I Tomorrow the First Bargain Friday of the MajT Sale of" Surplus Stocks Brings Intensified Money-Saving Opportunities in Every Section of the Big Store FRIDAY OVI.Y FRIDAT ONLYm W ■ |> F'RIDtV OM * dress 5 es percale 15c HixhiWl M! IJ f Iff J r;;:S: SIL^ I[N THE ; I \ t Pouble finger tips, in black and white —, m ■■ . - 1 and ends of regular $4.50 style. While s «"»•• All alzea. ■ IVaIHHM#-lAUbI they lust rj.3o V"* • * I FRIDAY OXLY "■l■ II ■ I ■■ ■ Ul&Kfl V U «i « W n VV ' *S£?.|Tomorrow A Special Out-of-the-Ordinary Sale of Beautiful Embroideries;: p • i l'" >! 2,500 YARDS OF FRESH, CRISP, V-k TO 6 YARD MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLE STRIPS GO ON S OPCC 1d 1S 11 1 ~ZT~. 1 > D#"" SALE AT LESS THAN HALF THEIR REAL VALUE |! I Granite I Tapestry J J trriQay (Jnly i Swiss, Cambric and Nainsook Allovers, Flouncings, Edgings, Insertions, Beadings and Corset Cover Embroideries arranged in five !; r ..|» r , niu 8 «*» r<. »i.-.o« Ru ' | S « «.■ S . . u/riMUAi'e ■! ® * ots convenient choosing. Ordinarily we do not handle embroideries, but this opportunity was so unusual and the chance to give '•[ S ra ! ,lt R 1 }? T, V' p8 l , , ry Br T'- C 4UU "airs ot WUIrILN o \ our customers a big money-saving advantage too tempting to resist. Come to-morrow and choose all you need for your summer sewing. >i I B " h '. __ I "■* - ft * i.nn.-. I# WHITE CANVAS $1.50> , , , —""""" .. , , ! > &.<K'" SPORT OXFORDS For J EMBROIDERIES EMBROIDERIES EMBROIDERIES | Embroidered Flouncings f EMBROIDERIES | Shelf Oilcloth Bill : "' 1 f Worth 10c. for Worth 18t for Worth to 25c. for Worth to 30c. for Worth to 50c, for Stair Oilcloth I -f fif\ 33§F° 5c Yard 335= 12 Voc Yard ) Tk I fill ? M.. „ „ 12 aa wt.d K.„„n,.h,... j ww. , ■ fjP M .If If % and insertions in various width* «ii i""? ki" 8 Ra ~ Handsome open work designs. Corset Cover Embroideries. Edg- Consist of fine deep Swiss i' . [(• I M/ i• V V S 2 H tcT s-vard eln«h« wldth ' 2 * l n insertions, edgings, flounc- ings. Galloons, etc.; variety of Flouncings, Allover. C. C.. etc.; i Apron ■m. ■ 1 . 6 ->ard lengths. ings, etc.; good widths. good widths and patterns. wonderful variety of big values. \ frincrham ot , | a Pnir .... . ' ' ' V. • 5 & aneeting i C X air ssw.w.vm.vuT.svwuvtwrtssss%%WiiV\ss^wv^ss-. , °\pion' ofngham f r "' M "*," i / """"""" * cial, yard. Special, l j Here's the Best Women'sOuter-GarmentNewsWe'vePublishedThisSeason I / v ;■ Voile 40 lnchos Skirting i | ,' \An Extraordinary Big Special Purchase of Women's Silk Dresses and Silk Coat Suits :• a.ir'S; \ Boys WASH SUITS OA. I. A( . - —, Jz * . •, |«>l ,p HUd nent strip. , < fa 795 of This Season's Most Attractive SILK DRESSES—IOO of the Latest SILK COAT SUITS } Bolster Cases apfe J Biggest values ever offered for i 0 . - _ __ __ OOlSter cases | I SKd.Bi r ™i ™A a *«l The Surplus Stocks of New York and Philadelphia's Best Makers \ PiMo „ Cas cs , V'"""" j This Entire Purchase GOES ON SALE—BEGINNING (Tomorrow) FRIDAY i Ssf" a„r~,WS « I ■; AT POSITIVELY LESS THAN 60 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR | irair > ( 10r IS/C . I,R K SKKS Br°<ler & Co.. 27«h St.. Now York. Ipp & Kulixlt. 22..,! St.. New York. a..«l the SII.K COAT SUITS f Uh BaTli'To Phonographs | I per'ol? e C .; 0f an ttr ne C w Ve and a the" I values 1-1 tU -it.- f,..- u... J Kver ? b2^ E v^S2 d th^ T p S taSU *' f ° r *" **** # °° °" " ,e doU,,r - %' (' roK FK||)VV V } come 10-iuorro\\' > iTinl t '«-,«'t' < Tror..'The in"Taff<'ta Silk, dc^O.ure'aml's^k 1 pl%Vh! r a" l pru"s\e"^haV.'o'oc ,C o!. r Mi?*'lc»H^r?' >al '° a,l<, !ia,es,)c<> ' ),c ' jl Dress Goojto ' " I | suSsfor r,olk . $2.75 \ S2O to $22.50 v.4!S^^ > 4 VL Women's & Misses' ? | l Women*B & Misses'/M >f S $25 to S3O | j / S New SilkCoatSuits>fff l Silk Coat Suits I ?i£%x ! \ SALE PRICE i' llm ' V-V# SALE PRICE p-% sA 1 # th# price; made with belt loop and *• . /ir / > \ \ iV ! U ' VJi 1 l\\\\\\u\\\m\ \ _ «, * I f— j $12.50 J $15.00 \ FOR FRIDAY OXLY Hi. 11l lU 1 lU\ 1 * \ ! \ 1 " 'I tlful fl sured de- good size. Spe § 100 Pairs of Men's FINE "J Perfect dreams of beauty. each|3 j I ffll nil The top-notch of stvle excellence. R r ><?CIHl - ' C 3 TROUSERS. ACk > °" c P rftti<?r the other, j litf bv high-class tailors of the? ' 1 J pair, for 1 •T'i/ !• ed of i> " lt Tafteta. Poplin, etc.. in^pCKipi r f gffitf c t Sill" Taffetns nul F'nplin • beau '• Y Percale 1 \ Qualities and Myles to equal ,» oVt .j ,f-'A iftlll'v finished. Silk Suits that Ol'- !• «<• Ili»ney<*onih White Pt-i"alel ' 9 rhese were never offered for $1 4it. ? model to SUlt C\ er\ taste and n gtl re " t i • *i 11 c)" nn tjnn,-, i-• Toweling for :: 6 Inches wide. , » Made with belt loops and aide j, But don't delay, they'll go (|iiick lin | lrll > .>JU.W and u,n .ho »aa. flne qiiaiity. spe- I S 'YOU F N R G'"MEN'3 NI NEW > S Women's&Misses' Womm', ani Mmes' Women's and Misses' Women's and Mi s ,a' Women's&Misses' I < i BSS& $7.80 i SIB.OO to $20.00 siITdRESSES smVm&ES « 2 - 50 «• $25.00 f SS u. j \ Astoundlna money an, aiues. \\ —, - - As p ■ DKiLbbJlb SILK DRESSES > ladies Neckwear; Ifl / # splendidly tailored, made of sen- •, C«11r CQO bale "TlCe C I D * n . _ . I ;r.nux, w T,r m 'oV, n .*ss % _^_ s !h Pncc ■« -Dresses j ),s^;— ai sa ioPri« $5.00 w $7.50 wtr ■{ jl And that's a conservative esti- ' ■' \ * % FOR FRID \Y OM Y (t* A mate of the value of these dresses. You never saw siwh handsome Xo matter what the occasion— . \JI/ •' ■ J TV,TT?M'Q QTTM DDNNC •' X All are new. handsome and the big- Dresses offered at this, price. They street, afternoon, party or evening , FHIKA* A # MfciM b bUN-FKOOr BLUE ■' V I M * ** « PSt sllk Dreas \ alue Jo.oo ever are the mose wonderful values, wear: there's a stvle in this lot I _ ■ ■ l\/r»n'«s Rlne Chamhrav WORK 1 SERGE PANTS tf* o A A '• I W bought in Harriahurg Fashioned simply amazingly beautiful; all that will meet your taste and touch J- KS J m cn - J f , Sk I AiJk of Silk Poplins, etc. In the latest sizes. I- ine silk poplins, etc., in a your pooketbook lightly. Crepe do ■ SHIRTS; Worth 50c, O 1 SL % tor V" •* \J flare effects; variety of new shades bewildering variety of different <"hine. Crepe Meteor anil Silk Pop- TUIe ,u„ * i '! fnr ,J I C 3 I Xo qualities shown anvwhere he- >' and - a " S ' ZeS - mode,s and eolors ' ,in: a " and colors ' 1 hls " s highest priced %J iV. <f ■ cin to equal these at $2.49. They 'I One of the finest PTOUps c f a K rou P °' the lot. and naturally ,■ ith collars attached. All sizes. % l^'l t1 11 - j I I K I Caruso Off For Italy, Offers to Be Soldier New York, May 11. —Enrico raruso 1 loft New York aboard the steamship Kspagne, of the French line, to return i Bringing Up Father # # ® # # By McManus I 1 S I ZfgVSU I \—t I r VE 40T fwe I '' - | A CLUt FACTORY- L- C ICAR " K.CK.N' ABOUT" HUH I THOUSAND Si T f — f- rut ' n r>> "< ou ve ONL\ I L __J OP Twc!] <T ! W |T <CT ONE if r ° F THF|V |- \ THURSDAY EVENING, to his native Italy, there to offer his | services as a soldier in the Italian jarmy now fighting the Central Pow ders. Mr. Caruso was in excellent J spirits and said that whether he re i turned here the coming autumn or not I depended on the stat* of the war. ! "I am now in the first category and am going to offer myself and niy son lo the government," said Mr. Caruso. J "If the government says 'Yes,' I will' be a soldier." Mr. Caruso said that he did not : think the government would call him, I 1 however, as he is too old. His broth- !' HARRI&BURG TELEGRAPH er has been representing: the family 'as the tenor is the bread winner. The season, he added, has been very satis factory in every particular. He did not think the war would interfere with the coming season. Bible Urges Advertising, Declares This Preacher Granville. May 11.—That abvertise ing is essential to church progress and is sanctioned by the Scriptures, was MAY 11, 1916. ! argued here during the Ohio Baptist ministers' conference. The Rev. Otis Green, of Piqua, quoted the Bible to verify his con tention: your light so shine before men that they may see your good works,* was the admonition of Christ to hii disciples, quoted by the Rev. Mr, Green to substantiate his claim thai advertising has the sanction of th« I Bible. 5
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