whole Mexican > host was in rapid retreat toward the ' inr.er fortifications of the city. In this action the American army lost 1.056 in killed wounded and miss- , in*. The Mexican loss was 4,000 t killed and wounded and 2,637 prison j ers who fell in Scott's hands. Included 1 in this loss were thirteen Mexican ' generals and five ex-presidents. With a revolution quarterly or semiannually * naturally ex-presidents would be a! ; plentiful article in Mexico. General! e Scott was wounded during the en-; . g&gement, but that did not prevent 2 his keeping the saddle and watching s over every portion of the field to the I y end of the fight. " Beginning at Contreras at 3 o'clock B in the morning and ending Churu e busco as fell the shades of evening, e Scott's little army certainly put in a i pietty full day of fighting on that 1 20th of August, 1847. * The next day Scott offered an J armistice to Santa Anna which was 0 gladly accepted. Meanwhile our t friend. Mr. Trist. who was-still bobbing n around, tried his hand once more at 1 patching up peace. But he and the HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Mexican authorities coudl not agree i on the boundary line of Texas. The Mexicans were just as determined in that :atter as when Texas first es tablished Its independence. Could they have brought themselves to ac- ! cept the line of the Rio Grande, they, j probably might have saved some 600,- 000 square miles of Mexican territory which they were compelled to relin- j qulsh a little later. September 6 General Scott accused Santa Anna of a violation of the terms of the armistice in preventing sup plies from reaching the American army. Promptly the truce was de clared at an end, and Immediately the curtain was rolled up for the last drama of blood in the ancient home of the Montezumas. (To Be Continued) HOW MINKS ARE LAID AND FIRED One of the ways in which the bel ligerent nations lay mines in harbors and other waters is described in the July Popular Mechanics Magazine. On one deck of a vessel are several narrow (racks supporting the mines, each of which is mounted on wheels. Each i.;ine is in turn rolled to the stern, and. by means of special launching tracks, is dropped into the sea without tilting. A. mine of the character described is made up of three parts; a spherical floating chamber containing the ex plosive. etc., an anchor chamber which is connected with the former by a cable, and a weighted sounding line. The length of the latter is equal to the depth at which the mine is to float. When the end of the sounding line strikes bottom the lessening of its pull throws a pawl which prevents the drum in the anchor chamber from paying out more cable to the sphere. Consequently the latter is drawn under water to a depth equal to the length of the sounding line, as the anchor chamber settles to the bottom. * A page illustration in the July Popular Mechanics Magazine depicts graphic ally this method of mine layinz. CIiOCK PI,AYS RECORDS INSTEAD OF CHIMES A phonograph clock which plays one or more selections on a phono- j graphic attachment at any designated! hour, or hours, has been constructed ] by an Illinois jeweler. The July Popu- | lar Mechanics Magazine describes the; mechanism of the apparatus, which is j operated by a spring motor; the rec- I ords. If desired, can be played indepen dent of the clock. At the back of the timepiece, attached to the center pin ion. working In unison with the min ute hand, is a series of four switches which can be so set that a different' record will be played every 15, 30 orj 60 minutes; or the clock can be set to play only once in 12 hours. When a large photograph is used the whole mechanism stands about as high as a hall clock. MORE MEN THAN WOMEN HAVE APPENDICITIS Surgeons state men are slightly more subject to appendicitis than women. Harrisburg people should know that a few doses of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-l-ka, often relieve or prevent appendicitis. This mixture removes , such surprising foul matter that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gat-. The INSTANT, easy action of j Ad!er-i-ka is surprising. H. C. Ken jnc-dy, Druggist, 321 Market street. RUSH TO FIGHT UNDER COLONEL Hundreds Apply For Places in Roosevelt's Military Division New York, June 29.—Hundreds of messages, by telegraph and some by telephone, greeted Colonel Roosevelt when he motored into the city from Oyster Bay yesterday. The messages almost without exception contained re quests to be allowed to join the di vision of troops which it is reported, and not denied, that the 'Colonel is going to offer the government for serv ice in Mexico. These requests came from men of all ages and in nearly every walk of life. Doctors, lawyers, cx-regular and guard officers, ex-pri vate soldiers, men who have had the greatest amount of experience and those who cheerfully admitted that they had not. all were eager to loin the rusTi of recruits in the four T" R. brigades. In addition to single applications, organizations are volunteering in great numbers. The majority of these are from organized clubs of horsemen, who wished to go in the cavalry bri gades. Also. It Is said, there have been a number of applicants for hos pital and for engineering and signal corps service. Much Enthusiasm in Evidence General Wood denied that "he was aware of the plan to raise this volun teer division, as did several other regular officers consulted. Great en thusiasm was expressed by military officials, however, for the plan as out lined. It was declared that the pre ponderance of cavalry would make it ideal for work in Mexico, while pre serving the hitting power with the in fantry and artillery units. Said one officer himself experienced in Mexican campaigning: "That division, if properly disci plined, and I for one believe that the Colonel will have it so, would punch its way into Mexico City from Vera Cruz or from the north in the least time possible. Once started on the road, its organization will give it the speed and the drive of a steam engine. LOOK! ONLY $@.25 E. BLUMENSTEIN 14 South Court Street NATIONAL Will advnacr In frin July Oral. 12-cj-lindrr Hlubnar. .. . to *2150 ■l-cyllnder $1«#« to 91730 PENNA AUTO SALES CO. 5S SOUTH CAMERON STREET 4>cU Phone HB7-R JUNE 29, 1916. My belief is that the Colonel would not be headed before he got to the Mexican capital." Military Men Approve It was said by military men that there was nothing to prevent the or ganization of such a division as con templated hy Roosevelt, so far as tlje technique of a military organization was concerned. His idea to have two brigades of cavalry, in itself a division, added to a brigade of infantry and a brigade of field artillery, will make his division what is known as a reinforced division. It was said that there would probably be noarer 20,000 men in such an outfit than 12,000. A rough esti mate of the unitF. In the organization would be as follows, it was stated: 5,500 infantry, 5,00 cavalry, 5,000 ar tillery and approximately 5,000 more in the complementary forces such as the aeroplane squadron, the signal corps detachment. the engineer bat talions, the hospital corps and the headquarters troops. The artillery, it was learned, would probably include a large number of mountain guns, as these had been found of inestimable value in Mexican work. The field guns will all be of the standard 8-inch cf.llber and none of tne heavier cannon would be taken. Will Plate No Hindrance The organization of the division is procera:;-;? aioil'..' quiet lines, but until war is actually declared or there is a call for volunteers nothing public in the way of getting recruits will be at tempted. As it now stands, it is re ported that several hundred officers have been selected ant: given virtually a free hand in raiting their commands ft y\ J\ Just One Ope |\l Si Price Price I I | V '/ We Don't Claim iif |\\J j to have the only $1 5 suits in \ \\ if j| y But we DO CLAIM to have I If fl \\\( the Best $1 5 suits, in this, or VA 1§ re / any other town. >W 9 1 sls || |\W THAT'S ALL S. §T |l] / Positively the equal of others \ \ EH M i \ at $lB and S2O M lAy A. W. HOLM AN V I J *2H Market St. Bell Phone 1500 of anywhere from 25 to 100 men. Should war break out, these men will be the nucleus for mobilization of the division. The Colonel will do nothing :nore on the organization until there is a call for volunteers. It is believed there will be no hin drance placed in Roosevelt's way to prevent his going to Mexico br any where else that will take him frjom the political campaign now starting;. It was asserted that it would tike a special act of Congress to have tha C olonel appointed a .major-general, no matter how many men he could yoffer the government . \ The Colonel himself is silent ort all topics, including war and polit'dcs. While he was in the Hotel Langdon the sound of cheering was borne to his room and he- hurried to the win dow to see the Twelfth Infantry, New York National Guard, swinging b\L His big jaw set in hard lines and ther* came a gleani in his eyes as hei watched the men in brown tramping", on toward Mexico D.8.D4r SPU#B lEiCZCIt® far 15 years the xtandard remedy for all *kin. diseases. A liquid o»vd externally. Irutantl rtl ,e/ from « tch. and ii.oo Your money' i.i' . first hottto does not brin* you 1 rc;lcf. *-•< nV-iitvnf n " r> c 1 , Gorgas, the druggist, If! N. Thirdl j St.. P. R. R. Station; J. Nelson ClarkJ druggist.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers