4 jl Your Choice of \ Kdufindn*s May of 5- ?| sl^ r - Re ± s^ yßaz "l| > Fine Felt Hats^ gggTCtBTT 65c ; jsBSH&S MT v femifiictnrer3 SurplusStodtsft? j^BSSte} K Manufacturers'Sur--d» lOA £f IL— I —~JL— b/V U Manufacturers' Sale OQ % St»ck Sale ... 3>1.Q17J Sale Begin , Friday, May sth Promptly at 8 O'clock l Pricc JJCjC $75,000 Worth of Seasonable Merchandise at Far Less Than Wholesale Prices j IThe Greatest of All Manufacturers' Surplus Stock Sales ij Surplus Stocks of Men's I ig Extra Specials I # !! J' Regina Transparent Glycerine | Of Newest Men's and Boys' Clothing I Flx } N Q ? I Here's Your Chance to Get the BEST SPRING SUITS at the | | !' i MWWiS&MSmi Savings Ever Offered in This City JJ, _y_ Fashionable new Spring stripes; 1 I 50c Cold Cream; Sale Price -!<• I # ' ll'lfi''' ' V' f TUI black and white and colors; cut J| or '? C »' ol<l ( ' reani: Sa,e Pr ' ce I -a jjßs§ First liODtc Tnwiscr Suits; latest Sack Suits of Superiority For Men KAUFMAN'S Extra Special New !> laundered or soft cuffs; smart J| °\sc Talcum Powiler' Sale iPric'e* I ' -J M'y ' Models: Manufacturers' dJ'T CA and Young; Men; Nlnnti- d»Q Jit Model Suits; Manufac- (t 1 *7ti !> vN&C-X ffly and attractive; sizes. ]| ' ftc i 1 wr^/,yv^. ; Vj Sale Price O # .OV facturers* Sale Price .. ° Hirers' Sale Price 11.f »J Men's Newest 81 DRESS SHIRTS; 18c Tooth Powder; Sale Price »c j . •'' Blue serges, fancy worsteds, fine Better quality, better make than These suits" are truly wonderful j! jTjjgjpHffff* • v£!r Manufu<lurcrs' Tic j! 10c Ta,cu m Powder; Sale Price I I fc" V]?* 7 all-wool fancy cheviots and cassi' suits sold in other stores to sls. values, the coats are alt hand tail- ]! rawHK 1«?3| wjjj Sale Price 'OC <| 1 ,v • V/\ / / *\uSi\\^-N.meres. Would ordinarily be worth You will tind the finest Sun ored, the material of RH-WOOI navy ,> s <-. , i'T 1 0W(ler : "s- . % ' / \ >■' \\k\\\. '•. sl2; sizes for boys 15 to 20 years. Proof, all-wool blue serges. blue serges. J -* ■" *% AtUactivc striped effects of good , sorted odors; Sale Price ... 8e 1 M •■• •/ I r N r'<-'.SiV 1 l j l. !. r «5J , (washable madras. Dercales and !' IG-os. Rolls Medicated Absorbent 1 m l\ C ¥ I< J \IT \ KAUFMANS SUITS AT $14.75| KAUFMANS FINCH AND BEI.T BACK O7C jjap ■ a A \l\ !'• '} be called good *2O to $22.50 values SUITS- Manufaetiirers' Sale Price «PIA./0 j, OF SHIRTS 11 * Newest to SI. r>o Press QC Cotton: Sale Price lie t C | /Bi\ | We offer the finest hand tailored sack suits in both A ff . . <IS in rit h pr H torp<!- von •win finH the '! r f~* c . S ''irts; Sale Price ]| Plnaud s 1 5c bottle Lilas Vegetal % J I YJm 'I {)<,. conservative and English models—in the finest serges— Aie offered at $lB la other stores, you will find the W\V\ X */ Smart new Spring patterns, in fine j| Toilet Water; Manufacturers Sale # K I sv ■*> ' L' " silk Hnd mohair lined; all wool worsted, every new ''est English homespuns, the finest velours; all hand- i> tiVCY\ - madras and percale; correct stvlish '! on jn' '.V; 'W ' ' " ~? c « I K j shade; a,l si,e, • ■ somely hand tai.ored; sizes 33 to 38 chest. \! ' stripes, in all sizes with soft or lain- "i ( m I ■■ I jl . K, - OHITI deied cuffs; all sizes. j| Sale Price 20t? ' ( | f-i SURPLUS STOCKS OF MEN'S PANTS AT BIG SAVINGS ji Brand mw /}) Aaml'^iu lll^ I,>,p M ™* Wor i h $, - 5 2. : is R i!? b0 M S—Sur « plu « Stocks i - !» h J Manufacturers D»O QJ- || Attractive up to 68e RIBBONS f |\ 1/ / , \Vte en \ Khaki ?"T !NG PANTS- M«>'» S,rong Working PANTS. M^ S Wor S «d P,„«; Values to \\ Htm MJL/ f l| SSSt, \ < I J I Ifeanutacurers Sale ftrt Manufacturers' Sale Qft $2.50. Manufactur- A | aQ j; 1.t... colored ..np, Ab ! i slii" pV:"" h * : ""rX" I 9 V- 7 // y, ®»Pnce *7V/L Price &Z/\+ ers Sale Price 1 !> Aw / / solutely an ail silk tub silk. Made for !» yar(l frtce, 29c ) S I Ite SraWaftfKiWK w«l. a W t «n,.a.w, a >»,,,.0p.a„ a .,« !£<"« <f / Maa„. ,c„ } in \ ' aS&A k W !' ;i|values. stuidy casslmeres. A $1.50 \alue. buckles. i ( jyfylg I] J h facturcrs' Sale Price IOC J, choicest new colors; Manufacttircrs' | I igK&Bski M'MEN'S WORSTED PANTS.' Men's Sun-Prool Navy Blue Serge 1 | M ' Q I A» iwv i c ., helaliihs and Mie» .. pM Z ° 1 I mm 1/ 9 A Good $3.00 f, Q e Pan,Manufac, ur- «o Cft ! Men s Socks Meris 12/ ac S.lk Hose I; h asS,. , 5ft»SK5S!! * P, Value (DI.JJ , c , <' 8,1,0 I,plrp Hose For Men «' i nch widths; assorted colors; Manu- / 1 m valuc ers . g ale p nce <\ t . , . men ~ faeturers - Sale lA. f K I IfBS l ga '' wl ' :5! Of dark mixed fancy worsted with \sfik |! | / trice 25c grade |Q J! Price yard lUC j ISB I H ' kl '- : 1 " J ii ■ O/iC 9!/ 2 C '„, C ii NOTIONS-Big Bargains S | WW B hSSurplus Stocks of Boys' Clothing at Prices Regular 10c quality, I a "a d st a colors I colors 1 . 0881 b ' a ° k and 1 I Hair goolf I \ 111 That Will Save Parents Many Dollars |; 7" v soc p^ ce and Mc !! SkHS Ji 'y/ W Handsome New NECKTIES -c,. !l I c; Manufacturers' Sale Pr ce. 2|( %\ IB . Wmm Norfolk Suits and Reof- Boys' NOBIX)I,K SUITS Boys' NORFOLK SUITS V\ ]| All Silk Four-ln-llands and Bow Ties, in riremen j| ■«« ••••• ••• ••• • ••• •• ••. 2!k --\ j \ ei*: vahies to 5»...c» Aq OA Values to $7.50 jj g t ""p e r s e '^ s n ,"^ r nKS?ed e effms We Scores P <ff"effecm Suspenders jj C< ton; Manufacturers' Sale Price' I la V /■! 3)Z,4j V*) >4. 8Q \\ new color combinations;" regular 35c to 76c 19c W Xyard ' ipooi' Silk,' 'ill" colo I % | l 1 Sizes Gto 17 years. Wonderful values In ▼ •!> \a ues - 25 e values '! black and white; Manufacturers' M f P—At their regular price this lot of over 200 Boys' Handsome new pinch- Mlllpßr ' !» Sale Prices and -* 4 (/' Made extra strong !> f^L e », f>r cl^,' ( 3 o- a p0 j , ' ei or ' 33 ° K 1 U these Suits and Reefers All-Wool Norfolk Suits back, nobby suits in the W& , f| j! V i /and durable. | black whlteandc°olors P< ln theln?,; 1 I So "this*'apec 1 ail °"sale In Blue Serges, Fancy "^7^ snd' fine V Summer UNDERWEAR—A Surplus at Remarkably il &t nmu" t'a " t " ' 45c 4 I /-Si worthy of particular Casslmeres and cheviots, cheviots; sizes Bto 18 Bf JM » T Drlna- H rImLI' d °£" L °^ CUBt ° mer ; nn I C " otice - j sizes fi to 18 years. J years. gf | Little Prices—Buy NOW and Save j, dl ® er entcolofs4e a i t -D » or, , Tr I —r TKTTT TT TTTr , n . T . T & :: Men's Balbriggan SHIRTS and SI UNION SUITS For Men: CQ- J| a dozen; limit, 2 doz. to customer, f % Boys Sport Boys Khaki Boys Nobby Boys 39c Boys RAIN jm n !» DRAWERS; Real »0c Qualities; Manufacturers' Sale Prkv. . . Ui "- <; 10c Snap P'asteners; Sale Price. J f T3, -tr ■-i c\ 1 /->/>A<no Tit-.i 'v* 7 rv i» Manufacturers' 9*2- First quality white ribbed Union |i dozen 7 c f \ Blouses • Knickers Straw and Blouse Waists COATS With / b \ '! Sale Price SuitSi in all sii!es; a wonderful «; Rustless Hooks and Eyes; Sale % m i \ i . valha i price CB.rd o/i m II 24c 4f)c Duck ," ats 1Q ll 49c 19c »*«*Z l ;™ I «s^JS «85?» s r. F i I pay Rue for these 75c; sizes sto 17 Sold elsewhere at Made with link MEN'S AND BOTS' CLOTHING | Perfect fitting, summer weight, lengths, k anMe || 200-ya?d T Spool S BaßUnK e C P o r tton" V ■ same blouses. years. 75c. collar, open cuffs. years. 'FIRST FLOOR S in ecru and gray; all sizes. without sleeves; all sizes. !> black and white; spool 2c K ■————^—. . 2 i 10c Dress Shields; Sale Price, ,7c I i hold Basket Set, $1.68 | SSF 1 ' 8 ' 1 $1 851 Mn "" l f " r< " r - 1 f T",S SET CONSISTS OF > 7/j e Sufp/us Stocks of //ic BiqQtst Mills and Factories fj a " * ' jj " r - rf ! fac^rers- pr!ce made: DARGAIN BASEMENT / on( . " f-ru f \ Dellyered only with other pur- J 11.30 Remnant Linoleum. 2 yards 03c sUeClothes Thr " j/% $ f fl . Turkish Towels and | !' II "°" ■ Mottled RUES. 27X54 45c Hamper TTtttrt . EfH / H BJL. «A.f I - - 41 V BAHGAISf BASEMEXT. .1 * •» y 1 1'52.00I '$2.00 Coffee PERCOLATOR' |%#t| * |,60 Colored Fabrics White Dress Goods ' Table Damask Cloths and Kl "''" n K ''" o s " **"' ( Sa"7U« SS'»eJS! 11 "Jf*SS.r^;. h r l '. 7c Napkins I $1.50 3-Piece Aluminum Se.lJ 9 XV quality of alumi- yvKK<[ inss; Manufacturers' u >': Sa,e Price, yd. ... A Hemmed ready for use. ~ t . ri , _ _ t ®lT —wanuractur- m \ wr-4-Jt num. Manufac- - .<{ Sale Price, yard ® /2C 15c Fine Grade Pajama checks, 19c Turkish (iuost Towels;OO r PO ! uracle lable Damask— r **' ** } * P r «ee » I <—Fr% f l —' sale f j 1" ,0c Aprin Gingham, fast colors A I for 58-ln wide, neat design. 2 S C Qfi C I Ji ISa® Price, and neat check patterns, full "" d / ,wear ' &alc Price ' 10c In pink, blue and lavender bord- special, ja rd MK/» X W , f Uwil' I . . standard quality; Manu- 7 _ '•'• •" V'"V J ?!? a ,i? initia! ' __ . 80c Full Mercerized Table Da- l|j) K L i p § n/% fe'mfaeturers' Snie Pripp vm-d *C li,c Plisse C repe for Under- 1 <<* rurkislt Bath 191/o(« mask, extra wide: Sneclal on . *Tm sauce- I 1 fl I wl I nO _ •* ' wear; 30 inches wide, neat stripe Towels: Sale Price 1 yard OIJC n« n « Pt a I ill Imyv 19c Figured Plisse Crepe, 30 effects; needs no ironing; 1 f|_ Extra good size and quality, 1 f ISWI* JUL inches wide, good quality for un- Sale Pri( .e. yard hemmed. SOc Colored Border Mercerized WIW . h .!. av 7,.._?_ ua L- , 1 f V S. e !™L. a 5. d .. yi l,ono « : 15c Plain White Ijawn> 40 l#c Turkish Bath Towels; 1C„ Table Damask—in pink, blue and a n da-nod 'i tv w inn 4iv J f factuiers S.ile Price, 10c inclies wide; fine quality for Sale Price, each IOC >ellow borders; Special AQ*% sixes. OU AA I« n:i1 AW yard dress and waist; Sale lA r Extra heavy quality and extra yard \ BARGAIN ha«kmr*t i K |3.00 Emerson Talking Machines ... OIICCLS. JL 111U W 25c Fine Colored Wash Fabrics, Price, yard 1W large. ko-. .. ' .. „. .. _ J 52.A9 * 27 inches wide, biK assortment of 25c fine grade Mercerized 25«- Turkish Bath Towels; IQ. Clc»th« size h" 1 T a,,le loc Brlst,e Clothes Brush 8c ( I Emerson Double Disc Records ..25e n ■* weaves and colors; Manu- If)- Batiste: 40 inches wide; 1C„ Sale Price 117 C stitched Sale Price es: J?Zl n ~ 50c Wash Boards 25c | SI.OO Canister Sets, 4 pes. 55c LdSCS 3,110. Sale Price yd. Sale 2»c fancy. Floral and Stripe 25c Plain White Flaxon. 38 styles; all hemmed ready for m \ Organdie, in many different colors Inches wide; extra tine linen use. 51.25 Hemstitched Square Table r § I 5i.25 MEDICINE CABINET "Ran and designs; Special Manu- 1 Hnish; Sale Price, IC_ 33c Bath Trowels; OC„ Cloths, <;4x64 inches; good pat- $2.50 Large Aluminum Tea % % Good size with ■ „ ■'JCU VjpiCaUO faeturers' Sale Price, yard yard IOC s„i e f»riec «iOC terns and quality; Special, o/» f W _ „ t [Hi 35c Fine Grade Cravenette .... . _ , Extra heavy towels with cord- each ooc Kettle. • \ % ~ . .' IniH 12V4c Hemmed Pillow cases, Poplin, in all colors, absolutely White rabriCS ed borders; all white. SI -.o M,.„, . ~.. „ Nanufactur- (t \ # a white. s I size 42 and 45x36 inches; 1(1. fast color, 28 inches wide; IQ. Plain white fabrics including 50< " Towels; OQ„ cintiVi 7'lf •at tern lablc P m- sale VV J & I Irs' Sair Prlc. I Bffl ! Sale Price, each AUC special, yard WC Flaxons, iTna Cn, Organdie Sale I>ri,e JVC aViSd Ind round JU"' M each, (fl <! HK 2oc tanc y Voiles ia neat floral and India Linon; yard Fancy colored bath towels, ex- Pfl . scallop- Q*7p I COW ■ > k | K -1; ' ; 15c Linen Finish Pillow Cases, and striped patterns, 40 1Q _ 1 01/_ iA- OC CA ,ra heavy and extra large size. ' ' *p X .017 J, v/ ■ fl ■ni 42 and 4r ' inches, good t 91/ne inches wide, yard 157 C l£i/2Ci IS7C> 6uCi OUC SI.OO Bath Towels; Manu- CC. Mercerized Napkins, hemmed Extra heavy \TZ 111 , K *1 (la. M quality; Special, each . 1 " Fine Grade Silk Muslin, in all Beautiful Stripe and Checked faeturers' Sale Price OOC ready for use; all heavy qualltv aluminum 111 I ■ a X# >3 '! shades, including flesh and OC- Fancy White Goods for waists Extra large and heavy, white and 95c a dozen values, 18x18' C Tpa k-rttip U 111 V \J I 19c Fine Quality Hemmed and black; 27 inches wide; yd. "'OC and dresses; OC - colored borders. each DC good size ll> K Hemstitched Muslin Pillow Cases, Many beautiful designs and col- yard V__———capacity. | I v ■■«..r- a.v BASEMENT m 42 and 45-inch; 3-inch hems; orings, in fine .Voiles, 40 inches 40-Inch Plain White Fancy *"' JO a ao7 - value, 20x20; O hhkhknt 11 K Sale price 1C r wide; all new goods; OC- Skirting, the season's popular * each OC S 50c Shepherd Checks, 48-ln., yd 35c each IOC yar(] ADC fabric; special, yard $2.50 Heavy Canvas Awnings. 15c Rubber Stair Treads 10c f 6%c Brown Muslin, yd Ic Irish Poplin, the standard pop- 2f?r and C-,1- _ ' C p . . 22c Table Oilcloth, colored ~..12%c \ 10c White Huck Towels, each .. 5c 59c Muslin Sheets, size 72x90 »n of America, 28 Inches OR- White Gabardine for skirt- 40 Manutacturer S bale QT OCrilTl ClirtamS 35c Window Shades 24c r inches: hemmed ends; /|C r wide; all colors; yard . >«*• inchrfi wlrtr" vrrv n.,,i ,f, fill Prirr Earh «7iJL V \ Sale Price, each ..: F»ie I'lgured and Striped Seed "rj V,ltle ' xery flne quality. irice, £aacn vww ■«!'UPBII WIWWM \i ' | $2.75 GAS IRON I Voiles, all new colors and OB - i > '' ril «« , I I ~J . rrr> — —l sl ' so [53.25 BISSELS CYCO Carpet II S Saves your gas 59c Extra Heavy Muslin Sheets, Resigns; yard OJ7C ancl V Exactly like MM MMM mi Curtains, Ivory I ft' fS 11J Sweenerc /C—A/ J bill; with six feet size 81x90 inches, extra heavy ——— / cut; made JMMmmMMmm r P » % Lf JbJK B good steel tubing. quality; Sale Price, /| Q _ r in all sizes; MMB gB MHm and white; like Fir=dja %\ Manufarturenr ¥ ff Manufacturers' each **s7 C i ANOTHER LOT OF $7.00 2 ft. 6 in.; K-fl/#///#J| »». ft Sale Price, S Sf-- A 75c Extra Good Linen Finish , OQ C f/ tV Vlh ; ™ B| | JSEa 51.95 \ 1 SI SO f " Mlln dS. B saie 9o Pr f i'7 59c CLEANERS ..^O. y O -i U\M OOkSI, f f %P±.%%jy from dressing. Sale Price.. Save time, labor and tem- U[[////£]|||: i|k/» r IL - J1 - j " °fW?y 5 M v BAKGAIN BASKHEVT ■* 86c Large Heavy Muslin Sheets, n „ r flpant ewiftlv onH « ft. I 1 T I[| I.IIM 71 A SB IR - guaranteed for £ K full 81x90 inches, the kind for hard P v -' cans S\Mttl\ ana sure. :—a~WSK»Wia«3B %JT \JB ■ § one yenr. % 1 *1.25 English Long Cloth, 10-yd pc. wear; Sale Price, CO- wonderful machine Onlv 51.50 I 1 f V BABGAIHf BASEMEXT. ./1 89c each ••••■•«•••••••••••■• 30 \'oilo Curtains 2Vb \ 39c Dresser and Bureau Scarfs . .25c ' ' ~ a few to Sell at this price. Be 8 ft.- wide. ' yards long with near- 'i-l' OQ J l - 98 Aluminum Rice Boilers »8o ea. / 9 , N Hemmed Crochet Bed Spreads. nrnmnt (lit oa lace e^K p ; Special, pr. .. wI.OU $1.89 Aluminum Windsor Kettles % \ (t»« Mr */iad atttdtt *» Rood heavy quality and Marseilles * ' .IfO 81l ... .. .. «, . no., n __l w j $1.75 MOP OUTFIT. Manu- patterns bargain rasgmkxt $3.00 V ine Quality Scrim Cur- each W \ faeturers' Sale Price Regular $1.25 values for ... »7c X v « a »n s - with open work insertion *2.00 Aluminum Assorted Kettles J # SCe $ 1.98 9H<> m 5 Oil. I' r " " V 1 /iAffiuUUk I|l Complete Assortment of Cretonnes AO. ftAAAAAi C ;' J ' '' 1 ' jj J l^jllPi yyi|||||| j '' N '' ! ' THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 4, 1016.
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