FOUNDED 1871 JSjoamarit in Several Varieties. BELL—I99I—UNITED . 1 ■ ————————___________ It Seems Nothing Exceeds the . s _ Dnne Si L ks _ . I ® Novelties That Make This Popular » ———————————— Beauty of Spring Millinery D= K=r E There Are So Many , • c * ir i • 4. u c . J at moderate prices. At excepting Spring itself; and just now when Spring is Black Dress Taffeta; 36 inches; • struggling for a foothold, the new models are forerunners of its yard. SI.OO. I—<y\ 4-o I ***. m t -% is*. n d* s* s\s\ ■eauty. Rajah SUk (or s por, s ui, S ; street rOHIIS 1 O J and evening shades, including black; r i /ou'll see it in the extremely large sailors. 27 inches-yard, 98?. £> * * -there awaits you a new selec —in the beautiful hand painted, ning^hadi36" hVheTfyd" $1.09 xV tjOU-t Krt St.PT tion as broad in variety as you «" garden hats. Novelty Taffeta; wanted shades, J would care to select from. In I —in picture hats of untold va- ' n many styles: 36 inches; yd., & 1 merit of quality features they Brietv $1.50, $3 to s.'i /\ I are unsurpassed. y in n nnv rnmbimtinn nf lMnniln C,ros de Londres; fine quality; ilUUfll CI v\\ . com di nation or luanna good shades . 36 inches . yd $1.75. 1 ML Vft straw and velour in bright colors. Satin Taffetas; in French blue; / , c , —in the scores and hundreds of satin finish; 36 inches; yd., $1.75. L.argeness Or Stocks. nameless hats in this paramount Taffeta, chiffon finish; in Labra- — Quality of Materials. 111 dor - delft, navy, hay, Rookie, African p , „ . r , . s ' and Belgiene; 36 inches; yd., #1.50. — Source ol Style Inspiration. ggggk New Banded Sailors; yaS e si!?9. ard Taffeta; 36 inches; ; —The Style Effect. rnnA Prtlorfnl Indestructible and Pierette silk I — Lengih-ot-time-USefuincSS. JM More Varied and Colortu. voilej in white and black /v*ll inches- yard S" (H) — Workmanship. Gaining additional favor as women realize their appropriate- Khaki Kool Suiting; natural —Fit. ness for general wear. - shade; for sport suits; 36 inches; r- r r> • a no yd $2 98 — Exactness or Price. - Hli\ Black lisere sailors; medium brim and 2-inch flange; $2.98. ' Taffeta, navy with cold stripes • • ... 1 Jll' Ml 111 Large rolling brim sailor; variety of shaped crowns; $3.49. .36 and 40 inches •vd $2 and $3 Combination of milan hemp and lisere; white with blue, rose, green BOWMANS— Main Floor ''* chapter. jffl Jllmvv Manila straw sailors; in rose, blue, black and purple; $3.98. |; \ ou, who will buy a new suit 01* dress or skirt, "Or coat to- MLLI II 1 wim Double sailors; lisere; tailored satin lining; black, green and morrow, we would have you remember just this one tiling be- M|J Our Untrimmed Section Rightfully Claims Leader- 1 That Bowman's is recognized- as a center of correct vvS* ship in Giving the Most For Any One Sum. And style; with an object of combining style features with JF Small Sums Buy Much. prices that are exactly in keeping with quality and \/ /| || «a\\ V\ V \||y|A\ /, > t*r\ n■ ww/ » py visiting these sections the other points of concern may \ A Real Boy Will Not J Introducing a New "Wonder" I | I r> \AT 11 171 In Household-Sets 12.75 to 29.50—5uit5—35.00 to 75.00 J\ )\ IjC 3. Wfcill r lOWer —One Big Wonder primp and demure —cautious; and trembling in fear that ing mop for dusting waxed floors, BOWMANS— Third Floor. r .. 1 • , . .. -n ,- „ walls, papers, etc. the pretty creases 111 his suit will disappear. __ Qne B [ g F Wonder oil Mop for Kick-em-as-he-goes—or some similar n:o- hardwood floors, painted floors, live seems to prompt him as soon as he dons rrlinoleum, etc. • It brought back memories of our Christmas Sale to see such French Kid GIoVCS a new suit, and double wear is essential. JEsTS —One Big Wonder Medicated dust- . . Norfolk "Dubbelwear" 2-pant suits, for boys ing cloth active buying in this sale of From America s Best Makers 6to 18 years; full lined and taped seam &&W y :4 ■' ' ! nc bott,c Bl S w ondei Oil, one Newest features are a part of the knickerbockers; various models in Norfolk J \ 1 0 VP 1 HP H P spring line. And the fine points of X flilp 39c set P Qe nlne DIOUSeS style are best appreciated in gloves mixtures. Price, $5.00. BOWMAN's —Basement | r\4- . aie ( l ua ' l^y"ll ß' service- Other Norfolk suits, 6to 18 years; at $2.50, j , 0 T . 3.L giving. $:i.95, $.1.9.» up to $11.50. / 30ap bpecials The popular wide embroidery— Junior Boys' Spring Top Coats « SSS As lllis « bci "K written almost » of bu - vin S has P ;lssed ' on waited , , . , , , "W. 10 cakes Fein Naptha Soap 38<: , T •. • . contiastmg eniDioicleiy on wanted rßox and inverted pleat models; blue serge, ■ '• cans Old Dutch Cleanser 15i> Until it appears 111 print ail- spring shades shepherd checks and gray tweeds and mix- ■ W \ °. , . I> : ) . 25c- other day will have passed, and M ' Prices, «1.25 to $3.00. tures, -,2 to 10 jeais, at $1..1«>, s■*..*•>, Hj BOWMAN's —Basement a <r reat manv of these blouses « J W. 50, m.Mand,w .M. wiUtaveTssed out also A*k ». BOWMAN S—Second Floor. ' •• r ffllllMlkk . ' Preparedness! But we have kept Saturday wruiTV ' n mind, and on Saturday will 9k So That H* Whn Rnn* WHITE Haven't Missed a Color Weather prophets predict a have an abundance of these WLaSPiPRLL' y jjl jy<r/ _ Shoes of the Whitest White T n iu rW Ho«ierv long and sultry summer i blouses to offer at $2.00, TO, ; djf\ jfitolk May Read— . .. _ ir ... y v or _ tr , 1.. _ i which is truly a low figure in /U/|Rlni // \ fir Men's Crepe Faille four-in- Are Now Walking It »s hard to think of a color that is ; f ri gerator. Yot! 5 might rather ! view of the silk scarcity. / / M hand and bow ties in the latest Milady About not among the family of colored hos- buy now—in our club plan, and Six styles to select from— Spring styles; 50J. iery ' have it paid for when real re- and in addition an assortment frn"! 1 - h t High shoes; low shoes; high Novelties mostly. frigerator weather arrives. of blouses from our own stocks. tons 85<J heels; low heels; welts—turns. Cross stripes arc most prominent x n-ii.. nn i..„ V nn -i mpm > a • i .. i v L . r A ■ . i , • ?V . White calfskin; white kidskin; because they're most popular. bo", iVvr r -A simple style with a vestee ef- -A similar style; plain, two sets Mens Auto Gauntlets; un white buckskin; white reignskin; And such odd combinations. Im- bei and Ueliveib one to >oui fected by neat hemstitching. cluster buttons; loop fastenings. lined; Spring and summer white Sea Island duck; white gab- agine black and pink, for instance. .?'?■, „ u , . -Embroidered designs interming- -Lace vestee effect and lace form- weights; $1 to $3. ardine- white duck Plain shades too Notaseme Retrigerators ling with pleats m front. Plain back. mg collar; embroidered front. Yorke Shirts for men, in Standard ' dualities * SI.OO to wi " save you ' cc — anc ' lllone y* —A perfectly plain effect; neat re- —Combination of silk and wide in- crepes and madras; $1 to $2.50 to $7.50 j $3.00. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor v eres joining plain, round collar. sets of lace; elaborate, yet refined. 2 ' 8 puw.M\xx Mal no BOWMAN'S—Main Floor I BOWMAN'S—Main Floor —— BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. FRUIT BUDS NOT ALL DESTROYED Dr. Surface Tcllsl How They May Bo Tested and Work Done For the Summer Reports made to the Capitol about damage to fruit tree buds are so con- I dieting and inquiries so numerous FRECKLES .Vow Is (lie Time to (iet Kid of These Ugly Spots There's no longer the slightest need of feeling- ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine—double strength—is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine—dou ble strength—from any druggist and apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disap pear. while the lighter ones have van ished entirely. It is seldom that more (han an ounce is needed to completely j clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine as this is sold under i guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. —Advertisement. ————— : IToung and Old Get Relief BlacKburrfs Cascaßtoal Pilli 1 1 1 From Costive Bowels, I Weak Vitality, etc. I| FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 7, 1916 that State Zoologist H. A. Surface, of ! , the Department of Agriculture says . I that it is an easy matter for any in- < I terested persons to answer the ques-1 ! tion for himself according to the | locality in which he may live, as j the killing of fruit buds this year is! decidedly local. "In some portions of a county practically all of the peach buds may I ' be dead, and In other portions of the ! i same county most of them may be | | alive at tlio present time," says Dr. j j Surface. "What may answer for one | I region may not be true of another. I By personal examination the facts; i can be learned with ease. | "There is a mistake in the popular j i notion that it is possible to tell the J j condition of all fruit buds at this time | lof year. The possibility of diagnosis j i applies only to the buds of the stone i fruits, or peaches, plums and cherries, j Of these varieties the fruit buds are j very large and rounded, and the leaf \ buds are small and pointed. By cut- j ting across the large, round and | conspicuous fruit buds it is possible, to see if the center is green or brown. I If green. It is certain that the bud is! all right; but if brown, it is dead. The 1 proper wav to do is to examine the 1 buds of different twigs on the same tree, and on trees in different por- i tions of the orchard. Keep a record i of the number examined, the number good and the number dead. When j one hundred have been examined these numbers are the equivalent of ! percentages, respectively, and a state-1 ment can safely be based upon such an examination and count. "It will be found that peach buds this year in elevated regions where they kept cold during January, are mostly alive; but where it. was warm during that month, and especially in lower ground, they are killed. The crop in general this year will be very short compared with that of last year. There are several regions from which reports have come to the effect that they are entirely destroyed. V 2.80 —Washington ami ItMurn—KV.."o Xnt Smiilny An Ideal Suiula- outing under Ideal i conditions. Pennsylvania Railroad. Special traiu leaves llarrlaburg 730 A. M. —Advertisement. ' 1 MOVIE OF A MAN TRYING TO MAKE A DATE By BRIGGS r& H \ ■ WMWTA GO J J < rtHOvJ-J V— _jr~* I LLTTCE PBWH J . R.E ] GHE. MAK"CS 1 \ ALL RIGHT ) V. TWO tucr iuan OMe ' ' hotel Room 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers