tiv. o fl Your mind fs pretty well made up as Try You two have talked it all over —you're T to where you would rather live —for \y (\ 1 ° both of one mind—you know you ought JLw you've looked the town over before 11 I/ i to be paying into a home and not to a deciding. landlord. ©eatbs .OBAN Mrs. Isabella Loban. on Mon day. April 24. 1916, at the home of her >un. John Loban, 6-- Mufßfh «tr«et, ase<l 87 ycnrs. She is ®ur\ iVJd bs her son. John, and daughter. Airs. J. M. Stauffer. 2155 Penn Funeral on Friday, at ! P. from her late home. 621' Muench street. Ihe relatives and friends are in\ ited to attend without further notice. Burial in Harrisburg Cemetery. \I?STER Mrs. Fannie Klnter, on Wednesday. April 26, home of her daughter, Mrs. illiam L Fry, Williamsport, Pa. I- uneral on Saturday morning. April from Union Station uponf of train at 9:20 o clock. Burial at Paxtang Cemetery. In Memoriam IN loving memory of our dear mother, •"irginia C Stoner, who departed this Ife April 27. nil. DAUGH TERS. Lost and Found LOST ln eleven hundred block <onh Third street, black worn purse, oi mining bills and door ke>. Reward I letuined to this office. LOST White aigrette, Wednesday ifn-i-iKion. on Front to Chestnut to Sec- Mid street. Reward If returned to 301 >outh >ionL LOST A pocketbook, with consid »:able lot of money in it, between -isburg and Third «tre*t. New Cumber and; al#o brotherhood receipts, witn »wner'a full name. Finder will receive i liberal reward if returned to ieary street. New Cumberland, or call ■tell phone 344 a.vi. Help Wanted —Male WANTED A good man to work on farm. Good opening to right man. V . H Brenneman. Eleventh and Hamilton "treets. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED. AT ONCE First-class Srafstman of general steel mill experi ence. Mate age, experience and sal ary wanted. Address Draftsman, P. O. Box 75». WANTED Two first-class tinners, lit once. Apply 1221 North Sixth street. WANTED—EXPERIENCED BOARD ERS. Steady work and good pay. New Idea Hosiery Company. South four teenth street. WANTED TOLNG MEN to learn to become practical chauffeurs. «e give our unlimited course for soo, eas> payments, and guarantee 30c per hour as soon as competent. We have 30 cars to overhaul during the Spring. ALTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL. 26-2i-29 North Cameron street. MEN WANTED Steady work. Ap ply Lalance-Grosjean Mfg. Co. WAITER Young, white man want ed; with experience preferred: wr'te at once, stating age and experience. Ad dress \ anderau s Restaurant, Chara bersburg, Pa. WANTED Laborers for scrap iron yard. Apply Williams and Friedman. South Tenth street. SHOEMAKERS WANTED Three cutters. Women's work. Steady em plovment 50 weeks in the year. Good wages. By The Xenia Shoe Mfg. Co., Xenia. Ohio. WANTED An experienced Open Hearth Melter for Basic Furnaces. Eastern plant. Address Box 3674, this paper, stating age, experience, refer ences and compensation expected. •WANTED Man with experience in cutting paper stock and in trimming books. Apply Superintendent. The Telegraph Printing Co., Harrisburg. WANTED 4O able-bodied men between 21 and 40 years of age for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. Help Wanted —Female WANTED Knitters and transfer Kills. Apply Dauphin Hosiery Co.. 164 North Front street. Steelton. Pa. W ANTED Experienced sewing-machine operators, trim mers and learners, to work on women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. WANTED Gtrls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Vernon street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Girls to work in Book bindery. Apply The Telegraph Print ing Co.. Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED Refined woman for house-to-house canvass of a high-grade imported food product. Good salary. Address H.. 4006. care of Telegraph. WANTED Ten thoroughly experi enced operators on power sewing ma chines. Jennings' llfg. Co., 414 State veet. City. WANTED Girls over -16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Girl to help with house work. Apply F. E. Wingard, Enola, Pa. WANTED Lady interested in Sunday school or child welfaro work. Salary rating to start 31.50 per day. State present employment. Reference nececessary. Address "R.," 3841, care of Telegraph. WANTED Stenographer, experi enced In office work. Permanent posi tion. Good salary to capable young lady. Apply Collins Co.. 29 North Sec ond. WE teach our students to read and write shorthand: also transcribe rapidly on a blank keyboard by our touch method. Bell 704 R. Harrisburg Short hand School. 31 North Second. WANTED Experienced (white) second girl; must wait on table; willing !'• go to country; good wages. Apply to MISS Eby, 613 North Front street. Lot For Sale 40x110 ft. IThls Is a very desirable building lot located on the w«st side of North Sixteenth street, about thirty • feet north of Boas street. | The Quick Sale Prk-e Is 52.300 | MILLER BROI HERS & CO. REAL, ESTATE j linwi" Surety Bonds U««t and Court Streets THURSDAY EVENING. , Help Wanted —Female | WANTED An experienced white woman for general housework: small family; no washing. Apply to 615 North Front. Help Wanted — Male and Female WANTED—We have openings tor 12 more bright girls and boys. I Apply Silk Mill, Corner North and Second streets. Situations Wanted —Maid i WANTED Whitewashing, cellar- I cleaning and odd jobs by experienced i man. Charles F. Summers. 508 Cow | den street. i>v _>KIve,EPER loung man, Whar ton School student, wishes position as bookkeeper; can furnish good refer ences. Address A., 4004, care of Tele graph. ___ WANTED Position as general ; bookkeeper, or timekeeper; can turnish best of reference; three years' experi ence with railroad company. Adaress C., 4005, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as salesman; acquainted with all grocery trade in city and vicinity: will accept position in department store or as collector; best reference. Address Salesman, care of Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged white man wishes position as teamster. Address j 1941 Kensington street. City. Situations Wanted —Female YOL'NG GIRL would like to be adopt ed in a good home. Call at 808 East street, between 6 and 8, and ask tor young girl. WANTED Colored woman would like day's work of any kind. Address 1003 Cowden. WANTED—Day's work of any kind, by colored woman. Address 1730 North : Seventh street. City. Real Estate For Sale ' FOR SALE Five-room house, with [basement: also cottage. 18x24 feet; ! chickenhouse; good well water: apples, cherries, peaches, quinces, apricots, grapes and berries; aiong river; 5-cent car fare from Square; all-night ser ivice; 10 minutes' walk from tar line; good fishing and bathing: fine location 'lor summer home. Price, $1,300: S3OO cash, balance to suit purchaser. Frank J. Harro, Bell phone 3192 R. FOR SALE Corner Hamilton and Green streets, fine storeroom and 9- rooni house; all late improvements. In quire L A. Michaels, 226 Hamilton street. FRAME HOUSE, new, eight rooms, bath, gas, electric light, steam heat, ce meiiteu cellar: lot. 25x125. For sale at I s3,<>oo. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build- I ing. $525 WILL BUY a desirable cottage at Mt. Gretna close to the auditorium frontage of plot is 50 feet. Price is re duced for quick sale. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. TWELFTH ST.. N„ 43 —Brick house for sale, at $2,200; seven rooms, bath, gas. furnace, porch front; cemented cel lar. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. WALLACE ST.. 1317 For sale, frame house, seven rooms. If the price iis not right we will make it right. Get our list. Bell Realty Co., Bergner ; Building. PEN BROOK—S2,7OO will buy a Pen -1 brook property; frame house, electric I light, plot 75x150; also other suburban properties at reasonable prices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. I PROGRESS LOTS FOR SALE 220- ft. plots; high location, near school house. Also 86 ft. on Raysor street, near trolley. Apply to John L Ream, Twenty-seventh and Boas streets. Pen ; brook. • i MT. GRETNA cottage for sale. or would consider exchanging on city property of most any kind; a location 'for a garage preferred. Box S. 3812, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE SOUTH TWENTY NINTH ST. PENBROOK, NO. 222—2H tory frame. 7 rooms and plastered attic; porch front and side. Lot. 24x180. Price. 12,200. H. C. Brandt, 86 North Third street. FOR SALE N. SIXTH ST.. 2456 3-story brick. 8 rooms and bath. Large lot. rear drive. Price. 33.000.00. H. C. Brandt. 36 North Third street. , FOR SALE PEFFER ST., 216 3-story house with frontage of 19 ft., 8 large rooms and bath. gas. This prop property is near Second street, and can be sold for 32.900.00. H. C. Brajidt, 36 North Third street. 1612 FORSTER STREET Three story, brick and stucco. Beautiful 'neighborhood. Lot. 25x110. Price. In cluding fitted screens, storm windows. I hot water coil, cabinet gas range, Fhades, 33.800. Apply on premises. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, ; Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, I city. COISTRY HOME FOR SALE I ABOI'T of ground unproved with house, stable and outbuildings I'l -mile from Bowmansdale. Cumber land County 31,200. Milier Brothers & Co. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to one-half acre plots —• sewer water gas —electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keeney & Simmons, Agents. CHESTNUT ST.. NO. 105 ThretT story brick; three sides open; side entrance; good condition; immediate possession. Apply Geo. Bergner, 504 Bergner Building. TEN-ROOM BRICK HOUSE with • front and back porches—on State Street (Harrisburg's Boulevard Street). Rea sonable price and very favorable terms. Miller Brothers & Co, Locust and Court Streets. OLD ORCHARD HOME Just off Derry Street—for very good reasons I this property will be sold at an attrac tive figure—2 H-story brick and stucco | —3 rooms bath and furnace. Lot, 19x90 ft. Address P. O. Box 597, Har risburg, Pa. i *'OR,. SALE Beautiful, new two , and-a-half-storv brick residence In one : of the finest locations in the city. 1001 1 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot, 60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attic. Hall through center. All improvements. Fine lawn and shrubbery. Bold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A Slngmaster, Gettysburg, Pa NEW BRICK HOUSE All improve ments; side entrance. Price, 32,360. Can be bought on easy payments. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE 42 N. Eighteenth Street, corner of Eighteenth and Helen Ave., 3-story brick dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, cypress finish, cemented cel lar, water, gas and furnace, iront and rear porches. Property in first-class condition. Immediate possession. Price, j 33.600.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second j and Walnut streets. Real Estate For Sale „ FOR SALE FARM OF 7 ACRES. Cumberland County. Good buildings. Larce orchard. On main road. Price, *I.OOO. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir teenth street. FOR SALE Large, public garage, in city; good investment; all correspon dence confidential. Address K., 4063, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE l-ot. 20x130, on west side of N. Sixth Street and south of Maliantongo Street. Price. $l,lBO. ;rin ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. 2460 N. SIXTH STREET 3-story brick dwelling. 8 rooms and bath; lot, 15x115; all modern improvements; front and rear porches; Immediate pos session. This property can be bought at the right price. Brlnton-Pccker Co., Second and Walnut streets. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT 2365 East Prospect; 2-story stucco; 6 rooms and bath: tront porch and all improvements; 114.00. In quire lrvln Johnson. 2111 Swatara. Bell 1897 J. FOR RENT siix-room house, 2163 Logan street; all improvements; front piazza. Rent. Eighteen Dollars. In quire Kendall Optical Co.. 228 North Third street. HOUSE FOR RENT 9 rooms and* bath: all improvements. Call Bell phone 3020 R. FOR RENT Houston summer home. Inquire A. J. Houston, Mechan icsburg. Pa. COTTAGE FOR RENT The "Rich wine" cottage (partly furnishedl at Summerdale 5 cent trolley fare from Harrisburg. Miller Brothers & Co. ' FOR RENT No. 1713 Revere Street and gar age $25.00 No. 1500 Walnut Street 25.00 68 N. Eighteenth Street 25.00 J. E. GIPPLE. 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT —Large, new double brick house at Oyster Point. Camp Hill. Rents, S2O and s2l par month. All modern Improvements. Two minutes' walk to street car line. Will be ready about April 1. West Shore Realty Co.. Baer A Rice. Cemoyne Trust Building, Lemoyne. Pa. Bell phone 3198 J. Real Estate For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT A good six room house, with electric light, along Philadelphia and Reading. Suitable for summer outing. Inquire P. O. Box 67, Grantham, Pa. Wanted—Miscellaneous i YOUNG WOMAN desires room and board in private family. I'ptown pre ferred. Will consider other location. Address X., 4007, care of Telegraph. WANTED Second-handed motor cycles. Prestolites and parts of mo torcycles for highest cash prices. Day ton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Hell phone 385 R. WANTED. TO KENT Small, coun- I try home or bungalow, within ten miles !of Harrisburg. Call, or address, 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 R. PRACTICAL NURSE open for en gagements after April 24. Phone 4184 J. WANTED Old Machinery. Bollera, Engines, Motors, Automobiles unfit for repair. Highest prices for large lots Copper, Brass, Lead, Zinc and all old materials. F. R. Laverty. Bell pLr-i# 761W, Harrisburg-. Pa. Apartments For Rent FOR RENT Third floor apartment with all conveniences; large bay win j dow. Apply Mrs. L Botnberger, 1945 North Sixth street. FOR KENT ; ONE furnished housekeeping apart l ment. Four rooms and kitchen, nicely furnished. Possession May 9. Apply I Penna. Realty & Improvement Co., 132 | Locust street. ' FOR RENT Nice, cool, corner, cozy apartment, strictly private, consisting of three rooms, gas, range, water and i cabinet in kitchen; rent moderate. In ! quire 1328 Wallace street. First Flat FOR RENT From April l, apart ment In the Sixth Streot Bank Building. Apply at Bank. Sixth and Maclay streets. FOR RENT House In good location, j and splendidly furnished. Will rent to reliable party Immediately. References required. Address J., 3772, care of Telegraph. Rooms For Rent FOR K.AT Very desirable room, j beautifully furnished, with hot and cold i running water in room. Terms reason ■ able. Apply 801 North Sixth street. I FOR RENT Two communicating 1 second floor front rooms, furnished or unfurnished: suitable for office or Hv | ingroom and bedroom; all conveniences; J between Pine and State. Box K„ 4053, oare of Telegraph. FOR RENT Parlor and adjoining bedroom, furnished complete, for two gentlemen; use of Bell phone. Address j 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with board. If desired; references exchang ed. inquire 929 North Third. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; gas stove and lights; steam heat: use of bath. Apply 453 South Thirteenth ; street. FOR RENT—Third floor front room, facing Capitol Park; stationary wash stand: hot and cold water; use of bath; electric lights; city heat; Bell phone; gentleman preferred. Call 410 North street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, all conveniences, including use of Bell phone. Apply 1015 North Front street. BTOREF.OOM FOR RENT Fine large room, 231 North Seond street. In quire 217 North Second. Board and Rooms WANTED We want the people of Harrisburg to know that we are serv ing the best 25c Dinner in the city. The Home Dlnlngroom. 123 South Second street. For Sale —Miscellaneous SAFE FOR SALE; also large wall I casing. Apply H. S. Weibley, 266 Broad street. FOR SALE Gas range and refrig , erator. Apply Workman's, corner Front I and Felton streets. Steelton, Pa. I FOR SALE One No. 3H Aultman 1 stone crusher outfit, complete, 15-H.-P. i engine; International make crusuer, elevator, new belting and tools, nearly i new. All in good running Oder. Will ! load on car for ♦out). WT L. Roberts. Marysvllle. Pa. i FOR SALE Cigar Store and Pool Room, on Allison Hill, doing a profitable i business. Address F„ 4052, care of Tele i graph. FOR SALE Five Indian motor cycles. All prices and models. All re t built. Apply Heag.v Bros., Harley | Davidson Dealers. 1200 North Third j street. < I CIGARS Why pay two prices for I your Cigars? Give our Cre-Malta a trial at 75c per 50, postpaid. Snell & j Co.. Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE Two furnished flats, for roomers. Best location In city. Cheap rent. Guaranteed 345.00 profit per month. Must sell on account of sick ness. Address 0., 4060, care of Tele graph HAHRESBURO TELEGRAPH For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE An all-steel fireproof paper baler, making bales 80 to 126 pounds. Address "Baler," care ot Tele graph. BICYCLES and parts of wheels bought for highest cash prices. Rebuilt wheels. $6.80 and upwards. Guaranteed repairing, quick service, reasonable prices. Phone us. Save money. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. BICYCLES BICYCLES Prices to suit your pccketbook. Open a charge account. Pay a little each week. Day ton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third street. FOR SALE Shetland pony, trap, harness and saddle; also six-year-old fine, black driving mare, fearless of steam and good road mare. Call at 66 Balm street. FOR SALE Lar<re mahogany dresser, cost $34 when new; two match ing mahogany bedroom chairs, three piece mahogany parlor suit, lawn mower. Apply 1811 Park street. FOR SALE Two Iron beds, with springs and mattress. Also one cot with miitress. Good as new Call, or address, 2549 North Sixth. Bell phone 2573 W. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS SIO.OO up. L. C. Smiths. Underwoods, Remingtons. Smith Premier, etc., at at tractive prices. Geo. P. Tillotson, 211 Locust street. FOR SALE All the counters, shelv ings, stools and tables from Cook's De partment Store. 308 Market street. Na tional Cash Register and mirrors. Bought by S. Me'tzer, 613 Walnut street. Bell phone 282 J. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hard ware, Plaster Board, Upson-Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters. Mouldings. Porch Posts, etc. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE 5O Shares of Stock of the Union Trust Company of Pennsyl vania. Harrisburg, Pa. Apply Room 308 Telegraph Building. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE—One Premo Tank Developing Outfit (for size 2 1 /$ x 3% pictures). Also printing out fit for same. Two printing frames, graduate, etc. First reasonable offer takes same. Address, Box A-3808, care Telegraph. AT GABLE'S. 113. 116 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme maka AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second street, 6,000 seta new sash. Bxlo, 12 L» primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE CARDS on saie at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent —Miscellaneous FOR RENT Storage In private rooms. Also furnished office, with large show windows and cemented base ment; desirable location; suitable for repair work of all kinds. Will rent offiflce or basement separate if desired. Terms very reasonable. Inquire Office, 429 Broad street. 10-12 A. M. FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. FOR RENT Storeroom, Hamilton street, near Third street business block. Rent sl2. Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street. Business Opportunities ANY intelligent person can »arn *jood Incomv corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 795. Lock port. N. Y. Business Personals CASH PAID for good cast-off Ladies' and Men's Clothing, Shoes. Furniture and Carpets. Please give description of goods. SEND POSTAL TO 636 HERR STREET. NEW and second-hand furniture bought and sold; we pay the highest cash prices and sell at reasonable prices. S. Gold, 1014 Market street. Bell phone 4085 J. White Detective Agency Trustee Building. 8 N. Market Square. All lines of detective work handled. Bell phone 127 W. MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 148. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. FURNITURE, second-hand, bought at ! highest cash prices and sold at rea sonable prices. Phone and we will call Max Smeltz, 101S Market street. Leather traveling bags and suitcases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at i subway. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinlns Hair Tonic, prepared by Ureas, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street. Harrlaburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell IXO. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Mover* of fiianos, safes, boilers and genera] haul ng. H. W. Lathe, Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. storage FIREPROOF Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We lnvlt* Inspection. Low Insurance. 427-44S South Second street. Harrlaburg Storage Company STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 c .nts per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Livestock and Poultry I FOR RALE S. C. W. Leghorn I Chicks, 10 cents each. Heavy laving strain. J. Nelson Yost, corner Race and Water street. Mlddletown, Pa. S. C. W. LEGHORN EGGS FOR HATCHING l6 for 11.00, delivered. Good laying strain. Satisfaction guar anteed. West End Poultry Yards, Box 123. Loysvllle. Pa. EGGS S. C. W. Leghorn Eggs from selected breeders. (5.00 per 100. Breed ing stocK ror sale. Also three Cypher incubators, cheap. Locust Grove Farm. Mai-svllle. United phone. Musical ' WANTED Vlctrolas, Graphonolas ! and Records for highest cash prices. •Dayton Cycle Co., !»12 North Third street. Bell phone 3SSR. EXPERT PI AN OTUNING 11.50 Bell 14* Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St WE BUY any kind of talking ma chines and records, or trade them in on new up-to-date machine. 315 Broad street. '7T7 _ _ Then pick your home to-day! Make a rrp vi n ■ payment on it! Pay the balance like (Th/(1 <*][\ \ /lllill w rcn t if needs be —but live in a home in- # ( y o stead of a rented house. cJ RAILS ASSUME LEAD POSITION j Drive Stimulus From Norfolk Dividend; Munitions and Equipment Soar By Associated Press New York. April 27. Rails assum ed a more commanding position later, that group probably deriving its stimu lus from Norfolk and Western's in creased dividend and the more favor able labor outlook. Coalers, particularly Erie. Reading and some minor issues. Increased their advantage and New Haven gained two points of its recent decline. Munitions and equipments made further upward progress, despite considerable realiz ing and opposition from that short in terest. A few inactive high-priced sfrecialties, including the sugars, and Sears-Roebuck, were 6 to 14 points ; higher. Trading broadened on the i greater activity. Bonds were steady. ! NKW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co.. members New j York and Philadelphia Stock Ex- | changes, 3 North Market Square. Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street. Phlla- 1 delphia: 3 4 Pine street. New York, , Musical NEW UPRIGHT PIANO ($350.00 value) for $225.00. Ten year guaran tee. stool and scarf. We are allowed to sell only a few at this price to get] : them introduced. Big reduction for cash. 315 Broad street. j FOR SALE Forty-dollar Victrola and forty selections. Only been used 1 Ave months. Good as new. Price right. Address Box A, 3675, care of | Telegraph. Automobiles i FOR SALE Five-passenger tour i ing car: electric lights and starter; I overhauled; painted. Call Bell phone j 100. ] FOR SALE Ford 5-passenger, 1914 ! model, tine condition, for $273.00; Pull man Touring car. 7-passenger, really worth to-day $1,500, • ith slip cover, electric equipment, tools, extra shoes, must be sold at once to ; eet debt for S6ou; also small Pullman for $125.00, and Pullman Junior for $350.00; Hudson runabout. $250.00; Clarke runabout, : $250.00. Seldan chassis, as good as new; Interstate. $200; a Panliart truck, with | solid tires. The above cars and many ! other parts must be sold at sacrifice | this week. Auto Transportation Ex change Dept., 25-27-29 North Cameron j street. ' FOR SALE A Ford touring car, 1911 Model, In tlrst-class condition. E. I E. Sheeslev, 13 South Sixteenth street, ! City. i FOR SALE Buick, 30-horse-power, j five-passenger car, electric lights, and i good condition. Make offer. Demon j stration after six o'clock. Apply at 12012 Penn street. =============== Notice ! The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Blubaker Coal Company will be held at the office of The W. O. Hiclcok Mfg. Co. Harrisburg Pa., at 12 o'clock, noon, May 1. 1916. for the elec ' tion of officers and such other busi ness as may be properly presented. ROSS A. HICKOK, Secretary. Legal Notices PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings. Harrisburg, Pa. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH. Governor. A. W. POWELL Auditor General. R. K. YOUNG. State Treasurer, i IN compliance with the Constitution land the Laws of the Commonwealth ot ! Pennsylvania, the Board of Comrais- I sioners of Public Grounds and Build i lngs invites sealed proposals, in dupl icate, for contracts for furnishing such j supplies for the Executive Mansion, the Legislature, and the several depart | ments, boards and commissions of the State Government as described, and be -1 low such maximum prices as fixed In I the schedules for the year ending the '3lst day of May, A. D. 1917: i Schedule A: Paper and envelopes. | Schedule B: Typewriters, adding, ad dressing. and duplicat ing machines. Schedule C: General stationery, ma hogany, oak, and metal lic furniture, and gen eral office supplies, i Schedule D: Engineering instruments, blue print paper, and laboratory supplies. | Schedule E: Miscellaneous books, j Schedule F: Brushes, towels, toilet soaps, glassware, mops, brooms, buckets, rugs., fuel, uniforms, rubber goods, and cleaning supplies. i Schedule G: Hose and fittings, carpen ter, upholstering, paint ing, and hardware sup plies. | Schedule H: Conservatory and garden ers' supplies. Schedule X: Lumber, general repairs, and removal of dirt and refuse. Schedule J: Light, heat, and plumbing Bupltes. As the various classifications of the Schedule will be bound in pamphlet form for the convenience of bidders, | it Is therefore desired that in requests for pamphlets the bidder indicate the sections desired by using the letters as ) set forth above. Xo proposal will be considered un less si.rh proposal be accompanied bv a certified check to the order of the 1 State Treasurer, or by a bond in such form and amount as may be prescribed j by the Board of Commissioners of Pub j lie Grounds and Buildings. (For form !of bond see schedule Instruction* to I bidders). | Proposals must he delivered to the I Superintendent of Public Grounds and [Buildings on or before twelve (12) I o'clock, meridian. Tuesday, the ninth day of May, A. D. 191 R. at which time | proposals will be opened and published lln the Reception Room of the Execu ! ttve Department at Harrisburg. ana contracts awarded as scon there--ter | as practicable. Blank bonds and schedules contain ing all necessary Information may be I obtained by communicating with Samuel |B. Rambo, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa. By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO. Superintendent. L. W. MITCHELL Secretary. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE Let ters of Administration having been I granted to the undersigned upon the ] Estate of Christiana Zefcrs, late of the City of Harrisburg. deceased, all per sons having any claims against said esiate will present them at onte, anJ 'all persons indebted to said estate will ! make prompt payment to i HENRY GASTROCK. Administrator, j FREDERICK M. OTT. Attorney. I PROPOSALS FOR THE SALE Of I WASTE PAPER—OFFICE OF THE R()\RI) OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS t\D lll'l I.DING*. HAHRISHUn<;. PENNSYLVANIA SEALED PROPOSALS for the sale of j waste paper, for the year ending May 31 1917. will be received by the Super intendent of Public Grounds and Build ings at his office In the State Capitol Building. Harrisburg. Pa., until 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, May 9th. 1916 at which time the proposals will be I opened and published In the Reception Room of the Executive Department at I Harrisburg. ! Bidding blanks, and all necessary in formation can be obtained at this office. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, I Superintendent of Public Grounds and I Buildings. L W. MITCHELL. Secretary. APRIL 27, 1916. furnish the following quotations: New York, April 2". open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 19% 21*4 Allls-Chalmers 20 26 American Beet Sugar ... 68 68*4 American k'ap. 55% 56 74 American C & F 57 59% j American Ice Securities . 27% 27% ; American Locomotive .. 67% 69% | American Smelting 92% 94% j American Sugar 107 107% j American T & T 127% 128% Anaconda 82 84 Atchison 102 % 103 Vi Baldwin Ix>comotive ... 85% 87% j Baltimore & Ohio 84% 86 Bethlehem Steel .' 435 449 Butte Copper 90% 92% B F Goodrich 75 76% California Petroleum ... 20% 21 Canadian Pacific 166% 168% Central Leather 52% 53% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 60% 61% Chicago, Mil and St Paul 92% 93% Chicago, R I and Pacific 16% 17% Chino Con Copper 52% 53% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 40% 41% Consolidated Gas ...... 133% 134% Corn Products 19% 21% Crucible Steel 79% 81 Crucible Steel pfd 114% 114% Distilling Securities 49% 48% Erie 83% 36 Erie Ist pfd 49% 52 'General Electric Co .... 162% 163 j Great Northern pfd ....'119% 120% IGreat Northern Ore s. . 39% 40% [lnspiration Copper 44% 45% [lnterboro-Metropolitan. . 16% 16% Kennecott 65% 56% j j Interboro Met pfd .... 73 73%' ilvansans City Southern . 24% 25% I Lackawanna Steel .... 69 69% | Lehigh Valley 77% 78 ! 'Maxwell Motors 70% 73 [Merc War ctfs 23 23% Merc War ctfs pfd 81% SI % Mex Petroleum 94% 97% Miami Copper 37% 38% Missouri Pacific 4% 4% National Lead 65% 65% New York Central .... 101% 103% NY,N M& H 57% 59% N YO & W 26% 28% Nor & Western 124% 123% (Northern Pacific 110% 111% Pacific Mall 26 26% Penna Railroad 56% 56% Pittsburgh Coal 26% 27 Press Steel Car 4 6 46 % Railway Steel Spg 36% 36% Ray Con Copper 22% 23 i | Reading 82 % 86% j Republic Iron and Steel. 45% 46% ! | Southern Pacific 95% 97 % 1 Southern Ry 19% 21 % i I Southern Ry pfd 58 % 60% j ! Studebaker 125% 128%; Tennessee Copper 46% 48% j Third Ave 61 61%: I'nion Pacific 131% 133%| t'SI Alcohol 144% 145% XT S Rubber 52% 52% !U S Steel 82% 83% ' IT S Steel pfd 116% 116% | I'tah Copper 80% 81% 1 Virginia-Carolina Chem. 39% 40% ] West Union Telegraph . . 90% 91 % | Westinghouse Mfg 56% 58% I*llll, A DEI.PHI A I'HODK E Philadelphia. April 27. Wheat Market steady; No. 2. red, spot and April. $ 1.151']. 18; Mo. 2, Southern, red, $1.13® 1.16. Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local, 82 @82%; steamer. No. 2. yellow, local, 80 @ 81c.. Oats Steady; No. 2. white, 51® 51 %c; No. 3. white, 4N%®49%c. Bran Market firm, but quiet; city mills, winter, per ton. $26.50; west ern, winter, per ton, $26.50;; Spring, per toil. $33.r>U8U24.00. | Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered. 7.50@7.60c; fine granulated 7.40(fi 7.'50 c; confectioners' A. 7.30Jr 7.40 c. Butter Market lower; western, creamery, extras, 34c; nearby prints, fancy, 37c. Eggs The market Is steady; free cases, $6.75 per case; do., current Pennsvivania and other nearbv firsts, receipts, tree cases, $6.60 per case: western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.75 Fcr ■ sse; western, firsts, free cases. 6.60 per case. Live Poultry—The market is steady; fowls. 19® 20c; roosters, 12®12%c; Spring chickens. 14@21c; do., broilers, 30@38c; ducKs, 18@20c;; geese, 1719 c; turkeys, 20®22c. Dressed Poultry Market firm; | turkeys, fancy. Sic; do., good to ! choice. 27®30c; do., fair to good. 25® | 26c; do., old toms. 25e; fowl*, fancy 22@22%c; do.,good to choice. 21®21%c; do., small sizes, 17@20c; old roosters, 16c; broiling chickens, nearby, 35® 55c; do., western, 22@24c; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy, la® 22c; do., fair to urood. 15918 c: Sprints ducks, nearby. 28®30c; do., western, 12 ®18c; geese, nearby, 15®20c; do., west ern. 15®17c. Potatoes Dull, weak; Pennsylva nia. white, per bushel. $1.15®1.20; New York, per bushel. $1.05®1.10; western, per bushel, $1.05@1,10; Florida, No. 1, per barrel. $6.65@7.00; do.. No. 2. per i barrel. $5.75@6.00; Jersey. No. 1, per I basket. 65® ,sc; do.. No. 2. 30@40c. ! Flour—T.ie marKet is quiet; winter l straights. $5.15® 5.50; do., patents, $5.60 @5.80; Spring firsts, clear, $5.36@5.75; | do., straights, $5.75@5.90; do., patents. $5.90#6.25; do., favoiite brands, $6.50® 6.75. Hay—The market is firm; No. 1. large bales, $25.00; No. 1, medium bales bales, $25.00; No. 2. do., $23.00024.00; No. 3, do.. $19.00@20.00. Clover mixed, light mixed, $23.00; No. 1. do., $22.00®22.50; No. 2, do., $19.00 @20.00. CHICAGO CATTI.F. Chicago. 111., Aprlt 27. Hogs Re ceipts, 24,000; steady. Bulk of sales, $9.75@9.85; light, $9.40@9.95; mixed, $9.50@9.95; heavy, $f1.40@9.95; rough, $9.40@9.60; pigs, $7.30@9.15. Cattle Receipts, 3,000; steady. Na tive beef steers. *7.85®9.55; stockers and feeders. $5.80® 8.50; cows and heif ers, $4.00@9.20; calves, $6.25@9.25 Sheep Heceipts, 9,000; strong. Wethers, $6.76® 9.10; lambs, $7,600 11.50. - CHICAGO RO\RD OF TRADE Chicago, 111., April 27.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat—May. 1.13%: July, 1.14%. Corn —May. 76%; July, 7674. Oats—May, 44%; July. +3. Pork—May. 23.50; July, 23.35. Lard—May, 12.50; July, 12.50. Ribs—May, 12.65; July, 12.67. OPENiINO OF PLAYGROUNDS Enola, Pa., April 27. A special meeting of the £nola Playground Association will be held in the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. this evening at 8 o'clock. Plans for the opening of the playground will be discussed. All i committees are requested to attend. | ENTERTAINED JUNIOR CLASS Enola, Pa., April 27. Miss Mar guerite Sweeney entertained the mem | berg of the Junior Class of the Enola i High School at her home last evening. \ The following members were present: i Miss Nellie Gruver, Miss Hilda Smith, I Miss Mary Strtckner, Miss Sara Dice, j Miss Romayne Mlnlck, Miss Beatrice Peck, Henry Shope, John Kast, Leon Kutz. and Harold Bordlemary. MITE SOCIETY MEETS New Cumberland, Pa., April 27. On Tuesday afternoon the Mite So ciety of Trinity United Brethren Church held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Howard Stone in Fourth street. ENTERTAINS ON BIRTHDAY New Cumberland, Pa., April 27. Miss Maud Conrad entertained a num ber of friends at her homo in Fifth ! street. Tuesday evening, the occasion i being her seventeenth birthday anni versary. After games and music re freshments were served. DR. YATES IN CHARGE Enola. Pa., April 27. Weekly services of the religious work commlt- I tee of the Enola P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. , will be held In the association rooms i to-morrow evening with the Rev. W. N. Yates of Harrisburg in charge. REAL ESTATE COST FOR WATER METERS INCREASES Proposals Opened by Commis sioner of Peculiar Interest to Home Builders Of peculiar Interest to present and future lionie builders of Harrisburg are the bids for furnishing new water meters for city service during the en suing year, proposals for which were opened yesterday afternoon by Com missioner Harry P. Bowman, superin tendent of public safety. Mr. Bowman will recommend his selection to Coun cil next Tuesday. \Vater meters cost considerably more this year than a year ago, owing to the shortage of metal materials. All told 100 live-eighths, twenty three-quarter, six. one-inch, two two-and-a-half-inch and two two incli meters will be purchased. The bids follow: Buffalo Meter Company, two propo sals. $2,815.36 and $.'1,111.81; Gamon Meter Company. $2,958.40; 11. Wortli ' ington. $3,477; Badger Meter Company. *2.i48; Pittsburgh Meter Company, sl,- 1 334.80; Hershey Manufacturing Com- I pany, two bids, S " 68 and $3,093.38. RKMODKI. i nvs . HKVI'AIRAVT ' IX MARKET ST.; COSTS *4,500 Remodeling of the Crystal Palace Restaurant. No. 418 Market street, will he started within a day or two by Frank Morrett. contractor, for Athens George. proprietor. The restaurant, which was burned out several months ago, will be refitted with new stair ways and bathrooms at a cost of about $4,300. The permit was issued to-day. Harry E .Ktugh got a permit to build a single-storv garage at Briggs and May streets at a cost of SIOO. TODAY'S REALTY TRANSFERS Realty transfers to-day Included the following: M. S. llershey to John C. Tlershev, Derr.v township. $500; A. 14. Sadler et I al. to Carrie E. Heffletinger, Susque hanna township. $1; Julian Dundoff to | Fritz Knull, Steelton, $3,300: Ellis l,e vin to Stale, 515 South street. $1,700; 'C. \V. Lynch el al. to Charles P. Price, ] Seventeenth and Brookwood, sl. TO HI 11,1) BERKS BRIDGE | Whitaker and Diehl, contractors of this city, were yesterday awarded a contract by the Berks county commis- I sioners for the construction of a con- I crete bridge at Brecknock, near Read ing. The amount of the local bid was $3,773. The Ilarrlsburg firm has of fices in the Commonwealth Trust Build ing. Will Open Bids For New St. Mary's Church, Steelton, Saturday; to Cost $30,000 | The Rev. Father Anthony Zuvleli, rector of St. Mary's Croation Catholic Church. Steelton, and chairman of the building committee, has extended the time for opening bids for the erection of the new church building from last evening until Saturday night. Five contractors are estimating, and th<« contract will likely be awarded when bids are opened Saturday. The church will cost about $30,000. RUBBER STAMQA I UN SEALS JL STENCILS || ** MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ |1 II J3O LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. II l SMALL LOANS We lend money id amounts from IS.OO to $300.00 and arrange pay ments to suit borrowers' con venience. confidential. Lowest rate In city. Licensed, bond ed and Incorporated. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut St. A / | Window Boxes Filled New Cumberland Floral 00. New Cumberland, Pa. __— ; Camp Hill The Suburb of Natural Beauty; go out with us and Inspect our new addition. "Cooper Heights," with Its concrete walk, electric lighta, water and gas with ita fine build in; a and bungalow altea. We will help you select a lot and build you a home. One hundred bungalow designs and plana to select from. West Shore Realty Co. Bacr & Rice Lemoyne Trust Co. Building I.enioync, Pa. Uetl Phone 31V8-J METAL _ I STOCKS lead gold The Increasing price for the products la adding enormously to the revenues of the produc ing companies. Statistics evidence an excellent future. Our Statistical Department will cheerfully furnish data on listed companies. i HoiiMUffIARIECTTfa. Land Title Building Philadelphia I FOR SALE | ? On account of engaging In i • J other business, I will sell my V \ complete crushing outfit, con- J 5 sisting of 9x16 Acme Crusher: f ■ ? portable bin, 25-ton capacity; 5 / ? sections of screen; nil in good i ! c condition. One 15 horsepower % j S Frick Traction Engine, A-l con- J i S diton. One 12-barrel capacity 5 J> water tank. Tngersoll steam f ? drill. Wood saw, 30-inch blade, i Snew. Bars, sledges, hammers, % picks and shovels. Good belt- N ing for above machinery. ,• S Geo. A. Mowery S New Cumberland, Pa.< 4 J l»th Street Bell Phone Sll9-R j, 1 I V«S*»%V»V»VN%V.SVWVW^S> 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers