TRY THIS FAMOUS HAIR TONIC FREE Parisian Sage Won't Cost Von a Cent If It Doesn't Stop Falling Hair And Eradicate Dandruff. i Right away, today, we want you to try one of the most delightful, refresh- j inc and invigorating hair tonics known. Understand this is not a dye. but a real, genuine, worth-while ' n . - vigor&tor and heautitler called Pari sian Sage. If you have dandruff and Parisian: Sage doesn't remove every trace of it —monev back from your druggist. If your hair is falling or you have terrible scalp itch. Parisian Sage will stop both or money back. There isn't any two ways about it: Sage is one of the most cfH ®iient hair preparations. It aims to prevent baldness by putting life and nourishment into the hair roots, and the first application makes your head feel so good that you will at once re alize why thousands are so enthusias tic about it. Parisian Sase is women's favorite hair dressing because it gives to the hair a softness and lustre that fasci-, nates and compels admiration. A gen erous bottle costs but little from H. C. Kennedy, who sells lots of it and will guarantee it to you.—Advt. When You Ache, Itch, Smart or Burn Anywhere Use WONDEROIL To Bring Quick Relief Apply Antiseptic Wonderoil directly lo the spot that hurts and blessed re-, lief will come in a jiffy. Nothing else so perfectly combines such soothing, healing antiseptic powers to prevent infection and draw all the pain, soreness, tire snd inflama tion from a wound, cut, bruise, burn, scald, frostbite, chapped hand or chil blains as Wonderoil. Druggist Geo. A. Gorgas will say I "No home should be without its box of antiseptic Wonderoil'." It is a quick, safe, pleasant and efficient First Aid to To Injury in more than a score of ways, and is always ready. Made from a physician's prescrip tion and standard for over 50 years. So pure you can eat it. So sure you can bank on it. Sold locally in 25 cent boxes by Geo. A. Gorgas and by re liable druggists everywhere. For gen erous free sample send to M. E. Ray mond. Inc., Baltston Spa. N. V.—Advt. • V.V.".V.V.V.V.".V.W.".5\%S • j How To Break Up S A Bad Cough People whose winter colds still "hang on' developing into » settled cough that nothing seems to shak" ofr. >an often tind complete relief bv taking a little Oxidaze four or tive times daily. Tivo or three days of this treatment ought to effectively break up even a most per sistent cough and many a serious, pos sibly fatal case of lung trouble can easily be prevented in this way. Oxidaze is the prescription of Dr. Ru gene Howard, of Worcester, Mass., and is a pleasant, powerful combination of antiseptic healing agents that, ming ling with the saliva, reach and heal every Inch of the sore, inflamed mem brane. As a treatment for Bronchial Asthma and the various affections of the throat and lungs it lias met with widespread success throughout New England and many remarkable recov eries are credited to its use. Oxidaze contains no habit-forming drugs, is easy and pleasant to take, not at all expensive and furthermore G. A. Gor cas and leading druggists everywhere are authorized by the American Oxi daze Co., Worcester. Mass . to return the full purchase price of the first package in any case where its use for one full week does not relieve a cough or cold. If you have a bad cough get a pack age of Oxidaze from your druggist sub ject to this money-back guarantee and see if it doesn't do the work.—Adver tisement. LowßateExcursion PHILADELPHIA Via Philadelphia & Reading Railway, SUNDAY "J O JUNE j SI'KtIAI, EXrl IISION "ThaTx™ ~ FROM In re. A.M. I Hnrrtsliurg tt.US I Huit:iiiel»tow 11 '.'..*< l tf.-fto J Muifara 2.50 6.45 ] Her* liey 2.r»0 h.4K I Palmyra 2.r»0 H.,%4 AnuUlle 2JIO 7.02 < leocia 2.00 7.113 I eluiiiou H.r.o 7.12 ) itfiiiliDK Terminal (Arrive) 10.0.l UK3TI HM\<. Special Traill will len%e Philadelphia, Heailiuu Ter minal* at 7.00 p. in., Maine date for above *tattorn*. Ticket* kooU only oa date of exctir*l«»n on above Spe cial Train In each direction. Chil dren between 5 noil 12 year* of aire, half fare. s f With 1 Clocks M Just received n new line of In- JflH tmvoven Pure silk Hosiery, clocks; colors jgi 50c CADDV'C Third Street, rUlflfl 9 Near Walnut | EDVCATIOTIAL School of Commerce Troup Building 15 So. Market Sq. Day & Night School Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Stenotypj, Typewriting anil Penmanship Bell 486 Cumberland 241#- Y Harrisburg Business College Day and Night Bookkeeping. Shorthand, CIVII Srrnn Thirtieth Year 82« Market St. Harrlaburg, Pa. THURSDAY EVENING, SOCIAL [Other Personals on I'w ll] IX HONOK OF MISSIONARIES A farewell meeting in honor of the missionaries about to sail for China ! [will be held this evening at the Park j Street L'nlted K\angelical Church at j 7.45 o'clock under the auspices of the ' board of missions. The outgoing mis sionaries are the Kev. P. K. Kauff-i man and Miss Martha 1. Peiffer, both of Richland. Pa.: Miss Martha K. Wolf, Nerstrand, Minn., and MUs Rer 11ha E. Magness, Amity. Ore. The pro gram will include music and addresses j by the Rev. H. B. Hartzler, the Rev. B. H. Niebei, Miss Lillian C. Oraeff and Bishop U. F. Swengel. LINENS FOB BRIBE Miss Para Kan nan save a linen , shower Tuesday evening for Miss Esther Parthemore, who will be a summer' bride. All the articles, were placed In a hexagon-shaped hat box, gaily ! trimmed in red and white. The house I was beautifully decorated with red j i rambler roses. The guests were Miss Parthemore, Miss Anna Harris, Miss Mary Stroup, Miss Gertrude Pender- \ gast. Miss Edna Mutzabaugh, Miss ; Ruth Parthemore, Miss Slgrid Ander- j sen. Miss Susan Ivurzenknabe, Miss i Klsie Landis, Mrs. Harry Coart and ! Mrs. Bannan. TO RK\I)I\(. WEBBING Mr. and Mrs. Z. F. Lightner have gone to Reading, Pa., to attend the wedding of their son, A. Leßoy Llght ner, and Miss Grace D. Thompson, of j Reading, which takes place to-day. BI'SY WORKERS MEET The Busy Workers held theirj monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. j Minnie Warfel, 312 Granite avenue, j After a short business session a social j hour and refreshments were enjoyed. ■ The guests were Mrs. Slike, Mrs. Jean Brownawell, Miss Ruth Miller, Mrs. I Katie Rowers. Mrs. Mary Hunsicker, | Mrs. Marue Green, Miss Mary Stain- I baugh. Mrs. .Mae Hoover. Mrs. Sylvia 1 Rrubaker, Mrs. Sarah Boyd, Mrs. Mln- , nle Brubaker, William Brownawell i • and Marlin Bowers. Miss Marian Klire Steiner, of 817 j North Sixth street, was a recent guest ; of Mrs. William Raub in 1 Lancaster. 1 Mrs. Charles Taggert, of Steelton, : ; Is hostess for the Thursday Bridge Club this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson, of : Pittsburgh, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. I j George F. J. Cariin, of North Third I street. HOLB I'll; SOCIAL Members of Camp No. 38. Patriotic Order of Americans, will hold a pie , social in Sible Ar Clark's Hall to-mor row evening at 8 o'clock. PLASTERS WILL RECEIVE IN HONOR OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Claster, of : 2001 North Third street, will give a reception to-morrow night from 8 to 10 o'clock in honor of their daughter. Miss Jeanette R. Claster. who is a member of this year s graduating class of the Central high school. A color scheme of gold and blue, the class , colors, will prevail in the decorations, i with a floral arrangement of spring ' flowers and Lady Ward roses, the class flower. MRS WI LAND CELEBRATES HER BIRTH BAY ANNIVERSARY Mrs. Catherine Wieand, a former resident of MarysviUe. was given a surprise party in celebration of her 79th birthday at the home of her ' daughter, Mrs. E. F. Hesson, 1404 i North Third street, with whom she resides. Peonies and laurel decorated [ the house and the guests brought with 1 them pretty gifts for Mrs. Wieand. i In attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hesson. J. H. Wieand and son, Mr. ' and Mrs. Lemuel Yast and family, Mr. ; and Mrs. Edward Saul and family, , Mr. and Mrs. Newton Jacobs, and I daughter Florence. Miss Mary Darr, . Miss Sadie Kennay, Miss Catherine Hesson, Mrs. W. M. Wieand, of Har : rlsburg; Mrs. Michael McCormlck, Le . moyne; Frank Saul, Harrisburg; Dan iel Sullivan, Robert Ream. This Is the Birthday Anniversary of— v j £Y A. R He is a milk dealer and can he 'found at 411 South Thirteenth street. ' Mr. Ritter Is a native of Liverpool, Perry county. He is one of Harris | burg's successful business men. RABBITS ABE DRUG FIENDS According to Farm and Fireside, a number of Missouri orchardists com plain that rabbits are attacking their fruit trees which have been coated with protective washes and are injur ing the washed trees even more than those that were unwashed. Even rab bits. it seems, can develop a taste for I drugs and unsavory concoctions. Youthful, Beautiful Skin Easy to Have You may be as healthy as a bird in : the air and still have a poor complexion. | Changing seasons and temperatures, winds, dust and dirt, are apt to Injure any skin, even though the general t heulth be good. When these external Influences spoil the complexion, the | natural thing is to remove the spoil by ] external means. Ordinary mercolized wax will do this. It will actual'" ab -1 sorb the weather-soiled film-sltin, a little each day. In a week or two you'll have a brand new complexion, a new skin. The exquisitely beautiful and youthful complexion thus acquired comes so easily, without harm or dis comfort, there's no reason why any wo man should not adopt this simple treat ment. Get an ounce of mercolized wax at any drug store, apply nightly like cold cream, washing It nff mornings This will not fail in any case. To quickly remove wrinkles, signs of care and age. bathe the face occasion ally In n solution of powdered saxollte, 1 oz.. dissolved In Vj pt. witch hazel. The results will surprise you.—Adver tisement. 1871 JSjourmarii 1916 lliau-im CSITED HOME OK THE VOCAI.ION FOUNDED IK7I Disposing of short ends, small lots and other remnant accumulations, mostly from last week's busy Anniversary Sale; the smaller the lot, the bigger the reduction. Some Very Important Savings O Needs T The meaning of small lots is not one or two, or a few. Only those lots which we believe to be sufficiently large fur a half day's buying have been included. Framed ! Disposing of Small Lois of c.SK./.ti: Pictures &&& WHITE FABRICS tes, set with rhilie• We have grouped our en- At A Big Ftcduction stones. Clearing at tire stock of framed pictures Imported Voile em- | Shadow Organdie, mar /9c. in three lots for a Friday broidered, hemstitched quisette in corded stripe;. 27 e' .furtnins selling out. voile; also plain crepe; 40 inches wide. Yard, !o<*. scrim lAiriains. e. assgy inches wide.. Yard, .">«><•. Mercerized Plisse Crepe— 2\\. yards long: , SAVE A HALF at Fancy Marquisette —4O three different patterns 31 pink, blue and yel- m nr on inches wide; fine quality. inches wide. Yard, \ss. In.- Clan,- 10c 39c 1 Yard ' . Sample Satin Quilts OOraers. Clear- Crepe Voile Beautiful full double bed size; hand ing at 43c pr. Some have slight imper- Set of fabric for summer dresses. some showy patterns. Re, '! nf !! ltS Actions on the frames. Yellow Mixing BOWMAN'S-—Second Floor. of Sdks, including BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor j Rfiwl^ many kinds, at half Six For —————————— P ri r ce - c . lf FLAG™ RQr Clearing Out a Quantity L ong Silk Sy^infhes 0 i£' heß ' se; e u Of Lingerie Blouses at Cloves, tn tan and BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor Set consists of one each, black; all sizes. bowls 8 ' 9 ' 10 29 Clearing at 19c. ———————— White band decoration. Ribbon Re m- '"Vhmiohlios Til «ji A Household Neces- By which a big saving will go to those who purchase. liants plain and models. <;olhk at 29<-. sitv. P"cc v «ry seldom buys such excellent qualities of i 3 c BOWMAN's Fourth Floor At a Verv Low Price. I voile and such smart style. 1 ". i BOWMAN'S—Basement « , •, , I j u ches wide. Clear- A rare opportunity to save several dollars ing at 10c yd. j ' on a suit—priced at $5.95 odd Nectar Golden Opportunities For up-to-date styles. ; cl^me 7 ,% to Savins, In the Basement The Earl „ Hours wul Be Golden 9 inch e s wide. 10 Cukes Swifts' Prize Soap, 29c In Securing These Clearing at yd. 10c. English Porcelain Ware 1 Ekko Portable Cooker, OTTAPP Red toy Hay —5, 6 and 7-inch plates, blue wi *h tin sauce pan and can W I—l lIL W Wnonnt Clonriua n j solid alcohol, _ a * ons < Clearing w ,ll ow decoration, O-So-Ezy Oil and Dust OC. 42-piece Dinner Sets— | Mops two-in-one high At the Very Lowest Prices Girl's 20-inch Bi- ' American procelain; choice grade interchangeable oil . » r . j .* ~ and rhrct mnn ■ pvtranrHinarv White Shoes For Women both high and low shoes with cycle, extra well of two decorations; gold line mop extraordinary we l t soles. Pair, 98^. i /">j • edpe Set *lO I oargain, at made. Hearing at B ' ' '' ' Big Wonder Household Women's Pumps and Colonials in patent colt and gun metal; SIO.OO. Coffee Percolator 2-qt. Set, consisting of medicated excellent values. Pair, $1.98. T nron «iro Voln- capacity; octagon shape dust mop, oil mop, dust Women's High-Class Colonials, pumps and oxfords; smart , . L , , with welded spout, #1.59. cloth, bottle of oil and styles. Pair, $2.98. ipede with rubber American Porcelain Ware handle, BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. tires and adjustable _ cups and saucers and 7- Pastr Y Board 18x24 in » i ~ .... ches; made of clear lumber, {"— ———— ———— seat ana nanale- inch dinner plates; pink car- well finished 3,1 c. bars. Clearing at nation and gold decoration. White Enamel Cooking A Mcll! And His Shifts $2 98 Dozen. $1.20. Utensils 6 and 8-qt. cov- , Modern Safety Gas Iron, ered cooking kettles, 2-qt. Showing the man how lie can buy three shirts 1 Sht g tbu 6 r a „ S er h or r 4° reX P !oV°'"S for the price of two in this disposal In Muslinwear u^ar con nection, $1.23, 14-qt. dish pans, 43£. of several lots BOWMAN'S—Basement. _ „ f „ SAVINGS 59c and 95c Envelope Chemise, of ba tiste and nainsook, in flesh Savings In Every size but not in each style good percales and and white; trimmed with madras manly stripes, lace, insertion, medallion, Tl7 f 7L_ J BOWMAN'S— Main Floor, ribbon and beading; all sizes WOtTietl S UTICLeTWeOLr in the lot, 50£. —————————_J Gowns, of nainsook, ba- | n tl /V f~ln Clßroken Lots of Men's Straw Hats, yachts, and tiste and crepe; in flesh and ill lit riUoltl y soft brim shapes, of Sennet and split straws; white; round, square and sizes 624 to 7 3 /% Special, #l.<X). V-necks: short sleeves; few Union Suits bleach- Fiber Silk Stockings ! BOWMAN'S— Second Floor, are high neck and long ed; open mesh and ribbed white or tan; double Boudoir Caps, of net, lace, crepe de chine and sleeves; lace, embroidery cotton; lace knees, 2l£. soles; wide garter tops, silk; lace and ribbon trimmed. A splendid offer and insertion trimmed, 65?. ) 39<\ at 33^ Middy Blouses plain Bleached Vests tape Cotton Stockings BOWMAN'S—Third Floor, white, and blue and white neck and sleeves, If, or black with double heels Children's Rompers - plain chambray; ging and pink and white stripes; 4 for 255. oe s, .0, or 3 pairs, ham in pink and white and blue and white checks; Bto 14 years, 355. BOWMAN'S— »»in Floor « an( j striped seersucker; 2to 6 years, 255. BOWMAN'S— Third Floor ————BOWMAN I Third Floor. GIRLS TO TRAIN AS WAR NURSES: Will Study First Aid Work Under Dr. George B. Kunkel A number of young women from ! prominent Harrisburj; families have ! banded together for the purpose of following a course of instruction in emergency first aid nursing under the supervision and care of Dr. George B. Kunkel. The work will be divided into two periods, one In the summer and the second one next fall. Miss Louise Carney is responsible for the organization of tha summer class and Miss Kmil.v Bailey the fall class. There will be included in the course, which is calculated to prepare the girls for actual work in tune of war or for | emergency accident, cases in the city, ! lessons on bacteria, contamination re- i suiting from impure food, water and i HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ice. Instruction in. ventilation and sew erage, care of house after contagious diseases, personal hygiene, care of beds, care of helpless patients, care of the sick, sick room eppliances, symp toms of disease, bandaging, fractures, sprains, wounds, shock and its treat ment, accidents and every other prac ! tical instruction that would properly come under the work of a nurse. The course consists, of fifteen les | sons, the first ten of which will be [ ! given by Miss Hattie R. Ensminger, a j Red Cross nurse of this city, and the' | last five by the surgeon in charge. | J The first lesson will be given next | week. Those who have enrolled for the | summer Mass are Miss Louise Carney. Miss Margaret McLain, Miss Mary Wil- | 1 damson, Miss Mary Elizabeth Meyers, ; Miss Martha Fleming, Mrs. John Mont gomery Mahon, Jr., Mrs. J. Grant i Schwarz, Miss Anna Gay Bradley, Miss Ruth Payne, Miss Elizabeth Knisely I and Mrs. Elaine W. Riley. The fall class will begin October 1. The following have given their names to Miss Emily Bailey: Miss Frances i ; Bailey. Miss Elizabeth Bailev. Miss Virginia King, Mrs. Berne H. Evans. Miss Eleanor Clark, Miss Sara Dene hey. Miss Katharine Etter; Miss Con- j i stance Ferriday. Mn,. Carl Ely, Misai Frances Morrison, Miss Sara Cooper, I Miss Janet Sawyer and Miss Dora W. Coe. 40 New Candidates Are Admitted to Zembo Temple At a special ceremonial session of j Zembo Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., held | j las-t night at Chestnut Street Audi- i torlum, forty new candidates were admitted. Included among the out- ! of-town Shrlners were members from ' the following temples, Syria, Pitts burgh: Jaffa, Altoona; Rajah, Read ling: Crescent, Trenton: Bauml, Balti more: Lulu, Philadelphia; Irem, Wilkes-Barre, and Osman, St. Paul, 1 Minn. The representative from St. Paul, ■ BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package l proves it 25c at all druggists. { JUNE 15 1916. was J. Harry Lewis, editor of The j Crescent, the official publication of the I Shrlners. Mr. Lewis who is past I potentate of Osman Temple, was the ' Save Systematically j■' Monthly deposits with us earn more than 6%% interest. ( j! Whether or not you live to complete all payments with us, we guar- i 1 1 1 antee to pay the amount you intended saving, or to pay the mortgage |! i! i on your house so that the family may have a home. | J Send for detailed information. J! I Harris Building Penn Mutual Life j; ill & Loan Ass'n Ins. Co. jj HARRISBURG, PA. PHILADELPHIA, PA. jj ADDRKSS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO jj £. R. ECKENRODE, 604 KunKef Bldg ! guest of George W. Mcllhenny, poten | tatf oC Zembo Temple. He has been I in the east for some time and will at ! tend the Imperial meeting at Buffalo, ' N. Y„ next month. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers