FOUNDED 1871 TOMORROW 9A.M.T09 P. M. - JSaumarii - BELL—I99I—UNITED Sounding the Final Gong For Easter Make Ready Hosiery and Hosiery! All Kinds and All Kinds! The fine, stylish, novel stripes in so many different variations and colors will appeal to the smart dresser. Note, too, the ever-wanted plain shades. Kayser's Italian Silk Hose, : Women's thread silk hose, in black, white, champagne, with double soles; high gray and all the wanted spliced heels; wide garter shades. Pair, $1.30. tops; in black, white, cham- Onyx thread silk hose, in pagne, gray and all the want plain'black or plain white; cd shades Pa.r, SI.OO double soles; high spliced , W T u S t_ i -i » . i r> •_ hose, double soles; wide gar heels; wide gartei tops. I air, T> • 4121 »>y>i .A * 1 ter tops. Pair, !|*Uo, 51..W * * * and S!J.OO. Extra size silk stockings, in Women's plain and silk plain black or plain white, i lisle hose, double soles, wide Pair, Jf?t.OO, $1.25 and garter tops. Pair, ~s£, 390 $1.30. and 500. Women's silk boot hose, Children's silk lisle stock with double soles and wide ings, in plain black and plain garter tops; in plain black white; fine ribbed; double and plain white. Pair, 500. heels and toes. Pair, 250. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Easter Gloves—Quite New Make Still More Certain Our Leadership in Gloves of Right Style and Right Quality and a glove shop that offers such a wide variety and comprehensive assortment is entitled to first consideration in the selection of Easter Gloves. Apart from the lengthy, unnecessary list, we call attention to; Another shipment of fashionable gloves, from French mak ers. A washable kid with contrasting embroidery and turn-back cuff. White with champagne and white with blue. Pair, $2.50. LA complete range of sizes in a French kid, 2-clasp glove, in all the wanted shades, with contrast- ing embroidcrv. Pair, $1.50 and w mm ' XaV French kid gloves, 2-clasp; in Jhl black with white and white with \ black stitching and embroidery. / J , Pair, $1.50 and $1.75. /M JW / Fovvnes' and Kayser's silk 4 iJn/ gloves, in all styles and sizes. Pair, 500 to $2.00. BOWMAN' S —Main Floor. For Baby's Easter %■ And Little Brother and Sister, Too, Will Find Here a Wealth of Lovely Things Infants' long and short White Coats, of Bedford cords, serges, cashmeres and crepetta cloth, $1.50 to £*8.50. Baby Caps, in new Spring styles; lawn, organdie, swiss and point de esprit; lace and ribbon trimmed, 250 to $2.50. Children's Lingerie Hats in organdie, swiss and all-over embroidery; pleated and shirred; ribbon and lace trimmed, 080 to SJ{.SO. Children's White Dresses, pretty new Empire and Bolero styles; organdie, swiss and lawn; lace and ribbon trimmed; 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years, $1.50 to $13.50. Children's Coats serge, checks, taffetas, silk poplin, and gabardine; high waist effects with flare skirts; also belted models; with crepe de chine and lingerie collars; 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years, $1.50 to $10,50. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Jewelry Will Add a Necessary Touch To the Easter Costume Take Earrings for example. They're neat, and seem to effect that pleasing "finish" which makes a new costume really smart. We can show you seed pearl, jade, crushed rose, crystal, gold and silver in numerous beautiful designs, priced from lO* *tn $12.50. Mindora Pearls We are introducing a wonderful pearl earring of a beautiful pink luster that is guaranteed not to break or peel, and not affected by hea! or perspiration I his pearl is fastened to a new style back which does not allow the earring to become loose on the ears. Pair. SI.OO TiAvallleres of prreat variety are p n „ . n . , found in our wonderful assortment. Penil Roads, of beautiful luster, Patterns that please all tastes. In adds greatly to your Easter suit, them is concentrated the best pos- Small, larpe and graduated strings; gold and silver. Priced from . 5Hc to SIO.OO 50c to $15.00 New Bracelets—now showing a f" * ndless assortment, comprehensive assortment of flex ed Kofd filled P ' BilVer ,ble bracclets . representing all the Ml gold filled. Priced at . ... newer styles, in gold tilled and ster -5c to $12.50 ling silver 50c and SI.OO BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Easter Ribbons The Hair Bow and Sash Kinds in a_colorful array, including plain taffetas, moires and fancies, at 250 yd. Narrow ribbons with picot edges; in all the leading shades. 150 to 250 yd. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 21, 1916. Have You Delayed Buying a Suit In Fear of Disappointment For Easter TXTHILE to-morrow is the final day, and only contains 10 working hours, we have prepared to avoid congestion in our alteration rooms, and can at least, guarantee delivery on a limited number before Easter. An early selec tion is a wise selection, however. < The Woman of Moderate Means Will Invest Wisely in ur Suits at sls to $29.50 ; Jmt. If anyone were to make an analysis of these suits, // 'Comparing each detail in style, fit, workmanship, lining // / / //A trimmings, against the purchase amount, a new \£-Jf // / //[\ /standard of value would be revealed. \C y \ /JV\ / Handsome materials of the most favored are here \ / in smart models of the season. j\ / / Coats, $5.00 to $45.00 c Dresses, $12.75 to $45.00 Skirts, $1.98 to $7.50 New Millinery To-morrow To Fill Up the Gaps of a Busy Week in Preparation For Easter A ND we're confirmed in our prediction that Bowman Millinery will be most distinctive in the Easter promenade. OS Among the latest are leghorns with taffeta /P o, tops; others bedecked with flowers and ribbons n in simple poises. £ 65 Pyroxlin hats are to many, the real thing. f f Yet sailors continue to pour in in variations \ A JV>. rK / "too numerous to mention." \ JJ I%* »\ ' I Our Untrimmed Service Is To Be Re- \ | \ / lied Upon To-morrow For Those I//A Who Will Choose From Our Large 111 ) - Stocks. yL 100 Trimmed Hats, Reduced To $2.25 You'll recognize them immediately as having sold for fully twice $2.25. This season's good styles in many shapes. On Sale—Main Floor. "So Vm To Tell You These Easter Blouses Are Harrisburg's Loveliest! Really/" 'TM IE writer was called to '"get some dope" (all ad. men use slang) on new Easter Blouses in a pile that looked as big as a house. And out of all that bewildering profusion of blouses and colors and frills I was supposed to "do my best." "Why T can't begin to put these into words." "But you must!" the manager exclaimed. "Just say something that will tell the people how stylish and pretty and new they are! fe? <%, —Which I am doing! *P* ll y° u were on 'y lcrc to see them, ? .u. 'J you'd appreciate fully their superb y —V \ beauty and elegance and why I failed \ to describe them. . Mr \\ You'll want to see them to-morrow, \ ou re p' ann i n J? to be smartly dressed . lhe new ones are mostly Georgettes and Will o' the Wisp—a new cousin of 1 $4.50 to $15.00 I )\ Silks, $2.95 to $5.50 W ' Lingerie, 95c to $5.00 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Oh I How the Kiddits TO-MORROW , . _ „ ~ is your last opportunity to meet the fa- Delight ITI tLastCT LandlCS mous-Corset Specialist and get the last word Thcit Are Pure about Corset Fashion. This interesting Cor setiere has made a host of friends during her It's a delight to see them enjoy the brief stay, and many of our patrons have tasteful and unharmful sweets, offered been enlightened in the great art of corsetry. in our Easter Candy Section. _ , , , ... i . II i 'Or Easter w« suggest any of the —which includes a well assoited * line of chocolate eggs and other can- famous models in dies. An Experienced Decorator BON TON Will Name Eggs Free. Corsets Ci i.* _ T„ „i t\ /r _ Every type of figure is admirably represented sometimes a i-jasi IVllnUte and eai-h model has its particular fui lions and distinctive style features. Various bust heights \Tonrl Tn TlnrlprmnQlinc; and Skirt lengths to meet every need. i>CtU 111 U IlvlCi lULlollllo Elastic inserts, scientifically placed where needed, increase comfort. There is a little more —IS a condition that milady should re- fullness in the bust and a very dainty curve at member and provide for. To-morrow will the sides, giving the stylish contour, find : BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. Envelope Chemise, in flesh and white; of ————• fine batiste and nainsook, lace and embroid- . _ ery trimmed, at 81.00. CjOing Away / Petticoats, in flesh and white, ti.immed You'll find some helpful friends here with fine laces, embroidery insertion and to trave j w i t h ribbon drawn beading, at #I.OO. ' ' __ assortment of gowns, in flesh and a & s ' * * white; low neck and short sleeves or sleeve- Suit Cases, to JHl.*>.so. less; lace and embroidery trimmed, at Trunks, $3.50 to #40.00. #I.OO. BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. JL--—————— Easter Haberdashery Notes The Busy Buying Man Will Know a Sense of Delight in Making Selection Here With Ease and Rapidity The always popular shirt is one of "stripes, but never has color run such riot as is shown in these new silks. Madras, silk and linen mixtures, satin stripes and other popular shirtings, having wonderful contrasts in woven colors and heavy colored stripes. There arc many designs to meet the individual approval of all men. SI.OO to S2.JJS. Silks, $2.35 to $<.."50. Four-in-hands and bow ties have been selected to match or harmonize with the colors in these new shirts, giving a most v pleasant effect without appearing foppish. 500 and upward. And silk hose have taken on a new life in the introduction of more color. Mannish stripes. Light shades too. .100 to SI.OO. Silk lisle at a quarter. Correct Silk Gloves for Easter, also kid from well-known makers. (550 to $2.25. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. A New Hat, Sir! —can be selected from flat or pencil curl brims. Gray, preen, brown, stone, black and blue $1.50 aiul $2.00 Black Stiff Hats in three different dimensions $1.50 and $2.00 Hats for the boys, In serges and homespuns, trooper, telescope and Rah Rahs, at 50c and HBu Hats for the kiddies, in straw, linen, duck and silk, 500, $1 and $1.25 Cap* for men and boys 25c, 50c and SI.OO BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Boys Are Enthusiastic About These Easter Suits \ And so, Mr. Boy, we know that you will he. You will forget aU about being dragged away from your playtime to get "that new suit." You will be happy with the good roomy feeling, the fact that seams are tear-proof, and that—well these suits are almost boy-proof. And stylish; but with a rugged style admired by red-blooded youths. Boys' Norfolk Suits—6 to 18 years. ever assembled is here for your in- Many have 2 pairs of knickers; lined spection. Over one hundred delight and taped seams. l'ul models and materials to select Blue serges at $2.95, $3.95, $1.95, from. Fast colors and white, In reps, $5.95 and up to $12.50. linens, madras, crash, batiste, cham- Gray and brown cassimeres in brays, ginghams, percales, galateas, plaids, stripes and mixtures, at $2.95, gabardines and silk mohair. Sizes $3.50, $3.95, $5.00 and up to $11.98 2to 10. Prices 50c to $5.00 ICastcr Novelty Suits for the little boys. 2Vj to 10 years. Beautiful FFRNISIIINGS FOR THK BOY serges, homespuns and cassimeres, ... , , in Kreen, blue, tan, brown and Kray Blouses ana shirts in white stripe weaves and mixtures, Many with madras and fancy striped percales, separate white madras and linen col- Made in the new sport collar mod lars and cuffs. Prices are $1.95, also peckliand and collar at- 52.95, $3.50 to $5.00. tached styles; all sizes . .50c and 750 Wash Suits—the largest complete Collars, neckwear and pajamas, in showing of boys' wash suits we have beautiful coloringsr BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. The Easter Shoe! a What a wonderful assortment! It has developed into such an unusual variety of choice shoe styles. Smart boots, chic pumps and entirely new ideas and combinations of leathers and designs never before shown. WHITE IS RIGHT! White leathers and white // fabrics in all the smart new n •*j\'Sk|\\ shapes, both high and low. // \\ Pair, $2.50 to $7.50. | kl Gray, ivory, champagne, 11 L.L| mouse, tan and black kid boots, Colonials and pumps; \A f-jiK authoritative styles. Pair, $.{.00 to $9.00.' Boys' and Girls' Easter \7 a|4 All the pretty, dressy, new f shoes at very moderate prices, in abundance. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Behold! This Easter Neckwear! Bold colors have steadily crept into each new arrival of Easter Neckwear until now the assortments are alive with pretty shades and combines, in Georgette and organdies. Collars with frills, white and colors, 500 and SI.OO. Organdie collars and cuff sets, 250 to $2.50. Colored collars and sets, in old rose, pink, Copen, pale blue and green, 250 to SI.OO. Lace vestees, to $2.50. Georgette crepe vestees, SI.OO to $3.50. Large line of plaiting in organdie and Georgette, 250 to $1 yd. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor, 3
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