RING LEADERS FOR SATURDAY ONLY [ 50c \ / SI.OO (r=) Patent /su\NOTICE I (£*\ Toilet 1 I \ / ———— I Alterative J ® I Face Powder J 4*l >- ■ \ Mpfliripps These special sales are Articles I |( Beii-ans | no t intended for dealers, ( 1 I IV »-<■ / x" \ therefore we shall pro- v 17c Kolynos Tooth Paste 158 I vLetaie" / I \ J $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk $2.70 f >v . . a SB ett and Ramsdell Cold Cream - \ J 75c Mellin's Food 48? f SIOO \ teCt OUT CUStOUierS 111 / 50c \ \ 75* / SI.OO Borden's Malted Milk 57$ I Resinol j dliy WdJT W0 tillUK HCC" I _ ren 1 I 25c Woodbury's Soap 15$ I / $1.25 Imperial Granum 73$ I Ointment J o Ssai y # I Pow<W I I 50c El Rado Hair Remover 29$ I / sl-0° \ $2.50 Nestle's Food.. sl-79 V / \ J 25c Woodbury's Facial Cream 15$ / Azurea \ I ( 25c Beecham's Pills 150 V X | 25c Roger and Gallet Rice Powder, 21$ / Toilet Water 1 I I\ "° 55<* / 75c Jad's Kidney Salts 42$ Altl Al|l 50c Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream, I VegetaJe / I 1 \ y 25c Tonsiline 14$ 1\ Clll dll 1/ CI V 700 */ %. y „ onrt _ 50c Pebecco Tooth Paste 29$ N. y Williams Pin is $ We are never undersold . Dorin ' s Rou S e Brunette 39$ / 50c Cal. Syrup of Figs 29? / SI.OO \ We meet all advertised prices. / SI.OO \ SI.OO Azurea Face Powder 75$ / *1 00 \ $L5 ° Fcllows ' S y fU P 93 ? ( Angler's \ No phone orders filled. / M aiy Garden \ 50c Java Rice Powder 25? / 25c \ H I / Peruna \ SI.OO Bromo Seltzer 57$ \ Emulsion No mail orders filled. 50c 4711 Face Powder 23$ / Djet Kiss \[ f i Tonic 1 25c Holmes' Frostilla 15$ \ J No g° ods delivered. \ Extract J 25c Crown Rice Powder 17$ I Talcum ] V J 50c Resinol 34$ / AJ. 'TTi nop PfITAC J 50c Derma Viva Powder 296 \ Powder J j& 070 J SI.OO Nux-ated Iron Tablets 67$ 1 iiCwC xllvUS y/ 25c Cuticuta Soap .. 18$ 190 J H 50c Doan's Kidney ..Pills 33? 25c Aubrey Sisters' Goods 17$ ' 50c Pape's Diapepsin 29C 75c Mary Garden Talcum Powder, 37$ 50c Vick's Salve 29? 15c Sanitol Face Cream 14$ f 50c SI.OO Enos Salts 59$ 25c Jess Talcum Powder 14$ f ' \ If Canthrox \ 75c Nujol 49? / $1.50 1 \/ SIOO \ / 50c \/, Garden\ 15c Mennen's Talcum Powder 11$ / Djer Kiss \ I I Shampoo ) 50c Russian Mineral 011 I F^ llow s VI T • , - nA \ / Djer Kiss \ / Face Powder \ "c Sanitol Tooth Liquid 14$ I Lotion I I \ . SI.OO Sargol 5.»$ I Hypo- I I Listerine 11 J I an( j I 25c Satin Skin Cream 15$ \ J I V / SI.OO Hood's Sarsaparilla 59? \ phosphites J \ J \ Fa ce Powder J \ Vanity Box / 50c Palm olive Shampoo 27$ \ Olive Oil 18?, 38?, 75$ 930 ' 370 J 370 J Sanitol Tooth Paste 14$ ( 75c \ f Djer Kiss \ lads salts \ R emem ber the Place |—? V-/ and Number A—— I FERTILIZER LAW BEING ENFORCED *tate Brings a Number of Suits to Punish Men Who Do Not Register Secretary of Agriculture Charles E. Pal ton to-day ordered fifty-three prosecutions for violations of the State i fertilizer law. Eight of the cases were for selling fertilizers that did not meet the manufacturers guarantee upon analysis, and forty-five for sell- In;.: fertilizers that were not registered. 'I he prosecutions are scattered throughout the following counties: Below guarantee Beaver. Bucks, 4; Schuylkill, Berks and Union. Not registered Columbia, 5; Butler, York, 6; Chester. 2; Lycoming, 2; Susquehanna, Lebanon, Lancaster, 3; Lackawanna, Franklin. Juniata. West moreland, 2: Schuylkill. 4; Snyder, warren, Bedford, Northampton, 2: Bucks, Cumberland. Adams, Perry, Somerset, Center, 2: Berks, North-1 umberland and Blair. • The large number of prosecutions i foi non-registration resulted in a *! ;'.nge of practice by the Department 3f Agriculture. Heretofore when i such brands were found the Depart- \ trent sent notices to the parties re sponsible for their sale. It was ap. I parent that this courtesy was abused >'■■ l led to carelessness on the part or :hc shipper. It is hoped that this rhfnge will obviate this practice. All Sealers are warned against selling, of-i Bringing Up Father# (?f) <KJ) <U> (H) "WR I HAVE THE.CIWL I THAT ,, )V ] OH' 1 THINK HF I ML' I ffl WHAT DO vou F -I WHAT OOE'b t>HE MEAN PLEASURE. OF CERTAINLY: <£T6 ONMY A VERX NICE r HINK MOTHER- I REALLY! It ,p t>HE MARRIED THRT M - t>JJ4HTERS COMPANY I NERVES- <.ENTLEM*IN- I WON THE. < — J L > ; BOOC.Y- ILL DISOWN _ FRIDAY EVENING, I fering or exposing for sale any | fertilizer upon which all of the re quirements of the fertilizer laws were not compiled with. Where deal | ers have ignored these notices and aided i- evading the law, actions will i t>e brought against them rather than against the manufacturer. Fertilizers to be legally sold in Pennsylvania must be registered with the Department of Agriculture before they are sold, offered or exposed for sale. Took Suits Because They Fit Him So BeQtifully Indianapolis.—William Devine, a farm laborer, explained in the crim inal court that, being unable to collect $3 from James Boyce, leaving near F'lackville.he took four suits of clothes as payment He admitted he was gen erous to himself, for the suits were of excellent quality and appearance. "First I put on one suit," he said, "and then I thought how much bet ter it looked on me than it did on Boyee, so I took the others." Judge Collins sentenced Devine to the penal farm for ninety days. Weds Man of Own Name to Please Papa i Chicago.—lt had begun "to appear |as if Miss Marie Kozlowski would he j unable to fulfill her father's desire ! that she perpetuate the family name by , marrying a Kozlowski." Rut then she met Victor Kozlowski, and the marriage license records show ed that the Kozlowski name would be i perpetuated. COMPENSATION RULINGS GIVEN Question of a Wife Who Leaves Her Husband and Casual i Employment L'p The State Workmen's Compensation Board has issued a decision ordering . ii rehearing in the compensation claim ' of Sheridan N. Marsh, of Bangor, against Frank and Ida Groner, of Bangor, in which the question of a husband acting as agent of a wife in 1 having a residence remodeled is in volved. Marsh was employed to do plastering and fell from a scaffold, i The referee decided that the claimant was not entitled to compensation as his employment was "casual in nature and not in the regular course of the, business of the employer." The opin ion by Harry A. Mackey, chairman of the board holds that the policy of the law is against the creation of any situation whereby a workman can be j engaged in his occupation and be de prived of the benefits of the compen 'sfition act. The chairman also says •that th» question of casual employ '■ ment also entered into the case and that it had better be heard again from the start. Chairman Mackey has also given an | opinion affirming the decision of! Ktteree Savior in the case of John; Tl.omas Keats against the Wallis i Coal Co., of Harrisburg. in which it war claimed that Keats was not en titled to compensation because he had bten dismissed from employment. The man understood he was to return to work and was hurt when he re ' SURied his work. HARRISBURG 3§S|S& TELEGRAPH Fine Exhibit of Registered Cattle at H stown Special to the Telegraph Hogestown, Pa., June 2. Bonny niead Farms will send a fine lot of registered cattle to the twelfth a_nnual exhibit of the Hogestown Horse and Cattle Show at Big Head Woods on June 14 and 15. There will also be special exhibits of registered bulls, cows, beef cattle and sheep by the Pennsylvania State College and ar rangements have been made by the agricultural department or the college for two classes of young men, between 15 and 18 years of age, and from 18 to 21 years, to judge registered stock frcn< all over the country which will be on exhibition. These special committees have been and yourIOOTHBRiISH ™ E CERMS-SAVETHE TEETH SENRECO, the tooth parte that REALLY CLEANS, hat been put to every test, and pronounced good by hundredt of dentiett, many of whom are uting it In their Co to your dealer today and get a tube ot SENRECO--25c. Learn what daily toilet in preference to other dentifricet. SENRECO it particularly destructive REALLY CLEAN teeth mean. Get the new Idea of mouth cleanlineee. A copy of to the germ of Pyorrhea--exceptionally good u« a remedial agent in the treatment the folder, "The Mo»t General Ditcate in the World" together with a liberal etie of toft, inflamed, bleeding gumt, excert acidity of the mouth, etc, Embodiet tpeci- trial tube of SENRECO will be eent you for 4c in ttampe• The Sentanel Remediet ally prepared toluble granulee unusually effective in cleaning away food depoelte, Co,, Inc., Dept. A,, Masonic Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio. appointed to look after various de-1 partments: Grounds John B. Musser, Harry W. Shaul' W. E. Eppley. Feed i ..uter—W. E. Eppley, j John E. Hitter, Enos Farence, Foster! I Fought. Public Comfort and Band —T. J. Ferruson, M. S. Mumma and E. E. i Lower. Classification of Stock Vance C.j McCormick, H. W. Shaull, M. S. Mumma. Police E. E. Lower, N. W. Al j bright. Press Committee James McCor-1 1 mick, Jr., James S. Coble. I Placing Stock Horses, J. C. Parker, H. W. Shaull. 12. E. Lower, X. W. Albright, W. J. KKimmel; cattle —W. E. Eppley, M. S. Mumma, Sam-j uel Lindsay, J. L. Basehore; sheep—' JUNE 2, 1916. J. L. Bashore; swine—J. E. Ritter, I I Foster Fought, M. M. Hench. Ring Committee Vanoe C. Mc i Cormick, David Sunday, J. B. Mus i ser, M. G. Albright, O. M. Sipe, I George W. Peffer, G. A. Trimmer. [ Charles Gutshall, S. E. Musselman, i I \V. E. Eppley, M. M. Hench. | On Butter The Rev. J. T. Fergu- 1 I son, J. L. Bashore. ' On Poultry G. A. Trimmer, N. i W. Albright, Samuel Lindsay. On Judges Vance C. McCor-1 mick, H. W. Shaull and the Rev. J. j T. Ferguson. | On Driving Contest —H. W. Shaull, j i H. B. McCormick, Enos Farence. MAN DRINKS CHLOROFORM Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro. Pa., June 2. Frank 'Miller, who drank three ounces of I 7 I chloroform Wednesday evening, and j who was removed to the home of J. P. Funk, had not regained conscious ness late last night. There is little hope for his recovery. Mr. Miller has a wife and several children. | 'JIMOH C. E. CHOIR REHEARSAL The Junior convention choir will hold an important rehearsal at the Fourth Street Church of God. on Friday even i ing at 7.30 o'clock, when popular mu ! sic will be practiced for the convention work. The attendance at the last week's rehearsal was nearly two hun- I dred. BOY WOr.VDKI) IN FOOT Lewistown. Pa., June 2. Merle j White, a 15-year-old-boy is suffering I with a painful wound in his foot due |to the acidental discharge of a 22- I caliber target rifle.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers