2 CENTRAL PENNSYLVA Home Changes Planned by Cumberland Poor Directors Special to the Telegraph Carlisle. Pa., May B.—The Cumber land county board of poor directors at a meeting adopted a plan for changes at the county home directed by the State Board of Public Chari ties and the specifications for a pri vate scwerafte system for the home were sent to the State Board of Health for approval, when bids will be asked. This change calls for an outlay of $3,000. Other improvements, to cost in all about $5,000, will be carried out during the year. Heal his itch- \ ing skin with Resinol The moment that Resinol Oint ment touches itching skin the itch ing usually stops andhealing begins. That is why doctors have prescribed it so successfully for over 20 years even in severe cases of eczema, ring worm, rashes, and many other tor menting, disfiguring skin diseases. Aided by warm baths with Resinol Soap, Resinol Ointment makes a sick skin or scalp healthy, quickly, easily and at little cost. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap also greatly help to clear away pimples and dan druff. Sold by all druggists. For trial free, write to Resinol, Dept. 22-R, Baltimore, Md. f GEORGE H. SOURBIER FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1310 North Third Street | Dell I'hoiie. Auto Service. | * v i limn in II i HI HI inn m f TIME TABLE Cumberland Valley Railroad In Effect June 27, 1916. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburg at B:03, *7:52 a. m.. *3.40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chambersburg, Car lisle, Mechanlcsburg and Intermediate , stations at *5:03, *7:52, *11.53 a. m •3:40, 5:37, *7:45, *11:00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanlcsburg at 9:48 a. m. t 2:16, 3:26, 6:30, 9.36 p. m. For Dlllsburg at 5:03, *7:52 and •11:63 a. m., 2:16, *3:40, 6:57 and 6:30 p. m. •Dally. All. other trains dally except Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE, J. H. TONGE. Q. P. A. < W * Teacher asked Susie Smart a question £ $ T in arithmetic to-day that went some- 5 £ thing like thifc: £ f "Suppose in a city of 20,000 homes, eacli ? j! home would save a cent each week, how much 5 i money would be saved in that city each year?" s Susie Smart jumped up and said, quick as a J £ "How do you .figure that, Susie?" teacher ? £ "Each family would save three dollars and twelve £ j.®* cents a year, that makes $<52,400 for twenty thousand J, J Su*le Smart families. % ,» jump* up mill He* "How does each family save $3.12 a year?" j> ■f "*02,100." asked the teacher. ? f "If you SAVE-A-CENT each week," said Susie, "You save six J f cents every time you SAVE-A-CENT." ? 5 Teacher hasn't seen through it yet. Pa sez Susie wuz right. Ma f ? sez Susie wuz wrong. Sez she's learned by experience that every time ? £ she gets SAVE-A-CENT she saves twenty-six cents —since one package £ of SAVE-A-CENT at 4 cents does more and better work than three J \ 10-cent cans of any cleaning powder. S •J Monday Yours respectively, J 5- SLIM STEVE 5 I! SAVE-A-CENT J j Soft Scouring Soap \ is the best hand soap you ever used. jf r Kl l ) f Does everything any scouting powder ' A \ \ / f does, does it more easily and lasts as Jf \ / long as any three 10c cans, because it .y / % does not waste. Yet it costs only 4c, s while cans of scouring powder cost / f 5c and 10c. X £ AT ALL GOOD GROCERS —i^———■ I When You Have Time i| | For a Smoke, Don't Take i; Any Chances, Light a KING OSCAR j ;i 5c CIGAR i; !j and Get the Enjoyment ij ij You Are Entitled to. You Play Safe With This ij i; 25 Year Old Quality Brand * ; > John C. Herman & Co. ; i • Harrisburg, Pa. | MONDAY EVENING, SIX MECHANICSBURG MEN BORN MAY 6 CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY For Twenty-two Years Members Observing Event With Banquet Each Year Mechanicsburg, Pa., May B.—Satur day evening John C. Reeser was host at a birthday dinner of unusual inter- I est. at his home in West Main street, : when his guests were five men. whose I birthdays, Including his own, all occur lon May 6, of various ages. The late I George W. Hauck instituted the cele ! bration in this manner of the birthday (anniversaries and has been regularly observed for the past twenty-two years. I The original members were George W. Hauck and Dick Charles, both de ceased; George Zacharias, John Attick and John C. Reeser; later William M. Roller Joined the list, followed by Wal ter Zacharias and S. Harper Myers. Relative to the celebration is a touch* French Steamer Chased Across Ocean by Raider Special to the Telegraph New York, May 8. —The steamship Venezia, arriving here yesterday from Bordeaux, France, with forty Ameri can citizens aboard, was fired upon and chased for several hours by two commerce raiders while off the Azores and 1,900 miles east of New York, ac cording to a story related when the vessel docked. Reports had been in circulation for more than a week that at least one sea raider was again operating In the western Atlantic, and the news brought by the Venezia caused alarm in shipping circles. ATTACKS WIFE, KILLS SEI.F Splcial to the Telegraph Willlamsport, Pa., May B.—Joseph I Mano. of South Williamsport, died in the hospital last night from a self inflicted wound after an attack on his wife, who also may die. The Manos quarreled and the man grabbed a razor and gashed her throat. He then slashed his own throat, and cut a deep gash on the side of his face. ftEIR TO $200,000 IS FOUND Clarksboro, N. J., May B.—Frank H. Canning, the young man who was j bequeathed $200,000 in the will of Mrs. J. T. Elklns, of Detroit, whom he protected some years ago while on a 1 trolley car near West Chester from a number of Intoxicated men, has been found. He makes his home with his ! parents here. Thousands Take this mild, family remedy to avoid illness, and to improve and protect their health. They keep their blood pure, their livers active, their bowels regular and digestion sound and strong with _ BEECHAMS PILLS I ' Ltrsril Sale of Any Medieina in the World. Sold cTorywhoro, In boiat, 10c., 25c* lng incident In the fact that the de ceased members are not forgotten and on the morning of May 6, annually, a floral emblem is placed on the grave of each, In token of a cherished friend ship of bygone days. At the birthday comes around. It is customary for each member, In turn, to entertain at dinner, plans for which are made a long time in advance, and look ed forward to as a most Important event. A chicken dinner was served Saturday evening and carnations graced the table. Following the merry feast, which was held at 6 o'clock, the evening was spent socially with reminiscences and a general good time. ' . Membership Luncheon of Lutheran Bible Class Special to the Telegraph Hummelstown, Pa., May 8. The men's Bible class of Zion Lutheran Church held its annual charter mem bership luncheon with seventy-live members and guests present. Music was furnished by the Sunday school orchestra. The speaker was Dr. A. R. Steck, of Carlisle, and during the luncheon toasts were responded to by W. H. Earnest, M. D. White, of Har risburg; Clinton Hersliey. superintend ent of the United Brethren Sunday School; Dr. Nile Crist, R. W. Strunk, the Rev. Mr. Games, Harry M. Horst and others. A luncheon of sandwiches, cake, ice cream and coffee was served. E. Z. Etter was elected assistant teacher to the pastor to take the place of Musser D. White, who moved to Harrisburg. MAYTOWN ALUMNI BANQUET Marietta, Pa., May 8. On Satur day evening the alumni banquet of the Maytown High School was held in the Band Hall. Many were present from far-away cities and towns, and will remain In town for a short vaca tion. The class of 1916 was presented by Professor John A. Campbell, and received by Prof. E. R. Krayblll, of Harrisburg. WEDDING INVITATIONS ISSUED Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., May 8. lnvit ations have been issued for the wed ding of Jules Bernd and Miss Cornelia Potter, both of this place, which will take place at the home of the bride to-be's parents. Justice of the Peace John A. and Mrs. Potter. Saturday, May 20. Miss Potter is a graduate of the Waynesboro High School, while Mr. Bernd came here from Texas sev eral years ago and is erecting en gineer for the Frick Company. FRICK EMPLOYE DIES Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro. Pa., May B.—On Fri day' the Friok Company received a telegram announcing the death at his home in Zanesvllle, Ohio, of J. M. Starrett, formerly of the engineering and designing department. Mr. Star rett left here several weeks ago for his home In Zanesvllle. He was quite ill and was placed on a cot on the train. NEW INDUSTRY FOR TOWN Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Mayl B.—Waynes boro is to have another new industry. The Wayne Manufacturing Company, of Baltimore, has leased the second floor of the new building of the Beck 1 & Benedict Hardware Company and will manufacture men's garments. The company will give employment to 150 women and trlrls. GOOD FRUIT PROSPECT Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., May 8. lf blos soms "count for anything the fruit crop throughout this section of the Cumberland Valley this year will be a record breaker. SERMON TO CLASS New Cumberland, Pa., May B.—The Rev. A. R. Ayres will preach the bacca laureate sermon to the graduating class of the high school Sunday, May 2 8, in Trinity United Brethren Church. ACTION ON IJOMOYNE PAYING Lemoyne, Pa., May B.—A special meeting of council will be held to morrow night to act on the paving proposition. LAWYER ILL; TRIAI, POSTPONED Hlghspire's suit against the Har risburg Railways Company to recover borough taxes on trolley cars which operate in the borough's streets, had to be postponed in to-day's session of May common pleas court because of the illness of C. L. Bailey, of coun sel for the traction company. A tres pass action for Injuries instituted against the same firm by C. Linford i Scott was postponed for the same rea i son. The trial of the assumpsit action | brought, by H. D. Koons against Fox , and Strohm occupied President Judge | Kunkel throughout most or the day. JL that U fighting the moat general disease in the ► world. Use it twice daily. See your dentist twice yearly.' ► ! Get a tube today, read ► j the folder about this dis ► 1 ease, and it* symptoms ► I and Mart the Senreco ► j treatment tonight. 25c ► at your druggists. For ► sample send 4c. stamps ► or coin, to The Sentanel Remedies Co, Cincinnati. ► Ohio. ► ► » K \ DENTISTS \ J FORMULA. HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH Rotarians Celebrate Ed. S. Black's Birthday Hi ■Er ED. S. BLACK Ed. S. Black, the artist, was (deleted by censor) years old to-day, and when members of the Harrisburg j Rotary Club went to their weekly | luncheon at the Senate Hotel to-day j they found neat place cards bearing the picture of Mr. Black with what the Rotarians regard as a very appro priate sentiment (more dele tions by the censor). In honor of the occasion, the artist was permitted to make two speeches, and a song was sung in his honor. It was quite a birthday party. After that the Rotarians heard about prepa rations for the international conven tion of Rotarians, to which more than half the members and their wives will go, and Arthur Holman, Ralph Dow dell, Captain Kemper and others de scribed Cincinnati for the benefit of those who had not been there, and A. E Buchanan and George W. Mumma, of the cbmmittee, made reports. Thursday evening the Rotarians will go to York to attend a Rotary ban quet there and Friday' evening ac cepted the written invitation of the school authorities to attend the an nual inspection of the Technical high school. Countess Markievicz, Revolt Leader Gets Life Penal Term; I Death Sentences Commuted Dublin, May 8. —Countess Georgina | Markievicz, one of the prohilnent fig j ures in the Irish revolt, was sentenced j to death after her trial by court j martial, but the sentence has been commuted to penal servitude for life, it was officially announced. A death sentence upon Henry O'Hanrahan also was commuted to a life term. Death sentences imposed upon George Plunkett and John Plunkett, brothers of Joseph Plunkett, who was shot last week, have been commuted to ten years' penal servitude. It is unofficially announced that a death sentence upon Philip Cosgrave has been commuted to five years' im prisonment, and the sentence of thir teen others to three years' imprison ment. No official Azures have yet been Issued on the deaths of civilians in (he recent revolt, but 160 already have been accounted for. Fifty of the victims were burled in Glasnevln Cemetery on Saturday and thirty-one others In Mount Jerome Cemetery. Certificates of death from gunshot wounds in 150 cases have been Issued. Owing to the shortage of labor, the bodies, in many instances, were buried without coffins. Pathetic scenes are witnessed hourly at the various bury ing grounds. NEW UNDER SECRETARY liondon, May 8. —Sir Robert Chal mers. who has beep governor of Cey lon since 191 J, has been appointed to succeed Sir Matthew Nathan as under secretary for Ireland. Sir Matthew re signed simultaneously with Augustine Birrel, chief secretary for Ireland, who relinquished his post last week shortly after it appeared that, the Irish upris ing was well under control. EFFORTS TO OPEN PITTSBURGH SHOPS [Continued From First Pago] hers of the other cavalry troops sta tioned there. Attend Services Yesterday morning the entire troop attended devotional services conduct ed by Capt. Charles M. Miller, chap lain of the First Penna. Artillery, N. G. P. The services were held in the barracks. In the afternoon the troopers attended a musical concert given by the Eighteenth Infantry, N. G. P. band. The Governor's Troop quartet, J. 11. Braselman, Robert Sohl. Hershey Miller and Edward Ander json sang a number of sacred songs, j Hymns were also sung by the quartet lot Troop H, of Pittsburgh, under the command of Capt. Charles C. McCoy em. It Is likely that the Governor's Troop will remain on duty here during the remainder of the week. COI/OXEIj PRAISES SCOUTS Special to the Telegraph Oyster Bay, L. 1., May 8. —Colonel Roosevelt, in a speech at the Arbor Day exercises of the Cove School, said that he hoped that not long hence there would be In every school in the country the kind of drill given by the Boy Scouts who were present. "What's more," he said, "I hope that we'll all be trained, as you Boy I Scouts are being trained, to fit our selves to do our duty in time of peace and in time of war." REAL ESTATE PATTON TO MAKE CHANGES Formal permission to make neces sary alterations, etc., to the old Dis brow residence at 1815 North Front | street, recently purchased of Mrs. i Henrietta Disbrow, by J. Hervey Pat j ton, was obtained to-day by Mr. Pat | ton from the city building inspector. The changes will cost S2OO. Other permits included: Harrisburg Abattoir Company, a single story garage, Say ford and Currant streets, $1,600; Jacob Ughtner, rear of 814 North Six teenth street, single story garage, S3OO, and Benjamin M. Daniel, rear of 1510 North street, single story garage, S3OO. TO-DAY'S REALTY TRANSFERS To-day's realty transfers included the following: W. S. Harris to James K. Kipp, Steeiton; James K. Kipp to William S. Harris, Penbrook; A. W. Wade to George A. Rltter. Middle Paxton; W. S. Harris to James K. Kipp, 1235-41 Cameron: Edward Bailey to D. P. and Ludle Kugler. 2241 North Second, and G. A. Shreiner to Frank B. Mickey, 17 North Seven teenth street, all for $1; M. D. White to Dollle Anderson, Hummelstown, $1,250. "VTOU'D stand on a corner or rush to a window any day to Mp hear a band go by. The Victrola makes the world's greatest bands parade before you as you sit in your easy chair—Sousa's jjgl Band, Pryor's Band, Vessella's Bp! Band, Conway's Band, U. S. Marine Band, and other famous musical • organizations. jjjjj Any Victor dealer will gladly show you the complete line of Victors and Victrolas—slo to S4O0 —and play the music you know and like best, which is the only way for you to personally judge its capabilities of satisfying your musical longings. Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. New Victor Records demonstrated at all dealers on the 28th of each month | Victrola I The instrument of the world's greatest artists juggm can be rr— safely and satisfactorily /VjJ, V . Wj* 'SJs. ' played only with Victor ■ r- i ;■■ Ntedlmi or Tungrtonm .vffi'.ffi/?* —4— ■' J' • Skeleton Crews of Warships Exhausted When Vessels Dock After Cruel Cruise Washington, D. C., May B.—So woe- I fully undermanned that officers and ! mty> underwent constant nervous ten- j sion from the extra duty they had to perform, fhe battleships Wisconsin, lowa and Missouri reached Annapolis j Friday night from the Philadelphia navy yard, whence they sailed Wednes day morning. On one of the vessels the captain was on the bridge for forty-eight hours continuously. There were only five officers aboard. No more could be spared for the trip, despite the fact that the complement was more than twoscore. The captain's meals wore brought to him on the bridge for two days. When Hampton Roads was reached a halt was made to permit him to catch a few hours''sleep after a supply of ammunition had been taken aboard. There were not as many officers and men aboard as are needed to man the vessel efficiently when she is in re serve In the back basin at League Island. The crew was as short handed. Regular watches for either men or officers were out of the question. One officer in the engine room had to be put under the ship surgeon's care more than once because of the prolonged periods in which he was forced to re main in a particular area of intense heat. The ships were ordered to Annapolis to take aboard several hundred mid shipmen for the summer cruises. The trip was made In almost dead calm. Veteran officers said that if heavy weather had been encountered the ves sels would have been in actual danger. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package Droves it. 25c at all druggists. MAY 8, 1916. 1 Roosevelt Is Choice in Poll of N. Y. Tribune Special to the Telegraph I New York, May B.—Theodore I Roosvelt Is overwhelmingly the choice for the Republican presidential noml | nation in the Tribune's primary. He polled slightly more than 5 V*. votes for every one cast for Charles Evans Hughes. A total of 6,984 ballots have been returned thus far, 5,620 being for Colonel Roosevelt, 1,064 for Justice Hughes, 196 for Elihu Root and the rest being scattered among twenty four other names, no one getting more than twenty-flve votes. The ratio for Roosevelt against the field Is more than four to one. Henry Ford got twenty-flve votes, William Howard Taft thirteen and President Wilson nineteen. FIRE AT HAT FACTORY . Special to the Telegraph | Denver, Pa., May 8. Tossing of a i The Kosine Treatment for EPILEPSY can be used with absolute confidence. It relieves a*l fear of the attacks which are so frequent in that terrible dis ease. We want every sunerer of Epi lepsy to give the Kosine Treatment a trial, for the success of the treatment during the past fifteen years has prov ed the Kosine Treatment to bo or un usual merit. Call at our store and get a large bottle for 11.50. If after using you are not entirely satisfied your money will be refunded. Booklet giv ing complete dietary, etc.. free on re quest. Geo. A. Gorgas. 1« N. Third Street f Ambulance Service Prompt and efficient service for the trnnaportatlon of patient* to ami from homea, lioapltala, or the R. H. atatlona. With apeelal rare, experienced attendanta and nominal rhargea. Emergency Ambulance Service 1745 N. SIXTH ST. Bell Phone 2423 United 272-W I lighted cigaret or cigar stump on a I pile of rubbish adjacent to the Fltch | horn and Marburger Hat Factory, late | Saturday, almost caused the dcstruc | tion of the large building. The flames i were confined to the sulphur house, but considerable damage was done. Gray Hair Restored to its Natural Color In a few application!! to Its original dark. glossy sbr.de. no matter how long it has been gray or faded, and dandruff removed by HWHt It is not a in- no one will know you are uslnr it. 28c. 50c. 11. ill dealer* or direct upon receipt of rrl"C. Send for booklet "Beautiful Hair." Thllo Hay Specialties Company. Newark. N. J. EDUCATIONAL School of Commerce Troup ltulldlnic IB So. Market 9q. Day and Night School 22d Year Commercial nml Stenographic Coaraea Hell Phone 19K1-J Harrisburg Business College Day and Night Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Clvtl Service 4 Thirtieth Year 329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa, The OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL Kaufman Bldg. 4 S. Market 8<». Training That Secures Salary Increasing Positions In the Office Call or send to-day for Interesting booklet. "The Art of GettlOK Along la the World." Bell phone 694-R. Try Telegraph Want Ads
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