Convert Useless Furniture Into teady Cast Througb He Wait Ai Deaths CANNON Mrs. Ella Cannon died at her home, 628 Broad street. May aged 39 years. . . , _ Funeral services will be held on Mon day morning, at 9 o'clock, at tne <-a thedial. Burial Mount Calvao Ceme tery. Resolutions RESOLUTIONS Motive Power Department Athletic An «•» aoclatlon, Philadelphia Division, P. K. K. j , L Whereas. We have lost by death our first member, W. F. Dunbar, a young' man of sterling Qualities, who was popular, conscientious in his work and a gooil friend to all; and, Whereas, We are born for n hiffher destiny than earth; there is ft realm where the rainbow never fades, where the stars will be spread before us *'*6 islands that slumber on tne ocean, ana where the beings that now pas* before us like shadows will stay In our pres ence forever; therefore, be it Resolved, That we, in our weakness, commit our sorrows and cares to Him, who works so mysteriously among us nnd who is able to comfort us in the deepest sorrow, knowing that in due time, all things will be made plain to us all; and, be it further Resclved, That we extend to the be reaved grandparents and relatives our heartfelt sympathy, and that a copy ur these resolutions be made a part of the recoras of this association, and a copy be sent to the family of the departed. HTRA!W McGOW'AX SIMMERS, CHARGES J. HOUSEHOLDER. Committee on Resolutions. Lost and Found LOST Dragon breastpin, set with pearls valuable to its ownei as a keep- Fake. Suitable reward to flnder in re turning; it to Stanley Hotel, 108 Market street. Help Wanted —Male WANTED Six sheet metal workers, three iron workers. Century Manufac turing Co., ElizaDethtown, Pa. WANTED—Man' to drive coal wagon. Rutherford Bros., Paxtang, Pa. WANTED. AT ONCE Capable man to sell Auto Oils and a full line of Lubricating Oils on a Straight Commis sion Basis. Must be energetic and cap able of earning $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 per ; ear. Character references required. Write to Pavania Oil Co., Warren, Pa. WANTED A good shoemaker. Will Say good wages. Apply 1532 North ixth street. PAPERHANGERS WANTED Five paperhangers. Summer work. H. A. Bodmer, 813 North Third street. WANTED An experienced w liter. Good salary. Apply Superintendent, Harrisburg Club. Front and Market streets. GOOD TAILOR Good tailor want ed at once. Good wages. Apply imme diately in person to M. Maricic, 181 North Front street, Steelton. SALESMAN WANTED Experienc ed. Apply Walk-Over Boot Shop, 226 Market street. WE want Tool Makers, Gauge Makers and Bench Hands. Physical Examination. Standard Wages. , Permanent work. No Labor Trouble. Plenty of houses and rooms for rent in the vicinity. Write for an application blank. If you are experienced as a first-class hand, we will write for you to call, and if ?:iven work pay your railroad are in your second week's pay. Reply to J. P. M., P. O. Box 1606, Philadelphia. Pa. MEN of good character and appear ing c to book orders for our guaranteed products. ,L.ocal or traveling. No de posit. No delivering or collecting. Pay weekly. Outfit free. Health Nurseries. Manchester, Conn. I WILL PAY any honest man up to SSO monthly for part of spare time. No canvassing. No capital. Write to-day. Voorhies, Desk 155, Omaha, Neb. EARN S2O weekly writing names and addresses, spare time; no canvassing. Particulars for stamp. G. C. Smith, Lit tle Kock, Ark. WANTED All-around unton job printer. Steady position. Write, giv ing references, Ashby Printing Com pany, Erie, Pa. AGENTS Cooper made $314 last month, s9l last week selling "Kant leak" Raincoats. New proposition. We deliver and collect. Sample coat Free. Comer Mfg. Co., 329 Delco street, Day ton, Ohio. WANTED Reliable man to talk trees and shrubs. Big offer. Pay week ly. Quick. Permanent. First National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Reliable man who likes flowers to talk our ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs in his own lo cality. Permanent position. Full pay weekly. No collecting or delivering, Established thirty years. References. Brown Brothers Nurseries, Rochester, N Y. WANTED Young, or middle-aged man, as clerk in a prominent hotel. Must be sober and have good references. Steady position for good man. One with experience preferred. Address, statins: full particulars, Box B, 5009, care of Telegraph, WANTED Salesmen of ability, 'o introduce new profit-sharing proposi tion to the retail trade, all stores. Com mission basis—fifty to seventy-five dol lars per week. See Mr, G. A. Gardner, Metropolitan Hotel, Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday afternoon. WANTED Boarders. Ex perienced. Steady work and good Day. New Idea Hosiery Co., Smith Fourteenth street. WANTED First-class loomflxer on i mixed section of looms making shaft eoods. Must be acquainted with raw and dyed silk goods. A good opportu nity for the right man. State wages, experience and references, also if mar ried or single. Address Oswegatchle Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Hardwood floor layer anii scrapers. Address C. A. Slough, 232 Vale street. Bell phone 1483 M. • ".VJVWWW.V.'AW.WAVi • I; reaij estate FOR SALF !; ■!HO>IE AND INVESTMENT PHOP-? 1, OSITION IN A GOOD LOCATION ? i* Three-story brick and shingle/ /dwelling; northwest corner Sixteenth/ /and Juniper streets (No. 600 N.c /Sixteenth street) nine rooms —/ /hath and furnace gas and elec-c /trinity. Lot 15x120 ft. / / Nos. 1510 and 1812 Juniper street ? (J Two two-story brick houses, eachc cslx rooms bath and furnace. Lots\ %12'fcxllO ft. These houses are now% trented at sls (each) per month. C n> believe you're going to be lit-", ■,tfrr«»e00 200 Block Muench St 3,400 Two of tho most desirable Lots in Bellevue Park. Price on re • luest. Lots on Twenty-fourth street, near Perry, sl2 per front foot. RETTEW & BI SHNELL, * 1000 North Third Street, Real Estate —Insurance. FOR SALE 2234 Penn street; seven rooms and bath; all conveni ences. Reason for selling, owner leav ing city. Apply 2234 Peon street. 1818 SWATARA STREET 3-story frame, converted into two apartments; steam heat; excellent condition; lot, 20x100. Total rents, $29.00. A real in vestment at $2,200. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. 1714 FORSTER STREET 2H-story brick and stucco dwelling; 7 rooms; bath; cement cellar; front and rear porches; combination range; lot, 22x 110. A bargain at $4,500. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. - FOB SAL-. Four lots. 40x135 ft; foundation, cellars cemented, drilled well and force pump, chlckenhouse, and everything complete to k«t bungalow on. Price, $500.00. Five minutes' walk from Progress trolley. Apply C. L. Sample, Mt. Pleasant Hotel. Eleventh and Mar ket streets. • HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Beautiful, new two and-a-half-etorv brick residence In one of the tlnest locations In the city. 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot (oxl2o feet. Eight rooms and attic. Hall through center. All Improvements. Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A Singmaster, Gettysburg. Pa. I 1329 NORTH FIFTH STREET 3- story brick dwelling; s rooms; bath; all improvements; lot. 14x110. We are in structed to sell this property at a re duced price. Price. $2,650. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. 1938 BERRYHILL STREET, 3 -story frame dweling, 8 rooms and bath, gas in kitchen, front and rear porches. Price, $2,100.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Streetsy. FOR SALE 1853 Berryhill Street, on the corner of Berryhill and Nine teenth Streets; 3-story frame dwelling, 11 rooms and bath, modern plumbing, new furnace, front and side porches, lot, 24x115, stable on rear of lot. Brin ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE 2lBO Brookwood Street, on the corner of Brookwood and Twenty-second Streets; two-story brick dwelling, 6 rooms and bath, gas, furnace, front and rear porches, bay windows, granolithic walks. Price, $2,300.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE BELLEVI'E PARK, on Twenty-first near Market, corner Twenty-first street and Park-Hill l