6 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS THREE FIRES AT POWDER WORKS Cotton Drying Department at Mt. Union Plant Scene of Several Blazes BIBLE CLASS SUPPER Additional Ticket Agent Neces sary For Night Train Service on Pennsylvania Railroad 511. Union, Pa., May 20. Three fires within twelve hours occurred In the Cotton Drying department of the Aetna Explosive Works on Tuesday night. At a meeting of the school hoard it was decided to hold the local commencement June 2. The Men's Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday school will hold a supper this evening for the benefit of the piano fund. Ef forts are being made to have a pig roast. Owing to the great amount of local passenger traffic on the extra irain recently added to the Pennsyl vania Railroad schedule the company lias placed a night man In the local ticket office. C. H. Quigley has been appointed to assist William Hol lenbaugh. Mrs. James Nevell Is reported very ill. Rhoda Weirick who was threatened with typhoid is much improved. The Rev. Carl Mumfort and family left for Balti more Wednesday. The Rev. Mumfort was given a farewell reception by the congregation. Misses Helen and Anna Ewlng are spending a week at Ventnor, X. J. Stat* of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucas County. it. Frank J. Cheney mekes oath that he la senior partner of tbe firm oX F. J. Cheney k Co.. do ins business tn the Vlty of Toledo. County and State aforesaid. a»'J that said firm will pay th,' ium of OS'F. Ht'N DRKIi DOTXARH for r*rh and every e»»»e of Catarrh that cannot be cured ly the us. of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK 3. CHENEY. Sworn to be'sre me and subscribed In my presence, tbla 4"h day of December. A. P., 18S8. Seal. A. W. OLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cur. Is ta'.en Internally and a ts directly upon the Mood and mucous sur -1 "res of Ue system. Send for testlmonlala, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all DrugKtsts, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. EIIIJCATIOJfAI, SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Troup ntilltlins ,!•"> So. Market Sq. Day and Night School liookkrepinß, Shorthand. Stcnotypj, Typewriting and Penmanship Bell 185 Cumberland 249-Y Harrisburg Business College Day and Night Rookkeeplng, Shorthand, Clvtl lerrtce Thirtieth Year 829 Market St. Harrlahnr*, Pa. The OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL Kaufman Bids. 4 S. Market Bq. Training That Secures Salary Increasing Positions In the Office Call or send to-day for Interesting booklet. "The Art of Getting Along la the World." Bell phone 694-R. & ■■■mmiii im nll i jfijgKnrnwMaii k g GEORGE H. SOURBIER j FUNERAL DIRECTOR 13)0 Nsrlh Third Street - Bell Phone. Auto Service. I 1 Tfy Telegraph Want Ads Never Mind Stroig Yeu Are— What d'ye Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains —not brawn—that win "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory between "".ages" and "salary" between you and the Boas. Whaydo YOU know? Are YOU so expert In ome I line of yfcrk that you can "make good" as a foreman, superinrffcndent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and the attached coupon and permit the Interna j tiodal Correspondence Schools to show you how yoa CAN "make good" on a big job? For 28 years the X. C. a have been allowing men how to do better work and earn btnrer calarlea. Every month over 4M •tudenta write of promotions or salary Increases through L CL S. train In*. What the I. C I are doing for these men they oaji do for YOU. No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours rou work, or how limited your education—if you can read and write and are ambitious to learn the L C. 8. can train you In your own lyme, during your spare time, for a more Important and better-paying position. Mark and mall the attached coupon—it won't obi!rate you In the least—and the I. C. 8. will show yon how you can acquire this salary-raising ability by their simple and easy methods. It will cost you nothing to Investigate—it may cost a life time of remorse If you Aon't. Mark and Mall the Coum» NOW. ! INTERNATIONAL \ Box 1331. Scran ton, Pa. Please explain without anm obligation to me how J can qnal- I Ify for the position before which 1 mark X. Electrical Engineer Mechanical Drafts Show Card WrlHa. »' Elec Mfhtlx Supt. Refrigeration Knclncer i Electric Wlreman CI ill Engtaen Salcimaaahtn Tel. ft Tel. ICaflnee* Surveyor - Teacher J Architect l.oco. Fireman H Bat. Egfllsk Branches i Archftectnral Draftsman tlvtl Service Agriculture . Straetnral ICoKlneer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry Parmtat •' Hnlldin* Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. A Steam Kit. •' Concrete Steno. SL Typewriting C'lieu-lalrr •' Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Aatomobile Unnnina t ? -i ■; ji Name ................................. ............. , [i !| St. and Mo. «! '!i City State T IIT 1L 'i i Present Occupation SATURDAY EVENING, Twenty-three Graduates at Annville High School Annville, Pa.. May 20.—Annual commencement exercises of the Annville High School will be held on Thursday evening, May 25, in the Engie Conser vatory of Music. Seventeen girls and six boys will receive diplomas, being one of the largest classes graduating from the school in years. Prof. Dotter. superintendent of education in Annville, has secured Prof. C. C. Ellis, of Juniata College, to deliver the address. Following the graduating exercises, the annual banquet of the Annville High School Alumni will be held Friday evening. May 26, in the llershey Cafe at llershey and the class will have an outing on the following Saturday at Hershey Park. The members of the graduating class are Misses Edith M. Balsbaugh, Kathryn M. Barto, Esther Fink, Anna M. Houser, Marie E. Kiebler, Mary C. Kleiser. Mary C. Kreider, Kathryn M. Eight. Ruby M. Mc- Cauley, Ruth J. Parker, Myrl V. Saylor, E. Elisabeth Sanders, May E. Sholly, Pauline M. Waltz and Frances X. Whiskeyman, Earl S. Bachman, William M. Dunnioyer, John G. Gantz, Mervin P. Eight, Cyrus B. Slierk and Paul A. Wengert. Thirteen Members in Class at Mifflintown High School By Special Correspondence Mlctllnton ii. Pa., May 20. Mrs. Jacob Dubbs and son. Arthur, left on Monday for a visit with Mrs. T>ubbs" parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hart man, at Manchester. B. Frank Burchfleld is visiting liis daughter, Mrs. Harvey Mann, at Pittsburgh. The Miftlintown high school commencement < xerc ises will be held in the court house. May 21. The class is composed of thirteen members. The Rev. Mr. Watkins of the Methodist Church, will preach the baccalaureate sermon to the • •lass to-morrow evening. Mrs. Reu ben Aukor returned home. Monday, after a visit with relatives at Wllkes- Barrc. Mrs. Harry McCiellan, of Al toona, visited relatives in the twin towns. Miss Mary McXeal. a teacher in the public schools of Altoona. is home for the summer vacation. Mrs. Pettit, of Port Royal, spent Monday with her daughter. Mrs. .1. Howard — Miss Klizabeth Schweyer returned home Monday after a visit to Philadelphia and Washington, D. C. A m m DAME LADY'S APPEAi To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism, whether muscular or of the Joints, sciatica, lumbagns, backache, pain, in the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write to her for a home treatment which has repeatedly cured all of *.heae tortures. She feels it her duty to send ilto all sufferers FREE. You cure' yourself at home as thousands will testify—no oliangl cf olimate being necessary. This simpl* discovery banishes uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened joints, purities the blood and brightens the eves, giving elasticity and tone to the whole svsTem. If the abora interest* you, for proof address Mrs. If. Summers, Bos K, Notre Dame, Ind. y ■ ■■ HEADQUARTERS FOR SHIRTS SIDES & SIDES -. i flft Ambulance Service Prompt and efficient service kA for the transportation of jmil patients to and from home*. [Jill hospitals, or the R. R. stations. MJ] With special care, experienced vQjL Attendants and nominal charges. Emergency Ambal ance Service 1745 X. SIXTH ST. Sell Phone 2423 United 272-W Hummelston Fire Company Will Celebrate Anniversary By Special Correspondence Humniclstown, Pa.. May 20.—Airs. John Wise returned from the Harris burg Hospital on Wednesday greatly improved in health.—William H. Gaua spent the week-end visiting his mother in Williainsport.—Mrs. George A. Lar son is visiting her mother, Mrs. G. B. McCiellan Holland, at Duncansville. — Mrs. Kinnia Reed and daughter. Miss Ella Reed, have returned home from Philadelphia.—Mrs. Norman Helff en tertained a number of ladies on Tues day evening at a needlework evening. —Miss Barbara Hummel, assistant postmaster, visited in Lebanon on Sun day.—Mrs. David Ebersole. of Har risburg, visited her mother, Mrs. Emma Reed.—Mrs. H. M. Nissley and daughter Beatrice have returned from Schuylkill Haven.-*-Mlss Esta Kilmer had as her guest la«t week Miss Hilda Eby, of Harrisburg.—William Grill re turned from the Harrisburg .Hospital, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis, much Improved. Miss Helen Fox visited friends at Philadel phia.—Mrs. W. A. Grill has been suf fering from a nervous breakdown for the lasl week. —Mrs. Louisa I'mberger entertained her daughter, Mrs. Albert Rurkholder, and children, of Harris burg.—Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Shope en tertained Mrs. Shope's mother. Mrs. Louisa Longnaker, and Mrs. Ernest Groom, both of Steelton, over Sunday. The Junior Order United American Mechanics attended divine service in Zion Lutheran Church Sunday even ing.—The Chemical Fire Company will celebrate its twelfth anniversary on June 12.—Mr. and Mrs. William H. Shoemaker had as their guest their daughter. Mrs. Kann, of Harrisburg. on Thursday.—Harry C. Howard left a few days ago for a. month's visit through the West.—Miss Lillie Gresh entertained the Ayuda Club, of llum rnelstown and Hershey.—Miss Salome j Metzgar, of Philadelphia, is the truest of Miss Emma Walton.—Mrs. Harry i Reed, of Philadelphia, spent several days with Mrs. Emma Reed.—Mrs. ; Walter M. Shoop, of Felton, Cuba, will spend the summer months with her j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Miller.— | George F. Greenawalt spent several | days at Selinsgrove. Miss Minnie 1 Basoni entertained Miss Lilah Zugg, of Harrisburg, over Sunday.—Mr. und j Mrs. Omar Hummel, of Harrisburg, , were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Luther I Hummel on Sunday.—President U. L. i Balsbaugh, of the National Bank, spent ; Thursday at Philadelphia.—Mrs. Wood, \ of Harrisburg, spent Tuesday after noon visiting in the various rooms of I the public schools. She told a number iof stories to the children, much to their delight. Mrs. Wood was accom ; panied by Mrs. David Ebersole, of I Harrisburg, formerly of this place.— ' George Ricker, an aged t'ivil War vet ! eran, visited the high school on Thurs day and addressed the pupils on war time reminiscences. Pennsylvania Mothers and Daughters. Pa. —"I have had a satis factory experience with I»r. IMrrce's ten red 'Favorite Prescription* and came the trouble -- . every day. 1 had so much confidence in this remedy that I recommended it to my daughters. They used it with very marked benefit. We consider "Favorite Proscription' a reliable and valuable remedy."—Mae. C. L. WOODWABD, X. Broad St. An affection confined to women must have its cause in the womanly nature. There is no doubt that n diseased con dition of the delicate womanly organs, is in general responsible for feminine nervousness and au undermined con stitution. For headache, backache, hot flashes, catarrhal condition, bearing-down sen sation, mental depression, dizziness, fainting spells, lassitude and exhaus tion women should never fall to take this tried and true woman's medicine. Prepared from nature's roots and herbs, it contains no alcohol nor nar cotics, nor any harmful ingredient. In either tablet or liquid form. Write Dr. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, X. Y., today. Book on women's diseases sent free. Write also for free and confidential medical advice. The modern improvement in pills— Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They help Nature, in?tead of fighting with her. Sick and nervous headache, bili ousness, costivenegp. and al! derange ments of the liver, stomach and bowels are prevents. r^lievpd. cured. Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets Make the liver active, bow»l§ regular, without pain or griping:, relieve lick headache and that bloated feeling after eating, purify the blood and Hear the complexion, targe box, enough to last a month • 23c. Dr. ChaaeCo.. 224 N. 10th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Personals News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Special C orrtspondtnet Brrrr*h»ric. The Rov. Paul Huyett is attending synod at Catawissa. —Mrs. M. S. Daniel attended the funeral of Mrs. John Messner at Tower City, on Wednesday. Mrs. Isaaiy Lubold. of Kllxabethville. Is visiting at the home of Grant Hartman. The Rev. George Mace Is visiting his mother, Mrs. Cath arine Mace. Mrs. John Miller and children, of Harrißbiu-g, as visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bowman. —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moyer, of Big Run. visited Mrs. Maggie Hemnilnger, on Sunday. Miss Helen Daniel Is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. George Copenhaver, at the Her shey Industrial school. M. S. Daniel transacted business at L,eitkorvllle, on Wednesday. Guy Strawhecker, of Harrlsburg, visited his father over Sun day. Ddlmatla. Miss Katie Wald spent several days at the home of her broth er. Krank Wald. at Harrlsburg. J. | Calvin Boyer. who is engineering the I work at the reservoir for the water company, spent Sunday at his home at ; Mt. Pleasant Mills. Miss Margaret ; Seagrlst nnd her brother, Clarence, of Harrlsburg, visited relatives here. 11. E. Deibert and family spent Sunday at Kllngerstown. J. A. Wald visited his sister. Mrs. Wolf, at Sunbury, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Dep pen and daughters. Tlielma and Steena. visited at Mount Carmel.—Mrs. Charles Staub, of llarrisburg, is visiting at the • home of her father, William White.—• i Mrs. L. W. Bubb, of Millersburg. call* 1 ed on friends here during the week. Mrs. Einina Bettleyon Mrs. Annie : Renn spent Sunday visiting at Eykens. KllzabrthYllle. G. Fred Holtxnian spent Sunday at Washington. D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Rush, of New berry, spoilt several davs with Miss Ella N. Shutt. The Rev. William P. Barr and son. of Weatherly, attended the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Swab, on Monday. John A. Miller and family, of Harrisburg, spent Monday with T. W. Mattis. Mrs. John Fisher spent several days with her parents at Berrysburg. Paul E. Stroup, of the University of Pennsylvania, is home for the summer vacation.—Mrs. George I,eiter, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at her former home. .losiah Romberg er, whose leg was broken by the kick of s horse, is able to be about on crutches. Mrs Jonathan Edwards, of Treverton, is ill at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Charles W. Cook. —Miss Margaret Barr is spending some time with Mrs. Isaac W. Matter, at West I Fairview. Cashier and Mrs. 11. H. llassiiiger are attending the State Bankers' Convention at Philadelphia, this week. Mrs. Mary Schantz, of Pennsburg; George C. Swab, of New ton Hamilton, and Miss Frances Swab, of Harrisburg, were recent guests of Miss llannah Swab. Mrs. Emma 'E. Eby, spent Wednesday at Harrlaburg.— Howard 1,. Fetterhoff. of Malianoy City, spent Saturday with his parents here. —- Grover Ryerly spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Cawley, at Lewlsburg. Knilers. Mr. and Mrs.. Harvey. O. Warfel. of Harrisburg. were guests of Ira M. Helt for several days. Enders and Edward Sheets, employed at Harrisburg, spent Sunday their homes, here. Charles Shoop and his mother, Mrs. Mary Shoop, who spent three weeks among relatives in Ohio, returned home on Tuesday. C. C. Enders was a visitor at Harrisburg. on Thursday. Aaron Shoop and family, of Ellzabethville, motored to this place on Sunday. C. C. Enders purchased an automobile recently. Mlllemtonm. Miss Helen Rounsley is visiting friends in Pittsburgh. ] Herbert Hopple, of Mifflin, visited his Sarenta, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopple.— [rs. John Parson, of Port Royal, was 1 the guest of her father, William Kipp. —Raymond Wagner, of Lemoyne. spent i Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Mrs. Grant Patton and nephew. Kenneth Klpp, of Harrls ] burg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. ! C. Kipp. this week. Miss Zella Cath cart is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Harry Meßsersmith. at Harrisburg. Mr. anil •Mrs. W. S. Snyder, and daughter, Helen, lof Harrisburg, were week-end guests ' of Mr. and Mrs. William Bollinger. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Zimmerman, of Le movne, visited friends here on Sundav. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dimm and children, of Williamsburg, are visit ing the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lukens. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Adams and son, Donald, of Millersburg. were guests of G. D. Taylor. Marry Klpp •and family, of McAllistersville, spent , Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Kipp. Mrs. Annie Eckels left Tuesday for Atlantic City where she • will spend several weeks. Mr. and I Mrs. Percy Ulsh were at Harrisburg lon Wednesday. Miss Lillian Nanki vel. of Steelton, came home for Moth ers' Day, last Sunday. ]»w Kennnntonn.—William 1,. T.eli man is quite ill with rheumatism and ! kidney trouble. Mrs. Sarah Harris and two children, of Burns Valley, are | visiting: the former's mother, " Mrs. Hannah Hockenberry. Miss Cieo Lehman was in Newport on Thursday, and the Atisses Alice and Florence Gutshall, on Saturday.—Those who are attending the summer school at Blaln from this place are Roy Alexander,! Dewy Swart*. Miss Ruth McConnell, Miss Alice Gutshall and Miss Florence I Gutshall. District Attorney Michael I E. Stroup and Harry J. Berrler. of Har- | risburg, were whipping: Perry county ; streams for trout. Mrs. Jacob Clous'- ; er and Miss Caroline Sheiblev visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shearer, of Ander sonburg. Union Deposit. Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Etter, of Sand Beach, were guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Etter, on Sunday. Mrs. Frank ! Long spent Sunday at Annvllle. James Zimmerman and brother, George, ! of Hershey, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1 Reager, on Sunday. Mrs. Kmma i Mayor and daughter, F.dna. of Harris- i burg, were entertained by Mr. and Mrs ! John Wagner, on Sunday. Miss | Annie Eisenhauer, and Miss Maggie I Dunn spent a day at Harrisburgr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Staufter, of Harrisburg, I were sruests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. StaufTer. on I Sunday.—Mrs. David Snyder Is serious-' ly 111 and her recovery is not expected. 1 I—Joseph Sweig-ard. of Neffsville, Is spending some time with his nephew, Isaac Kelffer. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baker and son spent Sundav at. Vian visiting Joseph McCorkle, who Is serl- ! ously ill. WorinleyMbnrg. Miss Millie Per kins, a missionary, from Santa Cruz Mexico. has been visiting: friends here, spending; Thursday night at the United Brethren parsonage, the guest of the Rev. and Mrs. G. B. Renshaw. Mrs. J. D. Hippie. Miss Balthaser, Mr. Kel lar and Mr. and Mrs. William Evens were Milton visitors on Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs. G. B. Renshaw were at Downingtown on Wednesday attending the funeral of a relative. Miss Maud Arney. of Lancaster, spent the week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Arney. The Rev. and Mrs. Vance at tended a three-days' Sunday School convention at Llngiestown this week. CANTATA AT JIT. I.AUREL, Plketown, Pa.. May 20.—Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Cassel, Mr. and Mrs. George Wltherow, of Hershey; Mrs. Edward Heckert and children, of Heckton Mills, and Miss Priscilla Ramsey spent Sunday with Thomas Ramsey. Miss L.uella Runkle spent the week with her sister, Mrs. George Wade, Jr., at Penbrook.—Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Strohni and son Eoyd spent a day at Ilarris burg.—Martin Wade spent several davs with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hallnian at Harrlsburg. —The Mount Laurel Junior Society will give the cantata. "Ve. Are the Light of the World," in the Mount laurel Bethel on Sunday evening. June 18.—Fred Shlve, Jr., of Harrlsburg, was a recent guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shive. —There will be preach ing services In the Mount Laurel Bethel on Sunday morning and evening by the pastor, the Rev. Jonaa Martin.—George Ziegier, of Harrlsburg. was the week end guest of his mother, Mrs. Caroline Ziegier. TWIN SISTERS REACH AGE OF 82 YEARS f JEv JBm ,y: - • MISS EMMA WERNTZ Mt. Carmel, Pa. Lew Is town, Pa., May 20.—Above are pictures of twin sisters who have leached the ripe age of 82 years. They are Mrs. Clara Eehr, of Pinegrove, and Mrs. Emma Werntz, of Mt. Carmel. Mrs. Eehr is at the present time making her home with her daughter, Mrs. James Itoss, at Ridgway, Pa. Her sister, Mrs. Werntz, makes her home with a granddaughter, Ella E. King, of Mount Carmel. These twins were born in Myerst'own, Pa., February 16, 1834, daughters of Michael and Harriet Kitznilller. In addition to the twin sisters there are three sisters and one brother living, Mrs. Shannon Horning, 78, Camden, N. J.; Mrs. John Moyer, 72, Pinegrove, Pa.; Miss Fannie Kltzmlller, 6 1, Pinegrove: Daniel Kitzmiller, (ili, Reading. The six have a combined age of 44 6 years, an average of nearly 75 years. Grange Members Go to Meeting in Automobiles By Special Correspondence 1/e wi.s berry. Pa., May 20. An automobile party composed of the;: following members of Valley Grange,! No. 1360, of Lewlaberry, attended the! Pomona Grange, held at Cross Roads. | on Saturday afternoon and evening: Mr. and Airs. Hoy Hoff, Mr. and Mrs. i | Daniel Coover, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. j ' Shuey, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J., i Shettel, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller, j Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Krone, Mr. i | and Mrs. Jacob Brenneman, Mr. and | Airs. Frank Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey I Zorger, John P. Hays, Morris M. | Hays, John Greenfield, Daniel Green ' field, Miles Roekey, Mrs. Ella M.I Sutton, Mrs. Mary S. Myers, Miss : Falrie Zinn and Miss Julia Sutton. J. I W. Armstrong was also with the party. ! —■ John E. Whlsler, ot Vork Haven, president of the Twelfth district of the Vork county Sabbath school as sociation visited the Methodist Episco pal Sunday school session on Sunday.' Mrs. Amanda Rehm. Mrs. Harvey I ! Erney, Miss Rosaline Cline, Mrs. Gor don Westfall, Mrs. John E. Bonner, George Bower, J. W. Armstrong, Miss Sue Miller and Miss Edith Cline were j recent visitors at New Cumberland. — Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Bratten and son, Frank, of Harrisburg, spent Sun day with Miss Clarissa Bratten. Park C. Bell has been elected princi pal of the Goldsboro schools. Mrs. Elizabeth U. Laird returned from 1 I spending a week with relatives at Me- j chanicsburg and Harrisburg. Miss ! Ada Crull of York is a guest at the I home of her sister, Mrs. Lewis C. Wise. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Beidel land children spent Sunday at Harris lntrg. Lewis. Harry and Miss Carrie i Cline, were at New Cumberland re cently where they attended the fu neral of their brother-in-law, Stephen j C. Peipber. Twenty-fifth Commencement of Duncannon High School By Special Correspondence Duncannon, Pa., May 20. Mrs. ; i Joephine Koup. widow of Jacob Koup, | I formerly of this place, died at the I j Brethren home at Huntsdale, Pa. | The Rev. J. Thomas Fox, of New I Bloomfield, chairman of the commit- I tee on supply for the Duncannon j charge, will conduct services in the| ] Reformed church here to-morrow i j morning at Dellville in the afternoon j and at Marysville in the evening. 18. K. Focht will be orator of the] day at New Buffalo on Memorial Day. j The Ladies' Aid Society of the Re- j formed church will hold an ice cream festival in the basement of the church this evening. The Rev. S. C. Stone j slfer Is seriously ill at his home in | High street. Mrs. Laura Gamberj I spent the week as the guest, of her | son, George Gamber at York. John ' | DeHaven, a student at Bucknell spent I [the week-end with his parents, Mr. iand Mrs. William DeHaven. Mrs. j , F. C. McMorris and Miss Mary Dun can were week-end guests of Mrs. H.I jM. Frick at Millersburg. The twen ty-fifth annual commencement of the : Duncannon High School will he held ; in the Methodist Episcopal church on j Wednesday evening. May 24. LIGHT PRIMARY VOTE By Special Correspondence S Jonratonn, Pa., May 20.—Harry Isele, [ who for the past six months has been I employed at the powder plant at Em | porium, lias returned home.—Adam B. i Webbert spent a day at Philadelphia. | —Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G. Bain spent! J Sunday with Mrs. lTnln's parents. Mr. ! and Mrs. John G. Light.—Miss Minnie Stein, of Avon, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jacob W. Mease. The primary votes In the surrounding districts was the lightest cast in many years. In several of the districts less than one half of the voters turned out. EXCURSION Gettysburg Tuesday OA MAY J" Via Philadelphia & Reading Railway SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN l.v. From Fare. A.M. Lebanon $1.50 8.00 Aunvlllc 1.4.1 MO I'nlsnjrn I.JW N. 25 llerahey 1.30 N.Si' Ho«inncl*town 1.20 K. 30 llnrrlHlMir K 1.00 SI.OO (jfttyiburx (Arrlvfi ... 10.3R HfCTUt M %t»» Special Train will leave UettyalMirw lJepot 4.40 P. M. for above ■tatloim. Tl«*kct« good only on date of ex - curnlon on above Special Train In each direction. Children between 5 nutl 12 yenra or age lialf fare. MAY 20, 1916. ; * ... MRS. CLARA I.EHR * Pinegrove, Pa. 100 Delegates Present at Linglestown Convention By Special Correspondence IJnglestmvn, Pa., May 20.—Churcli services will be held in the Churcli of God to-morrow morning by the paslor, (the Rev. H. Whitaker; In the United : Brethren Church in the evening by the j pastor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch, and in Wenrlch's Church in the morning by the Reformed pastor, the Rev. Lewis j Keiter.—A. Meade Jtiillard, of Lancas- j , ler. was the guest of his parents, Mr. | and Mrs. Harry Jtiillard.—Miss Salome | [ Keeser. of liarrisburg, visited relatives here on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. O. B. j Leese and son Walter vistied friends j at Hell Grove Sunday.—C. Ross Crutn land Walter Look, recent graduate.-; of jibe high school, started studies at the [ School of Commerce on Monday.—The ! Rev. W. J. Sella 11 er, of Columbia, snent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Austin ! Schaner.—Ezra Strohm accompanied (be debating team of the Harrlsburg high school, of which be is a member, to State College on Saturday.—Mrs. Annie Smith visited friends at Hariis ! lmrg on Monday.—Miss Sara Shriller I left on Thursday for Philadelphia, | where she will spend several weeks.— Mrs. C. F. Frvmoyer, of Thompson town. Juniata county, was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Peifer.—Casper Swartz, of Lemovne, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Peifer. —More than one hundred delegates attended the East Pennsyl vania Eldership and Christian En deavor convention here this week. Newville Memorial Service in Zion Church May 28 By Special Correspondence Xewrilie. Pa.. May 20. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyman Elliott are on a trip to New York and Philadelphia. Miss Gladys Bert and James Kramer spent ;the week-end at Greenc-astle. Fred I Randall of Dorrancetown is visiting j his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Ran dall. Harry J. Fosnot spent several days here. Mr. Fosnot is editor of j the Lewistown Democrat and Senti nel. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spencer of Renovo spent several days in town. | —Miss Lottie Plough of Penbrook vis [ ited her mother. Mrs. R. Blean jClaudy has gone to Philadelphia and I Cynwyd to visit, her father and broth ers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hippie and son spent Sunday with the former's j parents at Wormleysburg. Mrs. Jo siah Cramer is spending the week among her children in llarrisburg and JSteelton. Mrs. «Clara Lindsey has j returned from Landowne, where she spent the winter months with her j daughter, Mrs. John Krall. Mr. and | Mrs. Charles High spent Sunday with the former's mother. Mrs. High.—The | memorial service this year will be | held in Zion Lutheran Church on Sun ; day evening, May 28. The Rev. Carl J Rasmussen, pastor, will preach the sermon. The Shakespeare Literary | Society of the Newville high school ! will give an entertainment in the audl | toriun) on Thursday evening, May 25. A Charming Friends are calling or you have a sudden Invitation. Just RmoniMt to look your best. It takes but a few seconds to apply Gouraud's u Oriental Cream and obtain u perfect complexion * • soft, clesr. p-arly-%vhlte sppearsnce that I sal way# refined and and in good taste—Non-groasy---In use M years, ••nd 1 Om. for trial site h\ «& Ask The Merchants fj For Whom l|B We Work Ima We will gladly furnish you with the list, but here's a good plan: Notice the clean est windows— WE "DID" THEM. Harrisburg Window Cleaniig Co. OFFiCK—BOS EAST ST. Bell Phone 3526 iiiiwi ■iwiiiDii ■■■■■■ill C. E. SOCIETY VISITS INVALID Eleven Automobiles Carry Members to Flohr Home Near York Springs EDITOR AT CONVENTION * Prominent Dillsburg Bankers Attend Convention at Phila delphia This Week By Special Corrtspondenct Pa., May 20. On Sun day afternoon the Christian Endeavor Society of the Dillsburg Lutheran | Church visited Mrs. R. l;. Flohr near orlc Springs, who has been confined ,to her bed for sixteen months with rheumatism. The trip being made by nutomobies, eleven in all. Mr. and Mrs. Murch of Harrisburg spent over Sunday at tire home of Mrs. Shelley. Walter Dick and A. H. Williams, of the Dillsburg National Bank and A. M. Brandt and Lloyd L. Bentz of the ; Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, are I s P* nd J.ng several days in Philadelphia 'attending the bankers' convention. The Rev. P. D. Beatty of Mt. Wolf, ta., spent over Sunday here. Mr. Beatty being a former pastor of the Dillsburg U. B. Church. W. M. IClicker, editor of the Dillsburg Bulle , tin has gone to Conneaut Lake as a delegate to the I. O. O. F. convention representing South Mountain Lodge No. 1200. D. W. Beitzel, cashier of the. Dillsburg National Bank, is spend ing several weeks' vacation during which time he is taking treatment for | rheumatism. Mrs. Samuel Bender | who has been confined to her bed for the past sixteen weeks is again able to | be about. iIRUfFAND ITCHING SCAIP wise com mi* To prevent loss of hair. Treatment: On retiring touch spots of dandruff and itch ing with Cuticura Ointment. Next morn ing shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. _ Nothing better, surer or mora economical at any price. Sample Each Free by Mall With 32-p. book on the skin. Address post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. 26G, Boston." Sold every where. ( Resorts Bet. sth Ave. & Broadway. Fireproof—Modem—Central. J 1 300 ROOMS WITH BATHS, f emuhseeebehLi lueali: Table d'Hote aad ala Carte I WRITE FOK BOOKT.ET. ii. P. niTniKY. PHOP. I ATLANTIC CITY, X. J. ENJOY A COMFORTABLE SUMMER AT SSreSMSI*, ATLANTIC THE IDEAL RESORT HOTEL Fireproof. On the Ocean front. Capacity 000. Hot and cold sea water in all oethH Orchestra of soloists. Private garage on premises. Illustrated literature. Ownership management. WERXERSVILLE, PA. « ALEN H A LIT f A Mountains j WERNERSVILIC, PA. Delightful twrasvui. Spring Retort PA of the Ea.t Good roada, beautiful scenery and a high class hotel. Very fine therapeutic batns and massage department. Good music. Garage. Mountain walks and trails. Dnr air. 144 hrs. from Phila.. Heading R. R. 4 hrs. from N. Y.. Cent, of N. J. R. R. N. Y. Office 243 Fifth Avenue Always open. Howard M.Wia|,M|r. WILD WOOD, N. J. The Ideal Place for a Summer Vacation WILDWOODir And Wlldwood Crest • Tou can't help but enjoy yourself hi»re. Never h dull moment. Lota of life. Finest bathing beach in the country. Boat inside and outstda ilslilng. , ~ Magnificent boardwalk. Plenty of amusements. Excellent hotels at moderate rates. Cony cottages, bun galows and apartments now being rented. Booklet. J. WHITKSEI.I,, City Clerk IVlldnood, N, .1. Try Telegraph Want Ads
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