,■» T T v_w _<*_* w w w *rw*rvwrvvw*vv'*vwvvvv w ■ *> * »■> + *rv*v t T _*_*-*- * 1 ► £ ; The East End Auto Company Announces the Opening of Its i< ; : • ■ j, Newly-Appointed Salesrooms At 120 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. ► f ► Here, the cars represented by the company will be displayed to better advantage. The Service Station at Thirteenth and Market streets will be continued but with greater facilities for the " ► owners of both gasoline and electric cars. Both Service Station and Salesrooms will be under the personal direction of E. E. Adams. Associated with him are J. H. Alberts, who will have charge ► of the Detroit Electric and Truck Department, and Jacob Anspach, who will have charge of the Service Department. The cars distributed by the East End Auto Company represent the utmost < ► in the field of either gasoline or electrically driven vehicles. * • * rr* *l'll<- 'M<ni« c^is\hl9l6 de luxe light car. It does We are pleased to announce to owners away with the penalties and hazards of heavy car ownership. It weighs less by < i . r l l 1500 to 2000 pounds than other cars of equal smartness and refinement. , ' < ► and prospective owners Ol enclosed cars It affords new jovs, opens new avenues of gratification, because of its economy. Gasoline wri f.»i irv i. ¥> *■ # t averages of 17 to 22 miles per gallon are the common thing with our purchases of f916 Olds- rOP JLlgtlt Delivery i lirpOSCS < ► that we are now fully installed in our mobiles. Tires give service for miles and miles after yielding their guaranteed mileage. < - 4 Cha Let US show you and demonstrate, at any time you may select; this light weigh. American The simplicity of the AtlaS truck < ► new and completely equipped show Price, 1?16 Oldsmobile Four, Model 43, SIWS f. o. b. factory. , . . , T , „ + makes it most practical. In the Atlas all ► room at . * mm- i . 1 stCftfilfjUvk. chances for troubles with wires, batter- \ , 120 Market Street illmKSiß=*»- te,^cdi^di.«bu l or,,ic., M .ii m i. ; L, We have taken these new quarters in order to gain *==-=-======--*1? 7 / J I I • *I • IJ **l < _ 6 jg) nated by having their work done with space, and to improve and further facilitate and ex- ijr'-nj, fgt * feci I i J . RX C • TA /s&> K Jb the Dixie Magneto. Wiring composed ► pedite our service to owners. Our service De- ° 1 ► partment has been strengthened and augmented \ . J I Only of four wires from Magneto to < * and we are now completely equipped to give the (/ plugs, the line to switch and ground, all < y finest service at the lowest prices for all makes of / m W in plain sight. \ ► You are cordially invited to visit our new rooms The records show that a large propor ; and inspect the new Detroit Electric models. We tion of all delivery problems are best ' ► would like to give you a ride and show vou in the \JLT J j. • TV 1* w.r 9 * ; best way possible—by actual demonstration—why Ward UlleCtriC Delivery WagOn Served and with a lowCr COSt by the Use of ; ► Detroit Electrics represent exceptional values. Bakers, Grocers, Butchers, Laundrymen, a p ro P er delivery truck. A cheap truck The Detroit Electric is now the foremost all-year Dairymen, Department Store Heads— means enormous repair bills, constant ► car manufactured. That is conceded everywhere. . ake car «f ul note of the Ward Special, the car shown below. You need it in your business 4 y just as much as you need your store or your fixtures trOUDie ailO delay 111 deliveries. J ► Far more purchasers of all-year cars buy Detroit It is the delivery wagon* that will 'deliver because the price of electricity is constantly ' J ► Electrics than any other one make—either of gaso- ' b ™ r n "^s?'before. 4C ° St tha " eVer be J° min * ss " A ,i , . . 1 ► i- , * • * uu _ ru- u 1 • Jt costs lcss to kee P the Ward Special m A converted pleasure car is mno sense line.oi electric type either of higher or lower price. It does this because its motive power is tires than it does to keep a horse in shoes for i ► This means that the largest single group of en- electricity, "the power that moves the world." the same service. . a Commercial Tl'Uck. The AtlaS is not ► tit. • . . » , 11 relieves you of the ever present worry about The WARD SPECIAL offers vou an nnnnr ► ° ° SC Cai * UyCrS m ' merlca ' after mature dellb- th e fact increasing cost of feed and gasoline, tunity to decrease your insurance rates and in- a Converted pleasure Car. 30 H. P. foill'- < ► eration, has reached the conclusion that the Detroit and leave s in its place a feeling of security crease your sales and profits < ; Electric offers the extreme degree of enclosed car Cylinder motor, Dixie magneto, a rugged ; ► development. It gives .80 to 90 miles of trouble- powerful chassis. A |/2" ton truck built A y free travel on a single charge. It has more speed as heavy as many 1-ton trucks. Let US ' y than the law allows and it costs 30 to 50 per cent. I ' 111 size for upkeep cost. qualities. y These new Detroit Electrics are the finest cars the -I Anderson Electric Car Company has produced during the nine years it has been building fine auto- ■Bfek Chassis 6-pOiSl Bod y • mobiles. $660 $730 Our contract purchases are divided for delivery in ► certain months. We can reserve deliveries, but to V^ctp«lCliy get advantage of prompt shipment—we urge early 1000 lbs. 1 decision—so that we may definitely book your de livery. See the Atlas Truck—Let us demon- We will be pleased to meet you our new show Strate its Piacticability. 25 Styles to se rooms at your earliest convenience. lect from. ► < — ' V ) < ; EAST END AUTO COMPANY i I Bell Phone 315R 120 MARKET STREET E. E. ADAMS, Mgr. i ► < ' U 4AA AA A A'A AAAA AA A A MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 26, 1916. 11
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