Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 23, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    fcrfrg Special Bargains To-morrow, The Last Saturday of the Economy^Eventj
J,.]\4 E E vel /sWrt , Worth Ur sU0 h trsl!7s..sl»ooi' P/ hSI if More New Summer Wash and Silk Dresses |
C ! Perfectly matched Silk Front and Silk Cuff Shirts, attrac- f SI |||i|!i jlB I Ij| Just Arrived 111 Time for Tomorrow's Selling J
# tive new Madras and Percales with soft cuffs. Plenty of < #4Jj |P 1 ill ||l||P ftjjf W 3 infill llll||llll| |jlll |B| 1 # J White and Colored Wash Dresses j
I ™■! Handsome White and Colored Wash Dresses. $3 Q5 ff
J Another Extra Special Saturday A .1 U • D° 0 1 of Regular and III" 1 n CI • * New White and- Colored Wash Dresses $4. Q5 I
I Sale of Women's and Misses' AllOtllCF KOllSlllg Dig UcHG Extra large »ize Wash DIfCSS ukirts Lovely New Wash Dresses, white and colors.. $5 Q. 5 |
; I wSfiSat S A qc Here Are Pictures of 6 Models on Sale Tomorrow at Big Savings ttract^ N 7^ kDr ; ss ! s , q - y n I 2 / 9 * f
l worth $5.00, for ttu—=* | JTTL /" Pretty Colored & Daintily Trimmed Silk Dressess4_4Q j
' I Women's and Misses' Coats; *7 ZL J-bl H3i\ /vi lAJEijEJI AJEijEJ /JJ Ik / Stylish Jap Silk Summer Dresses «
, Worth $6.50, for SO. 4 D fj jpN.A] /7?y rLh\ /£} \ I'V\ \A\ : ; Si!'!. C
I Women's and Misses' Coats; d» C7C i?! 1 /sH' \0 ' / l\ ' iV 1 J 1 vj\ 'sj\| * a Gorgeous Silk Crepe de Chine Dresses $7.50 ?
Worth $8.50, for *bD./D i| ' |,\ ///{■ f / f "~ \\ M I / \'M \ \ L——MM nil. mamamaiai £
\ Women's and Misses' Coats; (t» P* /\ \ \\ \' / // > / I I \ /1 I l / \ 11 „ j
I Worth SIO.OO, for $/.DU / \ | \f \jj \ \II | / /, !j , | V \ rf> sasi^ a^^^m^S
j Women's and Misses' Coats; Ma /I - lit-J/ 'I. f' fi \ \ 111 11 111 / / \ I \I I Hundreds of Dainty Musnn Undergarments If
\ Misses' * White f2 0 UMS V V J bUjL/J 5 „ M , PS l
/ Coats; Worth $7.50, for &D.UU VTO M JT 50c Mushn Night Gowns or S
9 . „ . . . - _ , EXTRi \\ i// 17/ rT-^TV \ /TTncTPA 75c Mushn Night Gowns for
I Black and White Stripy Chin- Q Cfk / /sS /7 1 // f / / )I I sl-00 Muslin Night Gowns for ' <J9o )
) chilla Coats; Worth $lO, for 0)0. OU /J(> j)\ / \4A //(I // ( U $1.25 Muslin Night Gowns for 9.V 1
% White Plaid and Striped Chin- <£Q CA V : £ VV (y W Ul 65c Muslin Petticoats for 4{)j/. *
f chilla Coats, Worth $13.50, •Vv (Ukr Plctorf) (Like Picture) (Like Picture! i Like Picture* $1.25 Muslin Petticoats for .... 4 V
I and Colored, Striped (I* I O Women's * M !•*?»' WOMEN's A Milter Woiuen'« A Misses* AW\IXG \TKIPE Women's A Misses' Women's A Misses' $1.75 Muslin Petticoats for s!.?{{) S
)W as h Skirts Wash Skii*l S Wash Skirts Wash Skirts Wash Skirts Wash Skirts I 35c Corset Covers for .. |S
J J .^ oo lif r h ' K _ , Another |ii>|iular Running new Mailr «f nn extra StunnlnK new 75c Silk Camisoles for |(t.i I &
( « r " '" e! **l. r * "'"rj' oew belt belteil model, ullli models; all alr.ent nooil quality, nlilte belt model*. In el- . .... „ -»J( l|
M DADCAIU DItCrSSrST allie Sklrta of white 111 ode I , made of pocketa. made of blue nnd isrny crrt»h l neurit holt tra alaea. made of a $2.50 Silk Envelope Chemise for SKli)."» IK
DHOC.mC.II I f'l'.'j j newwt srood quality white line while xabnr- atrlpeai two pock- and pearl button line white cabar- 7c. Fnit«lnn« pi ; r ' I I
C „ . " b ® ,|,^ d . " ,,h «P< «" "««h <»ne all alaea. etai belt effect. Sale trimmed atylea; all dlnej pearl button 73c Envelope Chemise for 4£<« otf
# Bamboo Furniture For Porch p 111"' p "^ p 2 er - price, I prlee. I »l«ea. Sale price, Immed. Sale price, B I SI.OO Envelope Chemise for .. . (i«)f I %
1 an H d F Livi <? g t ßo H° m o , sl-45 SI.OO $1.45 $1.25 $1.95 $2.45 1(
I Reduced For Saturday Only 65c Women's Drawers for ! 450 I I
K Ramhnn Corner Bamboo i ™ i
\ tsamooo Chairs. I
5 11 \\ ette- r " S,, #i l .'i» ISaturHpv Bnv<t' rinthing'
f At special Low Prices I Continuin S To-morrow the Great 3-in-one Saleof Silk & Cotton Waists & Blouses i
J Cut - Extra X-— B °y s ' Norfolk Suits, $2.49 i MTSiik and Cotton Mddy Blouses and Fine Muslin Undergarments {(
m used for porch ferns or Strong Iff I 6to 10 year y.es a a mate- ( Nosv's the Time to Provide For Your Fourth of July Day Needs and Save f I
0 any Kinn or punpn Bsmboo S I I'l rials t 5 /
9 day only, each 29<> Tables. g| |i Boys' Norfolk Suits, $3.89 ' * Thousand of New Cotton Waists and u _• 1 TTk rT <,
m Bamboo Tables, mat- i>ntor the best Suits ii n ßl th : cr"YoV, , he v m fnT> sy models: 11 Silk Blouses at Almost Unbelievable A 3m ?w ur 'Tc
1 Te/t:Zot b Z* S p* h ;Z'J:L Boys' Norfolk Suits, $4.89 5 rfd\ fx Low Money Saving Prices And Most Wantedtot- |
f cial, eRCh i,Hc , r ; i ;; , d honr 8 | 6 7o h !s k vear 0 8^eV s^ri e new k ,s ' s ° and $6 -°° for: 1 / \\ Women's Waists, Worth SI.OO tan Al, d ollk Middy P
% Bamboo Book Racks. " \vondeiTu! str.T.K, 5 ' V //Pi A ! " ; /OC D 1 I. D" C ' I '
f three and four shelves, well-made bamboo table. 39c for Boys' Wash Suits, worth 50c. £ / W 41l I Wnmpn's \A/ai«;tc \A7nrth DiOUSCS &t DIP * I
m well made. Special Saturday only, 75<- for Boys' Wash Suits, worth SI.OO. f / 1 < vN <f / l/l 1 Wmncns VV dl&l.b, V<unn ijll.JU | (
f £l' 1 '* »f 51.49 for Boys' Wash Suits.' worth liioo.' f / 7yV 1 Women's Silk Waists, Worth $3.00 "bTotisls for s . . , 50c . . An ajc
t c • 1 C.L _£ U««.J Boys' Straw and Boys' New (>9 I L' ' Wfl " Women's and Misses' SI.OO Middv I
1 jDCCIrn OSltlird&V 01 itftllu Duck Hats *t!/C Reefer Coats
aZ.yu I \y\ Women s Silk Waists, Worth $3.50 Qn Blouses for 7» ( . \ft
€ -r* S A P c , ~ ■■ / A\i
/ Sags and Suit Cases Blouses 24c Knfcke^s akl .. ...49c
[ Women's Silk Waists, Worth $4.00 2Q W men's and Misses' $2.00 Middy I | g
I Sav. M. p . y .„ Gpd Ujgj.T~_ ) I / Waists. Worth $6.00 | "SE -fl j (
C Covered with good,
Special Sale of Pumps 1
M jft B '^ ron ® matting, hound / Women's Grav Kid |LA/^-A/wxrijito jruxnuxnx
ff B with strong brass / 11 J J r>\ ■
C c»tche«. i s Champagne Kid I
J 5t.39 Mattinc Clul) Fibre and Matting V WnmPll'c Hull W.'J '
| Handbag,, lined with Suit Cases. 24-lmh «ize, VH\\ U » Md . . ,
M cretonne in all sizes; . . . . , I
% good and strong . . .97c lock and key; ea. A
g Black Imitation 79c, 97c to 51.19 I 11P
I c2?«22L ,
% i.li. leather lined; 'each j ( * 1. F I $2.95 I J
f I 1( . r n „.. Louis 14th and Spanish heels, flexible leather I
R H s«.ao f-ine Leather t.ood Leather Suit .nio*- rll thiq .. , i - -tvie«- n IT I
II Handbags, in many dif- Cases. 24-inch. with f?, ts a l sizes - Bt > les - Bto E
C ■ ferent shapes and tin- lock and .key; also well '
11 ■'.'k-av.. I'j'ijp, gg ay- Special Sale ot Pumps ■ 1 «
C ANNOUNCEMENT ON PAGU 4 $2.69 a ™S b ;;.i:".. $ 1.00
Navarre Brings Down Kight
tcentli Unofficially; Known
as "Enfant Terrible"
Paris, Juns (correspondence of the
Associated Press). —Second Lieutenant !
Jean Navarre, of the French flying
corps, has just been officially credited ■
with destroying his tenth German ma- I
chine. UnofficiaKy ho has brought j
d)\vn eighteen; that is to say that, in ,
addition to the t.en machines, destruc
tion of which has been verified by his !
superior officers, he !s known to have :
Bringing Up Father ffi) # # # # By McManus
f 1 1 r " T 1 | i
PICKLE O \ ' Soßt ( i 1 V" j S
1 AT You- „ WDE ANO voo T „ ACCOUNT OF
TOo ° ' " r ' ■ " L "/
| sent eight more to earth behind the i
j German lines under circumstances that,
justify the supposition that they were
, Navarre is the "enfant terrible," or
I pest, of the French flying corps, with !
• eccentricities that keep his superior
! officers busy. |{p had seen most of i
j the world at 18. and had just disem
barked from Japan and taken a few!
j lessons in aviation when the war broke
; nut - Too young to be called to the
: colors regularly, he enlisted and was
i summoned to appear for medical ex
amination; instead of responding he
; flic train for Saint-Cyr and told
the officers there that he had been or
dered to report to join the engineers.
Together with a comrade that had re-
I ceived a pilot's license, he applied to
j an officer of the flying corps at Tours i
| to he incorporated in that service. The !
I captain examined the papers of the'
real aviator and passed him; then i
; asked Navarre: -What do you want?" I
; Same as he," replied Navarre, and i
i without further formality Navarre'
| found himself on an 80-horsepower bi
| plane at the front regulating the fire
of artillery in November, 1914. It was
; a service that was little suited to his
I disposition; he called it "driving a
tnxi-auto and showed his discontent
by some fantastic evolutions on re
turning from an observation tour th;U
resulted in his beinn sent to the rear
He presented himself at the aviation
camp where men were being trained
to fly th eswift battle planes and was
given opportunity to try one of them.
His natural qualities as an acrobat of
the air cot him immediately one of
these new machines.
Has Waged Fifty Fights
He made his debut in the chase in
j March, 1915, and in his first expedition
j attacked one of the German machines
| that was the most redoubtable at that
; time, by his skill as a pilol alone domi
! nating his adversary. He flew over
! him. looped the loop under him, sailed
! all around him, risking a dozen times
I to collide with him, yet never giving
1 the German observer a chance to fire.
The German machine finally went to
earth a few yardt, from the French '
i lines without having been hit or dam
aged in any way; the German pilot j
I had lost his head in the presence of j
! the fantastic evolutions of his adver
sary and could only inquire after being '
j made prisoner: "What in the world is j
| that phenomenon that fell upon me?"
Since that time Navarre has flown sue- j
cessively in all the different machines
! in the French aviation service, master- !
; ing them all with equal case and skill, j
; and never failing to charge an enemy
j wherever he fount! him. His theory
[ of the aerial combat is to go at his
man, drive right at hint regardless of |
i th«> enemy's tire, paying attention only
to .his own.
Up to date Navarre has waged nearly !
! fifty air battles.
A great many anecdotes are told of
Navarre, some of them perhaps some
i what stretched, a few of them au
i thentlc. One of the latter relates to
his fourth combat, which barely es
1j caped getting hhn thirty days in
\ prison. He had then already acquired
j the habit, which he still follows, of
| getting out before daylight and finish
i ing his sleep in his machine, so as to
! be ready to take the air instantly when
an adversary's machine is signaled.
On this occasion his aid ran up crying:
j "There is a German coming up there."
Navarre darted into the air above I
i the river Maine and made straight for,
a big German two-heated biplane. He I
fired a dozen bullets at the pilot, who,
, in trying to shield himself, steered his j
machine abruptly to one side. Then ;
' j Navarre placed nine bullets in the,
' motor and the machine plunged toward
; the earth, but landed without accident,
i Navarre landed after it, and, running
i up just as gendarmes were taking the
I pilot and the observer away, invited
itheni into a wineshop beside the gen
; darmes' headquarters to have a drink. !
! The prisoners, sent to the rear, re- j
■ lated the incident and the general
! commanding the army ordered Na
il varre. under close arrest for thirty
I days. The eccentric aviator's amusing
j explanation of the incident, however.
[ got the better of the general's anger |
j and the sentence was suspended.
P. 0. S. OF A. NOTES
Washington Camp 713, West Fair- j
view, met last evening and are getting
j a company of Pennsylvania Reserves j
lin shape. Also passed a motion that
| every member should display the Am- j
j eriean flag during the military activi- :
ties in this country.
| Washington, Camp S.Harrisburg.has
j agreed to pay the dues of all members
'who go to Mexico in the service. Also
i reported that the Pennsylvania re- j
I serves of this State were ready to serve |
| the country at the call of President
Wilson. The Camp approved of the j
request of tjie Mayor of this city an<i !
has instructed all members to display i
the flag. Company Bof Camp 8 will I
meet for drill next Wednesday. The j
booster committee have about com
pleted their plans for the Anniversary
luncheon to be held July 19. 1916.
Many members will be present at the
unveiling exercises of the Molly Pitch
er monument at Carlisle, Pa., on June
28. 1916.
There is a respectable list of presi- '
I dentiai years which have been sea- j
i sons of unfavorable business. Sucli ;
I years as 1884, the 'Blaine-Cleveland:
.contest," or 1896 and 1900, the "Bryan!
years," will at once occur to mind as
having been marked by financial and
industrial disturbance. The "Roose
velt year," 1904, was a aeason of trade
reaction and unsettled markets. When,
however, the other electoral years in
I the series are examined, the precedent
I is not altogether so convincing,
j Notwithstanding a temporary atmo
sphere of hesitation in several of them
most of the other presidential contests
of the past generation have been ac
companied with at least a satisfactory
measure of business prosperity. This
JUNE 23, 1916.
| was certainly true of 1880, when an!
! exceedingly bitter political campaign |
! failed to disturb the notable forward i
J movement of the day in American ]
j finance. It was equally true of the j
lust presidential election; for, al- j
! though the shifting of control from [
! the Republican to the Democratic 1
party was pretty clearly indicated
j from the beginning of the canvass,
| 11)12 was a year of rising markets and
1 reviving prosperity. The most invet- |
erate partisan had to confess, after j
election, that the campaign, although j
foreshadowing change in the tariff and !
i revision of the currency, had exerted
| no visible bad influence of any kind
■ on the business situation.
■ i ■«
Vacation Trips
DellKhtful Sail.
Fine Steamerit. Low Fare*. Dent Serv
ice. Plan your vacation to Include
••The Fluent Coa«(uiM« Trip* In tlie
Tour Hook Free on Hequeiit.
1 \V. P. TIiHNDK. G. P. A., Ilalto., Md.
Consult any ticket or tourlut agent.
■L 1745-47 N. SIXTH ST. Jk
Gold Medal
Men and Women
Produce positive results and are
comfortable for the wearer.
Guaranteed satisfactory. Pri
vate fitting room. For sale in Har
risburg exclusively by
31 North Second Street
1 v
1310 North.Third Street
I nell Fhuae. Anto Service. I
j\ 9