Entertainment Is as Near as Rotherl's Is to You Yes, every bit of entertainment—the kind you and your family crave—enjoy. The very best musical talent has to oftcr is brought to you through the world's master musician. ■Jig£3ll|| The Victrola J[Wl more than a thing to re illlu B fflflllM produce, an instrument enthused vyith the joy and Mffi HMjfl 11 With its wealth of entertainment, you llißlll 111 fll ran readily see what a Victrola would iPMII Mm ll |l|||l! mean to your liomc. But in the event iflUlll! mm Ml *' la * - vou to know more fully what ill mm Hipy I the Victrola has to offer you, step into jn N ;j| ™ g' a< l to demonstrate to you: to play for JH ll you any selections you wish to hear: to dp || explain to you how you can have one At of these instruments in your home to- For a $5 00 first payment we will deliver any Victrola and 6 Records up to and including $75.00 machine. $6.00 first pay ment on $300.00 Victrola and 8 Records. Special terms on Victrolas over SIOO.OO. ' VICTROLA IV, $15.00 '' VICTROLA VI, $25.00 ] 6 Records $4.50 6 Records ...... .$4.50 J $2.00 Monthly Payments $3.00 Monthly Payment ft I 'VICTROLA VIII, $40.00 [' VICTROLA IX, $50.00 I 6 Records $4.50 I 6 Records $4.50 Sl.oo Monthly Payments I 84.00 Monthly Payment* 1 VICTROLA X, $75.00 "f VICTROLA XI, sloo.oo' 6 Records $1.50 8 Records SO.OO $5.00 Monthly Payments S6.no Monthly Payments V / «■ J ROTHEKT 3X2 Market Street . Joint Railroad Movement For New Y. M. C. A. Building IluKovstown. Aid.. Aj>ril IS. Offi • ■ i; 11 • of the Cumberland Valley, Nor folk and Western and Western Mary land railroads will join in the move ment to finance a proposition for the erection of a modern railroad Y. M. C. building: on the site in this city. The secretary, E. W. Babeock is in Roanoke* Va.. to confer with General .Manager A. c\ Xecdles of the Norfolk and Western railroad, who favors the )>lan. Later lie will confer with offi cials of the other two roads to secure their assistance. •f THE CHl\i:sK niKDMAV * Miss Harriet Noyes, of Canton, China, writes: week we had the oppor tunity of seeing an aeroplane. TH# •birdman,' Captatn Tom Gunn, a Chi- • WWAWWWb ".V.V.WA*.SV.%'%SS%%VVSVS". • | SAVE-A-CENT j Soft Scouring Compound i ifsfifeii i i Wi | I; ; ;! The mighty FOUR cent punch at dirt ■ ( !; It's good FOUR all cleaning ;! J. It's bad FOUR all dirt j It's fine FOUR housecleaning I; j| Does more work than powders—does not waste !■ | Only FOUR Cents j j: • At Your Grocers 5 • ■•"■■•■> , .V. , AV,V.W.V. , ■ - * Bringing Lip Father $ <s) ($ (H) # By McManas M 1 1 TO HER6BLP tos^D N WILL°EVER [ J «IVE H»M A DIDN'T HAVE ANY /<* JAME*b \N W TOLD «ET STARTED ON THE HE USED TO Y~ <,OOO TALK»NS- CAVT. , ETIQUETTE! / HIM TO <io OUT AK y - " 1 1 -■„ Wl ■"■ ■ ■ ■» ■ iw *— —— TUESDAY EVENING, marie his own machine and Is a successful aviator. Me is the brother in-law of one of our students, and his performance created much interest in ilie True l.iuiu Seminary. A good number of students from all the schools went to the place from wnioh he start ed, hut we who remained at home also aad a good view of the aeroplane as lie circled over the city. It is said he can fly to Hongkong and return in an in ! credibly short time." REPRESENTS STI'DF.XT PAPER C. R. Patterson, of 515 North Fif teenth street, who is studying meoST ical engineering at the Pennsylvania State Coilege.represented the students' newspaper at a meeting of the Inter collegiate Newspaper Association this week in New York City. Patterson is an associate business manager of the Penn State Collegian. lie is a ntem ; ber of the junior class. NOMINATIONS IN LAST HOUR RUSH Holding Back Has Complicated 1 Matters and There Will Be Trouble at Finish The final day for filing nominating ! I petitions at tlie office of the Secretary I of the Commonwealth for the May I primary started with a rush at 1 ! o'clock this morning when several hun- ; dred pieces of mail which had ac | cumulated over night and a number. 1 of persons who had brought petitions here on night trains arrived at the j Capitol about the same time. The petition to place the name of ( • Governor Brumbaugh on the presl-; I dential ballot and the petition for the ] Brumbaugh delegates-at-large and I alternates-nt-large which were filed last night, were added to during the morning, thousands of additional | names being tiled. The Washington and Socialist parties' State tickets were filed last night with many other papers. It is expected that the rush will keep up until late to-night. The office will close at midnight. Petitions tiled to-day included: Congress: Frank E. Wood. Wash ington. Fourteenth: Peter E. Costello, j Republican. Fifth: Joseph TI. Browell, Republican. Twenty-sixth: Winfred D. | Lewis, Republican, Twenty-sixth; W. K. Ramsey, Socialist, Twenty-fourth; I Earl E. I lusted, Socialist, Eleventh. j State Senate: George W. Allen. | ; Republican, Forty-fifth. National Delegate: F. S. Stevenson. | 'Washington, Fourteenth: Morgan O. | Morgan, Republican, Thomas M. Whildin, Republican, Twenty-sixth; J. Earnest Scott, Washington, Eighth: James P. Greene, Democrat, Nine teenth; E. C. Newcomb. Democrat. Tenth; Asher Seip, Democrat, Twenty sixth. Justice of the Supreme Court— Charles Palmer. Chester. United States Senator —Charles Er vtn. Socialist, Philadelphia: Mahlon H. Meyers. Washington, Ferndale, Cam bria county. President of the United States — Allen 1.. Benson. Socialist, Yonkers. i N. Y. State Treasurer—J. V. Clark. Wash ington. Washington; Charles Sehl, So -1 cialist. Philadelphia, j Auditor General —Isaac B. Brown, Washington, Corry; Walter V. Tyler. Socialist. New Castle, j Mine Inspector—A. B. T.amb, Demo- 1 , crat, Shenadoah; Evan C. Evans. Re- j t publican, Coaldale; Hugh A. Wilson, I Republican. Ashland: Keran Donahue, I | Republican, Pottsville: Frank J. | ] Dewey, Republican. Ashland; Michael j IJ. Brennan, Democrat-Republican, I Pottsville, Fourth district: Thomas J. | ! Williams, Democrat. Wilkes-Barre: I j John J. Stickler, Democrat-Repub- j j lican, Ha'.leton: David T. Davis. Demo- ! ! crat-Republiean. Wilkes-Barre; Frank , Ivettle, Republican-Democrat. Nanti- j coke: John B. Coogan. Republican- ! I Democrat, Kingston: Joseph J. Walsh, 1 Republican - Democrat. Wilkes - Barre. First district; Isaac M. D&vies, Repub- i lican-Democrat, Lansford, Third dis- 1 j t rict. Congress—Joseph Heacock, Demo crat. Wyncote. Eighth district; Samuel K. McCall. Republican, York, Twen tieth: J. Banks Kurtz. Republican. Al toona. Nineteenth; Aaron S. Kreider. Republican, Annvllle. Eighteenth; i i Charles Cunningham. Socialist, Youngs- j | town, Twenty-second. Congress-at-large D. F. Lafean. I J Republican, York; Robert C. Bair, > j York; Fred Brenckman. Packer town- | I ship, Carbon county; Arthur C. Gra- ! i ham, Philadelphia, and S. Jarvis Ad | ams. Jr., Pittsburgh, Washington j I party. District delegates—Frank L. Stew art, Huntingdon, and R. W. Thompson. ; Lewisburg, Seventeenth district: Charles E. Landis, Harrisburg, and j I I-larry Hemter. Carlisle, Eighteenth, i Washington; William Li. Gorgas, Har- j risburg, Eighteenth (pledged): Walter I F. Enfield. Bedford. Nineteenth j | (pledged): John C. Fassold, New Ber- | lin. Seventeenth; John J. Gallagher. | Ardmore, Pittsburgh, and E. N. Gay ' [(pledged). WilUinsburg. Thirtieth. I Democratic; B. Dawson Coleman, Leb- I | anon, and A. Carson Stamm, Harris- 1 ! burg, Eighteenth; William O. Morrow, j Union City, Twenty-fifth (pledged); i James S. Beacom. Greensburg, Twenty second: Harry K. Dougherty, Grove City, and William Looser, Greenville, , Twenty-eighth , Republican; S. W. McLarren. Osceola Mills, and Elisha Kent Kane, Kusliequa, Twenty-first, . Prohibition. Letter List ! MST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN i | the Post Office, at Harrisburg. Pa., for j ! the week ending- April In. 1916 Ladies' List Mrs. Lillian Adams. Mrs. Chas. Borland. Mrs. A. G. Buck- ! i land. Miss Violet Cypher, Kdna Deck- | , ard. Mrs. .lohn A. Graham. Mrs. Agnes | i HefCner. Miss Annie M. Light, Mrs. Mary 1.1. Millen. Miss Ellen Miller. Josephine Normandln. Edith Parker, Miss Edith Patterson. Miss Grace Perago. Mrs. An nie Babuck, Mrs. Pearl Ramsey. Mrs. B. CI. Bapp. Mrs. E. B. Bedakes. Miss Martha Bideout, Miss Mae Romberger, I Helen Saily. Mrs. Ella Simmons, Mrs. j I Win. Sloat. Miss Florence Pmitli, Miss i i Florence Snyder, Mrs. C. W. Willow, 1 , Mrs. Oolite Zell. ' Gentlemen's List H. F. Arnold, I Murray W. Baechtel. A. C. Bahon. Henry Berman. Harry M. Billett. L. B. ! Bird. E. P. Bliss. Jr.. John A. Burr, A. , i ,T. Buyers. A. R. Calimer, James It. | I Christie Walda M. Claflin, E. M. Cor nell. J. H. t'raft, Carlo Botto Dignoti, W. : i Kinklespine. H. M. Garberich. Chas. S. . Goodman. 11. L. Hoffman. J. Harry Hoff man. Burton J. Hunt. Robert Hunter, Samuel Z. Karuse, John F. Kaufman. L M. Keller (D. L.). R. T. Kepnee, Wal ter S. Lehraer, J. W. Lewis, H. Leonzo, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FOUNDED 1871 - J3xxvmai& BELL—I99I—UNITED The High Water Mark of Easter Preparedness, And Bowman Helpfulness Women's and Misses' COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES Styles That Have Permanency and the Most Refined Elegance / ( are not selected for their striking- unitsualness, but J ""'r are considered from the point of view of the wearer, I ' ' >lll who requires fashionable garments of superior ele- j ji gance in design and tailoring. Individuality without ~ The New Suits include belted models, youthful \j f pjllj j" * \ \ and becoming, fitted tailored flare suits for tall, slen- der women, shawl collar models, Mandarin effects, The Hat Is the Kev braid bound suits and simple tailored effects. r» • i r ♦ # ~1, , Io a Right Appearance Loats ot wearable blue serges, wool poplins, i. . c . r .. . , , .r, . , . . . 1 ' How very ottcn the effect of a smartly tailored checks, taffeta and serge combinations, velours and suit or coat j s offset bv a poorlv-selected hat! Not so mixtures for street and motoring. And a great many much the fault of the purchaser, but of the sales models of decided sport styles. woman. rn . _ . . . The hat that is really becoming can bring out o see the Dresses is to -want them, in leahty to ncw ]j nes Q f beauty and set the wearer apart from a find them so irresistible, that you will, without doubt, plain-Jane, mediocre appearance, desire at least two or three for your Spring and Sum- One part of Bowman Millinery Service is to fit mer wardrobe. t' le bat to suit the lines of the face, and great depend . ence may be placed upon our entire force in these 1 his is indeed a garment store for every woman f, na ] rushing, Prc-Easter hours. who expects the newest stvles and the most excellent ' , . , .. . * Bowman s Are Recognized qualities. Leaders of Millinery Modes. Women's and Misses' Suits —Third Floor. $12.75 to $29.50 $35.00 to $75.00 * Coats, $5.98 to $45 Drcsjes sls to $45 We've Heard Your Call For Assist- BQ»'MAys-TM,d rioor. anee in Obtaining New Furniture Scores of our patrons have been delighted at the I time, moving and the & preparation of the home tor the summer, brings many demonstration of the fashionable, new demands that must be supplied, and incidentally a demand for furniture of the better, dependable class. K>C 1 1. Directing attention to special values in bedding joon Jon - d r PAncp Mattresses— \w | V->V_/Kc r r& 100 per cent, genuine silk floss mattresses $14.95 w Imperial roll edge felt mattresses 1.... 912.75 1 ' Itoil edge cotton and felt mattresses $7.95 i it. i • f ... , T I Cotton combination mattresses $4.95 given undei the dliection ot a well-known i\CW Oslei'inoor Mattresses-—exclusively, at Bowman's in Harrisburg. W« York Coi'Setiere and Fashion Authoi'itV are ° rfei 'ing a special In the Ostermoor hotel style mattress. This - ' mattress is extra soft, extra thick and covered in the finest art Scores of women were enlightened and pleased twins. Specially priced at $10.50 with the wonderful results possible from wearing "''"l-SfTost brass bed $8.95 BON TON Corsets, as demonstrated bv the Cor- 2% -inch post brass bed :•••:// $12.75 • J New pattern brass bed, dull finish with ribbon effect $22.50 seuere. Bedroom Furniture— BON TON Corsets are built for smartlv Walnut dresser, Adam Period $18.90 i v. ui&eis arc uum TOi smarilN chiffonier, to match $18.90 gowned women who would enjoy the utmost in Triplicate Toilet Table siß.»o style, comfort, health and service. Many patrons Bed, iuii sue BOWMAX ; s _ Fiftl ; - F]oo - r - !MB - 9t) after looking upon the various models with ad- : miring eyes purchased to meet their current v , rj v . r needs. Be sure to see these new models now. *OU JVIUSt OUFry l OUT OI Old Mr. Easter Bunny Is a Wonderful E„ PapCr If the Layer to Hurry , . . • . • , New Spring \\ hy. he has laid right / \ Patterns at before vou, a whole sec- / \ . , „ tion of eggs, and they're / \ I ruI1: ], 'Tu T bedrooms, attics, halls, etc., sold D i | •? r ii / '\ \ with border; extra values, not KaoDit I'-ggs at all J . A j | l l; newest all-over patterns and smart stripe in all shades, bird, hen, duck and even 1 ) I / ul bedrooms, with cut-out borders to match, up to the big ostrich \ /4 | I roll: domestic oatmeal papers in all latest shades, with eggs are here in various a y J handsome 9or 18-inch borders to match, forms t M(\/ iofjt roll; washable sanitary papers for kitchens and bath —And many other • S ro T s ' matched bord " ers - . •I-. , Please brine: room measurements. Easter candies, as well. BOWMAN's —Fourth Floor. Mrs. C. I. l»undy, Joseph Manley. H. K. I McCormiek, S. A. McKay. William B. McLaugrhlin, Chas. E. McNabb, T. O. McNew. Fred. Meese, A. L. Hendenhall, Karl Miller. Horace S. Miller. J,. Miller. Mr. Napoleone. .1. I* Phee, John Phil lips (2). J. B. Rodus, J. B. Rltter, Dome nico Roncone, E. C. Rourke. Silas B. Rutherford, Frank Sales, Mr. Sebum, B. D. Selffard, Orion A. Silen, John W. Simon. Alfred F. Smith, Harry S. Spang ler. Eeo. Sprlggs, J. A. Stanfer, Dousc lass W. Stone. Ralph R. Strine, W. H. Thomas. J. Howard Walton, J. W. Will APRTL 18, 1916. lia.ii. Marry Wingeard (Special i (2), K. sr. Wolpert, Otto Zehentmayer, James Zimmerman. Firms G. M. Hardy & Co., Harris burg: Implement Co. I Foreign Eugenic Bender. Guiseppe iGiannelli, Georges Meiisourgos, Anders | Ncilsun. Steva Paputa, Hosello Angaln. ! Persons should invariably have their i mail matter addressed to their street | and number, thereby insuring prompt ' delivery by the carriers. PRANK C. SITES, Postmaster. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers