Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 27, 1916, Page 17, Image 17

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    Convert Useless Furniture Into teady Cast Througb He Wait Ai
CANNON Mrs. Ella Cannon died at
her home, 628 Broad street. May
aged 39 years. . . , _
Funeral services will be held on Mon
day morning, at 9 o'clock, at tne <-a
thedial. Burial Mount Calvao Ceme
Motive Power Department Athletic An
«•» aoclatlon, Philadelphia Division,
P. K. K. j , L
Whereas. We have lost by death our
first member, W. F. Dunbar, a young'
man of sterling Qualities, who was
popular, conscientious in his work and
a gooil friend to all; and,
Whereas, We are born for n hiffher
destiny than earth; there is ft realm
where the rainbow never fades, where
the stars will be spread before us *'*6
islands that slumber on tne ocean, ana
where the beings that now pas* before
us like shadows will stay In our pres
ence forever; therefore, be it
Resolved, That we, in our weakness,
commit our sorrows and cares to Him,
who works so mysteriously among us
nnd who is able to comfort us in the
deepest sorrow, knowing that in due
time, all things will be made plain to
us all; and, be it further
Resclved, That we extend to the be
reaved grandparents and relatives our
heartfelt sympathy, and that a copy ur
these resolutions be made a part of the
recoras of this association, and a copy
be sent to the family of the departed.
Committee on Resolutions.
Lost and Found
LOST Dragon breastpin, set with
pearls valuable to its ownei as a keep-
Fake. Suitable reward to flnder in re
turning; it to Stanley Hotel, 108 Market
Help Wanted —Male
WANTED Six sheet metal workers,
three iron workers. Century Manufac
turing Co., ElizaDethtown, Pa.
WANTED—Man' to drive coal wagon.
Rutherford Bros., Paxtang, Pa.
WANTED. AT ONCE Capable man
to sell Auto Oils and a full line of
Lubricating Oils on a Straight Commis
sion Basis. Must be energetic and cap
able of earning $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 per
; ear. Character references required.
Write to Pavania Oil Co., Warren, Pa.
WANTED A good shoemaker. Will
Say good wages. Apply 1532 North
ixth street.
paperhangers. Summer work. H. A.
Bodmer, 813 North Third street.
WANTED An experienced w liter.
Good salary. Apply Superintendent,
Harrisburg Club. Front and Market
GOOD TAILOR Good tailor want
ed at once. Good wages. Apply imme
diately in person to M. Maricic, 181
North Front street, Steelton.
ed. Apply Walk-Over Boot Shop, 226
Market street.
WE want Tool Makers, Gauge
Makers and Bench Hands.
Physical Examination.
Standard Wages.
, Permanent work.
No Labor Trouble.
Plenty of houses and
rooms for rent in the
Write for an application
blank. If you are experienced
as a first-class hand, we will
write for you to call, and if
?:iven work pay your railroad
are in your second week's pay.
Reply to J. P. M., P. O. Box
1606, Philadelphia. Pa.
MEN of good character and appear
ing c to book orders for our guaranteed
products. ,L.ocal or traveling. No de
posit. No delivering or collecting. Pay
weekly. Outfit free. Health Nurseries.
Manchester, Conn.
I WILL PAY any honest man up to
SSO monthly for part of spare time. No
canvassing. No capital. Write to-day.
Voorhies, Desk 155, Omaha, Neb.
EARN S2O weekly writing names and
addresses, spare time; no canvassing.
Particulars for stamp. G. C. Smith, Lit
tle Kock, Ark.
WANTED All-around unton job
printer. Steady position. Write, giv
ing references, Ashby Printing Com
pany, Erie, Pa.
AGENTS Cooper made $314 last
month, s9l last week selling "Kant
leak" Raincoats. New proposition. We
deliver and collect. Sample coat Free.
Comer Mfg. Co., 329 Delco street, Day
ton, Ohio.
WANTED Reliable man to talk
trees and shrubs. Big offer. Pay week
ly. Quick. Permanent. First National
Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Reliable man who likes
flowers to talk our ornamental and
fruit trees and shrubs in his own lo
cality. Permanent position. Full pay
weekly. No collecting or delivering,
Established thirty years. References.
Brown Brothers Nurseries, Rochester,
N Y.
WANTED Young, or middle-aged
man, as clerk in a prominent hotel.
Must be sober and have good references.
Steady position for good man. One with
experience preferred. Address, statins:
full particulars, Box B, 5009, care of
WANTED Salesmen of ability, 'o
introduce new profit-sharing proposi
tion to the retail trade, all stores. Com
mission basis—fifty to seventy-five dol
lars per week. See Mr, G. A. Gardner,
Metropolitan Hotel, Saturday afternoon
and evening and Sunday afternoon.
WANTED Boarders. Ex
perienced. Steady work and good
Day. New Idea Hosiery Co.,
Smith Fourteenth street.
WANTED First-class loomflxer on
i mixed section of looms making shaft
eoods. Must be acquainted with raw
and dyed silk goods. A good opportu
nity for the right man. State wages,
experience and references, also if mar
ried or single. Address Oswegatchle
Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
WANTED Hardwood floor layer
anii scrapers. Address C. A. Slough,
232 Vale street. Bell phone 1483 M.
I; reaij estate FOR SALF !;
i* Three-story brick and shingle/
/dwelling; northwest corner Sixteenth/
/and Juniper streets (No. 600 N.c
/Sixteenth street) nine rooms —/
/hath and furnace gas and elec-c
/trinity. Lot 15x120 ft. /
/ Nos. 1510 and 1812 Juniper street ?
(J Two two-story brick houses, eachc
cslx rooms bath and furnace. Lots\
%12'fcxllO ft. These houses are now%
trented at sls (each) per month. C
n> believe you're going to be lit-",
■,tfrr«»e<l In tbl» proposition.
h Inmirnnee Surety Oundi'i
/ l.oeuat and Coart Street* J
{ ..................
• Help Wanted—Male
WANTED Twenty-five carpenters
on form work, out-of-town. Fifty-five
cents per hour. No labor trouble. Apply
at Labor Hall, Fourth and Walnut
streets, second floor, between 9 and 12
A. M.
WANTED 4O able-bodied
men betweeh 21 and 40 years of
age for piece work. White or
colored. Apply in person to agent,
Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, Division
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
to become practical chauffeurs. We
give our unlimited course for SSO, easy
payments, and guarantee 80c per hour
as soon as competent. We have 30 cars
to overhaul during the Spring. AUTO
North Cameron street.
WANTED—An engineer. Ap
ply Columbus Hotel.
WANTED By large electrical
manufacturing concern, high-grade
machinists to operate large machine
tools (16 to 20 ft. Boring Mills, 6 ft.
Lathes, 10 ft. Planers, etc.). Corres
pondence solicited with high-grade men
with view to permanent connection.
Address I. X. L, 5001, care of Harris
burg Telegraph Office.
WANTED First-class outside cut
ters on Ladies' shoes. Utz & Dunn Co.,
37 Canal street, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Three experienced
pretzel folders, also two boys, at 1942
Wallace street. Butter Pretzel Baking
Help Wanted —Female
granted to a number of students, the
result of our touch method and indi
vidual instruction. Enroll for the sum
mer. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31
North Second.
WANTED An experienced book
keeper and stenographer. Apply to C.
M. Sigler, Inc., this evening, between
6:30 and 9 o'clock.
WOMEN WANTED Full time sal
ary, $15.00, selling Guaranteed Hosiery
to wearer; 25c an hour spare time; per
manent; experience unnecessary.
Wearproof Hosiery, Norristown, Pa.
SEVERAL LADIES to travel, demon
strate our goods and sell dealers. S2O
to S4O weekly. We pay railroad fares.
Experience unnecessary. Duchess Co.,
Dept. 166, Minneapolis, Minn.
WANTED Persons to color art pic
tures at home; easy work; no experi
ence; good pay; sample free. Wheeler
Co., 337 Madison, Chicago.
FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel,
demonstrate nnd sell dealers. $25 to
SSO per week. Railroad fare paid.
Goodrich Drug Company, uept. 520,
Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Women to travel, ap
pointing agents; no canvassing; $lO
weeklv. Rebseher, Dept. A-3, Rochester,
N. Y.
WANTED White girl, not under 18,
for general housework in apartment;
small family; no washing or ironing.
Phone 1936J, or call Leonard, 2518 North
Street, Penbrook, for sale at $2,800; lot,
30x150; might consider an exchange;
both properties rented. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE No. 131 Now vacant—-
all improvements. Key at our office.
Price most reasonable. Do not delay if
you are interested. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
REDUCTION OF SIOO made in that
steam-heated property at Progress
gas, electric lights, hardwood floors In
two rooms; well finished throughout;
lot, 25x125. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers and
typists assisted in securing office em
ployment without charge or obligation;
register to-day with our Employment
Department. The Office Training
School, 4 South Market Square.
WANTED—Bookkeeper for our
Steelton Branch. A resident of
Steelton preferred. State age,
salary expected, and place where
formerly employed. Good posi
tion for right person. Apply by
letter to United Ice & Coal Co.,
Forster and Cowden Streets,
Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED A kitchen woman. Ap
ply lo Superintendent, Harrisburg
Club, Front and Market streets.
WANTED Practical nurse to take
care of and be companion to elderly
lady. Call, with reference, 1915 Penn
WANTED Experienced sewing-ma
chine operators, trimmers and learn
ers, to work on women's and children's
wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over
City Star Laundry, 414-416 State stree.,
rear entrance.
WANTED Girls experienced on
power sewing machines. Apply Har
risburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Vernon street,
Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers,
Filler and Binder strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com
pany, 500 Race street.
Help Wanted—
Male and Female
WANTED—We have openings
for 12 more bright girls and boys.
Apply Silk Mill, Corner North
and Second streets.
Agents Wanted
AGuNTS, do not delay. Send to-day
for free sample and large catalog of
quick selling articles. Stuart Manches
ter Co., 19 Daniels street, Pawtucket,
SAL.ji.oMKN For high-srrade spec
ialty; demonstration invariably results
In sale. Write for free booklet, on Sales
manship. Marvelle Specialty House,
Box 5333. Philadelphia, Pa.
mystery of motordom. Equals gasoline
at 3c per gallon. Eliminates carbon.
Dollar an hour profit. Sales guaran
teed. Beware of imitators! GASO
TONIC stands alone. Has no equal
Chemists battled ai Its composition De
tails free. The White Mfg. Co., Dent
40, Cincinnati, Ohio. p '
AGENTS We have fastest selling
auto specialty on market. Every auto
owner buys. The William-Frances
Company, 72S Wabash Building, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
AGENTS WANTED l.et us show
you how to make $lO dallv with a rapid
selling household article. Consolidated
Commerce Co., Fountain Square, Mil
roy, Pn.
AGENTS call on best people. Fast
seller netting you $1.25 on everv sale.
Send for free particulars. Best novelty
Agency. Box 151, Davis. W. Va
AGENTS Earn big money selling
our goods. Quick seller which every
woman buys. The Luzerne Novelty Co.,
31 North Cedar street, Hazleton, Pa.
Agents Wanted
AGENTS Ne* proposition just out.
Does away with extra tires on automo
biles. Write quick for particulars. The
Monarch Specialty Co., Box 67, Beaver
town, Pa.
WE have a Specialty Proposition with
which a llvewlre, man or woman, can
make from S2O to SSO per week. Fast
selling household necessity. Write for
particulars. Standard Specialty Com
pany, Point Marion, Pa.
AGENTS Quick returns. Large
profits made selling our line. Send for
particulars. T. A. Jackley, Belle Ver
non, Pa.
AGENTS WANTED for article which
no housewife can resist. Sells at al
most every home. J. F. Spengler, Box
16, Swissvale, Pa.
you how to earn $lO daily with a new
rapid-selling household article. Eclec
tic Specialty Co., Brookvllle, Pa.
FREE SAMPLES No Splash Water
Strainers sell themselves —no talking—
experience unnecesary. Profits Big.
Ser.d 2c (mailing cost). N. Y. Union
Filter Co., New York.
AGENTS WANTED for fastest sell
ing auto specialty on the market. Send
for free particulars. The Gillner Sup
ply Co., Box 32, Bangor, Pa.
AGENTS Every automobile owner
wants one. It does away with extra
tires on cars. Act quick. Details free.
Instant Specialty Co., Tottenville, N. Y.
SALESMEN For Hear-easy-on
your phone; almost everybody buys one
"Hear-E-Z" for phone. Profit, 100 per
cent. E-Z Mfg. Co., One Madison Ave.,
New York.
AGENTS Call on best people, fast
seller nettln~ vou $1.25 on every sale.
Send for particulars. The Joseph Cor
ley Co., 2103 Sixty-seventh street,
Brooklyn, New York.
LATEST European Sensation. Midget
Automatic Folding Pocket Fan: works
like electric fan; weighs hut few
ounces; costs 50c, sells-at sight sl. Tri
umph Corporation, Transportation
Building, Chicago.
GET your share of prosperity. For
tunes now being made. Get in business
for vourself with our help and factory
privileges. At home, all or spare time.
No canvassing: experience unnecessary.
Write to-dav for free book. Mail Order
Success. Pease Manufacturing' Co.,
Inc.. Dept. C-27, BS Broadway, Buffalo,
N. Y.
AGENTS Free Catalog and
Samples, new goods, nuick sales, big
profits; make S5 to $25 daily: no experi
ence. World's greatest specialties.
Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chi
cago, 111.
BIG PAY find Automobile Free to
agents placing samples of new _ neces
sity with automobile owners. No sell
ing', collecting or delivering. Orolo
Wfsr. Co., Louisville. Kentucky.
Salesmen Wanted
WANTED Traveling salesman for
dress Roods and blankets. We sell tho
retailer and pay good commission. De
sirable side line. Schuylkill Mills, Box
1192, Philadelphia, PR.
unnecessary, easy work, big: pay. Write
for large list of openings offering op
portunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO a
month while you learn. Address nearest
Office. Dept., 244. National Salesmen's
Training Association, Chicago, New
York, San Francisco.
WANTED Salesman to call on gro
cers, general stores and confectioners
in small country towns. 25 per cent,
commission. S4O weekly drawing ac
count. Crown Cider Company, 207 South
Commercial street, St. Louis, Mo.
Dept. '4."
thing new. Business necessity. Retails
$5 to SIOO. Enormous profits. No com
petition. Exclusive territory. Free
samples. Sayers Co., 457, Walnwrlght,
St. Loulsi
Situations Wanted —Male
WANTED Chauffeur, married,
wishes position; first-class mechanic;
prefer Packard or Pierce-Arrow car.
Address G., 4177, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Position wanted by
young man, with three years' experi
ence as manager of confectionery and
soda fountain; also assistant in drug
department. State wages and hours.
No Sunday work. Can furnish best of
references. Address V., 4168, care of
Situations Wanted —Female
WANTED By middle-aged woman,
housekeeper for small family, or help
in kitchen. Address 411 Strawberry
WANTED Practical, experienced
nurse would take more work. Address
Box O, 4165, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Girl wants a place as
plain cook or general housework. 1043
South Eleventh street, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Colored woman wishes
day's work. Apply 450 Hay avenue.
WANTED Colored woman wishes
day's work. Apply 1409 North Fourth
WANTED Middle-aged woman
wishes position as assistant In kitchen,
or dishwasher, or day's work, of any
kind. Address 1307 % Wallace street.
WANTED By a young country wo
man, with a child, place to do general
housework. Call at 1121 Capital street.
' Real Estate For Sale
2136 Atlas Street 2 %-story frame
house 7 rooms and bath furnace—
hot and cold water paved street
now rented at sll. Price, $1,250.
1829-1829U-1831 North Third Street—
3-story brick houses 8 rooms—good
location front porches can be added
—good depth lot. Price for three,
272 North Street.
1900 Block. N. Fourth St $3,25ti
200 Block. Penn St. 2,450
2200 Block, Penn St 3.250
200 Block, Hamilton St 4,.">00
200 Block Muench St 3,400
Two of tho most desirable Lots
in Bellevue Park. Price on re
• luest.
Lots on Twenty-fourth street,
near Perry, sl2 per front foot.
* 1000 North Third Street,
Real Estate —Insurance.
FOR SALE 2234 Penn street;
seven rooms and bath; all conveni
ences. Reason for selling, owner leav
ing city. Apply 2234 Peon street.
1818 SWATARA STREET 3-story
frame, converted into two apartments;
steam heat; excellent condition; lot,
20x100. Total rents, $29.00. A real in
vestment at $2,200. Backenstoss Bros.,
Russ Building.
1714 FORSTER STREET 2H-story
brick and stucco dwelling; 7 rooms;
bath; cement cellar; front and rear
porches; combination range; lot, 22x
110. A bargain at $4,500. Backenstoss
Bros., Russ Building.
- FOB SAL-. Four lots. 40x135 ft;
foundation, cellars cemented, drilled
well and force pump, chlckenhouse, and
everything complete to k«t bungalow on.
Price, $500.00. Five minutes' walk from
Progress trolley. Apply C. L. Sample,
Mt. Pleasant Hotel. Eleventh and Mar
ket streets. •
Real Estate For Sale
FOR SALE Beautiful, new two
and-a-half-etorv brick residence In one
of the tlnest locations In the city. 1001
North Seventeenth street. Corner lot
(oxl2o feet. Eight rooms and attic.
Hall through center. All Improvements.
Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on easy
terms. Inquire of J. A Singmaster,
Gettysburg. Pa.
story brick dwelling; s rooms; bath; all
improvements; lot. 14x110. We are in
structed to sell this property at a re
duced price. Price. $2,650. Backenstoss
Bros., Russ Building.
1938 BERRYHILL STREET, 3 -story
frame dweling, 8 rooms and bath, gas in
kitchen, front and rear porches. Price,
$2,100.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second
and Walnut Streetsy.
FOR SALE 1853 Berryhill Street,
on the corner of Berryhill and Nine
teenth Streets; 3-story frame dwelling,
11 rooms and bath, modern plumbing,
new furnace, front and side porches,
lot, 24x115, stable on rear of lot. Brin
ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut
FOR SALE 2lBO Brookwood Street,
on the corner of Brookwood and
Twenty-second Streets; two-story
brick dwelling, 6 rooms and bath, gas,
furnace, front and rear porches, bay
windows, granolithic walks. Price,
$2,300.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second
and Walnut Streets.
Twenty-first near Market, corner
Twenty-first street and Park-Hill l<ane.
Single property, 2'^ -story brick and
stucco, tile roof: 8 rooms and bath; all
hardwood finish with hardwood floors in
ecery room. Tile bath, with shower
bath separate. Elegant fixtures; steam
heat; cemented cellar. Strictly up-to
date house in every respect. Lot, 50x
125, more or less.
near Rutherford. A fine 2% -story
brick and tile property; 7 rooms and
bath: large porches; front porch tiled;
vacuum cleaning system; steam heat;
pantry and large closets. Large Jot.
Readv to occupy at once. Price, $3, <SO.
H. C. BRANDT, 36 North Third Street.
FOR SALE Store Property and
Stock of General Merchandise, situated
in Mt. Pleasant. York County, Pa. Real
estate consisting of a dwelling house
and large store room combined and one
acre ot land. The store has a well-as
sorted stock of Gent ral Merchandise.
This is an old stand, iocated in the fruit
district. A bargain for buyers. For
further information call on, or write,
Mrs. John A. Myers. Siddonsburg, Pa.
FOR SALE The gardenspot
of the beautiful Susquehanna.
Most desirably located near
Rockville. Buildings for residence
and help. About 325 feet river
frontage, just at the right place.
Everything right, including
prices—and terms easy. Sorry all
your life if you let this get away.
Particulars upon request. Rettew
and Bushnell, 1000 North Third
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
,1316 STATE STREET Eight rooms;
bath; all improvements: lot, 16x100;
drive allev in rear. Price, $2,900. H. G,
Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street.
LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk
wood, New Cumberland 5O ft.
front up to one-half acre plots
sewer water gas —electricity.
S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c
trolley. Kceney & Simmons,
FOUR Suburban Lots, with car line
frontage, S9O each brick house, In ciiy,
$1,950; small suburban frame, $1,200.
Edgar B. Lerew, 4 North Fifth street.
FOR SALE Desirable build
ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,
Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in
blocks or the whole. A splendid
opportunity for builder. Inquire
or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee,
care of Harrisburg Telegraph,
PRETTY HOME, Camp Hill, half
mir.ute to trolley; lawn; 15 grape vines,
12 varieties, 5 kinds peaches; 5 kinds
cherries; music room, library, reception
hall, diningroom, large kitchen on first
floor, with expensive wall paper on
same. Four'larpre bedrooms, one bath,
one large linen room with built-in
drawers; ary and cool cellar in all sea
sons; 2- way stairway to second floor.
Large balcony. Large, commodious
front porch. Gnrage on IST of lot for
two autos; concrete tloor. Price very
low. Reason for selling, illness of wife.
Cummings, Kunkel Building.
-943 Rudy street $1,200
916 South Twenty-first street.. $2,000
JOHN C. ORR, 222 Mr rket Street.
An entirely new type of Bungalow
Houses now being built on Fifth
street. This particular type of house
has never bee;' built in this city and
offert. ninny rnw advantages in Bun
galow architecture in Ideal Houses.
Semi-brick and Kellastone
construction; slate roofs; tile
porches (English); dust proof
cellars, laundry, parquet floors;
new system of plumbing; scien
tific lighting; using only solid
brass and silver fixtures; quar
tered oak and African Circa
sian walnut Sterling laminated
flush doors (tl»e ttnest made
door in the world).
Houses Fully Equipped
Built Under Personal Supervision-
Price, $5,600.00.
Designers and Builders.
2105 N. sth Street. Harrisburg.
Real Estate For Rent
FOR RENT—I2I7 Swatai a St., S2O.
2507 Camby St., Penbrook, sl4.
All Improvements. Immediate pos
A. W. Svvengel, 219 S. Thirteenth St.
FOR RENT A large furnished cot
tage at Perdix; will rent for week-end,
week, month or for the season. Call
Bell phone 2205.
FOR RENT 214 Crescent street;
three-story brick dwelling; eight
rooms; hath; gas; furnace; porch front,
rear, ana baloofty; large lot. Rent,
$25.00. Bell Realty Company, Bergner
FOR RENT Three-story brick, bay
window and porch front, all improve
ments, 1913 North Fourth street. Apply
346 .uuench street.
2,000 SQ. FT. FLOOR SPACE—first
floor. Court and Cranberry Sts. ex
cellent daylight—sso. Miller Brothers
& Co.
FOR RENT Eight-room furnished
house, with modern improvements, on
High street, Puncannon, Pa. Terms
reasonable. Apply C. F. Gelbach, Dun
cannon, Pa.
No. 1713 Revere Street and gar
age $25.00
No. 1500 Walnut Street 25 00
1251 Market Street.
FOR RENT Six-room cottage at
Fort Hunter, Pa.; nice location; near
post office, store, steam cars and trol
ley; good bathing and boating. F H
DAvli. Fori Huotsr, Pa.
Real Estate For Sale or Rent
house, all improvements, large lawn
with stable on rear, located corner
Paxtang avenue and Derry street, at
Paxtang. Inquire of A. 11. Bailey,
Eureka Wagon Works, 614-616-618
North street, Harrisburg.
LARGE 2-story brick building, first
floor storeroom and second floor hall;
located corner of Rossmoyne and Her
man avenues. Apply West Shore Real
ty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust Co.
Building, Lemoyne, Pa., Bell phone
Real Estate Wanted
tment property wanted that rents for
SIB.OO to $22.00. Prices must be right.
Will pay cash. Address P. O. Box No.
FARM OF 16 ACRES Located in
York County , about 2% miles from
New Cumberland. Good soil. Brick
house, with basement. Barn. Good
water. Possession at .once. Inquire of
J. H. Reiff or F. E. Cbover, New Cum
WANTED Small farm, from 15 to
50 acres. Must be close to creek or
river, not more than 10 miles from
Harrisburg or other marketing city.
Must be alon- public road, and land not
too hilly. Must have some fruit on.
Not so paricular about condition of
buildings and fences. Real Kstate
dealers need not reply to this ad., as 1
will only consider a bargain for cash.
Address Box H, 4182, care of Telegraph.
FARM FOR SALE About 100 acres
fne land, excellent location for build
ing lot. five miles east of Harrisburg,
on Hummelstown Trolley Line. Water
pipe line passes along entire front of
property. About twelve acres good
wood land. Two (2) houses, barn and
all necessary other buildings. Telephone
connections. Inquire Marshall Ruther
ford, 1161 Derry street, Harrisburg, Pa.,
or Dr. D. I. Rutherford, 108 North Sec
ond street, Harrisburg, Pa.
FARM OP 52 ACRES, near Ruther
ford, close to trolley; good buildings;
running water; price, $4,000. H. G.
Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth street.
Very beautiful, healthful suburb
along the "L" trolley; lots 100x175 feet;
fertile ground, enough for vegetables
and chickens; price only $169; easy pay
ments; see these lots.
Care's Grocery, Linglestown, Pa., or
409 Market street.
I'.\llM of 22 acres, two miles from
New Cumberland, on the York Road,
with abundance of frrit; new bungalow
with seven rooms, bath and pantry; hot
water heat, cemented cellar, porch,
good running water, new barn. Pos
session soon. Price, $4,300. H. C.
Brr.ndt, 36 North Third street.
HUNTER'S RUN 4 acres, new 8-
room bungalow, other buildings for
summer home, close to station and
store; telephone in house immediate
possion price only $1,450, easy pay
Care's Grocery, Linglestown. Pa., or
409 Market street.
Apartments For Rent
and bath, bay v/indow on front and fac
ing city, all Improvements, large rear
porch; rent, $25.00. Apply I. W. Dill,
East End Mulberry Street Bridge.
LOCUST STREET—Furnished house
keeping apartment; four rooms and
bath; tiled hallway entrance; possession
June 1. Penna. Realty Co., 132 Locust
room housekeeping apartment private
Entrance; porch front and rear. Rent,
$16.00. Penna. Realty Co,, 132 Locust
1941 SIXTH ST., first floor; 2002
Fourth St., third floor. Also house
611 Harris St. Apnly J. C. Mehring,
24 39 Sixth street, or Mehring Drug
Store Fourth and Peffer streets.
FOR RENT Small, up-to-date fur
nished apartment on second floor, with
privilege of additional finely furnished
room if desired. Call 1317 State street.
Bell phone 3594 J.
bay windows and front porch; 5 rooms
and bath, hardwood floors, and all latest
conveniences; located corner Sixth and
Kelker streets. Apply, L Silbert, 1742
North Sixth street. Bell phone 3713-W.
FOR RENT A four-room apart
ment, with all outside rooms. Is cen
trally located. Nice and cool in sum
mer and warm and pleasant in winter.
Has bath, electric lights, city vapor
heat, porch, and good closets. Inquire
222 Federal Square (dwelling).
FOR RENT A suite of six rooms
.and bath, In Riverside Apartments, 1909
North Front street; Immediate posses
sion. Apply Commonwealth Trust
apartment, Second and Walnut streets,
second floor, Belvedere Apartment build
ing, 4 rooms ajid bath all fronting on
Second or Walnut streets, bay windows
on both streets. Refrigerator,
stove, hot water heater. Rent in
cludes city steam. Immediate posses
sion. Apply, Jacob Tausig's Sons, Jew
elers, 420 Market street.
Rooms For Rent
FOU RUNT Two rooms, nicely fur
nished, second floor one large, suitable
for two gentlemen; electric lights and
telephone service. Apply 125 Pine
FOR RENT Ten nicely furnished
rooms all conveniences. Apply Savoy
Hotel, Third and Mulberry streets.
FOR RENT Accommodation fof
young man in private family, with or
without board. Home comforts. Tele
phone 3600 M. Call between 6 and 7:30
evenings, 1325 Derry street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room,
in good, central location; also furnished
suite after May 30. Apply 324 Noifth
Second street, City.
FOR RENT Large, well-furnished
second floor front room; gentlemen
only; all conveniences and use of phone.
Apply 813 North Second street.
Board and Rooms
FOR RENT Good, airy rooms for
rent, with table board, at reasonable
rates. Call 1002 North Sixth street.
ROOMS FOR RENT—AIso special 2oc
meals. The Home uining Room. 123
Sounth Second street, city.
For Sale—Miscellaneous
FOR PALE Fox Terrier Pups. (\
(i. Smith, 7 North Baltimore street,
Dillsburg, Pa.
PUBLIC SALE of fine lot of furniture
and antiques, 226 Liberty street, Mon
day, May 29, 1:30 P. M. C. Fry, Auc
FOR SALE Good coal range and
heater for sale, cheap. Address 316
FOR SALE One diningroom table.
Apply G. F. Messlmer, 718 North Third
and coats. Bargain prices. All sizes.
Best kind of material for worklngraon.
Money back If not satisfied. S. Meltzer,
513 Walnut street.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at th«
Telegraph Business Offlca.
FOR SALE Hardwood utall posts.
Iron stall guards, Iron troughs and car
riage elevator. Good condition. Apply
Ober's Old Livery Stand, Court and
Cranberry street*.
MAY 27, 1916.
For Sale —Miscellaneous
FOR SALE Retail Cigar and
Tobacco Store, well located and doing
good business. Quick sale desired re- ;
gardless of price. J. E. Gipple, 1251 J
Market street.
FOR SALE Water motor In good !
condition, suitable for operating Pipe ;
Organ or similar machinery. C. Syl- !
vester Jackson, 402 Telegraph Building. 1
Bell phone 441.
GERANIUMS and Pansies. Spruce
Glen Greenhouse, Eighteenth and Herr
streets. Bell phone 1420 W.
FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South
Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence,
Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hard
ware. Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board,
Compo-Board, Doors. Sash. Shutters,
Mouldings, Porch Posts, Pumps, etc.
FOR SALE Underwood type
writer. practically new; visible
writer. Excellent condition.
Hardly ever used. Not scratched.
Worth $100; at bargain price of
S2O if sold quick.
One Fairbanks Physician's of
fice scale, weighs up to 600
pounds. Handsomely white en
ameled, nickel-plated. Never used
by owner. Good as the day it
was made. Measuring rod at
tached Steel. Cost originally $75.
If sold quick at bargain of sls,
Stands on floor. Suitable for
physician, store or factory.
Both scale and typewriter can
he seen at 214 Peffer street, City.
Owner, Dr. C. L Zimmerman, is in
Oklahoma, and desires to dispose
of same at once.
tecured at the Telegraph Business
FOR SALE Paper baler. Bales
from 80 to 125 pounds. Address Box R,
4156, care of Telegraph.
AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second
street. 6,000 sets new sash, Bxlo. 11 L.
primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set
Also other sizes. Also doors and ahut-
I ters.
FOR SALE A pair of velvet shock
absorbers. Price, SIO.OO. 'Slightly used.
Call E. Eggert, 1245 Markt.t street.
AND RETAIL The new "Velvet Rub
ber" in these tires gives them more
toughuess, elasticity and long-wearing
qualities than were ever known in tireo
1 before. Special Discounts. HARRIS
BIG BARGAINS in Books on Bible
Prophecy, Bible Studies, wiograpliv,
Birds Black Art and Magic. Aurand's
Book Store, 913 North Third street.
AT GABLE'S. 113. US and 117 Eolith
Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era
■ eady-mlxed paint. Acme quality. All
the full liue of the Acmi maka.
ERS—Another shipment of those
fine rebuilts. Attractive prices.
Geo. P. Tillotson, 21l Locust
street, opposite Orpheum.
For Rent —Miscellaneous
Penn, for small cars; light and water;
$4.00 per month. Apply George W. Up
degrove, 1200 Penn street. Bell phone
FOR RENT Two large store rooms,
18x72; located on corner Sixtn and Kel
ker streets; latest style ceilings, and all
conveniences; -ood for any line of busi
ness, except poolroom. Apply to L Sll
bert, 1742 North Sixth stree:. Bell
phone 3713-W.
FOR "RENT Desirable office In
Telegraph Building, size 14x19. Inquire.
Superintendent, Room 100.
for piano store, confectionery, furniture
or any other kind of a large store; rea
sonable. Apply, 1101 North Sixth street.
FOR RENT—Offices suitable
for a doctor or dentist or general
purposes. Light, heat and at
tendance. Dr. John Oenslager,
711 North Third street.
Piano or Player Piano to exchange on
good auto. 315 Broad street.
WANTED Furnished room, with
running hot and cold water In room, or
with private bath. Must be well heated
in winter. Address G., 4180, care of
WANTED Five or six-room fur
nished cottage. Camp Hill or Paxtang
preferred. Low rental. Address S„
41S1, care of Telegraph.
Business Opportunities
OIL SIO.OO invested with us lias
made others S3OO in less than six
months. Let us send you our magazine,
"Profitable Investments," six months
free, which tells how to make your
money make you independent. The
Hoffman Company, 107 Fannin street,
Houston, Texas.
ANY Intelligent person can earn too J
Incomv corresponding tor newspapers,
experience unnecessary. Send for par.
tlculars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock
port. N. Y.
VOIt SALE Blacksmith Stand. tJoud
location. Good reasons for selling. Very
cheap to quick buyer. Address S., 6005,
care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Combination Tailor
Shop and laundry. Good business. Also
Restaurant. Owner selling on account
of going Into other business. Address
P. O. Box 93, Paxtang, Pa.
FOR SALE Liquor Store and
Bottler. Address Box 101, Williams
town, Pa.
AN' exceptionally good stock proposi
tion in a local industry of good reputa
tion and standing. The offer will be ex
tended only to a limited number of In
vestors. The cash derived from this
offer will place the company In posi
tion to manufacture more extensively.
The company promises nothing, but can
show reasonable assurances that the
stock will double its value within a
year and pay a fair dividend. This is
not an ordinary stock selling scheme,
neithei will prospects be worried
with solicitors. You'll know whether
you want it when you hear the plan
explained. If you are interested, ad
dress Investor, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Fine Confectionery and
Soda business, In flourishing Cumber
land Valley town. 6,000 population.
Best of reasons for selling. Only pros
pective buyers need apply. Address J„
1141, care of Harrlsburg TelegrayU
Business Opportunities
FOR SALE White Hill Garage, do
ing fine business. Will sell cheap to
quick buyer; Instalment payments; also
several second-hand automobiles; one
motorcycle. Reason for selling, taking
wife away for her health. H. S. Fort
ney. Camp Hill, Pa.. Rural rtoute. »
Business Personals
FITS I cured my daughter by
pimple discovery; particulars free. Z.
Lepso, 120 Island avenue, Milwaukee,
CUT this out for luck; send birth
date and 10c for wonderful horoscope
of your entire life. Professor Raphael,
499 Lexington avenue. New York.
B. J. Campbell,
Tenth and Paxton Streets.
AUTO BUS LINE From Rockville
Trolley Cars to Heckton and Dauphin.
Fare, 10 cents.
Keys made. Locks, Electric Bells,
Trunks and Suitcases repaired. Lawn
mowers sharpened. 1303 North Sixth
street. Bell phone 399 E.
Court street. Hair cut, 25c; shave, 10c:
massage, 2bc. Haircutting given special
attention. Everything thoroughly
sterilized. P. D Rlchwine, Prop.
White Detective Agency
Trustee Building, 8 N. Market Square.
AU lines of detective work handled.
Bell pbone 127 W.
WE move pianos carefully. Bell
146. Winter Pfano Co.. 23 North Fourth
Leather traveling Dags and suitcases
(drummers' samples) positively at the
lowest prices in the city Call and be
convinced. Also suits of clothing,
watches, diamonds and sporting goods
at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable
Pawnbrokers. 431 Market street, at
R. A. HARTMAN. Boarding Stable
and National Transfer Co. Movers of
f ilanos, safes, boilers and general haul
ng. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
Money to Loan
MONEY advanced to housekeepers at
legal r.\tes; business confidential. Profit
Sharing Loan Society, Room 7, Spooner
Building, 9 North Market Square.
rooms for household goods. |2 per
month and up. We invite Inspection.
Low insurance. 4C7-44S South Second
street. Harrlsburg Storage Company
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to 13. Wagons, 76 r~nt4
pe • month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411
Bioad street.
Summer Resorts and
THE place to enjoy your vacation.'
Furnished cottages, located among
pir.es. Accommodate four adults. Fish
ing'. canoeing, bathing. Price, $3.00 per
week. Address Samuel Horning, Mifflin.
and tone production. Professor C. W.
Wallace, formerly organist at Regent
Theater, 1506 State street. Bell phone
3SBSM. Prompt service guaranteed.
TWO-MINUTE Wax Cylinder Records
for that old Talking Machine of yours
at $1.0() per dozen. Blue Amberola, a
for SI.OO. 315 Broad street.
FOR SALE Small talking machine
and records. Value, about sl£ Address,
giving your best offer, Box A, 5003. care
of Telegraph.
WE BUT any kind of talking ma
chines and records, or trade them in on
new up-to-date machine. 315 Broad
FOR SALE One Mercer touring car,
good condition will sell cheap; make
offc r.
1912 Pullman touring car; new tires
all nriund; make offer.
1913 Mitchell Roadster, excellent con
dition; will sell cheap. Apply P. H. lve
boch, 15 South Third street.
FORD TOURING CAR. 1914, at a
snap; can he peon at 15 South Third; a
bargain for some one.
kind. If you cannot sell your car, why
not consign it or exchange It with us
for a better one. Our charges for sell
ing are 5 per cent. only. No storage
charges if car is not sold. Auto Trans
portation Exchange Department, 26-2"J
North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710.
have an automobile that you want to
sell, let us find you a buyer. No sale,
no pay. Keystone Garage. 912 North
Third street. Bell phone 385R
ONE model K Pullman delivery truck
for sale or trade on Ford. G. R. Nay
lor. Marysvllle. Fa.
Motorcycles and Bicycles
TOR SALE 1913 model Henderson
motorcycle. Good condition. Machine
equipped with leak-proof piston rings
and new bearings throughout. Reason
able. Address John Miller, 223 Boas.
FOR SALE 1912 Indian motorcycle;
rebuilt; tine shape; new tires, horn,
tandem. Presto and lamp. A big bar
gain and an A 1 machine throughout.
Easy terms. Dayton Cycle Co., 912
North Third street. Bell phone 385 R.
motorcycle and automobile. Will pay
highest cash prices. If you want to buy
a Prest-O-Lyte tank, see us and save
money. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North
Third street. Bell phone *3BSR.
Legal Notices
Office of the Board of Commissioners of
Public Grounds and Buildings, Har
rlsburg. Pa.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv
ed by the Superintendent of Public
Grounds and Buildings at his office in'
the State Capitol Building, Harrisburg,
Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday,
June 13. 1916, for furnishing all ma
terials and labor required in the recon
struction of Launary Building and
equipment, and Power House and
equipment, damaged or destroyed by
fire October 16. 1i515. at the State Insti
tution for Feeble-Minded of Western
Pennsylvania, located at Polk, Venango
County, Pennsylvania, as called for in
the plans and specifications prepared
under the direction of the Board of
Commissioners of Public Grounds and
Plans, specifications and bidding
blanks may be obtained by prospective
bidders on application to J. M. Murdoch,
M. D„ Superintendent, State Institution,
Polk, Venango County, Pa., or to the
Superintendent of Public Grounds and
Buildings. Harrlsburg, Pa.
A certified check drawn to the order
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In the sum of ten per cent. (10 per
cent.) of the contract price must accom
pany each proposal. Proposals and
checks - must be In sealed envelopes,
marked "Proposals for Rebuilding
Laundry Building and Power House.
Polk. Pa."
Separate 'proposals will be received
for Laundry Building, Boiler and
Power House, Laundry Machinery.
Power Houre Machinery, Plumbing
Work, Heating and Ventilating Work
and Electrical Work.
Superintendent Public Grounds & Build-