fcrfrg Special Bargains To-morrow, The Last Saturday of the Economy^Eventj J,.]\4 E E vel /sWrt , Worth Ur sU0 h trsl!7s..sl»ooi' P/ hSI if More New Summer Wash and Silk Dresses | C ! Perfectly matched Silk Front and Silk Cuff Shirts, attrac- f SI |||i|!i jlB I Ij| Just Arrived 111 Time for Tomorrow's Selling J # tive new Madras and Percales with soft cuffs. Plenty of < #4Jj |P 1 ill ||l||P ftjjf W 3 infill llll||llll| |jlll |B| 1 # J White and Colored Wash Dresses j I ™■! Handsome White and Colored Wash Dresses. $3 Q5 ff J Another Extra Special Saturday A .1 U • D° 0 1 of Regular and III" 1 n CI • * New White and- Colored Wash Dresses $4. Q5 I I Sale of Women's and Misses' AllOtllCF KOllSlllg Dig UcHG Extra large »ize Wash DIfCSS ukirts Lovely New Wash Dresses, white and colors.. $5 Q. 5 | ; I wSfiSat S A qc Here Are Pictures of 6 Models on Sale Tomorrow at Big Savings ttract^ N 7^ kDr ; ss ! s , q - y n I 2 / 9 * f l worth $5.00, for ttu—=* | JTTL /" Pretty Colored & Daintily Trimmed Silk Dressess4_4Q j ' I Women's and Misses' Coats; *7 ZL J-bl H3i\ /vi lAJEijEJI AJEijEJ /JJ Ik / Stylish Jap Silk Summer Dresses « , Worth $6.50, for SO. 4 D fj jpN.A] /7?y rLh\ /£} \ I'V\ \A\ : ; Si!'!. C I Women's and Misses' Coats; d» C7C i?! 1 /sH' \0 ' / l\ ' iV 1 J 1 vj\ 'sj\| * a Gorgeous Silk Crepe de Chine Dresses $7.50 ? Worth $8.50, for *bD./D i| ' |,\ ///{■ f / f "~ \\ M I / \'M \ \ L——MM nil. mamamaiai £ \ Women's and Misses' Coats; (t» P* /\ \ \\ \' / // > / I I \ /1 I l / \ 11 „ j I Worth SIO.OO, for $/.DU / \ | \f \jj \ \II | / /, !j , | V \ rf> sasi^ a^^^m^S j Women's and Misses' Coats; Ma /I - lit-J/ 'I. f' fi \ \ 111 11 111 / / \ I \I I Hundreds of Dainty Musnn Undergarments If \ Misses' * White f2 0 UMS V V J bUjL/J 5 „ M , PS l / Coats; Worth $7.50, for &D.UU VTO M JT 50c Mushn Night Gowns or S 9 . „ . . . - _ , EXTRi \\ i// 17/ rT-^TV \ /TTncTPA 75c Mushn Night Gowns for I Black and White Stripy Chin- Q Cfk / /sS /7 1 // f / / )I I sl-00 Muslin Night Gowns for ' j)\ / \4A //(I // ( U $1.25 Muslin Night Gowns for 9.V 1 % White Plaid and Striped Chin- <£Q CA V : £ VV (y W Ul 65c Muslin Petticoats for 4{)j/. * f chilla Coats, Worth $13.50, •Vv (Ukr Plctorf) (Like Picture) (Like Picture! i Like Picture* $1.25 Muslin Petticoats for .... 4 V I and Colored, Striped (I* I O Women's * M !•*?»' WOMEN's A Milter Woiuen'« A Misses* AW\IXG \TKIPE Women's A Misses' Women's A Misses' $1.75 Muslin Petticoats for s!.?{{) S )W as h Skirts Wash Skii*l S Wash Skirts Wash Skirts Wash Skirts Wash Skirts I 35c Corset Covers for .. |S J J .^ oo lif r h ' K _ , Another |ii>|iular Running new Mailr «f nn extra StunnlnK new 75c Silk Camisoles for |(t.i I & ( « r " '" e! **l. r * "'"rj' oew belt belteil model, ullli models; all alr.ent nooil quality, nlilte belt model*. In el- . .... „ -»J( l| M DADCAIU DItCrSSrST allie Sklrta of white 111 ode I , made of pocketa. made of blue nnd isrny crrt»h l neurit holt tra alaea. made of a $2.50 Silk Envelope Chemise for SKli)."» IK DHOC.mC.II I f'l'.'j j newwt srood quality white line while xabnr- atrlpeai two pock- and pearl button line white cabar- 7c. Fnit«lnn« pi ; r ' I I C „ . " b ® ,|,^ d . " ,,h «P< «" "««h <»ne all alaea. etai belt effect. Sale trimmed atylea; all dlnej pearl button 73c Envelope Chemise for 4£<« otf # Bamboo Furniture For Porch p 111"' p "^ p 2 er - price, I prlee. I »l«ea. Sale price, Immed. Sale price, B I SI.OO Envelope Chemise for .. . (i«)f I % 1 an H d F Livi Tables. g| |i Boys' Norfolk Suits, $3.89 ' * Thousand of New Cotton Waists and u _• 1 TTk rT <, m Bamboo Tables, mat- i>ntor the best Suits ii n ßl th : cr"YoV, , he v m fnT> sy models: 11 Silk Blouses at Almost Unbelievable A 3m ?w ur 'Tc 1 Te/t:Zot b Z* S p* h ;Z'J:L Boys' Norfolk Suits, $4.89 5 rfd\ fx Low Money Saving Prices And Most Wantedtot- | f cial, eRCh i,Hc , r ; i ;; , d honr 8 | 6 7o h !s k vear 0 8^eV s^ri e new k ,s ' s ° and $6 -°° for: 1 / \\ Women's Waists, Worth SI.OO tan Al, d ollk Middy P % Bamboo Book Racks. " \vondeiTu! str.T.K, 5 ' V //Pi A ! " ; /OC D 1 I. D" C ' I ' f three and four shelves, well-made bamboo table. 39c for Boys' Wash Suits, worth 50c. £ / W 41l I Wnmpn's \A/ai«;tc \A7nrth DiOUSCS &t DIP * I m well made. Special Saturday only, 75<- for Boys' Wash Suits, worth SI.OO. f / 1 < vN 9 I L' ' Wfl " Women's and Misses' SI.OO Middv I 1 jDCCIrn OSltlird&V 01 itftllu Duck Hats *t!/C Reefer Coats aZ.yu I \y\ Women s Silk Waists, Worth $3.50 Qn Blouses for 7» ( . \ft € -r* S A P c , ~ ■■ / A\i / Sags and Suit Cases Blouses 24c Knfcke^s akl .. ...49c [ Women's Silk Waists, Worth $4.00 2Q W men's and Misses' $2.00 Middy I | g I Sav. M. p . y .„ Gpd Ujgj.T~_ ) I / Waists. Worth $6.00 | "SE -fl j ( C Covered with good, Special Sale of Pumps 1 M jft B '^ ron ® matting, hound / Women's Grav Kid |LA/^-A/wxrijito jruxnuxnx ff B with strong brass / 11 J J r>\ ■ C c»tche«. i s Champagne Kid I J 5t.39 Mattinc Clul) Fibre and Matting V WnmPll'c Hull W.'J ' | Handbag,, lined with Suit Cases. 24-lmh «ize, VH\\ U » Md . . , M cretonne in all sizes; . . . . , I % good and strong . . .97c lock and key; ea. A g Black Imitation 79c, 97c to 51.19 I 11P I c2?«22L , % i.li. leather lined; 'each j ( * 1. F I $2.95 I J f I 1( . r n „.. Louis 14th and Spanish heels, flexible leather I R H s«.ao f-ine Leather t.ood Leather Suit .nio*- rll thiq .. , i - -tvie«- n IT I II Handbags, in many dif- Cases. 24-inch. with f?, ts a l sizes - Bt > les - Bto E C ■ ferent shapes and tin- lock and .key; also well ' 11 ■'.'k-av.. I'j'ijp, gg ay- Special Sale ot Pumps ■ 1 « | C ANNOUNCEMENT ON PAGU 4 $2.69 a ™S b ;;.i:".. $ 1.00 DESTROYS HIS TENTH MACHINE Navarre Brings Down Kight tcentli Unofficially; Known as "Enfant Terrible" Paris, Juns (correspondence of the Associated Press). —Second Lieutenant ! Jean Navarre, of the French flying corps, has just been officially credited ■ with destroying his tenth German ma- I chine. UnofficiaKy ho has brought j d)\vn eighteen; that is to say that, in , addition to the t.en machines, destruc tion of which has been verified by his ! superior officers, he !s known to have : Bringing Up Father ffi) # # # # By McManus f 1 1 r " T 1 | i I | WHAT'b THE MATTER j i KrsOw THAT H - ME BuT HE D>DNT ,T - I WITH MERMAN. ( . . , BOT PER WHV-3 TOO THF B E enemy's tire, paying attention only to .his own. Up to date Navarre has waged nearly ! ! fifty air battles. A great many anecdotes are told of Navarre, some of them perhaps some i what stretched, a few of them au i thentlc. One of the latter relates to his fourth combat, which barely es 1j caped getting hhn thirty days in \ prison. He had then already acquired j the habit, which he still follows, of | getting out before daylight and finish i ing his sleep in his machine, so as to ! be ready to take the air instantly when an adversary's machine is signaled. On this occasion his aid ran up crying: j "There is a German coming up there." Navarre darted into the air above I i the river Maine and made straight for, a big German two-heated biplane. He I fired a dozen bullets at the pilot, who, , in trying to shield himself, steered his j machine abruptly to one side. Then ; ' j Navarre placed nine bullets in the, ' motor and the machine plunged toward ; the earth, but landed without accident, i Navarre landed after it, and, running i up just as gendarmes were taking the I pilot and the observer away, invited itheni into a wineshop beside the gen ; darmes' headquarters to have a drink. ! ! The prisoners, sent to the rear, re- j ■ lated the incident and the general ! commanding the army ordered Na il varre. under close arrest for thirty I days. The eccentric aviator's amusing j explanation of the incident, however. [ got the better of the general's anger | j and the sentence was suspended. P. 0. S. OF A. NOTES Washington Camp 713, West Fair- j view, met last evening and are getting j a company of Pennsylvania Reserves j lin shape. Also passed a motion that | every member should display the Am- j j eriean flag during the military activi- : ties in this country. | Washington, Camp S.Harrisburg.has j agreed to pay the dues of all members 'who go to Mexico in the service. Also i reported that the Pennsylvania re- j I serves of this State were ready to serve | | the country at the call of President Wilson. The Camp approved of the j request of tjie Mayor of this city an