[ A Want Ad Is the Stmtest Distance Between Buyer and Seller | Deaths '•'ANGLER Cyrus Spangler, on April 15. 1916. aged 75 years. Funeral services at the late home, S North Fifth street. Monday evening. April 17. at 8 o'clock. The body will he taken to Lykens, Pa., on the 8 o'clock train, Tuesday morning, where services will be held at 2 P. M. In the Church of the Transfiguration. Rela tives and friends and members of lleilner Post. G. A. R.. No. 232. and •%V'iconisco Council, No. 57, Jr. O. U. A. M„ are -invited to attend, without further notice. * UiNKK April 15, Grant S. Wagner, aged 47 years. Funeral services will be held at the home, 2462 Elm street. Penbrook, Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Burial Slioop's Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited without further notice. lOVI.ES On April 16. 1916. Labin Avende Clarke Boyles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben E. Boyles. aged 1 month and 24 days. Funeral on Wednesday, at 2 P. >l.. from home. 340 Hamilton street. The relatives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. Burial at Kast Harrisburg Cemetery. .I ll.ES—lsaac W. Guiles, on Monday morning, April 17, 1916, at his homt, 215 Hummel street, aged 79 years. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from ills late residence, the Rev. Mr. Daliman officiating. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial East Harrisburg Cemetery. BOON'S Died, April 15, 1916, Mrs. Cecelia Koons, widow of the late J. H. Koons. in her 65th year, at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Frank Mountz, 9 North Fourteenth street. Funeral services will be held at the above address on Wednesday after noon, at 2 o'clock, to which relatives and friends are invited. Burial pri vate. East Harrisburg Cemetery. York and Carlisle papers, please copy. Lost and Found I/OST Handbag on Friday morn ng, at Rummage Sale. Kindly return, s owner is responsible for money and Leys belonging to other parties. No luestlons asked. 722 Fair street. Help Wanted —Male WANTED Young boy, between 17 l lid 18 years of age, to assist in awning vork. Steady work. Apply 1210 North fhlrd street. WANTED All-around tinner; also in apprentice boy. Apply to W. W. Celders & Son, 1436 Derry street. WANTEis Several good laborer*. \pply to Williams and Freedman Com >any. Tenth below Mulberry street. WANTED As salesmen, two single nen of neat appearance, to travel in Pennsylvania. Expenses advanced. See I. H. Tail. Dauphin Hotel. WANTED First-class tailor. Ap >ly to Shea, The Tailor, 730 Chestnut itreet, Lebanon, Pa. WANTED Brignt man with selling ibility for Inside work. Salary to itart, $15.00 per week; rapid advance nent. Apply, 269 Broad street. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES HEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar ked men between ages of J 8 and 35; itizens of United States, of good char icter and temperate habits, who can ipeak, read and write the English anguage. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, Id & Market Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. PATTERNMAKERS, OOD—Wanted several good men for steady work. V'cwton Machine Tool Works. Twenty :hird and Vine streets, Philadelphia, Pa. PAPER RULER Experience on rlickok Ruling Machine. Must be sober ind industrious, litate age, experience ind salary expected. Kurtz Bros., Clearfield, Pa. DIVES. POMEROY & STEWART ,vant millinery stock boy over 16 years. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring ni 11 or lathe hands, who can work "rom blue prints; also tool makers. Ad iress, or apply, Employment Depart uent, Westlnghouse Electric & Mfg. ?o„ East Pittsburgh, Pa. WANTED Bright boy. between 17 ind 19 years of age; must be able to 'urnish A 1 reference; one who wants to ievelop into something good and learn nir business from the ground up. Ap ply 269 Broad street. WANTED Two men to lielp repair nutos. Chance to learn. No salary. Ante Trans. School, 29 North Eleventh street. * WANTED 4O able-bodied men between 21 and 40 years of ige for piece work. White or lolored. Apply in person to agent, llarrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Ilarrisburg, Pa. Help Wanted —Female WANTED Packers on infants' 'hoes ,one experienced and one for gen eral work. Apply 1420 Wyeth avenue. WANTED Middle-aged woman to ivurk as chambermaid. Apply at once, 222 Chestnut street. WANTED Four lady canvassers to canvass Ilarrisburg. Address G., 7641, re of Telegraph. WANTED Gjrls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Ilarrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED—Operators good pay experienced on power sew ing machines. Jennings Mfg. Co., 414 State street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I'nr good reason* theae prop erties are on the nurkel to be sold make tin appointment to hnve our reprenentatlve show you tlie property that you think mlKbt Interest you—thla will incur no olillKatlon upon your pnrt. 1207 Capital St. —3-story brick and frame building 36x80 ft. (Last occupied by Sefton's Carriage Works.) Near Broad Street mar kets—excellent central location... *7OOO f'lKil Green St. —Lot 20x171 ft., im provements; 2-story brick dwell ing with live rooms and bath: also 2-story, 16x20 ft.; shop on rear. W.VK> H'JO lloss St. —2-story brick house— -7 rooms, bath and furnace: lot 15x SO feet azOOA 1001 \. 7th St 2% -story brick and frame house—6 rooms and bath. ' Lot 14x140 ft. to 20 ft. alley. ill 700 IS-7 V. 3d St. 3-story brick house —9 rooms hath steam heat gas and electricity laundrv In cellar. Lot 20x115 ft Kt.V.oo MILLER BROTHERS & CO. UK AI. ESTATE Insurance Surely Hondo l.oeusl and Court Streets *■ MONDAY EVENING, Help Wanted —Female WANTED A girl for general house work; references. Apply 2301 North Front street. Harrisburg. ! WANTED Young, white girl for I general housework and cooking; two 111 ; lamily; need not apply unless capable land can furnish references. Phone 1 2158 R. WANTED Four young ladies to ' canvass house-to-house. No selling, ! and easy work. Call, or phone, about s IA. M. Tuesday morning. 1234 Derry ! street. WANTED Reliable white girl, or woman, for light housework in down town private family. Good wages. Wanted at once. Address B„ 3672, care of Telegraph, or Bell phone 1835 J. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to SSO per week. Railroad fare paid. Good rich Drug Company, Dept. 520, Omaha, Neb. ! WANTED Experienced markers j and sorters; also office girl. Apply to i Royal Laundry, 1354 Howard street. : WANTED A reliable white girl for j general housework, in family of three. Apply to Mrs. A. F. Nelson. Nelson and j Mulberry streets, or phone 654 J. WANTED Experienced waitress. : Apply 418 Market street. WANTED. AT ONCE Several nice appearing ladies for distribution work. Nothing to sell. Apply to Mrs. Boross, ; Room 22, Stanley Hotel. ! WANTED Girls for laundry work. Apply at Palace Laundry, 2103 i Logan street. MILLINERY APPRENTICES Girls j over 16 years of age, to work as milli nery apprentices. Apply Astrlch's, Fourth and Market streets. ; COAT AND' SUIT GIRLS, experienced, '■ wanted at once, and alteration hands. I Apply at once to Brenner's I'nderprlced ! Store, No. 6 South Fourth street. WANTED Girls to work in laundry, i Apply Keystone Laundry, Wallace and Harris streets. I | WANTED Experienced white wo man for general housework. Apply i 1121 North Front street. WANTED Experienced j sewing-machine operators, trim mers and learners, to work on women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. Help Wanted — Male and Female WANTED—Wc have openings ! for 12 more bright girls and boys. Also work given out to do at home. Wc teach you how and furnish frame. Apply, Silk Mill, j Corner North and Second streets. LADY OR GENTLEMAN can earn four dollars a week during spare time in every factory in and around Hat risburg. No selling. Address H., 5060, care of Telegraph. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Middle-aged, married man would like to have position driving team or any kind of work. Apply, c»- address, 1324 Cowden street. City. WANTED Young, married man de sires position as chauffeur; can do own repairing. Apply Box 6, Enliaut, Pa. WANTED place, as porter, experience. Address C., 45. care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man desires posi tion as stenographer and general office work; good chance of advancement; | good references. Address W. F. G., 1415 Liberty street. ! WANTED —By young colored man, position as chauffeur for private family; can do all repair work; can furnish good reference. Address No. 11l Sum mit street. WANTED Experienced chauffeur wants position. Apply 403 Walnut street. WANTED All-around printer ; wants steady work; can give special (attention to press work; good reference. 1 Address F. F. H., 433 West Simpson street, Mechanicsburg, Pa. WANTED Work of any kind by young man 18 years old; experience in restaurant and soda fountain. Call, or I address, N. L. W., 1336 Susquehanna. WANTED Experienced chauffeur desires position; can give best of refer ence. Address J., 25, care of Telegraph, WANTED By young man 22, work ; on poultry or stock farm; object, health | and experience; wages secondary. Ad dress 8.. 3854. care of Telegraph. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED Young colored woman wishes position as cook in private fam ily. Apply Miss Alexander, 715 Cowden street. WANTED By colored woman, day's work. Inquire Annie Jones, 328 Muench ! street. WANTED By colored girl, house work by week or day; can give refer erence. Inquire 1917 Logan street. WANTED Lady desires position answering telephone calls and taking orders. 0., 3127, care of Telegraph. i WANTED Day's work to do by | white woman. Apply to first floor at 328 North street, corner Capital, from 9 till 5 o'clock evening. WANTED Day's work of any kind I by colored girl; can furnish reference. Call, or address, 1130 North Front, City. WANTED Middle-aged woman de sires a position in small, private fam ily as housekeeper; can give good ref erences. Address H. 8., 4033, care of Harrlsburg Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged woman de sires work at housecleaiiing by the day or week. Address D. Y„ 4034, care cf Telegraph. 1 WANTED Washing and ironing or i day's work of any kind, by colored wo [liian. Call, or write, 1412 Williams street. WANTED By young girl, light housework In suburb town or village. Call, or address, 620 Korster street. WANTED Young lady desires posi tion as assistant seamstress. Experi enced in sewing and smocking. Apply 518 North Sixteenth street. WANTED Colored woman wishes work by the day. Address 1308 North I Seventh. Real Estate For Sale PROGRESS LOTS FOR SALE 220- ft plots; high location, near school house. Also 86 ft. on Raysor street, near trolley. Apply to John L. Ream, Twenty-seventh and Boas streets, Pen brook. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, I Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire lor address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, I city. Real Estate For Sale We offer the following properties for sale: 618 Hois St.. 2'.i-story brick. 566 Race St.. 3-story brick. 644 Kelly St.. 3-story brick. 418 S. 17th St., 3-story frame. 1902 Holly St., 3-story brick. 2029 Penn St., 3-story brick. 1911 Boas St.. 3-story frame. 225 S. 19th St.. 2-story brick. 2nd and Seneca, plot of ground. 12th, above Kelker, frame dwelling. George, above Kelker, fr. dwelling. 1735 N. 3rd St., '3-story frame. 1760 Logan St.. 2Vs-story frame. 1762 Logan St., 2 -story frame. 1818 Swatara St., 3-story frame. 1854 Walnut St., 2H-story frame. 1851 Swatara St., frame. Ask for our list of properties In Camp Hill. New Cumberland, Steelton, High spire. Penbrook and other suburban places. BACKENSTOSS BROS. RUSB BUILDING 30 ACRES—IM miles west of Golds boro, nearly new 7-room frame dwell ing. frame bank barn, about 300 apple, pear and peach trees in bearing, well and running water. Brlnton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. ONE SIDE of double house for sale, containing five rooms, water in house, on South Market street. New Cumber land. Price. $950.00. Lloyd Brubaker, Agent, New Cumberland. 442 HUMMEL STREET. 3-story brick, all improvements, porches, drive alley In the rear. Price. $2,750. H. G. Ped low, 110 South Thirteenth street. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front lip to one-half acre plots —• sewer water gas—electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keeney & Simmons, Agents. 2134 Green Street 3-story brick dwelling. 10 rooms, bath and steam heat, large porches. Lot 21x86. This property Is In fine condition. Brlnton- Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. ALL sold except one those new houses on Chestnut Street near Eigh teenth Street—see that one. Most mod ern steam heated well finished. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building'. THE Karl Schnabel property, at Pen brook. for sale frame house stable blacksmith shop corner plot 60x180. What is it worth to you? Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SIOO CASH and S2O per month will buy a two-story brick house six rooms bath electric light steam heat porch front cemented cellar. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE —12 new dwellings in 2500 block, Derry Street, each has 6 rooms, bath and steam heat, front and rear porches, large lots. Prices range from $2850.00 to $3100.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Two-story brick house; eight rooms and bath; front and back porches; side entrance; line condition. 1937 ,Penn street. Apply within. FOR SALE Beautiful, new two and-a-half-storv brick residence In one of the llnest locations in the city, 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot, 60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attic. Hall through center. All improvements. Fine lav/ii and shrubbery. Sold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Singmaster, Gettysburg, Pa. Real Estate For Rent HOUSE FOR RENT 9 looms and bath; all improvements. Call Bell phone No. 3020 R. CAMP HILL 2%-story frame cot tage; all improvements; one block from trolley. Rent, S2O. J. C. Orr, 222 Mar ket street. FOR RENT - House in good location, and splendidly furnished. Will rent to reliable party immediately. References required. Address J., 3772, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT lB3l Herr street; new three-story brick house; never occu pied; 9 rooms, hall and bath; steam heat; possession at once; S2O per month, Clias. Barnhart. 1821 Whitehall street. FOR RENT Six-room house, 2163 Logan street; all improvements; front piazza. Inquire Kendall Optical Com pany, 228 North Third street. f'OR RENT Garage on Brady street, near Thirteenth and Walnut streets. Rent, $4.00 per month. In quire Irvln Johnson, 2111 Swatara street. Bell piione 1897 J. FOR RENT Three-story house, 3219 North Third street; all modern im provements; hardwood finish through out: large lot and chickenhouse. Call Bell 3622J-2. FLOOR SPACE FOR RENT 2,100 sq. ft. floor space (Ist floor) Cor, Court and Cranberry Aves. Miller Bros. & Co. Bell phone 1595. FOR RENT Two storerooms in new building, located corner Sixth and Kel ker. Also apartment, including live looms and bath; all conveniences. Ap ply to L, Silbert, 1542 North Sixth street. FOR RENT House; city steam; hardwood floors; newly painted inside and out: newly papered. Call at 113 South Front street, or Dr. Park, 32 North Second street. FOR RENT 207 South Front street, from April 1; also three rooms on third floor of No. 9 South Market Square. Apply to 232 North Second street. FOR RENT —Large, new double brick house at Oyster Point, Camp Hill. Rents, S2O and s2l per month. All modern improvements. Two minutes' walk to street car line. Will be ready about April 1. West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust Building, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell phone 3198 J. Real Estate For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT The Waynesboro Garage Com pany property, possession May 1. The oldest and best location in Waynes boro, Pa. One-story brick building, cement floor, 134 by 45 feet, steam heat ed and Bowser tank. Also on same property, brick building 65 by 40 feei„ suitable for manufacturing purposes and a galvanized iron storage building, possession at once. John H. Elliott, Waynesboro, Pa. Farms FARM of 91 acres, close to Dauphin Station, good buildings. This property is bound to increase in value. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. Wanted—Miscellaneous HEMSTITCHING —All kinds of Hem stitching done by Mrs. Forster, Cumberland street. WANTED Second-hand motor oycles. Presto Tanks, etc. Dayton Cycle Co.. Ul2 North Third street. WANTED By a gentleman, fur nished room, with modern conveniences, in first-class neighborhood (down town); private family preferred. Ad dress H„ 4059. care or Telegraph. WANTED Gentleman wants two rooms or large room, preferably with private bath, centrally located. State price, and address X. Y. Z., care of I-lar risburg Telegraph. WANTED Persons who have pur chased or have checks to purchase pianos secured through Puzzle Contests, may learn something to their interest by communicating with P. O. Box 31, Harrlsburg. Pa. WANTED Old Machinery. Boilers, Engines, Motors, Automobiles unfit for repair. Highest prices for large lots Copper, Brass, Lead. Zinc and all old materials. F. R. Laverty. Bell pLcne , 7«IW. Harrlsburfc. Pa. HARRIBBUHG TELEGRAPH Apartments For Rent WALNUT ST., 204 An apartment with six rooms and bathroom, balcony in the rear with dumb waiter and clothes drier. Terms reasonable. City steam. E. Mather. FOR RENT From April 1. apart ment In the Sixth Streot Bank Building. Apply at Bank, Sixth and Maclay streets. 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET 2 sec ond floor housekeeping apartments, containing 2 or 3 rooms with baths and kitchens. Possession April 1. Ap ply to Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Neatly furnished sec ond floor room, next to bath. Apply 118 South street, near Front. FOR RENT Large, front rooms for rent, with or without board; all con veniences. 930 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Furnished room, suit able for two men; all conveniences; electric lights; corner house; desirable location near State street. Breakfast if desired. Address 525 North Fifteenth, or phone 2563J-1. FOR RENT Newly-furnished room for one or two gentlemen, in private family; all conveniences, including use of telephone 4064 R. Apply 426 North street. FOR RENT Three rooms and pri vate bath on second floor, with balcony; use of phone; sls per month. Call 385R, or 912 North Third street. FOR RENT —Chestnut St., 107, splen did furnished rooms; also two adjoin ing rooms; all conveniences; desirable location; centrally located; private fam ily; rent reasonable. Apply Mrs. J. A. Durand, above address. WILL give furnished room and use of kitchen to party without children, who will care for house. M„ 4035, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Nicely furnished third floor front room; all conveniences; rent reasonable. Apply 710 North Sixth. FOR RENT Very pleasant second floor front room for rent. Apply 442 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Attractively furnished room, with hot and cold running water in room. Apply 801 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, all conveniences, including use of Bell phone. Apply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT On or before May 1, four pleasant rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; private bath; no children. Apply 1629 Swatara street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for rent; bath. Apply 1633 North Third street. UNFURNISHED Single or com municating, with kitchenettes, for light housekeeping. Strictly private. All conveniences. Stoves furnished free. Laundry, phone and bathroom privil eges. Easy payments. Janitress ser vice. Inquire 429 Broad street. Dally inspection invited. FOR RENT Attractively furnished front room, with conveniences, in re fined, private family; desirable residen tial section; pleasant home for one or two "-entlemen. Breakfast served. Ad dress A., 3856, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Third floor front room, facing Capitol Park; stationary wash stand; hot and cold water; use of bath; electric lights; city steam; Bell phone; gentleman preferred. Call 410 North street. FOR RENT Two rooms on third floor, suitable for light housekeeping. In uptown district; rent reasonable. Bell phone 2373 W. FOR RENT Rooms for light house keeping. furnished complete; also par lor and adjoining bedroom, furnished suitable for office; city steatn lieat. Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—Two rooms and bath; furnished or unfurnished; steam heat, electric light and telephone service. Apply 125 Pine street. STOREROOM FOR RENT Fine large room, 231 North Seond street.' In qulre 217 North Second. Board and Rooms ROOMS AND BOARD Furnished room and boarding for two; gentlemen preferred. Apply 222 Yale street. SUMMER BOARDING —In the coun try, near Dauphin, on a farm. Accom modations for three families for the summer season beginning May 1. Hail road and jitney service to Harrlsburn. First train leaves 6:33 A. M. Reference. Address A., No. 4301, care of Telegraph. THE HOME DINING ROOM Just opened. Special 25c dinner. Furnished rooms and boarding by week, day or night. 21 Meals (Ticket), $4.00. 123 South Second Street. For Sale —Miscellaneous FOR SALE High-class boardins house. doing line business, best location on Hill. Will sacrifice cheap. Leaving city on account of death. Corner Dcrry and Evergreen streets. Bell phone 148 R. t FOR SALE One pair English Set ters, three years old. broken; one pair pups, six months old. Call Bell phone 3621J-4. FOR SALE Coffee mill and counter scales, both in good condition; will sell reasonable. Call Bell phone 2373 W. FOR SALE Good, rolling-top desk. Bell phone 3168 M. FOR SALE lndian motorcycle, 1915 model; 3-speecl; electric light; elec tric horn; side car; full equipment; best condition. Apply 1005 Cumberland street after 6 P. M. FOR RENT Typewriters bought, sold or rented. Harrlsburg Typewriter and Supply Co., 40 North Court street BICYCLES and parts of wheels bought for highest cash prices. Rebuilt wheels, $5.00 and upwards. Guaranteed repairing, quick service, reasonable prices. Phone us. Save money. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. BICYCLES BICYCLES Prices to suit your pocketbook. Open a charge account. Pay a little each week. Day ton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third street. KOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street, Lawn Fence. Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware. Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board. Doors, Sash, Shutters. Mouldings, Porch Posts, etc. FOR SALE Learn the business raising white mice. I will supply you. Andrew Harding, 17 North Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Vlctrola and records. Inquire 604 Cumberland street. FOR SALE. CHEAP An Instan taneous gas water heater, nickel-plat ed. in perfect condition; practically new. Suitable for bathroom, barber shop, etc. Apply 801 North Sixth street. FOB SALE One new Singer patch machine, for shoemaker; cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1852 Swatara street. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRIT ERS. A fresh shipment of factory REBUILT LIKE NEW L. C. Smith No. s's at attractive prices GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 211 Lo cust street. FOR SALE Good, big horse, wagon and harness. Apply Grand Union Tea Store. 208 North becond street For Rent —Miscellaneous ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office FOR SALE At bargain, one phae ton carriage, high grade, handmade, i single seat, clotli upholstered, folding top, rubber-tire wheels; used very little, good as new. Also one single-horse I sleigh, good order. Apply 1924 North Third street. FOR SALE An all-steel fireproof j paper baler, making bales 80 to 125 pounds. Address "Baler," care of Tele graph. AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South ' Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ; ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All { the full line of the Acme maka. AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second ! street, 6,000 sets new sash. Bxlo, It 1a primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Shoemaker's outfit, in- I eluding Singer shoe machine: also set of carpenter tools. Address Mrs. C. E. | Parker, Dauphin, Pa. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 26c while they last. Ap- ' ply Job Printing Department The Tele graph Pointing Company. j For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT Storage in private rooms. Also furnished office, with large show windows and cemented base ment; desirable location; suitable for repair work of all kinds. Will rent offifice or basement separate If desired. Terms very reasonable. Inquire Office, 429 Broad street, 10-12 A. M. ENTIRE SECOND FIX)OR FOR RENT; convenient for light housekeep ing; pleasant location on Hill. Address 402 South Fourteenth street. FOR RENT—Offices suitable (or a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. I-OR RENT Storeroom, Hamilton street, near Third street business block. Rent sl2. Clias. Adler, 1002 North Third street. Business Opportunities GROCERY STORE FOR SALE; stock at Inventory and fixtures at a reason able price; also another opportunity for a similar business; rent for house and store. 130 per month. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Old-established Boaril inghouse. Board and rooms. Between i 35 and 45 boarders at present. Central ly located. Call ,or address, 222 Chest nut street. Bell phone 8U2.1. WOULD like to Interview people willing to invest $600.00 to help manu facture and sell new article. All men use daily. Pleasing particulars at in terview. Write A., 3850, care of Tele graph. ANY intelligent person can earn -jood income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798. Lock | port. N. Y. Business Personals WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY, Trus tee Building, 8 North Market Square. ! All kinds of detective work handled. Civil and criminal investigations. Bell phone 127 W. Business Personals MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. CASH PAID for good cast-off Ladies' and Men's Clothing. Shoes, Furniture and Carpets. Please give description of goods you want to sell. Send postal to 636 Herr street. GENERAL HAULING PRACTICAL men, with years of ex perience. Motor trucks that are good and dependable. Reasonable rates. Apply Ensminger Motor Co.. Greeu and Cumberland. Bell 3615. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone I orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING R. A. HA HTM AN, Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of F ilanos, safes, boilers and general haul tig. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and i Woodbine streets. Bell phon* No. ; 2503 R. Livestock and Poultry EGGS S. C. W. Leghorn Eggs from selected breeders, $5.00 per 100. Breed ing stocK for sale. Also three Cypher Incubators, cheap. Locust Grove Farm, Marvsvllle. United phone. Financial MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrlsburg. Pa. Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE Private ! rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We Invite inspection. Low Insurance. 427-445 South Second I street. Harrlsburg Storage Company STORAGE IN 3-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. ! Household goods In clean, private i rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to | P. G. Diener, Jeweler, 408 Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for I household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cjnts ger month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 iroad street. Musical I MAHLIN PIANO, in good condition. ! will be sold reasonable. Inquire 612 j Peffer. EXPERT PIANO TUNING ! *1.50 Bell '146 Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St. WE BUY any k'lnd of talking ma chines and records, or trade them In on new up-to-date machine. 315 Broad street. Automobiles FOR SALE Bulok. 30-horso-powe>, late model, electric lights, in good con dition. Demonstration after 6 o'clock. Apply at 2012 Penn street. City. FOR SALE 1914 Cadillac Roadster, fully equipped; first-class condition; price reasonable. Address X., 3895, care of Telegraph. AUTOMOBILE We have a client who is in the market for an automo bile. cost not to exceed $1,000.00, and will exchange Harrlsburg real estate, valued at $3,000.00, for the same. Back enstoss Bros.. Russ Building. FOR SALE A 1911 Cadillac 4-door touring car. In first-class shape. Elec tric lights. Write for full specifications. Box 12". Millersburg, Pa. FOR SALE Scrlpps Booth classy 3-passenger car: little used; late model; cost $7715. Universal Motor Car Co., Distributors, 1745 North Sixth street. APRIL 17, 1916. EARLY ADVANCES ' ARE FORFEITED Industrials and Equipments Related to Munitions Group Heaviest Features New York, April 17. —The specula- 1 tive character of the early rise was; demonstrated before the expiration of! the first hour, by which time most gains were forfeited. Industrials and equipments related to the munitions grouped were the heaviest features, some of these issues falling under lost Saturday's quota-1 tions with actual weakness in Cruel-1 ble, Baldwin and Industrial Alcohol. United States Steel's gain was soon I wiped out and Bethlehem Steel drop-1 pert 38' ito 430. Hails also receded, but in more moderate measure. Prog ress towards completion of the new French loan was foreshadowed by j the further improvement of exchange on Paris. Bonds were steady. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, April 17. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 20% 20 I Allis-Chalmers 27% 27 American Beet Sugar ... l>9 67% American Can 59 % 58% American C & P H6 (>f>% American Cotton Oil ... 52 52 American Ice Securities . 27 20% American Locomotive .. 73 72 American Smelting 99 98% American Sugar 109 109 American T& T 128 128% Anaconda 85 85 % : Atchison 102% 102% Baldwin Locomotive .. . 102 98 | Baltimore & Ohio 85% 85% Bethlehem Steel 459 458% |B F Goodrich 78% 77 \ Butte Copper 94% 93% California Petroleum .. 22% 22% I Canadian Pacific 167% 167% j Central Leather 52% 52% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 61% 61 Chicago, Mil and St Paul 92% 93% Chicago, Mill and Pacific 17 17 Chino Con Copper 54% 53% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 43% 42% Consolidated Gas 133% 132% Corn Products 20 19% Crucible Stel 89 87% Crucible St"el i>fd :.... 114% 114% j Distilling Securities .... 47 46% I .Erie 35% 35% | Eric, Ist pfd 50% 50% | General Electric Co. ... 167% 167% I General Motors 435 430 IGt. North, pfd 119% 119% iGt. North. Ore, ss 42% 41% j Guggenheim Exp 20% 21% Ins. Copier 45% 45% | Iterboro-Met 16% 16% I Kennecott 56% 55% I Kansas City Southern .. 25 24% i Lackawanna Steel .... 75 73% | Lehigh Valley 77% 77% I Maxwell Motors 74 74% I Merc. Mar. ctfs 20% 20% j Merc. Mar. ctfs. pfd. .. 72% 73% |Mex Petroleum 106% 104 j Miami Copper 38 38 1 Missouri Pacific 4 % 4 'National Lead 65% 65% New York Central 103% 102% N Y N H H 62 61 % New York Ont and West 27% 27% I Norfolk and Western ... 121% 120% j Northern Pacific 11l 111% I Pennsylvania Railroad.. 56% 56% : Pittsburgh Coal pfd .... 101% 101% Press Steel Car 50% 49% Railway Steel Spg 37% 37 Ray Con Copper 23% 23% Reading 83% 83 Republic Iron & Steel .. 49% 49% j Southern Pacific 96% 96% ! Southern Railway 20 19% | Studebaker 139% 139 |Tennessee Copper 51 49% Union Pacific 132 131% U S I Alcohol 156 151% U S Rubber 53% 52% U S Steel 83% 83% jU S Steel pfd 117% 117% Utah Copper 81% 80% I Western Union Tel 90 89% j Westinghouse Mfg .... 62% 62 j Texas Oil 190% 188 PHIL.ADEI.PHIA PUODUCB By Associated' Press Philadelphia. April 17. Wheat : Market steady; No. 2, red. spot and April, |1.17 % @1.20% ; No. 2, Southern, i red. $1.15% #1.18%. I Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, |82®82%; steamer, No. 2, yellow, local. 80® Rlc.. Oats Steady; No. 2, white 51% @ 62c; No. 3, white. 49@50c. Bran Market quiet, but firm; city mills, winter, per ton. (2C.00; west ern, winter, per ton, $26.00; Spring, per ton, $23.50fti)24.00. Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered, 7.255j/7.35c; fine granulated, 7.15gi>7.25; confectioners' A. 7.05®7.15c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras, 37c; nearby prints, fancy. 40c. Eggs The market Is steady; Penusvlvunl" and other nearby firsts, free cases, $6.75 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.60 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.75 rer ise; western, firsts, free cases. 6.60 per case. Live Poultry—The market is steady; fowls, 19@20%c; roosters, 12@13c; Spring chickens, 14@21c; ducks, 18@ £Qc; geese. 17<?J19c: turkeys. 2<'@22c Dressed Poultry Market firm; turkeys, fancy, 31c; do., good to choice. 27®30c; do., fair to good. 25(g> 26c; ilo., old toms, 25c; fowls, fancy. 21® 21',4c; do.,good to cholce.l9% @2o%c do., small sixes, 16® 19c; old roosters. 16c; broiling chickens, nearby, 35® 1 . 'i Automobiles FOR SALE One 1912 Crawford Touring, Car; four door; new top; new ly painted; Presto Light. Price, $175.00, Call for demonstration. Comstock's | Garage, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Legal Notices NOTICE Psitang Cemetery Association THE Annual Meeting for election of I 3 directors, and other business, will be held at the office. In the cemetery, from 2 to 3 P. M„ Monday. 24th April. BELUETT DAWSON, Secretary. ! In the Matter of the Estate of James W. | Gillespie, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Detters of Administration upon the estate of the i.aid decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or de mands against the same will make them known without delay, to FRANCES PADMER GILLESPIE. Or Administratrix. FOX & GEYER, Attorneys. Harrlsburg, Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administration on the Estate of Wilson B. Smith, late of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the un derslgnd located In Harrlsburg, Pa., all persons Indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. CENTRAL TRUST CO.. Administrator, Aiarrlsburg, Pa. soc; do., western, 22®24c; roasting chickens, western, cholo to fancy. Z2c; do., fair to good. ]»®18c; Spring ducks, nearby, 28@30c; do., western, 12 ©lB c; geese, nearDy, 16®20c; do., west ern. 15® 17c. Potatoes—Quiet, steady; Pennsylva nia, white, per bushel, $1.15@1.20; New York per bushel, $1.10®1.15; Florida, No. 1, per barrel, $6.50@7.00; do.. No. 2, per barrel, $5.50@6.00; Jersey, No. 1. per basket, 65®75c; do.. No. 2, 30@40c per_ basket. Flour Dull and nominal; winter straights, $3.40@5.70; do., patents, $5.75 &6.00; spring rtrtts, clear, $5. <®5.65; J"?-. ?i l " a ' Bhtß ' $5.75@6.00; do., patents, $6.00®6.«0; do., favorite brands, $6.15® 6.65. Hay The market is firm with a good demand; No. 1, large bales, $23.00® 24.00; No. 1, medium bales, $23.004 i -'4.(10; No. 2. do. $21.00® 22.00; No. 3. $17.00® 18.00. Clover mixed, light mixed. $20.50® , L do - $20.00®20.50; No. 2, do., $17.50® 18.00. CHICAGO CATTI.E By Associated Press Chicago. 111., April 17. Hogs Re ceipts. 49,000; wenk. Hulk of sales, $9.85 light. $9.50@10.00; mixed, $9.55 S'10.00; heavy, $9.40®9,95; rough, $9.40 ®9.55; pigs, $7.40@9.20. Cattle Receipts. 1S.000: weak. Na tive beef steers, $7.90@9.95; stockers fand feders. $5.85@8.55; cows and heif ers, $4.00®9.10; calves, $7.25@10.50. Sheep Receipts. 18.000; weak. Wethers, $6.90@9.15; lambs, $7.65® 11.60. CHICAGO BOARD OK TRADE By Associated Press Chi. ago 111., April 17.—Board of Trade closing- Wheat—May. 1,14%; July, 1.13%. Corn—May, 75%; July, 76%. Oats—May, 45%; July. 42%. Pork—May, 23.00; Julv. 23.00. Bard—May, 11.67; July, 11.85. Ribs—May, 12.32; July, 12.50. I. W. Guiles, v eteran of Civil War, Is Dead Isaac W. Guiles, aged 79,, one of the oldest residents of the city, a veteran of the Civil War and tax collector In Harrlaburg for thirty years, died this morning at his home, 215 Hummel street. He is the father-in-law of l-ranklin J. Roth, court stenographer, and is survived by four daughters, Mrs. r ranklln J. Roth, Mrs. Abraham Rudy, Miss Christie and Miss Eva (iuiles. Mr. Guiles eamc here about sixty 1 years ago, and was formerly a resident |of Lancaster. Funeral services will be held at the home Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o clock, the Rev. Walter 11. Dall | "'an, pastor of Market Street Baptist Church, officiating. Burial wilt be made ; 111 the East Harrlsburg Cemetery. SERVICES FOR ». E. C ROSSI,EY Funeral services for David E. Cross ] ley, 437 Verbeke street, will be held at 1 the home to-morrow afternoon, at 2 I o'clock, the Rev. Dr. William N. Yates, i pastor of the Fourth Street Church ..f 1 God, officiating. Burial will be made in ] the East Harrisburg Cemetery. Dr. Crossley was a widely-known' veteri narian and a member of the Shellsville | Bodge of Odd Fellows. CVRI'S SP A MiI, ER DIES I Cyrus Spangler. aged 75. died Satur day afternoon, at his home, s North Fifth street. Funeral services will be, held this evening at the home, at S j o'clock, and the body will be taken to Lykens to-morrow morning by 11. M. Hoffman, undertaker. Further services I will be held there in the Church of the Transfiguration, at 2 o'clock, with the j Rev. A. H. Sulllard officating. Services j will be in charge of Heilncr Post. 232. ; Grand Army of the Republic, and Wlco ! nlsco Council, No. 57, Junior Order American Mechanics. Mr. Spangler is survived by his wife, one son, Attwood of Philadelphia; one brother, George, of Bykens, and one sister, Mrs..Emma llm j berger, of Philadelphia. | SEVEN BIDS RECEIVED FOR AUDITING TREASURY BOOKS j Seven bids for auditing the accounts of the City Treasurer for the past ten ! years and suggesting a better system of , bookkeeping for the financial depart ment. will be opened to-morrow morn ing by City Council. The seventh bid I was received just before noon to-dav. It was from James Cameron, a wel'l \ known auditor and accountant, of New j FUNERAL SPRAYp I I r AND D E S 1 g n>3 ! New Cumb. ,-lajtt 'lorai Co. lunilicriuuil, l'«. SMALL LOANS We lend money ID amounts from $6.00 to $300.00 and arrange pay ments to suit borrowers' con venience. Business confidential. Lowest rate in city. Licensed, bond ed and Incorporated. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut St. FRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insurance Office, No. 18 North Third St. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT 10,000 sq. ft. floor space In build ing northwest corner Court and Cranberry streets. Use of elevator. Possession at once. 184 2 N. Seventh St., 2^4-story frame dwelling, on corner. Posses sion at once. Rent $14.50. Offices second floor, 29 N. Sec ond St. Heat, light and water. FOR SALE 1010 N. Third St.—S-story brick store and apartment building, store room 63x15 and 3-room apartment on first floor. Two apartments, 3 rooms each or 1 6-room and bath apartment, second floor 3-room and bath apartment on third floor. Electric light, city steam, on lot 20x155, Myrtle avenue, in rear. 1411 and 1413 N. 3rd St., 3-story brick dwellings. Lots run through to James street. * 2'/4-story frame dwellings thereon. ' Camp Hill ' The Suburb of Natural Beauty; go out with us and inspect our new addition, "Cooper Heights," with its concrete walk, eleclrlo lights, water and gas with its fine build ings and bungalow sites. We will help you select a lot and build you a home. One hundred bungalow designs and plans to select from. West Shore Realty Co. Baer Jt Rice Lemoyne Trust Co. Building Lemoyne, Pa. Hell Phone 3198-J 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers