16 & ~~ Dives, .Pomerop & These Bargains For Friday Point a Way to a Form of Economy Easy of Adoption *\"V//V m / \ /" ■ N s No FriHflV Snp Sheets and Pillow Cases Black Dress Goods Sale of Summer Wash Goods Specials Lace and Embroidery Dress Weaves y P 72x90-inch bleached 59 c mo hair; 42 inches Dresses For Girls Basement Oriental lace flouncings, For Summer • 1 Q _ r\ sheets; 39c grade. Special w jd e . Special Friday only. * rtllnl <>, , ac „. . „ , . 24 inches; values to SI.OO. , r " . CialS bent U. Friday only 35? yar d ,>() f . • )/ ?! dreh - ses - in 20c madras shirting; Friday only, yard 25* 39 9 embroidered voile 111 S,Z€S 6to 14 years; made of white grounds and neat col- ... colored grounds and self D Or TVThiI Of 36-inch bleached muslin; 75c serge; 42 inches wide. ,ine quality colored ging- ored stripes. Special Friday Linen cluny lace edges and woven figure. Special Fri luau 6>4c quality. Special Friday Special Friday only vard. hams and white weaves. An only, yard B'/,$ insertions; \]/ 2 to inches day only yard 12j/>? >DU n A only yard 5j4? exceptional value for Friday 12}4c dress ginghams; 30 wide; values to 15c. Friday rnone uraers „ . ... , only 85? inches wide. Special Fridav only, yard 10? 39c corduroy 111 white and 50c feather pillows; 18x26 SI.OO gabardine; 42 inches * onlv vard inl , colored stripes; mercerized AT inches. Special Friday only, wide. Special I'riday only. $1.2.t to $2.98 gingham ;• Valenciennes insertions, finish. Special Fridav cinlv. I llieu m * yard 81)0 dresses; sizes 6, 8 and 14 a j her k c > .white tQ j jnch w Jd e ; values to vard ' ' 45x36-inch bleached oillow y cars - Special Friday only. ?L 0 -, n S..?" d e" C . at : , s l". p f s; 10c. Friday only, yard. 36 ' . r~ , , „ , cases- 18c aualitv Special $1.25 serge,, M) inches ()() wool finish. Special Friday , . , . 36-inch ratine in green, Boys Pinch-Back Suits Frida y only .....15? Spcc,al I,r,day «? n $2.50 and $2.98 poplin and ° n &' '' '* iV' *■ u* La,ll ' )rlc v ! s *. embroid- cadet and navy. Special Si -ind S4 00 nin head SI.OO Palm Beach cloth dresses- •> P°P' ,n ; ■- inches cry edges and insertions; I'riday only, yard .... 390 .' ' ' '.. . Dive*, Pomeroy & Stewart, . .... • Q .. r• V ' wide; colored grounds and values to 10c. Friday only, check worsted Nortolk stvie Basement. $1.23 panama; .-4 inches sizes Bto 14 years. J'riday r r»c»ln,H ° • , ~„,-,i J Dives, pnmerov & Stewart. pinch back suits and grey * wide. Special Friday onlv. -only SI.OO «,nlv■ !"rd lTi 3 \ streot Floor - i shadow stripe worsted and *** * lO Junior dresses; sizes 14, 12/, c crepe gingham, in .. Embroidery organdie cassm l ere suits,si«sß to l 8 Drapery Remnants $1.50 serge; 54 inches 15 and 16 years. Friday fancy plaids. Special Fri- flouncing, 20 inches, scallop- . ' years. .1 ndav only..s~. 19 Remnants of 20c and 25c wide. Special Friday only, only SI.OO day only, yard 9? e e dges. Friday only, ( .vd., Linens and lowels Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, scrim, net and marquisette. vard SI 19 _ 20c plain crepes in bright ~5? 35c mercerized tabic da ! I'riday only, yard 8? ' second o Fimjr tewart ' shades. Special Fridav only, Dives. Pomeroy a Stewart. mask; r>B inches wide. Spe / Dives. Pomerov A Stewart, V >'ard S Street Floor."'" cial Friday Only, yard. .25^ i Boys' Raincoats Thlrd ir,nor - V r ~Tj r~ 15c plisae crepe in neat 35c heavv Turkish bath $2.50 .an rubberized and , ,( whit, W. a v,. Women s Neckwear S K" Leather Goods towels. Speeial Friday „„l y , grey rubber cloth raincoats [ Alarm Clocks ) White We»yet Vestees and collars, sbght- 25c wash suiting's in SI .00 and $1.50 leather '"** with military collar. 111 sizes $ , „ uaranteed nickel 25c cotton Ramie skirting; ly mussed; values to sl2.r finish stripes. Special Fri- bat: slippers, odd sizes. Fri- F c huck towels with red bto 16 ycars. Friday only, alarm clocks Fridav onlv imitation of linen; 35 inches Friday only day onlv, vard 19* ! day onlv 49t* border. Special Friday sl.«">9 ' • y wide. Special Fridav only, A,Tni;«» " * on 'y 12/^ $ vard 15* . Ma /! ne a »d chiffon runs Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, SI.OO and $1.25 brush and Divc-s, Pomeroy & Stewart, ► y j wllitC black 3.11(1 colors * Basement. . . ... . hlick towels in fullest Second Floor, Rear. Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. _ n J 'cr , r j COlllb SetS 111 Silk Cases. Fri- . °" CK } v J L street Floor. Front. 19c extra heavy voile; 50c and 59c values. Friday _ dav onlv fl9«* Slze - ecial Friday only, t —— > double twist thread; 27 in- onl y i * , .1^ Women's Button Shoes ches wide. Special Friday Maline and chiffon ruffs in - , , ' , . to $1.25 strap purses Dive.. Pomeroy & Stewart. ~ , , , Sliver Inlaid Glassware only, yard 12/* I•. J ana cmnon run. in /Oc white lisle ribbed m tan. red and black. Fri- street K-ioor. $3.00 black and tan suede . «"»•- umoo " a,t '' ,d white, black and colors; 7sc riraworc- ,nrl dav onlv '>%«*. * calf button shoes, broken *o° mustard jars, bud 35 c w hite poplin: durable to $1.25 values. Friday only, leneth Snecial F'ridav onlv t' \ sizes. Friday only .. SI.OO , vases and iced tea glasses. for women's and children's "»0«< 8 ' ' 1 ~n"/ik 50c and 59c coat and waist Toilet Goods Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Friday only 39? wear; 36 inches wide. Spe- 25c silk neck girdles. Fri- Egyptian lisle ribbed fc"]f rS , ln leather ca «£ s - , street Floor. Rear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. cial F"nday only, yard, 25? dav only 3? •. . . . nday only go? Munyon s Witch Hazel V / Street Floor. Front. " union suits , long sleeves ; _ c an Fridav onlv (if t \ ' / $1.25 fine nainsook; 36 in- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, value $1.50. Special FViday 50c and ,i9c silk cords with v - - " Women's Button Shoes <* ches wide; 10 yards, boxed. *■ r ' only 75? tassels, i-riday only Broadway Bath Soap. $9 00 oatent colt and dull Women's Gloves of Special Friday only, piece. Dlv e s , Pom erov & Stewart. Dives. Pomoroy & Stewart, Friday only 5* caif'button shoes, sizes 2% Si , k and Women's Handkerchiefs " Uce> • AiS " 10c and 15c Talcum Pow to 4. Friday only .. $1.25 Dives. Pomeroy Hemstitched cotton hand- f \ y N der. Friday only 5? "S'JS .onTnp!, k ; '«££ ; f o e r rChiefS - Irrida ' V *""«■'* Underwear Colored Dress Goods 25c and 50c Hair Brushes. V ends; small sizes: in black. c . T • 3 v W lute lisle union suits; 75c shepherd check • in- Friday only 10? ( R T77 Special Friday only .. 59? Suit Trimmings Silk crepe de chine hand- ess andl knee length; c hes wide. Special Fridav 25c Tooth Brushes. F>i- Boys Shoes Two-clasp kid gloves in 20c black satine; 36 in- kerchiefs with colored roll- Wc and SI.OO qualities; not on , d dav onlv IV -52.50 patent colt shoes, black; size none ex- ches wide. Special Friday cd edges; 19c value. Fri- all -^ 7CS: " onc exchanged. .. '. Goodvear welted soles Fri- changed. Special Friday only, yard 16? day only day only $1.45 only 49? 7S<; Farnier - S satjn . black Dives. Pomeroy* Stewart 25c and 35c white cotton j * n ™ h % wid . C { F "T' y °" ly ' s<? $2.00 black eJkskin Scout Dlve *' st^" r t°Fi* r stewirt - on, . v - Special Friday only. ribbed vests and drawers; V ard ..; 3> 45? loc Bug Extermm .ator. shoes. Friday only. .$1.69 i J rard 55? / x g " «i nn n . Friday only 5? Dives Pomerov & Stewart <* \ Dives. Pomeroy * Stewart, Umbrellas ' 13 " °'| o, /a inrhe- 3 irle °° C ' Austin's Carpet Cleaner. Rear? Street Floor. 7 . J . inches wide; Copenhagen, V u cedar Special \ 7.->c and SI.OO American Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, navy, brown, rose, lavender. 1 nda > onl - v f \ Two 75c size triangle -v taffeta umbrellas for men . street Floor. Special Friday only, yard, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Puff Boxes "]°P S with adjustable han- White Weave Remnants and women, slight inperfec- I I 59? j street Hour. J $1.25 white ivory puff '.ndlli "her^ln An accn.nnla.ion from th'e tions. Friday only ... 59$ Hosiery Specials ' I nday only SI.OO . v clocked socks; white, Palm SI.OO °abardine *4 7 inches Sagproof bed springs. Fri- Dive?. Pomeroy A- Stewart, 10c clothes line props; 8 tenals, including voiles, Beach and navv Soecial n 'An ;,-T 1 aMil,, «q o street Floor, Front. ft. Ion?. Sner.ial Fridav nnlv lawns and fancy weaves in M . n . ( , KnVluv ™i,. m'„ * : . . an . ( ' brown. day only $3.90 4 for 25? remnant lengths. Special Moire Ribbon * Special l riday only yard, Colonial brass beds. Fri- Pirtiirp Framp« 59c Japanned covered gar- Friday only, one-half price. Moire taffeta ribbon. 5 Women's Kaysers Italian . day only $8.95 bagc cans. Special Friday Dive., Pomeroy & Stewart inches wide; 20c value. I ri- silk boot hose; lisle tops; . sl--0 shepherd check; Sanitary folding cots. Fri ?oc gold and silver plated on l v 33? street Floor. day onlv, yard 15? white and King's blue. Spe- inches wide. Special Fridav 1 1 >«•»<•«> picture frames. Friday on£ FonV roils 10c crepe .oile. m,... cial Friday only »#, only, yard #1.19 D 1„ . .„ 7 paper. Spec,al Friday only | Specials For Men ) Children's fine ribbed fast s'u.Tht,''"""- tress pad. Friday only, street^'loor y r>ont ew 1c r w* . f <ti dh i i \ black cotton seamless hose; q > - 51.15 Ever Wear alum.- sl.Sb automobile gaunt- Muslin Drawers seconds of 25c quality. Spe- v R _ num fry pan, extra heavy. lets, with grip palm and fold iwusiin i/rawers . . „ n „i v ioj/a « , . - "» Brass costumers. Friday Naincnnlf Pawiic Special Friday onlv 69? cuffs. Special Friday only, Muslin drawers, cambric ' - •••• /*? Curtain Corners on l y $2.90 ainsoOK uowns 8-inch solid mahogany $1.15 ruffle, hemstitched hem. Fri- Dive «- p s o t , r T e r t o^ or stewart - Sample corners of Not- One box couch. Fridav Low neck nainsook gowns ci.ndle sticks. Special Fri- 25c leather watch fobs. a . v °nlv 15? *■ ' tingham lace curtains in ui i <»- with kimono sleeves, em- dry only, pair 49« k Special Fridav only ... Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart . . N white and ecru, l/ 2 yards ° ' j*' '* broidery edge trims neck Colonial table tumblers. ' Second Floor. ' Jewelry long Friday onlv each ° nc carl - v En gl«sh liall and sleeves. Friday only, Special Fridav onlv. each, 2? 2ac waterproof dark can- ' , _ „ *' 12 i/_+ clock. Fridav only .$4.95 35? 39c silver-plated top and vas gauntlet gloves. Special \ s3.and S.V>B bracekt one fumcd oak china D„.„ n0.,.,., a spoon jam jars. Special Fri- Fr,day only IS** Art Needlework watches. I-nday only, 81.00 K ~ closet. Friday onlv. SIH.9S ' i ' d'prnrVtrrV -hin-i '■Broad-end polka dot four- 19c to 75c stamped centers, SI. gold filled l.a\ al- One 9-oiece mahoaranv v , -■ n * pitchers^in-hand ties. Special Fri- pin cushions and pillow tops! Lcres. hnday only ... « p . diningroom suite. Friday Extra Size Drawers g ial Fridav <>ay only 14? Friday only ... lOf to 50e 50c Sterling silver cuff J I * CttlCOats I I $95.00 I I.xtia size drawers trim- 25c china berry bowls with Silk poplin French and re- 50c stamped colored dress- links. I'riday only ... 25? i-ifr/." 1 ; t T l l One 4-piecc mahogany Frid a ;r,y" mb :: c ..:a Fridayo^ i lJ " e8 ' S"cond° Floor teWtrt ' D,V "- StßWart - D ' Ve '' P l s^to & r. SteWart - DiVeß ' P T °.?fr e d ro &.o 4 or SteWart - * «t«wart. D ,ve ß . Pomeroy * Stewart. Dive,. Pomeroy & Stewart. v l * loor ' - Street Floor. Front. Second Floor. Third Floor. LARGE SEAT SALE FOR MAY FESTIVAL Membership List of Choral So ciety Includes Prominent People of the City HHK JS THADDEUS RICH, Violinist (Photo by Haesler) Judging from the sain of seats the fcsual crowded houses will greet the THURSDAY EVENING, Harrisburg Choral Society at its May Music Festival to-morrow. Mail orders have been received from the sur rounding towns, as far as Lancaster, York and Lebanon. The Hummelstown High School Orchestra under the di rection of Prof. Thomas O. Mitman, of Hummelstown, will attend the aft ernoon concert in a body. This orchestra numbers twenty-five mem bers. A number of applications have also been received from towns in Cumberland county. The attention of the public is di rected to the fact that tickets for the afternoon orchestral concert are num bered with the large number 9 and stamped "Matinee," while tickets for the evening concert are numbered with the large number 10. Patrons should see that they have the proper tickets before presenting them to the theater to avoid trouble in gaining admission. The society enjoys the support of Harrisburg's public-spirited citizens, who have made it possible for the continuation of this work for the past twenty-one years. This season the following persons have enrolled as sustaining and honorary members: Among the Members Martin G. Brumbaugh, Governor of Pennsylvania: Judge George Kunkel, Judge S. J, M. McCarrell, Aaron S. Kreider, Mrs. H. B. Abbott. W. E. Abercrombie, Miss Minnie E. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bailey, W. Harry Baker, G. Irwin Beatty, W. H. Bennethum. C. Ross Boas. Mrs. John T. Boyd, James Brady, D. Bailey Brandt, J. Austin Brandt, Mrs. Harry M. Bretz, Harry Bruaw, James M. Cameron, Miss Mary Cameron, Mrs. Catharine Chayne, Joseph (Master Charles E. Covert, Mrs. Roy G. Cox, Mrs. M. A. Cumbler, Mrs. M. B. Cumb ler, Rt. Rev. James H. Darlington, Mrs. Alice K. Decevee, E. J. Decevee, Mrs. J. Newton Deeter, John DeGray, Mrs. John DeGray. Col. Henry C. Demming. C. A. Doehne, R. W. Dowdell, Mrs. A. J. Dull, Mrs. A. P. L. Dull, Casper Dull, D. Sf. Dull, Miss Jennie J. Dull, Mrs. ! H. P. Dunbar, S. F. Dunkle, Mrs. James Clapp Durbin, Carl B. Ely, ; Miss Helen E. Espy, W. S. Essick, W. W. Finney, David Fleming, S. W. Fleming. John E. Fox. Mrs. Anna Meetch Kraim. Dr. John A. Frltchey, Albert Froehlich, Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, Spencer C. Gilbert, S. O. 1 Goho, Dr. George A. Gorgas. \V. L. Gorgas. J. K. Greenawalt, Sr., Mrs. 1 Edward Z. Gross. Henry S. Gross. Mrs. A. Boyd Hamilton, D. D. Hammelbaugli, Jos. H. Hellerman, Edward S. Herman, William T. Hildrup, Jr., H. L. Her shey, John Hoffer, Robert D. Jenkins.! Mrs. E. J. Jennings. William Jen-; nings, R. A. Johnston, C. M. Kalt wasser. Dr. Croll Keller, Henry A. j Kelker, Jr.. Charles A. Kunkel, Mrs. ! Elizabeth C. Kunkel, Mrs. John C. j Kunkel. Jr., Paul A. Kunkel, Samuel! Kunkel. Mrs. R. A. Lamberton, Frank R. Leib, Christian W. Lynch. Arthur Mark, Frank M. Masters, John P. Melick, Herman P. Miller, Mrs. J. j Harvey Miller, Dr. George It. Moffitt, ' Mrs. John J. Moffltt, Dr. Robert H. Moffitt, Walter L. Montgomery, Frank B. Musser, Mrs. Christian W. Myers, Frank A. McCarrell, Miss Anne Mc- Cormick, Donald McCormick, James McCormick, Jr., Mrs. Henry McCor mick, Henry McCormick, Jr., Henry j B. McCormick, Mrs. Henry B. Mc- j Cormick, Robert McCormick, Vance j C. McCormick, Andrew S. McCreath, j S. W. McCulloch, J. Horace McFar land, Dr. Hiram McGowan, Miss Esther It. Mcllhenny, William Rufus McCord. Mts. A. Wilson Xorris, W. M. Ogcls- | by, Mrs. Marlin E. Olmsted. Dr. H. L. Orth. W. E. Orth, W. F. Paul, Mrs. Frank Payne. Miss Caroline Pearson, John W. Phillips. Miss Jeanne Pratt, Mrs. Walter F. Randall. George S. j Relnoehl. Mrs. J. V. W. Reynders, | Mrs. W. S. Rutherford, Mrs. S. D. San- j som, William B. Schleisner, J. Grant j Schwarz, William E. Seel. Clarence H. Sigler, Mrs. Clarence M. Sigler,' HARRIBBURG TELEGRAPH Mrs. John W. Simonton, Frank C. I Sites, J. Henry Spicer, E. J. Stack pole, A. Carson Stamni, Airs. A. Oar son Stanim, Charles C. Stroll, J. llarry Stroup, Al. K. Thomas, H. C. Thomp son, J. It. Troup, Mrs. E. Z. Wallower, j Miss Sibyl M. Weir, Mrs. John H. Weiss, Miss M. Caroline Weiss, John I'"ox Weiss, M rs. John Fox Weiss, Mrs. Harry C. Wells, James IS. Wells, Geo. E. Whitney, T. T. Wierman, Mrs. William E. Wright, E. W. Yohn and I S. Cameron Young. Bible Class of Poker Players Causes Stir Mansfield, 0., May 12. —The re | solve of a group of men of Butler, a | village in the southern part of Kich ! land county, to spend their Sunday afternoons at Sunday school instead of sitting in a poker game has caused a tlood of scurrilous anonymous let-1 1 GENTLE RUBBING ALWAYS HELPS VARICOSE VEINS Says Swollen Veins are Dan gerous and Ofttimes Burst Which Causes Much Suffering. r Rubbing the swollen veins nightly j for about two minutes witn a gentle upward stroke brings benefit to suf ] ferers and Is mighty good advice, says I an authority. I After the rubbing, which should • always be toward the heart, because ters that has stirred the village pop ulation of 800 and has started an in vestigation by the postofflce authori- { ties. The poker players, numbering at j least 20 men, including some of the I leaders in the village, formed a Bible class. The Sunday afternoon poker game had been regarded as a weekly rite for many years. The men re nounced the game In a body and unanimously joined the new devotion al activity. Five perspns prominent in the vil | lage have been targets for the letters. .The envelopes were addressed in a I feminine hand, the villagers say. Lusitania Suits Total $1,420,000 I New York, May 12. —Seventeen , I the blood In t.tie veins flows that way, apply Sloonc's Emerald Oil (full strength) with brush or hand. Try tills simple home treatment for a few days and Improvement will be noticed, then continue until veins are reduced to normal. Tt is very con • oentrated and penetrating and can be i obtained at any modern drug store. ■ It is so powerful that It also reduces i Goitre and Wens. All druggists have Emerald Oil in the original bottle for 1 50 cents and the demand is astonish i nig. MAY 11, 1916. more suits, making 43 in ail, against the Cunard Steamship Line, were filed in the Federal Court by relatives of persons who perished in the Dusitania disaster. The amounts sought in the actions in which final papers have been entered total $1,420,000, and preiminary papers in the other suits DO YOU WANTTO I SELL YOUR CAW? 1 Don't try to "wish" a sale—sell the car! Run a little classified 'Want' in the Telegraph and you'll get the prospec tive buyers. MAXWELL 2-cyllnder roadster; new paint and tlrea; good top; windshield, tools; best running order; need room for new i:ar; price $125. Horst, Jr., This is lIOW VOU do it' Route 4, Harrlaburg, Pa. X Illb 1& IIUW yuu UO 11. 8SF J Phone your ad by 1 P. M. and it appears in the Telegraph the same day. jdo not indicate the sums asked. Paintiff? in the actions filed in- I eluded Sarah Jjund, William E. Moun- I sey and Peter M. Gallon, Chicago; I Margaret L,. Kcllett, Tuckahoe, N. Y.; | Daniel Frohman, for the loss of his i brother, Charles, theatrical manager; Dorothy Connor, iMedford, Oregon.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers