14 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart EconomyOpportunitiesAreWell Exemplified inThisList of Friday Specials INo Friday Specials] Grocery News ( Millinery j Fifty Fine Suits For | Braid Pins and Combs ] ( Jewelry Specials Housewares Specials 1 _ _ _ 2 lbs of Sunshine Pig Bars Clearance of Trimmed Women and Misses in a 25c and 50c plain braid 75c white Ivory Perfume 49c and 59c blue and white bent C. O. D., or and 1 pkg lunch Biscuits. Hats that were formerly „ , pins, special Friday only, 2 bottles. Friday only ..490 covered Refrigerator Butter Special Friday only ..250 $3.95 and Friday only, special rriaay oaie f _ . <n prial TfriHav <«»K r Mail or 'Phone Ord" Sunshine assorted box. SI.OO Worsted and Vel our ' SI.OO long string of fancy ' " ' , Special Friday only ... 230 $6.50 trimmed colored sail- Checks taken from our 50c to $1.50 Mounted Bar- Dlack Deads. hriday only 98c Seven-piece China Nut ers rilled. ]0 lbs Granulated Sugar ors*. Friday only ... $4.95 $25.00 stock. To-morrow rettes, special Friday only „ , and Almond Sets, special ' 1 for 78f, with SI.OO worth of Un,rimmed ha„ ,ha. were '' ; *'*•<*> «♦ coins' T»< "J* groceries, not including soap formerly 08c to $1.95. Fri- Children's Dresses SI.OO Mounted Combs, ' 7;>c O Cedar Triangle Pol- Stamoed Goods cans Corn, special 390 day only 250 Regular $1.25 dresses of special Fridav onlv . - ish Mop. with adjustable ,n „ . • 5 cans Beans special 390 , colored lawn stripes; sizes 6 ,- ~ 4 r ," ' ling Silver. Friday only 150 handle, special Friday only 10c stamped aprons, hn- . _ a - p . c Girls' ready-to-wear straw t o 14 vcar* Snecial FriHav 25c Gate Purse Tops, spe- CI(YID ~, , 59^ day only, 3 for 100 5 cans Peas, special . 390 hatf , Frjd on , * 4 > cars " > P cc,al ' ' cia , Frid on , t> , SI.OO Rogers silver plated 25c Q'Cedar Dust Cloths . . . 4 lbs of Rice, special 25* °"Z VKUU 3 * T gravy ladle. Friday onlv special Fridav onlv IftW 75c stamped nightgowns. »ive., Pomeroy a Stewart Crepe de Chine Waists 50 Gate Purse Tops, spe- 59? 1 7(J ,'' y . '''' 0 Fridav onlv 12 bars of P. G. Soap, spe- becona Floor. k . i ' 29c \\ ash Boards, soecta } - " c j a l 50* s Regular $.-\.io grey crepe cial Friday only 23* nickel intermittent Friday only l~«f Cotton for pni- •. chine waists trim with ~, . „ .. Alarm Clocks. Fridav onlv t m™-. I broidering Friday only 6 12 bars Ivory Soap, spe- y rose; all sizes. Special Fri- Warren's 10c Net Collar $1.19 s~°° 7 Bread skeins for ' 50 C,a '" Men S Neckwear day only $4.00 Frames, special Friday only $1 50 so i id go i d Laval _ Maker, special Fndav only Dives, pnmeroy & Stewart. c iaf * ' 18c wide-end polka dot Cream Serge Suits u lieres. Friday only i J I a ? dcMts »-ssnAr« ». p«H *«., & Window Shades 2>Jars Svrup. special 190 25c tubular four-in-hand Special Pnday only, , Q , - n .. . , p. hntt j_ rranp i..:._ hub ties, special Friday on- Dive., Pom.roy a st.wart, w hcture frames. Fri- lans with deep rim cover, 39c to :>oc oil shades in V ttle j Second Floor. Colored Dress Materials ay on '^ r special Pndav only ... 83<- tan, light green and other special 220 r v „ colorings in different sizes. Qt. bottle Cider, special Dlve "- p^:°lto« Btewart \ . 65c Dress Linens, 36 to 48 D 'str"eet°Floo?r Front""" 1 ' n ' VPB - Stew " rt ' Fri <" , c „. A „ 1)lf Bl „,„ z* ' Ribbons and Laces 1 Dives. Stewart. 1 1 ' v Plain and Fancy Ribbons, 49<" v ? Salt sneViai *<)r- Basement Wash Goods values to 25c, special Fri- 39c Dress Linens, 36 inch- Embroideries Colored Dress Goods Corduroy Snecials 1 2 bottles Ammonia, special ISe Voilea in white da - v ""'J" '»♦ es wide, special Friday only 27-inch Swiss Embroid- 30c Diagonal, 36 inches, corauroy specials grounds, special Friday only One to Satin Taf- ""'*? ery Flouncing, values to 29c. good shades including navy. $1.50 Corduroy in rose. 2 bottles Catsup, special 100 feta Ribbons, 5c value, spe- Dives, roineroy a Stewart Special Friday only, yard Friday only, vd 35)0 brown and blue sport stripes —27 inches wide. Fridav , special Friday only .. 12'20 „ " " . 17-inch Cambric Corset Mohair, 36 inches, . S —"" . 15c Mercerized Batiste in c ■■ \ 0»«r ta_d«ir- navy and brown. Friday on 89c plain corduroy in sev- ' stripes, special Friday only "S Fridai . LISISJ SpeCiaU able patterns, spec,al Fr,day ly, yard 4»» en leading shades. Friday _ , t r 7" "*| 12'/i0 7ac Farmer s Satin, 33 in. * 75c Shepherd Checks, 42 only, yard 590 1 Ollet Goods 25c Wash Suiting, linen 15c Laces in white and black and navy. Friday on- 2to 3-inch Ratiste Em- inches two si™.< FriH,„ Dives, Pomeroy Stewart, 50c bottle Dioxogen. Fri- finish, special Friday only ecru, special fnday only 50 ly. yard 55c broidery Insertion, values to , . ''" lor - day only 19c 170 Dives. »«•*»«■«. 59c American Silk. 40 in.. 3?c; special Friday a ' 15c and 25c Whisks. Fri- ~ /2C ICf;s . | in Js^j m ' good shades. Fridav only, *^ ar< -Si.oo Wool Lrepe, 41 in- Black Dress Goods I d *L 00 ?; 7 » ■ vard ~ 4 ** ol "* S SXW Ssyomi black Diagonal Serge, .. . . llO* 15c Wash Serge in color- Women S White Boots | _ ■>"» gSTrjA,?*"""" , $1.25' Serge. « 'inches. . inclies. Friday onh vd. 15c Soap Leaves. Friday ed stripes, special Friday on- s3.jo high white button ~ ~~ plenty of navy. Fridav onlv onlv -■»* ly 8y 2 f boots in small sizes. Fri- Women S Neckwear vard 98C 59c black Mohair, 42 inch- " ... . .. .. dav onlv $1.95 M » cL' t pi,„„„ , _ ,< ~ es. Fridav only. vard..49o toilet soaps Friday 20c Colored Poplins, spe- - ■ Men S Shirts P aue„ ace Collars m $1.25 Silk Poplin. 40 inch 85c black Serge, 42 inches, only, box 1.10 or 2 for 850 cial Friday only . . .12 ,0 - $2.00 Silk and Linen Neg- 1 r -7' 1° VS es, navy, green, plum and Friday only, yard (>9c 25c Liquid Cream. Friday 20c Marquisette, with v * ligee Shirts, in cluster and 11 av on - v '' * wistaria. Friday only, yard «i •>«; K1 .1, c • . on 'y 100 pin stripes, special Friday f~ \ solid stripes, special Friday 25c Silk Windsor Ties, 040 es Frida^onlv'vd '{JSC oa P- Friday only B'jo Men's Oxfords only $1.45 special Friday only .. 12 l / 2 f $1.50 Cream Serge, 54 C <ti 9?' uTc Jj • ° "o y Crepe Gingham, in $4.00 tan and black button ' Blue Chambray . Sport Clearance of Neckwear ,nC ' ieS ' Fnday °" ,y * 1,19 $1.25 black Santoy, 4 m Dry Rouge. Friday only, plain designs, special Friday and lace Oxfords. Friday Shirts, sizes 14 to 17, spe- representing values to $1.50, $1.50 Navv Serge. 54 Friday only, jard 980 box 100 only only $2.45 cial Friday only .390 special Friday only 250 inches. Friday only $1.19 I D,V "' Wor S ' ,Warl D Str'Ut'jWr £osl eW * rt . Hive., PomSt.w.rt, Dlv., Stewart DWea, Porn^^ft W ' ■ V y ' == = - This Is the Birthday Anniversary of— I M. G. SOL.L,ONBRRGER Contractors and builders throughout thi? section know him amazingly well as a fellow-contractor. He Is one of the hustling business citizens of the upper end of Harrisbuig. 'Twas in Wellsville. York county, back In 1884, that he first saw the morning sun. Bringing Jp farter (ft) # ® $ $ - LOOK *LL.° JF I <OT IMR^,OT V 'RO WE WIFE DIDN'T TOU » D«D QUT I SN-, WHAT DID I OOR^'T IFC * I HOME 1 ATF T«» FEL" DO WITH IT? * UZ - WAITIN' BLISFE=»=-~ HAVE * «00D DIDN'T QT A KNOW-SHE'^ j! N H^HT: : I ME! r ? fll^ THURSDAY EVENING, STUDENT SPEAKERS AT ACADEMY COMMENCEMEN MRRfRR B. TATE. Jr.. ValedlctorUn Editor-in-chief of the Spectator, class secretary, secretary of the Sphinx Club, member tennis team, chairman dance committee, won annual debate in 1915, chairman this year, made speech at (.'lass Day handing oyer the mantel to succeeding class and plant ing the Ivy. Tate is 18 years of age and will enter Lehigh University in the Fall. Jh mam OEORCE S. JEFFERS, Salutatorlan Member of tennis team. Class Day invitation committee, basketball man ager, 1916; member Spectator staff. Jeffers is 16 years of age and will en ter Princeton in the Fall. RIDICULES SCHOOL DAYS ARE "HAPPIEST" [Continued From First Page] was the speaker for the occasion. Pro HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ! feasor Phelps was In rare form and , addressed the class on "Culture and i j Happiness." He quoted th~ definition , lof happiness as Riven by the late i | Timothy Dwight, former president of j j Vale University, as "The happiest | man is the man who thinks the most j interesting; thoughts"; and then went j on to give his own ideas on happiness. | refuting the generally held opinion ! that the four years at college, which loom up big to the young graduate, j are the four happiest years of a. man's j life. 1 "It thi were true," said Profes-■ sor Phelps, "what a dismal outlook would be the future. The older a man grows, the happier lie becomes, be- j cause his thoughts become more inter- j esting. Music, art, nature, books, these are the forms in which happi ness is to be found, and It Is neces- ! sary to go after it in order to achieve i it." And by art, he explained that he meant the cheap photograph of a J great painting as contrasted with an j expensive painting that has not the! I elements of greatness. "The charm | i of culture Is that It is individual and ; appeals to each person in perhaps | a different way," he continued. Prof. Phelps l<auds the Susquehanna Professor Phelps made a very happy reference to the Susquehanna river' j and appreciated the value of property : along the river by proclaiming it, in j | his opinion, one of the most beautiful I streets in the world, by reason of the presence of nature in all Its wonderful I | setting right here ,in Harrisburg. "If j jwe were a western town," said the | I speaker, "we would be constantly [ splitting our sides boasting about the j Susquehanna." He also took occasion j | to lament the fact that this city could 1 i not boast of an orchestra such as 1 | Philadelphia has. His remarks were j I full of humorous references and were I received with great enthusiasm. I Vance C. McCormick presented di plomas to twenty-five graduating members. George R. Bailey and George Cordovee will receive theirs later in the year when they have been able to complete the work held up by I reason of sickness on the part of one i and delay In the arrival of scholastic credentials from Paris on the other. Professor Howard R. Omwake pre- , sented prizes to the various winners In the different forms and read appre- ' ciatlons of the gifts to the Academy j during the past year from alumni and friends. Valedictory and Salutatory Mercer B. Tate, Jr., delivered the; valedictory address. The leading scholar of his class spoke insplringly on "Preparedness" and referred to history, science and sociology as ad- j vocating preparedness through the principles of '"survival of the fittest" and "efficiency." George S. Jeffers, sa lutatorlan, spoke on "Lafayette," de scribing the personality and beauty of the general's life and his devotion to the American cause at a time when we needed support. The following received diplomas: Carroll P. Craig, George Doehne, 111, Charles J. Dunkle, Dunbar A. Eberts, Henry C. F'erber. George Goetz, Ches ter A. Good, John R. Hart. Lane S. 1 Hart, Francis O. Hickman. George R. Jeffers. Charles Kaylor, Howard B. Kreider, John Lynch, W. Max Mc- > Laughlin, George W. Orendorf, Ed ward B. Roth, P. Boyd Rutherford, j Robert A. Shaub, Gilbert R. Spangen- 1 berg, C. David Spruks, Nathan W. j Stroup, Milton W. Strou.se, Mercer B. j Tate, Jr.. and John S. Wallis. Spectator Annual Issued The Sec6nd Annual Spectator was j issued from the presses this morning. | undoubtedly the most attractive num ber that the school has ever put out. It is bound in limp leather of a dark 1 blue hue, profusely illustrated, con- j tainlng the class history and a sketch j of each member of the graduating class, a review of the year, numerous I personals and editorials, pictures of JUNE 1, 1016. the teams and organizations, and a complete/ list of the alumni of the in stitution. The book Is dedicated to Professor Howard R. Omwake, the " IVe've Had Years of Health By Medicine To Build New Flesh and Strength Famil My children used to he troubled with coughs and were weak and run down hut Futher John's Medicine made us all happy and healthy and wo have used it for the. last fifteen years. Many druggists and people have tried tr> nake me use substitutes but I never shall as long as Father John's Medicine is sold, as we were blessed with many happy years of health by the use of Father Johns Medicine." Signed) Mrs. Omer Berube, 32 Easton St., Law rence, Mass. Because it is pure, wholesome tissue building food. Father John's Medi cine is of especial value for people who wish to gain flesh and strength. It nourishes and builds up those who are weak and run down. Being absolutely .U a ' coh ,? l ° r dangerous drugs in any form, it is the safest medicin'a for all the family to take all the year round. senior master, who acts in an advis ory capacity for the Spectator staff, but to whom the dedication came as a complete surprise.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers